' MiDiiiiiitmo' POirr. POPE'S CONDITION IS VERY GRAVE Suffm Another Relapse and it Mort Critical Than Ever. IS Kr.PT M-IVE BY STIMULANTS Fcr-vi Fcl Into Semi-Comatose Con c.vicr. '! Who He AwcVe His H-i-d W;s Confuted and He Show-f-l ,.,, .ent Signs ef Dissolution. Ror.-e. Tjy 14 - -"'While there I life il , -. iv ..ro." wm all the eon sola- Co:, !V: I lr. 1 spVnt 0011U five In hM pope irfsv condition t , v. j tr " The pontiff ha , r r-ottior relapse. a4 he lies , ntvHi ron ! i non than at Tv-f tV it.;.!,'.!o of lt ' - v-'iiiN'T"stor condition . .1 m. 'tuwl i and hi. heretofore r. 'pk at an I :! "iv; accompanied p ... I j..,n .!-,:r ' attributes tta origin to' the prophet EUlah. who ascended to heaven in a chariot ot fir. Besides, a member ot this order Is Cardinal OottL who Is iiwlteff'iipnn as the most likely suc cessor to the pontificate. At the American tommj u was stated that no request official or other wise, had been, received up to yester day tor Information reaardtiut tV xpe'a condition. King F.ilard has In structed the firttlsh ambassador, Sir Charles Uertlo, to telcaraph twice daily the state oi Ma holiness. The TiU-tna last rdsM printed a statement that the pope's real ail ment was cancer of the liver. llr. Vavronl characterltes the statement as a stupid falsehood, without an atom of foundation. BIG TENT BLOWN OYER 8,000 Christian Endeavor DelagatM at Denver in Panic. - r A POWDER MILL BLOWS UP Three Ven Killed, Two Injured end T'-.rtf EuiU'lncs Wrecked. Wllk.-.hnrro. Pa.. .Inly 14. - Three men killed and tivo seriously hurt, to pother !th three bulldina destroyed. 1 the lvsnli of "n rvplolon at the UC1n rvwdor work at l.aflin. The noise of the explosion w;-s hoard in WliWosharro. and In Pitts'on windows !'id vi.-' --nitlcd i; a- oi'Mhmmko had occurred, and sir.nl! iM-.;!lttifce wore shaken. The s-vero of ihc pon!T p;.n; Is one ol A, vassal -n and t i siniot'on ihc fo;vi oi i' r ia plosion ' shook i vi-v;. horse in i'io town oi I aflin. Thr po. i ' km what ha.i j hspporc: and V ' " !ea,!:ic f'1 th i s,- -, , . so, . . : v :lh e. ;... i.r ! :-v 'x- x :.vi. .. . :,v s-rnp-, ,, - ( ; is ,. .:v.. '. . i-iohii'on. v ri" tN- rxntiff ., i - m vcr ,, t '.- i l.ol was ;:' creanlsn. ani". - . "Vr t 'Pi - ,:v Iv. his sleep i.;.t i'.,-w'v.c croa: slitn ir.; i j'h vis .!ea aomc - -n-n,. "r. r.vp:-m ,-!::n:tinc th 1-?' a!s cav- Mn-. v.r; The ',iT;'e-';'s -. - ' p.cfi'r. aiffl.-v,'; Hp says v pi-v '-er'Tic m1lM. -.. . lfv p." S-it and TV. s-.cht t wii i . wft- t. ,:-. tf, Sf'tff that . a:. i;'cx?-cte.: rnrs .r arprel end av. This --w no: relieve .. r-; tho whr know whs: ir '.i'-.: ar; hin: coi: r 'r.'r-Some attribute t r : fn--rr wpRk"niis to t"e r ": x:. ft,'. pfcrsicaJ ef?'" :. t ? i!day ir. receivln? "trl:v- mas.. etc. -j.u3 rpta.tto,jatlent's veal:--r'-rpp( 15 it did Tesierday bri; time lilnre hi? Illness t:- asli To have th a rt noo-1 ss thr llch r.'.tr- :' '-'Pi. tr: r-r- ",rr.: c.-r.rrsr : hi- . t le': a- rr : : .. .r...:r.'" jjotcw-rrtt" T.: 'v- i! - .-.r cots .H ..r u: rr? r.r in :r.;. r-. . - ' a : s.;: The ci! !r. Wvpn.tit Moo v of r ,., .;. .. .-o'ii ,. , u. i mv r V - -. oi .'OS, i.J; 1 .atlin. ilio.i ir, .' ".' ! hu-ns : ,'om- '.(',.' to pieces ' O-av The : r- Yntosvjiii ' "-; ! t' slah Tv c i o: i :; hn-t to h.-!!:c !'. ' '. d ehris Thr lu.'t. .::: ' ' ' ' mil', e: t:v t" ' ' P,' OTl C-n t '! '' 'M thcri is : s!' -o-' -, Vy fri.Mioi. fro-.i. ?.v,., cr Th. i!.-. . 1 ".:h': ov '!n - 'S ot -. : i;-i:Nvs, .!' i. - :n.' ! i.fi'r'i i';'" e in the pi-'ss , ..;r', siou '. "!! il. t'v"o:h i '. V MS ',"lS-0(i o: f - i" - -i'in -s v or: !o;-Kv ( :u "iVK1 urii'. ! ; or m; . ist-tV'" :.v"v v , v l iv, re i'.e -.in'ishe-u "IV r.-"'nis. si'-ict--,, ferii v- " Rlso W-f, Thr ' " - " - " A v r flflir - t--viT ; ,re ."d?r the ce! ri j, hn Joseph iiriy ws " :n . . : -.--. frm-. th mil'i. his h.V.v l-terally hlo r. tr ptiw. s.-ntTCT,'. vr-r urii there. KC PPPES FOP. K!G ETWARD epple r' Duh'.n, Awid Wild Scene. Dppr.sit ipr, Down. I'M: ' 'vn --V-;i,-' -ros marked thr s' iehnte hr the municipal ( rpri-: t-.!' ncsi."iT. o! rtresen?- iiii- a:: r r.f "eh nme to King Ed ward r.rriv.V. in P'.ihlin. The puhlit ry was h'.ied wiili people long i i the meeting hecan. nd the hupe ft, -'c which was shnt out subse r!EUy broke rlovrv. thr-V.tx-.rs iu Its .7ort.- to ce; tv, Lon: Mayor Harrinf; ton made a violerr. speech aealtist the . address, ane. ,OR-nard the National ists who l?vnr.-.: ; to men who bad rid' SCORE OF PERSONS INJURED Hundreds of Men Held Up Poles and Canvas and Prevented Many from Suffocallno -Mny Women Tainted and Were Rescued With Difficulty, lvnver. Colo, July 14. The big tent Endeavor, where the Chris tian Endeavor convention haa been held for the past four daya. waa blown over, more than 8.000 people helna In the tent at the tle. The Injured numbered nearly a score, but fortunately none of them was sevtous' !y hurt. Mrs. Jesle M. Thornhuvph. of tVnver.was the most seriously Injured. Her nose was badly gashed and she suffered several sealp wounds. The presi nee of wind of A. M. Ram sey, of Ohleapo. who Rprann to a chair and called to the people to hold nn tne eanvas and poles, undoubtedly pre vented many from auffivatlng. Aa It was. many woi n n f.t.nted and wore ex t .leafed f'-om the folds Oi" the canvas with mveh difd. ulty. . Mrs. "in if red l"H-n. of IVnvor. who wss In eh.v-e of St. Mark's hospital f,rt. seeinc the p.-. i.Vnt at the bin tent . osc V.y.teif phorctl to the elc-trlc llpht .vmpany to shut oil the nrrent. This ! pr. vented rn .tr.f.avc from the live wires whi. h V."d fa'Vn with the tent polos featu-e. whl.'i showed the rellK :o"s nat !;; ot the parii.-ipanta. waa c,Vr. wV.en t i:- n a-oriiy were cxtrt .ited frorr th.e canxn folds, l.ed by , n catern .'elecate- all gathered -,v.-.rA ir. 'he op.n air and an Im promptu 1 ;.- serxicc w-s held in rl i-. oion i'.'. Tho coi;V(;t!or. war- in full procress p; the tin:e oi the aevidont, and at-t'-ovo-h tho-r were siens of rain and some wind Wowlnn. lio trouble was .!.,.., 1 -v tt-e nvinaten'.or.t. Th s-.Vs ot the tent had been r!ed to :,', it nir. r.rd this enabled the wind to lift ;r the his crnvr.s as If it were r, bnllOiMi. The f'i"t that turned tho over eii",e ro s';,!derly thst no prepnrtitlon coeld ho mnde to forestall ihe consep,t("ees ne.l when the wind rwept tinier the tent the top puffed out lil;c nr. immense snli. the smaller t;uy ropes were pulled from their places, snd in a moment more the bis poles were drawn from the pround. Immediately the SPOO occupants of the tent were in a panic, heightened by the screams or hundreds of wo men. It was then that Mr. Ramsey sprang to a chair and called loudly on the men to hoiii up the canvas and catch the lar;:r supporting poles aa they fell. Hundreds of men aprans to their feet and sucrraafulry carried I out the Chiea?n man's suggestion and ' thus averted seriotis conaequencoa. Mote thati iCo ?ople wto ni Men seated near the walls of the tent ea capwi the folds and these Immediately formed themselves into a rescue corps. Those who hrd fainted Bnd those suf fering frirr. slich: lalurles vere quick-1- riTfi tt the hisplta! t-'DL ' r.' -. M.x .:- i ottr.- Ll '.' AATT. IT CHANCE cz'r.er: c.z tri r-- u t; Errians, Aus r : l.ir "tit v;. To ;. . - : -.: -r ,: I. v.-ir: He- ii ... eyru-ej .-.urrzHi.. : i. TV.:: -j. Ilev.u: c! D..-- -' .. r:prr.-'rc S5C.6C9 For j r.c'.ie- Du'tnj; te Vesr. i v.'r.v,....r:-. -Th'- fifrh at r. ' '. ' f'" ".o- M.:.t- Vv'tirl.- , cr- .. r:s:-i K. 1 ' "' : -C VI:- ei out I. Then were 2a delepi't pre-- ' r; "--pr'aieEtinc s'ni''4K. incu! itntona. J ? .-retarj' JoUt T. Itempaey suhailtted it iiiiiaaa rt;ior;. whici. hliowed l-hat th treasu'-er flt;r;iir hf pas: ytjir rn- - r!cTi"ndir"'F wert :L M,.frw v;r". V i.V. i ::. jl i-. t:. '.-u..-r hi: i U.t-'. . i : ,. ..'. i.) - ir wif s .- . r , ft v-"".;: '.: .. ' u .1. . -.:o.L.L.l 4i..- , -." r- - w-. r '-. i-'1 i" have i .... ' ;. i',. i p-' . .... -' :- ., . ::.-t ' ..- " , V . t ot u". ti. io' . '' : l.tr '. v - i. ol'...- v i m; !..;. '.J---1 - '. fc .Kt' U' 4- f-' j- ... V. Uit 4- w., ' . i. . i-i. " if.'--" I' ' f. : . ;l.h" ' (- l..-..ov .. a. .iii;.'' i.et 10 T . .. .ji: vs'.. ..' vuih:. i , . ..-io l.S'l' '- r siai4ri.iL'Jil IvL ,. , .: i CO. 4 v;.... ..- Ue i- t-t InvtlU. . i.r i; k. .u. - t-- iiS.j y' , t. tie' j ie C"-rs..U( X.'uuiiua i tut v'"' . v. ., STstu.VJ'. 41 . tililEtii'e Ot hLliti. $K.- y.i.di 1e tit rejiort hi- niaclt- Uowx I ...a: iae wki i.a: -! tir.ti O'-'inlcfc- ' ticL lul t:.at t:.. eua. '..: ITi.C.CGKp ; vs.. ri-j.at-c p.t;y So ? purjmaw i cv:r::i: anc r:i"t tt lust '-"-It'- ; 1 "i;a'T.t Nr.-hoi it- Hp tt uaarBf T- I ! -i tu tB verihB'H'E Li Jt liOW cr- I if'., ::. tat niiiiet. weivl t' tic: mi aoet 1:0' t'll1' Hiep' li '.'IVr'-U-ti. tit- y! tilt I :i.Ts. H' i'.:us".ri;-. v.- tu amvc; t-.-.': ui:t : :: w-- vf Mi -. -jsviit' tijs: tivr. nir".C ii' ;.;:: !w air l; I'ert I.': v a.v". ttl wll H f.i- ii.iJ!"n pr-vt..etJ up'.t; '.y. it li tuc.r Vj a" tuc- '.J' m i- -.rrii;'.. -jv." i. litr u tli'-' tt' V!-'-"Mi'.-C U-jusit 1 fiyedy Ir I'Ki.iiOepiia. i-'t utd'-.l : .- iv' It.- -Jfc".'1.-t f--. i. ' ' tuvt liii'.. 1 iiid t'ik. ' iV.f.pjit'.-' v.-. .. r I.-- ., . xiii . cliIi HJWti, lUib e;i v tud U,U Hi. tv.. tiiUii:. Tw cotin- iiad livf'J lpj:Mliflr tvr '. liiiit .i't Uivtt Jm-.-juk-H'.i" i,uM;it1 VweUwiOay tJUrf uwi; wlp,. Ci- WPBtt i-Hp,;') ill H. f.'.n;i'. t. i t-' wi.uiiC Ljvr i,.,u: . ;o ' t il'."1. "U- UlliUl- t ,0 i.i '.Um tipti.'. iv tu,.;' mtv 1 in u.-a- airt " t.0 tuwru ofu-r-to(ti. t-ut lCuHuaf lvt kijt In- rilsliy H" W )l.-ii.:-r J? u-B'' ;ie vju1 C . -.nu-"! V.ti &rt l-w i. iofr., rf-. ii. -ii. tiv -Ue ot V. at .i- 'j-.y. i -v.t vu tv. vtt .. . . 1 1, ,( . r 1 . i-utv .r. '. i om i':: ! ..". '.' e . ,. .. ft U'.uuit a'".'-,',;;! v'rK'h luc'rtfd i' if Jmud, In '-.!,.' tt'niBi- o tue prtvt,) : j,:.. j u; ...i. '..ii ittd u.,.1, . . " ... ..-.i '1 ..: i-'.'li ' 1 h ;,., . . . . v. ui.d tl.tlilld .... v.;...6 -- !v will 1 w-.V.' -I a wxxxs nwa conpiasia Wadntsday, July t. . William O'Connor was lectrotutad I rilntnn Prison. P'.attsburK. N. T- j fo murder committed In 190(1. ' Harlan V. Crtfh, of New York, haa h.en annolntod l'nlte.1 Ktates consul t Milan. Italy, vice William Janrla, transferred. Captain Plashee, the famous com mander of the Maine, will be promoted to rear admiral upon the rctlremunt ot Rear Admiral O. C. Uamsey. Trealdent Hooscvclt has denied par dons to Tanbara Olsaburo. a Japanese, vieted of murder In HawalL and Charles Barratt and IVra Vrla.ht. also convicted of murder In Indian Terri tory. Thursday, July . Two small children of John West fall of Aloron. Mich., were burned to death In a Are which destroyed their home. In a boadon collision on tho Erie Railroad at Uerlin Centre, O. two trainmen were killed and live p.isson rera inlored. The boot and shoe mnnufaoturlnp Tirm of Asa t ushman t o., of Hob lon and Auburn, Mo, have railed. Lia bilities. J.MM.t'00. Andrew Carneclo his received a loi ter of thanks from ijue-n Wllholmlnn. of Holland, for his gift of a court house and library to court of arbitra tion at The Hauno. Friday, Ju'y 1. While dlaglUR a well nt St. Peters, Minn., three men were killed by a premature explosion of dynamite. Cape Town South Africa, has experi enced the most violent eni-thipitke .fhoeV in ?0 years. Much damage was done. The Imperial tVuitu 11. Mystic Shrine, will meet at Atl.anil. t".ty In tf04. J. H. Orcen, of Pallas. Tevaa, has been elc-ted imoerlsl potentate. Oeotre Smith, aged 10 years, was drowned while crabbing at Laurel Pol. When his body was found It was iterally covered with crabs. , Frank Manolev, of Haltmore, Md hol and kliled his wife while she was sleeping in bed. He says he was dream ing and imagined he was shooting at a burglar. Saturday, July 11. j r. H. Orlsmon. treasurer of Srott aylvanla county. Va has absconded owlne to a shortage. Eleven prisoners escaped from Jail at Williamsburg, Ky., by prying out the iron crate in the floor. Mrs. Hannah Tierson, aged 10? years, was burled from the Home for Aged Colored People at Newark, N. J The kiinhoat Hancroft has sailed for Venezuelan waters to investigate the Bllocrod seizure of American vessels. Spreading rails caused a wreck on tho Torminal line at Madison, Mo. In which two persons were killed and two fatallv Injured. The transport Thomas has arrived at San Francisco from Manila with three squadrons of the Firth Cavalry, 150 sick ard 450 casuals, Mnnriav. Juiv 13. r Th nstlonaJ convention ot the 8tOV Mounters' International Vnioa mot in Indiana nolis Alexander K. Shirccr, C5 jTtrs old a real ostatc assessor, v. cs Ui'.'.sd by lichtninc at Carport Ta. lcsnecTrir frfi'orftJ Burtoa left Wash inpioii. D. C, on a tour of the soldiers home of the V:.::ei StLKf. John Tt'-e- aii.i J-hn Jenkins, rata- ers were killed in the Barsum alne at Fltts:..i Pa., ty a tail ol rock. An Cat l.-vpinr. In The corrlr.g mill of the BiraivLthiitn. Ala., powder raiil killed iau; Eta uad wrecked the building. The Marine Hornital Prrrice of the ertr to v-itcb A CLOTHING ' .Largest, Finest, Latest and Best, i Iiino cvet brought to Sunbury. MtinV Suits Iron $12.50 to s no.oo. Hats, Caps and Neckwear LatvPt Dt'nigns ntnl Styles itiul ut prici that will ustoiitsh tt.c customer from Sikytlor county. Fair Paid. I will pny onc-lmlf the cur faro for persons from Snytler t ounty who buy .10.00 Worth of (loottp, Notliinjj: but Reliable Goods arc Handled. Cation Now Pity 5hown. "V'or vctiia i'tlo wa nlW tut' fttn- tlnuollv', wviioa R A. ( 5tillMltf , VcrlH-ntt, Alti. "I litul ti loiiiltU' n I a ottso ol I 'Hon onnsiiig i. t uinmrf. Wlu n nil iniltM Hm Ulcn'a Armoit 8a1-c ouml mo. Kuimlly gootllor Incus nn.l nil mltoa nrnl imutH. Only 2."c nt Mitltlloltnin lrnn Co. arnylnll V Uanmin HifMit'M, lr. .1. V. S.,nwll, IVmiH t reck. John C. llockof New York t'lly ami Miss T.lllle Schocli of Sclln-Krove pats e.1 thouiuh town otic evonlnn l,,M' wok. WOLFP KIEDMAN, The Up-to-Datc Clothier, SUN I JURY, PA. -i n-f ""fffT Tif 'T'fll" Till I II mm llliiii.l I Tnited ?tit. will per: dJcntti und Bc.n.haj. to tbe plrue situation. Tuesdty, July :.. Ttle'r t"m'v.,"Z;X ot f"'-.: ::ra Acts ut 1d'.'T'!&h' o! 30 7cr c-si-t ovt-r last year. B:x boys litvt- Cifl of tetanus E!m J-jhy 4 in I'ltt-hur? AH were vlctltt-s of th- tnv !i!v-f!. R F. l;r'ir., u pwnjitTt RMictn ptilttj'.ii.li of Omhfc. N-h vttt 8- , pi;ytia.'.-c; by nt- in hie boa". i Tii- :t.ivt o! tt mint btu pttr t'hMMfC Tvi'Jvi guu'.'f ol rUvr tor i yiiliW'iH. coitiit ut ViXX, t.eutfc l-u ' WJU'X. j Tht Vc'"-,J H'.e'.'.t di-"i'rt "'jst tX itjiltiiiiOt':. y.1"--, ht i-ut;J ar oitV-r ! trtit;iJf ttif JHOtihylvmiia KaJiioui c-vuupan.v Ijpj ihi.vjv.lc VW.-.,t..-.'-L L'l- I iwt. vtoi ui.': vl- 1:u Uyt lht ' Uwu u! t-t i'. li to. w. ! OEKLRAL W.APKET8 i J-o:la!.'l:.ri V Je'y V Klour ut r .'-i.' v . wln.-f ftpt.. 2 WtU tli.it.'. ;! I-J'.o 1-.- -.I i- ? ; V li 6 0- The TitRcarora OH anl C.as Company The Tuscarora Oil ami Com. pany, recently organized, w oticrttiK st.vkatfflS cents Hr share (par value i on. This omoanv. as want as sufficient cash Is suiwcrlhiM, will Im ntcliatclv sink n wellnntl tltorouglily test theirasancJ ollllclilsof Juniata vnntv. Well known exerts say that oil ami jcas exist in paying iuanllk,a niul if It is there this company will soon anow. The directors nre nil well known men to our citizens nna kiiow uiiu thev w ill handle the affairs of the com lay la manper moat Klvnnsreoiis F.-Stt Senator. Fort Royal, T. K. Reaver Ex-Merrber of Assembly, Academift. Pa.: A. (1. Shool, Killtor, Mifflintown, Pa.; Will L. lloopes, Attorney. Mifflintown, Pa.; A. M. Worstall, Electric! Kngiueor, Pliila. r O. M. CovKlin, Manaser Hoyd Slickncy A Co., Harrisburg, Pa.; J. U. Kurtz, Attorney, AlUma, Pa.; Dr. I. X. Grubb, rhysician, Thoruiisontown, Pa, William J. CampWll, geolgolist, Reed's Gan. Ta.t Wru.E. Nankeville, Theairical Manager, N. Y.; Carl F. Es,r,enfchade, Deputy Collector inter nal Revenue. Mifflintown, Pa.; H. B. Martin, New Jersey Corporation Guar antee A Trust Company, Canden X. J. The Tuscarora Oil and Gas Company La under lease w hat it considered by all expertstobe the most promising land in Juniata couuly, and thai oil or gas will be struck iu this aectiou ut at Jpp depth, thua saving thousands of doUuri- in drilling over any other soc- tiun tf the county. The subscriptions V) this coiiijiany are eotjjlng in very rapidly uud the prwjiecU are very favorable f'r 1'urly drilling. A Paying (VcuiMt, Tho most ptclllahlfl rtn ' man or a young womnn that cf willing advei tlseiv.e ,'s. rnltl ranre ftom $2.r.00 t ' ; Jehu Wanainaker pays It1? i vr- ger$IO,aX)ayrRr. More young penpla sIi.m;',; selves to wtlle ails ntt lltetf - ; all who ate properly qua! I -, ' an advertising nmirsa hy i-.., a twok on Ihe snhlncl rn rifle Lessons. It Is entlt'i 'racllce of Adverllilm " only teat hock on adven,; , and h wrlllen by a praol:. ., Wlio can pruf It ty liavi . : l-issr. Ihs niflrf-lmnt !- llts results bum his advett ..:- SrcoNn. Iho vounc m.c wants lo tu fnatn fur t'p- : $25.00 to $100.00 a week. TH'SD, school leaehns ,-,( rhers and bouk koefcrs v.h. vj their Income. "Theory and Practice cf A-? flexible covers will be se ;: : z receipt o( seventy-five cr; t : one dollar. Enclose currtr.r, Icr .Should von he In dmih: V.----.J to lake up lha more exhu J mall, you should order a c :v:4 It will mnlaln manv Ihlnrs j-. - the salient principles of ar.rs you have bought a book, y.-a: secure contract lo sell brcitsiaf tor comDiete corresrjoiidcr,;;-rd a book to-day. Do it new CeO. W. WA0BN3ELUK. A. VM hie 250 Surar St.. Bili cm nrzzv? Heads hack of vour cy liver! Use .: Gently laxative Sold tor 60 ycr; ? 1- Mini. la Hljol'i of Huubury is vlsl. ing b- r i;jusio, Miss Bertha Kwljold ut the Wtbtigtoil Jlouse. ,k' fi'., '"A- . tz .'5 in Vi L. a' u; I) rm ; Kv. i K:l ! re! Nv '1 cV' . ' - (II. - t lly. J t.t-J.i-y. i bar- iiryl ItpjA.d. 45v; ..... v.:,- hUwly; f',f '..,' I-'!'!. ; pork k-i-t- ' ' fifl f,ivfc i puiuli ' . ' - . pU.( S,( lot. I LlVUfc- '-' i- tv. vs..' ' iWHi r su.d; ' ciu.'.' .1- ' p"ii Km "'" , V: Jl ', '": i,u tl-su i. IVV-'Aii U.wiy, i .i.-ot :''' . J"iy 13.- wheat .ul! . t ''' '' - '' "-ii.ei' t'o. I ltd 'i Vi-M 1 A c.; MJUUiciii, hy luM !i)!, tCv-vi'.i''.; utiiu'ii. (t a I 7 K.i...::.;- ;.-.'.ip- v-i-' t;i fc. r-;.. i Oi- July Ui' ut 7J.4 A'. ..ijh, : tvt-'-i'Ivc July tyr;.'. v.r.' v.iitvT W!..i COfc. j'.&i.? Vfct i-1. A.ioiiii' yht rfciii'.ii'.it in fiiuus! mUoauk; cocpoo 4iU. I Ji..-.v,-;- . X. J . iu. y,. -Tl.ewm- tt vf V't-rnr. ui.'l KUfc.A-r aunties we uiiUuttKy 1.-.). ijlhwrlLK tltttlr W Lii.iw. Tj.'. (ul LiLU'it vuy .ni jj- U ilu-Lyit say price L- rL.ilM V., , .v.c,-., ....... 7f'A4bl Corn w;ia suuty; eijc, fjLi., iiiiiu r u.iiuil IAVj&U ill:: t.-ru t7f.Jic Oii'.;f worn 43V- 'Jj!': '' X (r7c; r.O 2 Wi.i'.t-ll.. lj. UlV vt'.i-i' '.'IiAVU. kj.!,! :: .' v.-. J j'.-j n - :..i.i w.-tb fc! ho t?.6.J5: trl.'B kere j.'.(i -pi..,.- .j'ii, w-pp.'p'p, mJliu; 5.W; heavy yorWr t!'-.V; I f 'jf,, tl ' f r.llvL r4',,illll. feheup wc-re"srail'y ; lji-j wcthrra J4.f5 fc4 40; rul!n and rjjnimin, 1.B0 2 26: wUubs, 26; veaJ raivt-s, iwitnr vmir mntiia:i.;M a beautiful brown or riiti it ii a w 1 11 mi r tFti UIU'.K INIi HMr uuuaiiiuur. -.hi nmm rr Tip-.r; "i: r LOOK i, l.cBiitifn p ot nur Nrttimi hi-nnn Inil.ppp.pln.p.i' ,r 1 of the t'. t. sle Kix'Ji' i: inis In I'l tlni cnlor pi Kvery trii Ainerlaiii In tlu-ir Iiimi-' I'HtalfPKH1' iliowinP.' r.p"' Hons. ilo i-oinpl't. 1 Mfllt fri' lll'PM Bilt'.tM' 1 Knipry Knti-rpriMi' Co wttiMiil. SdldtCI 1 The Holdiers off- iu tint ( 'nun 1 Ion-' design iriiiilc l-y ' fpr U IIIDllllttietit siilernlile itittP'lii-.iP' UlU site, Hie in :i;ph to i'uvol' ihc . 1 1 : 1 . -gfl'fi'ed p.y J. !' guitU) wan poHi, lug. ' A i-oiiiiull.luv l " yiew llict'iitil'l in Judiilui iiipnv:i (diimIhU of J. Miooli, Win. lb- Wulili, J, '. .Si;li- 1 Jt. iticiul, Allen f' Kluwjuud A. M " .4 1 SHQRfi, Auiiual Uw-KiiU- Kivursioiih to At- !yut.c City, etc., viii Pcoua. Kail ivad. Tb- JVuiisylvaniu Jtullrud !otn- irtiuv hut miaiiKoo for four low-iaio U'twluy cxourslous for the pntwul aea- rt.,ofr.io North Brnol, Jioy, iwilt-iout, WillUui.rt. Moxuiuiua, huubuiy. U. oi.uijtaj( JJaUiilu, and piluulpul iiiUuiiitxliuU) sUili-oi (iltoludinii sUL- 1H 00 UmmsU roiMbr), l Atluutlc t 'iiy, .'uiA- May, i)imiu .iy, rii iw -ny, Avu!o, Aiij(Uut, WlUlwood, or Jl'il 1 ikuoli, ou 'Jhursduys, July Dund Ida, AiiKU.il li UUd W, IM- P.xcuibIoii tu:koU, uuod to rutui u by u itukix UttiiiswlUdii U11 day, will li sold t.t vury low TUilM lo r , . 1 .j .i .. II.. iv 1. ittiitu: .lty ui no pttm vm mio uia uiLrii itlvtr isruiuu uoilW. 1110 ujiiy u mil ili",w vl Wit Mt Wlittl, PlillAdulpbl. phhi, eiUixy K'inj jr ycturiiJu, within iijjilt 'tt tUkct. WANTIU) - r..i..u ui.ii iIiiim iJ Iruins ciilluillt liami Oiitililmru III mI I it iW,JyWopTkM AiJr W1'w,,f"j1 ' - Jntr-iiwCx ,p. , ' H ' ; maw. la th a Naw ml 1 food, diflV.vtit Jrtfj 41.1. It t.lnu,.iil eW;rT'?i " 1. J 4ulmjltt to-day t .. 1 KVCi'lll"'"1 ill Mil l,8f