The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 02, 1903, Image 1

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iote TAcato
ve ft job ot erf not
,n htnd. They mu.t 0
Tha price will do
s and prices fof the sk-
ft furnish them printed
than you can buy them
niillr. "4 PrsprlfUr.
A Family Jraraal, fitftti I JUws, Scicacs, Art, ftlttteal femr ia Cff Lirtr.
l .r Aiw it
Tdqtot a
J- j, - ,
H fin Wrm
y Little Liners.
and the Hustle of the
Seat, Told In Brief
Lr or Prominent.
pnfiilatlnn and Ev "
y( 5Hy Criolty end
L tha Thlrl tr
. L.
liem ween.
for the I''T.
bglor left for Ienver, Colo-
if the year of 1908 In past
Jut Mill will celebrate the
linlth of BiUId Is visit
'alter lias been on the sick
Voar was away on a bum-
Mix of Pawling spent Hun'
pa rent a.
M TroxeWllle waa at the
I Herman of Wyoming I
At at this place.
. Aurand wan at the
onday evening.
Jhn and wife of the Cen-
n lO r reeourg nui.
Syeonthe "Coming Ev-
Send In your announce-
Id and John Halnea, who
y working are At home
pureWlnea and Whig-
VI uae at the Middleburg
L E. McLain end chil-
y, Pa., are visiting at M.
IF. Charles ia visiting her
r, Mrs. Edwin Charles
and B. W. Yoder took
fair ami Carnival at
hoch attended a meet-
of Directors at Susue
Vlty last week.
)urg Drug Store has ad-
e of pure Wines ami
taedieal use. tf.
Jrd and wife of Selins-
Wurduy la town with
Mrs. M. I. Potter.
r, Cashier or tue first
of Beaver Springs, ami
Sunday at Reno Wal-
yner of Clearfield eounty
lu this place with his
Hemy R. Tobias and
Vs, Editor of the State
V' spent Sunday with
b. w. Hums uu frugnr
rotor fur a prescription
Suhlluburg Drug Store
lues Htul Whiskies for
reeger, Mlsae Libbie
Lillian stutlerand Bosa
iplug and fishing noar
p. Msge was in tow ii
d paid l.vvi Aumnd'H
preparing to go on it
u to l.iikri'" next wwk,
Smith and Kdwin
Saiuiday from lhui
hey vt-itid IMtinhuiK
re iviuuiiim Umi.
atudnt o( tlui sU
Khod hi Scotland, I'm
pU l(. Maiko nud
M atWu4 tiv
)outheM CIumcm.
SllVUplvl), U ImuIi
rwiHw fvwuy tv
ttautsxling a kylVUv
I o him. t(
m hAk vvtuvluM
tvv rw w
4 Mouday Uv
Any enwri desiring jcof"! fertilizer
should purrliAHM th Lack awanna Fer
tilizer. Hce me lefore purohaHinn eltwv
W. I). Bl 1lFH,
M-lt. K reamer, fa
F'rof. Wm. K. Maireeof Houth lth
lehem, I'renident of the South Il-tliv
hem BiiHinexH Oilleire, and Harry H.
Marter of Sunliiiry and Jsm K. M
gi of Krefuner Monday were gnesti of
f)r. J. V. f)rwl(r.
Mirtwn Pearl Hs and Sarah Kleek
ner two "ffcllo" ((Iris of Munhury a
'ompalned hy f'. SliolMtx-rer ami
sister of Frceliiirtf were in town Satur
day evening making sororal -lls r.n
their "Jfello" sisters.
MiHwn Ortha Onrad and Nettie
MoKall, two of SVlirmgrove's "Hello"
(iris, aor-ompnined hy two favorite
friends, Mesxr. Heimlxu h and Snyder
were In town Sunday Imtween showers
making sororal caIIs.
Potter's Mills, where the four r.t
lers were raptured Saturday a week
ago, Is only twelve miles from P.anner
vllle, where Oeorge Market was fatal
ly wounded laxt November. This
seems to le a dangerous locality.
Call on A. K. Holes In his new mi
ing and hair cutting parlor for your
head clanel with a refreshing sham
poo and a clean towel to each patron
on the north side of Market square op
posite Central Hotel. Satisfaction guar
anteed, tf.
FOR SALE. Store room and
dwelling. New building, good Imsi-r
nesfl stand. Business carried on at
present. For particulars, Address,
"M." 206, care of Post, Middle
burg, Pa. tf.
W. E. Houseworth, Fish warden of
Selinsgrove was In town last week on
official business. The Fish Commis
sioner haa instructed him to see that
the streams are not polluted. The tan
neries In th County have been given
special notice on this particular point.
U'Sulre A. K. Gift took a stroll to
Sunbury Friday to see what electric
lights and water works look like.
These conveniences are not as plenti
ml here as they were in Mr. Gift's
western home. They are coming here
too 'Squire.
Have you ever read any of Swedcn-
borg's Works? If uot, will you -nd
me your address enclosing a stamp or
two audi will mail you one of his
bookj FREE. State whetheryou want
it m English or iu German.
AnnuMi Boeder,
SO Cleveland street,
tf-, X.J
Jiwtii-es of the peace are hereby
warned that the U. S. Pension Agency
at Pittsburg, Pa., will reject all vouch.
ers executed by them, unless they
comply strictly with the Act of Assem
bly approved April 23, 1903, requiring
them to use a seal as dweribed iu Sec
tion 2, uud that date of expiration of
conimissiuu be given. Aldermen, be
ing ex-olllcio justices of the peace, will
be required t- comply with said Act.
E. W. Custer of Smibury speutaday
at home receuily.
Banks Vtv siit Saturday out of
M. L. lvreverof tjiloU) Mills sput
ttim.lHy uvcuiug iu town.
KUki' ttiul Itiod Shvutory of Kreaui-
or spvul Krulay lu town.
Eil, C'oi kins and I'aiuily of Suubury
;m piiiduin Mviuc liutc with S. it.
John Situutluch trubsttcled luiiiiucs
:tt tMNlou tile I'hltilHy.
lialph NVhuci iuid t'liailea llax at-li-UsWU
Ihv I'enlivul ut the Summit SL
UtUv etuuuii.
NVn. Sudtt if iicai IVutvrvillu was
ut uw it KikUy.
, StutUy wcuuiji U. V. MiUihvl of
ttt'kttUtci' auvl Mi Aiuiiy BviiVcr of
tUiapUto vvviv umul iu the holy
tiollvW ot Uia.Uimouy by . AV. K-.ll-hl.
l'ht uv" l.y mitriicvl couple will
iutV lUviv '"uluiv Uoiuo at Burnham.
iMV Svuti; y i.-.ltvs ittiiu u loiq; ami
I'WuVV'lVVv jvy iH-y over tltc lujjvdjsia
oi; inv.
Mi. tkV UauU.aud i-luldivu tf Bcr
vy iy'k avv ;itdluij s ui) Uuio w lilt the
I'vmvV u.unV' Mi- Uvury Beaver.
Yauaud, Uiei .Bluatuau of lylss
Iuaimvv ut Saturday evenlug in
Mis. U'V l llvud ehildmn of Mil
lvrVW visiting lrocKcry
The Tascarnra Oil and Gas Company.
The Tuscarora Oil and Gas Cnti.
T'schers Rlected
The following named teaehers have
pany, recently organized, is offering ' ben elected in Snyder County fr
srek at 2ft rents per share ( par vslue i aJported to lis
1.00). This c.nipny, as soon s .
sufflclent ca-h is siiWrHed, will im- '
meliately sink a wpII and thoroughly i
test the trim and oil finlds of Juniata
Well known experts say that oil and
gasex!stin paying qnsnitiei and if it
is there this company will soon know. !
The directors are all well known
men to our citizens and know that ;
they will handle fhe afftirs of the com-
pany in a manner mot d vantageotm
The directfrs are: William ffertler, :
Kx-StAfe Senator, Port Koyal, Pa.; T. j
K. Beaver F.x-Memter of Ansemhly, j
Acadcmia, Pa.; A. (I. Shool, Flitor, i
MitTlintown, Pa ; Will X.. Ifoopes, j
Attorney, MitTlintown, Pa.; A. M
Worstall, F.lectrlc Engineer, Phila i
Mef lure Oram.- flnney A. F'.Hkr.
" Prt.- T. A. Wgner.
Vfiddlewsrth--A A. Kline.
Verdant l,awn--Katie M. Seal.
Falrview- f,. f:. Wsirner.
Bidge-- . F Wsgner
P.annerville Malle f;titelini
PRAVKM v Towyswit.
Grammar f.. ( Rschman.
Primary - fvnia Walter.
PaxtonvilleGram- W. Zimmerman
" Primary-F.Ida Orayhlll.
F.rdley'-- Homer fowriy.
Glft'vrfWin Walter.
Hasslnger Vincent Wetzel.
Kennlnger's Wm. Romig.
Pa.; O. M. Copelin, Manager Boyd ' fJGilhert's .foyr' va.ant.
Stickney A, (., f farrisburg. Pa.; J. B.
Kurt, Attorney, Altona, Pa.; Dr. I. N.
Gnibb, Physician, Thompsontown,
Pa., William J. .'amptell, geolgolist,
Seed's Gap, Pa.; Wni.K. Nanksville,
Theatrical Manager, N. Y.; Carl F.
F4tpensc.ha4ie, fepiity Collector Inter
nal Bevenue, MitTlintown, Pa.; H. B
Martin, New Jersey Corporation Guar
antee Trust Company, Canden N. J.
The Tuscarora Oil and CMs Company
has under leaxe what is considered hy
ail experts to be the most promising
land in Juniala county, and thai oil or
gas will be struck in this section at at
lean depth, thus saving thousands of
dollars in drilling over any other ev
lion of the county.
The sulttcrlptions to this company
are coming in very rapidly and the
prospects are very favorable for early
John S. Kautfman of Fraukiin town
ship spent lant Thursday in Sunbury
settling a guardian account.
Our Job department ia now turning
out a forty-page book for a party in
' Bloomsburg and ;i order for envelope
that go to Galewburg, III.
Antes S. Buhl and wife of Roekfrrd,
Bl., F. J. Schoch and Ethel D. Schoeh
of Selinsgrove dined with Hon. G. A.
Schoch and wife Tuesday.
Bev. J. M. Beariek of Center Hall
was in this place last week on his way
home from attending the mneral -if
his father, Samuel Hearten, at Beaver
Bev. N. A. Kiracoff made his fliM
trip to Milllinbnrg and Buffalo Valley
lat week. He was very much im.
pressed with the rich sod, handsome
buildings and prosperous farms.
'Squire James M. Vanand t of ibis
place, P. K. Blecker of Selinsgrove and
Thomas Bathfon of Paxtonvtlle attend
ed the Beunion of the Pennsylvania
Reserves at Harrtshurg last week.
Saturday we sent one hundred enpie
of "Theory and Practice of Advertia.
ing"'' to Wilson's Modern Business
College, Seattle Washington. This is
the largest t.'ommercal institution on
the Pacific Coast.
In order to give our employes a va
cation, there will be no paper issued
from this ortice next week. Many of
the papers in this County have tus
iiided publication this week. The
business oilice however will be open ail
week for any susjriptlon, Job work, etc.
The County Comminsioners have or-1
dered the phones taken out of the Court
bouse. The pltoue lias become u j
iieerasity of modem business and it
Salary per month.
Principal H. B. Oladfelter.
Asst. Prtnefpi Wm Stan f Km-.
Tth and tth Grades--fanny Jacob.
th and rtth Grades f,ylla Fisher
Fonrth Grade-Fx1ith D. P.Uier.
Thiro Grarte Jnnte H. Miller.
Second Gnwle Delia K. Bums
First Graile-Neltle O. Forgy.
Bever Springs Gram.- C. Romig.
" Prim. F.tella Itomlg,
Ewlng' Ira A. Kline.
Bickel's-J. c. Herhster.
msh'-W. H. Kilne.
Other 'hool not supplied.
I'viny towvshii.
Prot Trevrton -id.- T. 1. Herrold.
Prt.-D. S. Herrold.
Winner" Howard Seholl.
KarrowsMoUleti. Bigle.
Scholl' Ctrn, IC. School.
Herrold' M. ft Bmbaker.
S. Herrold'9E.i. Wolf.
Exaetly same as last year, Jarv f2S
per IP' n di.
w utHivtmtv rwvHHip.
Grammar Sebonl Thos. R. RofT.
Secondary :frv v. ITilbish.
rnferniediate V-n tr. ilmwn
Primary Grace Hoffman.
Miller' Raw .YToyir.
X-ii4 Vlley iWha Hhatfer.
Flint Valley;. .. l. i.laaw.
iteii-henhai-h' A moo Shatrer.
KM Rank F. H. Holtanple.
While Top Mary -Urti.
Summit Roy Risen haner.
Tiiere wa no net ion taken on
prilii-iualahip of the Uw:i etioola.
Pfer s;.,.c! Vi.
Peter Riirel, wr of John R'ifcl 'd
his .rif, ( niheritto R'nijfHOnii.
brrn st Bv-r )f ir'mf.' 'V-t j" ' 4
jsnd tie hi- (') i V!-!.!i...r..wlr-:
June i. ;irw , tb.- ,- -r .--iru it imH ;a y
j .V: iMari-;.-1 ,, f.,r,l,l, biles. 1
i rtr'h, irn ,n V7 i !-,i.!-iMr r !
I rf-vn V.r vr,llj-r',ri, , jt4twiMi
of Vuiional .-,i)'i'Mioo n (ii lv
j ff "h1 'ell -), i l1 r.i, , !( 'e-'
1 I'exwl ,t .,111 r'f.. 1 Irut l.r.
I F.pbraim An't-Hxe i.i.l ,-i-e l1 ti
j :)ie)r yooi'n.
j 1. Ahihi'Ih IMMr-it-.l . ,.
I ;iier-bmit ,,il i -tmsF f ,fi,).fU.
j ,relr
j J. 'A'. I limit if imnt.t ,fm-v .
Manr.-r i C.dinii,- ' ,.M-i,r. r !,.!
. y--r nut in-r .iiiu ,1 ,(nvi.r'
j t if n. ,J -fer ; t r -l.i-lrnjs ,
I Aent, a roll ,fio-i ,11 r...
j 'VUinty
t. Harriet nsrHKl i ,t '.tur f'
l'ecaor. MilTlin i .innty
john M. owl iti'.,r wi. (. '
Spring voT-iuhit) '
receaHv( rs t ii.TTiler if be
vil'- F:atenlty. A -. be ,iilr j
rason iu Middlehnrif ,r-1 .'o. -ill
and :be wt n be .i.leot Maeon n i
lite .oiintv Hon. jw iVr.iiJ. fno'!
iMesf ife lrr leoame A Mon I
Xlg1it.V n kit-tie .'..w
.-fit Jr.
);iir r' tv.,
I ?
I ..
..' 1
il k .v,o . r I
l ,t. it;., , ., . , ..
-. . . t or, . . i .
tt W! i mii4.,i ....
'p-ft-.r, , .
. Mn ' r
Hi i .-J. ( , s i 'I ,
f?Vt ' it e .ia.ii' , t
' I i f i 'a i '..t.r
0 HMVt ll.O'll'M-1- ,,l
i-kT. .. . i j I i i .
I. . .''iiemMinent i -rj,ik,
.1 -,
; -.l..
i.Im- r
.v HM. -iWlliAgTorw. Vitl bi.h .hIHt:av c.t
r'llulrew n .M o -onoect limselff -eh.M.( ii;i ,
v'tlt be tet ri&n if Ion uf . bi-t ',! I Sr ,-l
i . ' ..ii.u ri.lw . i.olm.
Ill .. t ,
1 '1 u ..wl'i.
j flenilTi o 'lie. burcli.
i ng -aker ir.tll learb .intimiHtert I
nun o -wef.j) t-Kt.
The :unera ocit
vns kt tender!
.Jm-e -iniKtav ind
ares :iiinUer .f
''i I ,,h.r,
-"II1I1HV ClHI.l Kf . r.,,,,,1
neir inmui p",(.
Vm, HfWAKT.-t.'.
SamiMt Rewtefcof Ueaverr.iwn
JnrH IW r f, ,ee , ,f 74 ear. (
;nontbs :7 ux. ;le i-ns 'iiiirrtt I
June ii 5. .frv u,n .Uines. !
i To 'hi 'inion on
; 'two !atiiftii.p.. n
i l.iltbernn '.I in r-r-
.111. I- i-Cji .Anj tin. I
r '.e oiis ire I
. i . f
. f. if ' ' '
-innilav -cti..t -f7j ;.M lHr ifv itIc.
Fr-mesrfc. unit '.ntitii- n-
.'mriv ii
. -'Illo
Engine Fur Sale
A twelve horse power pnrtatile Fried
F.mrine is ottered at ;)r.-aie le. it
can l een at Stmptown. fnnmre f
F S. .sriiitrp,
'f "tmnnrown. Pn.
Who Is He;
Who is it that makes the ifewer
gallous: wears-longer paiuc ."
" enter Hall m.t v
.ft Win i Jki r 1 1 -.
r.iilltemn .-tuiri-b i
.-'iiirc.'i ori; , ;
uu ..i -o 1 l,
ttuneit af vtt-n
.'itooitav -aj4.
:nwrj.tiii) i,vni
VUM .-.Ills 'III ,1,.
'. . I
-s I
v i r nn i
-.-ll. ' '..IIV ..-i
- t vf.-.r, i
b. 1.1 i
f i .--Vr ',
l Kl l .-..f
i v.iMi.r.
en.-- in.,
r if .-'..lii
or a. ,1
VLunor .tin.
JoJcr l.ik.n.
vi 11 .cerate n v -Mr
Walter L Main s Eiiiirawus Shuws.
The Manager of the aoov Circus
agrees to come to Middleburg early in
the tail if they can secure free liceuse,
frw iill boards, free grounds and per
mission to hang bills in windows with
out ifivuig free tickets.
They ask these concessions for the
rea.-na that the towu is smuil and the
business i.ieu will secure large beuetita
:-ir. t . -ir
a:tl ..' -. . .
"'e n i --er ;j :. .CC . fit.
FrsuiKlia :Ua year a. a i.v; ui tr' Icr .-j
patrons to iinutf Jit". r ttin;,- n :;r ' :er.-s : ; .t-. ..j .
mill. I viil . em .1 -natif . ult-r H;urs--r: ts -r: :.-
day July -i. Viter Uat. -he un -riii J i2 ii-. -r.a.-. - . "i
be rueiuv tua '.'I.uruv t -vurr:1
weeK .mill otherwise :iua::t-t.
i N I i. .-TIUil .
:;-J ir
in - iAS
mence i.r wiverrjinsr.
'ix? -set -: J.-r:j:::.-t
1-Trr-r- Vf j: -3 ;x ;i.
.a:; -- irr.
iH3l,eeuan.eaosoisup,.ly.nKtaxpay-! Ur . ."9
t-rs with lnlormaiioii rum the court i . . , J
, ... , . ,', ,r hcuviiy !'. mauy miles and run i-XL-ur-
houst'. It lsexireuielyi oubtful wheih-. . ,
j uem Sltm tRima uu the railroads. l-bu
! lutye two trains of '.( . ars, a three-ntuj
! i .i. i
i.u'-us ituu uue ut iuc iei suows uu tue
..... ... I nun:
rouu. i nis suow -tiould iinnif Iiiihhii uuaiiis(ion, io. ;ll
ivtnilelo luwu aud is worth in .t lnwi.I Sheuauiiouii, i'siu
er the tajt-payi-is i ate for this kind .i
Annual Low-Kate Kxcaisivns ;j
lantic Litr. ac. ;.i I'tnm. Xa;,-
The i'enns.viviuiu :;t..r.-,a
pauv has irmtiL'r-i ..;
lUUtiay t-xcurs toils . r ; .i- j r-- tr.
rau.3 r-
' i.:
Loyd V. Waiter whojut graUuuted
from SusqiU'Uauua University, left
htal Thursday moiu.iig for a four wevks
trip to ot'thlieid' Ma, for u cour u(
biblo study, lie is nccuiupiutied by
three College friends, lu Soutejijvf
he will euler the 'I heoloicii depart
ment aud will htudy for the gopcl
Ministry. Mr. Walter is a piouiisiun
young mau and Kraiikliu tot,uUip
can well feel piouJ of him.
Junei"), by lUiv. 1L H. Simhu, Pal
mer P, Veliuey and Faille 1), Kerstel-
terbotlt of IXvtouvllU,
June 7, by Kev. W. K. Dklil,
V. M.Ucln-11 of Kreuiuer and Annie C.
Heaver of Swineford.
Saturday btjug a legal holiday tho
'irst National Bank of thh pluc Mill
W closed. ; ' '" ' '
;"ou inim irt!i l et'
way Uie coueesMOUs itsked.
KeiluvLtl Kates to Mt. Crt'iu via
Pcuut)lvauia . Kaiirouil.
Kot Llie Peuusylvauia Chaiilamiua,
U be htld at Mt. (iruia, Pa., July i
to August, i, lisja, the Peutioyivatiiii
lisilroud Coutuauy w ill mjil spviai ex
cuisiou tiekwufrwui -New Voik. i'bila.
.iu-..i.:.. , t ll:ti T.i
ireil-UM, viwuiut ilUI, 1 UAlilXVtjie,
WuiuiiiKtou, I'wrwviiin, Fnalwiek.
.uu., aouutgwu. u. c, l-.atJLitnuty,
Butler, J ujitujtt, CouiitaavUie, Beiiie-tu,
CIutruuM, MttiliuoLuig, Beiiouui,
.Vu . .rl. .i-.I tf-u....ii 7. .... Uvn ,
i Ut II klh. iil. .
Toiuhk'kvu, Mt, CaiuiOl, Lvktita. aJ3,' I,, f.. . . I :.. . . 1. ... . .r,
inuM.tv4Utwlui;UUItV jIUlUUlf lu. lu
Gretna and return at, reJuui
I'l. .)., ...Ill t. . I 1 i , t rt U:li ..
tvttt.vs ntu Wluu JUUlj -J, lU.VUUaii ukua, t t''vj- lO .Kr.tiirt, m i-. 'f
until Auftait 13, liv'tuiivu. Fe-t; b(HC
ratedcoaault tltLet aeaU... 2-t
mici meumc si a '.n
inuuu i rauea ! u .
tape .May. 'c.-au - iy.
( Avaiou, Aiixn'Mit, 'i;.utini
I lie iUat'ii. - hi I'tlio.,., ...
Augunk o aui . i .'.).
I .Xcuisiou Uvitci.-, ...i.-1u to u-ium i
rruiUt iiauis wiUim ieui.a.s. ml vi
Sold at VelJ- low i.tven. I'tc.fis U) VI-,
lttittie City wo! t- .-uM u k--.
wateitivui j;riti iJouie, IHm.uiV -..
rati luiw, m via Huiivei. ( iwi Vh.tii,,
l'hitiiuvipUta. wiu ixt !iau l i'htl&uta-.
phut, iiilii Kwtiti- tintuiiui, jitmij
lilutl ot ticket.
l'Ol iUtOittuMlOa in iraiu U -14,1 lib)
rtkiuta tiutu ot ttaaiji iAuuil ituiul
L.ll Hill lev
l!l 'A .v.. I,..,
t. or '4tul-.ts4 t. ,vi ,, KrU'A:t
uluiuri;. )ju to;n cf t.
nu,mv-i4,JliKev Akmi, WiiliaanM
PMA.t-V -J.U 'ir
r. . f. Jtni(k
v tlihtltlti .
'ttapii. V iJtwita,
I. Wuiibf. kiYi
ittiiw t'tli