The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 18, 1903, Image 3

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Jim Damp fond Mre. Diapi
4UtrM4 '
About aa OMzptcUj fest. .
M Tfcara'a nothing la tba faonae
M Tnara'a aomethJaa; batter fcr
tkan At"
Tfca (sait eodajMd Jlm'a rlew
with vim
Wfcea helped ta "Facta" by
"Sanay Jim."
TU Ikmrtj-to-fcrr Ctrml
ready for
any emergency.
fumni Eattnil " foree,"
"ll.ftnkn for 'force.' I at It ihr
!!,, .lux. " ';'"nnT JUn-
TkiIi iini t the or-nntrr with me. on a imil the farmer out th;re are
M tVn.t, Rrrr."
Marca f ir rltaiioa, U atrcr ajaiM
Tka ',,te "
araaa tba operator
M W.rfc. .witch,, 0. tba
pboaogTapb, wbleh says and repasts
and repeat: Tha liaa 1 busy: Please
ring off." Tbr are people wb think
tba CDAOotoctoiia and imperturbable
to ice belong to tbe operator at "Cea
tral.Mand aotrjr to argue. Tbe Initiated
bans; np tba receiver and wait. Tb
know that tba order eomf from a
machine; that the are experiencing a
commercial application of what wot
on! a toj a few years ago. Mr. Edk
son's wonderful invention i still a toy
in the aenae tha-tit ia aold, with varied
and increaaing aeta of record, for ptir
poaea of amusement; but also it baa
many carious and interesting applica
tion to scienre and industry. It ha
been used for ethnological purpose ia
IVirneo by Prof. If addon; in Uganda, by
Sir Harry Johnson, and in northern
Siberia by two explorers from the j
i Smithsonian Institution. In those
.vidciy Rp,i rnrr fli.U it recorded and
preserved the p eoh and ng of if
tive trib's; a nil in Africa, too, it cop
i ied and reproi.'iifoil "-pief-h" of m''tl
key . for Prof. Th ph no
?r1h, .v. the , .i. ( ompl'nion,
i.' .r:s af.d e,- i es. .Ni.tiong
; a riiff.' - i.-.t rotate, it was sup-
j p. ?(!. H it one evc.iiisf a memoir of
j hi family chanced to place a cylinder
in the phonograph which had stood in
j -the. dead man's room. The machinery
was starter!, and a voice, as it were
j from the grave, heg;n the old formula.
I fa ! toaal
Iwr Smmm ml, IMHs-a-rare
tfcara Tlaavbr.
It Tlav 1:14-11. f lay
14. Sot eontlnae thoo l th thine r!e
fha ht lrd and fet fcen mir4
f. knowing of vkoat Lfcoa teamed
l. And thai from rhl'.d thou ham
known the Holy Scripture, which are atle
t mak ih wIm unfo M.vai.on throu-h
fairh wWeh i m Chrlat Jiu.
1 All Jcrltor la lven by inaolratlna
of 0vl, ,! m prcflri.e for doctrine, for
reproof, for eorretkM, for inMructlon in
17. Thf the mn of OnA mnv he perfeet.
thorough, y fiirnier,f unfo ii irood work
1. I ef,xr. th merefore hfore
n1 the Jx.r1 Jsii Chrim. Who ha.l
Ju1ce the rn'.ft mid th id at Hi l
perir r4 n,
1. t"rirn tn won, n intnt in e
on. o'i' wjrtii, rprov, retk, Kh'.rt
w'.th ii Ionit.'irTr!n inl .loetrin
1. K.'r tr. !rr. wi.i cftmo whn 'tv
I thi'ir gah s :rv h'-au '.ni-m-
- N?SvC.Viv
for Infants and Children.
CaatArift U a ftrmlew niitifit for fivtor OH, P,r
Iforlc, Tropi and Sontliinyr Syrnpi. It i l1r-ijnt. It
contain neither ;lim, .lTorplnHrt rr other y;irrfl
auhMtancc. ft flewtroy Worms ami all;iy Ki'vorihiH.
ft cnre fHirrht iid Winl "lie. r reliMiw Th
lnT Trnnhle nt cur' f'ontipntion. It r".rii!n1e the
Stomnch I".srfi, iriviv hvilt'iv ;!! ti !iur-,il sleep.
Ther thilnren-4 i'.iimeiM- Tiie .Vcthcr rrnwl,
A 1 -rr-i yt-1 0t
1 i. i . V U ,' J
XT. 7
"i-'j ,..-r.v
i : rom ; . . r.ii .
fa.. .
A I . . I )
j m ,.,r. : r.
f ., (,rv..-.f
; 4 K .r i .,m n.
. Ih- n--y
: i. I fl.w,' ;".. iu
! Iff- I iv .
t n'.i it i
. rtil.i
I'.nj in .
-urn-! .
HI -':n'?t'
i :. I'
r 4,ii.
1 j
i r. '
! ;r-
r r T
I1 t r
The Kind Yon
Ecaru tlvo Sieiaturrt of
Use Fof Cvr
!" '.' ...'.I' I I .-I .1 .I''.l I'1
...i I,K -K IV l-heei. I- Inl.l n; r.r
oe crown f rlailtlroiiiinaa -J Tim.
4 IN.
Liberal Adjuster,'. 3 1
' 1
A x t.
sxor, fX)K, -USTKN.
ome and See Our. New Stock.
Highest Prices Paid For Country Produce.
j "X, So-and-So, hein of sound and rfls
j posir.jf mind," ami went on throiiifls ;he
j whol of a "iast and testament."
j The heira were so fully convinced that
the oice w,n that of the dead ma a
that they accepted hi diviirn of the
, property. The uncanny machine
jprompti li h to 'peculation and re
j gret. Will it. he the mean l.y which
!the ficc of the great men and wom
en ct tiiiay hail he heard hy fjture
generation? It only it could hrinff
j back the remote past! One would ive. and land. Hm llimi w.ird r-- tlmx..
.!'. tii A I I' w 1 '
in- -r i 1', m i
VI .-I i.r .UK .;( A l
N' 7 KS .A X i r, '.1 V7ji
K H"t. till' -liilllii-r vli. liiV4
I he Imrrai'kit and p-inde jmmiwI
Whi. taKi-S th.' st J: ! I'.ficl H.-i ...
niiiiry cu-e.-r, nut tin. .nw
ha whii 111 miler imitiM -mil mmi
toi.muiie murclies. Piul lind !).
)ei-iiMi.' ,,f the !ti!it,,nr .Idi.-r ill.
life w:-t ni.'nacei( with plnu li vm
hewet ny mnlw. ilr.iir.-d uef.ire nini
isfrareM, cvurj'-,d, nil r';Kiti.M.
and endured hardnhitm iio'h liv
I 1
,'l .
! ,!
much to bear iJemosthenea denounce
Philip, nr to learn how ("icero pro
nounced the worda in which he ar
raig-ned Catiline; one would yo far to
hear Waahinyton' farewell to hia gtn
leraU or the calm and nohU ipeecb
which crowned the Life of Xathaa
j The valn of the. onion aa a medl
I cine ia just beimr found out. Doc
i tors are of th opinion that it ia a
preventer of smallpox and will ar
j rest the spread of many other dia-
. 11 , .
rases, me onion In a
of an exult inif enniiieror. T f.-l
a he did when expecrinir To lit ly
the word, one munt !w able t-i -v
, with him. "I have fiiuifhr -lie
flight, and I have Inmlied th .mir.e,
:I havn kept the faith."
I The. tvry of the honk vf .v-t
break on ndiienly, iea-:nir Paul in
priiion. The fact uf hi later I i f ir
very uncertain, fany scholar-? ;ie!i-v
that he wa executed at the e!ne of
the iinpriaontnent of the laet letson.
and that the second letter to Timv
thy wa written within a few wek
of that to hia old friend ar PMIinnl
Only fliei 01l-t. -
T!l .Atll:t K 'lilt".!
The Stan.ta r i A
The Nv York i
The fiilelit:) Mi:
Tour Patronaw.
: n I . 1 1 (l 1 v
! M !
,n ..1.:; . .iSiil .jliiJ.'-
: i.Ifc:f
. 1 1 :
N. T. Dundore,
hat it
Our Stock ConsUtj of Clean !New Goods,
Such as Is Found in an Lp-to-DateJ
Country Store.
Dry Goods, Hardware, Drugs,
Groceries, Chinaware,
Best Shoes.
Cigars and Tobacco, Smokers' Supplies.
More Good for Same Honey I
Same Good for Less Money t
Come and see our wares. Harket prices paid for
. Country Produce.
A. S. Sechrist,
Verdilla, Pa.
h h , . (studied January 11). Moat, hivwerr.
! . . . . . thinlt rJiur. Put) vrn v!.i; iia
remei.y wilcH every mother haa used . . , .
or e. t.i. - enmplete freedom for live or ,ix
erationa, but now ita virtua ia bein? condemned and beheaded, nd
ieata in a mora acJentiflo way. On- waa durimr thia aerond imnr1onment
I fcina promote aleep and qniet irri- and jnt before the flnal trial that
j tab I nervea. They are said to im ' thia letter to Timothy wna written.
prove the eyesijrht. They ara known Th letter ia studied here? aa jrirtn
) to Improve the oomnlexinn. They , n t"" i"t w',rrt fronl th ifeat
I are, ia fact, a most healthful and
beneficial article of diet, and if they
J could be made to ta&te and ameil
j like oraajrea or apples their popu
larity would be far greater thaa
I either of the fmita named.
apostle. It !. u Uisshnn Li(hffoo
hna said, "Paul' Hast will and teat- '
ment,-' j
"Xnnw'nir nf whom thmi lant
learnefl them:" A ("Iiristian mother
ind srmnitmiithtT I:.'i. -And that
from i bnhe:" Tlie rmininir .if -he
iivish iThildren !n he Old IVstatner.t
'criptnrett heg-nn at -he .iir 'if dve.
"The ncrefi wrninirs:" That !. the
iiTerent hooka 'if iv'aat w-? .'all -lie
Old Testament. "Make -nee
into salvariun 'hrmtirh faith which
in Chriar Jen us:' Paul .-iaimed har ,
he Old TeHtamer.t pntnti -nen icar
'' and distinctly ri Chrtur v.'ni, -he
Jews' Mc!suih ami 'he wnrlci'i
vitv -crtprure-' the
for dinner end become sioven'T in '0 places -There rh:a wrt ncc-irs :u
their apparj and careless about their -he Xew T.tamen: it iie;ia the "!d
manners, and the women aert'iire x cer- restameni.'" 3. ?. 3.'run. 'oaQire-1 ,
lam rujuctj, waica ia verv recririz- ot ijod: Lie revised rr-;iin r-"" '
iPtklesa, Spaamuiila Culllliutllt
PeeoIle ta Sam Hk-oj(W
Tuwa Reatdeau.
"There la no doubt about It, :a my
rwiaion," remarked a fair jnbnrtaa'.te,
according t the yew Yirk Trtbune.
People deteriorate br Uvn in the
eountry. The men jfive an drsainj Javiour.
The XevrYork
Tribune Farmer
:. u national I i! hint rated .it''-'.1' ;
irid , lieir ,ii,iiii' tin! .iiiiid. .
'tilfiinil ;.rw. if ;,4 -i i rnc'U-nl i nr
helrlnirtln'm t.i e-t!n f!,e l.iruc-'f i i-!!'!.-farm
llirniiiili nieri.-'.l iief!,iK
It h niterr.iiuiinf, iiitrii' ',-. :ui i i
the farmer' wife, -otm and daughter- ' vh
i-overa in an Kttmctive niaoii-r.
The revtllnr t.ric U 1 fio r.e vv , ,,
tlm we will receive ynrrr -itlwr'nfidti for THR NRW-.
YOK TiiriEl'Nb FAMMEU ami ni tor yotirown lUvurit.
ItK-al neu-nnr'-r "Tl.e !'i st. rnll Iflnirtr, i'a.
''i I - itrttiert
:ie .irri-r'l.'tli-nl
fdit r-nrrt rh
' li :i!l v ii4efiil f
ml mm m
10 V
LU illl
- 01
nnTnoTinnhr 01 OCT
11 Illl II . I w
-ipnd your order .ind innnn" , -".'our
-'..irne -uni "jitdn .
"mF.W.xiwk rWIBl NF.;r.AK!ER.
e I'"-
.I K (
nam iU':rr- ilU,:l1.V.
The M
, : : "9 n
Incorporate Under Arizona Laws.
Most lilH-ral corporation law in the Vnitoil States. Xo
b'muvhLH: tax or exhorbitaut tits. I'rivate property ex
empt from all corporate debts. Far of stock made any
aiuouut. Mo Hunt ou capitalization. Stock U noo-as-
kalile tvr auy purpw Xo atwouut of slock required tibscrilK-d. No
Mc vutrvl ; uo Statv e:ui;uttioti of books. I.tislature cau't repval
iii'iiiiii'Ut. Keep olKev aud do business an v whore. Wu attend to all
''iiu.v. uud p.y all I'evN ad eiiuiy;c you but a few dollars in any oise.
AgvuU wauttxl u ?vcry citv in the I. . 5. Liberal coin
itiiiiions. Seud thrw stamps for bvoklct of coiliticd an
iiottitvl corporation laws and other iuioruiutiou.
Aritoaa Corporution Charter Guarantee Company.
Moulhau tJulluiui. HIOIMX. ARIZONA.
aoie. xce funny part of it. too, abe the correct "
continned, "ia that they ail acqnire a :h.-u "ail Scr-:
certain resemblance to each other in 'ion" whi'.e
appearance and manners. Thia showt rendering nf
itseLf especially amonj the yons tjod-inapired
women who have been bora and bred wis unu'ie-:
la rented suburbs. I da Bat meaa
common people at all," she explained.
"I am talkinir of those of a irood social
eiaas, who are well connected and rea- every ijimii
sonably well off, but who, nevertheless. ' if Uod and
'adinij. ?!:e i i - ersii
ture :s t-"n v.- ::ii;ira
rte :s act -he .-err
this -.-issiiiT". verj
crtptur" iaii i'-iu
caniy think: air f tit
"Groceries, D;
IT 7
acred writ:r.irs tne -ieorews wnea
he upokei in rredtauie -eachin.
etc. "Pnrri.-hed comnieteiv -ist.
-iri." The knuwiciirfe
;iis radaai reveiatjun . i
1 fin R) flfl 8
it W r k i
are hopelessly provincial. Aalbelons; Himself and His vi;l to men .' mnd in j
to the species myself." she interpolat-' the Old Trt:iment is. sayt n-.ii. i
ed, "I suppose I can say what I please, ' very impnrtaut part cf the ppirtuul 1
for I make no donbt that lamas bad aa equipment of 'he man t Ood. I
the rest. Have you ever noticed, ! "T i-lmrm- thee:" v ..lemn ohirw
the by, how many country womea from the akred ap-tie t. the vnuv j
me same ennous, nervoua I:ttl C'hritti;iu jti-t the beir' -if his j
laugh? ?fow, I am Sure that must be , work. "The Word:1' The io?p4 j
due to suburban living; for I have truth of salvation from sin through
heard precisely the tame giggle at Christ. "In season, out of eaa.a:" l
wjdely divergent places. It is a per- , That is, all the time. "For the time j
fectly mirthless, spasmodic eachinna-. will come:" It had probably berua ,
tion, delivered either before or after when Paul wrote. "Having" i'ciui-if .
& tpntnn. -. IT i . .... . , '.I
I v .11 re you, nee-cee- ears: La.stCwinir rut Mr trie :ie . : -
' hee?' or 'I noarlv missed mv train. nrnHttn Sv rh i'.nn.d truth .nr f ir :
Hee-hee:' And so on. One woman 1 .livendon or au-.usemeut
know has got so into the habit of pre- I religious fads. The world is tdi tail j
itusing everything she says with what of thoe who are radv t run after ,
i call tne suburban giggle that not long
ago, when I met her wearing raourn
uig and spoke to her sympatheticaliv.
she answered me: 'Ilee-hee: Yes. my the
i-vvi .lain is cfau, ana l am going ;a
foP th flinu.n' '
lions, Hardware, Drugs.
Chinaware, Shoes.
Cigars ny
7 1
Alwav ihe Hi'ie-c
fJC) 3
asdssae- j
k::tt tauilanum. CooaJno an J all Drug Habits
".i'..;iiuy vuruj, without puiu or oetcntsoa treni busiuess, Icavg U'j craving
iin-xnor oitr i.tiiuuluuu. Wo txsuuv the nervous aid physical systems tv
1 uatuul wouditiou Uh,iumj we rwuiovo the causes oi Cisc.vse. A hoiae reiat-cy
r-iii.l by 4u uiulnolit vhvkiviaa.
i.iwitiul i,x'i.K..dcucu, tv.pvvndly tdivU'ians, solicited. Write to-toy.
iT.'i2iius2iaiicii YteJM.cuo .l3icIsLi;&Ji
eU Iti5 S. aaJ-av, Kg Yti Cilj
3 lliothe
I I 1 1 i h oo m mouh's kar, mttmrn J
. y. ttwmr coil Umi THAT -M
the newest counterfeit religion. 'Suf- i
fer hardship;" The experience i f j
1'uul had shown him that the life of i
missionary pastor was not uu ,
easy one. "Aa evangelist:" Our who .
hat is, preacher the Cio- (
I'uuislimcut is not juTev;:i.i:.
We shuuid a; ido ia th-j truths that
we have learued, know it: j of whom
we tatm j-.:r.eL; tuotter
Kortuti.U.? i- that one who has
l.uowu the Scriptures from u lain;!
1 1 mamym
?H 1
k Freqaeal Imlttll..
miriswr cU:. :'
kard i 1 - snj- .
"I doc': ee why."
1 "Well, you, :'. c. ..
1 soaies c.-:::;:: a::.:. '.
J "Will you jcia Us'." '-l'ii..
-'Wiii rum ttmA rarw am a
r hsalti cf moTf ttorntn AJta
Sw.-id for ft mpl.
SO. Tr BOWNK, Chon.:....
.V4 S P'rl Stre. Ntw Vgg.
juc. u.o rt.oo ) til Jnigpxu.
The V w iil c ut
rtl ot'e s
The Scriptuiis are not for
merely, but to e.juip one for w
((X and for man.
There Is sti'l such a need of wutk
'iiow ,i.d jj
tafort jBarmuiai, Uncle
rk for i "I w - ."-' -
' ouloii divlu't .oU.
1 t v .1 .
.Ni-: .
; tion.
S ers! To accomp'ish much wo shyulcli taaJa ou
2 work iu season, out of season. j Tribune.
OU40U3 r-
I ! Hill