MlDDUiBUKG POST. DY2 TH2: OT.'N FROLUCT. i TEE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Sheriff's Sale. ItlKworiits nf Ynr'-en-t H'l-trica Perrl J l ) Un-rr.! : . x . e .-line a ( tn rruac Lriion In lwralll Scrlea tor Jc XI. UK S Pnl at Home. Ur. i ..: , v-eior . ri"ti' . of 11 At i t i , ' tl ii.-l ! r-J t t:i.: k. i Til" I.KSSOX TKXT. (A, , .'.ti l'-i, ni-1 5i ) i v . ., iu' era. i" 1' , i. !.. f rv vi-"" ,.f wrll t.f At'at Ti. Ft. '. ' Jll ui Irrti. I 1. 1 ..n it t,. of I i! l tv tl el I o I'.elt- ttt :-it left inl,l' ' .t . nil I 1 I. r. i.- I.- I t .uil line ,lt jr. a vl result of tr, If this col the UllVi s 1'onte nni' fo. .! ,1 V t 1.0 V run f 1 rv: t-hoi'.M lip easy to artificially thi:. ha, Irs of cocot i.s. t naturalists have- .Mto; the impossibility f o pa--,ing from tl-c int !r f M it M a it :p:. ! to ir."vf Murine in 'itter ct'ries of ihe J.-i. . ; 1 vi. net i lu n !'. I 'or t', s Ml . 1 , v.-; .1 wo-m ir.ta thi m'.k produc The wormi which s. rvo 1 plan.!.-. for ti'cir cf privet, v.ished fiver with red. They rite the leave w ithont prejud.ce, nnd when the l.-ivv.-u' began to i-o'l the cocoon the siik wa a lriiSlit rod. When fed on ler.ves colored blue, the silk worms produced :i fl'.chtly bluish iik. The spi'C'i'i that produces or tlir.nri'v a yellow eoooou. when fed upon leave eoh.rod reil. brings forth n deep oranc?. The orieinfil yelii w, it is mi id. i dm to the p.gmrr.t in the leaves i f the mu'bcrry. FAST RAILROAD TALKERS. brae'. 1 a;r. lo i .ti .1 J.. An t ;l i .! i. roi ivi 4 ". -m e i s e o thci, :..'. et came . w i .1 or soak w. liiu we iloMrc to r.i-ar tl.ou thiukiM; l i ooncrri 1 ."i;e, tr.o , iii i.t to the i : ; f., 1 ,i Hill ."11- , h::i s :' a i tu' j . i, .: . i r i'TCK .; i , . 1 ' ef t: ' J' w , . v w , i . ma to- ' i' l : . i.l . Mi II HU.I , - , , ll.'.i.- i , - ..: v .ir . . , . ! i : - 'i- r f"i ill s ... i : u, limn, ;, i. . i i a; in a me, .... u a I ' i .' " . i'k: it, ., , . ... ; i a; ; . ..- :.i in ..: iik ui) I'.a- ii. .i t-i !! ak lie I'.ei'v . th.-. l.:m: ' J,l,;av.1 i ellei'l lllIK the Ir.' that nr.v la, I 111 01 lllee. t r.g till ect. Am L' HI, I l ift t I- r. K. I ' I ft. . fel 1 '! 1 i iii M ,1 L air it, V , tm Ik , I u ' i.l"i ik . I . I t-i r 1 1 r nn' l. k hit ix vep. a 1.1 t ,f 1. . -t nt all linr. a I'. It. ... If! .III". . r y' ( -, in , V, n I . , U HI. 1 . i.-i i l v Iii i'i .." lit n I't lull , i 1 i." ,t ll iiv... mi I A '. titnlaliiin j tot Acre n n a l. tn- t li Hit U.i'. r l ' it,, i ft iltttl i t k i . a I i ti.e h nil i. i. i' . I i, . r. ii- n tl i ' i i t it I .ui i , n i.u.a a t .. . , ui I Ii I n til I il.i .1 1 N l a 'ti. it ii Ii .1 t.. I I :..U rll Alinnl Swilft nj1r nml "Hit It I t" itrent Hate. on the Hall nt ft TEIY HAKE EZTTER WIVES. VTumfii of lTto-T)tr llAbittt Vrt-Irrnlilv H1 I ni.1 n.eil til til-" IV. out":.... en f.: nai itc- '1 re- IMfli X.'-1' c:. ii rre.'t' Tauten nnd the Olll- r.iui; ns :-K'e 'lV'u . a.-'tii't, tae DCS. i.1 ai- htr- :-r-.".:ant tinil r.n' "t"' no-c ie.-: ryferic:.'.. : :ors or Fheit-i-'' l" e knew that tvirr.n It is i-1'i.Kin eji.i.n.-.;. :a Ar.,1 thi n th. y hail nrpeltiti a? t day. there exmt mar.y to h,m lino h.s avlRlr.K; t.t wham he i aiul testltua the KiiiK.tont o: t.ial. jrtua.lir.i: tt.-ro con ei ri.'a.K J.iij.. both out ot the law of Mums, nni out cf the prophets, from niortiint? til'. tvenitiR. i'4. And soa.e b la ve.l tle which wire spoken. nn,i s, me belli ve.l not. .in. Ar.d l'au'. tJwtat two whole year In his own hireil houn, unJ reitiveil ail that Chmt unto him, ,V.. l-na. hlr.R the Klnc.him of tto.l. anil teaoh'.rc those things which e, rei rn th l.. rd Jesus i'hrl.-t. wuh H.i conilJuice, no man f o.-l-aivhiifc him .OI.HK TKXT. I ttm not hmoil ot the troxorl of t hrlM. Horn. 1 Ol'Tl.iX K OF StrRirTl'RK SICv'TION. ru: on the ls.hnJ Acts 2 :1-10. The Jon-rev to Kome Arts a-ill-lS. I'ot.fertnee w!:h thi Jews Acts a:li-22. I'hiil's testimony Act :-. Fa u"s stay In Rome Acts i-a'e-l. Tl M K. A li. 6o-tr l'UACK Vi It'.a nnd Konr.e NOTKS ANi iAiMMKNTS Cod's promise to l'atil that should witness for Him in IJome was Veph, As our lesson shows, the apos tle considered that he was there to witness for Christ more thnri he wa to dt-fend himself. Thotiph a prin oner, he prcnehed the Gonpel effect ivrly. lie did not allow his bonds to hinder him. but mnale even them help him l.rhii. 1:12, 13). He illustrated the truth of the proverb: "Where there is ti vrHrTe is ft wny." The enforcel sTSTr of three months on the WantfjB! Melltn pave Paul a chancn wldMiliP could Dover have had otherwise ttvrenoh the Gospel, and hi life of humble service for other must have preached quite as , much as hi words. The wvird bar hnrians neant simply people who did not apeak flrock. i The first stop was at Syracuse, the ! nTit.iil rif Slioilv Aftn IwnvilllT re- 1 1"- - . " ' n Knepium. tne course lay oeiween tut v, whirlpool Charybdia. IuteoU was the I situatetl on the north side of the bay of Naples. As Taul entered the hnrbnr the Tolcnno Vesuvius wns in plain sirht. nnd nlso the beautiful city of I'ompeii. The rnrdial treat ment of the trave'.inp Christians by tiif brethren nt 1'utenli. whom they had never seel.. show tis that Chris tianity now beome a prent hrnt tierhood. I; emild n" lor rer be eall'-!1 ti .leivii. s-ci. lin- war- ii 'mv rl'l-eoiin-.iartnr re!ipiir. " The fart tlMi- the Krinian Christians came tin- 4' or Eiort- jr.i:e- to the market '. Apr: us t-- nie-t Pan", touched him Treat :t. Tiiui:. he had kpt p the -""ra:-' ' tin ..tiinv. hi- own heart ira- troi:': !e;.. and he Ioiil'-.I for hu mt'T. lov and ryntjiiitny. He knew that he wilt Bt'tirouehitir n life-anii-oer-.ti. crisis, an', wtmt h had heard f r ! t.'ie fcoidi"r ' ll'inuii: prisons, tr:aiu i-liC cse-'Jti' ti. was I:ot reas rttrinr. 'Vst' trns f," t abide by hiri-d h'Hite siiifif s'.Hi'-r. iiy !. pair of .Me.-.od 1, his wrist of the i-tio-r . -i I..-1 iii ti. I.. I U-r i t Ii f.i .1- v all tti l v i i it t.. . , ...i.-il I y I . H. . .ill I i- v.i.l It li K ti 'iv' O lh M . ii(T olTiie t 1. 1 i t 1 it la I I I. I I , tl ' i . In i e , M I U .'ill v -K. I it. veterinary surgeon. StLINSCHOVt, r. i i o ft ni, Me,! I ui ft-' I'll !i -lol iii li y care t "ii nxi .p i ri nil t flat i .11 fill , mi" Vt WTKtl :-KVI i:Al. INhl M lllmi IM K ttur. 1 .1 I fti'h st.t e I't tlrtvi 1 litr It ii.e e-.e,li Ii . tl eieven t enr m,il w Itll it l.v lie t tpititl. I 1 1 jiu ill on llliTeliftntlt Hint fttfent air ILieifill nml proHmltle line, ! rnmneni eiiirftueieent week ly mtlftry ef I 'n ah, I Mil It at ell II tl it.itn it' il hotel biili. mltmiitil m nh em h week Km erieniv not eM-iitittl. Vtntion Bin! eni loe fiell I4ll1lfee nvelite. IHIi NATIONAL, M ,lrarhornSt. Chicago. V7-H,t A pmr.p of rtiilrond men In New Orleans were talkinp about the fast est rides they ever experienced, says Ihc Times-Pemoi-rat. thie man in re latinc his experiences, said: "Across bayous nnd through mnrshes we rushed like nind. AVhen we reached the llipolcts the most remarknhle thinp 1 ever saw took place. The train was travelinr so fnst it surked the water tip behind it as it rushed ecross the trestli. nnd 1 could hear the fishes rro.-ir, ns we few over this reck of the pul!. lost remarkable thinp 1 ever saw in the way of fajrt runs." And he lapsed into silence. "I am plad yru; reminded me of that run." said another member of the proup. "1 had forpotten the incident. 1 can vouch for aP you say. for 1 was on the back end of the bust coach, nnd the water which was sucked in behind the train by the vacuum al most washed me overboard, but I held on all ripht. nnd when we made the crossing and the waters had - . , . ' l.Deinuni, Tne course lay ui-iweru mo ceded. I picked ttp on the platform ol - 4 rruru, i m. u , , i famotus headland Scvlla nnd the -.ine Tetir cnj.Tnt 1 He fisli rou heard proaninp. lie II hl Ar' if feebly broken by the distant to!c of ' child calling. The man on the ground raind hi Uoud, as if by force if La lilt, to 'iBttu. iiiif catuc ue.trer. "I'apa! pajia' Mamma wants yon." "Let in.' up. 1'hat's my kid." iiit,i)ti juiitjiid up deii;,'h;id. "I'ljiu! Mitiuma utinta you to come M he,-." "l.iie, Coi.nie!" 'i'lie tuuu in the p sat upon (l.c s-..owy cuiii, iiins to 1 id liliiist-lf : 1 il.- It. ,. ... I f liiS I'll lie It -Ml li-tlllidd ia the suutt. .Soitou was pitlv.iij; u;) Ins tall hiii when u little girl in u i-ir.' ti' i'k ni,ii;;ni from t lit.' liaiUne.' i ti.e strut. The little girl appeared to ;' i;: t tin t. ii was a cold ni;''1'- "" i.a.i lur li.iick Viod'uii shawl throwu over her head was a very sknder pro t.ciioti. Tin- shawl was trailing lie- hind her as she inn to her pnpu, and, m1 Iiinp, threw herself into his anus. "Oh, papa, she didn't incaii it -miliums, e'.idu't iiicuu for yoa to pi away and iicuTcoiuc back! Won't J ou cuui 1j her now, please, papa?" orton, liiushliie; his silk hat, felt once more moved to laiiKliier per haps not the lauphter of a merely humorous n ppn cia ; inn, but still lauy li ter. Tarn; lit by hi.-s lute experience, h moderated his lausli to a hardly aud Ible ehuekle, and tlien, ns Unit excited no fresh outbreak on the part ot Con nie's papa, he spoke up. "Vis, Connie" he had caught the little one's 11.11111- "papa's going home. Hut vow mustn't catch cold, little girL HertV' He was taking off his own overcoat to throw over the child when her fa ther, still sitting in the snow hugging her 10 his pi njaeket, looked up ami caught him in the act. "If you take off that coat, J'""' colch vour death of noomony, mister," One evening at supper little Lest mid to his grandmother: "Crardi.iaydo your glnssw make things look bigger?" "Yes, dearie," aaiel grandma. "Why?"' .- ' "Oh:" said f oster, I only thought 't the- did, ninybcs you'd ta';e 'em off .then vn '11! cutting th Ltt- '0 Cliro r!e. Magis 'ia! li I'n-.-lo VTien You Buy Spoons knlr. fork, 9ic bur rwltahl bntiilk, n If tbev do rout m HtU mor. They ar worth the dlfhrpoc. If I J47 " part of th vtmp H Innarm (tvou)n fuV qnfcJlty, fkxooua for wear. Full trade-mark Sold bT Inutlnc ttntln. For Oktalorns. Ko. fMldrttat the malcera. t IntsrnstioiMl Sllvar C. MsrMsn, Cn Htlittt ilte limine. traic Well. Uncle K.ibtus, oiisiht you lu re? i;sius-Dcm to Ligpcrlice- v,i'ii i t tie it. iii 11', yo' hnliiier. ,.:;; 1 1 .it e. - Vt s, hut uitiu't liquor !'..e iiaythitig to do with it V I'neie Knsl us Vestah; day wuz bofe iriiuk, jo' homier. Chicago Dully News. Had Ternci 11' Limbr. 'E.!cr.ici j Koar-1 DlL --7" Dr. KVt Curi?il Wonldn't AVorU Twice. "When you stepped on that gentle man's foot, Tommy, 1 hope you apolo gized ?" "Oh, yes, indeed I did," said Tommy; "and he gnve me sixpence for being inch n good boy. "Did he? And what did you do then'" '"Stepped on the other one and apol . gized, but it didn't work.'; Tit Hits Mrnniter Tlmn Kletmii. "Well, air, 1 had u funny cxperiencii festerdny." "What was it?" "I went into a downtown restao .ant to get my lunch and across the tabic from me sat two middle-aged, ,rosperous-looking men. They weren't talking about btislnesa or( Honey." Chicago lleeord-llcrahl. I'rnrnsp A iKiltiule". "See here!" snid the hotel clerk, 'you'll have to move on. Wo etin't save nny h it of ' n ' nrountl the hall." "Well." replied the offender, "the aead-wniler told me to tnv hero till "I shall not have time for thnt, part--; ie came. I'm nftfr n job as waiter." .il" lteeause l 111 CO.llg to I vi: l oeif your inn utn. i iiimnin tiki ri ftini.n iMiniT. Take Tentative Rrnmo-Quinine Tablets Alldruegist refund the money if it nils to cure, E. W. Grove's signature ati ewh tox. 2So Read the POST NEWS. nrr. Wliv send vou'homo with Connie while 1 go fo w re only the other way." He nodded in the at- ,P'" i ress: rection ot the river. "1 have n nome where I'm wanted, and no little girl to ruu about iu the mow Wiking for ? me." j "Well, he hasn't much to boast of,. Connin looked tip at him over he Jnt ho piv(,g en,j,ijinent to a g;reat' papa's shoulder. "Ain't you got no- ( Mftny meni ( bodyatalP." "Who are they?" "Xobody nt all, Connie. Here, let m "other fellow V bill collectora." ee if the coat's too bmg for you." . y. Times. Her papa rose and gathered up toe I trailing Mack shavrl. "Kun on home, i t..i... k ;,t Trrnnidnir it ticht about lll,,l , .llW '., ..-, ---D -' .tvi . .... .'nut n- fojtt. flU TOU I 'O. nrr. nun ou j , ...... .t,..., ..,t.j o vork. The nail tinning Aic h. circulation tn Is tile Itinniin. . lei;s. Oilier ceiiiinon fvit;: ... ejsc are rhoitncss cl hie. e-rlmii, pain in iir nnr h: spells, pnlpitiition or lluttr-r.i and hungry sticlls, dreannn tuildrn sUutini; in f iccp. ia lirain, stomacli, hincn, etc., i riisiiMerfd lis to Inlslrnil the ' the nature ul the disrnc If v nnv or all of tliee sviTtptuni. diseHned and treatment bIi'.iiI.i poncd a mncle dnv. Dr. Milr, m cuiiranireu nt ncip you u lliuuhuadsol u'lici. I owe mv lite to l)r. Mil?.' tfrJ 'ifiltiii J buttery i'"i r it liUfJ a guest."- I'hlludel- Ilenef itetor ot Mnnklnt. "Hobbs is weak, financially, Isn't, Alter (our doctors met in rons':ltniQI r . ci fiualr v rillr't tar n a tl, , I I I - i nvj tij friitit li-nrt tflneatii. tn Iiiiiit Il, ,i !.. niitliuie inr me nml I would surriV ji i i.. ...i.i ne i.,u ,i . , I hope, we will try Dr. Miles' New I leartCj When 1 besan takinc it my nml.i hJ i3 IiIiiji sun mv rmi iml Ihud i ., : , r, ,c bn '".' """ ""I "' 1 hiviukj most ot the time. Alter the Imt ., J me oirr.inrsii went away sun utter ten, J ties I was able to go arena I tne IwJ ilti mv tt'.itlr ltfillt mtr ftitnil.. ... 1 thlli.r. 1 wnll hi have liin tti ii,l .. , not been lor Dr. Miles' llrurt Curt'jJ Kolil'.KT MoKRlS, Sackets Ibn'in, A All drui;i;bls sell and ciintiiin-f iJ Dr. Miles' Kemcdieii. hrn, (, r i!L j .... v.... II . i , ''nH I'll i.i i, i, u. nun I null t 'iM'.iifi Dr. Miles Medical Co., Ini A Wean Mnn. "Refflember," snid the l eamft who was Bolieltlng for the dd entcrtiilnnicnt, "Hint the L,i?;J a cheerful givmr." "I know lie does," roplirf nqtinre-jnwed old captain of iiyjJ "Just give mo n cheerful tta, you? You're tho tenth ntiisautj tins been here this aftt rnoot'-a cogo Kecortl-llernld. He Wnuldn't Do. Barber Mein crncious! Yei ron't can, and tell mamma I'm coming right way soon as I gf t through talking to this gentleman on business," Norton took something out of hta pocket, stooped, and transferred the something to Connie's hand, whispi' iiiff to her. snd she, after oue puzzled stare, disappeared up the street, lift Barber Yoti von't do. Nowyonhaf your hat off 1 see yoti are bald. How ou fell my hair restorer, eh?" S. Y. IVeeUy. A Dtiy for nail Lack. "Xo: John never seemed superetl- looked after her a moment, and then, I jons until ( were married. Isn't' turning away with a chuckle, said: lhat ,0 j0hn? And why did you; "You must have been clean off your change?" head, partner. And you tried to make i -rrfcvOse .it wan because my werV out I was. 1 wish you'd tell me what ny cnrie on, Friday." Cleveland . the Xt) i-j I c-": "J- nyT.w, I m ?;in Dealer I Tonarh Pnrlahtoners. Pencon T.lunt So your congTegUr! lion gave you no vncation this year? Dominy Dull Not a weok; not a 1 mi - ' t :m It! Trie i. hi: ( . U' I: wit- rioiin1 .lane I- i-iiu: ivt rin stiratii f. I: lite! 1r p..-. t'ie th- rurii to "We riiboi. v' t'ne e ,if w- fr..''i 1' hear l.'i'iaii ANT ICMI-.TI l i1 fJ. ,"l W " l" wanting to jump ltto the rive. "Think so, eh? How would yon like it if you worked hard for ten years, ri5 thin bad to see vour things all ,.i.t V,r,T-ta erH irar-nn and everT- lay, And get all the latest u''!fe you"r' Lrea!; tL ! though." Norton interrupt- "er hecra ot.-.x. x. ecKiy. ed. "It's c.n!j li.oaey with jou. Hythe An lnrnrnhle Caae. way, what's your name? McCorkle? "vr;hen a man's unconscious he ' AH right, McLcrkle. 1 juit w ant to teil Jofsti't know anything, does he, pop?" I jou that yen don t know when you re j vtil off. Ci-nie nt.. UcCoridr; I'm go- ! lrg to put c ff that swim with the ice tales until to-morrow night. Ugh! ; It tsureiy is a good deal more eomfort- ' able w ith this eoat on. Hope I didn't teri'.uslv hurt vour arms just now. i - j Ti.e twi late crrji'Stants began t ! plod t "getter through the snow in th ' roiid wot. "N'iw. itc fctTt. McCorkl. 1 1'n, j.utting off n.y j.iuiige just for one j tliJjg jn!-x to write a deck Vo your order. You agree to tk that check j ti.d tit It? You won't? All right, an.. Good tight." lie turned back feLd began to ttiibuttrn bis coat again, j !cr.jrk!e w-as reclly doubtful about i tit tuieiCi.l i: "'iii 'f lt;6 U'p-haV Vol r.t-n v. ho Ltd! wth his iL-LPUi- iu y.t cirect'on. Ho lciike urn r-ff Sic C.utjof .meri-'i. Tnr auTwn-rfc. Hc'in!:'M' r rile-'1 'R'.1L::IIV li . frtMJof cm: -. 1; " i it., , ; riKmi tn rt i u n- - r i - i . n t j- i . -vi-rT ui-1. ...: Kirtimntr.l i;--j.r c ' -itra ctiurK'; 7." iin it, r,i. - . , Art li t a IX ru-ii- l.: -AI -8T iNoTHi.'.r;. Tu-1 uil jeariv raemrw--!:1; ' " ' wtuai ynu K 't bii o - ..t m.r- ys.- r- i draw ttny tim wttnio t -i -- t i- warn to Uuik ant! K,! ur oti;, - i nt. . i , dufi t care u p-uu S- ": . - '.- ntunth-uwmbernmp. h-jixy r-, u j .-. ttiituHr uy. Vou will g-t yvur n.'-t.-j- b;w k ): vatu- ittauy tImovr. uil p-Uij:L.r w... i. di fr of cbarva, but If yiu r- vim, j-- w ' ud in yuur rftjutft tr v-.v iilmt-i,;;. ;t! t.i yriT t- at oito.-. T XOcu. iurf r tjT.'t:i T'm.-.-.-b-rutpofTr will ouu ruauK.. W rtt tt i.'u-.s.- kx drvMlur your letter and iiK irii. $ ..I, f -r f ytr u.iuueniuis ur iweui-Lc oti.u t-ji Uut.--itt'ntfi t StlTlAI- LITrKlHT SflMf rj rk a r "No, my son." V11, pop, ore yon unconscious? I fceard ma pay yon didnt know any thing." YonVera Statesman. , Then nnd Xovr. One, kr.g ago, twaa hr delight, To Ares up in a har.some gown; tut row. wher. e's out late at Eteht ehe l:kes to drp her hubby down. -Otfuego IXiJIy News. l.( - y vr T.t it tii,"' tid o I vt fifll t t t i : i ti.- tit;.; s.i.v- Jr. '!.:. t-mcft J', j.r.v.r. t, .!, . tie ft i i tie KhUttH t? tt-r Iff' It a I t-t Cf t'lt'.' - l rK ' i . J'- i. -f ojt I'll en UH Us al ln-bt . v ii' : li tlnjoe- "t-Ms. !ill! by Lis i-t-.ny ' host it 1,', were . ii l'a-ih to t l.t- Kphe ' ! .-iiis.f- and writt-n from this P i? I't-iierallv be- .... ft-.i....,i-i. njjeut r uttife niiMiioiaury i .e illipriraala:'!, ti lid ' tt ,". ,in but our s- ht-r, i.lei the faett iiie life bit- tery un- i.'.:,-.,'.ce.i, ,.e.', lJ ..i,t'... t y. i .,'.,0v , br. . . t tiki' , tfnftiJ , lyf ' . , . t : 1 111.., Ian;: t. fceterti! MA-rj-. '..i.i.:. l.rf ton v ti.t J't-.A 'I';''. V'ysKltTiOXt: The lt-.i'-iifc! d..-,.'ipie will Vt-c'ify tjr Chrie' I.'- WittVer wLut hi,. tiit;iiu- t'UiLlkf n.ay he The fbitufo! tiiw'.p.e will lc x,o t'.iu iii Uetifyii. for C'Lrjit, wLt;r- mr h may yo. J t.t- fji.thfui dM'.ple wii) btti'iy the. Srr.jlurn. thbt he IiibV ttfctif ijT with authority. T;.- fn.'.iifu! diotripie wit! coutinue , WhUlj i'jT Christ, U.Vligh IUM.LJ rejtt-t hU witt.csi. i PalenisS fjuaranteed Under $20,000 BOND 1 HI: KliVSTOMi LAW AND PA'lliM CO., 107 lict liuild iug, J-'hiluUclpliiu, vtliii'L in the only Unided kaU;iit AK;icy in llie worid, of!er to luuke u Ouar autccd Search ui the Fatcnt Of fice Records not im-ieiy lUfir opiiiioiij i rcc- of ;iiuiK- lf leutl eif of thin Jt'K.N'Al who will H:iid u hkcU:li, l.iel or ii.w;rip l.on of ll.t'ir invention. Thi-y w ill alni give a ia-i titii:iU' of jjutviitubilily wijiitli will be of grirut uyiirUiiiee to tn inventor in raixiiig ttuuiul. 'a.lil I'tttcuU with the broud t at t:lniuii w.-cuiwi ou c-uny week ly tyuyiiiCUU. W'tiU: Unlay. Im ti.;. f . Li: t i of p i'i I rui. tn ti)'! in .-,'.) er. t.'t ." .I I er L'jw it; ii' ) j 'J -ir a !" VU Sir." i i. i'a he r itjto a : on i.-e etitf by ti-iiin' a girl d to ii.arty the dd 1 hii.g. s: -Lk, 1 won't."- 'lii- DIE?J IMSOLTEXT. rv t0 rv-v S,fh!r''k-,l Poe try nnd Fnrmliii. Oh, the musflnK poet mrb,(i Of ths frost that", or, tl.f ra And the labors of the i.iakcj In a style that's very ar.s: But you bet he coultlt,': i: :-, If hs'd ever bawsed ar. sr For about that. - i'i: , i !,irr3j Mak-et the rortwici' Jituppic N. Y. Herald. THK Qt ICK AM) THE DEtt i'LBt" 111 Jl , ' AiS. J "-rj.crtor. lirl-rl to Anlltmel'r it 1 ...e tini rnt-ir ea . l:a ' ' ' e.if t j'i t- t- I.C (.In. ' i. ii.t u.i! t'ioti i ui r.'jl 1 ci.," ,.. ISer. ic'.r- :r, i.Kl J.(HIT:i, I.NLlKKl). w imsm IttTf LIZ) 2 J -'is-- "Have you I dead, "ladeed? It'i hci.r!--l'iau von fcpeeht hard to ht-Jieve ill V i y, hie owed uie a cull. '-Uiisera tV-JlnJ.kf I- tlul ul Ortlrr. ''t'il!i:.iii," he wl.ii-pcred, shakinif '. :iu vigurouisly, "get up. There's a iirgliir dotwi i-tjiiis." "J l.ut'ii lo w buiiic's and not ia ar tier i.ow," replied the eminent parriM ree tilarlan, f'ei -pily, "while there' iin l.i ni.i'i hiiiiei.-, hrfoie the honk, i'lc got to illnpoK- r.f this nap lit tr.U.t (.rat." I'liiludelphiu I'rei,s. Ladv II i-'s a dime my husbau sick u.'.a dying. Grinder y, lady, bai cw many sick p in ti : strwa price has went tip. It'lioT5 dollar to save yer hu b-Mi-time. N. Y. Journal. Eilueiillnn. He sent his boy u i And now he cr. -s a.-tt' He spent ten thouv.r.fio Anil got a quur.-.T w- Puck. Ilia IntenMona V er 6 Vautanno Did Kritiatrk ii trying all the grip rc:t.' :Cir.-i-iS rtcomniende'd? Tltivnn Vrt l.he on Wtt-I rupted midway by a f ' ' Wantanno Whose f.:-' Dnzno EzaniarkV n fleruld. .'orrert IXimH' i ...i i.i. . , -re:! UMlt llftVU It lUliia..,; J ot the partner of her j"?4 1 row a. Mrs. lliitterdun W!' Jlutteraoli-I wen! get u ruke, nnd nhi' ;-- wua out. lown lopi'-'.-. I illinlleil Mippl." lie I've juKt heei. lino lllillLf tXI'-ii-'" -I ten rents a duv. 1 vm.c-c n manages. Ul,.. ill, T iiiim,-f i'i" P-1 1 1 ' ' I -..r(- - . suuiple puckage of eti-t-y hreukfunt food. . i J lirlutu. of heart it r.ot a sign yt t'.rttUjl. A elbUr. 5.5. W1UJAMS0N, J Ku. o Jiuu T.l CI Frealdeot. J Jliia:n li.'.; nerii -Ail the truius thin I. eft- 1.1, 1- aie lill.tcd. - Iimlted? liiruiii liawi-cd Yri; lijidted to rght iniUs u hour,- -IauUtUU Cour- Ma-lo IIiJiuj. "I 'need only one thing now to msbt ii y fling muehine coinplsl f 1" l tluiuifd the hugfiard invtfilor. "What is tliulV" aikrd the ittavr Uau. "Monty," hournrly rtnllttl Ui u tuUr. Chicago Tribune. Haflrulntf llie lirlcf. Wilson I lost that fin allli uin brolla that I curried In town tu duy. . Mrs. Wilson Oh, what a pity! Wilbon Still, there ia one cnasoU' lion, li vu't mine. Boroervtlla ilouniul. her An Irlaliman'. ' i; "Are you looking f"' '" ' munded the angry m' "No," replied the Jr. for picuMire." tit',... ... until 11 f (.''.' 1UU ftC-t.ll. t - - A tai l. i'u u i, iii I kiiiii." rti j imt , .. m v Irish man .--( li it ago l'Jbt ii'i,..e Tiat'' Flrit ChuppU- I wuLocr-1 lie, how the d..ukey eer used aa theer--kM- .,, A tSecona ( tiupplc " ' Dou't, Lnow, I'm sure. deaJ"; t 1 t . ,i- (iT. IIUVB Ut'CU Oliutc V"- Two I'ulu "If there U oim -"n 1 Minn imother." suid the . . i . T .. I rilii is a man niun t-uu . t- n.n." rejot" si in I nt, "Is owe who is f-v ib." ChlitBtfo Dully J -w. -1 .i rtn ati. i-,r,,i"wi''yl--W-