I o juva a Job lot of note i Thv must on Telelis III on p"u- " The price will do It. s and prices for the ask- furnish them printed than you can buy them Lt printing. nwllrr. frtllr and Praprlctar. 1 Pamlty JorBl, fietrritH U 5w, Selene. Art, Paliti&al Fc.moit and Carrmt Littratnr.-. Ratf: 0n Dollar Ptr Annum, in A1rinM MIDDLEBURGn, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA., .H;.VK 2.,, 1903 NLn:p:i,' 6i (Si lite y Little Liners. ami the Hustle of the Lty Sent, Told in Brief Pnrnicrnph. ,U.rc r less Prominent. niilHtlon and Event of In- hat -tlly CurlMltjr and Lp.i the Thirst lor Nrw.. if fnf t'lC I'ORT. ,.(cr -pent Sunday In Mt. Tulii is spent Sunday In town Heaver und family visited if town Sunday. '. Amite of Lewi.stown in vis- Lii'iitH in Franklin. Ink W. Voder paid a hiisi- to i;il.iilicthvll.e lust Kri- panglcr i now located nt lille iih Htore keeper and I. Potter Saturday returned lit to Iter Hiiter In Tioga Lr eye on the "Coming Ev- pin. isenu in jo.ur niiiiouuc?. ;inku and wife of Harrisburg ktl (lav in town with their Lot imre Wines and Whis- tliciil use at the Middleburg tf. kirn Shambach of Blooms- peverul days in this place nssinger of Warren county fe 1). K. Haas farm for It Dessie Bampsel Is viait- kit;. Mrs G. C. Smith at will Tfitnit" r.it.rt ....-. Ira r.widay on their war ives. jSniith of Beaver Springs A. Wetzel of Beavertbwn pi Tuesday. Smith of Johnsonburg hiiu'le, Sdetitl" Sampsel at Bay 1.; week. il'iir.; IVi,' Store ha ad ii.c 1 'I pun? Wines ami iut.i;. n,e. tf. rVniL'i't Lewi-town -nei.t his parent and J. L. r.i kliart and Mr. H. in nre visitiujr relative- at iih! Vicksburg. i','e Kuhn of Kantz spent 'lie past week with his K din at the Central Ho- i'' . ninht operator at this 1 luiiiijcd to I.vwistowu Uht operator at the Juuc- uiveit to take place of the mt: i- very nearly eom vntract price of thw jot. "tor fiT h prescription Middleburjj Urutt Store Him un.l WViL,. f... tf. i' l and wife of Sflins- I1 mi ! v r.-'.iiiioii J.itnr.t.iv 1'; anniversary of their I' I' I 'I'l. I Villi 111' I'. n in.i 1, M ,,,,1.... ... v -v !' ' I liter They proline H l.lel I'nuit. '' '- t-. Ul'i. lo t!. ot!:,'e !'. Midilleburc. I'r "I '.ion, Jel friniim; ;uil ' ' le M'lit by 'I'll'. no. 11 I'-'liif niui liiaiily of I I IKI.T M I I ... ... ... I ... . 4 1,. ..I.. K. ('. f)lifrrrf of MitTJinl.urn pa'il through thi pin Friday on Mm way home from Col. Itonlphi ftneral at Chapman, whern he delivered an 1 drem. ChrWiHii Sn.!'h '.rWi.rr.n. IVrma., eiit Hunday nitii hii i.myin, Mm. Ali'ie Mert Mr. Snpf: m -imc TO years of ngf, iiilmnk diree'or nnd a plettMirit K''nt; niun. CnlJ on A. K. r'olea In mm n mi ing and liair l ifting j.arlur for your hi cleaned with u r.-fr-n!,iritr Khani fHMianda clean foA.'l fo en, h pntron on the north xide of Markft wpinre op piwite Central lintel. Sa'i-f'M-tion trimr anteed. tf. WANTF.I- YOCNft JIK.N to pn pare for (Joverniiient I'onitions. f'ine OjK-ning-t in all tepartmeut. (JkI Salariin. Ikipid Pioiriotiotnt. Kxam inatioiin fK.ti. Particulars Free. Inter-Stnfe Cor. Irmf., JUB-.lm. C.-rlur rtapMi, la. The committee on State Permanent Crfrtifite will meet at Frwlmrg, Pa., on Thursday arid Friday, Jrine iith and 2i;th, l'.rfW. Teneher who contem plate taking the examination nhoull notify any one of the undesigned com mittee. Ali.HH liae Moyer. T. A. Htetler. A. R. OilUrU FOR SALK . SUire rrxm and dwtlling. Xew hiiilflinfr, grxxl him- ncss stand. J'usiii&si) tarried on at present. For particulars, Atldrer, MM.M 20), care of IVvr, Midl!e burg, Pa. tf. The son of a well knawn Philadel phia minister had misbehaved, and to punish him he was not allowed to eat at the family table. A small table was set for him In the corner of the dining room. When hia dinner was placed before him the little fellow said I very solemnly: ,"Lord, I thank Thee me In the presence of mine enemies." Have you ever read an r of Sweden borg's Works? If not, will you send me your address enclosing a stamp or twoandlwill mail voi one nf his books FREE. Stat whether j-om want it in English nr In 'rma,i. AI'kli-h pjjEnF.n - ' Vilao,l tf. ra: .' FOLK ROIIBF.KS CAPTl'RF.H. 'the other aiif' they nrrend rd. They Probatily the same rina th.tt ln,idedi Tl.c k'renmer Hotel Ten I.is Ao. One Man Shot were neeure!tf hrnleii'reil ..iri,..n searched had vcn r'-vnl. e - I.'iritlar tool, three hiiridred ruiunlj ciirr"..!- 1 ire, three ra..r, a'piintity .f dyna I niite, prickethi,k and 4 ,-tv i lo'iiit : of moner. Four rohlierH were eaptun-il in the Vhen they reaehed Pofr.-r-' Mi!N a Seven Mountain, ( enter county on . phyician examined the w .- nmn Saturday. The erie of rohU-rie at j :,n'' 'oiirvl h wh- -ln.t ;i.r.m;!i Mi Kreamer, thi county, f.aiirelton and 1 neck. He will liltely ii;.. I r- morn- Rutherton, I'nion county, WotkI ward, i ir""- he thr.-e ottier-" --re hr-.nht Center Hall ami f.in leri Hall, f 'enter 1 t"'rf' t,li'' evenin and pla I in ;ul HOPNAI SAMPSF.I.. the I'.r.-ai Mr-i. C.ttherine .ttiMinniT. f atherno t.law, dainhter of fieorje od V-irah . I'.i'Ill; (.ln. wit Urn Apr. -". HJ1, married .1 m.. lx, -w to .-'aniiiel Witteimiyer anl .1 I June JJ. at lli-ai;.' .,f year- 1 mouth and J7 day Mr. Wit u-ninyi , ;i.-r Ihh !.and, w i ix.ra w, 1, lns .(iid Iid I.. ll. 1:(1. ( ;, ,,) ;1; yi-nij 'lie j(,ined the i.',..,.,ii".F Lutheran eloirch and wa i-.inMr iie.l t.y Kev. William ' .arnian. They had hot one -on. V ililo. who 'va ii iirried iee. ;, ; .70 t,, Jennie Walter, lli.W I. ae. 1 itlierilie i ;. Wittetimyer hiw I .'r unt- li M'-eii and ' -one rent-71-mil eliild. j I i..",..i-i i wa njoj'int; 'airly .'iot health. S'i'iilay ev-ninir -he fell ..( ' he !l. x.r and "i picki-d up. She allied eoiiMeiiniMtu iimI -wrne1 'o enjoy 1 i-1 n i r ! 1 1 " ..t. Aluuit Mvej o'clock -he akei ,er ninil-'lHilU'h'er . r.,, ... .. .name, .viiet tier ,t va not -oon ' .ne ifefi-,. Ill a little wliile lireathini' rilK I't fi Jolltlliy l'!iei)ts county, are the ntr-nrin? of thi tmro. ! The gan ha U-en identi;'.. d a ?!, Tic I.ewihnrsf "New" Saturday ",nft w,,r' KW'l a man hy ti e name .f .say ; unnicmuii, nt r.aureJton, ti tl.er "There wa great, excitement in the "ight and then rohtxd him. west end on Thursday morning, especi ally at f.aiirelton, when the new w ent abroad that rohlwr had paid the i n r,, , , . ... , , M?!"oneri.irt Passes ti) n.. iiiinrb it mil .illll I HtK Olirillli the night. j T'nd at Pcnns Creek. Mr. Reno Zimmerman discovered, ffopnai Sampxel of Penn ("reek thi the tmrglar by a.'cident at the laurel-! county, wa horn near New Lisium. tm I.uiuUr Com Ha n v' offiee tr Itn. . ()hio. Oct. l.stti an.t ,ti. r...,i.i.. therton, where the company' hig afe June 1C, Pi.'!, aged l year-. - mo.itl, I i,,.,.,,, ,,,,,. :ift, ,,V.(M ,.v had treen hlown rit.n ami i-r.1-. 1-.1 rt ami rtav- Wkild i,, 1.. ;. f. several check, fl-VOO in cah. and hi father, ifrne. Samf-e, :.,e;n,.i stamp to the amount of iiO.00, Vielong-1 near Centerville, where 1.1- long life ing to the Ruthertmi post, office. The j was chiefly spent. Pfn spent .some time check were found the next morning ' in T.ancaster Co., p.i., ,tml P.ellevtie, In a small run, where they had bieen Ohio. H wned ami operated the thrown by the robbers. Young Zim- Centrevill MJ for nior. than tlfty merman, who happened along at thia yeiirs. time on his way home, wan set upon, At the age of 20 years he married ojr me ouriar ami neacen aimont in- -iis Anna Tinnnei, wim wis tiorn : ,.,iidren. of setisime, ana also rot.hei! of $1.,.IKI. f eh. H, imi, m Coventry mwu-hip. ' ,..,)t ?y t ,, ,f Kreetmrg. having one of their number to guard Chester Co.. Pa., the daughter of John ,.r hrother are Henry, Onrire. the half dead young man, the rest of and Mary Smith j hiukel. who after-1 John and Kr.iiertek. The ,'iters are the gang went to Laurelton, where ' ward moveil to Centervllle. 1 eeeaeed . """.san. inanied Henry iruniHue:;,fjirv they took about :i..i0 worth of cloth- 1 wait the father of thre- children : i!,?' ! ' ''r,'''M'her Mover: Klianeth. . . , : ... ! marrlefl Lainel Hill ish: Amelia mg from the store of A. L. Reedy ; i 1. Dr. Jame V. .-i,nnpe. i.orn I mrr1eii Henry Hover. herttr of uexi, luey visuen me rursley horel. Jiarcn -U, ;s.iu ami zmtuaied Here they carrie1 the small safe out Je!t'er-n Medical Colleire. '.st along the Laurelton Store Co.' ware- was married rtrst to Kate Hartley J 1. 1 . . ' . . uouwauii uicw ic open, securing aooilt , tied U-avlng one daughter, Virginia $3.00 In awh and a lot of papers of con-j H., now Mra. G. C. Smith, .hihuson siderable value, most of which were hurg. second wife, Miss Henrietta l.k f Aaa J t- U. ir r. , ouuu iu jir. rienry rtairuiaii ii. .-i,ang!er. a daughter of (J.sirge C ..i.i i . .. n. ed ',, pnl.M-' pul.pe Most. V 1 1 1 ; w id. T- , II 1 .1- . V.i , he -nil:- Kir'a' , .inn- i i .". , v .1 'It. She was t lie 'hird olihut woman ,n :iws place, Maria Stalilnecker, iBirn June In, ;.spi, Ueing the oldest and Hannah Smith, mother of IWinc vilie uirti Fed. '7. 1-Jii, nemg 'he second oldest. Mr. Witteniny.-r was irn at F:'i liurg and wim one of 2 fiunily of eleven whom have tied ". from lh- , '.Villi -t. V L-nt tridav out of SWINEFCfiO. Wilson ; uir M.:!la bury. II. W. Smith - towu. Horn to C. W. ir.f.';; ,. . a Sou. Miss Annie Ilea v r is on the si 'k li-t for some time. Jackson Bailee i--aeti-I Luiriess in towu last week Verua Stuck of Ciohe Mills -t ent Saturday iu town. Our coal dealers are la.8!;.- receiving coal for the wnter Sephares Shamhaeh trau-a. ted bu.-i- lu at Ltwisiiurg T'Uui-day. Cieo. Shadel and J' lc Hue ( iartnau 01 Fremoutiipeut Th.r-Iuy iu towu. Lewi Atuig of uingrovu seem Suuday h ith hi broUx r, Philip Amig. H. K. Walter of l.uruham l;t-t week came home on m m;t of ,1 spniine.l back. Midilleburg I.eal'ier " u: r'-.-turiug Co., received a car io...l u( hides last week. S)lomtn Av:!g .f t (:: corn field near by. They coDeluderl their work by going 6; iuu leSttTeT. -"W Aiiiiit" Hlrauaner, alrxftg the pike, where the- helned meirseives to bam, hreail ami milk. Sherir f ',i, ,mn. after which they tied, leaving no trai-e'hv tra.!.-. marned Snlii.' ( l.. 1, : .. 1 . a . l . 1 . . . 1 ! .. a:id -i.i.-, i i t. - oeuui'i me direction they t.iok. w n-t i The poslolhVe at Womlward, Centre Wr l county, was broken into rne followimr eh ,: night ami stamp to the amount of iu;a . Jl 'O.i) were tjiken ; several stores were also en'i red. t is -i.ppoi-ed tliat this elm, was tlie work of the same iratiir that .-oi. . visited Laurelton." A KMIiFIi i.rNTV IKI'HHT At! -jatch from lielh-fonte -ays : Si.uir.lay Sheritr Hugh S. Taylor, tiuee .teiiiities and a pni e of r! ft v arm ed met! ca)ilireil -aiiL' f iiro',-,ioMa I . ti .-iriit - who for .1 , ii,r- t. ...... hi-en .-ommittin dej i-e-i.-.tiotis and r.-i-rori.:it the resid-nt.- .,r' IVnn'- '.ii!ev this aity. One th.. ..r;ln' was faUiiy wouml i. This evening the accused were .riven a hearing at Centre Hall before a jus tice and gave th-ir names as Jam.-s Ryan. Samuel Shin-men and William Cauner. all of whom positivelv n.diw.,1 to give their residence. Showalter the wounded man. who was unable to a petir, cminis he is from Wisconsin. I'KKl'.At'EK UV I'M 1 KY IV.U'i HMAN. About midnight liurular n:ade a des perate effort to get into the hault of the Pei.u's Valley Banking (.'ompuuy, at ( entre Hail, hu; their etFor's were fru.-U"it,d by the nlht watchman. Will'ai'i MeCleiiahan. wim -..nt I,, it amt Man' lOiskeri Snangler, and by thi union he ha one mn, Ciwirje i ''hnrle K. Sampsell, the preseht A -awyej Mi.td!.-. 1 .Teat-ir!iiiil-laii lleswartil .11!. I .11 L-.'lle -,, . of TTou. I uion 1 ountv . s;t, , inert . itoyer, 1'rothonotHrv County and Phu'h. who died age of rears. .Mrs. Wltteiimyer was . metnlier of the Liithen.a church for sixty years iih! wis an exempl .ry Chrlstam." All Her life she trmk irrent i.lensure in read imr her bible and church attendance until she lieeame impracticable, thro eutWtilffl heaJth. charaiter. Id this neighhorhoo.1, and alwavH helpwi others. Sh made the world Iiett.r for having !ivsi in it and thus ;ierformet ones greatest duty ro Mankind. Pile funeral wil 1 1 1 .1' "OV -oe.al ,,t !IL.'. Si',(ii' ., . V'll -ei ,t i i . .state . f ,V Titfitsii s .iui... will . i.il1 1 'e-fival Hr-inv. J'ine -ervi.-es at ;Cr.-'lil.- iinr. Ti'ts,vv .Jin,,, o , SUt.. I'Miieariooa! . iin at Wilkes It.irre. Wkiini, w. ...lis : ,. -vlvania 1 'iiaut.ni. . rl I'a. S.xrfitt. v. .1 ': -T'h atini'. Sat 1 lit. iv. Ju. it the at l lie Mei-er I. -Olertf, of rte.1 Henrv s of S, yiter c ieit -f rl.'s .ke i .-aur,- I- ' :,. a licpui o olt W'LS :eral k "siiieii'e. .id man . 10111 f A ( 1 I'e H. let. Wu .ks glar - spending Villi 'i Hat tie, ' .: at V lie, n -.-; 11 of lli-awitowu and 1 I Wet- KprlmjH, twoin l!l Hi 'ir lvsp.vlv cami- al UioCuuuty S,-ut Sal- ' 's 'iiptoiu, i haud adv i.f tV'ttilhtvn. uianu- iltl Pmll o. ...... , . -....Mv.iv uivui i.mg ivea tango frvm u to ou luxaliuij a rvliablw allouhiiu. tt N.v will k! t liJak.at u ti 1.4.1 t Wlikea-Karrv. iu th In uf tv... v.... 1 , , vuunviKHUIH PuUal AwMu Utl.... ii f Htlud it tolhoiraavau- owwutal voufwvucw. m' vera l NV '.'Ir Amig. I'CAte. filers of Sjnbii'y a-' -. home. JoSCph M .. v-vY . j pavvmciil 1... i ueuce. Cieo. Slvlli r ,.:nl u p, , lr.;,,. and Sunday hi Mt. ( ai uul v m (..co. S'hait'er Meiril iiingamaii n.! Frank s;,;,,,,. bach of i.f.w Viioit cli.tivii .leut Friday iu town. Our to.vu wa.s well rv)N'M.,teo at Huiinmjl's iluiii.'h fi-stival Suturdav vvetiiug. CJwrgtt Woodruir, Milton Enlley and Harryr Saiupsell of Sak-iii wre iu towu b'rlday. l)ur suptrvbior, Joseph Muhser, oiieuod a public road and! alley south of (.iraud !St. Jodt'iih Cliltiwitw of Whitw Springs 1 lot. went ha- ' W'.i- W'T T'jt a pi..-- ' -tling after them. 1" g ing down rlie -trei t 'he l.ur II .i:to the 'etephui.v tsduiaue . Y.e nei.r kl.i: )n tlu- niu'hl ois-ra-. -. Annie 1 ti-. '!'!u i .en t the raili'o.i.i station. toie a ir ami weir to Linden HA. ley trok" '':) !1 i.-s' -tore, but ' iyh'.ctii'd w 1 . :.-.. :,ev . "-' Ii the u.V T'l- y :!n-:i -;.ir:- ' Seven M ..intauis for u o.ti .e 0. . iti.eus of Cent rv i lalllorgHiiizett i' ami started after them. In the . 'Oil, tllot ' ' ' 1 . bed a! r I inn 11 1:- 'lentil lie if ,e it Chapman u 'us heai: ':. 1 ".T year- 'id vie and is .1 sttiiu; i:.i ii ; . ' ii- t,.i it a til- I'm:' .ra. ii ' Hie .'I tiooti at "i u.itc r.. .ellell! I. .: '.. a ' "a! Hie- o , 'he : I.;; ai;'.' v ii '. U Yeir 'o i t-:i '. .-: u. : i'h ; iaiie:iinia. . ...... :L-' Vito.'U.'l. lie 1 ;';'-o. : : ate -till ;..i. - ' ,-i:u' .1 1 iio-airo 1. ei irn .y .luiv il,-".. rti .1 eav.. ;nv... "ii I'ittsi.iiry ::!.,-liaie ..tat -o--!ul :n.i:;- :' ! :' i.lman -tiupit.i I U.-t -lli-tUie. --arv. I. bur.'i.. WKr.VJ.fst.AV. Jnlv Kdilortal A oi'iat.ou Omaha. Net)., an.) t'.l ' here id -. !. r- ' 1 1; . "I v M.I III v.!I ifO to ihe Yellow -t uie Narionai Park. TuriwsoAV, w'uly U u 1.;, lateniational i Chn4a ulror CavetitHta. .'n Denver. " """ SAI I hriAV, Jullv 11. The Soldiers ar.d J. A. it. men of ;rj"e't I.e .r.'-. 'it-ld ill the 1 "I.e ..lir,... I ,,i.:r.i;.,-' i.e 1 '..01:11;;:, .... Y.caii,: -n V'i. t:t ,t :'-oii.ni v- ' !lstav. 1 : i - ' i;la.!e:.t:ia. i - atiir'i.i v, , he UIit-M! '"ac.'l HII III 1. i:w,'c i - ! U.'ll'i t 'olilt-t I;. tiiifonnt-i 'Ml. ate. I lit. as'-t '.V. N Y . ; '. !.:.r.i:::- 'c .el ,t r I; : 'rau-no.u.iiiou IVm-.-r. '. .oraio I Hetser. .; M.nne. or P'leoiu :.nd :t-tur:;. ''ill-1 Vv. i '.ir-: e -el .!! l I-C3 I'll. Hid l!l .'lei- ar 'o and :'roiu Hi.rn-iiiir'j. til. :".;. '". a.-h: Ule uerth. ;.V..-ai . ': n "II ""MI:; aii' YallV 1! "tti 1 arv 'i.eai- n iJema-r. viil s.. . i'.r.i".. two ;n -v.tot.nx :''. ... ac'i. lioiiini-; .iUd ;iu ai v -:-1 id "u.roa.i ivr. rtiiie i'.a.e- arr- ttin. M.u v .1 v . ry ;i. Jarr 11 i 'iiiti I'v, 1 a. i f -I.. !". 1 I a:,'t - ' ,e ' ll't' I7 'ai:..!! .iui" e'.iirriii:. n- uir.i V .1 r 1 t II. vil! i la: Tisiuiri;, ".:'.. wo " -'. -I . ' . ' -1 :i: v 1 ii ' ail.- -r a! '-lo. , 1 -1. at e . ' ii ii. .umiv '.. a.! l"ri;i' W 'lov.i. . i'.i'..".ti -,: t':i. Y .JtHVe it rs. .iiii itiiuii u-iv.: -a.-e -I..f i '-'r.lUK : :; M : iii'i v;.- niL-.a; lone Sheritr I'aylor. of this place, was untitled and iih County Tts-at-ii-vr Philip Foster left early this morn iinr lor the s,.,.ii,.. Farmers and work men j . Lied iu the chat-. OU LOU STAHI-K 1HEIII KOKT. ri-.ws't ;.ya;a l:s.vl'i.l'.ii . a l a.'u r I'., ,-t iii.e' ; '.; ; m.i;, -i;i:r yoime 'iimh and a trpen- r !:.; t: i::-. home ai Kissimmis? u: i., tiurtiitu at the ai;e of Jo yea.'b. II. ...- i.ILl ; el wilh consumption. He wis tuiirrie-INept. Is, lsoby He . J. W. Welzler Ui Maggie S. Hairley of It wa foif i.l titan the burg ars had ( Stimeling aud a im.tiier of Fred Stim taken refugt- iu an old log stable iu die ' eliug of Kitwiiuiueaj and Ellsworth SeVI'll Afrtlln I'lina tthiin. :l.... 1.; rr 1 . " uiiiraj sumeiiug in r reeounj. Ma.. :uUmgton, 1J. t .. hast Lllierty, flom Potters' Mills Tht Sheritr and) Fuueral ttMik place Wedmluy at I Butler, Indiana. Connelsville, M.slfonl, posse surrounded the stable, most of Hassimrer's Old Lutheraii church. j Clearfield. Martinshurg. Belfoute. hi meu having Winchester rifles. " ' I S T' 1 fFJ"??0? Sheritr TavloreHth-l t,. x- r: ...,, i T'"uh,,;k ,u ' Mt- 1 .."" Lykeus,aud rf .. iuuuici iuu .iu kci. touts .jn . mmun pruicipu? mtenueauate poniLs, tu 3it. t surrender but they refuseil and drew anyw here, BCT. when you want the 1 Gretna and return at reduced rates. ..... ' - i .I I- . 1,, I. .11 T... . . 1. . ma.i;.... . 1 11 KHLH will M Slll.l .1 line .s. Tib 1 lirll.r oesi, mr jiuuicai uts, get a pn-stnpuou. - , . , - . -;- ,-- "" . 1 1 Inelllsil-n. an.l will Itu ,nu.l t.. t,,r.. aiK.iu ' in-iinui .-. SI.T5 1 I- wi'ai White All si. ::e w i.'.iiic.''i H.iii!. ;.i M;. 'hcimj Kemisvlvaiiia 'a:iroud. Fortlie Penii-yivaiiia chautauipift. to be held :tt Mt. tliMlia. i'a.. Jaiy 1, til Aaimst l s'.I. the I'ennsvi vmi-i Railroad Company will sell -pecial ex-i try a gni.ou and .e . fusion tickets fro'm New York. Phlla- I Whiskev will i e .-u ;a iieiiuua. ".uesimit inn. i'u.enixvu.e. j Wilmiiiiitoii. Perryville. Fretierick, Md.. Washington. D. ( .. hast Libertv. - - -.-..-. '41V rr k. ..... T rft . -, .... M . . - r.-s'.,.:wiin5, meu cuerui laytor ana and John Kcs.h.i. ..f I v..i.....:n.. 1 . . ... J i 7 .... , s WVrw vepuiy Poster puiliid up tnekrifiwand iutowa Ihuiayeveulug. ttrtHL Oue Dian felL Thia frightened - ts . . . . ... , inclusive, auu win oe gixm to reiutu from your Doctor and go to the Mid- until August 13, inclusive. For speci dleburg Dru Store for iL. tf. tie rates consult ticket aguu. 2-t Itssis are pure P.hi;J for i.1 day? 'I is :.. Ma; lit !l i"a. Eciuc I'm 's.iic A tweive horsa j ovwr j 0.-140.0 ;. ru K Eligiue- L oileted at pnva;e -stle. It ctu tsj s.sjn at StiMpto.k ,,. ; ;i4',;irt ,,. E. S. Sikol f, Siroun.owa, I'a. V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers