tjijuriGa U, Lj(iulonG "Tiio UnmvTuur" will begin in the POST noon, o o behave a Job lot o! note U on hand. They must go ir The price ww oo 11. ,nples and price for the ask- Ve lurnisn mem pnmca less than you can buy them lout printing. . Vnneller, f dlwr aad f raprlttar. A Faally jMraat, Derate u Hew, Scltaet, Art, Palltlcal tttmj lad Carreat Lltcntar. Bates: On Dollar Ptf Annum in A4rn NL'MIVER -IU, )L XX-YX. MIDDLEBUEGH, SNYDER COUNTY, PENN'A., JLWK 1m, 1903. ivcly Utile Liners. . 11 i rl..f )unlv Scat, '",u -" Paragraphs. a 1 A f M ire or Le -rominei:. Minn i'"ru'iOB ani Evn L.i that 5allsly Cufhwlty and A,.,.r..f lh Thirst lor New. lor the I'OST. , ,t fur teachers' examinations ,11.1ml III the PosT." 1 ,... i iii i of Center Hall is y i.ii t Miss Maud JCunkle. .I ini.ill. IbVmer spent Hatur li ii. i parents at Glnlie Mills. ,r I. in, of tint Danville "New"' f, w hours in town Friday after . your eye on the "Coming Kv- oliiiiin. Semi In ynurannounce- f. I). Dietfenderfer and fiimily biting friends at Llverjiool over 6'. run net pure Wines and Whis- medical use at the Middlebuig Ittr-. tr. V. Witteiiuiyer spent Sunday is daughter, Mr. K. M. Greene i-town. Alfred Clelan has been spend- w days at Hunbury, the guest liiiihter. to- Moatz and Harry E. Bolen- Lnt Saturday at Hunbury on a kg expedition. !. Uipka, who baa been super ug a job at Mapleton Depot, unday at home. is A. Boleuder and wife of Id township, were visiting their IiaW East Pittsburg. . i Vurg"brug tjcore 1m jauV Ml line of pure Wines and w for medical u?e. tf. Frederick is expected to arrive urtly after July 1st to begin the of the water works plant li'l A. Walter of Kissimiuee f in to see us last Thursday to subscription a year in ad- lii'ln i i ;i Witgcustller of Selins- fiit Saturday and Sunday in liu. -i of the Editor of the IV-t four !Knolor for a prescription t tin- Middleburg Drug Store our Wiin:: and Whiskies for u-e. If. let John F. Stetler, went to vitiitday morning to look I' . tract lor Lue pro.iosod nw 111.. .!U. I':i ;-t. the a liable hotel pro I K' .iw rtuwu and treasurer of 'iii'.i'-au Slaudiug I'omuiittee, if ( oimty Seat Saturday. ou uaul to talk t this ottlw1 . '-'II Middleburg. Or- SuoK.niition, Job k'riutiti and ini; i iiii It- sent by 'I'hoiie. W. I'oitcr Thompson, of Mesi-i-it it 'o , and (.'ashier Jerome N. "" "I Wilkvstmrre, fa., ieut lib t MNhU'r JamesU. Thoii- vliu'd j-n-hocb, a lueuiber of k'l i I'TriNteeit of Susiiuehauua !"'. atieiidiuif tbo various i-uim'ttKl with i'otumeuce i f'uhijrvivD this wivk. " have a late item of Sew, Tlioue, Nil '.V;'. MMd'e- " I U l v.!. hw u. If you do not 1 tin-I'ltitU'iilai, M.'iiU us wiijil h' W v w 111 ilo the mL n m t Wiuin and Whkies i' . I'd T, wheu jou waut tlie The Lutheran parsonage U Hearing conidetlon. , Mli It -rtlm Wlttenmyer returnel lt Thursday from a vlult to Camden, X. J. Merlin Hhanrioii and wifpetit Hiir day at Kunbury with H. V.. SjK- lit and Wife. I'.rndy Kelly of JiufTalo Township, L'uloli county, was at this plnre lust week. Hopnai Hamiixell, net- K, father f the Hheriir, m reportwl seriously id at IV nnwreek. Win. If. Heaver and Mrs. If'-nry It. Tobias are on the Hick list. Mrs. Wan ner of Miftlinhurg Is visiting the lat ter. f 1.7"i will Imy one gallon of pure, white all rye whixkey at J. I.. Mark's Middleburg, I'a. liev. W. Iv. Iiehland family S:ti:r day returned from their visit to Haiti more and York. Miss FJrrnr and Mrs. Jarnes K. yfc g -e of Kreamer, were at the t 'ounty Seat last Wednesday. (e. M. Khindel and w ife entertained John Wert, wife and daughter of Sha mokin, over Sunday. Mrs. Wert and Mrs. Shinik-1 are sisters. Children's Iav Kxerfises were ren- dered in the Lutheran Church on Sun day evening. The exercises were ex cellently rendered and a profusion of flower made the occasion all the more appreciated. WAXTKD-YOCNO MEN to pre pare for Government Positions. Fin Openings in all Department. Salaries. Itapid Promotions. Exam inations coon. Particulars Free. Inter-State Cor. Inst., 5-16-3m. Cedar Rapids, la The following are the dates of the Fall faira held in this section of the State: Centre Hall, September 12th 18th : Huzheaville. SR. "fend-25th : 'LewfaMwg; feept fo'Ocf o6e 2n.f ; Milton, October 6th-9th ; Bloonuthurg, Oct I3th-16th. Charles II. Ililger. formerly a resi dent of Reaver-Springs, Pa., -is now a citien of Bellevue, Ohio, and has re cently been sufficiently fortunate to be appointed a Night Policeman at a sal ary of faux per mouth. The Pom desires to extend congratulations to the young man upon his success. Mr. Ivayeahgohalalilia, full blooded Tuscurora ludiau of Laitimore Medi cal College was in town canva-sning for useful book. He is educating himself for the medical profession, and ls now trying to earn his st-holastic expense;. selling Uks. He seems to t worthy ot'ei.iurm:eme.iit. He will be b.u:k in a few iav to deliver the books. The iHiuiuittee on State Permanent rtirii-ativ nill meet at Fr-jeborg, Pa.. on Tliuriay ami Friday, June i'th and 2'ith. W. Teschers who contem plate taking the examination should uotify auy one of the uudersigued committee. Mis Rae Mojer. T. A. Stetler. A. K. Gilbert. FOU 5?ALK. Store risxn ami "iwilliusr. New builiiiuiT, gicl Imsi uess statul. usine i.-arrieil on at present. For paMieuIars, AiMress, "M." wre . f hKr, Midille- liurj:, Va. tf. Have you ever read any of Swwten borg's Works '.' IfnolwiU you seud tue your address euciooing a stamp or two and twill wru one of his isxis t:REE. St r Ii-i 'i.-r von k u i.i K.i'lUu io tieiiimo. N) Clevelaud street tf. OpiLge, V.J. FROCKS FOR STREET WEAR. Trit; and Simple Costumed. Creations i grown inor extravagant. I Onemust have a taMor'I morning, or Elaborate ; w"l"t'r,f frwl, wvere and smart as to ; moflel, preferably on of wnoltex con 'struction and finished with .- binding ... ... . atthflhem ; forexAliple, tlie one on anctv in Sashes and f.irdkv ; h(( Mt , my The mrMlerately well-i;oWiiei womxii tivene-s of whi-h Is streatly enhaiii-ed of t'wlay iieeils two or three frx ks to by lielog worn with a Foriythe waist every one n)ie would have neeiler) ten of white linen, hand-embroider.-d. years tgo. FaKhion has beeorne more showing workeil eyelets in fonjtinrtiin arbitrary, and feminine Mens have with solid embroidery. The Kditor Vi:ls lei-eiveil iihivn r'nmi l I. I . . ... I - oo.vrtn.Msgetapr-ripuoUiHutit'uicton, IV, ami Cumlvrlaud, "' lKvU" t "b MW-Md., where Indian Itill exhibited last fi.KMoivfw-it. tf. I wwk and very wrely tud.-ed hive we " ii' v Treasurer, Ucuuevtlle sivu such Iiterul auuouucemeuu and li vUiula,v for AWtu, Ohio, such tlit'.tcriug reports of any show. In-v.ii in law, Kdlu Charles, i They lava !rt ears. At HuiHiundon i - .. ivul'y reported thai Mr. jmo pn'plo wituessid the show. Theru o il i vv-i luully liKatv lu Ak ' are no idi- nhiovs, pink teruonade- ven- jdersa.ol cut throat fakirs traveling Mioup, SUouptowu, U haud-' w'lh lu"-'!!in li11- Tb'wia not a paid Kb uituU) of Vrtlli.ers, mauu- j adverllseiueut, but we publish tb'w for " v thu llaltlmoru Pulverizing th " lH-'n'nt of our rwulern who do uot " i'lU-n rtiuuu .. waut to miss a !ew snow. " IViKuns uvvdlug a rvlluble' ' ibouluwllou.hlm. tf hvbid OnwVoMof thi borough, Miui tukwiiug If'tWav eveuluK, Hol. A. It. Hrlu . Mlu MAKKIED. Ou th 10th lust., by Kv. W. A. Haas, Cbeil. 0. Oruvr of Lewlstown aud Nettl !v GcmberliUjj of Saleuo. COCRT H0CS8 CHIPS Pf. Is Pfcrdel .f ieoli . Fisher et. si. to .1 Ft. Nf:irf '' m-res and -'A per.-b' in Chapman twn . ?s;, on. j Samuel Wiilon to Win ff. W.ll io. ,' trai'ts eontaininir 17 :o-r.- l it pereh". 1 in West perry t-p , , Win. I'(o.m :iii, i ;f.. (,, K.-ini-i-' . J I'.iiiirainun lot No Ji in . -1 : 1 1 1 -1 . ' i . I at ii' .oriir i,, . . 1 1 t t - l.ontr : li-i'He ami !. in Se'iiirov.. ' Joseph W.-.Iit an. I M-:t'e nip fiti'wf Co'ti'n'j Kvents i.' ivt !tefr. Tile Tell!, r- . f he d t n l h i ' ".! 1 1.. ' . : a.-.. iF ' l ('!'. I'heT slv!,, ' a't p'ibli-b p'lhlie I',!! .V.I.I . ! r, , 1 1 1 e T .1. Smith ami IV K. kewet. , I I I'er.-heu in -'prill'.' -v;i : . iV'iij. Kiiiie :.) I t.-i. e . v.. 1 '.v.:.., 1,1)14111 nii.T.-:l'e 1! j I f ! rs .f Kinanuel -t i,-( 'n , S'Uek, l!l XT. !)- : i l'a " r ' 'V i '1 .,isi :i I j .1 .'if I eilllieniian jto.riier i ! lie iieitM of !''iiliti ll.-nf.-r j A 'lle!;a Wet e :A .I.T.- I I. ., I Monroe ! vi-ji t.i jui i'h ii. I i-:'.- I lilt ''-' III '"aet I . 'i , i r Kitianuel -tin!. Suek o II I :e:.i .' ;,er. Ins r,. West Prfaer . ;1"J"' ."0. ' '"'li, f I'a. -aniii.-l M. lav -wnl v'.fe Jf aiT'-s .ui ;,eri'hi"M :n H.-a .-r' twp . XorTlinini lerlaiiii i o. 'ii H. I., -barter ami life r,, iaii!!er !u ieri-s ,n 'i.-ii 'Mian 'iov.-, it, i V l..Kt I S I' : ' 1 1 1 . v '. Joe! i i. -tahl ami .v;fe ; .J..e:.h 'A ! .lel.t it .',... Jliiiil. -t) aep-s .a i ', m i.i nan -oivtislii) . J vi , v .,,,,. '"' vices at - in Ulit .'...I'.'e ", I ; r ril . l ' "1:ilntv -.' lie ..Vel, I ' II' ,(!. V l-ili -e!l -il.aa- V.- And yet, the trlir and simple trotting costume will not do for all street wear. Beyond the province of Xilor-maries, stretches an interminable vista of more ambitioua frock ad.-tpted to various oceaaioM arhl include the most ela borately lace-er1mmet and exquisite emUinna whin tuhWy holdir with dainty grR, ahowin a bewildering array n( frilln and mrbelows and sul sciibingfuithfully to the eternal Iraew. of thimrs in orira.-iinnai iiin'ps of her Gordo-dyed, lace-tiwrvd hoe Now, as to these ame fiirelow in other words, peuiiroau look our. for gissl .supply ; a chauir" in peftrt-i.itts and smaller iletAils .n ennsntares x phasing variety of toic. P impmioiir silks mark the correi-t heia;r, in elegance in pettiii uts, and taimu tl:e more servicenble 5r jvtieril w-ir. none excels the s,,n which ha tl.e new Pauin interlining, ihem etrective asilnipn-kirrs w-rh anv m. tume; In my il!uf n'tidi, . n !-in--t H ittie Auii i viMr.ii'e lieni-ath a gown of Mohair Sicillienne With it is worn a smart Forsyth shirt waist of Scotch Madras, having stiffcurts and peart button fiiteninirs pearl buttons heing the most popular trimming for up-to-date enstumes. Th t atvrfr-'to Tinnfnntlr irrow- ing ui popularity, espeHaliy th one oft fcmnit ribbon whieh must tit with tin nmpmmisitig smiwithness, and forrhis l fea!hertoue foutiilation is ai.solutely as isentiai. in tiM-f. :is it : tor 'tneks. KikiiMin stm-ks. however: i.-" .''.vin.j pl.'iee to the Transparent 'ni iar t' lace faggntjinr, "tc. on -lieer "r . bur ribbon jirdle and -st-ne-re t nor" iniportuuce 'nan Tliey have s--ii in many yean. I.-ng s:u.h mfs are panciiar'.v '" Iliinil tlllrt jfjisill : tin e ll.-lie- are 'te!i :iei iii oriTiiiii fasii :'!. i.e::i X l"!!et. not nn.v a: the waist . lie ...t oii. e nr twice l!tiw That. L.-rcr. Wiiloiv ni'l heir if I'.-ter Hotl'inati lee' I . ro N'er 15 Miilitlcw-irfh. . len-. l) .jen-lies .n A'.-at iteaver ;-,.. f:'wl -'Teimiey in.l v,fe -o .Ver B .Miil.lleHiv irtb. z met.s. ai resi m W.-it i-teftVer WII . H-1..MIO ( hrwian i in -s ami vife'o elmlon P. ttross, 7.i :u-res in I5e;iver Townsliip, i,7"iil.ii0. Henry Utuh ami wife to Grrw 2re. 7' wtfli. WlO.nn. Henry IT. Walter, Gnu W. Walter and wife to V H Winer, lot No. Is in innk'in twp. S'idvcO. Utter r.r.initrt. l.ettern of admin i.-t rat ii n .n In- i i;n '. . ' tie iH.'ll lSlH" t'.rv uh! - I iipvh i iitiif. , ,. ii..;est lie-t. 1 l:m:i. I Mi iv 'i v. I iia i-l.lir ! Atlalit;.- .veeii. MoVli iV. June t'artiival i'o ,vl II exhibit ,,it i-p,k at i.-laml I'rirK i.enr -untuirv. Moxnav, Junii Snmmer commen ceaat I(i.Ua. m. rt-F?iTAV. June it. Pawnee Willi U'wt -how V i I : e at I'.e i'.-'-.l.-v!'-Itl.i'i I'll .H'f in Tllalll lee ill 7, , .iti-h- il.ams I'-ill's lilton ;ate of .John Hontz -.V).. tlT I. V.--' Hoiit itiit Wlil 'V Lew 7" ' V'-iti i n r. II t iirjr. k-: '.-!; i 'air ' Imnml. 1 ; v ii.ia .. - an.! irr: r';.ii . Mi- bury. J"bn H. ShrtinhaKh drivero "n'.--ville Saturday. Ii. V. Mitchel ft Hurnhwti -psr Sumiay in town. '"nrt'e Ncv- '.'. aerever tlie t '-ai: je i"es . o.a..e, u::iry life better 1: has :i ... - i.e'.'iif thousands. I' Iia- -.i.i;:;i !)e:i t.i think on tlieir r'eer uit :u .i.e i"-et. ft has tiauied :oys ami iiris m t :ie ise of their powers of iii!i'i uM oisjv. It has rilled the ii"-- ..f tiioit- Steininger Brokers shipped ev-r-ii -aods with the maii:tiir and pur.r car loads of eross-trim this week. it has brouuhc lien t: and -tii-ouiii- Mrs. Craybill f Richtto vistiimj lli'llC iut, un.n.mtisl house!ioi,. a . ber daughter, Mr. W. B. Winey. . W!, JI ,hi" ix Utt w-ruiii. Mis Jennie Bili-r of rVarer Springs ( '""' ,''''"n sjent Sunday with H. M. Amws and MV jni" vv .orjan-l u "''' Peiin'a. duriiiur the annua of M:v Ik. '.he .iiitiii ':-i -i...r ! :!; "lll.-Ule ! . :..-i 'it".'. A.:,-. a. 'e. 'lit : :a:.- . -ii. .- :i I,:. .i- . v.-r l''i iijv J ; -.- .1 i'.v I". ir-."ii !-,-.. 'H.-rrncliat.-J Jiy '. -. -i-:.ii ' ; ruie ;' .' nhiian ri i a-' e xi :;:!-.. -l.i . . . ' rnvrn s ".ir- .n.r. :. :'.ir-lav- .1 .. . ' IlLlilr:: ...a ii.i r-: - ..I'lne! "a l Samuel Bos erox and Warren Sham- -N " hnch of Salk-aj Cburcb were in town Howden. McKt-on ',.. liv hv bv L. W. I.. W. No. li:s. MeKran Howden. No I !;. Crawford t r.ryaiu md W. b'. H.U. Nine .n new irainjvt have i).ii n:t -en -itie. Ja '. '.si;: t'. Saturday. Jonathan Biniriman, wire and chil dren spent Sunday with the former's parents, James Biceanian near Pent). cieett. I'..-i. -l nll'1 wife, w ho 'irt.i i 'i ii s-fenoH.n ser-ral k- in . m relu.-i,eu Tuesday to their Lome in Shauhikin. Went Astkay. A Blue Homer Pigeou, beariug rvvjistensl baud iiiark- i sv.. . . i riuuei- win the battle fields fn.ui -ill to 'U. -i kindly returu the -ome to H W. i,.in.I. ,.r I,..,..! t..,.,..r bet priMiucc of the farm, an.' more needed iu public siTuii's tis-iay than ever. The Grange is the farmer's Inch etiaivn :i. in. l -i .- :a. itii'-ntir rus ma-ti-r. 1 ;..t-- r: : nt.-. iioX Traiisii.'.tat: !: : LI !s-,-r. 1 -or:mr. r i' iiw -!ur:: man oerrii. uni all le -ji-v i dimiiir '-a.yfiiM Tj-nv.-r. ' 'it erisoui-. Vl - a.- '.iiiow-: one oert.i. ii t.vo .11 one leit... r Trj) rtite. '-"Veritii; pen-e on "iiii; ' riosiioi ta: 'on to. " 'niiii- aiii.i'" -Htiet 'h.s oo. . inel s lomjUt the Uilllli s of l..i; i, i tion. Mvist of the founders of iverament wen-farmers. I'!ie til of the soil werestrninii v in eviden. i OllOVV- I! ' 'ir. a, Smith, Swinefbrd. Pa. $1.75 1 $1,731! si.rstrr ais el on :!ie Is what I will sell one gallon of schiMil to rlt him to ? to the front White All Uye Whiskey for. These :lt"am gtHKis are pure tut white. Cotue and try a gailou and be eonviiiced. This Whiskey wilt bit ou Up after June 1st I'JtKJ for 30 day v L. Masks, 2t Middleburgh, Pa. A s5ssi lauith is better thau medi cine or ailvice fr tireil peopie. The Gramm must'help to make the labor of this lifti cheerful. It i a'u old lesson ! but it needs constant repetitioa aud fretpuent enforcement Engiue Fur Sale , A twWva hors power portable Frick 1 Kliiriru lu r- n m . .. H I.. T . - " fi&.cew sfuv, tl m cicau wkvi )vj. wu vw IoUmi tiMi.iker II... I..t....... I ( l I... 1. ... Vf T w ' .. w.. - k .i . . . . .. . . ... .. v. .v mwiiuvj m w, 4. m. ciV'-ii 4uua wi ma u cuviiuwu. imiuire ot oa m nonn siue ot aiarset square op aiiw vutH SNiaitx aH tiouseworu) auJ Meua oraingtfr, ' iS. Stkocp-, I posite Central Hotel. Satibfuctiua guar- Call 00. A. & Sole In tua new niav ingauU hair cutting parlor for your, head cleauttd with a refreahimr shaui- pou and a cleau UwI h each patron I yl ihi Vi Uuary huol. both of SeUusgrov Strouptowu, Pv anteetk TWO 111 llll If! tii'iiate rale- 'r nan ai'sniiiui :uc.ildei 'o.v w i;,,. ., r:-i a; sie.-':ik :ran -'.-e-'-a, i. Peuv. r at li.. ; ao- " r tion oi'-o.n-e. .: s.- -. i. i '., maiiou. ii'i'iv To :ifiip-i .'ir.. Ivaiiroad l':ckvt Veat. i i usi. W. BoV'd. I 'r!lt-mi 1' I Ajenl. X-et -laio ii. .' puia. i'a. . Tniiy 4 iUvji icw4id. r ie en- Uavuioud Beaver, the nine ntr id Meu- U .ui i l sou of merchaut James Beaver found a has 'wu a:'.:: purse iu front of his father's -tore, on will taie lac- FrWay arteruoon. ivtituiuimr-isty-i'iiur ititieraxy :. dullars, several chwks and other vaiu- Xatiouai FM able papers. The-nwuer iu the person Yellowstone- of A. W. Miller, who resides uear th iicusca fo-miery risivl .i t. MUll Centreville bridgrv was soon loi-ated bun; auvt Vvrtid the pntiut'n ttavi t aud generously rewanied the hoy with the P i-T prtutui xmSL Coi'rai tweuty-dve cwits. Mliinburg Times, laiwui. an:' -.t'.aikiu Nortu 'Ja& . . .. , J . i i '. J. -LUll "'. ir:.- ?. : i '.'i,l. oaitf Ftl-i olc; July .wi -aw .:tp 'tih :t i. :e- a iCi::a sv.'jittv I:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers