The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 25, 1903, Image 8

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kx.uti.y as wvnrnr.n
If vuu sv it 1.1 our Hi! vi i t ivomool uM ;iuroil (li:t( your
; i will nut on-! with liajjJ't'ii,,ii. Wo :i 1 1. iw
. , -,' to Iv iniii i,:o--,,i'o i n.r :ir -c: ' 1, vo "-oil t .
:n".!v w.'i Iiti'Iin1. Toi i. of o ur. , I'm' t!o f."V ln
i-t m.. ; .in... I i!i tho ;i-riik:!it f.mvn! pli-y
.i.'n 1 i ; : t ; 1-1 ' i ii : ; 1 of llii lioiit.
V 111 IT". i- s --' 'Th'' womnn ir white" i a ronl
i :i i-.. iiii' . :' . Mtiti'snTv itovs Uio'.v Wa-.YliotiM'
- i.riiv li w i !;i !m.1 oircelv (i mike il so.
i v !: t'-.r ;i ii.. .ino :.;i1 livr al lV.
1 l 1
i '. ) r"
.:. ,- i.v ' :.. i.i.'i.' .-I-., per v.l.
f c. v . I i n.u: I . nr ..
. - v A Mil W. I'l l Pi. in! .
v. mi: I !!. ,.s.
jvijinlar piiiv.
is I iL-riiio of i.
rioos. Suini.irr 1 -v:ii
tngvdj. Tb cltliens of Wilmington
in.; I
i..':;t.' i
i to
TMnn strivs our pn.v
i.v, r:j.
.nil- M VMI'.i; SKIKTS lolio- summer skirl.--'mMo
i'nok, t -immoil, l!oo with white dot. Maok with
f.-t !imi plain oolorv. our prior l.!'S, ?'2 .'2 $'2.0s.
-kirt- .!' IintoholN Tnn-;
!r;ii- top mi
i..':;t,v liWi!.',
Y..:;li ?t;.0.
.:'iio- -iimioor
! w oh o row
-.' S.'i.ltll.
1)II irrTi llKKS 1-1NKN SKI iriS. strap-.!
in niMti'iinl on' prioi Js'2.T.r.
ulii- -minnor -kirt- ! India Linon. dicj In mi, 4 ino!.
loi t.i ;tii"i Iitt4in (nr prior fo.i'i'
' (n r- nf tint lndin Iinon trimniod with S rmv olnny
.n icoiiiiil ki'-t iind ! row- inrrtion nt fnji nnr prior
i -: I !-- -limine!'
o.,r price ?:'.."2o.
ikirt- ot Pique, skirt with o tews irror
(tlu r- strfipiH with snuie noitorial lit
,Ann wiinr. siiikt waists--i.o(i wnnh
i f line n i. u Liuii. rniiiroidorN and lin ks, f 1 .2." worth
..t' line whiti lawn. iieiii-tiloh(s tuck-and eiidiroidorv
white l:wii of )'!'
..'J., wort I
i (if tue!;-.
RASi;i I'arnsols with mvpr- '
mil pn- c" in il:tok wliite. nud
inch a-- ii 'm-'itehr!. rinliroider"i ;'
from ?l.(tc t-
GlnbE UJ3rEtou-,e.
r Market Street, b.iadury, I'a,
pne si!.
I I 111 II I Nil IN and thai In tk rlctnltr of tb mm
EtinVlllllU 111 of th crlm wanted nn Immediate
. trlal.and AtttorneyGcnernl H. H. Ward
IlFI A WARP IaM th natter befom the court on
VlilitX If AIlU Thuraday, with thnt rr.l In vtrw. Tha
, ' court. hnwTpr, did re t ct iv '.'er lomtn
Gcorce White, Murderer of Miss ' piint. nd ti - ? m v ..t for
tha Soptcmher trm .." "ir!. Wltb
Uishop, Burned at Stake. : this declnlon of the o -r! tin m -r
' i incrlaga of mob vloleiu o lir aiao loud-
nr cnvrcccrh nir orinc I nl th" InJlpnntl"" 'f the iwple
ill: U)iM tSSLU IUU CM llC crew hourly. Sunday nlKht too aniall
crowd i frathetrd In the rln!ty of
the Jail, but they were tvn dteperned.
The eoroner'a Inqnrnt waa held yea
twday. but the authorltioa, ffarlng
thnt harm would betatl the negro, ha
waa not taKen from the workhouse,
and the Inquent waa imn-epded with
without hla preaenoe. The verdlet of
the Jury was that Mts !'!"irp ratr
to her death "from the rfTeetg of an aa
tault rinnittted uim her by oue
OeorKa White, a nopro."
Tha Major General Will De Head of
Staff After Ai--et 1?.
Wablnston, June ?u - Th-. rrel
dent baa detailed Oereral H P.
M. Yo'inn to be chief of the general
ataff of the army, nh Ue rank of
Mob of Savtral Thousand Stormed
Wilmington, Del, Werkhoue, and,
Securing White, Took Him to Scena
of Crime and Burned Him Prison
Guards Fired on Crowd, Wounding
Wtlmlreton. lel.. .tune 21--A north
ern nob led by a YlrRinlan, burned
; r.eRm m the xtaVe within a few
n.tles of Mason and Plxon'a lino.
The vvt'ni was (orte K. White, a
nei;iv r,c; ,nt of the workhouse, who
wjis in i used of hvinc felon'onsly
sauced ar.l stahbed to death Mis
Hi .. t. S l?isho; the 17-year-old daiiKh
Ki ,.; tV.o Kev. IT. U. A. lV.nhop. The
.rl.' .e ti as rommllted lat Monday af-ina.-.
r. and ever alnee then there
have heen n'.utterinfiR of lynehinR the
Aa effort was made Fnnday nleht
tr .ei White, but it failed. last ntftht,
however as a result of the law's slow
ness and ninth aitatton on the part
of those l;o oriiHl for vonpeanoe, a
moh that was estimated fit 40iifl men
and hoys fcaihered In the neighbor
hinid of l'Vfee's Corner, four miles from
here. They eame from everywhere,
lieJa.lins Wilminpton and the small
towns to the south of the Trtoe's Cor
ner Sunday niphfa lar-k of a leader waa
supplied b a Vlrpinian. whose Iden
tity. In the eonfuskvn and exeitement.
eonld not be learned. The poliea of
Wllmlnpton and the constables tried
to i!lsrerae the prowInK crowd, but
without avail. Tt was evident that
hundreds eame from mere curloaity,
but once In the mob they became In
flamed with the spirit pervading the
throng and then actlvoly Joined It,
The real loaders were few In numbera.
but they did their work well. It was
after 1ft o'clock when the march to
the workhouse, a mile away, waa
I taker up. The chief warden of the
i workhouse and his guards, who have
been on sjinost constant duty since
the fegro was landed In the prison,
hod been warned of the eomlnc of the
far T
wsatt'a a m. vootkv
lieutenant general, on and after Au
gust It of thla year; also Major Gen
eral Henry C. Corbln. Adjutant Gen
eral and Brigadier General William
H. Carter to be members of the gen
eral staff.
General Young Is relieved as presi
dent of the War College, and will b
succeeded by Brigadier General Task
er M. Bliss In that capacity.
It was stated by Secretary Knot
that upon the retirement of General
mob. and prepared to defend the man I Young next January Major General
at nil costs I Adna R. Chaffee would become chief
Armed with nlstols shoteuns and etaJT,
other weapons, the mob soon reached
esiav. Jun
cr I 'n i !
til.l Uii
uu! r:. .'
;. Te-. (:
li.CL t li .
;. v r r
cri ('
.sic: i '
mtps onii
'. ' the
..; i . u
i: ?.licw
r;'.-.: ! uu.: seii
i risonraon..
-. u.
::.'r sliet'di
pent(Tc W'.TS sJ:'i! W(. T)rprr..f oj!
b tr-.i?h tu!t: llt;tc!i!n;.t.. Knr...
wt.e i-rca!"'-.j. Newim-v I i'ie.:
ajv. Crmir fa till U lEljr-U
,.n.. o
l"T Ksi . 'v,i
Of .nr-- f-
v: V. ,.r
eUrt ii-,."r'
Vt. v r'
?rftf-. v.
vi-r-ar.r-.. -
he Jail A battery of railroad ties
soon carried oway the great outer
door of the workhouse. What was
point? or. Inside the lockup was not
known to the mob, nor did It aeem to
cstr. The second; third and fourth
doors were bartered down by the foi
wriri lenders n the attacking party
arild tbe yells and r.henr of thoe
wno were pressing forward from the
'ear Then the would-be lynchers
Tr momentarily hulled by b ball
n: MiH"t, rrua. the Inside A preat
i went ui from the laden. but
!.'-. rri. p-o-s.fl forv;:i'. .j th-it'e
i- , M(ip unnnrinr v-jic otirfl
. j, , vhf c acrnmlile t- pet out.
i a- ' dm vet iitMi. lb Ue atJti:luc
!.! their grouLii. 1:. tin in
.;.io i'.;io'-d four j. ."H'.t.f- f'-ll.
'- i' trie moh Tl'iy p
"i: '"i! tr the Ti:l I t b-
Operators Will Have Grievances to 8a
Adjusted As Well as the Men.
Wilkesharre, IV , June t2.- When
the conciliation board meets In tht
dty on Thursday tie rpe-ators win
have grievances to be adjusted as well
as the miners, and this vi:i be a f-r-prlae
to nitiny of the larter, 'o be
lieved that the coal corairios had
nothing to corr.plaJn of. The operotors
will take exception to Uie m.'iy petty
strikes, which we the cbusc ot nurh
InaiEvetiiciH t and anin.j ar.; ,
the b.'.ri-Liiias Ei en ar lul:.? 1:-;;;
with, and that the enjj output ;j les
sened by the praotif-e of err., ''..- rr
malniiiF at borna on certain flay a-ith-out
jM rajlsRlon
u :
.rr e of
v. a,et:t
- nr or. :. ::r--C!:iat boat Cn"5:f. t , ,-
an r:vr- h-.i:- ':uittutu 'A' ' "'''' " ,u
-iai'- !: . rfofcT- lUi. "v ' T
' 'n' mi.. V:-. 1" -:.d s'-v - v..
". ()! !.;: t--ero : th- :i; "--' '':-'. '; "-ti.'i r ta
: -.aas:er rup! J-aLi-' '- ... t .;!.
: . '.-turce . .':teizi- lcI- -;us
Tt. :...' ':-: f : z.V.n r t:i
Kliii.U o: S' Jot:: v.'a; L-:.. ;t C..---5v T. , ,
!.,i "I'-ia' a-e ,.....,.....,.,. .. . . .... . L. ..,
-' ,'r. !' ! : 1 v''!frri
tins' "' o! Twtbi..,, .j-,t 12
waa t'. tti-M.-.u'.ie ' .. U' 8 I.'iii:
' Mr :.;. i'f !.. ' r. ' vjn-
, . .. r;;,., . . ;.u ian.; v.; -., , :;- V...-
i-it: i.u : lot u-: ' I,u-'
V-i'.i L'i c : ' .. -ui ..'-...if. tji 1 f. ;
.j.-. ' .V u:. -'e. c. ' ' 'r 1 b- ;i-' - ".! 'c l'J ' .'j' ia
... ,.':;;' - i!' -' -' -
. : ; . l.Jt ' '''I' " ' ! "'
j( ,i'i": ' ' '
Jur" H ' '1'.
, ;'n- . u ;. ...
' ' ' '" i.j :& !'''..'
- 1 I f ' ' V't 7
a!.- ' ' !
' . . ' . ' ' ' ' 1'
f 't'i- . c - . i i 11
, ' j I'liii. i .. . i .
;;,!- a: jk -aMj:j' I .' .4 ,
'no; '
The iLlriers will tf-!t ;'
cliWgr- oi iliscrlirilca; )
tbfr E.-c it'tJve In th- c'.:.t
'ins- who were ion Lave ntn Ikb given work F:a-:t. tLet
: ! t.e lb ttie trout Thr of itne eward of the exmiz:!ssj-a :s-n
--e met anc U. other rloiated by a change In the r-Llitlon
N':.' o then.. It t!.e "'.!fu- 'of clt-l.6 lit ra&Ey rlac-s r !
"t:lt; IdentifieC ei'irjrt the 1 not the miners to dt i .tx.c
"tio li- Fuid U lie Ptr BinJtt, 1 t(w us tufa the strike, fcnd " it ti.e
yi-urt ! ojierbtors hare brctkec 6E oJ "utoin
,i -viu'-ut thut the warouii Cid the Sclvyiklll region fcy Uvig ttit
a;: to aibu(:hier tht- mot it the jnien work an hour loiigfer on Siturday.
'o itl'.ir, bo he Cinwute that Atuoi.g other insportaiit ;uttioui
htm- be tnmefl or th" rowi. j vhit h be twiners wast MttJt"3 win tt
held the mob fi t timt. tht reiuttJon of yard-?fc. ibr.k w'tlct-
tor long A penem! rush wua 'nien. bouf of lahor f-.T driver? bad
txinvpaxy Landa.
mii :' tut ituurtiB were bruBbed aside.
. u... ! raiu. hum pt Hit Jull wus inude
j " ' uepro.
; " ii"i. a! i niui-y iiertniL't lb tin prmou,
'! v.'.h the bid ul b lliUL Vh'j ben
Wn'.t- ii whs Qui''i:ly fotiid Kik cell
v as lmu,"-ti op'-n, end te ww-u.-.
U!(nfl rutin, iier.K'.tig f'ir iihw,
jvo) 'irii;K,t f'tmi te '.:;! and the
:)il When tiiecowd ou'.Hide heard
tiia ,ii,' ':esh bt! rii.wtind th'' off'.irts
in !a. ';'tii:li?rc i r.vtiut i:t.-r wot at
'Mlr.e'V Leader is Not We'l,
Leaves For Chitajb.
Fprtnclield, HI., Junt iS Ovi-i'-g Vj
lalariuiiig revjn. Lav;t)f ii;;.i:tM. " is
'print to the efV-t thtt Jref-idt-ut
I Mltclnsil, of the Vniu-d Mltn W'xV
'of Auirk. was wrivut !y 111, 8 '.at
jTrL-nsurw and Swirrtti'jr W. I). ltfcb,
'.;.-tt!t'U v..ii luutiv to bhuul i taut oiauitnU"ii. " i'ryi n.
.'I. '.ii'' s;i!i'. liu'. tin i'.-b'ieit of tioiitt! SBeiu'.wy W. li. Wllbvu k.t lb
u w.uiid inr v n.n.iiiiiK hut his ' dituujioHe regard ibf Mr. Jti'xlV'
'a' f s r- V.i-!.tHi'!i'- "ti the , 'loiidi'.ion, uud rwelvud the lvilvv
'.i ' a-!-'' van usoUsmi Ini hia Wif:
I..-H -ii-'' iicto'id i:i- Tiier rav ! "iVitrholl nut wull; n-xi rerlu
i- p:ii. i ii' .ii'i'ii just Wf ltt lor C'lii:i.f,'J-'
n v--i. s- iiiu"-i u. ti.- uu! I Krom thi Mr. Vyn. !' '.'. Mr.
I j . -. ! , .i, i, c. e . ; j'o.1 i.ei U' aimply suli r.i t".'ii. 'j- r-
. (' . ii- ' 'I;.' 1. ' ... V rk
' I'1
I if li- s
..,..- !
. . Jll U '
if f o!r
a iau&.'
t.i' 1 if.-.
-ill- .!v , 1 .. .
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.,!.-! r.
I.... I- I .1
I 1 'if'
to' llkiUr
1 H K .;i
OikL' r, ; - u uiuCiwiit'i '
:. iba, ar. JUibr., tLrg
i. llli
iS; Ul .
i ; ba- tiii' I..' !v cj.i'
; .aui.ry ' iiiy
, iw!.- l-f'' ik' or! iw..
. ir i i;mii)' . ' ' ..i:l .
I puuu' :. r.i ...
be W
. .v fuC.
' dut.f:
rfWl I
70C-7t,-(:.; 8ulhi i u I.v ujiiiii
b-' tr. i Wi': : do . on tad" f iVklC'
1 I'fki'c k:.ul 'iJ. 5.
iur-ifer of AbtLoiiir !: . U"lW, t''
. .. . . . v i ti'ii- . .. . tw ''
'. i ...i'i Z, fj. z wmiwh. ate.
iUL ffcLliIf Wld ltill CriikS
(l 11 1 .
I :'
C'ji a
'., .:.
.. 611
..i '.i,
hoi.v (..:- I
ti.F l'il, il.'
i .0 iriUl;li
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r,;i'.i'. v.'inu 'j-' v
. t'. r ii'.ll '.i
. iiiii!i-i o' ':. j-ir:
'.'.en .'irirta,.i' l.y ;i:
v ill ti- va. tiii(-i(v ri
' ad Ii, (ii y ii.aini .,
vvii iiiKi' aa-:
. . .jii ul Win; .
;"i!i- ii'i
ci'iil.-'. m;i.- ii : v-' 1
... lac viiliu. vf U.e
. uii.
Vila iLx iiljlii s Vioir. the
i'jC.OvO Verdict t
4'iji'l Huroi., Wk'1
i 'i -at , K i, V' '
v - i-... ; -i. n
am i ,i -n -' a. -.'.ii ;
tiavii ... I. auk ' In .
'ufcri- U 'I liO.i'itM'i;.
I kiii r ot the onli.i . '
..n't I.
fin ii. i i
.O i.rtr
i. t .
?iiiirct rT5i-ijn r v.i1 f?(i(4
(I iino over broulit t SuiiImu v. Jicu'i Suit lit'
i ' to srooo.
Hats, Cap and Neckwear
Latent Designs ami Sirica ami at juiivK llntt will
astonish Hit cuslnuicrii linm Snrilcr coutitr.
Fair Paid.
I will pitr ttnc-lialf tlic cur I'sirn t'ir (crNtiiiH IVtnii
Sn viler count v who Imv ,?lt.()0
Vmii'Hi til' (Joints.
Nothing but Reliable Goods are
Handled. Call ;ti
The Up-toDatc Clothier,
Worn! nt Kaiii-elener.-p
l'i aiiytliMiu be vvors" Until to lol
. . ! nn.iiili- i i lie j oiir liialf
ll -ll 'H Hie expel ei,oe of Mm.
. Newai ti, 1i fut ui-. Ala. "Fur llnei
in "s!io wi iios, "1 ell. lured iiouif
ihIiIi- iMtin from unlitfesl lo i,
oillliioli H'lil lionel lionlile, IH'Rlli
I'i'loO.I itieviltxblo lw'll iloeloi a mill
lhfuicdli a faliixl. At lonjitn Iwhh
n.l. cOil tu try Klootrio HilleiH urn)
lie result whs uitruoulouH. 1 inipii v
il at once mill now I'm ooniplt'iely
ocoreei. "HVr Liver. Knlney,
stomach and llowel trotiblos -,oct t ie
titters Is tho only inetlieine Only 6ik
I s coaran l.V Midillel,uimii utl store
lildiebiirt? l)rii(i Store Hmyliill &
iitinan of UiehHeM lr. J V.
iinpsoll of lVn'isiV.xkt, I) r
6aya If He la Nominated He Will De
cline to Accept It.
Cleveland, O., June JJ. In an In
terview Senator M. A. Hanna reiter
ated hla recent statement that he wna
not and would not be a candidate for
the rice residency, njtd If his nomi
nation waa made that he would decline
to aveept IL He said further that hla
ambition did not lie In the direction
of the Whit House, and that nothing
could Induce him to alter his decision
In the matter.
When the refusal of the vice presi
dential nomination by President Roose
velt was cited to Mr. Hanna as an tl
lustralloa of bow public men aome
tltneg change their views In such mat
ters, and when tt was intimated to
him that the' convention might force
the nomination for the vice presidency
upon him, Mr. Hanna said that men
ic public life who know him know
very well that nothing caji be forced
tpon tlm.
Three Dead, One Dying and Five
loualy Injured In Panther Crttl
Taninipia. June 23. Aa a tesni
two dlsastera which followed
apon one nnouier in ino no. 4 an
8 collieries of the IiOblgh (Vl
Navigation Company In the PJ
Creek Vnlley three men are doad,
la dying and Ave others are sieri.
Injured. While a force of tntu
fUhtlna: a mine Are the action 4
water on the burning coal and
generated a large body of steam, J
swept down the gangway, sr&iiJ
party of aevnu men who wore
nlng the Are hone. Daniel
Lansford, a miner, and John Forrf
of No. 4, have alnee died fr.m
lujurlea. Hlrhard West, of Cotf
aud John Black, of Summit KU1,
bosses, and Frits Lahoxh. Jok
tick and Joseph I'ariior, Inhord
I-ansford, are aerloualy Injured.
A fall of ronl In a breast at tt
8 colliery releaBod a body of gai,t
was Ignited by tho naked
by Daniel O'Hrlen and Dnni.a G
Ivoth of Iinaford. O'Brt . wt
atantiy killed aud Uollli - prti
fatally Injured.
Tho No. 8 colliery Is me
mines which waa entered and li
ed throughout by tho anthra.'.t
mission last fall.
True Bills Against Machen,
Brothers and Mr, and Mrs. I.
Washington, Juno 23. The
Jury, which baa been laves:
IKtstal affairs, have returned
aictment against August v. :i
Diller H. Groff , Samuel A
George E. Lorenz and Martha
renz, the two latter being rsM
Toledo, O. As previous!)- etiJ
specific charga Is consplrai-y tn
the government. The inde'd
based on suction 5440 of the
statutes, which provides a peti
110,000 or two years' imprisons
both in the discretion of the corf
A strong pica for Jame T.
Irdian Eaptists Bar White Men.
H l.a:t Okla., J::ne 22. The Indian
lta;.tist A-'sociatjon. which is composed
entirely of Kiowa Indians, ha adopted
a r-jtion exrlu all whites from
!N!r H.'-et-ngs. Missionaries working
&2jrnc tb IndlaTs announce this as a
Tfiilt of the tlmld:ty of the Indians in ' who recently was dismissi-J fr
r.anit-iriatinp in rtlieious exerciEes in I nostofUce denartmont. wher-' fa
the presence of whites. Lone Wolf,
erac r- .'stiy hr.ju:ht suit against the
I'Lited States government to prevent
:be opening of the Kiowa reservation
to bettiement, is their chief minister
and preside during the convention
iz S'-ssKia. He is a Carlisle graduate.
Millionaire's Mansion Burned.
Greenwich, Colo, June 23. Th
mansion of Alfred Feats, the million
aire wail paper ruaiufaoturer, on Elec
tric Hill, was destroyed by fire, and
Vim. Peats and her 8-year-old daughter,
Genevieve, were hudly burned. The
Otter's oouditiou It ao berioua that ahe
will die. Mr. i'i I nl'U, who is mi in
viid, had to be carried froiu the buin
iht boube.
tay Wipe Ovt Craashopptr Pst.
JJvlnestn, Menf, June 21.- leu
MfU have decided uiwn a novel method
of xi.;iujiu(lu tue hordes of (iaa
l.o":iers whih tLiralen a plague lu
put vt MouUuu Jt is propped to
t,r treuchi iii w'l.iob will Ik plaitfcd
k'-iot-yue Kui." ! i-i-i ttiid Ux.Vij.(jii will
a' Kfi pidti Ul psU iti'.o the
viuV.L Id dond'y.
he had been chief of the nioEfi
bureau, has been made to
Roosevelt by Director of tht Mi:
erts, who haa known Kr. Met-:
a long time. Mr. Metcalf was i;s
for alleced Interference it; beta
certain bidder for tha contract tf
the money order blank for tse
i Hi'fji'
,(' .iiilli.U
t'j'Um:.' tfviUthetll White
ij-r.;.. : : .j. wA..
3!&iat. Xtye du!i No.
o r uaiiiLicr ol the lyuchvis Kit
,U' l.i IgUhuiii'iJ, Uiktiy Ol U.ilo
il.l' UHb' Hov.cvu', lajf LulIlljU
uf vr.uiii; loiterud at the kcom, uwait
iuu 4(.Vlopl!:ebti.
Uk tdlluie of the vouiity court to
Itive WUu-1 kptedy Ull is in a rct
H,eui jcuiUe for Just ulgut's
, nuU-'.iiiiK jrit'.ouy i 'l.c .;k.i iioeoj'
I i;nii . i. m 0 ti.i .v.;.. i . '....i!.i tu j,:i
j bill a loi !..;. '.Ui- ImIiI '.-!..i l.e . .:
j aMUvil' sttlvT ill i.l'M.'. it if s-;st1
'. eie el'fa!'AlSon wot iw1 I'.i.u1 wi ii .u -itll
Thi .( tl.' pi -i';i-
ttun of 1 houii.;oi; to i.n- ,.'.i. il...,..iy,
uu tUe verdiiit lucoap tin' AlLiihet
lor thi-u loi.
Charged VViln btculiny Uiuiricnils.
Huw Vwiit, Ju.m 2.--Wiilic "e;i!y
Ing tor lunil At the v--' " , ' '..
IUUrt i. I jiM!, a ch' .' 4;
ilwiyliiM, waa annul"-'' .vo. :..$
UlQCAy Of duu;iil'.4 '.-''.. iii 1G,';IJ l.i:-
hnn'.nn u jouu a. Ivj, 4 Juuur, ui
' UiM Vullnl In' ( 111
i '. Vr- I'l.O I
if Oljtv H!i-
ll'j tl'lit
Murdtred by a Negri-
Philadelphia, June 20. E!M
llama, a n ":ro employed hy
Whlti;. well-to-do farmnr of
field, injur Hwarthniore m
ehol and killed I'ercy Whli?.
yeara, aoti 'of the farmer
youug iuuii had an alter' utlon
field, which lud to blows.
left, vowing vt iigtance. 0tt4
farm of Kuniucl Kvana. neas
borrowed a mIiiiIj(i,:i fiou. Wlllj
a negro farm hand, is.f.ry
g()lK to kill youi'K "hi'
utfeH latr a shot wio I '-i"' '
White wan found no ' tc I'
a ling'.' hole in I. in ; m'
Japanei Colui. r 0' f
Kew (Jrleaiid, Jt' 'iZ. As
of hla experiment In rl.o f.'."
IjoI Ulo. 'Jtxua, wiili h co!"f.;
Jdpuueae, K. imnuu'o, t i -'
Uti't, l.iiiJ ili'iiiiud to let'if'J li
ii..Lliii.i h rolijiiV of 1'- I'"!
w.Ule mi landu In th.i rle t lt j
alouK tho lino of Hie &j"Uv:
Railroad. Mr. ludiuoU) 4
.rlnw .vl..l ., I.u hl l a
i - (ici iui(-iii4ii laiwini. uv " 1
' V V " I tan been so euscWul thut i"
n.i -ui' i (in in i h i ... ..... ,. - ,i, ,,1
.iini. ni.iiiii m w .' j
of LouluIaDA and ' M
With Japuuene riot crmtiis
'O I1H ' l.i V . i.Ooi. ,
tiuu uC i l.i- cur. .
'.V'li.V me (fi'af-'
l.y mi hli'nti, nn '
n-'uedii r. J 'oi-f oi ch ih cuu.-i t ,y ui)
II t'.iilll ' CdllOilliOl i.f llli' Uliil'llii.-,
II.--, 1 i .1 il,.
W'l.O.I till 1 '.I..' .
I' lijialiiillK -ul'. '
' k '-l"t I f i II
-n in i Ji
ll' ' il,l!.-i,'..i in
111 llJJI'l'l 'I -I'' 0--
i ' ir i, i ) r'tii-ed,
fctull. noil Uiiloif
II I.C f.iliril uu
ui.U v tu' i n jtun d tu Us uO'iiiul
wniIii.i.u, j.i'Ufmv will be Jehlroy. J
foUiVor. Mine out. du ura
iuif. i! y I'utauli. m lu jji'LLiiii
but on ii.fluuii J oi.ii iitioii ut ill
UliieOUl I fcJ'vil'lV.
Ve w il (iveOiKi Jlundrod J)oIIri
for miv i-a.u ij VfuJufoa tcauaed liy
'itiJ'i'lO ILul. in ii cot lie cureil jn
HmII h CulnriL Cure. Html for cir
iiIujh, Ijee.
V. 3. CJiiiityAC, ToloJo. i).
old y Dr'i'mt. 7:c.
J-luUV Fuiiiily rills are the licet.
C- ... . 1 f 1 S m, J.. a .tri
Ml. W.lly. H. J. . mo IB.-'M
anioDi; the foruit-e i auipl'-'f'l
Iron wui'ks of i liuxM'i
Coiiiiiuny at llaimi- ort bltln M
a ldn' one. A muj liy of
willing lo rutuiu t:- work, hut
rootilili-rs will' not in back u
wngts are advanced. Only a
to the strike the firm vuluntat
an Incrtuse of 18 pi t cent to
ployos who would work full