The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 23, 1903, Image 4

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wJ-tJ?a . aJ f; I", TW IVr Ir Informed tfiaf ttVM'iddleburg
iTwV 5 SAWR Klectrio Ok, U making an effort to H)rgnie
ficfn ftwlji tomakeltrWibietoerwt lh E!ectrto Light
tU'avH - I pUnt at iKi. 0V trtlftt St will malerialiie.
PMI4 fwy TWrxrfsy aHrelat
o w waai'roiu.iK a. v twoa ic)ww.
sreRirrros aira.
tk4rn. nrw Ta
amO flrrt rw-V.t. rt crnX. r arh il".
1r-tlon. fa'VOVK'K. Nat Wnx? XVmrS HolM,
Mwwr h Ftf MMiomi rnt ana niy ..
r- - -
Republican Standing Commute.
very won.
. ,! - r. I1"". J. T. stm.
I miY' Ow". VXuvM Krnntnirer.
Vfrtf-r T V V,hn,.l ,Siwwll
t-Kwnn 1. H Ward, 1 H . X ilitr.v.
- M'r Hnr Frltv. John O. Ncnninprr
kw . l1fV Wm arNOrt.
V,' !V "rr ;v . w'Yt, Nivr V Y.'vlrr
V-.(.t'swV "r"V X'!tr H K !vVr
V.-.rr.n H ln1rMi, W. T" Kt-tiw.
'. t.,. .' i V. ve V So
T- .v i v.-v-irtirv . W. rv"X
- " ,.- I.VflOT.l W lVTrl,
Sj--. lvp!-v. .1 P V-lnw
, V '..'t 1'ct.tx XX'itwirr.
Whm llie iwintry is not ixrosjxerons, there in
no excuse tor tranijxs. To-Oay wlien the entire
IVnntry is teeming with rxrwperitt, x-agrancy is
absolutely 14tWe. There no nwity f.r
h-vcur. l"h imUiftriiil wM is ofleiing lit
erl imimvnHn( workmen. To tl trnmi1
is onlv to etuvornpe thorn. Whpn no one will
tool tiiom, thy illwrk. Veeihng in
" lieflblred, That earnest effort to secure the ro
twal'of nM tiraJr-Salns libel law ly the neit
legUlature he made by a committee of this asso
ciation acting alone or In conjunction with slml-
laV committees of other orgnnlwtiope. And be
it still further .
Uesolvetf That the eipcnse Involved In tie-
fencing actions brought nmler saiil law and In
securing its repeal le jirovMl for by a funl
created for these jMirve.
Shatt Fishing Attain
Itright jy!pt for tho fishermen long the
inland streams srn to have appennl with t!e
enament of legislature and the advent of W.
R Mvhan as eommissioner of fisheries. wnntor
hVht, of Iiewishurg, intovloo-d aivl prosl to
r.; sttk 7irr
s Alaihm lVl:)w?r
A t ' "M. (!tM KM
li, 1 v. ti, On.w,-vr'i
- - Ni . -rivn. MoKoer. 0 'I'v
( ; N il TirKKT.
V in
V. '
(.. t;. ..rdi-r .1. K Avy
, .1.. i-- -1. Fr;r.k Krllor.
-I-'" Mi tmvh';.
I PonnsIvania :titoi-s TaVc Action en Press -Mnnler.
A I 1111 Hill I Hit! ! nir ................. ..
... . .... . 4v,. 'final passage n hH P' aiding for the taking ot
1-Mit.Mis ion at Atlantic litv iwntlv , 1 r ' . . . .
. . . .. n : Aug. 2'Mh to Uv. 11, ot c:i.'h vear by m.vins H
. . . ..'fih IvisKets and x-.i!r wrdl. ' I isliermcil elmm
ilnv our ttrt mining "iniv the cnaoimoni oi
, . ... that hnndiMMs ot too- ot eH- oMM pi.Mii
ilir.invwi v:,'ion and mmr vvcnng a--!, the , .
, i . . down the nvcv w. vA liv tln
! , " . . , . , ': tliM alone cm Umv t.ikon in wiuot n ' - :in
.M .M!t'tnttortHl riYiuuvments an-: rmr'V- .
...... , ' vith.Mil damn--.' t M.o Hinit ri'id nn.Mp!i-M! on
... , , j ot came and other ..t t.l..
M1,i k Kt'i thr lxsiplo and th. pre ot
t (::;. t'.v thevi! pnriv-wos ot d.yra.linc the . , ,
.' , ,. . . , Having a.Nvnii.h-il.ct I'u- f.Ji tm-Ket h ut.l.t
I 1 . '.. . tion. attcr son . o - ot oit. SMirttor V.vht
,v,-,M-r, ,vro:iL-dn. w take the- oppor.iinm to , ' ., , , . .. . .
, I', , liav M slxMit to. , r.w V I,', ;-i -in-; 10 ..! Inn
1 . . . , tw Xhv OITO ot'u i h'Mi:
o;' it pasv-np- and t'v jvrmcioiis p:Tvw,
;t- ennodoent.
. inland fishei
" KRIAMtR. .. ;
Miss Mahle (inlilius siient last
week at liewishurg with her sunt,
Mrs. Henry Quiver.
Mrs. M. T. Orwlg and family ol
Hiiittcdale siient a fvw days with
friends id town.
Mrs. Wm. Qonloii visited her
sister, Mrs. Hilhish ol Selinsgroie
eliielav of Inst week
Qeo. Nsiv, who is wot Mug ftt
Sntihury was home over Sunday.
Qrnver Sniltli who U vorking at
liewistown spent Sunday with his
John luYkhni't htm 'urn slrk for
the last week and is not yet tiuprov-ing.
'I he dwti-iet Pundtiv ri lnt'ii eon-
Tiition was held n 1 1 i plm-e Inst
Sundiiv evening.
I ton sorry thtil there vvns no
otlter diy to nmve the tlernnin
Medicine t'o's., ah.'W to Middlehurg
but Sunday.
RE got-" nk"lfo'.r,AR.
Loilnf your hilrp rv
out by the combfulji
dolof aothlni? No it ij
thitt Why don't yoj
Ayef'i Hilr Vigor J
rromptly it op the hit
Tour hair will begin to
. a - aa a . "
too, ina an aanurutrngj
ppeir.l L.ouia you rti
ably expect nyUiinR I
" klf Milt tt"t l 1 . H
ih Hlt Vlor ltnirt It nn.ln,..
A tiiv a'sMation wj. reafii
r;"t to
P I--:-.'!,. ivm. fnTTvif- fi little firs
wn'M.' t'lour ir th
in iTiiiC" sih! rsnkrunt-."," ernihini.
lo (.
i i:-l.i diNim oi" tin
ot iv-o lllj; tin sl;.
nsltencs a-. e -.tvi nM.utit i.mmih' Mv
seven I v vn Mv"'. M ill' evident on.Iei ling
what is rtM'ti-o4 t ' ;!.nmh ivi1-'; il.i', l e i living
'oiivnlatAl tr .igitur. v'tio! addro.-i'.i to
V. K. Mvhnn. t!u ent'insiaMic head . ( the
; State Fishorie1- lVpartnient, asking t!m li-li
i wsvs Iv in the dam ot lite Stisouelmina
dMiiiin,n:tv aiTninst thenc-snapoi ot tlnv uto, I ; . , , , ,
' L 11 , and .Tnnwta rivers, s,i that shad mav ome 1imu
whi.rhpr ihov have liSelM oi not ; t heret. re. be . .. .. .
lor I the W7itei ot the v-nosepeAM'
RpsolcM, bv the TYnravlvsnw Nate rjiitonal
-promote ami protect the interest- o'" i'm- prs"
ami a its. intercuts tre now seriously menri.vd by
:; an nl-ondv Sciiij. n-er- th. Salu-?nidy libel law, aid in that sjiid law
,,n.tidit t'.y thi epnblin nonvnr- p(0l,iv r,, nri'mstlv crite opportnniti. tor
Avfviation ir. contention 8seinbled : That the
(to, . K -m-t'li . On., ot Nev York, pnWih-1 newsparvr- of the state should join in defense of
er- c I'lititt- Ink. sao "Au eTaniinntion ! rv paivr made defendant in action brought
f, th Iritis-iiv tht American 'Newspaper I througl: opportanirSes rreated by the Gradv-Iircnnr.-
eriir the fact thai ir Penn?yvnia. ( Sains libel law and contest noa action to the
th- Mid diehiir- Pocr bn t hijrher circulation joour; of lat icsort in order conclnsieely to test
Tatin; than i Recorded tf arv other jwper in I the ewsfitntinnality oi said law. An1 be it fur
fcpvdor cimtv." I ther
The people ot' Snyder twnitv should deluge
the Visli Oonimissionei with petition s.i the
water ways will he built and sha.l allowed to get
within catching distance again.
V trust Senator Kevht' eftorts will Ih
crowned with poeeess.
The Pope ot Rome is dead. He lived to the
ripe old age ol 93 years.
-E-heri: linlender antl Henry
Grimm Fa,, ci Miodleburc were
in town Sunday evwnnc.
Hcnrv Knhn and witeof Middl
wartl w-pre tht rnet- of Atmnnn
Kut.:. latiri; v rMindav.
- Brutally Tortured.
"A case name to lig-ht that 1br"per-
jpeHwr never "been eqnaled. lne
liolobiak oi tJolam., uniii., wtiitr.
"For 1 5 Tears endtnrd wifterabh?
nain tnim Rheuniatisn) and nothing
V-. - C. I inndnre and rtaurhtcr, Irelierw: me Uiufti 1 tned every-
lieaiim. ar- vihinc Telat'vef t
feiiani..:: an .": Hcmflor thi- woek.
Xril' tie"! ( ommnnio:i scr-
C . ... lienrtrtek- ws- nom- iron.
Lwjs'nw! ovr' sunaa"
v u. saiE!;. an
fez' . ;c:ci:iin::. nave Deeu Hreu-j,
ir. i: :a-: J"- wecE-wil: rein-
rive I
V . ... Null" ubvib n- noust
and retiirned bringing his wfte witn
Mrs. Amanda Shsmbacker, her
daughter and Grand 1aagbt,'bf
Tiajro Co. are visiting at Mrs. Sarah
Misse? Hattie and Annie Sham
hanli and Mary Dreese of Beaver
Sprinps were entertained by the fam
i'v of Jobx Ileirle Sundav aftr-
thinc knwi.. 1 name acmss Elec
tric bitter ani"! itV the freatest me-
diointf od eartu lor tna: tmutik. A imkiii.
iid Just a." po ia' i-iver and t visiting tier wer, Mr. i. O. Lirav-
I Hiane-- troubles and feneral netni-1 bill
in (tarv Tift. batiKtactioii rua-! 1, t,, V: and MrK Wm. Gill.
tanteeci o- Middieiinrp Lrur 1 fi bol werrmnr eirht lbb.
"".tm-Tbii." d Gtirma. o-' Eicbneld lt , Z,
v, Bompseiio. raw. Swartr and Mis.
M lmninjrer tooh Supper Sunday at
BHREtNEF. (J.ErneBtfc.
n'''tiec ior i Gif: and wit Bjienl fcanday
home from Maitland, where they
have been employed at painting, to
spend Sunday with friends at
CrwsgTove. ""'
Mrs. Henrv Kline is still grow-
ing weaksr every day with very
little hopes for her recovery.
T. C S. Teter (painter) is so
crowded with work both here and
elsewhere, that he could find era
ployment at least lor a half dozen
gfvid reliable men.
Ihiniel Howard aDd family wert
visitors in Miffiin CouDty Sunday
Out Miller? are complaining tl
Uit suarcitv of grain to furnish tbeir
customers witL feed.
Masot Knepp was the rst man
u. bare hk bam filled with Dew hay
tu'a- ear.
I . Jaret:
1 T"
buuciBv iafiemoaii at V. L. Gif::t.
i.h fin,. K ti- SriTCiii'" Cocrrnrauot
u a retstirar.- i morinnr to u iarg' audiantt Text: J Misw- Buorus' of besvertown
1 lwn.. -2: vistec a: c Mitcuti: um lauer
Eoward Heni. in Biaa buiitn i pen of iae: weei.
t wu i i- wtTuui;' c. in-- traQ'i a. jmb-
. llf!
,r?iiu:-ir-" a ' -
U... v net Nijrm Washer lerm
! "? wniir ciniT'ii urariv til iiint
t visum; uij trieuu;
1 V iimv fiMunimrv i- L owk- I - . " ,'
-v -.a.v - (0. Aiuuujuru.. luc, -una couau
1-it.rt... firr'UMH" HUC jVlHlld of t - . T '
-- . i mm iv t- miiv MiMtfi.. j iimu i
lor Xnisnti CbuistsL
Tde Him! Ycc Kan Atop Ezgfct
JBTt tit
II ngm. n. v. juuihuh, umm
fin nmiiB. j r
n nrug
mnm w w
ja jliai a nun
Itnd nihi Wnffc, ln HI" WU
Srrnrvtl tot II im h
The late Amos Dinmutngs, ot Nw
VpiV, h'l eeraston wtille n rciiiffrest
wan, 1 r rng-iRt a fvtprt. man of
Krire Vnttit, licrmmi itirct rml pro
Bonncett aoornt, was etursiHiM en, lflntes the lvtrett free rrwm.
"Tht I'atr ef shoes to tie nollshnt
rarh movnlrR for ten tlnys," wnn en
rf the entiMs ptven vv Vr. Cmnmtnifs.
"At the rnit ef ten ttn.vs call and l it
let J on know ns to tlio Ititnte. low
nr. nil veeetx-e ten cents a thine."
The Oerwan nirreeit. When hs
cnlli'it for the shoes the aeeemt nmrn
rg he fontitt that they hait not heen
xi em. The hvluinnrv resulting Tmm
ht m-evtons rtT(vt was sMH there.
On the thitM rtny Mr. CntnmtUBS
thox-etl a silver ttollar Into the toe
i t ene of the ahoea. vhen the serr-
nnt ealleit on the tenth tiny, Vr. Cum
mlnps saitt:
"1 tnppose, HlUiam, jni received
M - 1 .. A 1
xfir money ior sninirg mni
"I refer teen U," amt William
loeKel Inqnlrlngly.
William, dirt von relish those shoes
eaeh morning for ten days?" asked
the representative from New York,
"Kfery time."
Oimminirs now ricked tin one ot
the shoes snd shook ont a silver dol
lar. "I plseed this dollar here
your pay. How did you happen to
miss ft "for eight consecutive morn
William, who had not thought it
Beeeesarv to touch the sheet after
the first morning, was cornered. But
he soon overcame hit confusion and
calmly turning from a auroj of his
large hands to an. admiration ot Mr.
Cummttirs feet, n said:
"If dote shoos were made lor my
bands and not tor your feet, den I
could haf reached the dollar.
The compliment secured the tloi-
lar, but not the job.
CfcteabrlaB Steak.
TaVe a steak from the undercut ef a
irloia or fillet ot beef, let it be two
luebes tbick, flatten it with. thebroa4
side of a cutlet bat, soaking it for au
hour on a p'.ite in some good salad oil,
turaiar it occasionally; broil it over
a good fire, and let it be rather nader
dote in the miaoie; De carerui not w
prick vbe outside with a fork lest the
roircs should escape, nace a not man
and spread with butter, and if olive
tauce is Uked a little may be poured
it, Eorton Glob.
la artlawttoT era,
arcr Zuak It's Just three
at&ee XeaoB FUstrock's deata, awd X
lev tiat tb la-wauH ht'i beB arry
la' oa o long was derided in bis favwr
7eatery. aed tLare's 'uwat II, 40
atuin' to biaai-4Lt ia. t would tt ba
rare IMu'.
Tanner Wblftrtrea l!y swaaoyt
Ta AaB won't Vrvmr git rrr beta'
sorry b Atfu't bold vo t'tt a
knfT. funk.
Mr. Loafer-Bay, I w.ittd
lie rafllei wasn t It lu.-V?
Mrs. Loafer Yes! TW
Mllwaakei) BenMud.
the world's work-Ay. !BJ
Of us as'er rearh suoh ittm
ana mrf aonscsom.
War Tker rj
Bacon Yoil say she huw
third oiToreeT
Egbert-'Yei. she U UJ
"That Is why her hattsW
up, 1 suppose." Yonken
pauia ih ru
Mra. Brpwn Chartti, im
eatl It a bucket shop?
Mr. BroWB Because, m
eatalda the pal of n
bllug. Bostao
'"f Pleadta
he Old you aver
lotUrtf V' -
Be Teat I was Best i
brottera araaaing -xo
i ?! 'asian
Mn. Kewed My hm
more than he does bit Kit
Mrs, Old wed How fa
fers. Newad He esti
cook. Chicago Daily r
VTaaaihtlol aJ
Irate Individual toniw
er, didn't I tell you 1 wust
and oaly wanted on tp
dickeas did you bntrwl
WaiUr (rather brt-ii
you was ia a hurry, s:r. Tii
'coa one of em nuf" "l
Butter.. 14 IWnec
Eggs Hi .
Oiiiouu 1 toa-
Urd VI tUt-
Tallo 4 VvM
Cliickeus.... ) Ibnust
Side 12 Jilidai;
Shoulder VI I Ciwh)
Ham 15ilW
. . i v jrjuuovrv ww vwr'-iuv Ins j wwplxvL u un1 tuar i J wlad
w.. i.px. as - i ur" w" buuua;.. U wvta: J wuuid twugl. irijrbtl'uliv
r . it""''
Jir.- r Iiutuut ita- tsutuf. iyyc, but wuii ail otuer
iaiC, tur lxUof;
lr. lLiuj' t Iew JJiouwverv wuvliy ,
,, ., t uuun:C'. i. as?vrr vpvruiKiL Ou
1 1- hvx'r' JtmfVllun:
jlixAiUiss t ' Us - a.iKi UW. ;
Mtuj' Sut tjtayUJ' A Citsliuali,
t i'i..;t-.i.: i.. .! v, ui..i.ii tMiiini i
, . o . "v" . r ;
'te j ' ;!; i-J l u'I' .J t vrfie' ivrwv' Ok'
1m4Am. juvxiuw lart! JTttt;', u aJ UmA ijiW
i..- i .lcvii'. Oil'' . XiJt I ii.-. i iu- Aldus'
tj ast -1. fntm xt.'.'K sufl
uhmi- "J 'Juei. sue" liuuifct i 6iai
vU - iju-Io, 1. f.Kia W4 ivf' lueu t' ,
-4i! jvxui' , w tua'- -' Urfi tiiUnil
U. . iw y ut--' jkf laik tiAAkMft
j vfeif v tt. j
Ui- 4utii' 4'- avi I. i,.4Kl'tig
.' JX.' ,w.rlL.i . Umi tf U- Uji vl
'.W W x-f aW ,t'. I a; .' fcj fW W
. . .1
4 Mh , v ' t.-i .Stwf'-
w). vxti''. to- iWiAy x- ti.' iat-
Uwiii' iiw tU' luuuuauw vu j
'. liUiVv tV xUWU xf iiUx-'VJi;- j
'yu-i? ,Us-4' -Uuu, a aW,e )
WWW. , Ic J5 tui "4 tVUlJl
The Tuscarora Oil and fla Com puny I
Nev Jersey.
C'doiUil $t ,((),)(). - - Shares SU
TliU Cv Ottttft fctocjx ut ?c. per lrt
lull m)1mIuI wuil Jsiionij OtiUitl, Mjid for dcvoloiuaut ollcrt
WJiJAM JJiflHTJiKJt; l'idE
jwtlcuU lly Cnmimmy JVfulct fitr, 0a
I. yWA-fV; tW sV'.