PaatUkH Ewry Tbareaay Mtrslag 110 V. WAaVrSBUJUC A. H EDITOR AMD OWHI. erBscKirrror ratks. IM til aAvanea. U iw la aranca. Kingta eniilaa. Iva ' tnia. A4rrtMe Rfttrik. w rmM pt Una, Hiratl mMnir wt for An4 IriwrttrtT, rw 30 cento per ttmt fn mrh puhii a.a inwvm. w or r it it n ivrnnu ivnrt tlouM iKKiwii in ni i momi kmc mm n mildly jmi. Volxxxx. Ji nk IS loS. Npmbkr t "Republican Standing Committee. fm-r. r. .1. T. Slim. B-a-.T U. H. V'n-. A. H. Mmrr. IVover Wi-t w r. ;-,-. lavlil KmnttiuT, Vrtn- T. K V,n..l. .Smw'l. "mAri It V. HskM, V H . V petr-lv. Vrfcnkltn Hffix Kt !tv, .,.hn Kfnnmpfr. .VKxili J. S mrrk, W m. !rhM. VM.iVt. 'iff-i.-w n Hnkvcr, Hrk W. Yi-wlrr. V'.i.I'.nti'. k VrM k t :?t'r. h. K nvHr. H i IVi.i ".,. H. V 1'i-lior. !!!. : !l. V..V.T V V Kw. lV'-v I fi. v. . 'Mirw. .V U(-h:s. ', - x w .t ' n -,, vru:Ki,. v 'rtrlv, . . i K W '. vi-rl. v.r-u N i p. V mik. i t. '. I . !",.'! ! . W, ..-r Jamfa R"" proprietor of the Cbtafooowctlth Hott at Ilarribbur, lias tutored, suit against the Common wclth ftwr the reouwry of that old, oldbill of 15,911.16 for supplies furnished mem bcrs of the legislature on the famous junket to New York in April, i$97t to Attend., the Gener al Grant tnotmnieBt dedication ceremonies. (The i it is brought under an act of Awcmbly paw ed hy the recent Legislature, The IVst is gratified to note the progress and advantvnient ot Suiuehanna University. Dur ing the last ton years there has heen a steady growth. At that time there was hut ono'huilding. Then tiustavns Adolphus hall was put up, the Chemical laNwatory, the I indies lWmitory and ! Pining Hall and now the Alumni tivmnaiign. ' Studer.t forntoi lv ivuld only t-omphte the so phomotv studies now they can got the iNimplete tliVo oiniro. A hudnev eourM niiiMc, oi-; (et,of fashiita, and the atoriea are extraordinarily inlereftlinj. ' ' ' . Wemaa'a Hone Cenpaaion. . Spda 1 1 one of the least exftensive and moat indispeusaltle . articles in kitchen use. Acid frufts.'suoh as gooseberri, rhubarb and plums, mi'tiire less sugar if a little soda half a tea spoon to one ipurt of frtiit is put in before the sugar. Ikthing a patient in hot soda-water will nHliHe the (Vvir. A littte soda put in water in which meut and vegetables are boiled will make them tender and sweet, besides hasten ing the cooking, and thereby saving fuel. When added to dish-water no soup if needed, and then1 is no greay rim around your dishpan.! In warm weather meats may Im freshened by washing in odd soda-watt r U foiv cooking. June Woman's Home Companion. : v. ' llr . M VTK TICKKT. . 'r-.j v-i k i k ::t' , 1!:iW!i rt- 'o. '. ( . W V 1 ,t..v ( '.i-.j i omintv. .!.! ; ( '. 'i .T. ii. v 'rh't. " . t not v. 'i. McK i'i'I t !!:! v. trv and si iin jri-;HT'tv. liter brant -hes work the tar t 1, M:i 1 11 KKAK OTi:s. i: iiv Iiloa Woman's Mnea7ino ."1'i'v t!.:ns: "'t inttTvt nn l iiiirtaivv t tl.e IV,.!'. .n .1,.:- I V 'l:r.-v in . Am. ? TV1 TH'Kl'.T. I M . S!mii!i'l. !;-.-..:-.1,t- -T. lv A-!sv:,m. Il"' V;-;ii'k K !:'!.:. '!'.v -M. i. lVt (.!. ' " -!.-u;r. tr.vbii. i: f irfiTi'-i:,rii; t"4!" tw, nvi.l, ti jc: inr mv -ii : fii'i!'! 1 1 . !! t- o! i'i'I c-ountv )- t-i ! !:' tin S'lrcn! p.i. ; Mak lid oiin'it'.'i't oi'a homc-inaki-r in the summer -tinu'. l.Mni p'' to Kitliing'-iiits anl tin- various w:i ni' ; : vin: oherrics. lnvl upou in the Midsummer N'nmiierot llie '-New Idea Womnn's M.-iCiiue." ''lirniK n,id Sim KmSrella" are revived ! v K::t W iillii.'e Clements. Francis lma set t'.r!h the V )e;ur in '"Summer tilove and Mitts," tip.1. M'fdd.m FmvivM tcli "How to Porticoes Atirjiciive." '"The Fourth -t" s"iTervisi rs cm c' hi: ai- .mi;v ir. fii Si:it-. N" e"l rr hiivt Md .-lujrlin. and a puire ot humor delightfully .!! mi, i.: t hi aruT.'priati 'i ' i!!i;tnitod is mi tAcvllent 1.-ature l'.r the hot V ! wetiiher. The patterns sot torthtlie latest vajar- Lii ti" i etnrniinc! v descriU'd 'v 1. Rer.'TT. "Olrlch, "lfe and chibl of Scenery 'Hill ate 'visiting their parents. " i Mrs. Mary Heuning of Philadel phia visited among friends last week. 8he said she liked old Bel inagrove yet. '',. ! Mr. aud Mrs. Kline of Williams port attended thf commencement exeicises and were present at the graduation of their daughter in the tlept; of oratory. Mrs. Frank llahue ami Mrs. Holmes id Ijock Haven are visiting the former's brother, Wells Holmes. Rev. C. I. Macbinghlin of flit, eftgo came up from General Syinsl which was held at llilto. to sHiid a tew davs with his father-in-law II. I. Philips mid l unily. Carrol llolig of Momu s-cn is at home with his nareiiU fir a few lake Kepeit. The Philadelphia "North American" Monday 1J.V. tj.. Stover, wife ami child published a tch gram from York stating there j are the guests nf Mr. S's." parents was a pr,.khihty that IV. Knocti, pivfi.lcnt of Jdac. Iloimeworth and wile. Sns.pieh. nna" Fniversitv, wmild probably bej K-v. d. Ik tininey ami (amily cWtcd p,vsident of IVnnsvlvania Collcgr at re welcome guests of Mrs. G's. , ., iian-nts .Ino. A. l orstii anil wile. u-tKsiuiv, Kev. Stix'k to U'i'onie pii'sideut of;' , w. ' i i"..: : i i"... ii i m i - Kev. I". I-. Si-muuiuI, V. IV, isiHeu: nun i iiimm-iu ;iihi ive.ii.ii. em vis,v ,i" Cln ist Lutheran Church ol York. This storv has Uvn pioninnii"el a lake pure and simple by the authorities at Suipichann:i ' his lioyhood day. I "niversitx . Mr. Soiii of Pine Smninit is be- The annual c.mmcu.N.menl of Sns.piehanna ' " ''.v Prof. No-liing . w i- .1- and wife. She witnessed the Kiailna- l tuvci-sitv is in progress at N'linsjrrovt this ,, . ... .. " 1 . lion ol her son in the college. wot'K. I i. xx. Manor, a son oi isaiao xtauer . 1 Franklin township, i one of the graduates cf the ci 'liege depart ment. The gwduates from S'linsgrove are l-'lira Foster, Fanny .la"ohs, (. M. Mark, Fnvlerick ll.Shrad.r, .lr., 11. Mer rill Thi-mpon. Frank S. agonsoller and Sig mnnd Wei. Pres. of Carthage College, spent several day. with hw aunt, Mis. F, .1. Scli.ioh, and took in the scenes of Ob'NDPRE. t . V . nt7' tliiwi: fill.; t'u ncv .n: ' bv da-, making ti'iu . ,1 , r t 11. N :s " nfv. i i;,ri ishc'; an. i- :. iiht:uTi.i ', iiur. Hunr- hi ; lis; (tei.rr- Vi';- an.: working a: ttn- Kim dame- M. liano hart: i he readv lieorjretoxvti spent last week with1 Iter parents. j Minuii V., Kver of Selinserovo ! spent i, tev diiv- with her sister, fii- i where str.iw inTrii are nbundant. hiin.!- Ilnml'in ivrs. n irp!v premium lie all vh.i '- f,j his stove, it sick Tin tmv rain of lat week have started ttu C'vil Jireaker. nTr Annie Iloovpr oil the Island had : carpet sewing fts-tival one da v Inst Cherries few. Peaches not plen lit'u'i. Apples halt' a crop. Potato bugs full erop. 'Niiiire Si-hrist's strawlxcrri patch is n money maker. Norton Uendnx is taking care ot his Ixpc colony. II. F. Blessing was in town and is deeply interested in the new rail road. fiov. J. IT. Keeler and wife have "t.. M..yi . vanis. Howard I week and among the participant, i r(",rnf"'1 Jr"n a ver.v l'-t tnP M O. 1MI1H1UH Bllll 1HIIIIIV HI Pennscreek. i ! . I Ever. Lvdia TlfKver. Airnes Mover. ,lougtieil Ills; c . i , , . ; . anu Aioiiy iioover. Miiinur' iiimer inr u 01 t rii(' N"tio;; workmga: vv ei.ttel's new ; were: luwie x-uer: lincptta Mus ban.. jsina. Maria W. Iundort. Minnie .lacih Kerstettrr of bnr.k wheal, (tm.. A. Vt ol: l- ii viui own tionsv at Silver C reek ' U:- tar: C'.lh-'Ctr.r i- mi. a msji't t apv w;.' waii tiif-:" La.:, an , t r-vm- i- v.. in- iian.i-. his dav tiientin at Oiot1 a. m. at his resideiiiv; a large concourse of rela tives, friends and acipiaintaiuvs from Iicwistown, Mlure, Troxel ville. 1 leaver Springs, Middlebnrg and New lVrlin and other plaivs followeil his remains to their last noting place. The funeral strmon was preached by his pastor, Uev. 1. P. Zimmerman. The floral ofler mgs were rich and beautiful. His wito preceedeil him in death on last Christmas. He leaves a family of 4 sons and 2 daughters to mourn his departure, all of whom are married and have children. Geo. Stetler and Samuel Rearick twe. of our most respected citizens have been very sick men for some Lillian Stetler and Mrs. George Steininger of Middlebnrg spent Thursday in town. Mrs. TV. Frank of Centre Co., acvtonipai ied by her nephew, Han del Miller, are the guests ol Dr. E. ' " " .- M. Miller and nife. lUndcl will l-arl, are fjiendmg a wmk in Mid- lebtiif;, the gut of Mrs. F"s, jaretits, E. K. Freyiuin an! wife. J'lliu I. Smith, of Kan., was 'adled hert by the sudden death of hi- fcitber, John .rL Smith. Mias E3ua Winev viritel rela- l3a ' ftwvrit 1 v Tbe GeruuiD Medi'-it- Co., ha The enginiers of the new rail road have the canal along here well marked with stakes and now busi ness i- iiecoming in anticipation il tx-tter tiniis-. Birds are more numerous , than usual and their music as. charming a ever. . Maria W. "Dnndore picked bo of strawberries fjom a small jwtch in her parden. to give ' !7 ; Wilso:; BiurtniaL. Ianiel W,d;! BEAVERTOWN. ta:: liuiib-(and Eiri Trout' art working for the! The funeral nf John S. Smith i- v.. hi- nair.i-. jN. (.". liailwav will, faeadnuarters j uf whom was made mention in last "ienni- .:rr thilam. of' at Miherstiurg. wkV issue i ttMik plane last Thur- A. r ' A- t!i Century Land Club ID Middleburg, A Sv Ar. Crpsn Letter. hriw-iecttv' Nienuyr- v.ii: ic uiau ov tie eomiiiitt" A- A- -7-Av ;IH-r- uu Vlr- ' iisM-tlll" Vlia- sn. J !:ioh". sU'-t-nM'lj fi. J.' a: tn tiiu' of to' aliotmetit tin- J : lieeti hre sjiiug mdintie$ and giv tic i- jwid, voi: will Ik- iv?t; u iug uightly enterlainujfijt for the . iu - '.TgU! V etn : IT- t (I'JI- '!; buyp. J 'l J : aur: "iear piaii- is A- Ol ; i r- A- s'' 7 A- Av A A a A m A H- w A " or o ' ' outili- "rVH" i'jl.nin", i. lrj" -if. Uik-tUii" JJ'jiOJUe t l--l"' io if. pa: t io' Jiit?lJj;riii I'- "JtLlO'j'. Li'... : tUi'.'Jf.. f 1'. Ml!. i vtVL.if. '1 i u'i'- '-' 'hsif loutio; vi OU w:'. I fiirte)tjllli?-. a- .. ti :i J h iO j U i..i'.'llij-l '. ') ji- httVii". Ufe. i. l,f.'-:-l-'' r-UV.i- tli j- iiuiu.-i-. cw, l jjt : oU'-- . . na? ''. '' JlJ V fOJ . Mi'.-" ' '.ii! lL.e(lj;-! i;- i i 1 i jiiij' LivI lei;iijji- .,:i.iij," i" Z".:i'. '..(, sw.ic i. 'ill' I'..', i. liullj.l-' i;,.. . t:'. iu.. '. i;U '..: . . . . f. In i p iiuUi;,W' uja'l j . !.. ,j ruir...-, I tm iiuu.- .. -, r'.s't i i u t.i':.' rt'vtfir i-jll.i I- .. ' '..i.- i'Lr ji tn j' i'. : i . , , i i1 ,i i o' til' Lo lioinu an or a' lH.'.-Ttri ein'ii. ( r von huv- a vir 1 p:r tii' Usikiici o' ?iil'jf,at tii nu ofaiut ?!.' pe" tuynti.. Noli' ')' tin'i iou- are wort 1 1 ie- ttiaij .jOd' and a- Dii a- ?-" '.'M.i. MeuJop- of th- elub t,uf: pav lor tueir jijt tv briujriije; in u-i liietii-i-r-. Lai. uii-iui von u join you will fi-iv. t eidi". j'. t Z-AM i oil our lot. Vi i t'. luak- tL-'alioliueataWjt Juiv j. sue ". tnai tuiji wi- iioie to pa.-j- at iaaMt '-itnru- I'. iu:i iu-Uil-j.. J lit j; tM'. Ill til' iiar JVri Of OplJhitiOlj ill Will o' tlii ui'j-' firiiabii- UUfiiiiay iui;ij oi Y ijkesintii auc Ji?!iy-y hiiun.. l:uji-rs iiind uo i'orliier jfuiataiiiw , iiu'. wlia' a!! proiijim- will ia-itJi-ioiiy iuiidiif :. huuii- u'tioii ar to thir ha Li'fli law1, pi ili :i pal iy i.un tlii- lyU an: 'in; , ati'i tii mviili v.iw- t-tian uw-A t:.e p' i i'U'. - lli 1 1- lli'raur A ad Wtfl i'1'lij',, i. uui Hi -i i- 'jtiCi- aii'j fttunl! pi'j!j. Ju Wiumyl. Wi M vl-i'-. 'J J i) tiit .U ,o.ij tue "i-'i-ii '..i:i!.uiy Jjviri Ciui.i W iv.u at wiim an'' jic'. a oi' iv' , u.eti vpp-cLuuiiy i vi. Li iitjvet liiivi lij,!ul.. pat wetk. Wj. Lizzi Hys-ell rpetit bf'eral Lr ; d at M'Jlurt last wik. llev. J). C Kaufltuau and bride reiuroed Fridav afteruwu and fiat s' j urday went to M'jCJur where they wjr 1 tndertsd a rjt-jtiyn; tli-y 'X 5 ' e'"t to take up their aUide iu Uie Lutheran uarixnae iu a f-w days. " ; We jiu with their uiauy friend -utieiuerj intei- Wi- , j i- i -i ,. riC' iu v Hie Jiev. aud iu bride a sale ati'J jdeaa;jt jourijey dowu lilVr'e 'Jliar. E. i' IWjijl hai- U:i-U toufler- ! iui; it'jiii i utiutiujaUwy rhcu iitieut tor tLe IrtM two or tint.' wtel.a. Samuel ( icintiorlin, one of our aged citi"iis, died Saturday morn ing. He was apil iiImiuI i,l2 years, ha Ixvn a meinlM'i" of the (lid Fel lows for many years, and will lie buried by that organization. Our band gave n twilight con cert on the campus ot the college Saturday evening. The town can (eel .proud of its band. 1 hey are making rapid nil provemenls in tltetr playing. Samuel (Jralta::; of llarrisburg, a former resident of this place, is vis iting liiends. Miss Jennie Miller is on an ex tended visit to Phi la. Miss Katie Krehart of Rilto. is being entertained by her cousin, Mrs. IV. Focht. Uev. II. 1. Hoover and wife are taking in the commencement. Miss Ix)hr of Milton is being en tcrtained by Mrs. Xoettiiig. Sick Headache? Food doesn't digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It's your liver! Ayer's Pills are liver pills; they cure dys pepsia, biliousnass. 25c. All drsreUts. "I fcayt utcdVour for flva years and im J) pltaaad with It. It Wia torea tn orlglnsl colors bslr. It keeps my hiirtoft "J Haten Kllktnnjr.New Ponii Ayer's Hair VW been rcstoiinp color gray hair for fifty and it never fails to this worK, cither. You Qan rely upon ior stopping your V from falling, for keep your scalp clean. aJo making your natr prow, tl.Mlkollb. A'Hrn,rqt If ..n ... . miiI ii una iliilur mnl ii','JJ yiil IiiIUk. IIh titnnml rhii.Tj ut jrodr nnimt viiirwui oil'. ,. . ,3 J. ti. AYrii t ii I.' I'M 1 1... 1.......H i ..r it. I "I lllf '"lllllll 'l lll'.HI. ,(v attend tin' exerelset to I i I,,.',! tynhurit, I'a,, eiiininiMii..i:ii,,,j aniilvHrsiirv "I tin' lutt t '. ,i:!j, ami M, the I'l'iiiisylviiniM Will HI'll rilllllll-tlll ti. U. n Irt tnug f'liin all Htaliiinsi.ii Slate of I VnilHvh iinlii ,,f elmlliii! .Inhimtown ; nK,. jy,,,, on inii i niniueiiiiiii mnl i H1..1..1 ....i ii... 11..11 . 1'l.e.M'ii iiii'i iin- i"i n i mlietiy N'ulley llvhlnii i, nut illeinllll (Ml ( 'II y, u gle rare fur the ruiuiil in;, :il rate, II.IMI). Tleki'lM will h. Kk Kiinil Kolnu June Md, .lul ; aii't punt to return urn i', ,l:Vi si VP. . us Tf.ur nnnitAcbe or bard a baantif ul rrpwt t.T ricti ft ,ik i Dan d.a Diiniiunuiu'o nvrforthe DUUMnunnm o uit whiskers 1 V i"' Minaiy. Jol tln:f hjlVI ! ui. t Alwjdi.d trip Ui iS'tivv taken York Lev. Fled. jviaU-cnner of 'i'y i OUI." ll i.'. 11. J lf1ILIJ)5, WEST BEAVER. Some jiarties who were wishing for rain and got it are now winhiug ior it to stop; mxaa are not satisfied no matter how the world goew. Our merchants are laying iu a big Bujijdy of buckets for their huckleberry trade tlii beasoD a they ar exptf'-ting a bl crop. Jauiis Steely hax UiCMoi theiek lit for the pat week. 'J'he fclrawlrry war 'm over. 'Jlie rult ww UAh widen defeated with li'i liwb of lite. Some j.rtii;ii have ordeitl tiite which Mill U: put up along Jaeku oioouUitj thiti isuiiiuier during the Luek Wjfrry Muyij. J'yijvh linker ha U;eu iuliucd t; w iiouw tor the punt week or no viit.L itilluuiiiiutoiy I'lii'iiUiatioiii Al NVuuer in tilovvJv improving fl'OUJ hi- bi'Vel t' ulUu'k OI rheUlJllitiblli 'J he old ldit!i ti ut this cud iirc ull ipliel iu Jllildr- U their nHciid , tug L'.,i j.A. t. i cumuli iu ui, lAu,ui o i tli. Jt in aol for the ! Miiut of uiouiy tliut ku ph ihiiii lion i F,'-""K- 'J hoc will not ullovv tliein ij ko. i lieu' iiuxiuii' if iroiii n to Ll,Jrt"' , dolhoii jK:r luoutli ptnaiuii plenly iuin.1. 'ofcuHh m lidi ulLcr BupplyiiiK II ri tl.- Si j.i.r .... ...I I ..i.l 'i-. .:i til. i'... I .....I ..I. ii.!.... .y " 'wjjc.i n'j mi nun- wr.oi iAiiiii tyii.ii jou iiiu i'.ioijiui H. P. PHI1JJPS, it Real fistate. Jersey Shore. Pa. W,a tr.j, to eljiitrky. (jii.-iou hatia' jcpoil. ' ' Oil Mo. j. A. ilaiW (uu:jiiu- Soiiu' jiitu.ii ure talking of rc- ' ''"l ir v'"'t'" l'tnU-. j pUntiii :oni w wuii us the r Wir, ill. Ji.jli uiid laiiiily huve Tut (,....,. .1 4.. il.'..:.. ..I.I I . . .: XI.. 1 ! a I i" .. I . : l rrn'iiuwi nieii om Aiouu'. ii I . ,ii- j j i)! I ( op Ol wni.'H ja Ii put. lei I J. L..- 'yM.ii vvorkiiiL' iiuur 1'ilUhuiy , if iiotliiu liiiii(i;iir. il in loo hhui ..i,t I. :.i i.:. . i .. , . 11..1...111 ui in.- luiiiiiji dui: nitu mui( ijui. ut unit jti"iui uiu oilio hiiu i.ojii i jop. he did liol like tin- oyiiutry ,-) n- 'J'iuu; and ood w a'bi j" i J 1 lull, ; tui'liul holuf. fttnrlllna It Mi nr. rrnun iphhiiioiiv 111 u'n:,!,,-! ! 1 ..,11.. :. . in cmiHiiii'iiy eoiMini; ir, ,uj ir. jvin h etew HiKi-ov,,,. OouifllB Hlld Coldn to he un, A reeent pxtirnRnirii frui T.; Farlnnd Hentorvjlle, Vn KJ exRinplrt. He wril.en: ' 1 Lsij CMim iurinrrn and im II II . ! .. 'll .1 1 an tue nine wiiiioui ni'iucttJ men i uenan iiikiiik )r. kh Di"eovery, and n few bonis J ourea me. ' r.quniiv -fjrft Luuir and Thront 1 routj. suniution. I'ueuiiiou nd tir-J antend Mnldlnbuiv Prup S:m mil A unrinanot nicl iK-lifr HninqHell of 1'ontiR Creek M inai notion tree, regum: sa aud .m. Kcduccd Kates to Ashvilld For the benellt of thnst 6uJ attend the meeting nf tlitjr MuHloTeiichem' AHSoriatiimif at AHhvllle, N, C, June SO ili IL . VI -'! " ! me rennsyivania lumrnaiia will round-trip tickets tn A-m all stations on IU line. Juwli inclusive, gMKl to return uaj inclusive, at redueed rates 1 positing tickets with Spwuuia Asliville, uot later tli:m Jul; J payment of fee of fifty ifiiutl sion of final return limit me i.i..Ai i.. Bn..A i ,i. not later than October lu CASTOR! For Infants and Chile: Ttie Kind You Have Always Bears the Signature of I MlDDUBURGH MAE Butter KgK - Onioim..... Unl Talhj Cliickeiia.... Hide., Shoulder,..., Uam , 1G 10 CO 12 4 Wilt2'.J Kv.... Con -I Oat...... iJ'oiai'At" 1(1 ; IJraii iierl 11 MiiMiiunt Vi Chup.... 10 ll'lourper Tlta HvpitiMi w T 11. I 1. .... ia tun uarour ui; beat Matihfaetion eotni"- K I Iiaroiiutjd Ouly it n u Coep (lie bosyt U regulwr uam aul lio Tin-re t- nUttt Ur KilJK'a Maw Lde JM' '1'liuv ruiider lurviun wlllj.r - .11... K i Al ..l,:l..M'"f louuiy uu' ui. oi in "-"vj Htivlo.tJiuylilll & (iriiiaail It rr air. ai II . 9 l..ftll Firs! National i Mil Cl MdilUbVir;- rS. (Jupilul, Buijilm, Jlu hy Vriif in:- mid hiinily ui' Hiium hifriiJ ii.'vtd iut.o UH. fttj,ny 1 tunminu: im'hl lluir friends u Vlait (it- JfVWeU builduy, (1. Al.uii;jj li iiix ii, 1'' W. W. WlTJMVhl, Jaw. (J. Tjio&uoo.s, t-'wiu JJJJIWM'OI (1. Allied Hoho:h, W.'-' U'. W. Williiinusti. A. J. K. TlilMMIWUH, ' Jus. IJ. 'I'homi AituiiiiIn i if Jiidividual! nuHnipdiolis .Son