, portal CZcQ U&tod m Cktrg efSrlewy. i CUIBD CANNOT If FOUND " 1' 1 ; Ll Officials Chsrlrieef f bllolt)f f MiHr Before Warrant U Served i Refuses te Mske a Itstemerit at Ls Time. , fjf York, July II. A bench war- Jnt til Dn lui 07 !"""" I tb tnlfed Btates Clrentt Conrt, looklyn. for the arrest of George W. ,1Tern formerly cniei 01 ine ams i, of (nlarln and allowances In the mtoflVe department, on an Indlct mt fo y tbe federal grand Jury lirh Cars him with ppptn t of $ It Is onae.sfooa tnat ymcn'; to Weavers wero irrti imin he r" ry toe government or ficnt Cash Registering Ma- ' Tho postoffice Inspectors ; Rravers had a largo ' NitMa" Trust Cornnstnv, 1 fin'l are said to tiivc rtfv . -t rhpoks deposited ;h.-. :vpn by pr-Conf:r""""i! 11 . warrant has not ypf t".i . it wan r:mored thai :.lr.' ild n't he found. It. wa-i ' ho would have until (m- .;'pf himself and tlia an 1 twd len m '!'fi his enter a plea for iim ) I lc firm n1 t1 -cr : I I.". r.Tf- u. tat of Ohiv Upf Toledo, l' M LrrAs OcNTy. FaAXic J. Crncvty mates j--that he is senior partner of the tin. of F. J. CHESF.r t O) Jrtrlv htwioewi itj the City of ToleK (Umntj am! Sute ar'jreaahi, and that id firm will j4 the sumof 0e flcsDRED lv,i.r.Ai lor each an.! ivery ins.' of Catuirh that cannot be cured I iv the use of HALM Ca raRRii Cci e. J. Cheney. Swam to h'tln me and nbscnl ed in my preset..-, thin 6th day ot DeremUr A. I). lKnG. Srai. A. W. Glrasox. X'Jm I'nUlr. Hall's Catarrh Cur,- is talo'ii in-t-rna!U- ami ,H'N rJu-.-rtly .u tl.e bliKid and niii'vui- urf".i,f of the Hyslem. .fnd t'r test inmnial- . F.J. Clienfv . :,.. T oleilo, ( ). ..iiiKM.i Church, WwliHwday eve ti .,rto Ui,, ,( jM .yj,,,, .:: pi;:, ,, To .Mf for Iwit ilc ( "lar'Ti"' ! .'iy ' .1 .Hi, iiii.r.cr, .fr- Ar 1 tips w.-.-U ,vi-.f!.' T.r-- . .i. 1 , . 1'' '.:ri i;h! ! ' v.I'i' r-'':ir f r l.-i-,;.;., .-.t.f liptilar ! -;-"t(r 1 1 Imnif vera! ilii'ir k,ri'' v eaver. rne rormer ci th ,1 ,.on of aalartea and n..'v kg o- ' - posromce aeparrrnr t.t. .. I.Hlll it 1 "liiUlil SV'. -.'in. July 1?. The ihk ....v e ill , . will I Alii lir ill.: ii--( u ! I W . . lT.h:irT ami I I 1.1 1 1 ilV -',:. 1 . . : ; MiiMHinnun or an inveatisjaon . . ;, , .. (. k( !i 1 rrn In prnresa at lnrtra. : r 0 im sudden resignation f.-om . ..tkin-i.n a; iv.:ik-- '.ity it i3ii ' laat spring. A numher of ht-niir nt, rt .-mih! ! I.,- ):;i,lf 1 . ur f;fr.rting hla admlnlstra-ton Binrmnn and bmi'v I" 1," .1 ...rntiofl into, on or tne nrit nits f xhlch was the cancellation 3M''. promotions that hail been kaerf on by htm, to take affect at ltofflres throughout the country ting the present flacai year. fhe authorities are now aearchlng Mr, Bearers to place him under teat. The postal officials were chag- ied to learn of the publicity of the Bon of the grand Jury la advance of serving of the warrant. They re- tied the newi as premature and llined to discuss the matter, on the Vied that the time was aot yet ripe make a statement IRCE BATTLE IN VENEZUELA Mad Bolivar Taken by Government Forces After Terrible Fight. loledad, Venezuela, July tL The ment between the government and the revolutionists occudv- i4hum& uviitw ii'ij ii two (in directions. . The. revolutionists ed the battle. The smoke over ad Bolivar was so thick that It was wsaible to see the city. The gov ment troops, after a terribl fight, rhlch they lost more tban 100 men, lured the cemetery. Later the V en elan fleet, consisting of flva men rir, shelled the government build at Cludad Bolivar. At 10 o'clock revolutionists' flag had disappeared n the government building, and at all the streets near that building e captured by the government :es. and a charge of all the govern it soldiers in the city was ordered, fcu wounded were then beginning urive at the government headquar l from all directions, and the fight I general; but the movements could be followed from here la conse nce of the smoke caused by the lire the artillery of the revolutionists, lea seemed formidable. It was aa ird vigoruualy by tile government 1, sad only a few shuts reached t bo spectacle la the streets of Cludad ivar, when the smoke cleared away. I Wrtrnding. There were over ZW d revolutionists In the streets, nut iitlng the wounded. MiaT''lr-!o Hnnt returned l.cnif one dnv !ant werk after havinjr -nt .1 wwk very plensnntlv with !;er iirittrr, Mrs. J. E. Arnol i. Mrs. I F. Cliar!es and children of Akron. Ohio, are vi.iiring H. F. Charles and family. Mrs. Jno. oAlleflt'r of Harri.s hurjr if beine entertained by her sieter, ifr?. Wilo i Shaifer. Dr. J. O. Nipple, wife and son of ?unbnry are spending a lew weekd at the National. R-C-r Tired Working For Other? Try the C. C. L. P.-Xo Agency. No Money Wanted, simply endows stamp. J. J. Gough, 4021; Dearborn St., Pittsburg. Pa. 2-t , f . , ELiKG";OVE. 1'r.X C. V. Jlenwan was Viittr lit Uavii loit Wei ll. liv. C 11. How4tIi delivereU a try irtnictive lecture ii the First en- n- i) .its. Toe ICey. was a uiti.nur7 tiere for sm; time. Val. Boliir is making chanfrea in ihetirant liolig property opposite A'eis' store. M. Afillner moved to Snnhtiry last week. He experts lo open a store tlitre iit the nenr future. H.oard rttu.-k and f.,mi!y ol l-e'i.-tiAu sjieiil .teveral Any with ais par-lit.-'. Ethel ..nivi(r is visiting her aunt ! .vlrs. Efhrl li,v-.r , ar JWt T. evor j U.n. ! Miss ,ia I iri. t, lnu,;ht.T ,f !r. ; Aia.-mu l.lri.li .-,t Millcrslnif family. tnii J w.-r- call.'d lnmiH i,y t, ,j,..irf, ,)t- Mrs. Matinr'-t !o'her, Mr. Dani.-lj Ott, win. a hnriml rtnmlay in ;.!n' l'nin ('-in,-'-.'y. yervirej- ve- nnidrrt,,! nr. .i' .ii). iM ,v., n niemUr of tii Lutheran Cluerh, l.lirre. C!i:h. WV, , f m a visit, t., twn i:l;vni.j 1 '.!. "eis is v I'omrhk.w-sie, xj V ! Eii. rCivanirr a-..i wife of I'hi.a.. ! are viciung IrifoilH here. UAH CROSVEnOB 8AVS: "Pe-ru-na is an Excellent Spring Catarrh Remedy I am as Well as Ever." B11 us ami : W. K, Orlfnfl, Cnoeen, Teme, srvf "I enlTmd with ehmn'.e ct'-i)i or many years. I took Pemnt sr'! 'hr a plfltoly eered m. I tolnk Her,n 4r he boet OMdleloe In the v"rld far ' rrh. Vfy swnera) health Is mwh Imprc-H' ! hy Its m I in mv)t srr.rtf.-r .' fvX hr bmm tot yT."W. K. i,nvji, CVtwiciwinsn VI. BArwn, n1' wll (vwinty, Va wriuwi ait chrfn!!y nmtr -.' rmttmhto remedy. Ppnimi tu who In nffrlng with c1 In itf of permanent i j 1 cor." H. Rnven. Mr. I. rent., ;yni . Oisrd of irrim V'i FliU r. " A 1 irrin for lunar r P-rriif ! )- .kh. ,' ; t',t for -ois ,f .-.f.... . rtd ' 1 : -sIHv iv. .,.. . ' . Ov p V A iff' - 'ar riltbi:r is P. A. K'ci'-'er anl I'amilv ;ir wel- l itov. raj. a. ghosvxjtok, ov rna puiou vnn jkmvc. v.mn muNij f ti. . J Bin, iJn. A. i.roav-miir, eymty Auinir :or ii v-r .-T.-irTiivnt. m nmt-r, p:, rents. ,,,.3 fr Alr. iio. K. hishir for a. trip West in hopes of hentirtiiig her health which has not !imh (-od. Vfaster Frank Follmer of Hunt ingdon is on .1 visit fo his rind pn rents. Mrs. Vandine anil children nf New Haven, Conn., are on a visit to her parents, Jno. A. Foster and wife. Harry Hummel 1 P. M. of North nmlierlaiKl) and family spent Snu lay in this place. Mrs. liev. Deittrick and children m 'Vishincjton, D. C, Ilnw mtt vpres. my zrittturfa tn yon fnr 'hm Srneflt ter'rd : ' : ri- are welcome guests at the home of tt is to ralfer from cha rrtUe it Ur. and Mrs. Dinim. Miss Allen and Mr. Wallace of Phila., friends of Mis Helen Bentt are spending a week very pleasantly .PANIC ON RIVER STEAMER Utmy Log' Oiaablee the Thomas Clyde on the Delaware. IWr. fa., July JO. Nearly 1.0W "oiis from Philadelphia, this city couuty wre thrown into a panic tl exournlon eteamboat Thomaa M. Un the way down the Delawar ft tWlll I'ttlledulDhl to Wnuillitn.i lh tho bot stoypw at this city and iu viuursionlets frgin the Stldy- Kunday aehiiul. the Clifton )U band, the AJUlngham Club and kulaatios, ( this city. Ihwut tvvo i,ie below Pennsgrove, P, a tK ;iug log bw.ine tasteuMt P vuo of tho tmbot' aide pesldle W. Uisblmg the bvxst The crua- I'tnjlug uolae oauee4 by the lo piius around the wheel, brweiJug fAiJUlue, trighteuea the woutea aud l'uu. goiue wite atarte4 au aiarm lb bsMkt wae luking. Wouib ukuj slid children ecreejiae4, wttlle uwu isnlUly aecure4 Ufa prewM -aith quickjy pic4 tuut oaiu iwit) the litUe. ou. oo eHwe to ClelaAk ida Mv, Ma July. W. A son M" w (mutuf Preeldeot Omvw aud Hrv Claa4 ai thlr UiiiT W ...... k 1 ww. . ... . . . owe. q kieoMoi Mait the ooudttloa ajtevting r u.uih,tr hu4 i&Udj ure) asUatacMry. ame McNeil WMatte Dead. r " aiaiier, tA oe4brt4 Amurk uin 4lu4 at hla requeue aA Um (4 i kuaia, Hla deatBi cam mud. Valy, sjihaune) tor aowe, Uiu he EYES! Indigestionj verti- 7 go, headache, consti pation, piles, in)m- t nia, lumbago and all female disorders are only a few of the symp toms of functional derangements caused by defective eyes and aggravated by improp er diet, habit occu pation, etc. We are able to care for your eyes and give yon advice.. FISHER THE LEADING JEWELER. ? Uraduate Optician SLNBLRY, PA. t DIAMONDS A SPECIALTY. First Moial M of Aitidleburg, Pa. Capital, Surplus, $50,000. $50,000. G. AtrRBu Scmxni, Prw. W. W. WlTTSJI-HYER, Viwt Prw. Jas. G. TUoHiijON, Cashier. UiELTOJRS G. Alfwd Sduxjlu W. C. Ponwrey, n . V. Wttttiuiyr, A. Kreevr, J.. & Thompson, M. Miliuar, usjku Taouipjson. ' in tawa,- fmm nne battle of Peru an. One wiett ham hroiiqht .vondnrfiil ch sad ! am nnw a well sh ever. Etrntde be.lnt one yf the very tprinz tonic It la aa excellent catarrh mmtuiy. "-- OaM. A. GQC&W. . In recent lttr he ys; - consider Parun rsjtfty mora meritnrfous than Uld vhm I joa last. I receive numemux letter from acquaintance all mvrr country asking ma if toy certificate ia genuine. . Invariably n . yen. Dan. A. Gmavenor. H.m. John T!lllra,Conntr Com ml-' Hon. H. "V. iJn.7.mrrmiMi '-'Tn i Mr.nr ilTT,it AmnonA itrmt Onlnth. . in A .ttov -wltUn "T i'i- rvH.it Miua eys tle folUwtog ia regMd ' ington. O. i'., tin fnlwH .'r- r.r , j rnni ! run. :h nalonl Urrh :m1r; rtr. i j seet oaamatamtlammir rwvommmna I tie ! rn lyrme wvam as ,1tae reaAt : ":n o -..t I Mmmaat gaaa) immmlmtma c rsose seftol (Mtorr nitf -.it. t i , ' As esse; LMesseeettw r ma Or JomS 1 rail Atrrrrt -f At -lH tmtra maul ti. ma a ceasesT ow . M u ..- tji rUi . i.,,.. .. 4. tewrft. Per taaaa wtm earn a' i! Tn jcasMe M leSSiillTl .UlariMw . r. .;r7non. rm.oir. r 1 r.a.i . - 1 MrJ f I i r - it ' l.n i Tl.er- n Ultt-n i.-vt..i',i.fp- 1 t. .nr . f T" 4 . v.Otlr " As a resaerty for rwtarrh I nhr- toll? rrommnd ?nrnn. I raowvbi .. ill' T F'f' r "."I n. , unvnr 1 1 " . irr . v' .-uvr,i.,f . . 1 .. aad I feal thai Ills ay Soty va isnk l goo4 word for the tonte the hmesjht me L Immoitlate relief. rsraneeosMl aaof fesatoMeof aatarra. end I know it -enU eare any otlwr frer frosa WUUeema, 1 TXeCwnae fiejutawnm, wimi;:ui, w 3QC DC Summer Clearance at Seter Wliy haa the Smiimer leen so i-ool thus far "' But this is only uiv, :here irr 10:. -uitrr. irr?;r.ir -i. people will wish for every help obtainable to keep i-ooi. ()nr Summer Cleamci'e .iov :ij;!:t vr.ea tu act i"- ,. dummer (lavs. We tnaki! the -acritice now, liecaiine it makes 'he 'largain ill 'he 'letter vr.en he ,-rrtt 1:'. r : policy 13 adverse letcrmineilly so to keeping any oixts over die seaxtn. 1 (1 tin Reduced Prices on Shirt Waist Suits. Two piece wash suits, -itylinti anil ours it because we sell "Hor.il" even other factories ooucwie supretnaey to the "lloyal )nle 'low you ! get a high rmiesiiit st the price of a lower standard. tnt for $5.00 White Mmtras with small iilue or hlacte igures. 7 gore skirt panel front, circular tlounce, triinmeu vith bias tiauds pijmt iu biack. Duchesee waist tucktit. ' .0H for Suit of Persian Lawn cut skirt with seams anil :n of ! douuee dnisnerf with strappings ot cluster tucks Waist with 'luster tucks back aud front. - W.1S5 for f" DO White Batiste ruits wltli lilai'k polka ''"t. ' sre ! skirt, panel front trlmmeil wtth bands, stitehwl in black. Wiilst with : Ducheese front tucks stitchttt iu biack. 85.1)0 for JSaX) Suits of Persian Lawn sneer and line. ?kirt with i embmiilery auit tucketl yoke, duster of turka running 'ill :iround skirt circular doiince. waistall over embwiidery front and tucks forming roue ! back; of (mbroidery insertion and duster tucks, tucked, sleeve emuroid- j ery enrranu oeit. H.M for h.H) Suits of Piniiau Lawn, skirt wtth box plaits tnmmtst wtth Uiclalliciit.. Waist tucked Imth front and hai.-k dui-hesw. stvli. W trimmcl wtth. meiaillons :iud pearl buttons. f V rV.K mi Qli, A 0....1. wl. . . ... .... 1 1 : . . A.it .4 L . a - with full t'rouu 9Z.M Chauibray Suits in Uifht and dark blue, and ox blood, also linen suits at same price. CD0 and JU.50 pretty chintr suits in red. blues, pinks, kfrers, well made and tninmed with rows of umbrrmiery insertion. White Shirt wist U2. Vi :he 'jooii inrs :ire ,rioviu ' vists f perfect it - hat "is- vitti iil oval .-arr.'.i'e-. aow pneert .'vt mrrirti -eiBCti.ms. S4.JU -or -SW.iiO Viasts of 14etti'DtHl ir.en i. . - 'ucki !sM'k. -xIlt iXoi -err -tf-uvc. H.M for ii.iO Viosts -f Jii;tri swi. vi-r lui-nettse fUn't. -u;:s ;iiid -ollar t ,-me '...i-rr S2.i for $3.1.0 V'tusts dne .uuUn ...r.uc t -., . m : ind rows of Insertion, jack .ias i-ttfCt -niau -.us. .viar i.o . . -hi uid -mtiroiderr urn .rpp. ?2..")0 for Zi.M lViau Lawn Vrasts. v.iiiit-i i-c... ry iiistsrrlon ana tuckea roue. Tucaeo . ai-a. nur -xu i crt. SI. 75 for fSL-0 luuiau lnen 'Viusu iriit. . iiufi.i.-er -.uu ii--1- tu.'ka n 'uck. $!..)!) for $..)0 Indian Lnen 'Vasts frer: s-r. c ru taw..- : '.Ul'kS. i SL.'iO for ?2-S Inuian Linen Vrusts. !:i'Ui.m;. zc&a .uu i I sertion front ana 'ucks mu.K. 'ancT oiiar m.u i::. Ljt White AtustSfsjinewnataoUiiOiiEa -i r:ui ..a. a. j. aot .lamaiced in any war. ilauraa, Jncs.. wi.3 :z nicv r at i. yrtir'SHtyle. S2. JO onf are f 1 . X, 51 . J . r.es lire r' . c: i .tu .-1 . .0. 1.j0 onrt are $1.JS. SI. jO ones tre 0 iuy. Colored Shirt Waisuare reuueeu :oo. int Chintz Tauu me 5 enu. S.1.M -rrsiiCKtr i.iucaca m 73 i-enta. 51.JS Lawns and Dotted i"wiMw Ure cuii. 11 :trs ; ; . iiui:i i i i For the Toilet. Summer reiiiisites fbr the home and for the traveller. Violet Talcum Powder S cents the drug store price 10 cents. Bay Rum, pure distilled 15 cent bottles all at 10 cents. Toilet or Florida Water 25 oenta aud 16 cent buttles ail at 10 cents. Men's Summer Underwear. Good ualitie at fair prices. 25 o. suit regular price is "0 o. suit, gauze in dark and light colon. TWO DAYS OF SPECIAL PRICES. Saturday and Monday. July 25 and 27th. All Parasols at half price for these two .lays, in :hia?urriiner stvie both for Ladies and Children. 5.00 out will be iJO, 1.G0 ones will lie V3 ents. .'1.00 ones will be 1.50. 50 "ent mini wtll be 5 mu. 2.00 ones will be LJO. Mennen's TtUcnm Powder Ulxixes for 5 I'ents. the reirnlar prlc 25 cents. 1.35 White Bedford Cord Dress ( Joods will be nnced. -fi .ents. ,uni. i T. ..l re i.ji i . . . ' u i7ut i-muu "me w wuu. a jirucuianv iimsr :aonc tntee' -ream n T-ur xn wir. 75 cent Cream Mohair T9 cents neatly inured. .smier, ,,ujut 25 cents and ")0 tents Ladles dne Handkerchiefs 'irn v Hmhrotan- Pr 1. , and lace edges 15 cenu and .3 omits. chfro-n l.JOn Sue .vjO. Porch Screens. r- -xciti ie -ti --iii .rrui -urr-r :xrrh. :t.f- iiec -te u.i o: .;. . ct let the aiEtt rrf tt-imr. naie trno .oti..c uil. ku k-err lurstie. 2aca .-erem -tenet it!i -m-cuiu .Hiilevv ft ;u;d . 5 u. wiitf. , em vr sjuatt xt. Ics Cream Fnzers. .jrr.:r, rwtee iu:cs.r ra (eJooreyer Store Co.. Atwunta. uf Irhlivivlnals, Ifinn anu Tl.gl- Elm 8 5 5 1W nenouUjiUV
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