The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 18, 1903, Image 8

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l Globe Wa
If you soc it i i onr adwrt.-emont rest assured that your
visit lure ill n.t moot with disaoointmont. We allow
ri't tii mf to ln iiiiMvpie-vnte I nor cx.' jcrnt.'d, up svll cx
aoik ;. Wi' advertise. Tltis is, of 4siir-, f-r the tow who
piav U-a- iMin.-.'itiiisl wild the stmiht forw.ird policy
tii! irowros the iiiiii'(ir'"i,"l oftln lions-.
W HIT, (.OOPS "TV woman v. white" is a rval
ue, ii' h a rrii:tii v, these -iimoiorv dues, tiloln Warehouse
L'...h'- m:m! riivs lm vr hfljiol I.nv'lv t.i mike it so. Open
w..ri oO.r t:-i wniis, tino an I sluvr at ltV, 1"2J. l.V, IS
a i:i ri: ivvrrK. swi-s ...i- t;
,:f. ..t v,
s t -l l-V.
lelv II1H If
hi pti.v
1 -
'vi!-!i c 1
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.1 ,t.
!VT1 '!'!
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'(I SO "'S.
I OMH1":"
v O U I V .' t 'llllt U'S
:i I .! !, W "ill i mi i r!:i I :). etc., t.l i
-o ii ii.'i -I'l'- :in i IV. es, wo hiv
;ni.-t 'in. I m! )'ImI.'U' pn.vs.
;; .n-i.n-:.s( . florin-." ot' tew and
i v iiv ! T:!t pn.vs. S'iiiimkt Imwii in
:- " !. -i.-.v t . 1 (-.
Aiw P.!!!-. Ya! lliii' an I f. mini .Is in
aii'l M-rsisin -!riVs, 4ur price 10.-, l'2Je,
Servian Government Overlhown
By Military Conspiracy.
Premier Maskovitch and Other not
ables Also Slain.
I ,. 1 M l M " M M KU SK I K PS Udio summer skirts
w i:t 1 . '4 ilii.-k. trimmed, Lin. with wh'te dot, Mnek with -.nil pl.-iin I'nl.irs.. our pri.s -! .(.'S, 5'2 2", $"2.0S.
1 -tiimni" skirt-!' I'.ut.-luT- liini'ii, noatlv ininK',
ifinniu"; .i'i. r"xc. -rr.ip- t :i iii i t nmi. Worth ?(.Oi1
,.i: .- s", hii.
i,aiii iu"rciu:i i.iNi'.N skiirrs. strajv-i
it i. saim nciti-riai our prifo '2.7'r.
-ninTiioi- skirt" ot India l.iivn. di-op lii'ni, 4 inoh
, Iiip ;)-., i iniinci; toyi mthI U.ttoin our pniv ?;.(
Oilier-- o! tlttr 1 1 1 i n Jyinon trimmt"! willi :) r.i t-lnny
iii-riiion armitid s;ir; anil -J r i.i-. rtioii at top onr prieo
."i ni i
La. in- snminn skirt- ot INipio. skirt with o rows insT
ii.i' our -.riot 5?o.2. Othe-rs stnip-i' vith anio inatorial iU
l.AMF W'HITF. SHIRT AlTS fl.Ott -wnrth
i.'2o oi'titu ii ti lawn, omhmidorv mni tucks, $1.2r worth
!.?." t' fine white l.iwii. hpnistiteho.! tucks ami enihroidory
o.C"' worth M of fine white lawn, cf'uny lace, om-ti-oidorv
or tnek.
I'AlAS(il 1'nrasoU with oiuit-' t hoavy pnro silk
tnrtota nti.i ri's r-raii.. in Wlaok v! :tt. I nnny d(sinihlo
stvlos, suoh as iionistitohop. cniliroidorc .md ori'jK ('fleotn,
vabos fr.m Sl.Oo to ?o.rKi
o4;j Marka Street, Sunlniry, Pa.
in-', n at;;.; k
To ll!ST0..
.uit:n:' Fir-- iiu..
l n: isi
. 11!. til- llli till.
iiiir.-: .. ! iim-; f.-ieiiii-: u:
.Ma . '.. J U l!- 1' 1 Jui i
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tjioa:-!'" t .' k -1 - i liustoi.
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.. . I ; . !" : t'otu-.- Hi"--- ual
: r lur; iK'twei juu
. iio-iu-ivt . iii ral- e' t-njiii-
rnui. : :ri, . ! l.'i. J'.y
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. I - ;i".. JUI) ' B!J': i moil.
1 imviuol.: '' o' lift v ..-tlil:.
.i-i : i.'iLir: miii- mu; i' oi-
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Mf-v u:i . lur'.iie iiiiorujuluM; oi.-ii!-1
lift,.-; uni::
iiiliioi. th- Tirv- N.iTlnim
"iir'.-i.. b;'imr.. i;. in ui tu- trii' o. ifjjiiii---
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iirinti- ci;
ii..n:.ii.--.i "ii . luriiiiur' . uii't r."I .!-"-Out
fiuiN Nttuulta. liailK.--. uol tvmvTV
l'.' I' i:.." Ull 1 UllIiK'T
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! en.-i.'K-' uiiiiiitii"- C4.:. n-ui.-
; f' - '. uiii' r ta.i"U.i baiiK.--
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. U'n ;. .iioM'i l-akKTr in bkKt.
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i."i-'iti:i' i ; riti'iwu; ' . - 'JiLttiuifr
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' Ill" '.alU"'l POlfl IL
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; h'l'' lil.'t l'"'ll-, H.'-v-f.J'LiP-i ttll
liiAf- I'ai :
Nu'l'ill. t'.UII. Il'll- UUL-IUUlliUi,,. . .
i;i, ... "'. iif .NaLuiliiil liuliK- .......
oil--;" mii' liuUKs au'j IwUitvo. . . . .
.'"i"ha- : nptti". ......
lljUl' I'.l'l.i. 'l--ill.- hUU-"
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JAK. e -Mio.MK-o anijif n' tL( uin
U(.lu ll U.11.1. 'i ' .-vjif luli! tio:u' 1 t.rt'. Vu BUmi
i.-iiii! isiiu.-' - Li.- uh v tii fcuuffteu.
waH, when auddenly tha -slpctrlo UgM
tr out . All tood la dmrkneM. Ia
tb grvatest excltsment and fMltng
their wa)-, th revolutlonarlea cl'mbed
the aUIra and -rot -ato the dark ante
room to the king' apartment. Here
they found'i'-s aa 1 '.It them.
Without l!-V.t t:. y could not have
j fwiind thtir vicMnin, v. ho Ood from
their ileeplnu; Bjnrtrit?nt turouin ;or
rldort and nomomu-i room, and might
hare escrpod, but pirt uf the offlcpr
with burntnR candloa and others with
pistols, commenced to soaroh for the
royal couple.
King nd Queen Shot Down,
At lait ijueen Prai-a's aerrant ws
found. He wounded Captain Dlint-
trevlc severely, but was spared bp
Army Officers Forced Their Way Into j CMM he WBg npe,iPlt n flndlnn the
the Palace at Nifiiit, Killirg All Who j flerlnn couple. Indeed, this servant
Opponed Their, aiicl Shct Ccwn the i showpd the ompor where Kim Alex
Foy.l Ccuple-Other. KitleJ Re. i andor and Qnepn nra had anno to
' ..... I sporeto themnplves. hon he had
tistir.g Arreit I toW th( h(1 WM (-,,,,
Buried st Mglit. ! Musehin now Joined the revolutionism
Poiitrade. Juno 12. A r.iillti;-)' run- : nnd led thorn hai k to the plopplnt
tipir.v y which sdisi'nm ni events j apnrtmont. where thp Ulns's adjutant
shows had thp fyinpatliy of the ma- ! trtod to hinder the spnroh. Hp shot
jnriiy of the Sorvisn people was ear- nt l.loutonant Nnnmox leu, who fell
rte, out early yomerday niorntiiK. and dead. The others killed thp adjutant.
Km Alexander, Qa. n lirapa, the : After a letiK aenroh a -niall door lead-
f.ueon'f two I rotherp. Ti-emier V.arko- ; 1nt to an aloove was dlncovoi-pd. hut
viteh, the minister ot war. two aided- si found loekod. It wan broken In
ilo-eump and two oihor oT.oors wore with an ne, and here the royal oou-afSFas-iinsted.
I pl were found In un.1ro-. The older
Priru-e Potor KnrvwKovtteh, the offloers flrpt Intended forelnn the klr
pretender to thp throne, hns been pro- l to alidleat-, hut the young onVers
j wprp In no mood to no bol.1 bavk, ami
. fhot the royal eonplo. yNoliody knows
; In the exeltement who shot first, but
It Is (ronoraliy snld It was Lieutenant
; Klstles.
i After the murder, KtnR Alexander's
' body was found entirely covered with
Mood. That of ijueen lrasa was
bsily torn by bullets.
i Almost slmiiltan.-onsly with the
: but. hpry In the pala. p the troops en
deavored to arn'st all the relatives of
the Qiiocn and those ministers whom
' thp confcpirstors disliked. Two broth
! ers ofili- )invn. l.loutenant Colonels
Nikola and Nikodern I.unjovies. wore
seized and exported by a do'taehmont
of ttwips from their dwelling to the
guard room ot tho divisional com
; mandpr. They were evidently not
1 suspleloug of their doom, and were
liKhtintt ciK-arettes when they wpi-p
j shot dead by eight noldters.
I Genpral Zinrar Markovios, the pr
' mler; General Vavlovloa, minister of
i war, and M. Tudorovies. minister of
' the Irtorior, were shot by the troops
; as they attempted to defend them
i selves from arrert. The former two
were killed, while Minister Tudorovies
Is juet alive.
Victimt Exposed to Public Oaze.
Shortly after midnight the bodies
of the dead king and Queen were car
ried to their last resting rlaoe. It
was a pitiful sight All day long the
victims were reposing in rough cof
fins, and had lain exposed to the gaie
of those who bad killed thpm and to
the privileged curious. There have
been ur.rterant evidences of the
public resentment against the late
royal couple. Some persons even spat
on thp remains.
The bodies of the victims were con
veyed to the Ittrlf-rade cemetery in
hearses, and nil were b.iriefl simul
taneously. The tiuria! services were
brief, ouly two pru-sls beir.g present
Not a singlr- frirnd or relative of the
dead ):i".g arid que Ti w as present The
rentaicE of the royal rsir were in
terred m a vault in Uie cemetery
ttape.l. Two wooden crtsses alone de
Doted tiie snot, niarhed "AltJ-anclt-r
Ot.reaovK-s-" and Ot-reno-
j cici." The other bndie lie outside in
the cemetery in rough greves.
I The siFtert and nieces of the late
j qu-PL. w ho had l"en arreFted ly tbe
military authorities, were expelled
Iron; the country. Late at n:-M her sis
ters were peri.itted to take i farewell
look at tie dead ;uee!i't remaiiis.
They were BUbseguenJy conveyed by
U.e police on buard a Strvian thip.
wiii'.L brought theni dowti to fanc-
i sova. They were luery Uj ebcae wjia
' their livefc.
j The auiopHj held has proved that
' the late kinp ree-eived 20 shut wyunds.
' many of them deadly. Queen Lraga
; Lad nuKieroufc shot and aahre wjundu,
and n it alleged that her body was
lorx ui a barharous fa-ihiou. The aj
t pearaiie of tne royal apartments Is
iiidebfrlhable. The doors and E'Xiri!
are Bhatter.-d and the ruint dreuehed
with blootf.
There ha: Uet no si vt mourninu,
but It is not eertaiu that every auc
tion of the public will quietly a
yu.wbi- In the involution, and the teu-
I kt-o 41 r-rrfra.
claimed king by the army.
Dissatisfaction against King AIpt
' ander's rule has bon accpntuared
! since his suspension of the constitu
tor, last April, and It Is from that
time that the military plot dates. Thp
i organ i -ia t ion of the bloody riepd w-as
' rarriet! out with consummate skill.
The king for the past two months was
j thrown off his guard by the apparent
j quietude of the reception of his re
cent coup d'etat. In the meantime
the conspirators had decided on June
10 as the date for the pxecutlon of the
revolution, for two reasons: FiraUv. It
wa? th anniversary of the murder of
King Alexanders grand unclf Michael,
and. sepondlv. because It was feared
thn turtner Oiay would p.-rnii! th'
slniTisrhlns (Servian parliament) to !
setrl. the Question of succession to
the thri iii a:-cordirg to the king's :
w irhe? iind ii was. l. li rod that the 1
hrotiier o! the hated QU'-er, would be : I'Ll.l''. I
Story ot the Tragedy.
Th following it- a narrative of the j
revolution, 'give-j by titL wno took i
an active part ui it :
Arrav o3iceri to the cua.ter of to.
ir.. ..tit- iornieti a project of a revolt.
iEiiione tnen. being dekgater from al-
.; . .
' : 1 -I .a?
w.vj, j
Mi; ?---".
Oa. ,: J -I.
JAS (. 'IlluMrXiN Hiu,f
..lls.'f., L-, Ufll. .. luif i'l!
Laos', every garrison in Servit. and the
majority of the officer!- of the Sixth
r. Lteute-iuu- Colonel MiU- Biuu wiu wutinue until -Kter Kara-
' , Keurgerjlcb'-i a--eniou has heeu r-
Largest, Finest, Latest and Best.
Lino ever bioa-lit to SuiiWury. MenV 8tiitt 1miu
.2.50 to $50.00.
Hats, Caps and Neckwear
Latent Dvaigug and StyK'Mund nt pries that will
u.xtoninh tttc t UHtoiiierii troiu Snylur t'otinty.
Fair Paid.
I will pity ono-liulf tlio cur fun 1W pt-rMiui-i fiom
nyilt r county who 1ny 10.00
Worth of (ItioiiH.
Nothing but Reliable Goods arc
Handled. Call on
Tlic Up-to-Date Clothier,
Trl l All :rlnr.
Cum nny tiling ln mm than to fool
I at iiv-ry inunite td t vour I:il7
Uelt WHti tlo t'xperieiipp of Ml a. H.
U. NewBcn, Peentiir, Alt. "tor Unee
ai 'Vlie wiites. "I i iuluri .l insuf
lemldp l'iti tt'.uu in.liirpsil ) t,
ston noli a'i.1 bortel tioulile. Pi'aHi
SOeliiO.l IliOXilal'l" vl"ll iluotui I" ilml
ill loin-dies failed. At loiu-tn Iuhh
indvnod to tl.V KleettiP HitlpiH miuI
the roKult was niuiiPiilotiH. 1 impriv
id at onci' an ! now I'm ri'inpti'tely
voree. "Kir Liver. Ktdnev,
Stoionpli and HIwpI trotibU'S Klecttie
Hittem 1s the only niedloiue Only Wk
It's (fiiarun ly Middlpbnrg Jruirstore
Middl-'buri l)rg Store Wr.ulUI A
Jannan of Itli'litipld Dr. J. W.
SanipsoU of rennsCrPpk Or t j. -
Detlnea Cannot he rnrnl
hv local application a (Iipv cannot
roach the iliseased poi tiou of lite ear.
TliPifi only one way to eure deaf
ness, i-nd that fa by oonoUtiitional
.emedipa. lefiieH fa caused by an
inflamed condition of 'he luueous
litiinit of the ' Eustachian Tube.
When this tube is inflamed rou have
a rumbling sound or imporfeet hear
it.g, and when it is entirely nlosed,
endless is the lesult. and unless
the inflammatio i can bo taken out
and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearin will Ixv destroyed
ciex'er. rxino cases out ten are
fan sod by catarrh, which is nolhinn
nut an infUnitJ condition of th
mucous servi e-.
We wij give Ona Hundred Dollura
for anv case of iKafness (caused by
catarrh) Ttbat cmnot b cured by
Hal; s Catarrh Cure. Send for cir
culars, tree.
F. J. CbemyAC, Toledo. O.
o'" y Druggists. ".
Hill's Family Vills ir- the best.
legally and with dtic : a......ity oiect-
ed Prince!- kla-c of
Servia, and had noticed hla by tele
graph of the fact
The senate end sknpshtlna on ae-
fembling listened to a proclamation
signed by all the ministers, which waa
read by Persident Velimirovitch. The
e U.
1. 1 .
J ' v. histi ;,M.urv euni,
"'. v . i ri i w
. . hKtH,ijtt;
ti. '.((-, fcii MJiHtJI',
Milllll ),,Ct... O l.f
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.' iOjt-- II , I U. (.!.,
i.ii ,,i.t.i ill .:l- '
I'" .,'t,f 'J
i.inibcij iuvud hie coiuraci..-h on Wed
litG) eNiiiur at 11 v't:iij:. lo luwet
a, tue lluliKinaedaii Oaraei. aud thtie
the in-
I lite imii.i
I leU'Itl' (.':.-((!"Hl'-
jwt- I-'
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en Ot t.,o
,,-iiiel it
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. . o. t"
M .ii,
, l lei '
if 1
.V H.
..r.L-.- V. jlil
v Jjer'.liii ' . i
Haider A. oviurl,
4 Noiu K. ISiutt'ii,
iL HiaUeorUi
r.'e!,;.i e
J iLt v jij;.,
i alui.i.
'. LuiiLan.
I"..iu lo Liut r.tlluu.
iVil.Hl ai. ojtol Wj" I'M e, .e
ii- ..'... '.mm e w; h ,u u', kk
lritii. ;o .jjiat.on u: cuoe
o. L,e,.uoiJi., i oui h.k iii l i. o , j',). ,
i . I '
, o: liackioC H Arui a h i, v. , J.I. ih tLt- '
i lit tL tarth. ii-, iliioluljai-
lJliig blOittjlH.VUll' A. (iallltii, J'., h
. Lolu Li . J. W. Hn.oct;!! I'vLU,
i Cittk
I Attorney J'. I'lrich, Wtraui Ulr
i rich, jlft. jUtouoiiu Cirkh aid i'r-i.
I Howarp L'hsh of helln-'grwe were at
llits Court Jlvuoe ilouday.
.O ,l.r
'.'.. K,l.,i.
..l:.-u "I :.l v.
.' t.ul (.uvii!.
i j
Ii. . .. I..
U .''I. ll r
X.;,,.. t.ef.i,V t...
v. Ii i ,' ,
flu' I'
J 'I ' .
V'liii ' i vu.M..
ai ' u1 i .i of I . '
. i.i! '.!.. i a! am,-.
i'.'- !..!- :
.i.i i v : ... . :;.ra,i.d hy
:i.d . l.ui i ii,.! for-j a lin.wn revo.vir iu olit; Latid
ui.". in l!.', otLu a fcofd.
"What io ou waxil?" he cried.
"Eho- ua whij-e the y.r.f utd jij-jen
are." tame the reply.
"Cftck." critd jVwtroviu h, wal at the
same moment a hail stretched hiai on
the ground.
ti. '
i ...
Joytul deiuoiisluiliuns Vieie iudulfced
in by the jjpuiute throughout the
(lay aud huttiue i.ati uot huvu dh
A u-w fcovw wac foi mcd, u
J' A -J-iiiiiov iU-ii, pi einier
luh.jhur Kalieviteii, t'Jfelu lulliui
ti r
fctujali yi i'U.-. uiiiilo.-..!' ol the lo
ur... . ... I J lli.Af,.... luiiiihter of XJlU-
I . I ' '
jii.-;ai j. uU A.aL.a.f.uvitch, mill-
inL. I V, al
V' j..:lav V'.-i.,.v'.j'.el., utUiUtuf of
;j1ji.-; .'. h r y.aehin, miiloU:!
u! J.ih'.ie
Ljuiyouilr .S'Lhioi.'iU-h, ui'ulihu of
iVir.w Kbi.'.vv'jri)ttfiWh Unanitiously
hci:i Hulcr cf feeryij-i.
j Jiolnrad.-, Jai.e 16. With ru-i.)
j the exeltLiaent whieh niaiks an ofili-
luuy -cw nay -n iae i .uuu.. r- ryi i
hut lubtituWd Lev .'Mi .-I. ,(u..ln
ICbS than t7.0 h' ... i . .. Iii " Ilea;
of meet tii a; i:i '' . :' t r.l
fcalxue, win re YJu .' .. .jidir a'-il his
I'Hniv. r)
er name but that of rr!nr
-fporgevltch tielng proneuno.
rnstllt was grunt nil with In:!' .i
and then tin minister of j,,,.
Rehlnkovlog, blistetioil In if
nverlonkliiK thp street nn ! ,v
to the people:
"Peter, the llrst of n o
tne ivningeiirRoviicneR is
king. Yon nip enngrn:-;
imp unHiiiiiniiis vine oi .'i:r-tW
The crows' respnmbM
upon etierrs. W lili n. liew-i ; j,..
fleet of being aotnew h:,t s-rbj
as though pnieopiling irnrr. ti.
Ihispii groups. At tiie s,ne j
royal salutp of 101 gun -va-frj
Tke deputies then Mr.s-j-;3
from tho paWiep, thp sol,i'.-ta
laarcueii away, aim in w
the space In front of ihe Koal
rasunieit Its normal nsfirt
The town Is full of iaivr-J
ooneemlng the late qu-yr. iyi
Is not a scimiiia of tyn;pi::;M
ssardered royal oouplo.
A lal.ioi'nm l K .
ivi.fsiniii ... t-i'iryij
wl m .1 -,,.,, I V, n , n , VI... fcZt
ITW.1 II. .Ill ll.TJ IIW -.IIIK 1. X I
"The splondld proof- of tJ
m . . . , . J
irom my ueiuven people c-
army and patriotic gnvf-ias
decply touched me. Km- &
of a trim Servian heart I tt-ii
lence, which has voiirh-4:
God's mercy and thro.i;:. i
ascend the throne of nir ir.
tors. I beg you, the p
calleagues In the gowrr.:
cept my royal acknow!""--the
assurance of my i
Girl Feloniously Asg;..".:: v'
For Dead Near Wilmi"!s.l
. Wilmington, Del., .1
S. BiShop, aged 17 year.
the Rev. R. A. Btsh-: sip2
ent of the Ferris lii:u:nii
four miles from here, wi.: -:J
from a trolley car a' 1t.i
to the school, was ar'.a '4
niously assaulted air!
sclous condition on t; ra.
throat was cut thr.- ::z-ii
Irntfa onI ah tt'im I' ":LI I
The eirl Is still nwuusc.m d
condition is critical.
The police arrest-1'. f',:e
a negro, who has o.-t: ci
county workhouse hu
He was found In h-: t' '-
u-arft frirm tieftr the fr;.-i
rage. A man aupp"S'-: 1
was seen by a ueii" "- - V.A
young woiiiaa along t.v ta
was brouKht here Ti- F
they tlilnk they hav
cueen were that iln-u, tho trnafo
The ' revoltttlarle prusd Xor- ,wu SkupsLtlna. ia ym Um. Iia4
members then iroeoedod to churcti,
retuioitiK a llf.t.lw later to the palace.
The ceremony of ducting tho king
Mas codduetud ill the Hullo do Pules,
bleb had been tpceially arranged for
the exxafclon.
Tho luotro-jolitan of Iielgrade and
the blnhop of Mull, iu their full robes
of ollU.e, lent the saueltoii of I heir
piibtuce. The tueoihers of the pro KoVU anient and tho plertl
ii.tti of the ehaiuher and aenato sat
ftt the head of the white and gold due
orated hall, aiaoiiK e'lilunul AI
.ciander "riasejiiu, Queen Ju nga's eoin)
lu and iuiw ij.IhIkIli of j.uiilii: works,
io I ill iiolitary liliifol in, while below
lin.Lii were grouped the ineuiliei nt
the henatu.
I'l.uu tne rea.'-seijihllng of the n
tioiial r.iv'u.i.lj' a itmiliiliou of gen
eral amnesty v,n,a adopled. )'retIJeut
V'elijiili'.jvlliJi then roKe, and, address
ing (he abtemlIy, tald they hud now
to olegt a Mug of the fatherland.
Tho formal motion that Prlnco Ka
rageorgevitch ho elected king of Bi r
via waa inovej by a Jtudlral depuly,
named KetoJ.hs, who was at tiro J Ir)
the national costume. Immediately a
bluoit arote fiom tha assembly I f
"I,i.g live KaraiteorgfTltcli." iac'i
niemhrr was then railed by panic and
rose ijiietl from his seat and gave his
vote or "Pet or ' Karageorgevllcb."
Thers wa absolute unanimity, no otb-
'.'-"'', .1 .i - , , v '
Tired First Gun I- Civi l
C:--. hunt-la, 8. C, J o''
H. (it hints, who Ih wi.
the first shot of t.u
Fort Sumter, dlnd In "
was a gunner iu f'ui'Oi
company, to whom ''
gurd sent thy order ('
Major Audeiaon. ii
master of (!olu:::!;lu
s-TVXl I
a::4 A
Wilkeibsrrc '.
WHLeshui re, I
W. CoollmiMh,
of tho Telegiam. " "
gal of (his city, oou'L'i
oiUeu of thu count j
rtfeased was 60 i-Kra o!
Waa due to apoplexy.
II . Jul."
lit Oi.i'T. 'iT
s. ei'.ra. i
Pl.llailell.lihl. i
was biisily; wmu-i
100; pLiinsylvttiii
city mil -
Rya flout' was uuif,
Imrrel UUI1.11I u...ri I. HI
tylvanla, red, new, tib?'
Ilrm: Nn. a vull w i"
"i . I S. kf . ' ..i.ili- I'll?
lower gifadtifl, a:.-
si ni V. i .... i.Aitf
Heady: beef ioi , iW
for hens ami V- '",r. u
lUfBliUll 111 I U 1 1 1 . o
r.iivla Att.t lilW . f.,r onl P".
Iter was sltttil
pound. ggfl w
and PeiinsyUanl.
laioes were iu.
per (iiloliul.
i Baltimore, Jun
. ... (JAiC Dill a
nth; vrmx .ZTZt
Uw,.: do.. Oil gtadu, l
iteady; spot. HV"J
ilSil i""ii.'ii.
BU'1?' jj
Jl. V
;y; tilU-f-!
Jrmr No-
jl, J.60.J o.' Wet'J't: