The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 16, 1903, Image 5

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of OMd; City of Tahiti;
I Lpcas OoCoty. r r f
Wi5K J. 'CltESEV Widtes oath
be is senior partner of ftw firm
If, j. CHExty t Co.; doing
Less iu lne T,ea'
,n mil State aiore-wiu, ami mat
firm will. y the aiim of One
spred DOLLARS lor cn JUKI
. ..f Pif innir tlmr fmini.i
rv CHSO ot w .--"
v . . .1 . . . .
t mi Cube.
6arii to before me and subscrib-
r .1 t. i i-
fin my presence, tms oui uay oi
.miIkt A. L. loab.
Notary Public.
all's Catarrh Cure is taken in-
.1: .1 i.
j;llh' lllul ncis uirueuy on me
ml 'ami mucous surfaces of the
0in. Scud for testimonials, free.
F. J. Cheney k Co.,
Toledo, O.
LM In- all dru'isis, 75c.
lulls family Pills are tlio Is-st.
u r. iin)lvania Railroad, Account
. ! i r -
. i ii . 1 1 ...... i , . .
In rierimlil oi inu .nuioimi r.n-L'u-ii!
uf the Grand Army of the
'ii, hi San I-raueiHCo, int., Au
lTtoL'J, the remiKylvRiiia llnil-
('. a'puny oilers a erHonnlIy-con
oil tour to the Pacific (Joust at
,rhOil" low rates.
bur will leave New York, Philmlel
i, r.iitunnre, WunliiiiKtoii aud oth
i',w mi the Pennsylvania Hail
(.,- o. I'ittsburK, Thursday, Au
(i, ly special train of the highest
.. I'liHnum equipment. An entire
wi". hf spent at the Grand Canyon
rititi, two days at Lrfw Angeles,
vi-i's of a half day or more at
M.'iia, Santa liarliara, Del Monte,
Sir i Jose. Three days will be
in "Niii Francisco during the Kn-
h'tui'iit. A day will lie upent iu
ian.l mi the return trip, aud a
kilele tour of the Yellowstone Park,
irint? six days, returning directly to
nation 1 Billings and Chicago
arriving Washington, Baltimore,
luK lphia, and New York Septem-niiiil-trip
rate, covering all expen-
kr twenty-seven days, except three
.-pent in ban Francisco, $215; two
be berth, $200 each.
iiml-trip rate, covering all expen-
f Loh Angeles, including traimpor-
ii. meals in dining car, and visits
kind Canyon and Pasadena, and
portatiou1 only ' through Califor
ud returning to the east by Octo
5, via any direct route, including
kirl"d stop-overs, $115; two in one
l, $iao each, lleturning via Port
al! additional will be charged.
Ites from Pittsburg will be five
Irs 1 iu each case.
r Iu 1 information apply to Ticket
pis, or (ieo. W. ISoyd, General
tngor Agent, Broad Street Station
luk'lpliia. 2-t
- 'Alfred, youngest aoo. of Nathan
freed and wife who has been em
ployed at PitWburg Pawaa brought
nouie Friday a very sick boy. Xhe
doctors ' pronounced it Typhoid
fever. We hope for his speedy re
covery. Mrs. Joseph Middleswarth, who
has been a very sick lady for the
last 3 weeks or more is slowly re
coveiing. A.Budd aud family were called to
Lykeus, Dauphin Co., on account
of the death of his brother, Daniel
The Lutheran Congregation eele'
bratod the iioly Communion Sun
day a. in. Preparatory Services Sat
urday evening previous.
Palmer Carpenter, a prominent
lawyer ofSunhury, spent Sunday
with his parents A. M. Carpenter
and wife.
Mifs Kathryn lieaver, :i":iii
pained his brther from X. Y.
City visited their brother and f amily iVieiiils
in Indiana recently.
The Sw-ial ('ommittee of the C.
K. SiM iety of the Lutheran Church
will hold a social in the near future.
Mrs. Will Spangler and son of
Middh-huri; were the guests of her
friend, Mrs. A. M. llowersox Tluirs-
Frwuuat visited his brother . Anson
Garnian Sunday. .'.;-...,
Levi Geinett and family, Elmer
Troup and family, attended the fun
eral of Rev. David Haines at' Dree
se's Church, Sunday. .
Some of the youn folks attend -'
1 the festivals at Kantz and Five
burg Saturday evening and rejxu t
ed a large crowd at Uilh places.
liorn to John Stuck and wile, a
Iast Friday evetiing Mr. David
i louver and family and Miss Lydia
Deitz, enjoyctl the evening at Fred.
Delta's. We Itarn theV had lott of
cakes and iff cream.
Landlord, F. .1. Kerstettcr and
W. 11. Wendt were at Melvees one
day la-t week on business.
(Juitc a iitiinlx r of new buggis.
were rweivi-d in our ItH'alily. It
Sethis as t!nuli our people wante
j to attend pic-nics and visit their
lAVillittmBrownof F1T.urg-as;: Mrs. Clias.' Erdlev aUt-.!
Kit e Gregory are on a visit to their
Adma Gannan, wife and son of filler on business in town Fri-
Jlobert Deavt r, clerk in A. M.
I'owcrsox's store, lias goue.n a va
cation and will spend, two weeks
with his son and family in Indiana.
He will also visit other friends and
Win. Spcclit, r. speiit Monday
in licwistown.
Uaic Vacation Trips via PcnDsjl
vania Railroad.
ic iViiii.sylvauia Itailroad Com
y has selected the following dates
s popular ten-day excursions to
lira Kails from Washington and
linii'ie: July 24, August 7 and 21,
i niU r 4 and IS, and October 2 aud
On t'-.oe dates the snocinl tmln
eave Washlugton at 8.00 a. m.,
mime ii.05 a. in., York 10.1 a. m.,
psburg 11.10 a. in., Millersburg
I p. m., Snnlmry 12.53 p. ui. Wil-
lpoi l 2 M p. m., Ixvk Haven 5.06
, Lenovo It.o,") p. m. Emporium
timi .'i.tij p. in. arriving Niagara
at l"i p. m.
piiiislou tickets, good for returu
ik'i' kh any regular train, exclusive
iinted express traius, within ten
f, will bo sold at $20.00 from Wash-
mi and Baltimore; $'J from York:
r from Llttlcstowu; $10.00 trom
nl, Pa.; $11.35 from Columbia;
(' from Harrlsburg; $10.00 from
lehest.T, Va.; $7.S0 from Altoona;
f1 from Tyrone; $0.45 from relle-
; f 1 10 fiom Itldgway; $0.0 from
l iny and Wllketim; $.."5 from
iiammrl; aud at proiHrtioiiate
h from priuolpal points. A stop
r vw IU Ik, allowed at Buffalo within
l of ticket returning.
''npvhd trains of Pullman uirlor
i and dny eoaolie will be ruu with
excursion ruuulnjr thru;h to
frnira Fall. Au extra charge will
mdo for parlorn-ars nwu.
' experienced tourist Hijeut aud
llH'hui w III aeeomimuy eacU excur-
'or deaerlptlve ixuuphlet, tiiuo of
'iw-tli train, aud further lufor-
j'"U apply to uoartvt ticket aeut.
Mi.irmi tiwv w. lUyd. Oeneral
Kilmer Annul. Broad Struct SLktloli.
"I W. lllueUoh of Huubury, MLm
lnwn it JlarrWiurg, 8. 0. tuy
Indigestion verti
go, headache, consti
pation, piles, insom
nia, lumbago and all
female disorders are
only a few of the symp
toms of functional
derangements caused
by defective eyes and
aggravated by improp.
er diet, habits, occu
pation, etc.
We are able to caro
for your eyes and give
you advice.
Graduate Optician
Children's day exercises were the
attractions in the Evangelical Chapel
Sunday night. They were very inter
esting aud were well attended.
J. R. FlicUiner.
7JC ?all Iqtu 0pci?3
Sept. T, 1903. .
FKRS tuition to ToSpctiT Wchm
Thla htgti IriUninit (vhoul lor tMchfr
wan Devvr tn brttvr comlilion than now. The
rurolliutfiit lt year rcMrtitfU aix hutiUrvtl.
ltloluKical ur.J ( litCiit-nl tabonitorln Iuiti
recently been added. KlDe irymoaaium and
athletic AvM. Sauitaty i-omliliuua unexevllrL
A laricv taA'ultr ol trained apvvUiiaaa. The
avhuol alao contaitia oilleirv preparni ty d
parttnent. buaiuvaa iloiiuut aud dviat
Uienta it liHiutioo and tuusivw
Tha xpenaM ara tower than tbose ol may
other iuatitutioa o( nul raok. AJdicaa lor
valulotfua the ftlucipal.
iaet Mi
For a Complete
aud Outfli. the latter
containing 1 .kr plate
I Pk Hyoo, 1 pex-kag
V aru jaoutiea: l
IVvalotwr I I DfcaN Senr faner. 1 Sheet
faiMr. I Deveh.uriut Tmv. 1 nrlntifu kL.b I
Tuning- Tray ami One Booa ol I uctlone.
Sent Iu any addrci prepaid. With thla Camera.
jou ran take aujHMiuj the era can ere. It la
Btted wllh a FreiKh Leua for either auap ahota
at time eapuaurea. A ten year old rhUd oau
auoeeeelully operate una at theee.
Ateu a Cuiapletv line 0 Noveltte. Jeeralrr.
ate., at W ptkeea. Write lur Catalotfva.
lep. H
mmnm immi co..
Monilay evenioj. July i. i nrliaml
p! w: i lor IV. Hi alo who g t m:ir
rieil the other week. The hovs ell-
j.iveil tin; trip and snpp r at Mc-
Coisuty Co.nini-.i'iuiici'.s Jonathan
lkciclit'iilmt'ii wa-i at the County nut
Moiiil.iy to trutisict soini? county
t'. A. Wockely plante I liis late
tat(H;.s la-t Meek.
Don't Illici t to at'.eiul the .St.
John's i'ic-nif, July ''". There
will lie a niiinhcr of" alile se:ikei
1 lev. I r uck en ni i 1 ler of A 1 lento w n
preached a:i intere.iting sermon Sun-
nay morning.
V. Arthur Schnee mule a lu.-i-neas
trip to Katit. and Freeljurg,
Our town-l.ip ii erei ting an iron
lu idge about a miic South id town
which makes a big improvement to
the load.
F. J. Kcrsietter and merchant
Levi S. (ielnett attendel tlie horse
sale at Freeljiirg on Monday.
Don Hoover of tins place and
Miss Lizzie Heini, J. 1 Shadel aud
Mis Iaura Yergar of Fremont,
were callers at J iideptndoace and
Fort Treverton Sunday.
Mrs. W. W. Longacre ard Miss
Nettie Smith visited at Freehon on
. Mis Alice We-idt of Meiser .'ilie,
visited our inerclant Levi Geinett
T'ut-s'daV. '
i '
Itst Monday neven hello girls tf
Slianiukin, Mis-Hst Naomi M. Samuel
Eliui ShiiiucI, F.ric SiUenU rger,
IVarl Silleiilx-rger, May K. K reefer
ItMu Kreeger and Kathryn Tin
ney in I let 1 ui our landlord where a
.-upper had Itecu prepared them
wlncii e.niM;r.tei I e l.'reain, ctkes
vegetables, fruits, rtc.
Or. Spangler and wit'.? rctt.rn.'d
on Friday last from tloir Wt-tem
Tiie mother and i?er of Mi-.s
o'der si-ler at Elkhart.
it a l.eiffer to T
' i. nthering.
A., fut re- t
i i re lie is
Eli ('niiij.VIl Iwtig it a
fatten f r next Winter'
Jvl. jlovi i was in to a
turned l I 'uiiciinnon
(ietirg? Tise spfint "Sunday at
home with Kit family, Out returned
to Enola where lie ha-i a lucrative
Emma Wise is living with a fam
ily at Suiibnry.
A Nurse Saysi ,4Pe-ru-na Is t
j Tonic of Efficiency." '
Itst week our firiners ma le re- t
markable progress in iiaving ai,d
harvesting, l.nt. ther: will ! n.ily
of a C'r.p luiy, V, h'flt Mid rve.
v ..;,.! i i. . . ... . ' .
g , - , , ... m, u. mi. iii.ii'i.i',u n mi iiviw, '
I l;iri. Ivl-nl tin. I Ii... . t ......... ... - I
lii the L ni t, ai.: .-, .I'hii.
We-k at Seib- r H-!.
Mrs. Mary l Mill 'l O.IS g
jt.iil her husband, w!:o i- iiiji! i
at the Tal k Hotel, U ii;ia;n-;.i t
Mi.-s ''.iia N ' ling n:'i-.'
rrof. and .drs. Nts'tling
entertaimsl by the latter.
M;-s i v :.; (; n
1. 1
i-.. uf
I i:i:i
:rt !
nxit on h.s Iimhc,
!uridore s ' .' i! jr-ci?Ts
ehieken liniiv I ir hi"i '
rii' :!:: it:, r . -..
ji.iriur, .-ii . i:..g ;
strei-t '' .inb: ''!.
Link. S.i;. ,v .
in t i'a ).
I II,-.:
1 JiijH-t i'.r l-rr:
I O.i i ta rt
nrvl i.'ir fa v p
; get. I. Hi)
'i he rv..-.,':
i ' I . i-.I .'.1
i -: i r - i i
(lay itli gr;ui'liaii'.!if.-
M, v. !;;? ; . ,, .tit..-tait..-'.
brother and tv.i danii'er- -evi i :',
days l; week.
Fnrr -:st !' -ry atrl family w.-n-eutel
Uiiued iy tiie luriner'-. paren'
last week.
Miss Moliie Hums returned tn.i.i
liei trip Wi.-.. .. i;j..:pa;iii d by a
friend, Miss J'asiler .f ( 'hieago.
Misses Mary Lurkbart and Annie
lies-, 'ti'M.ii it L.iv-viilc, are
sjM-iiding their va-jatioii with tn-ir
friend i.
Frof. W'-r dr.itl -.tti-:idei tiif?j ,.t -meeting
of the National Kdiicatiun-; N 1 1 1 1 i U I i
al A..sxiatiuil whicii was liei.i at a' t i- II
ed .I'j'.s ii
The T.
i -, ii . t . r- an
. . . ' cr: riT.lp-'.r.-'. r'
'"' " ' Va,; perlc.-.i "'.' F'-' n .
tetter. . f t potiiinn I.i
. i.l.i a- j p".'c'.i.v i'.if.i.:.,;;' i
Xtve tpc.itet i" .c;
, i J trar.c.
.: oil'
I Ml . . i .
C:rr v.. . .
... ' - V, fir: -i
i.'! :!' :. tl,?- t. '. ; .. .m :.
c.a :". i: A .... .s . IK ;
it .-i-.-iit '
rery. 'ii
p;v:u hi !' !
I. -a, i s s w .
in. !u -i-,
i.. I
"a I
or 11 .' ' .". ; I -. . ii :
r-.. f.
Incs.n '.or.'.' ' .r ii-.t.
91rf t-i'rT-' rt 1 :v :r: .
f.'.Tt "." K'A , ' :
I-. '. . V ,1' '..'I J.. Ill .
v .:.!: '!:?.' a ; tr ru .n
. .1..-. ,...n.i... .!.. I .t tmai 1
rlmen: .1
..i.ii..r, on fi'! .
ia.u.i.n.vit h i' .v
,r "H.r.. ;. r. cf as
.r :.rr ' i ul
a; a:. , -vi
I u.v.
ml! i.i-iii'i
n . hint !arl
r'.rli.m: ';.
loti;, Mi's., last v.c"k.
., Iullli.
Mi.s.s liesnie Croiise is tlie g!i-st
of her aunt, Mrs. Mary mitli.
Mrs. Dr. Jje. S1im:Ii and -on of
New I'lm. Minn., are gnrsts at the
home of (Jei). J. St:ho:h.
r i
ii. f. ha.- T.K i r,
!!' ..I..
j iu u -L 'i;.-t.;ii':.! !a.-r.
j hea y -fi,n.-
r rii..,.)
Mrs. Boyer of Chicago, accuni- ( hamokin -p,-nr iasn St
paiiiol by her (Jranddaughter, Mi.-s his ir.r, S. T. P-trnLir
V'e!C b.
I V I - V!
"ii:ii nr..
lit :
'ay with; fun-'
li'nedict of the same plai;e, a;e b'i
ing eDtertaineil by Dr. Ii. F. and
Mrs. V ageaseller. Mrs. Boyer in a
m. an nff WHter of Mrs, W.
A goi-d opening her tor -i D'H'tor,
Blacksmith, Carpenter and slioe-
I.-aiielhi -ii ! ' :' '.r 1
intf tor -"iinliiiry tn ri'imi- . r .
ill!' mill.
Kiln Hiiti.'ii.stfin m ;,
uumiU wiUi Utsr aunt, air, v. . ,
it Y:fir!"W.
I Shreyer s Job Argeoments.
Plenty of Shirt Waists.
Have you an ample supply no lady can get too ninny and
for style and dressiness every lady wants them There are re
niaskable values in our s-tock row am nz tiie o o! ( f.r sum
mer. oO ceut Waists 39 cents Colored Chin".?, 'due, pink, lavand. r,
full cut aud well made.
$1.00 Waists in Seersiieke ginghan p'n!;, b.i:- a linen
coloring?, slot seams to form yoke' briar stitching purl buttons.
A pretty line of Black Lawn Waists at 1.00 to.
Our f0 cent White Lawn Waists are jmt what v ti want.
For a Waist or a 5eperate 5k:
Matcr.a.s are nuiiie
wear, materia! tiia: :ir lig'it
wiry they -h..d i
L!a. !. M ! vr
tor -ervci; ,'-j)f. :a,.v ,,r m
in wiixir nut i-t aav.-
. wi i x"ea:
i ert'..-tly,
in.- -aii'ii
fnts ,l;lit ? . I 11";
Far: -Siiru:;k
:' r s
Mi lia:rs and
.i i
rp v,
i .
For the Traveller.
The traveling season or vaca
tion time, ewme and look fur a
suit case 01 a telescope, most rea
sonable prices too.
Suit Cases are handiest $1.50
2- inch canvas, leather bound,
good lock and catches.
$1. -0 and $1.75, 22 and 24
inch, imitation of leather, double
corners, brass catches, patent lock
in.-idc strap-.
jo.UO, aud 24 inch genuine
leather, double corners, inside
straps, brad buckles, pat. brass
lock, very solid.
Telescopes, strapped.
20 inch size for 7!) cents.
22 inch size for 90 cents.
24 inch size $1.00.
20 inch size $1.19.
Fruit Jar Prices.
Tints our price U 39 cents.
Quarts our price is 55 cents.
i gal. our price is 70 ctnts.
Jelly Tumblers extra large with
lids, 25 cts. a dozen.
Pure Parailiue 2 lbs for 25 cts.
ct. vt-ry ;::'.
priced i'v.
Great Bargains au over the store.
SATURDAY and HON DAY, July IS and 20.
Crepe De C'hl&e in cream color a. ..alitv t.-r o"
Cream Mohairs iu neat stripe ejects '" itnt . 'laiirt
Cream Mohairs in j.rettv figuricg kindr t.h'.t -e!l
priced oo cts.
Storm Serge in cream color, the .era': k t n I f r ' e'
Black Voile iu cordisi knot etlcct, regii'ar rve ! "Jo
90 cents.
$l.-io I'.Iack Etiniine ?1.0" silk and v.-.m!.
75 cent Silks 49 cent yd. Satin Fotdards.
50 and 25 cent Indies aud Mi.-ses Fancy H-.-ierv prxtd io . fair
Flatte Vai Luces, wide widths for skirts and dresses, 25 cent
ones for 15 cts.: 20 ct. and 15 ct. qualities wiil be 10 cts. a yard.
$1.50 Cream Upplbpies for 75 cts yd : $2.Ct' iinalirv f r s" i.iX1
a yard. 10 ct. Cream Medallions 5 cts.: 5 ct. ones for o cts. 1
All Over Tucking $1.00 quality t'r 50 cent a yard.
Limited lot of 25 cent Fancy Silk Kiblvrs will be priced " cts
a yard while it lasts.
Q 15 cent Ladies Vests 3 for 25 cents, low uk. slceueless.
Mens Oxfords, in Patent Colt and Vici Kid lew up to a'ate
styles, guaranteed $o.X kind prim! $2.00 kinds i riced at 51.73.
In the Grocery Dept.: 20 cent Fgg Crack er !' cents a lb.
Mio Mac-s and Giur Snaps 5 cents instead of cents a lb.
Bakers Chocolate 17 cents Bakers Cocoa 20 eeuts instead of 20
Full Cream Cheese 12 lbs. for 13 cent ijuality.
screen 5
S': 1.- vi:;: ;
... ...
.yv i- -,.....:g.
1". l. 22. 2T.
t n L ..
and ..i I'd ;, ue a.
fa."ey. I'l'IVi 1 : -v
Wa5h Ooodi
:r: ..
i C.
'1 .'t - ' :
:i::uer s
. iu : re
yi:. - :
aiii. i 1 in i tt , a. :
color, stripe. :ig!ir. i .
cltldeii 'II tili-.
25 ceut .a.- 1. . .
l'1 ?et to 15 ( ?:l . :iiv .;
5 '"ents.
Floor Linens.
For Furniitue 1 i.w 1 i.;-, 'i,t..
us;, cool 'U!i hettit'iif; ' i -!-titer
u, 15 and 25 is . ;uti.
Lineup red and .;i"v u'ix.
in wKie at
a nl - ar
( 1 llUmMphl and ML- Maud
0 rr09b Street. MILTON,
Ftofruuburg took upir at th
pouHwmtoua BttadayM .
! 'a . . 1MUUX4XB, PA.