U1DLL.JI FOOT. Carree Ha, "Why, i.ulla:" rxjii.nd . lira ' A laeaeee v ItatMif. Jtf ter the accide at the womu'i miss 4 W ortbwads. "I'm sorprutd to he. made ep. "I cannot to the hospital," ah Jim Dump m ladepmdsace Day, Said : M Pore freed from Baf lasd's sway. Now iodepeadescs Jt' declare From indigestion's tyrant essr. GoodWriesds, soaks off this despot (rim. 'Twm Fores' that frssd yosr Suaayjim.'" alwajrs on duty, A food fo Fl (titer.. If . iv mterert yo ' loirn 'hut Tr' i u the membra of tin- - ';! .i,-. ) mi' ' .V (I. V., now r.n lutv nt tim (.' 3 "Kahu- '.V. if i.. r " Ir.- Th BeaiJy.tMler CwmI s)t f ee BY W 1 I lull V IIMglflHIHiabKWl! V yre jiwt hack from Vasaar, tof "What did Iay. mamma?" the bea fifn! g'rlakd. with wonder and aiarsi In r I::?. f-wn-like eye. " .n rtid 'f he wagea of -;. ieat h.' M'-fy sn'.: Don't they teach aJ vtter than that la college? To hf.-ild ay the wageanf sin are death." fhieago Rerord-Herald. f Cae. 'Onof n!ht." r said, "mv '.Itf.e ftrl; Owwi night. I'm folne now; jd nlent." n puhi th vf leek Ftsrk from hr up, urn.! hrw. "flood nlht, aroivt-tiy ; m mine now " H furnd 'o o, h n -I then, IT c'.n1 her r..l w'.th a klmu, Rn !f ill ngsin. -N r. T.m.n Mid. T."if." nr?d her husband, "it la ts only thins; to do. Modern anrgery will then have its full awing and your lif be:,ve.i." Xrver'hr'e.s he w firm. Ht r-annnt h," h .aid. fninfly. "wny, in my whf wurdrnho thra tnt. it ni?ht ffwn worm over 110! Town Top.'. tit . A irin 1n !n !d Sinta I -if'rf-n titpMii'v ra-r prip!e w no ttirvf H l ;vn to Jr!nt. R'i ro r.-r ! it'n!y w ." . Trllnin 'k rnv VK.irr-vt . KXP.W HIM TOO 1VEI.I. 1 1 , Si fff fr Infants and Children. Th Kiivl Von rr-.iv. AI'.r,iyM Bon'ltt ltr I'ir Ilie y. fnrrt of f hux. IT. Flfrlior, ;nl lm 1or ttd 'tftlen" porwn-il jijr i -- ,'-r hvi-i :? ttr , to dicIVi ' Iti ( 7i ! fofiti'.-rfi-It-, h"Mtlir I " .fntt-,"-'xn'u " ;ir- ti'ir li!vj'-I''ti . nl .-hI'i'-i - The Ki;v! V". ; Al-viy; Bnr .;): STHEfOUNDOREr STORE. lff Us j -v7 ; )y WewGoods LOIJJ PRICES. KVKFiYTHING KEPT IN" A KIKST.LAS GENERAL STORE. ome and See Our New Stock. Highest Prirps Paiil For Country Pnxliire. She- 1.ii t !U' ; bap'l r. 'In' ir '.ila-r ,s v-ll-to-flol run ' r 1 1-,' In wry .!y Slnpfr. mr1fin If iimHh n .1 4ftnir. Wiv mil laiicV.r i ; rtiln't ia n.! dr.' ran. 7. V Hi H W ' i ' -- Of.W ' !l.t' 4 uu.1 Mint lie An.l. 1. -Ufe i' ".r '(':n ro .iv I'M ml H if ,vk.'d N. T. Dundore, .VJSDORE, PENNA. Taklnic Fhelr Cltolee. "Ha thi man ioiifi'spil yi't'.1' the utran.T ,r. tlie. ',y nciiii; liee. "Well, unt ft.n't.iy," mid thu nd er. "He ha (fivn im i i)i:Tinnt oon fesslon every n' we'ra ju' .iw.iitln' pnt.ejitly till he, iyet pr.afioe ;ip 'ftniT ro .ve) ua d kind o' a ennfi'ssinij mnl. flot t' be perrirliler rjiese iav o th p pers don't takrt olTetue." -Raltjf&ir4 Herald. t V,.ti. i'1!'"-.' -reh 'ir n i X.n-t '.tie 1' I r.-ntlv i . -..'li.l riAV" i .-;,r'rf r,. ..,11.1 .i;u .1 I I n ' n n. ' rr, ir,,-r.'!Hl A I liv,, W'ttnnil .H-.H.l i' ati' IIIIMII V!, n)ul;tiu. lV.iv. n .r. n tliont me. i utrtntr him rip bam! vitilr! jay a it i tim ape.-. k,n, :o iier "Th.it." t jtitt. ,.Ue .rom.-ir. m"'l never hear ,f t ;nan jfr,ii .1,1.1 rf. f.ir ,iirh , tiling is I.ai." 'hifi.-,i;i Hec-,rrJ.nT:il(1. ii.l'U.' ' A.i. ,.',n T'.lii S.i.Ud.i.' I ;' In 1 1 T'.iii fiiiiiiit.j (. T 3 .IT-rnil ;iH!l.ilUv . .ll'ii V ! : : : t ' . GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Our Stock Conidtj of Clean New Goods, Such as is Found in an Lp-to-Date; Country Store. Dry Goods, Hardware, Drugs, Groceries, Chinaware, Best Shoes. Cigars and Tobacco, Smokers' Supplies. OUR MOTTO : y.orv Goods for Same Honey ! Same Good for Less .Money ! u me and see our wares. Market prices paid for Country Produce. A. 5. Sechrist, Verdilla. Pa. Incorporate Under Arizona Laws. Most liberal oorjwratiuu law iu the United States. Xu b'rtuivhitw tax or eihorbitaut tees. Private property ex viii pt trvui all ourporatQ debts. Par of stuck ouule any ttinouut. limit ou diuitalization. Stuck, is aon-as- V.viSlu for miiv tkiipiHUM. Xo Mtiniiint oiMiiuIc rMioimil ttiitiwluil X".i Ui wntrvl ; uu State exauiiuatiuu of bucks. Legislature can't repeal ui cum ttr. Kuep uthce ana Uu busuitso anywhere. We attend to all 'iiiovt hikI My all teen, auU charge you but a tew dollars in any case. Aeut wanted iu every city in the U. 5$. Liberal ouin iiiifiouH. Seud three stauit fur booklet ot uuditied an imated ourfatiou laws aud uiher iuiurmatiou. Ar)Hi Corporation Charter Guarantee Company. Hoalnaa Ouildlnc, PrHEMX ARIZONA. 8? nnnnn uu ULVJ netvea n Ir. "So niikin, h.ia joined the r-hnrrll at last?" "Yep. Urt eonrliided hat ut ion aa thn memhers of the hnrrh all patronized hia store he miirht aa yet aotnethinir !n exi-hanira for tha bazar and ratfln ticket he hiwt ta bny." BaJtimorn NVwi. la thn Bight Plao tow. BUI You ay he lout bia job in the ) -ft rr ti.i , . dy) 'iovi morning; yri lok '.t.!er them ther. Reif.f.ttw rir. Lawyer to TtneRl 'V'hv are 70W tr oositive, Mr. Sntmrhan, Mtat li event Vi'tirred on the fate yon nr.. tion? V-m ;n!?ht he :nl.tken. Mr. nhnrrian fmnnfuihle. ilr ."i wna 'lie lay I didn't have ;,i iuj ahoppiny in 'own Ur :ny if t!iua. d!phi Innulrer. Iveat Cwwm. Tie Dortur V: I anoerstajid wtaa alia yon. Yon ,.'on't alep. Tk tbia preacriptlon to tha drrnrplft. (Next OFFER OF THE YEAS. "What's he doiny now?" "Why. he' tincr np the tni tatfea of a new breakfast cerea,!." Yonk" Statesman. Oalleat Aaalrafa. So yon regard Blijjylna aa a man of hla word?" "Yen, to a certain extent." "What do yon mean by "liAtJ" "Well, you see, niiirpna :a on ef those people who don't Ifk work. If he say he !a jointr to in emetjiirn( you arfl Justirtml In harlnir your doubta. but if he afihe !jita;oiurf do ometliinir you ian depertii on him very ,ime." Washimrtua A Inm nt Valaea. Mother (to her seven-year-old son William, who has ben rowin free of apeer.h) Billy. .liar, I will pre you en oenta a day for every day youjdon't nay "darn fooi." Harold 1 little brother of dve, with auperior air Humph: Ii "' 1ara fooi" U w(irh ten ,enta, t if'tesi I know words that are worth, a quarter! tavday. IJaTe inn ulerrt Petren L.ke a top. ae-w man. Doetor fTow many si arm .ltd ynn :k? I.tert.n fnnrlil t ildn any ha by.- The Mew -York Tribune Fanner -ii rq ' ' " ..i-a 1 ' i-rv. - . I fei : M-pir.; ike a ak I ave i i'outJi if l.em 'o he - Datftiladet. tnf la a 1awwllL "Shnt 'hat .!i.t:" elli)wr-i -hetrnte marrhHiif. "'Vlnre vti "i.ii ,r"uft.t an. ntr -n 1 -awmill?" "Well. ;'.n :,.t iire m .. -hat. ? plied the r.mr.t? irtimmer n ..i.neyi-d aj'fentx. pfssltiif jntli lamfs iv .11a enm. 'int .if me h1nr ' '.in i-sire you, tr, and "hat s -liar 1 van -.of irrmr.t 1 'tp n a filler fia'tury ' r.'n':.e standard. '1 1 nt :nli;il I i' ; ;W (..' . 1.,..' .. ; ,1.0 'i.O, il,,i,u-i i..l . .. .. ,., iiir.iMl 1 rw. It 1 ri.'- . ii 1 , , r,ir !hm 10 -ei-t:i.i ,,. .r,r,' . :am ihrrairt 1 i-k.-w-i : .' i-4 -nt.-raiiiiiii', , .t?-.t -u'.. n. , ,-.,.1 : . , ...n h famii'rM w-ITe. r.ofin and l."urM-rs .iv i,! rovera In an attmw1ve pnn-r. : im -vfll tdev o'ir -ittwrti.tii.ti .'. .e ;'hp (nv. UUK ,llot,vKl Ak.llKUi.n.Ui-.i'.'ri vir.u, - a', ... .ii-nl '.HQ-arikner Tl ' .' Till, Vluin- ,1 l!iFiBrs!)ii3rioiiiTl25 -or it i-itr i'.," rut , '".' Mt-.te :lin " ,.iii . 't " t i't'"-e -tr.r. Ir' ' .- 11; Poor Jnhnar- Johnny I wish my folka would airree upon one thins? and not keep ma ail the time in a worry. Tommy What have tlu-y been doing now? Johnny Mother won't let me at ml on my head, and dad ia all the tlma fussing because I wear my shoes oat o fut. Kt-Blta. 'loerit Vltfht la ICHrti. Eve hud ,u.t ,irrayd c-rt-eif .a a lrdle of ran. "Oh. .Viliiin, ' !. .ret i rtaiiraiiy, "lan't till list .oreiy ."' "TJeautifuK" Ker.:'d ,er -nn;e. with 1 iarrioiUe ,'rta. "I ,iinpi.e you are attireti .'or 'he inera.'" Ilaatily 'inking jia irm a liers, a led the way -n ,i ,'rnve where ' he ;)tri-dat-tyts were uniftnir. f. ''. Z'.iara. The Alias Stum ..I t twr Thlaat WaataA. "When it oumea to maTriatf I wouldn't giT9 a thought to how much the man I love ia making," remarked the dreamy eyed (ftrL "Heither would L" answered tha practical damaei. "Vhat would pri marily iatareat me would be howmuca ha had alraady made. There' no use taking eaaacea." Tlt-Oita. "Forchen-Hunt ia buay theaa day trying to think up a aeheme tu eradl eata certain weetia." "Taal don't mean he'a irona in for (rardenina;? "Oh. no; he'a tryinir to indue tha Widow Gotrox to marry him." Phila delphia Preaa. Muuutly guiaO, without pain or datautioa from buainaas, leavjoe 00 cravimi iiuua o' othor atiiuulauta. W raatotw tha narvou and physical systems to : tMtmaJ vouditiou bKaua w rauivva tn causae o( disease. A home remady by an (uuitmiu hyaiian. WVAKANTfrar X MIMC FHKTC TRIAL Til KATnC XHT ji iuuUhI voriaaHHkUaMvat f;iily witli phyaiciaiM. solicited. Writ today. s Uttnhatts Tbere?ut!3 AssocZailca V tta araadwan taai Tort SUPPORT KOTTS EMULSION ara as a hridfa ta carry th wtahaaad asd carved lyttaoa sloaj natlt It cm ffeat iirm Mippart ia ordinary foad. SaaiforfMi SCOTT DOWNS, jm9 tl I'rmn Slrw. ya, aaii,na all Hrm VoHk, iTorat atty The Wlht or Srtdrnr. Pimt ilonkt-y Prof. Uahonn telir ered ijtuto an interesting lisoourse on the itiestion: "Do -he human animals think'." Second Monkey 'Vlu.t .a the pro. feasor' opinion? First Monkey Well, he doesn't know, exactly. He nays they .'er tainly do a good many thintrs which Indicate that ther don't P-ick. wllw4a; Onlera. Mrs. Hiram Offen ilere, Urtdget, rf Bow duaty it la under th bed. Bridget Yee'm. Mra. Hlrnm Offen tlaren't I tm. pressed upon yon that you must nvwep under th beda? Bridget Av i!oara. ma'am, an' how aonld th dust yet there if I haun t pt it under? PhiladelnhiaPrcaa. lattaaxata. "She ia a Daughter of tha 3rola "Yon don't say? I could imagine bar a Maiden Aunt of the Heroin, tloa." Puck. Baaallr that War. "Did thy make much moaey as th fancy fair? "Yea, indeed, and all berauae th prices wera s safair." Philadelphia Bulletin. Tk ImI Ttilaaj. Mrs. yewl-wed What oau we bey baby that will am us him? Mr. Newlywed Oh. anything that will mean torture for tha rest of as. Judge. "It is when a yormg man ia ia Iowa. remarked, tha Obaerrer of Erenta and) Thingsv "that h hasn't, a siasrle idea Groceries, Dry Gcccs. Nu' a tions, Hardware, Drugs, Chinaware, Shoes! Cigars aijd Tcc.-i- ' OUR MOTTO : 'V.. Lrtid Let n.ose 'V'm ''at 7 ;!rv, VI ways he LIint ?rtc L'aui ;r .utrr .Vroucc. Y.m uvp .1 -taming cniitioa :o - oil. H. h. EBRI-GHT, a IT TTTwT -a--.-a. i a. Mrs, Ilcnpeck Tu-'norrrrw the fifteenth, irivertarT marnage. Zlenpeok Voit needn't 'iuct ae with :t, Detrr.t Tree presa. Ptavnalaa Aheaid. SlBUi Merrie ays she :ctfr. s to learn to skate this winter. Marie But ihe iear&ed last iter. Sulth Yes; but she broke ! -r eee ffBgement to that fellow. Jndgc. k Ualle. Read the POST And ail rtiti lanr SEWS. Mm Hatterson gare tot hLv l.ud an awful lecture yesterdar. Mrs. Ctitarson Did he need it? "So. Jat I did." Lifei Lax&tiv 3roiiu-.iia:r.- rhtie'- cro . uTOiiini'.iv. (, me. "vi :rr. .rva i .events. us sum ueao. lonxera a