The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 25, 1903, Image 5

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    r . V mDbLEUVt Id ; POST.
Discovery Vn&ti Floor of hlldW
ybU Storo May UMuraer Clew.
Ithi rouci will investigate
frtnk Hewte, of Bridgeport,
Whs Mad Hit Headquarters at th
place, Dlaeppeared Eight Year Ago,
and Hit Brothara Suspect Foul Play.
Philadelphia. Juno 22. Tke discov
ery ft portions of a human skeleton
under the flooring of the bnlldlr.R 324
North Water atreet has ralaed hopes
,,f ipillly solving the mystery of the
,llRiipppBrnnf of Frank Hewes, of
llrldernort, N. J.. elht years Sfco. The
family f 'he missing man la positive
that h" met with foul play, ana his
two brothers, Thomas and Alexander,
inllfd Rt the cnnniM'i office and aked
lht rn Investigation be made. At best
,. ) p is vague and Indefinite, tint
iil0 i,,. ttrliwM of the Hewe family are
ntwM.iti'J to sift the matter to thi
l.ilto :i. I lie ('nrinT, axsimeu 117 me
,11, 1 will make a thorough Ir.fjiiiry
-lit i' mailer.
II .- 1 .if . intom of the rni.'.sinif, mtn
r , 11 h time at the Vai r s'l-i'K
1 -I;, widen WB t1n ore :pi-- !,y
firm. When Me' news reached a j.'ir'loii r a human
Imi'Iuii find been found In the buiM-
iniiiKht t.v f!!s'ivpry wa.--
;.i.-crs that Krir.k flews left
iifir-t cn M-iPday nischf. July 22.
1 k 1
l:..,f. . , .. fro. k Vfit run (y l,ap!i,rt
nlm r. 'I'rnltt. J'e r-fi'-t'-l f'hl!-.! I-
.111. if .i o. r, ,. v.,
Mil liM'i'il 1 '1-. i11 "o.n.
t ,vn the lr.-.t seen of him. He had
nti" HI1 10 ma Trail yniems ior
jr.ri In ;. rorr.rr 1in hou and hvl
I 1 01 ." on .11.1 k rmu uexine a r osi-
fnM wntih None of hi I'hiiar!l-
hh f i "-thJ daw Mm. He paid to Cap-
iim 'I'm i 1 1 that he would spend the
ht ;.t .i . orri.T.l.isior. house on Front
lri''t. Hi; had r.o financial troubles.
dmiiert'.r troubles, and never went
n'ay Horn noma wnen ne r.o'iia svoiu
lirwrb waji a well-to-do farmer. 52
ars old nt the time of his dlsappear-
kre. It was subsequently reported
lat he had been imii In WaahiaKton,
kt InvpKtlfeation proved the rumor
fhe Hewea family spared no trouble
money to solve the rayntery. Weeka
Bi an h In til the large cities of the
unfv tiroiiRht no results. Hewes'
Dthf rs rame to t!il3 f.lty from Bridf?e
rt fit the time anJ continued the
krrh, but tlmy were baffled at every
hit and gave up their quest In das-
i; lint tnrougnoui mac sirerca 01
!.t ) ffirs the brothert have ben con-
nt tt:nt the missing man waa mur-
le flrat floor of tho Water street
ing baa been occupied for thre
1 by Frank Cannady, a fruit 1m-
'tr .A montn Ago one of aim won
eagd In boarding over a break
lh cement flooring. Tbo man'a oyo
rtt a gllmpoe of tomethlng white,
I a 'arch resulted in finding two
s and a leg bone.
Lpany Compelled to Furnish Prop
erty Owner a Supply.
lUantic City. N. J, June 22. What
tfneys claim la a victory of far
chlng consequences In New Jersey,
ictlng every householder who usee
L is the surrender of the Atlantic
w Cas Company to a writ of maa
B3i from the supreme court which
f'd them to turn on the gas In a
Hint which had beea cut off for
rutip.ti't bll! of J 4 for gas used, by a
rat who moved out.
he plaintiff wa Ralph Johnson,
fowus a small property la Treco
Ti'rraoe. He 3pent several hun-
Joilars In fighting the suit
-Kh two cowrts. and the cllmas
tc when the gas was turu?d on la
hoiiso, although the writ was not
irnable until June 30. The court
the attorneys demanded of the
company evidence to show valid
mi for holding a property owner
a ui'bt of a tenant and they were
N to furnish the proof of a gas
acting as a Hen against a property.
Burglar's Carelessness Fatal.
k'lilfvl!l. ind.. June 22. Geore
Pin. said to bo from Chicago, la
10 county jmi Here In a dtg oon-
11 is reeult of au hIIoktkI at-
h't to blow tho safe la a general
p t Jolletvllle, CiUsens of the
!. who were awakened by a ter
iploslon. found Marvin lying
iixclout near the store, with one
oiowu away and his body other.
toirlbly mangled tnat bo Can
ute. WHeu thi cltiMU ninituKli.
'''nd man ran away, making his
l '1'he accidoutaJ Jlnrh
01 iiltio-.lvL'vrlue u thrf i-aiiua
IfliiBioo, N. J.. Juue 2J.-The body
K- Murphy., a youug wan living
liltte, and who vldeuUy had
'tauty kiu4 by a freight train,
li'uud at Uuawwator Yrk. Th
p tuulilatwd body was brought to
M17. lurued over to Coroner Wells,
IlS nikirtt.
'ihir iuta board a tutdulght tralu.
uta ar beta uado to lovato
I lUuil,
Kvlt Qooa to OytW Ba.
'HWt, Im j4ir. Roow
Mwiupa by ta yf tJw Whlu
'lowestk ktt WaMaUa tWa
u tor CM fef. It wu eav
J thai tho VyA (iftl hefo u-
WMWai. waj wlu Ita
fJ tMr. Ml a doouoJ
f w.iA.'at .... .V x
..l.l' il.l
!imi!v' to 11
Rev. im1 Mrs. Stooecjpher were
guests of her parents Hiram Ulrlo'i
ani wife. .
Chan.St(ete and wife of North
umberland "pent geveral days at the
commencemc nt.' Mr. Steele attend
ed the, meeting of the IVjard and
Mrs. S Vtle look in the xerci3?a.
, Mn. Annie Strohm ami son of
Carlisle are gnexU of her mother
Mrs. Kate Wageneller.
Uev. IV. C. (i. Ilackcrt, Pw.
of WiitenU-rg VttlUnf, wnsa visitor
t ('iifMiiieiirement.
('. I!. North anl wife ar': in
I'liila. Tin I 'ride and (J room re
tiirnetl I oine Iat week well ple-.w-d
w i : 1 1 (heir ifoneynoon (rij.
Ilev. M. M. Alteek and wif
fr V. II. IIohlek and wife t-
tend'-d tire funeral df Hirnul deiu
u riitiif on Vedrn -dii v. I'xitii ll.-
ijv:: :ir- jraiKl l i iiItf -r- .l .Mr.
fiendrf-rlin. The ( X Fellow--.
Srviiv wan ns-d ami the w.;.- j ,
taken in ehare d iivtiif: morn! r
of order.
i Vuly preiK ii"! tiif! rn-':
entafiDii .-wTnion a'. jiikI preenreil
rit'4"TiI;itive if the
reive it.
IF. K. IJarh and wife of Vl.-i..:..
wen: i-utor in t';wn dnri:i I 'on -fneiiCeiiient.
Mr. 2 1-s r I i-t ;t;r.j' I : ;:i t .
ofehwx ol HttlO.
V. W. Sjiifrlinj atid wife ''
Milriimi'. were a Uo here, M r. Spi't I
ruyf r irn.' of the ap.m" 'la-'-i a r
f Sen. finhin attended tl.e -f-i ."i -of
the R'.nrd of rrtrertor.
.'. A. Strolirn of Carlirtle ?ent
Sunday with his wife and r.
Prof. F. K. Hehamliaeh of Wi.-oni.i-o
attendeil Commenrr.raent.
He is a sjrarluate of the l.'niversity.
Nli.-t Iaura Ilettriek waa nn
fortnrate Friday when she broke
her right arm in two place ; he r
father has gone to Phila. to consult
some physician for .stomach trouble.
Mrs. P. G. Shields left Thursday
for her home in Philadelphia.
S. Wei.i was to Philadelphia last
week to see his son, Harry, grad
uate in law at the University of Pa.
A surprise party waa given to
P. S. Albert Wednesday being his
67th birthday. About 40 gneata were
pfeaeot the j presented liia' with a
fine moris chair.
Emanuel Pawling who has been
teaching near Philadelphia is on a
visit to his parent! and took in the
, The Lanthorn, the Junior An
nual is a fine work, the photos of
the buildings and ground are very
good. All in all it is a fine book.
The shoe factory formerly operat
ed by the Dreher Shoe Co. will be
operattfd in a short tine.
When the students all get in to
the summer term it is expected will
number oO or 60 pupils.
, coirr bocsi cmn
DcJ Rtterded.
F. E. Bower an-i wile to II. Milton
Amlg 403 acres 111 Krunklin township,
175. , .
II. Milton Amlg and wife to J.
Ilingnman 4oi"i aeres in Franklin twp.,
J. F. ningAmin to C. (. Dunfajr 40
acres In Franklin twp., $40.
V. f). iMnlrtv f Willlimn Whlfmer
and Hon 4Vi aeri-s in F'rnoklin twp ,
Mary A. Walter to Jerome J. Dree
. ai rv- in Center twp., Isn't,
Ihivld H .V-eht an'l wif to Wil-
merit to ymt. Mr. Polaaif. Tne wit-1
nesa rlferafed that Kvans told him '
Coyne was one of the 11. '
At the conclusion of fh Wrlne; fn
Scrantoa f amtfilmsn!' Cotfimlttes the eonneii chamber selrfmn Kvans Ev-Jfy Woman Should Wf'te Dft 0
B., President of Tbr
Hartman Sanitarium,
Profclnj Brfbery Charjei.
Railway Procters Te'ls of Boli Hold
Up by Elevsn Co-jncilmen, Who 6e
tr.C4 t-100 Eaeh to Pass Frsn
ehiie Crdinar.cs.
8-ranton, Pa., June 2. Flaf-foofed
rontradiTlons of arruser snd arouneii
marked every afep of th r.peninn day'
sessions rf the ro'inrllminii committee
ened In inventitinn t':ie alleged
nam ureee itnie anl lot in Javer-j li eonn.'-erion vi:'! fhe in .ton
tow n, W 0, j Street Railway fran.-hine Opor. K.
'aU i.fine Waller ana wife trt Mr. I Stevenson and W. V Jtoland
V. I
A. K
i:r. U.
er I'.t of in (Vnferville,
K. in I ftrfwlfor l '.vans f
1 ,,f (fromi'l rt-nt n lot-1
airl fs in Mi. l.toy
n r1' Prulmtfil.
"I'lir- i.-f -.v!:i ""I textarnetit of .1' hn
' ru-uvertovn. dee'd.,
I '-itfr tMinniHnary
I I . .. .0. Smith wl.o
.t"T, the cliiMivn are
j loal pr'ir,-...'r:i cf -ho rot. I. -jr'.io --'.Om
j they were solirited for b"i!es. swr
I ly.sirivly Mai Seei t (jiTj'.nmn ! li
vid rt rame to 1 .t.i 'i-I" - .'i'.. -on
.oi:n' ,t and made dem-oid for
sp'.'" for hir.w".,' m.' 1 h ,t'i.-r . .i
c'lr. -n. Vf.- Kviii i..r' .-' " I
was arraigned before MaaMsnraf Mil-1
ler on the char of sni-Itln brlhes
. . - , W . .V - I - I 1 T - I
prriTri 117 mi miimriii inii.
The wttnenseii in both esse wr the
ierry-vo-nouno Man Away.
Evar.ivllle. Ind . Jun ). a merry-KO-r.vind
In a park near the city ran
away with Ifseif There wre 13 chil
dren on the ur!ne; at the time. T'ie
rond K inr rabVd up the chlMren on
by one and threw th-m from the
sw,'.. One child. 1 .i rt-ytMr-old dsuuh
ter jo'in f aney. tlirwn :alnt
S ;y' 1 .!)! her sk'ii! wis fr.ictiirc.1 Ah"
In no exported to survive Vie ,-hi'd
h;o . , jii.v ii-ikeu another :in1 m
avn - I'o-n and -rvu il x-r" .wdiy
I'.r '' i ! as 1 11 '! !'' ' .' k-.;
f ..'ii ... .-' .1 ! .11 y.i r '.
v ,ileTl liivr-. -i 'V-T-' i-PI't I .11 !l!
.1'r.Ti :,
1 1'
ioi;li late 1
w.n jiroii'ifi il 11.
were uranti-'l to
I' 111 it -i- !
roe I.- ir-i
'Fr-.l f ','!;, ,:. Vi:i!.il.s;wf,
il.eri.i Kloreiii-i-Stork. Srlihsvfrove.
.a tiler.
1- I A-II,
.,..e I -. r.,- ... fui?ll S. Sei!
Hoim r A. Svvart ainl N'ur.i K. I
, o.lii of ( liajiiii.iti tnwr.siuii.
j .ii.i.- i -. j .... .. H s. , -ei,, laun-r,
!...!.. W . ii ... vii .1,1. 1 iir.nii M
'; ix.tii of ( !;nrnan tow:Mhi.
June 1H. hy J !.'. V. A lfu. Krn!
enek.v. Hiiikeliuitn of V'il,inms)orr
(ami l.eri:l Hoi-u.-e Stuck of Selini'
: ro'r?
fh 1
tf. ... -
tr, rlv
.i.'r.-l irif fr,
i'r ' I
r 7 iff
- V ;
i foil -,r S -,"
t'.''c n. ai'r fri he!, 1 T'.o1
' friend !., a sae," ,ie a.d. Hul
tie- -d r-e.' "
X 1 . I ' ! - . 1 1 ' -. , . r 'I'
I f II1U !:. Itlftll Jllet'ir -f the fiiMiulen
j lof rtur Noon .l.nnif th " IVrlHr ir.n ..f
I l-n.'MiIrm!.' .tr ill y.niij.t lri.llnlit
or in 1 s ie inrjn ill, riie I.irmrr inn if
inif in Ii Hnn olnr. ii'tri. .tc em-h p.itfAii
t tru Ameru .-n :iiul.l tiv one of tliear
In tiii-ir lumqe.
f'Atileirii. .hnin'r vnnm ry 1n iriiHlrn.
tloriM. 4IM) I'lillipletc linn nf nnvHt if, le.,
ent fre upon ipol i'.illoii H IDt. H, '
.miry ttiilrl)r m. i.o , lnmlilie, !
Oanlril. .H-'i
Miss I.-sora Bingaman of Wash
ington, D. C. is visiting her parents
K. P. Bingaman and wife.
Mrs. Morris Royer and two sons
of M'lton are the guests of her par
ents, Emanuel NeiU and wife.
Miss Jennie Charles, of Shauio
kin is spending several days at
Juo. Stepp and sou of Sunbury
are visiting the former's mother,
Mrs, Kate Gensaniere w ho is vr
iously ill.
Mrs. D. (j. Stahl and daughter
Bessie, ii. W. Suaflcr, wile iu.d
mother enjoyed the hospitality of
the former's uuele. Geo. Shaker
at Trevorton Sunday.
Clarence Klock a student ot
Bloomsburg State Normal is spend
ing his vacatiou at home.
Barber Neitz is the proud father
of a little girl.
Prof. Jas. D. Schaller and wife
eutertuined Uieir sons, Edwm Benjj.,
Jacob aud their families of Sunbury
Dr. J. O. Nipple aud son, Chea
ter ot Suubiuy were bubiucss callers
in town Monday.
Philip Arnold and wife and tha
Mistses Schoopo, three sisters of
Sluunokiu; were pleasantly entertaiu
ed,at the hout of Juo. 0. Hoovers
the past few days.
Keubeu Auckcr and wife of Yd:
dilla pere Sunda ycalkrs iu town.
IVk SJianjbach of Suubury, spent
Monday with his parenU.
t .
V t a
f In :. -.o:.
f.-r ,. ..-so,.?
W-el :..
tin.:. :ii,sai
Tio i' 1:11. an. I
inn : ' .i
demandi d : .1
1 II ll-' .-.uid '' '
Iiey i vi'.il ,r 'i
'hen :t v-.ul l .
. .: '..iiitii' :'.ir I'ojli
e :v.i 'lev n ..ld. i
if l vaiu M r in '.e-
hills Tim l.-maiwl v is
the n.'-t. n 1 kjli t . ;o
fj'innm s broken I
meeting nlnlu. vien
-o. if .nar'ji'd
- '. . -e ' in. I
a:.:-....l !u
'In' rollo'v'nn
effman i' h n
11. n
i'.iiirf, ,-ofe
P. Quinnan pnhlirlv teniande-'
vst'.iailon of the :,
the orlinance wan !nct in '
of 10 to :.
Mr. Roland aieri tesflflerl that
tarfmen Ci'P.nvV nd Iteaan indlv'dn-
OHve. r "-..H-rm.lon. lrT, ,
Living at au out of Wiy pla.-e. re- ask'.nn for 'th rular xarlcet prve"
mote from Civilization, a fa.aily is and tan other for ' v'iaterr -eiw ,t
often driven to desperation in chh "
of accident, result im? in burn,,, eats, i tnnnmimPnr of noland tbsj)
, , , ' 2vans Included elerfman (irne !
wounda ulcers, etc. La in a supply ; tt lut erpate(1 4 .nsJlIo.
of Bncklen s Arnica Salve. It ia tho ; ur. Coyn is one of the lnvestlnatlni;
best on enrfh. :U5;, at indillebiiru , committee. Wlien he was mentioned
Uri2 Store GraTbill A Gnrman B ch- tnla connection he Jumped to his
field Dr. J, W. Surapsell Pennt11 aad '1prlare,1: "-'t
(jret). ' Iff. Evor.? ever rcsde nrS, a state-
' 1" 1 -."i
: .
- - .-frrrr-
.ie ms iri.iijm-"f r-'
' iVeef ;hr TJ?f Ttr f 1
.n1 ,ni" jnp.'e'"
ltirtnf :h .urimer nnnlfr
ihouM !.
Ok, dolUlll' IU-
..,i;...,or .
.t - v
-. :
1 -r- :
-.! -sn f yru -"M
.-- :' rtrtct -:i :-.oisin rter tu ;jv I
i:f .. ef .airressorderir couree. jfleH
a sciik ti-cay. 3o -t now.
jo. ofmujs. A. 'A.. Aufhrr
2S0 Sufar St..
. ' - .1
: o r f . . 11 .
I, HV- 'ill
vou l.iii.-..
l '-rv-.'ny'
oe -ail..f
! ,le ...
,1 .r. ... ,
'.! -.
Ier, lir. ..-r. .... .-1
Anv 'svm .iHortne; -iwl i.-rt'o er
slioulil iiiirehaiu the jeUawMir..i i-'er-
i ee rue tsfore .vir !;.tf.n.ii '-e-i
W. T). BnsjrTi.
"!--of. - hrwuMr. ,'
QOi i w ir iw r itf ia wtn
j Ailr Mi Sfliuit SWs. j
'.: .:.';:.-( ! '1ur.1t mi ! i:f-' Mr;r,i u.- .. ', ..'V! 'A!.... .1
v. -.-. ..ew :- ave iKi a f.eir ;ac . .. : r- -w J
'sT. u -aw :U' .-roiit .-:'.n ' -t - -
r -.irr r..':. :- :ere ' 'tr i.ri:.i.:"- i.r .:-. ni.i . a
Thousand.! of dollan -rorth hav lound :ii"v I'vner- n
Some lots at lir.-t idvertiseii ir-i all oue, 'out -by 'iy :ay. m i
)iiyin; no'v.
Mak S'hrvvr! your -Lipyiug plae:
.1 Nl
Mori-Moseal ali dav atiinlav, J ii? I, '-jut
ft '
rn ' :
Buy Dresses Now.
BLACK GOODrt : 19 and .-ent
Henriettas nsluceai to 40 cent yard.
i W.sil Crash i'-i cents.
fl.ii Pninella, Priestly r.iake,
Dneed SI. 1)0.
Drap-le Alma ami Henriet-) -' Vhite Voile. Dress i
taof Priestlv's manufatrture ll.iXL 50 c. Colorrsi Tafetas. many
Special Offering i..: iaiuraay ana Morniay
June 27 and I. I
ir.ii Di::;;:it v.'I ' . "
juiti ana !irt:
121 ... and l.'c. Cok-reti I-iw
15 c. Maiinu i!ni:ham.s v.V.
8'J c White Meirose -tiiiir:-
fU.73 Hroaikloth excepiionaily
tine iZM.
Colored Wool Fabrics.
fl.OO and 51.23 Suitings miied
colon at .") cents a yard.
Stt cent Novelty Suitimrs '0 cents.
So eeut :ind 75 cent Henriettas in
color., prieeil ")0 cents yard.
f l.o0 .-tamine, Priestly make )
inehes :it a yanl.
$1 ")0 1 'loth, for walking skirts, iu
brown, blaek fl.OO.
iL.'A) Eteiuinee $1.15 ; $1.25 i(uai
ity, 'A inch, 75 cents.
5t" e. LTniierwear tor Mt n i :.-r- i2-" !.
2oc. Laee Striped Ilsierv Mack :cr Ladies and Miara
$2.50 Men's Patent Oii'jp i r ?!. -'.
Lot Carpet RcniaanL? ti-r II. :4s it r-1 .-euti yari. vert?
jl.'-O. White 1-m llcur, ?2.25 m
S1.50 one i1 i ts.
,r0 cent Muslin Drawer 2 :t. I r '" 'en
3 pair for 50 .-ent-.
GROCERIES : 7 '.bs. at Hake tl r 23 - enu :
Prunes for 25 cU. 2" mL Ecg K-s tttt ' ..wu
Baked Beans, 1" cent Cm, t r'r2"i .vnts.
$1.25 ma
' ' eut.
'res ui v'i.s: -s..r" .
o " ;..'el
O '.. p.
.'".vi A-i . ' ; V'Liu K
ire 'if m?.
5ilk W'aic at Haii.
ii Viij...? w.- . -a r :. 1
. -O .
House Keeping Helps. Low Price.
id. 75 Tapestry Table Covers, pretty colors, table sue redikfd to
75 ceuts.
$1.25 Chenille Covers fl.OO : 25 ceut oues 1 eeuls briijbl eviors,
good fringe.
6 cent Figured Swiss for curtains 30 ceuts.
25 cent quttliUee at 15 ceuts a yard now.
40 cent Curtain materials in nets, iu haud-souie designs J' leuts.
2t) cent Serims in white I2J ceuL.
Turkish Towels the popular bath towel, 50 ceul kiuds ate i; eriiis j
air. 25 cent kiuds for IS cents a pair.
10 ceut Wash Hags are 4 for 2-: ceuts. ' vuut wuh ras ! for U )
eentH. I
500 yards yet of Bleached Mualiu,yard wide, ( ct-ut kind nt ) vus
for ll ceuts, 10 cts and 124 cents.
Sateeus lu eolora are CJ ceuts yard, 15 i-ent Oalaleaa for Chiidreus
Suits, Indies bkirls priced 11 ceuU..
Enameled Ware: Cheap.
Waier ililtuu vur.e ..-ri Ld
ert-y Uo.-u.
t l.-S kind f.r ivuis.
l.UI "o
'.) iu with Id fa k:::d
iViuoie iviee r!'ier.
SI. Vi kind for .' if uv.
l.eo iJ
Tea Keitieis iiwUioi xlA. t' -kind
are uu otf i'uu
l.W "
.-.6 "
Jl'l I. .. "efita.-uci.raf
::ou :' i'tre- iIx:.-.-iA l:.'il-. Hi.-V.U
UiN'itf 'r,,i Mit iiii, -v-ry-
Bureau Coei.
Furniture Bargain;
:uuc C ..:
i '..Ml
.iy ..a, -
S'JJ.'.'O TV
' v.0
' -...I;
- ..0
viAJ '
.. -ii
ctoeyer, Son
kk Co
"' mmmtmmmm ' 1 " '--.."'.."""'"'7 y"""""1
TM ,