if w r ,. r . a : a - - - . -T a a 1 m n wo POOftf MCOVeftD W IM Entire rtlon tht Town Waa Daatroytt Po- Dished to Doath Agtlnat Rooky - luff. Lrttsnd. Ore June 1.-F1va nan kin lint their uvea in a ciona llmt almost entirely destroyed ,wii of lppner. Or. . Heppner Kintiiy scat of Morrow county. hl niM.iit 12r0 Inhabitants. tin. (i-li'Kraph ana telephone ,,. ,i(iwn and no- accurate infor- , nn lie obtained, but the esfl (lf rf life In bawd on the riM'iliI" reports received. A re- fP'in Imie. 17 miles from Hcpp- i , Hi.. .ffi-ct that over 300 UM-? I ., fvowTfiH. A mensetiavr nivnl there niirl a wall of wa fi. i liluh rushed down Into the Iti nlili h tlio town Ik eparatd, vrrytliliiK Wore It. Kn(lr . n:ii(iT!K the d"ad. !' . I riiiii" with swh s:iddn li,,' i in. inhabitant wi re unalilf ; i !,. i'i (if safety and were mr- l i d'-alh by the awful nr.n .n't t!i" entire residence portion i v ii was destroyed, but some of h part, whli h la on higher I i hi iped. Huge boulders fi l'u wcie (Arrl'd down ty li:' ' I, and many people were 1 , In inn dashed a?a!nst the l.'.itr. Karly In the afternoon a .r ' 'urn occurred, rovcrlnx a r. inn of country, and later a rum net In, many of the small hn'i iiveniowini; meir unn in a tini' llridces were swept away ktrawH. .soon an possmie nrier tt.m liii'l subsided the work of relief iiiitti'.nced by the citizens., boa- hf imdies were found lodged along n'lh of Willow Creek, and In ev- pla. 'K liny were pin-ci oyer one r. Over 2M bodies have been p-red nlmost within the city limits. ImlldlnKB which were not carried were moved from their founda nr toppled over. Hundreds of s, entile, sheep and hogs that had Into the creek bottoms for water fid. Ls of the calamity did not reach utfiile world until late yesteTday, Ic means of communication having cut oiT. As soon as possible news sent by courier to the" nearly '('he Oregon Railway and Nav- in ompany started a reuei irain ,!' men and supplies from The Another train started for the from this city. The cttizeaa of Vi.l started a relief fund as soon Lews of the disaster spread over ty, and within a few hoars 15,000 iiwl. Supplies will be rushed to iier-as son as they can be aaaem- n buildings in the town of Lex nine miles below Heppner, en k Creek, were washed away, but no loss of life, the Inhabitants fhad time to save themselves he surging torrent. ma, 15 miles away, considerable ke was done to buildings, but no If life la repprted from there. E STORY OF POPE'S DEATH ft Not Very Strong and Grants Fewer Audiences. June 13. General aatonish- was produced here by telegrams pourod in. especially from VI- r.n.l Merlin, announcing the dath IVi. A rush was made for litioaa to obtain news, and it !mml there that there waj no e in the condition of the Pope. holiness, though not quite so r before, owrng to hU last cf ht'B'.errholds, leadi bis ordl 'tf. eu-ept that he granU fewer Boos, rumor regarding the Fop'a ln- :i:u and prwmatur reports of th r fcept fmn hltn u far il'! as tay give blai muca rn. for the Don til tales them 'mtIousIv. ili iSey want me to be gone!" kiauiu. "J Jo no one any harm. I ImposMlble to make his boli- ilTtand that it is the interest in ht person whU-lii lead to Mt'ilomion of rumor Nj Auto For Mis Alice. Mintaa. June 11 Tie mystery I"11" Miss Altc Rwaewlt's vtnle ha btwn elitarud awav to I'xtiMit. It was epe:teii that pil l clie. the bargain for the Ivbi'.o. urjl,.rMd flip htir vru 1 no N'for she Wit Washington. and eutrvatlea wure yf no Kith lh ureaideut who la ld- eoiHcrtvsh, aud the macblno was fpiod. Miss Rvn.;veit left for l' i.-lt hr grandmother, Mrs. 1 et, aud to atteud th eoui " t vxvrvtaca ift Harvard. Uur now Is that her InduUent i 'iiu skill b cajolud Into buv. " i.hie for hr. tiSirlri Cltv. N. O.. Juua liL .Tim P tlL-l IVIIul,.l.wl ..f Ik., ..I... 'w Uioimoy. irt hore t begin "y-arn nun tellctt ill th.i ii.iiif,.ii. to lh ar uio otttcoi at Vhe jHil be o( a tn lullur k niHti.l mi, l t. Kin ajuaaouivut took. Si cal Utulwr li..iu ku i..,v.i ..1 ou hot, H Uae a U fc iKd during both trials faatoned m oy nu gartor. H cursed ''' aitd hud tit Ka Aarrk. l 1 by torv ; cchnsb.; ' The fiirinrrs were y p!M !it lft wtek after th first few a!iiwm. ' C. A. W( k:ly, Davul H.K.ver, Stella lltio'vcr and Lylia IXrtr were in Stantiury Inst Tliiirwlaj on IhjhiWmi. . Mia. Elmer Troup. Mr. Iax Uii-lnttt ami daughter Anna were iMiting fnvtuU at Striiijttown on day last wh-Ic. The Fe-tival nt Siniilxj (H;lifI house was will nttetKW Sutnnlay Kvenin it we rniifiiK-r the went Iter we IukI ilnriiii; the week. iJemii IIi wtuik! V. A. STme wre al Vr- at tin: County -int Tiicsil:' v. Ui' loi'-ie Yi-r' T of Fremont niintrii-il iitiinti nor ii.leon Mon day. I he 'hililrei ihiv .-rire v.i wi li r iif'crnl ly tin- Sin. dir. -1 ' Slll.dilV t-vi ItiliLf i l l!n-:. .Ji liri'r j ( liiircli. Iin.!,r! F. .1. K'i r-t-Tt. i nrnl )!ivcr Snyd. r weri-;it Midilh lur S.iturdav. li'vi (ieltictt. fiinl tiimilv vi-itid Kirn r Troiiji Sumhi v. 'i'litf i hihdIkm (f our n-'ijile K-ct In nlli i.d t!r- the ho'v :il M iddh'lmr Thtir-diiy. U'. A.Mfi-rot Mei-er i'lr ;iik) William Aurand if .Shamokin I,un wre traii"M-titt lui-in i.i to.vn one day Init vM-rk. Curt Uanrier of .S'uiiiii-I,iirj; w.n ."f-en in town Tiui'dHV. The Frernont t.'oriiet l!;ind ha 'iiite a rinmlx-r of engagement al-n-ady for thi Hummer. The imy aie ln-y irnclUinv to (nrni-li the lxt of musie, lawyer Frank (ila. and Peter Markley of Vr(-v.ur 'were in town one day la.st week tranarf-ted btii;- feo. IViyer of Northnmherland formerly of this plaee wa.i neen on our .streets on Mom la v. N. C Giitilius m vutiunj ML rotlnrWrn. Gutdii a Kitfaiminf, p Some of our young eople atteud i the Teael.er'a examination at Kreeburg: ' - - ' While raising Mr. Uetntwlman's rn last Tiiexlav a U-am fell and broke Mr. Heititzchnrn'narrn it al-o tit Sol liawvcr ltit he received no njnry. Samuel I'muUili arid .larne fitcliel mail-a himiness trip - to Midillebtirg Mundar. Any r.eron (!eiriiiK jof fertilizer 1 i.. . . .. iii'i'iiu piiri nari4 me ijenwnri rr iinzer. tf in- rifrnre puri'limtini; el here. V. I I'.II.OKK, Tho World's Famous Catarrh nomaly Po-ro-na. MONUMENT TO NEGRO SLAVES Firt of IM Kini in Ur,it4 St. Ere:tei at Esrrirgtrtn, R. . Ilarrincion. It. I, .I'ir.o IV r.o morlal miniimnf to tiffi j'hv- snd thf ir rte:-;. crul.ir.t.-) in r.vr.ijnitir.r) '.f valuable rfr.n.tl. and pTio'n- w vir. b'-fore and -'--. . Rpvo'.i tl'mary War, fN ; .' . . nl rr, j r' .' In fh T.'nit 1 .H'a: wast tell ca'ed hpr, The rf!erir,r?il Is a white tr'r j bfnild'-r. bittrsed t ccirnr hy , larsre. bir k ston'-s. et.-..ierratie of tie j Jnter-de;ind'-nt ret' ions 'if the white j an ! bivk rsf.s. and !.- a taMet ;r.- sc-r:Vd: I "In r ' rr. - ry r.f r. - 'Vt I dew r. !-.:.t.' who fai:hf'i'.i7 s.-rv t j I rr'.n -:..'. rr.-.;'.s." I Deerded Her Honor With Her L '. I Alt.Kir.a. Vv. .J -i n l.V Th.'- a'r r..- ! li.'fl.'SH hfV of .Vr-i Ar.r.'.r- "iTiv.. 1 . ... iXi-'d 41;, vis rVi'in.l tn a ava-v:. patrh nar hr horr; at K rs-y. rotinty. muf listed almost h.-yor. 1 cognition. jth; had be-n huafa w.th a pine knot f nind narh;-. TUe ni an died a short tlm afterwards. Th miirderer earaped. leaving no rlue H ? Is believed to have been a tramp, I atfarked tho woman while she vn picking berries. Rri lenrs of a vlo- I lent struggles were to be fo'ind, sho-v- j lng that the woman dsfendd her honor with hr life as lnava a hus band and several children. afBWaaa--BB-l is the New and Better Breakfast Food, so different from all ethers thai it pleasea everybody. - Get a package to-day at your grocers. Tn Caarxm Ptras Food Co-, la Bot, 5. T. PORT TREVORTOM. T. A. Cingnman was a btwinesrt caller at Shamokiu Monday. Jacob Shaffer visited h;s father Ja.i. C. and wile over Sunday. Midi Rath Arnold of Sliamokia L the guet of her aunt, Mis Keberra Arnold. Chas. Sstroh of Sunliury and si.-fer Mr. Wiln Hanpt cf New Port N'ew are visiting their mother. ML?s Maria Grimm Is the jrue-t of her cousin,Mr5. Jco. Meitz. Mr?. Jao. C. Hcover visited her daughter Mrs. El. Mitterlini- at Sunbury last week. Wni. anl Wesley Arnold werecall ed to Milton on account of the ill ness of their father, W. P. Arnold who Is well known through out the county. Mr. and Mrs. Kline of Liverpool spent Sunday with D. (i. Stahl and wife. KREAMER. Clixs. Pontious. who is working at Lewistowu wxs heme over Sun day. Wui. Iluoiiucl and wife of Lewia towu were visiting the latter parents John Fields. Mrs. Iora Stnith was visiting her brother A. W. Smith of Selins grove. Hurjrlars were in town Thursday uight. They visited Fisher's hotel aud secured one dollar and ten cvuts iu uioucy, his rawr, gun and oujc liquor. Theu they crossed the street ty Hum aid's stre but did uvt succeed in breaking iu Mr. Hum mel heard them while at the hotel aud he was ou the lookout w itli a gun. The burgluia fired a few shots but did uo harm' Htiinmd also iiml a few shots at thciu but only made holes in his window pane uud the burglars Hel. tjuito a uuinU-r of our young men who are working at Lewistowu were home over Sunday. The Normal school which wad taught by Vrof. Cno. DuukV.K-rger vW Fiidav, fPlM !-A M : fy-u t f V', fm wU ' f Hnmtnr Vt. V. Asbury Park Viaitora See Watee aoout ' Aihiiry Park, N. J, J m.? IS Via- . itnr r the ta.h and hoard-valk wit- j nessed a waterspout out at sea. The spout formM alynit two miles smith cf the city and perhaps three miles off shore. It traveled rn a northerly I course, passim? the cttw. and hrke abont tw Miles t the. northwari and somewhat farther ac ae than It had j ftirmeaV The whirling cr.lumn of witer ' appeared to b a ernipie of hundrM 1 feet tn dmafir at the baan. 7be beaihme say they never heard, of aa other on thia section of the ovist. T7alte4 suw Senattr Hnluv from Tm r,.,r 4 ;nmh,r nf ,, jKiiiyi lr-.iM uw riiiiow.nti ti dometnent of Print : "I itmlrt tn say that I harn neeij :ing Pmn lor some 3 ma lnr 'aturrh nfl BJTV9 tantid it an szoeJlent jnerllolne. ylvlnn mn raove ri'llef Min anr'hlnt: I Ks rmr ssken." W.V.HTrLLTVA.. CniMrmwman Knmilim X. llinf, rrora North Carolina, writes: " iff pT7tif aeflsrtvy has ben Minn ?tob for catarrh, H hl 'mm ',(.. r.ft in. I fcr lt jv-nr. "1 .'an recommend rmr ?.-mr. 1 ' 1 iwt, snl'tantlAl 'nnl -,r..1 .r.e heat rptnertlo ;Vir ntrrl.al :,iii.!...'' inmerwt, ?a.. -rt ten : ! -I m i-nr.Ml and atwied -hat ?r fiu is -rea .atarrh .-nre, ioil I dorsement of prnUc nf It. m the hunt' upon ,t js Ssml foe ree '.t "'1 ito "...t 1 Ukm in hoitlo.h sevma Ulto dl- tewt mam. I don't think any man ,tf en of prominence alt th sjrto m and- omrrooa strata wiud Lotted state are commending utmaa Sajuiium, forty mmbrr - v vrlrtpn rhftr ;r- .Vs or ilk i.i hffs Vioisnoli pmtrf" vnlki, uf '.Ite refv famllf tairticine ioir oftsslimontae-'.- -rn-r-t 1 1.1 vi!M.-f """mum. tt1S. at r,nr m r.r. : rrTT.n. rJ-?n' m t.lli faeme-.t . ( -onr i-imi. ind i,wH 7lt -.a IV y3i 1. Addre .jr. ."Urtmn. pr-wtiient .-f DC 0 3C 3QC DC 3C SliWs, Tig Profit Sail Sirs. 0 The tiiniwuiiiis if rf !i)' -sr iinri? i ?aveil the pin n-.wr ,ni tin ::n:n'-:;-; itu': t -;ii." i no;i;.i Li'i-un lur:::g ,mr :!!;; :at:. ,;l -iiii- -v;i ;:i i mi n.i::r ;r?i- ! ar. 11 Sa I I. TO OCR PlTLIDV' a jlio'v U" Ulit tiir.Ji vi t -'.-"T ' .i.-": ... 1 .ii- - -'.r pai'ka.'s her?: wll -ok-' 'jf '!ir.i r -' u aeet ; -ur :'.-ii'U.L- :t .r' --r v ..-u .rmt- .1 . would your heme your veiixiiie whether yci buy rare. -v :'rj -er-" nui.-i;. iSe Store will be Closed all day. Saturday. July 4ih. ac6i3 a2. c iu iu. .ili.;..:. I23.0O Pinner Sk $1 -1 i piece Lin-c? Chtsa iesiTi ted $20.0) Dinner Set $14.., b") pints' piaia white otnea I7. Dinner set $10.W, 114 piet- iiewrateii 5 !. Dinner -t 7.3' ' 1 03 pieces, American make, 'larantml, deitra:eiL $$.00 Dinner Set $?.?',), 1'"') pieces, dect-rate tianteeii nut to craze. Decorated China Salad aud Vecvtabie Disiits. Ho cent one pricei 35 ents. 9o ' 5 " S1.25 " Ho SI. 50 - 75 $1.H5 " S3 2.00 " $1.00 Celerv and Fruit Trays, bct China decvrateil. 75 cent kind priced oS cent. $1.25 kinds 75 rents. $1.50 " 75 " $1.75 sy " Shaving Euss -5 cent !.. 10 cents ; 10 vi.i "ins for 5 ct. China Cake and Fruit Hates, '25 ivut kinds are ik.w pri.xd 15 cents; 15 cent kinds are now 10 eta. NickleWare. p'.ateil on pure copper, will t-vvi-r t:ruL-li, t:..r chip otf, silver lined. $1.00 Code l'ot are $1.00. $1.75 " .05 $1.00 " .S'J $1.75 Crumb Trays are SO cents. Schreyer, .-1 V : err 7. a Sr .-t:.- '. ' !;- - i, ' t-.is . :i:i;er v i rr. ' . . n.:a ; i-wa :a-v. .o.'..n.' '! ; . ... iK ; -oei:i Ai:ni : c '.' - z. i. vr.; ; j i r-v r:-i:i. ' " ';'- . . . . .,r, v.i-. Dress Trimmings. Motions, icsierv. ArpW. '.vy.te iuvl : ii ,x. i;"...i... ... . $l.Tv' kb-Lj rv 51 r. h'.., u v , ) ; $1.' kbo ire i:vw " .;;. . ,. ., . j . 7- eetil k::i.j. jtrv i: .- ..'5 '.'.: . ..... c . ., i I aeata Meia.i;vu. ., j , f.:v ; ., j $1.' : $; c sad . . ;.-... : . . .. S'ik iiaip'. 2 '.r .i-j f y i. '-t. tiv ' ; . I'eiits. l'iruii 1 :".!! i tr'i.iU:'.Ui " . .i.t t.:.: .? . raileta 1 i '-x, -;.!c. - : . . r , ei'y ide - i li; ' '.i'. j v-.4 . ! ' . .... ... l!ia.ii i 't Iii.i..i, .. ... , i .lie priced 'Jo iv, : yj. 2 aud -" s i wid:ii . ;..... '. ' ....... ! tnvl !' -.H wi; lis .. ( ...o. v-.. ,. ' ai'.v; i Hj.;,!!. .. p ;. , a , (viiw. j. on. Co., w 3tfia?.a5-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers