The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 16, 1903, Image 3

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    MIDni.fc.uUKU I'd....-
Z m Well Kltri
HUde Miserable by
dney Trouble.
, trwiM tipon fh mlno". As
ana lessee srnbmon: beauty, vigor
ana cneenume. soon
disappear when tre Hd
seys rs eut of order
"2""" or dlv(Md.
Kidney trruble has
become so prevalent
that It I not uncommon
for child to be V
'afflicted w!t weak k,f
;- l' ney. r cniia ur:t-
lilif' -oj "sr. if the
JH$ the fie1" ' "ten the child
n ' -ou;i m able to
L ond upon It. the cause of
Llty Is kidney trouble, and the first
i M towards ire treat or
W.rtant eruns. This unpleasant
rlu4 to a diseai condition ot the
lnd bladder and not to a habit as
at w!ii as mjn an maoq miv
1 'P 1
Iterator at Heinz' Allegtenj, Pa.t
Plant Falls Forty-flft Feet.
ntles of Drunken Men, Wht Ware
Jumping on Elevator, Caused Shaft
to Break All Had Narrow Escapee
From Death.
Pittsburg. Jme JO. The breaking
tt a abaft on the flrat floor of the H.
J. Heina Company's plant. In Alle
gheny. r!aM th ropes supporting
a large freight elevator on which 23
pervme were crowded. The cage fell
from the fifth flfr into the cellar, a
distance of 45 feet and every one on
the elevator wj injured. It Is thought
that at !oaf two will die.
Tho moit vrloiirily injured are:
John fhurney, Allegheny, both lew
Ih kldnny and bladder trouble, hnnen, will '.:'', j .lie, m-.,. Edward
nd the same (Treat remedy. I In I man. Mr flop, .V J. Injury to
and tho Immediate effect of ! .nine win r,ri,.i , r. - v. nr-K
fcoot Is soon realised. It is sold . :u.h ,.,' , ' " f
IS, In fifty- f 'iT-n ii firm -rliMH Man cf tho lnn4
one dMlararSS?F5r2Si1 I ru.t
may have t KlgZSSl ! ... .
: by mail 1 al-tr.f re-ru-fed the elv
kjmphlet tell- Rom rf ftwr-ii. j rn' vl evidently cvr"ro'vded. Ac
it it. including many ot tne winm 'n wna tr.i.j by rr. J. a.
ef testimonial letter, received fhiiji. tit,- !r-n if the r.lanf ta
Vri cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer ari'v. r,f ir, m..n on the elertr.r
Chamton, N. Y., be sure and whfl ,.r., llff,Xr,rd r.IW!i rha ,11a.
1 P'P'' B'er fir Philitla aava fho tv mon
! ' w
; rr.ied on ?h fr aftr helng told
riOI,'SK, I r,y " operat,r to a'ay ot. Onre on
in? 'ommenrerj jiimpln, with the
reviif rhat the shaft anapped and left
the elev.tfor withn-it enntrol.
Arrorlin? to the afory fold by
Ham Konrano, a dry good merrhant
of Cleveland, at 'he hoapiul. there waa
no disorder in the crowd.
"I thought there were too many on
the rar." he said, "when I saw how
crowded w. wr. and a soon a the
car left the fl.'ti floor I am certain
every one realized that aomethln had
ii happened to the machinery and that
Jje the elevator was slipping. There vaa
4 !7 not a aound or a cry uttered by any
JJ! one until we landed !n a heap In the
nlnn of raikroad trains past a red dia
ler board cr fhronh o?n awirrhei
Is a thin of tb pat on th Tlart?nc
Railway ytem. An enrln'-r aay bm
careless. Wp rr vn :".!; b-it i
tl.le will not er. r th Iitm of
hts pasener. A dev'.re w'.ilch auto
matlraily sipa ali train; dan-r.
signals are displayed sjs here.
Trains n.aning at the ef w ml'es I
aa hour were stopped w'thm IVi
Charles Miller, engineer of an;e:n '
tendent Luther's private car. The (
Black Diamond." Invented the devlr.
j ' mar rtk-rtu ar area.
. - i
UrroRsitT T law,
ii enf.mnfe.1 tohlMr-
iroiut altentoD.
lewtstown Division.
effect May 2. 1903.
Killed on Grade Creasing.
Newark. N. J.. June 20 A child
was kll'.ed and three pwriona wre I
fatally hurt at a ?rade croln h.r.
Herman Sleb with bis wife ant child
wis driving across the track of 'he I
Central Railroad of Nw J-r.- when i
three freight cars were shur.r.'.t i,r, 1
creasing-, demolishina; the wann. The :
child was Instantly killed, an.! Xm1
and his wife were terrlhly l;i; jr !
Wlllliam ffae'.ierly a orakemar.. who '
was aittln on the bumper of one of
the cars that atr irk Si.-v iri..n iu
aiao hadiy injured, anrl phyl".aa t
he cannot rerovur
Collision on Atlantic Coast Liie.
r'fer.hurar. Va . June 21 - A h ad-
on cfilllalon nccurrett r.n trie Arianrlc
Coast Line, at a point ahou'. '.ir-e
rolles north of this city he v the
Norfolk and Westers faaf paeiier
train, known aa the "Cannon hail"
aae a freight train, which vn fand
Inj on the side 'rack of the -r .'.n.i
with an open swirch. The "n;ne.-r
nd flrmaa of the p.sner 'rain
were killed, th latter heia horrlhly
mangled and burned, and the conduc
tor fataily Injured.
tfL-Mszi ""vs."
I Jtlf'A " Bt -m n
T . . .j f
ni- . I i .Vi
V i
aF OaV
wwr we er4 t aim.
7 tkt kMlS'
VviHfil t,r
4 im n1ff44
H iTMi viffyvw: afttr
tit WKAr A BLaSirer-i 83
4ftLlf TO.
"7 ,T a ,-."5T '.me f -d j
j B'i'ldTTr' n.) ,-. ,..f ..-r.vt.;
l ,T VlrM iftit.1 i'l.-yi. itmiiy
.4 . . i . '
W,l fn. ), mtt .4 fn ' T 'olr .
On 'he aer NHntd-
With 'hir 'h H sr'h roe.
v. .ri.
.nu i-'d n
"Sure , ,t)
anl a f . i
Kii'(?nil I'.i
fie . r,
An1 -Aiirt
W - :-
v ,ir
M 1
.'' ! ' .
. i:-,,t.-- .
... fU r-...
, i .
' '...-- '
! red
. r- . .. -,
t..on. i'.ut. .!
down her
a t ni i
1 1 1 V v '
n i .:. .-r
Mll noffrovft Junction
Keuln Mill
iwt.towri (Xin fttrMt.
Hiitowa J'tiujtlon.
as pa
9 jo
k' ii I ei:r.
J'Jj All but two of the Injured were vist
j; tora to the Heina planr.
m! The Cleveland people are members
tJ, of the Bohemian Catholic Central
U Union, and rook part In the blessing
, fj of the guns of the cadets of at Oorge.
". of Allegheny, on Sunday. They took
j.JJ a day for aighuelng, and the Heina
plant was on the programme.
1 U
7 33
Live 9tocv MarHeta.
Kattt Uherry. Pa, June 33 ".rr
steady, choice. IS 'i 3 3u, pme
t'i i:,(tS.ia. g:iod. 4.XS'fff. Hogs re
higher; pr'.mn heavy ti ,1.", a ! .1"
mediums and heavy YorUeri J-; .iu ,j
35. light Yorkers. ! 4 3 4 . juj,; roughs. 4 3SrlO. heep jrt
lower; heat werheri, $4.5rt'5P'5 di . tiSIh
and common, S2t$1 yr'.ings. .i J
S IS. veai caivea, t J)T.
.iaotbr Claetlaa taw.
""JVTiai beoame of iuaehine
eiub which, Daly ata.rted T
"Oh, it's oader cloud. After h.
Irs aneiuai elertjon of otUi-er .t
wa impuole to et. a uonm, w
ing' ti tie f.n'u -ijat. oniT '' :iien:
f.i)tiHliiT V i'-,-' .,.( 4e:v
'he drum I itoughr '.-r ,ny r.r
you ent 10 'he 4oci4 , 'ir-h
Jor :y n :o:ii.l
Clerk .i..ii!n in .
drum ; a laml
the ' .a .me -'.art.-
I in
Vp!ed Kniflrlnilt.
K,imn,H .: '."-.i.e ! Jie Hiit
leaxnerl .i-, - .i'h ol. n.i'. ,ne re-
"Tl At I T.Mf eil -hr.e ,.. f. i"
'he ivnc-" nevt v.-.-k. ;;v. J 'i-nt the i':i-.r.'e-..V".f' jr.r.t.. ind
Jiat Voen .Hilt 'l.e ir. ' -:'-.t;le
'.lr, 1 .
:r :r..A,r.r dr.'w ,-r.
rfan't tfunm ir,.1 V"i
lfaMr.-ii.':il -ay I,Jce'r . h hi
-iineT-, luw it .t- jf.rr, V.!;
ut i, J. .Ton -ran n.. prC!
liat in.v n: l.-Tn i V-jre -i -wo
tuu . ern.
ff. ftMifin.
Pirlshior.rr - i.irtnr !)
ber of the i-iuii vr
infaii.r. preach, orca.ioi..iilj-
I snirerleta' y rrmr.
Oenut Been u:Tfr:ng ffrim
An examination of the abaft and , aohe. X ee.
s Sanbtiry 5 30 n m. at- ' machinery showed that those Injured
It Sehnsrove 5 15 p m ! nearrowly escaped instant death, as
linaxroTett:Wp. m., arriTea I tn 7.,n-poind weight at the side of
the shaft shot to the roof of the build,
lng. ripped through the timbers at the
top aad fell half lta length through
the cellln over the sixth, floor. Had
the timbers been a llttl less out
the huge weight wooltf bar fallen
nearly- 60 feet upon the mase of In
jured people hnddled la a heap on the i
I floor of the demolished elevator. I
1 Tbe wwtms of the lajnrerl and fe
Mimgrove Junction duly nor craaU ai the hnm eage aa it stntck
fcpm,5C2?,! 7",(,B of th gha hun-
ir-riis in workmen ami women to the
rescue, anil a hurry ea;I win sent for
pnysicians aad amlmlances and the
latird -ramined and
h'lre.i r.-,j hu!jgirj.iii.
fmsins.NT'5 HCM" COMING
bury 6:r. n. m.
Lewiatown Junction :
Urn. 1 19 a m.Uiip m 4 Wi m. T W 3
a a m wr Aituoaa, niubont sua
re and Waahinstoa g as ttr.
(Oil For PbSaitolphla aaH w
i 2TS m. t lid I US 1 aiul ITi
S'jonr S 10 p m
hia & Erie R R Division
britiarv .lutlv straDt Sun.Ur-
fci.1....l ii a ;n n,r Erta auj "do
lli'ot tne in.i Otnaadaigqa
lc Hv.n. ryrme anil Che '.Veni.
U.i T.iii.. : : I p n tor BelUmru
d.'v.i in.t Kl.uin
a n fir B'lTUti t' En.rvirliim.
"it. ! w i ai t.-in aut Cana-
lUui tor a .,.
is. i w u ji, 5 p tn tor Shiiai
i i utr W ' k-- iirr
i xi'a r-ii a Juuirtion
3 y ai Baiuuiura i u p uj
3ie 1; ftaren t .icpt
three niirtu.
Dentit U it a bairk urn or
Her Or. .'-t'.-.- :Hi
'Ion f-u- ":r.
'loetin'', ie!ie-. e u -Jie
lor,'", 'iu
en r
,! ir.rt iH-f
It "- i iJ.v.ic.a
jt i -4wi f n T
VotUtn kwt oa
f r'iil,it 'O
Liiefto I.SA .-taS.
.1 ..r.ii for
Wiw from O liBri ni In n .
"Y.i'l ieetii -.i iiioiv i ;r'-nt tel
Shd 2it; n't my huaoarut'e tooth. .uoui mrr eii .Ife, ' siui v virr.Aii if
Tit-Iiita. the vror'.U - i "i:iiful ulvk.rer.
SS Ceakt Ml ik.
One day a man waa brought he fore a '
re you narneri .
No, b:it my iatuer .a.'" rerjiid :h
fragm tar stealing a cluie front a
frocafa door, anrt the principal wtte i ;
", a carter, told how be bad nuri th: Tb ifc.i T
saaa take the cWw atvd hi run i !
ad held kun. j
"Then you caught him a the rieitrv
act ?" aid the jiiir.
"The v!iat. Hir?" .ni the -.vlt r.ea.
"You cauirhr him in the r.f ir-.i ua
act. T iy," repeated he ;i.:j -
-ot me. ls -h r-plv, '!
him hy -he --r-iff ,if the n x
'; -c. ..-io
S,tty' rtoiltrtc -e-r "rc .r. nr
ttv for tae ,1rt, -imp. :eaf 4i
lui! -i i' in -ar r"..Tj:;pr.
"V in 'ir!it .' .isina.
!-e r; : .. . r r.
"T".! ifuare .a -he -r.urul .uiU"
SgMativeiT xr,rses :ha i f -nan
rasaaataxi :e .h tfoml -ml. r-'xt
taaarv -irl wu a- ti cunn ij
.trsrer4W nret rtfcar- lUieMetr - hp --mm-ara
-imX t r;rj Tana t wetnm
ttxr-tnrry "u a 4 tr .lerrp'-iViUieti
ApriASi. Oawi i i ar - upt rnanv
rTlc-.ri rrh ; eonrioirv pce:t
It ne m: rani p var, .'.e t
"r;.;pr; ilec;,-ij '.'iiirovert Jr ve
ru.-..t i p-.r.-t uht Mif.r.j 'r
"TVw'r : r-;.-.-. .re
14mi) i"i v-
I - ' '
. I.
F3ct:onai Diffrnces at Oyster 3ay
V jets Pacsitiori Snthusiastic
Oyster Gar L. I.. June .3. ?r ?anient
xd I Ui.
. liv .irrivtM .it Hhiti&.lHinh..
B r ".3 4 ji. BaiOuiur. j ) , a
I'J it
hi .o iasr Suntmr'
Pv iv. :u a 7i sunaN
p smmag t l,illatlaipaia T S
K iu. HI 1 Huiiaaa JiU-
Rocseveit'i homwtiming for thi aum
i mer wm made the ocitxaion of a fete
i n tor W'aaaa-1 n,,r His r-M-eption ru aot'.ceahle
f"r in nth,:siast:c .-urliaity and Uke
v:dn ir ;ta v:jtr The :at:rr inailty
wis i ii to i silent facf.ona: ii2erncR
aaion the wvispeople. the rsuit
be:n 'hat h" irsiiii?nt tru ii-corlwt
a .tmibie rH-fpi.iin. The Oyster Hay
bna.-t 'f ";-iili. headed by Prident J.
Mcrn 'jr.rfin, had planned aa elab
orate liTiiitcjtr:it:un aad -Ajaembly-mun
Maur.ce Tjwtuwnd had amazed
Both wro urrted 7Ut vcorllng to
programmes, hut as h)th. were directed
to ihij siuje .-ad the friendly rtvairy
L Wislimciuu l Iu 4 in. Uoltltnim. 1 . .
v '-iuwu . t j tu. Qcrvncu tae tactions rsulwu oaiy :a
ki,? rr"".t Piilikrcii.nia . aduiue tu thi? enthusiaam of :ha recep
i m ii in r tion.
44. mvm at fhillMnbi ! l.vm., if rsu Suit
r ) u ui. luiiiur u I I. ' ' i . u
wmiviiw 1"ii,mphut k pm pres.nt"d to the people of Ovstw Bay
l ' by tie aa-r i -uarnntut. Then, staad-
ri SUMlluNI ,1 . ,.. ... . L
l . ' -T a u a i-uuir piactHi on -as steps
, ,',l'iu"', K ' I aJdr-9 "! djw.I .if his friends and
h Mww auiBhboit .a fruit of the huildin
1 - r
r H .
' ii vuuu m
Well Mar
F'IW llMulltt 111 41 .Imih.
'"-- i. nl4v 4AluWhMV4L
' hot liaer4. 41ij J4
I. .1 ,HiUill4t MC U lil
M.wl tlJI4vW ,
'-'.I UiHV.K. .MaUy hYlTi-44.
W, 4iU- UWMM.41H1
-u w .,.4,4 ilKUbiUH4.
l-Ut. HktlMigi 4WM4T4 U
Ui4 . iIsimm u - ,L tw4
l"uh VwU btUU4 tkuiv
" ' v vstt vixwiaj 4x4 1
vt uui v. 11 U.J, ll....
Y- ii.ui i, luMU Ua,unu
a. .4 1-, .1.. .. w . .
U-vui4i iw wmw a4M3
-V 1 a:i lhrt builvta t
XwCik.rir?rn? u ot Mm. whv
L Wi,i,MpA. ... rTr lt a teit dfad
(,,. "'yh (.4 y
n'vTT1rinA47wi r
Ajpy Wcrcwturv. N. J.. Man 3 Hot Dead
at His Door.
W.xidburr. N. J.. June 29. In; a
frvu'v t i;.ay;iuiuted ne John
I'Vi'' ,i'iit r viiu '.atciy ntrned
?': " ' . tu'iti. s. -unit ind in
swantiy ....... i .Villain M;:ik. ii) years
oiil. i' " v. "c "iiittif in 'uk street.
Vn-'w trr t ?i'w tuautes
lttii.'i-. li) ntLS not -.em "u very
tlll'l il l.lOUt hi
l'H.vtui .ui ; . i ."iUlttii tpva Mlsa
t,iiu', iiiiv.'ti'T ol Minims tftoilKh
tho Uutcr jiijt.i.Ki 'u ''aeu the
ytmns :i'i !1;'r cnlU-d tt 'h' hous to
s Mt Mm's :;-r fne'itT a:i.-.vr"d
his Mtiji si tlv dour nd 'he two men
stiMd fRf tu : TV're w: aii aa;ry
Htariil. it midst oi nKti, it '.a
vbai'Kvd, !'H.vtu drew a -evoivi.r aud
tilvd Ihteu ttim ai. tU uul nun.
tout tjiloct in the
awt-ed for aa
from th sttp to
th ddwa'.K. lyn nuiotly sub
utttd to areeKt wra Oiflvt-r Uupsoa
cutw4 vim d wa taHea to jail au4
i)va avt aewiu to crk
Owe TS'iiniaa.
"f 1 ir. nnin -nii.l u '. Mir
nierreet in. I .-v-? .-. tir. i.r. 1 .. r'V
Tv. .iUh "n i T.r..v xi: 1 ( r
I' 1 .:U ..i .o;.f pmo.l :i.r'
n ir.llrt-.,, knoT -iut . un-.ii -r j jr
B.ith tian.f ir ! w.iLa -i. .jB.: .-.-r.
A-irl vet -he PKlRll : ti4.
T.v mju in-; p. jf-,un ,-r-BcitU4e.
::-.( .i,irr" -r; l".l jwi.
ate n ..w-!t;;irt , ..'.Arjn.
T .w:i T on.a.
im: nnTi.iHKr) run will.
. ii ;
l inii
i.i..wwi -iwr-cjy r ; -M v
V. at... " J-'" '.'-va iv J;r : vw r '
;r- v - -r--jc. m.-f....- ; .-c. ;-
h--- i: 1 -,r.r.r
o.v.r.: rrr-- !.e Mtr;. -.,;rt. p- v o : . -rt . j ,
-r-r- 't-...rr:i. ,r. .- . -r..ta
r.l.-.-. '.( ri- wsustlr . . iv.-t
'hue ;r'."r:.,- '..--.r ,f5ur.;j,
"a p:;. urs.-ir '.at .
TTTi ,-r. l--u-il .4PCVT-:
r prn 4rt. " r . f ...
."pee .i :"..-. .. ".4. ,-r ,c T
. t,r.-cr. n.' - --i. "'""
.ier ..u-.rf it.u -ut .-rr4 ' '
tt -'' 1'- : .i: 4 ..r.a .-r-f: --j. -u. , .
l- ' " '..A'lif. P-UM u- - etk.. ..,.v.':
t:rp -..t .r t'jr..'.: r.--r.r .i , v. . .
CPI 41-1 -l-f-r. ( r I --j, - r..l
ck n.
- .liver.-
rtefitr T;ui.
T..I- ' '
;. V"ip- . .
W 'Tir I T-r-po 14.I.-.IT Sp -i d
ntc. iint rtt-r.t npcu.inp s-c .o e-rr
- ,TP! i J'ik 4u: ;p n ag r-s
C'.r u..l u-t.lo .ct v.-jl 1 M-rt. rrm
an :i it :-ip -rta n-
Ui4 ma Mifsa. aa &
i'l .
TflPil 4 .4;pf liiil.
U'e.-n i-.l i. i .v
sot ; iitir'-ii.'
r..e i-ti.e J'r-V'r iin
.iitmti .' Ilmly LI-,: -.-r
nu'Ac-r"! ke?c!i"l .u i :.urr.a.'
.'. ic t-a.r
r -it--
tcorr.t vi i.'vrircte or Dr
jiilupn Jci-.ical iiacwi.Pi v
3r. rrri. !aniaa rae isnicoi
ianaer s r.t mr xi -pectrt i
o -oar rrrpr.. a ri;ir: mr. iera
;l ir.e-vnt .tinra cr h aror -overrc
xxit. it i tiers -or loth vtustt
iuiT.p. iiiurrss Jr. i. ' trce. jax-
41. M '
2f oo your husbaud Uas r:vra no i
amtiiviu. I: requires i pn-tty jtroug
will to acctimpiUa. thatl
he VVell. V i have van unuvrsfand i
that t aavp smir.i; ivtil! Opr t"uu. '
She linLtws i t rt!, ju; I -t!'. nor 7.. id,
lv.:vBt : -x.-ii? tap :suri- i -ipr :w :
tn -r thp evemna s.n.n-1 '! : u.l wi
t'i a-ar t tir lion. . v 1. 1 aum '
rite .irir. W ' ' " ' 1 !
'".l''trfis r Linus '. i..s -hMsnv.rtit
w.iv a -he .vi.rt.L - "' ' frtpfor
v.-: aiiarsihs i. iv.- vru. 1 arm Varitft ii.. rtarnstmr i'l..
jeiipvpr in hweuit y. ' -'V.jifijcj4n "M,W - -r iMraw-pt
"V ,i1pi ior 4il rnuiwv
ooms. ZH uia5iic. ioou eal. Z!c
1 JU . '
C'- .a:
i e POi 1 4
hMdy Rtrvd Taattt Strtemw tt
iltoo. Treir Automatical ly.
TTaea the tr!a :hry vill. anti
her ia iresb. prouf of ;t: The oau
mcu -if Evanaviile. Ind.. awnily
formed . c-jramne aad adrauoe-1 -heir
pr.cts fur titikUi a cuupie ? the
ater from ono dollar to t-wo doilaxs.
This led to the r'uraiatioa of "gma
shoe" uaioa oa the part of the society
tri. who walked, rather thaa pay the
priM demanded. The business of the
cabmen full oif. aad they had. to go
back, tu tho old pnetaw The giria acw
wow rejoicuijf over their victory, to
which, they were helped by the aup
port of the travfting men. who wvre
aiZectet by correspomiinjf iscreaae
ot other racva aad haul armajred'to V
tho city ooiuuai to paca aa. onSamaam
establiahisx' a uniform, pricta fttr
llefPPee.l fO De-IP l'-Ptlrt.
'Ip -il tL.iiji j. .:.: .iav. .uort
uiinir -r : in iinni".;.'s '
-rhi i t liaiviv ? u Tiurit ilc
Mis - irner-. si:e haji 'i4i -xnpnpfiv
:a vtii .apafities. Tit-GStA
H! :pp.
7-inersI Dim-mr 1 .'Ptrrirmnn
mtcrti- ioiir' Vn nip .f -Lea
oottrai rs, sir'
;piTleman Tes. He divert me 300.
T Herald.
T"t 'hey retuned -nrtr -n-.r;.'
nscr-ptT It ia too bad.
Husband (twao ihinki he oin write)
Tea: 'hat is what the editor aid.
about it. Ttt-Oits. I
How tt HeDiteaptL
t hear you were iturtiaif ap -appra
last nmmer."
Tps. r worked ia a pickle factory."
P-inePton Hirer.
Akfena. Wonida' t you like to have
Taauqiar alarm put ia youraonae?
Mr. Bloke TJon't need it. re jot
wtfe, JT. Y. Weekly.
Attui iu p - Igaorascw ot the law c
Oatiti iTaTfTj. at eoTTXTM, s Ias-
hlt ..wv ' i
- I
Corrzct Siiv wsrs
Cjrrivtiiicharni-ti-r. .it-stt; ir. i I
'vT:;raan.-!:iri is ti--?M.- -f
4uKv cuina ane .men .1 '.i
'voiiia lin-e c.-er-.Thini; :n nxi
-.ate .iad aarrncinr. :C.:n-.
forks. .ins.uid:jaicrrnpcwtfir -1
talile xe will .x; correct J. -tected
:mrn stimneti
" 'MH4 TV intmiii.aiu.
me" r'tip tf4444w(n JU. 144.
SMMT-Caw tfcrviaaw Oaaat
. tie i. . i -
antcm -rarL.h L-
-Ua - .
: t, L, I..;-:.-,... -
;; t i -K'-?i m-.
'f lirtr nvi i .
Hicv -.;; :u- ,:v. ,
id ,iateatat.Ii:v r.i. ..
reat isettii.i:.v- -,u uvi
rtun !iiv.:ia.
Vtuiu i'tui-nii wi;U l.r
est olaims -e-jmt t.
;akyTDrr.:s. W-tu- wu.r.
; . Huu T.'.r. r-tw-rt. I
a- iutimi !r a. cc c (tcic. tj
f v