MIDDLED URG POST. HAD DATES AHEAD. b WmMi'I Be 1 hi art ( aaw Btir a tmla Jaly. A resident of Cans avenue WW adir.f at I, is pio llie :hT mm n fay and l-xVirir at the thro or four tatrfeea of vrow ti I cVbthnI cff Iri MewalV, ien a tramp parr plow taqr way aW.fj aid aKed for a nere a oriarree for yon to Mrs t mmA 15 cents additional." replied the 4tiren. "TVe ripM hold row rd Mrm yourself np" "WhatY the work?" M! aaked. "ThU itrow. of cMire " tUXV AHD GOOD HEALTH. I SPHTTIKG UP A RICKiU It hovrlofl of? "Ymi wart "1 Ac" "H'm t-omroe are " V tvV a pressy notor-ooV from "KK ptvket nrri rsn his freer tip srd t!oi v-ve-sl pa pes. irii then re al..' : V tV tVr "S.-rrt 1 T f.i th?.' to tN or, the r.x :'.m-i ah. ' '-.'i tfi , while. '' -. fer-.M. c-.-r imr ,-' s ! ,-,' i 't f"lr.'" TV1' to 'hi P tt'l 'ft' TIM r".'l'H: "hlice voi. :r. r-nt I'sl.-v rre filled tip :!v If I'm nronrii thirV yon eonM for the JoS. 1 ' r M'f ts "1 ' J i"VT 1 , -v r i' ' r .m, 'n!: i!vit(V mo r j. : "t'orrw! c-oV r'''rr, i wrnc '-or T-p. v nrfi 1 vv tfr Vf- n 1 -Vjr H,-.; piV; Maw t la Iteaa tm ( Ca Wltrt The Bmt r'tw "Vol would be aurprlaed knnr .he aal number of children among ta poorer cla In New Orleam who t ol clearly unileratand the value anil function of the nickel," eid a atore keeper downtown, reporta the New Or leans TUnea-Deraocrat, "and It all te nh from th popularity ot the auartie ayitera which has always been so much a part of life in this city. They sra tha small buyers, who run ail kinds of errands for the little family to which they belong'. Purchases, amounting tn individual caes to less than five cents, r.nily amount in the ag gregate to thousands of dollars. It is no small part of the retail traffic of the city. The children split a nu-kel np into very small pieces, buying a penny's worth of this and a penny's worth of that, until they leave the store or the market with an armful of little packages which will represent 1 a 4n i at it tMtliiife whi.-h indnoe , t.. . . o rhe heart nre depended npon nim'emeTit more physical culture, so- cnlled. ii hnildine np nvit hvhic the foundation health nnd lone life. Oa Mar Kar la Tkea Day a t iHiry r4a aa4 ( Drtaka. There never wwa ft time, perhapa, the history ot the world when there was such ft determined, effort to And and keep good health at present. Young and old are beginning to real Ire, apparently, that something must t-e done to preserve bodily vigor. Foods almost by the hundred are of fered as sure promoters ot vitality anl attractive dvertiementa eon. tain more or lea learned diaonions npon the value of iftrong nervee, pnre blood and a clear brain, aaya the Cleveland leader. Those who do not live wpon health foods are devoting much of their time to physical culture and nearly every house in which there are young people contains its o,uota of gym nasium apparatus. Outdoor and in door sportu have more devotees than ever before, (lolf. baseball, football, tennis, basketball, bowline and other .vms of nnetrint oorspiration anil increase b nm hrasv ft- Frn!c of By i. vn-ir! , i. l'"' - ' t v i-i ;:. r (V.'-r"hii rne,. ii. t rei- $15.1"' ::'i-rj.'. eaei'. pji Or, TW-f ft. ni e-r. three ii.i-'V. ; i M3 Jir,r'tt- c-'iin." K Wf-eVs. "-i'ft, -nii e-rl, jrtndentt g;iine.. aif .f S1.'.. .r f vrfcfi rolleur fnrtrnt : f'Tii' l.'Vrrx''v. rnnr . I . !: I. .-CJ1 . W, .fh "' - iiih- M ft'- " arne.: "I. rnc 'he .'V. dnrin- Ihr tbr 1'n.ptt ' Thr "'fi7--n sr. eves. th( Tnu's Foet from r'rI Mutinies, Bpent!; euiipil"1 'p1:ti show fhat thr ww.'t'i;. ' twir-"- hATti f wTona'o srit: otlirr ii fant- i cne im eighty hth- (f. triple' there as n!y one intvnnrr i:. f 4 v,. and enmdrtiTilet ors a- r,. i. f.12.000; th. rhnnre. . '. u ouirtei ar i j more w-rt"ti rtit,., hein iz. 4r'io.ni" ,--thv A ease is Vbwt r.f i. wm-.t whr- rvreaenteJ ttrr hnpbard "wr. KnecesFtre TrlnlelK. Hiitftes ot the HHtttesnaV-e. The rhttlc-nnkeV rnttle consists of r. umber of b.ollow. horr.y ri;;pw, j somewhat likr quill in substaree and j IrtrrlfN-Ved with ore another, while tht- are o elastic as to permit of a eonsiiiernblc amourt of motion be tween them. These rings are not in dicative of ape. as has been supposed, since in some years eeveral appear, -hiV in others only ore ring may be j . .. i -. a Wosrit-lwa; llnmmr Owe. 3Hr.? vr-r tvo rr' rrth fnrmyeaa! TVar ;ht k rt- I nv ret b toojsti: Ard. r'ree the turkej rnc th hoarrt has rT fed . frpi hr frr braver" sskw, to stop the hash : "erhbnrly Cestrtesles. M-s robhs Mrs. Hobb? has got nor eook; she met her and offered bet b dollar more a week than we i pay. Mrs Pihbs -H horrid in her! Vtv rr.!hp Yes, but she was very 1 niee t,n; ladylike about it; she aent her K' rnn'k ovt-r t -e e if we warted 1 her. Puck to I ' " "" ' """ e ' " " " or tickets, or may he pennies, in charge. l'rc.ilienl I- th rMiiN'hfii. will snwuint st rone lvw'ics ! j ir food """' ... o.., , . , j r , . .. . . . .. 1 . , .. ' . , . 1. . . , ' l n nMriii'.tiu -(.tR mc u.iivi two cents ami a half, which is legal temier at the place issuing it for its face value, checks or tickets of this kind are extensively used in this city, ami they have added greatly to the circulation of a sort of crude sub sidiary nioni-y. One of those checks is as good as glii at t he grocery or mar ket stall where it is issued, it ts preheated on and gets its value from a redemption fund, just like lTncle Sam's money, except that instead of being redeemable in gold on demand It is exchangeable at the grocery at its face value for any of the things in stock, or good at the vegetable stall at the market place for tw-o centa and a half worth of anything on hand when it i j ented. It is always good for what .-alls for on its face." To Curo q Cold in Oito Bay Tt Loxativo Crosro Q StvM DOosi fcom hn In pm 13 BeatM. Cam Crs. Or ev- It Meftaa tVe tame Tftlaat. wn'a ft tiMiir "Oh, 1 w ouldn't put It an brutally as that. There are better way of fit pressing j our opinion of him." "How, for Instance?" "Well, you might say that bea the kind of man who's likely to have the simple inscription on his tombstunet 'He blew out the gas."' Chicago r-ost. Parly Reformation. After reproving her eldest son for the offense of cigarette smoking, the mother thought she would improxe the occasion stll further, and In quired of a younger scion of the house, aged nine, if lie had hern smoking also. "No, mother.' was the reply. "1 have given it Mp." Tit-Hits. The .srt ot A r rt lain a. Museum Agent -What's wrong with our new midget? He doesn't to. m to draw. Managcv-Of course not. See what a mess you' 1 made of the advertise ments. S'ouVo pnt his heicht at three feet. Make it Sf inches, and the peo ple will come with a rush. N. Y. Weeklv. "No. screm poseii." -nor - I Kfrtfi,, "Vt.ur r-biu lYe: a; oi th. First. the bride-t-f-ne, .1m.". tht firs.; time "I didn't he pro- nni,; you?" replied Mwi . rreL't there." Philsdel- tlasOnlr rsit. Tjiwi Tnnn "nofftrts Vim. '.m-rtt rYirrr tfatsat cost l irn a ert. Th?t do yoc SSiMik f thai ?" "i strilcf-- mi " saii Senator Snrr aoc, riix.rii;;;. . -.1;;.; lii? i . iii-t tut :.t aaturt lie i, r;. ;:..:; r . li-: "-Uiii:-u,. . ... : J. lit 4rOl . romlas Era. So yon ..iti to marry ray sod, do 1 fou. yi;;.- woman? Voncg i.nrna: I do, madams, Vond Mother Wei,, er is ynui ra- -me siiffirient to support him in the -onditini: t.i Innocuous desuetude tn whir:, he has iilways- been uime.J 1'liilatn t1i i: iiqu;rfr A Hammer. CWLY SEVENTY BELOW ZERO. Tats ! th limit at For4yWUat Atoka, nd Pveef-Tao4r ara the Place la the L4mtt. i sTl;!f., . r : " is hTtrr.Tiir icnuoi. Wlier- or !( Tha- nrticl' Srrr.Tirrr Thai. PV l'..iur.rt tn nTTrart c.c you ge; lit ."-eeoc Mi:; i -: i . Weti. V rit For tiioae seeking ft climate where there H not so mnch reason for re pining as in the one we suffer under, Forty-Mile. Alaska, might be recom mended, tmys the St. Louis Olobe Demoemt. We see a statement made by an enthusiast just returned from there that, no matter what the stories and false reports sent out may hare been, the "mercury never, under any circumstances, falls lower than 70 de grees below tero. In common with U new countries, tfc rtistriet of Alaska tas to undergo "Ipaigriof mls eepresertation vlurope.Brae fcer Is known, but now that the facta re made public, there Is no occasion for believing these stories. The re turned gold hunter has taken a little rur. dnwr Into the continent seekinr aecus- s wiMrr resort at which he may wear I ni: some of hie summer clothes. Med- I i ;c:sm- lint suits l,im pretty weP,. Tliere i balmy day after day tucceedf each j i(th(i. wit;, tiie thermometer mark- i i a Lin f. 14 degrees below ! ; it ri . A- iM"..cim- Fiat it is so want i i teat s.nini.r bu.? art Tint used at aZ'.. iiLii tiier- i.- iver l night fron. An- ; i TLi- tn ,lun- the- vnu cai;'t s.'eeti cont- I Aa inartnt Snnplv, "All that the country needs in its financial system is confidence." "Well," answered Farmer t'orn tossel, "in that case we're all right. 1 waa to New York last week an' 1 never see so much confidence, bunco, et, aettery in all my bom daya.'V W"ashington Star. IHVIat Know hat to tio, "Yea," said the fashionable mother, "I was dreadfully worried yester- dav." "How was that?" "Why, the ntirs-e went out anA left me alone wish the baby for nearly two bonrs." 4?hicago TVist. attention ! Chance r Ever1fly. "Oh! she's Co sweet, so angelic and fair," aighed Lovett Furayte. "Hut I know 1 shall never succeed in win ning her love." "Nonaensel" exclaimed May Sharp. "Tota ot other men have succeeded. Why shouldn't yon?" Tit-Hita. km Vp-o-Tt hepher4. "Yosir pastor must be a financier." "I ahould ay o! Why, he hat cheme to fund the church debt ftt two-and-a-hay per cent., and I be lieve that some day heTl capitalize the church and issn common an! preferred stock." Puck. Limerick lateflift-ea'. a. flTe-Tar-old tnlen named rij-tta . Paw a statue of nude Aphrodite. "To you like It?" ald I, Tea!" the miss made reply. "Put 1 des she's f ordotten her nightla." Princeton Tier. WHERE t AT TUB Lewistown Furniture Co.'s Store. We hve our 5tore full from Cellar to Attic with New and l p.lo Dale I liRMU kn. ( LtitC5t Patterns. Lowest I'riccs. I ati st Pat r n, A Int'se S'snitiiU'tit nt llnlronm Salts nn l 8I1I9 M..,,, j rei"ileil. H"t mi kris air the tills nt III tnivii, In hroiity, stfi imlli ami ,t) Vnilor Siiln I'ntlor Tulth . etc., airlvliR ilally. Out I'srprt pi-pn. (,.,, srroml to mine. We have a laise niitniiit nt hanilsmnr usf nltrns to selei't lnv,i We hnre the tet nitrt i'rilie, ami the hesl uium Int Brirlim , ( , l ait'i't In tun li. Lewistown Furniture Co,, No. i a-1 4 Valley St. Vcltx Hlocii Wivkly Incumo of 510.1m. Wbcti the breadwinner i" "lek ilm family income slops., but the rxpiumi continue and multiply. Tbctv l tlu l,vtor to bo paid ami nieillcines to b bought Ixidca tlio Mwt of i vovMli'g the usual nectwltiea. In Hint.' of h"lili the aensible man provide fur the dark days of ai,kmss. Hm-h provision n-Hc-ea him of the anxiety of hla 1'nmliy Spring OpcninJ At the MAY 8TOUK liitfgt'r MtM-k mill prie J tlmiifvtc. Our Store wilh iitnv tiling for Spi -in a J irpiaH, (jlit'niiiliiiPM, IuhkU, Nik NViiint m, l)rw, HeMtitilnl line tf Knft. .TflfkfN, Wrii)M'rh, Mulin..(2 -n-hen h In nnnMe to pnpply V , I . 7Vl''Ul'i!iH BIKl While sprn4 while ill, and actually helping him to .. ... . twell. If von ahouM be alck ami "c ""ve " V- unable to attend to your business would j Lad ICS M U SCl i n LllX you have the neceemry meana to sup- .veflp m , port yotir family during the period of,WCar mfly ISl to the We will linve llic most trf line f ttutliTWfur over sst. v. t i.Il,'i,; l.- rM'ii'. ' I, -t44 1 1 ', ' iro; 1.1 a'.u.i :iu- CL. iOCV Wh' Hi. Kt- 'it.. II.' hi.. Itit:. : a::, cl , tliU'.L Ul-l.t. 1 I" peluti "": 1 npit Iiiiniimif d Illm. . Lt:. u'i ou ever tovt t f.:r; wiii arven w-T nr too :y i-aj'py to- j'-t 'T IS"- 1 : it ; ea:.er'jrj--'t;-i,i. 1"- :m .' !'!!. 1. i-b : ii t. - " 11. e J U iJinr l-.r:. u tit- ' .:: u..- etiuri v1-I-. in- ttc" to eti a; pi uy i-v"t .;-li-rfei'.. ! fcrtably cr.te" focr Ix-d ou;l!E. fivi ' biailfets Lv.r i. wool mattress: ana ! r-te wsnr the teicperatnrt. there i - !. ;i eor.itr breez'.-that makes I !:!- in i. steam-heated roou; apreeabie i and t).-eAaci .i h crty-Silit.ol cottrae. I if iinv tiir wiEteri, bf niirc: be i esi-ecier.. tju: -B'iti 6 rtccn: o' three i year 1:: whiei the mercury has never I fou beneath teiow zert.'.i: ir prettv i eaf t" say the: tua: it tin- lini::. It jiac:. every uo'.:;. ttia: pott tiiert- say 1 tua- piacv i' t;.' limit. ! VAKT WOMEK PARTKEKS. a TurTHFUL Br.rLT. Tatten Wot't becuiue of ther ta51 i of yer coat'.' I V ruppieii Ooue to tlit Uojfb: All Kioper. Its 1 u,:-- l"' 'I ..- ;. i- , .. l .v .., ' 'j ' ir.li '.' liu . . . u i- ' I..' - iai-; ... bK lirrt 1 . .uV I" , , va : i . :.. ; . . . -i. -j.. ; U'lu.!., . i.-... v ;,:,. , ,,,,', '' ' hlf . 1 A 1 iO.M. ,.-.'....; kill K ( ' '. vu: , :.:.ov. Uf.. ' t&&& - "cu t '. V$-' ' ' , y ' f ''"' : r titty, "T -. J . .! I'.'r i.vir.ii K ftstl.M LuinliJiMf uttfn Luugrr l'rel-i- Bleu I. tit Our "V. it wuinai; 10 iiUf.ium ,rfTs to xi'i!i: iier trac and iinMeabe ii-r t'X- iui. i y takiiij' ii. a purifier, th: bttkt I fu' Biiutur! woiuar," nud aufct-i't ; W 111' IUUni-1' " (:"0; iljUOUj'' US lUiHiUfilif I ii ,ii.r.i-:: iuij; f ;inf J.imi 11. i.uiiutt . in'; ;. lea'i eo'.tUf liUhjt.it- te- I j. r 'L.'- ore. 'J'iiuc-t. "ji, lor- ii.i (... . . i :. uuiai.'i Lui 'oi.iid ui.r jet : i.t r witL t jnul .uuii hu - on i-r iitibCt', tLt eiiLu uoiet i. i i tat. it. a luai. bb b piiclat-i. A livw lr.l. an ti'-s-ant piet it coer Jt of ero- 00 years I. j..' i.i i ; 'i. 1't.t.ij' il. Ii.i ll; .. yt : 1 111 : i- Ilir 1 .-ft. in.: ... . i i. i,; y. 1 1. Tin ib broitlerr wor. cid." "imu't it beautiful! JJid you Uiaka rt V Ciiii.ito Auieri:an. A tV.rtrr) tJlwurtty. titi.i-r Jjiuiny. Kat it little ii tr ery. iijf about ? vimuiy I t tapped -ii r Vims t!e won't u.t iue wi.at tiuue it in by my !. HttUi;. fji- ioil lioi; J'rk. Iv. jV' li.r Vlvrt. Jtiifcouiid-l tuo'jflit you fcuid you tiiii' oii y V t a i.t:uj Jjit. V i'k -i :el J tii truuiiUg jlut .ii ti-jji i v. 'jj.ii-io lxri- ..' i2 VI u. U t- uic til 1 1, ji i .iw 'J ;.f J'UI 11. V I .-.. ' .1 j '. r ivi i- t. . Ujlr J .u! .cli't wi.t I.UflK 'i'i . i or., ,i In tlj to ii.. iN . Y. t-ur ..JAi 41 . ggKIDNEY- l1 '! I l.t 11,. . A 1 ' 1. 1 ..'V it Backache your illnew ? The well-known IViin svlvania Life and Accident Aaaoelation 70S Walnut Street, Philadelphia, now Suubury. Iwuea a lieaiut inauraiieeeoniraci pay ing $10.00 weekly Indemnity, at a cost of only $5 a year. Tbi is double? the most liberal In' tranceveroiTered, and WlsRe4oW?aeii & woMeu (1'.v( any oeoaiUon, without nietlical ex amination. All claims re Immediate ly paid o ttiat the holder of one of these Insurance contract is able to have the money when he and hla fam ily nioxi need it. As no agent lias yet been appointed in this locality, any of iir renders who desire to avail tliem selvt of i hit- opportunity should write direettoltaehomeofi.ee" in Philadel phia for application Mmik and fall par ticulars, x.niefiitt-rprisiin: young man of L-oid charsicter could tibia: u the acency here ai d -n-eure a larce mimli r ol apiilicatiorif in short time. Such an BL'ency would j'y bim well and aecu're a jK-nnnneiit income. -4-4t Tcacbtrs' Eiamlnation. Es: miiiationp of the Teachers for the ebiKilt- of Fnydtr county will be held i foiiov : Moure, BtiaiDokiL Dam, June 11. Selinatiove P'Oroufe-h, B-rliusgrove, June Y2. V.'ahhitJgt"ij tijwiibhij', June J3. leaver, lieavertown, June Y. r-priu, Jiver Hpiin, June 1. Wnl lieavr, Mc 'lure, June 1". Adauib, 'J roxelvilje. June 18. i entte, Peuu'e .'r- k, June P. Middleburjf Horouxh and j-'rvnkliu, Middlnbuig, June 'Jf. Middle:r5ek, Kreuioer, June'. Pen li, Halwn, J'Jiie 28. Jackaon, Kratji-rville, June 'ii yny, Ml. 1'li-anaut Mill, June '4ft. 'wt pBiiy aiid Jiid, Jyiniiu i, -ioa June I 'oioii, i'olt 'I'lvvoilou, June '11 i hiuiuu, Judi jeudwi', Juiie2'J. Kxttiuiiitttioii will Ixyiu promptly at b o'clx!k, a. Ut. o wl UticaUa will U Lwucd to j-eioou uudci' st ycuUu ) iiB of bge. s'oiiju:Ud t-xitiiiiiittlioiih will U-lveu .ta.-pt by u writtcu ieUcot aiyuud by at. kaol tour u, UlU l ol Lite Imui ti for wbiell tilt' Uplilii (Oil fptA;l.i to lo'h. A trdiul iu vlUMou if, txUiulttl 0i i 1J tiiiudr ot tdmii'ioli to alii lid Lilian i xijuiiUiui.ioi hcliool Jiit'f.l.oia arc cnpt-ciully i' 'Ui !U:tJ to In- pifrtiil dial lu;' Uiuy c f l ie- li U dol.e by ij.naf wlioiii thty iied in iinjiloy. j-'iiUbfotly ioiii.-, jiv. W. WAi-iwlC, r fcii'l''' ituljuii, i'i., Jai.e I, 1MJ.I. 20 yds. muslin $1.00. AS yds, muslin $I.(K). Gingham 5c and 7c. Calico Sc and 7c. 51.00 W hite Spread $1.00 Table Linen 20fui Contc in anJ see, no tnu show. H. F, Clemmi; 44G Market St., SUNHUEI Three doors east of tin MarKil FURNI i U ! 2 4 Do vou need am i-irnmrt If SO, (lou't full to mlD jl Btore and get our pi ". We canuit vouij style and price ? from the chea ? ast to the hiX . grade. V Jim W II l'o ;..t. I.i y 1...' '' ui a'.e. '1.I..-J.', out it 1 lal.ul.." :i 'to o! I. i.' fc.'.l.t'U . I'.ll' .o I I ;.,i i.u.'Mi li i ,ou i.o. i i.i Ui Li: 1 1' Li.- ,ii. ot i.i i , .o'.v Ji tjn . ' M.i tofl.;.l, ',: t l.oi tv.i..l.'.i. i,f L.-.t. .O OU.-.l I1.-:.- ,1 OIJ,l;J! I .' M . J i . y. L. Kvil.t ir '. ! I ": 1. 'J ..Lg :!ur. V iu-coi:it:i.e i.t! ot tJ-e-roIt s.'.oii. yi :alt of '.viirar, -' "i ,.'!. r )vLi. tJ.t hultt ta a i lur Li t fui ? Wii. i'-'.VLy, t!. . y e. for U. irftu to con.f tut try'l', vf ure.-.lyf le: S'a'tu.uu. JHuw turn. "U'Uii you pLiti jvur i'l,,tul vlTii-p'.-jur X'j le ,tjiS,ii;v -co you tul tl.i in 'iotn.y' (,r 'linn.?' " "Veil, vil.tii i'iii ;.t'.i ii i ii. I el tin-Hi lu.v 'pvoi..' lyvii. v!.i i. j!.i ) coii.e Lia.'k 1 vjtil jil.tui, iny . V ei ..',' i'UlfUiIiiia. )iyct.'' ' ' J: tiUl- .-vB of K'jt..ia, B!u'.il!,r IMi.ar Oirr.f A !- Mlieamai.'.iM. Kick Wsy. Jeaiu TYpuDiei!. CUM TLti in u K (". .'--ury wiju lr l-enr.er cue tor yuu He Ivf t r.M a !)' t'ir.a curiiif Jii-t twJi idt? fcjjyouta. ,J! v'i-auJtatWB fr,t. "i.tit )i:Ol;tl,li In l.ul. I.l'ttv batlltcIlL', (,u!n ftiid ori'in,i-.i a. rnj ililrtys, a!i ;)n u-tj.itt.-'ia jOtl.t r nun dies fiilul. p.r. Fc ,'rvi Kiilr.ey ai.fl I' icl. :u-he f uro fiird n o . fc A'. i!' y.'.Ar.KUMt'-irA't.'F. V." Ini'.'!lii.l,:,li'. Ati..irrk Buok'-frea.' iirp1!!! t'trr-ijlar (i len na Hani wood", gol'l Only $12.5 X Mattreicb lIMtJj, I'lklM Ui' tl jjAlt.M 1l)U-r, 1"" tall J ijl tttltlt Y a.J.i J.i J. J..i rf. vi'i-i- J h rmrm HaiI. tw 0t lf'. A In'm i,pi.iM. I.i.dl.a. uk Jlruwtfit f iiihiiu ..Mi.iaaV In Mci 1 O.K MrliJifl: Hual Willi LIU l.liLui:. T' li-r. II. IMc 4ini(.'rftu uh.ll Iminniu I nif mi low. ,m .mr oriKKlu, rmi . m aainri aw l'aruiar. 'tmil- a.mii.iu unit "UcHrf fi,r l,4tn.l mutltr, r rrtara Mall. 1M .fliMi iiiuiuimii uta kx Iwanraii' . .. ' o.r . . . ' , V -T imii.uimeii i.tieaiuAi. oo. . ft. jnsi.:kanc AG i ; nts It. iinni'iil onK ll.L tiol';! imiiim Iiljihtiii,; Ciuut- hub Threbhiinf pern, ii uiunu-'' f) We r t;omii.) ..fioiii-i ''Y fT jinnies In l.-iaiiH iiln i" ,jt2 IHIHllK'hS 111 IHI)' lil'Icu U " " ofllee. ' J ' A 11 lniuliieftt iuIiubU I W will lid proiiifilly aiUuti w j nrpllierloii, J MpJrpur)uUdilig,