The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 16, 1903, Image 4

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    ... .
PablUktd Every Thursday Morelai
tl.M Kt rwr lIJ In lrnct. 1.B. pf r II nol (Old
lawtranc. KmirU copied Hm I !.
gent mind, am! is entirely too lengthy ' for a
uewop 'Jh.t article. I will therefore not burden
you nor your readers, but will briefly set forth
lie fiiialifieatins of the ideal teneln-r.
First : I will consider the educational quali
fications whith one must o8o9. A aufiieieiit
knowledge of the hrnnohes to lie taught without
a correlative knowledge is not sufficient. Again,
AtX:iV:7:tu WrTllhis is not ..,0..1,..! the teacher know.
,r,trri.o. vrrr-xv. , ,,! ,Uw,.rk f.,r the advancement ol
brivwillw Mr" iwnl k u v ....... .- .- , -v
T.rTrJiTv"'6 lilNi-WK I.Uiumik The day ' hookwomiwm is gone
and the teacher who adheres to his books in nl
Republican Standing Commute. rtlli,ic, u a iHH,uwtirm, and his iiiiU
wTr:irHVwii.MTi. will sueli. What is the result ? You
w.r Wt T. Ilnin. lvll Kxntl.. 1 . 1....
m.-T. k .snii-r'i. civea Imok woriuist ronunon sense every oay
IMimn - iv r. nr-ri, i. n.
Vtkhii - id nrv Koliv. John it. Knnlng't.
,V.-1.b-J . . wl1.k, W m. bohnltl.
Mi.t.i.ri.uijr Ocv U . limicr, Wnk W. 1 oiler.
Vi.l.livmk -hr'ik WhIit. It. H.Snvilrr.
N.MriM- 11. '. lim.ln. V. II. F . r"thcr.
I rtii,- 11. 1.t! N Kow.
IV iv i' V. l.n.t.plii-MtK. J. W. rlo.
V-m w rt Ammon iniiil. W. A. h.lly,
Nr:n..v.' ". U K.i.,T." Xt .lVvrtl. ..-.v lflK'..l I Kmmg.
I T.:,V1 S K. V.'1t I'fllfV
Wn-V rvelon !,! V.ivr J . K. wnlviwt.
r.r.rnu.uwN state tickkt.
;'...:r.n 1 NbthiU-s. IVlaware v.
A; ,;-! m; iSnmi.
:.r.w r. Svv,:.r. Chester vTwtv.
? : . S. rv.v.'.-M; li"RT.
V1 v , H.ivrr-.;-,. Ciivt,ir.i C.nntv.
T.-...;. V. :ii--T:. M-Kvn iVnnty.
. ;;.;x Goo. M. S!.;ndel.
Vrank Keller.
i.-I An 1. l.ttor.
I Vr, .ji.iwi.oor lr;n trvbill.
- Ka Llqaar for Habitual Draakarda.
Charles II. Pennypacker, Chief liurgcsa of
West' Cheater, jiroposea to stop the sale of liquor
to habitual 'drunkards in his town. He com
piled a list of more than 100 persons and filed
copy of the same with each of the IS landlords.
The liquor dealers have been notified not to
sell liquor to any persons whose names appear
on the list.
We wonder how such a plan would work in
Middleburg, artd whoso names would be on the
list if made out by the Chief Ilurgis.
t .
Cheaper Telephone Kates.
The Heaver Springs Herald wants cheaper
' telephone rates. They are not the only pebbles
' ; . .... i
work and he is found wantinir. and that is the. on the Uwcli. Hie above expression irom our
reason that so manv applicants for liioust. fail, erteeinwl contemporary was brought out on ac
lint t., ol,T..,iM th-it knowledev it HMiiires think- mint of our statement that we did not think
inc. and the hookworm teacher ean teach no on ;' the tax payers carevi to have the pho'ies taken
think. Tlion-l.t UwU tliomrht. A teacher out of the Court House and Jail.
m.M W .v,mitcnt to cenerali,. formulas in all If there is any chance of getting cheaper rates
i i ..... i. .i i i
,.lt .imnlitV all work whenever trom t lie IWU line man we nave occu geumg,
i ...... .i .i tt
no one will welcome il more uiun me l .wi.
' t.:: UiaaAaaa Lack. " ' ' j
Miss Anna Luck, formerly of Salem,
this county, June 28th, died at Cowan,
Union County, aged 73 years 1 month
and 29 days. Blnje September, she
made her home with her s!iter, Mrs.
lioyer at Cowan.
Bne Is survived by three brothers
and four sisters as follows: Charles of
Michigan; William of Mlflllntown;
Joel of Salem; Mrs. John How, Mrs.
Wltnier, Mrs. Edward Itow and Mrs.
lioyer. The funeral nervlce were held
at Haltm July 1st, llvv. Unable, omclat-
Bhe was a fond, sympathetic and
loving sister and a true christian
iiixivu v tor the Ivnelit ol his iini!s. If with
I lie proper knowledge ot the branches to Ih
The point we wished to make is that as long
i :':.
.1 i.rv
Ti.i i;S':vt ivAk v,..t;r.ic to x.c int .
t.iucht. ho is qualified to do this work, he will, as we have no cheaper .cvyioe it is unwise tn cut
i . . . i ofl the tax iwvers from securing anv inioinia-
ivavi a a teacher but n t vet :i an ideal teacher. ,,u y" r . ,
, , . turn thev desire trni the nvoiils of the county.
In addition to all this knowledge one must Wp hiV, M H.k ilt t,i,u.r company and like
jvwscss qualiti that lvsjvak smx ess in or.lor to . 0j our ,p, w0 want just as low tele
Iv or to Uwmr an i leal teacher. Virst and ; phono rates as we can get, no matter which coni-
alvvr all onalities, is eliarader. N.t comes: mny furnishes the servicv.
. i . . . .i. : r
kindness politeness' I Here are iwo snies 10 me qm.-..oi. ....
1 . i- . :n i t. ,,,.!.,.,....
l ' iH'iiiiil lines. i ui one vim nii ii '" ' I 1
1 k0 f ... i i .i ill .!;..:...
haps 10 wai uowu laics, uie uinri nm nim-
the p;itroi!s Intween two, so that it will lie
nceesxirv to have a 'phono of Uith companies or
U able to reach the Mihscnlicrs of otic line only
If competition woiiM mbuv the rates sufli
eientlv to get a large iiuiuIkt of additional sub
sci iU-rs, I lie advantage to all persons concerned
would be self-evident. Until that is done, let
M-i-uir.KK. us hope for the Ivst.
.Naval Recruiting Station.
Lt David F. Itoyd, lT. K Navy re
cruiting ollleer U In Hurrlsluir this
week, July lit to lSth and will be in
York July 2" to Aug. 1st. None need
apply who are under 15 or over 115
years. Those uuedr -1 yeais ol age
should write for "Consent Itlanks" is
parents' eouseut must be given. IVy
from $:!U to $70 per moth dependli g
upon tliu (H'eupallou. All applicants
must bo Aineriean Citl.ens.
Bald? Scalp shiny tods?
You neglected dandrtlM
you naa oniy laten oar
vice, you wouia have
the dandruff, saved yourh
ana aaaea mucn to itj
not entirely Dtia, now is
opportunity. Improve it)
"l Un atad Arart Vlpit..
jmr. I am nam l rara old and hi.,,
&nwtn or rirn imir. due i ti!r
tall W AW Hair VlKt." "t
Mm. M. A. Kkitii, Btlln.
for -i-H
sobriilv, dtw.icy, honesty
tnii'.Kilnoss, respvt, h-ve f.r the work a
eiabilitv. When one pwscs-o all thesi
tii in :u'uilion to knowing wl at to teach and
how to teach there is no doubt oi'sinvess. I he
ideal tea. b.i rs are sc-'.roe and the writer knows
not oil' -in S:iyder ami all se.noundhig counties
rvi.l Ij p-
mental xwcr.
in'.ng v.p t
Thev'rr wonderful
health, v'niy
Sold bv Middleburg
Sine. .: k vrlt'.nc IVif r T.t i,v ut Ui. Sold bv
hi b ;.); i. in w iv.r.-i in fr,.nt i.f Drue Co.Vravbill A Ciarman, lvich-
rCo-f in.. !ins i ni:a::er .1 f!()d. It. .1
titinzrlimrir; vewerits. Creek.
liit touril..
re;risei,Ted t:
iuiti i. ijuiuitt-r df yoimc loiks
if plaw iiMcn.ied tlif istivtl t
Sliamokit T:.rr. Saturdr.y rven'.nr.
ML Kalit Setsitiiili ofSunhanr
Veu-T Ramig of llroy ?peiU a
few dajs here litst wk visiting
Under the rare of IV. Shiv-t
Joseph M. Wagner is able to 1
. t erouna arain irom me lriurx ire n-
Mis? Martiui 5iuioeij siKiit weet , . , . . 1T. .
. . .. .. iceivea in lulling Irom a cherrv tree.
xv.:.e- i..w .Bjmn, ,.r Manl-?tx a&gtor va-
1 mother at Lowell, Ta. TV... 1.. e .f 1 ..Vt.M irrtl I t
Siftdutt: are visitinc friendf in thi j
ilar.L. Mrs. S;h1i.i17 tuiveclf to
t( visn tier
nini.ic: .
I-.:. .
.Uj... )T
IOU- '
I reiier unci win wert
a: "Wa.. liaiitieniaiT'jr'- tit
ovt Uiukv.
TLuiii-i- if" Iwioirz i-i;.i:i-i
ii. ".ui luiint o:
,:-.'. n: lieu: IIr-ani'!T i-ji-r
Qaiir'iu,r.. Mr&. IrriL
W'j-i. v:k nut- iA er
! s- su "mi' a: lie iiiinn
ui'ui.--. Mr. Z tail'-, i. uuu
,. ,. t--;H.'iid!ic sunn
Mr, i:- ;
j.,- v ;;; ii-.-
it; liif ris: hnekleiH'rrii ijt Un
mr.rkct this seasnt.
Vuiiu Sietv liaf- returned to her
Tiiaw o: en;ikniient in Lcwistowc
tK'inr inutrt. inipr.'vvc it iiSj.!ti bv
usiic M-vae C.un:v l!t u itw
W. T. McCiLiir-t Fif.'tt t few
utvf lust weet vis:tlnc friendf tni
rulativef- it MiSlit C;utr.
,1is. Kntip Liid Mtrt Vt-r
hiwju: Sunitv vitL iritidt oi tiif
tiat u: tie. ui'.iuiux.
,'niii li Kdiui;: v tiit f.rst
Misses Uittie and Annie and
John an.Uiny SliamUieh of lVaver
prirc spent Sunday in town.
Miss Carrie Haas, Mrs, C has.
Haas of Shmiokin ure Miss Kva
SvU.ld of Sunbury are svndinji
their summer vseatiou with the
family ot 1. K. Haas,
The Huckleberry eiop is -erv
jx.r this year hanlly averaging 20
buslu s per day.
1W M. C. Harner spent Sunday
with Lis wife at New lkrlin.
W. D. Hirner ot East Kltsburg
spent Friday niht with his mother.
He broaght home A. F. Freid, ' who
is sick and returned Saturday tak
ing his son, Harry, along.
Gftin-e Ke'.lev end wife are
pa vine i short visit to his uDele, C.
?. Swengle. '
Tiif iwipt- for the festival on
Stturd-y l.igi.t wt re $1?.
Mc.ti:-: Mirv Howtll tctertaine.i
In giving the names of the
teachers of our tow nship urn missed
Keiser's li. W. Aueker, teacher.
W. W. Shollv trans:utetl business
at Meiserville last Saturday.
There are still a few people liv
ing who insist on miudiug other
people's business before their own.
The Roman Catholics elaim to be
able to rule the U. S. inside ol
twenty years. Shall we live to see
it? We hops not,
For Infanta ancl Children.
Tfee Kind Yea Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
:rht isil:
. o".!: Vlli Hit.- K.'t v ii-l -l.i'
'. ... Vu.. fo?
... , .
oi tiit Irt-uuiCLram::
Tni end vuf rtireHtiitec l. tt
Gouu:'- Sti Sutur:itt t. mix iri-
leler Wetzel of Middleburg
was seen in town Monday evening.
.lolin tbo lirn vwir nld son nf (Thas.
i f Uiiic-3 Co. Saturday. - i . j L j th mislortune
11. H. M Harner of Beaver ! to fan aDj iircak his trm one day
;.-!: U slsy.: g in town a fevr J week.
dtvi i v k iii- ii.Cu.-T his buildings and C'laire Winev of Middlebure ac-
ctrdfi. ; compained by her cousin Earl Winey
Mi Si?.'' ?! vtr of Swinelord spent Saturday and Sunday in town
L- vis'f. it J. .;. lUigle's. jtbe guest" of Miss Jennie Aigler.
H. C. Viravliil aa-i" wife viHted j Mr?. P. S. Herbtter who has
i; II-.:-' S-ii-" - ra-ju. len down 12 weeks with Typhoid
J. T. S.:i: t'.J ta.!lv veiled .4"" "f
Cider Makin. (
1 will operate my filler pres in
Franklin this year anil 1 invite all my
palroiis to In Inn their apples in to my
mill. 1 will 1'i'nln to niake elder Tlinis
tlay July t':t. After that, tin ilajs will
lu Tuesday ami Thursday of every
wH'k until otli.'i-u bi' hntilleil.
t'Al.VIN II. SiTUolT. If.
HiiHiuc Fur Sale
A twelve horse power put table Frlek
l'nglne Is oltered at private wile. It
ean be seen nl tstroplowu. Inquire of
K. S. Stiioi'I',
t-f Htrouptown, l'n.
W ho is He?
Who is it that miiken the Fewer
gallons; wears-longer paint?
Vis rcnnajUauiii linilio.iil, Account Men
Ing of the lkiiovoUnl and Trotti'livc
Order of Ellei.
For the beuellt of tlinse desiring to
attend the mettlng of the Hcnevnlent
and Proteetive Order of Klks, at Balti
more, Md., July 21 to ?, the PentiHyl
vauia Hailroail Company will sell
round-trip tiekeU to liullimore from
all stations on iU lines, except Wood-
berry, llarrisburg and intermediate
stations, Columbia, Fretleriek, and In
tennedlate stations on the Northern
Central' Railway, Lancaster, Harris-
burg, and iuteruiediate stations, and
stations on the Philadelphia, Balti
more and Washington Railroad (exclu
sive of stations south of Townseud,
Del., from whieh tickets will be sold),
on July 10 aud 0, good for return
passage uutil July 81, inclusive, at rate
of single fare for the round trip, plus
one dollar.
Firs! National Bank
of Aiddleburg, Pa.
jliV tvrt
tmtll)! 5 i' tilt . 'T
uv.s-.-i::: ? 'un
.-'-!) -::
o' : -'.-uuuiii-iu'j'.
w .--i
iiieu; ii ii.ur.e i:
J w. vuit v.: t: it
liuiiKMiu f. rw. ".iii-
it Si ''Cits' Ci'.iuttv
Nirht VVii Htr Ttrror
I w ii 'X-t;L tr;v all alglt
. v ri M.-.. Oa-- A.pJegt, a -.. in l'hila
M'w? J...v Herh-ler, who has been
housed tip fir iLe last three weeks
with a tpraintfl ankle is able to be
out again.
fJt. Sjjai'l aud wife are sjK-nding
1 'i'.r
T' .t'" i
'.It .
r-t, Ji. "tt)i 'Liid Mrtain (nuiin and wife eiiter-
rf. ttr iits-ti. Ibid ' Uiiwn Mr. G? wrter of fcunbury
.i. i.. Dt.i ".." if I slki 'A fiT .Suriihiy. Mr. (' sister hi aloo
imil- i i' t:Lv
ui i'1'j'aa-t .
iiti. huaup.-'MV j iivv
hip v ki iii ViMtri tv. titer
'.wuip .'ijiHU't "'r'.nt t-.i. Jewiv
v k nv'f'ffjn irt v ii
tii ii t,'";'i" :i t
in or. ii
puv.-ir.- 1
))!. lie
i vMiiiip iiu.i r.: tie. Jj-v iir-.-wi uv-
!tiui ui .ut uii'iii '.' t y
v.e. . i'" ' .ii jotiat! u..
:i ji:U'.
sviiuj;;: an', f ii1 o' Sui--'.Mii
tie i'itv?u u' in-
j.'Voj' nut Vie o ,'
ii f.j:ii'. t .
luoiios vi. i mMi? -emu ifl.u. UUf vuuu;. M.tkJ vyi(vt iiw
l" 1 velvet,
Ji 'Mm 'Jiiuit t ii)."u". tun', i'.' ;'-
4;'. . lit O "jlMloil-
WPU V !.l U'" SHI- illllU'J
Uii. pi.i'.r
r'ir,-- r illf.iuii'. it ut tiitti l
nprtlt t
!.Mi;;. ii
'jiuiU' o
,. . j . . i i i . r.. M ..
utiO l-iii. but w.;i all other
r.iii-.tJ iil'ivl. tir
v. '-f j ,v..t u-.'5 I railed 5 ymxW
Jtt a'.v .vJy yutmiVii! V .tjr
O.'Vi'U'- yii, Jju r;pj, Jwi
i"t. atii aiJ 'JIj-a-T iuu
I'-iii i.'.i..,.ij Jrj- at Mi-id WAifj?
Lt..jr -iv.yr fryUli 4. 'artonu,
..-! ; t
kl':sVujjr a-',:u: tiui with theru.
G. Alfred Scikx-ii, Pres.
W. . Wittexmyek, Vice Pres.
Jas. G. TiiOMfsox, Cashier.
G. Alfred S;ho:li, W. C. Porneroy,
W. W. Wittenmyer, A. Krceger,
J. N. Thorn psfiii, M. Millner,
Jan. G. Thomjtflon.
Awjimts of Iuiliviilualri, Firms aim
Corporations Soiieitetl.
Good Hai
Here you have somo lulj
"' 'V'-'!
Butter 14 Wiitf.
Eggs 10 Kyt-
Onions C'jn-
Lard 12;0aH
Tallo 41 lVxj
Cliickens.... 'J Brant
Side 12 'Midi!
Shoulder 12 Cuo
Ham 15 Floit'4
J'm.i.'.'. J. ) JlritiKJb ao'i iatuijv
! JJIUI HUH. li'niuilt'.ina f.uC liO'llULj' j Ui''-i-.'V l'UVl
vw"'' vs5.vt: u- tiiom-ri' 3 i.ei?t! I ui'jsti vf Wt. JlnuiteW
V itil lL;
VMiiorf a Nurw ,.tv.-'' tmu(Mv. ! 'iiui r.uovii. J 4iue wtw j . W.. WaJlWjW iod wilt? of 8uu-
k,,;,. ., iMur'iu.- X-.u uu ifV in. z wv! m- burvut JSwuv W with i, K.
IW. O.'lll'Uirt
i-:r HiOtllitt-
T-ur' 1 .iiJ;ir' .it1 aliwuUiK
tj'' ntlj ' iu- iltue' . 4 vlOl
J.i;..;.'' j tUr -' Xoij4.i. .
V vrftAi' i.ijit .t' U-.
'J .4' uracr- 4H iiliit4t: iiltie
Vui-a' l-m' ' 4l" ie
Iva'.s Lili. TUu pilirf
ci44g' W aktw iulj UeUjftii, it
Icver iu'.o fciv, Uaiu-i' into
4 i ... If .4 4.4. 44141 1iH' tttll! .llftlilil
inui aiir : ' ; "r
u4-i 'iiui-!'' oot:4iit o? '.it t,viiti4rtoi ;ute(i
4 .!..! . .1
to;. .' t i",Wl. lOf JiV43i nuv
flidiiw,' Uuilo.ia: uC;t:U44i' iiiih-
IV. Oll'i' 0t . .tMlirtluVtiWll f,l4l-
aoni iv iljOtUekui 4 iif o.
'viayoill is. Urtiinau of P..4iiihi;lJ
.u,!i) . S . 4iaUioi;ll ol .Kjoui-
VS'mi. K. Ziii4iuwui4ji, Jyl.u iud
Inu'- iyiiuiuu" ietiiiiiud I.oum; Iroai
HiuiWetoo, W. ',i.i5iiLurUa.
JL. Aui'k-i .ij Jiaiuivkio vnu-
iil:ll OH biuiiUiasc WWll- .
Jt. Y,. yviii'il.fJ v) viuobu w!
viaitui uiuvl. ('4t;tiu- h:- OVW '
K.jLt. 'rry boa ou bviniwarf
(jruut AVhiuovrt nui Jhu XJwl
of HwiJo frilly -well
'X'he oiuti'Voi we lair for 4iew
chiuch We,
The Tuscarora OH and Ga Companyc
New Jersey.
Caoita! $1, 000,000. - - Shares $U
Till Company Offer Stock at Jflc. per Sliure.
TIaj Ciiijai las wndvir kas Ujo Oljoiccht Litml iu Jimlfttit CountJ
fuU 6tlM;ji;i ly h wfcjl known ileologmf, for develojuimiit offert
. it.' .... . 1
T. K, l5AVJ5H,..Vifl rrat,
iaiiw m Mri Uifi Ooippri Mmkut ftirt,
4.) w JMwiwivw, r,