Charles M. Bheldon's "The ReformBr" will begin in the POST Bonn, - n I I llll I f Wc IHeabs have a Job lot of note . i Tkttu mtict on k on nana. The price will ao 11. ties and prices (or the ask- r . t .1 . .-l..s Ve furnisn mem pnmcu than you can buy them Lit printing. ,pniMr. F ditar aad Proprltwr. 'Hy JWmI, DrtI u Stwa, Vleace. Art, Political Utntmj aid Carrcat Llurator.. Bat: 0n Dollar Prr Aaaaa, ii Adraatt xxxx. MIDDLEBURGII, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA., JUNK 11, 1903. NUMBER 23. civ Little Liners. . fl A It A rt. and ""C nusuw lnly Scat. Told in Brief arisrapna. More r I. ess Prominent. - .1 l?ifnlB nf In. Hug rupi'"11 that tl"l.v mrmaiij anu ,rPMc the Thirst lr . f. r tin- l'i T. liift I in Kine Io Scran- Lllllicckcr spent Sunday In ..I .1 . I.. .l..ltll,. ftlultl'll trv liiinims ' a " urn- 1'. Knock of Williamsort is It parents. fur teachers' examinations h,f,l in the Tost. LkiM f New York fn.ut kii Miildlcburg. Smith of Kreainer was at V Scat last Frlilay. H. Spunkier and Mrs. Alice it Saturday at Hunbury. urwliiy tieo. Hassinger fell ami sprained his ankle. r 8 at ai.uof are going i j giKKPtry cheap good bud M-sr's son of Shudel Is bring- choice strawberries to our ud giKKKKtr Mondavv uperlntendent Walborn of tas In town one. day last lr eye on tbe "Coming Ev- tn. Send in your announce- Dlehl la visiting frienda (eorge Smith and Minn Moore of Suibury w ere in town Sunday. John X. liroslm and family visited lih parent, Oeorge Broslus ami wife at Fremont Saturday and Sunday. M m Ida Weaver of Milllinl.urg, a Htiidentof he Frcchurg M moral Col lege, paid a viait to lion. (J. Alfred A of Will in F.rdley of Jarkson 1 If. Mottershead, . inatniafai -ttirr f township, droj.d in I see us smuv tu- and braids, of I r 1 1:. 1.-; (. r i. and "lay. Next Sit 4 1 I l'i ia: idir fiiK-i t!..l II ornrevtT s, .njyfoii. Xer U. Middh-owartli iv nml .M . i :i ii- .if nii'l llerinan h rliibps wit in Inwn ! I'iilny r. nfl.t. T.i- f-T.-u-r i- ! .kli. I 'r :i n ;a n ' I f. 4. T . I r : r i lt a !' and Schorh anil wife over Sunday. The amount cleared at the j Warner of Mr( lure vvne in .,vmi ,n i dnv. 1'iri; iiii j M 4KKIF.0. .nine . i y Key. J,.lin '.. r ... nt at lin-Krov, :, , 'f,. Howard I:. -l:nlfe!ter. nf ...iranv ille. l'i . n,.,l Kiln 1'. 1!.!,,!-V- ' f. KrJprofSeli,,-1rr..Ve l'. I'hurelf Featival, Itev. Kirarofe, ; The Farmer' lnl!fute ni:uiai r-. ! rt W; "t tli irnt elali.mie an. I was 4.(KI. Many thanks to those lio j Tuesday derided to hold mtii at ' autifii! wHdina- that ever t..k place 1 ained tluir nervice to help n. j Middlehurg and Selinarov-. i Trinity Chur.-h. When y.m want to talk to tliin ofllre i v,ih,i- :.. , i by 'Phone, call arj, Middlel.ur. r- Three iliitV-r-nt -..wM.ti -I i.iiN a,,. dent for SuUcrlption, .I..1. 1'rinting and five men and three l-ars exluhi- AdvcrtUiug ran Ik; sent by Thone. linns. I r ii 1 1 .. i . j i. j i. j mrier mill i wo ihis 01 un- j o.try came up mi inlay morning. Jlr. , Harter left. Monday morning and the week two Ixija are sending several days with their grunt! parents. The Supieme L'ourt reversed the Judgment of our Court in the cu.-e of William P. Seifred vs. the Pennsylva nia It. It. Co., and granted a new trial. Go to Sdirjid and see the gotnis at siHial As Satunlav and Monday. The following new sulwcribers were added to our list this week: I. II. Sei fred, McAlisterville, Alviu Herman, Kratzville and William P. Reaver of Orients', Pa , W. D. Brown, Verdilla. If you have a late item of Xewa, call ua up by 'Phone, No. ISrJ, Middle- burg, and let us have it. If you do not have all the particulars, send us wlr . you have. We will do the real. You can get Wines and WJfiskiea anywhere, BUT, when yoiijyCnt the beet, lor Medical use, get a prescription from your Doctor and go to tbe Mid- P. Kearns f I'.fivertnu n log a-a grand juror of the V. s. preme Court ai Willi im.ii.oi t . r'.'- Ml- this Klmer AlU'rt dropjx- out nf siuhf Monday. It is Hiipied lie maiU ai -other trip to I.ewishtirg to the new bridge. The ronimittee on State Permanent certificates will me-t at Freeburg, Pa., on Thursday and Friday, June itli and L?ith, Y.m. Teachers who contem- HrlT.n r ri-pr4lli. L'vintr .t n tint. r,f t i way rl i- reiiKt from cinliaturi, a is OHi driv.'ii to ,lf,erati.-.ri, in rs r.f aoH.lent, reai) tii.fir in Ii ons, Cr. s. Ufrini! (.'leers, . et. 1. 1 V I- a supply ' liuflkl-ns' Arnifi S Jv. It's th le-f, on oi.tii. .. at Mi.ldiel.ur l-'iflr Hror (rvb . (i . man of I 'ins tr-ek Di M.jMt. Insurance Payments An lnaiiraiice journal pulilishe. the f lilowinijf farts concerning life insiir ance payments in this vicinity .furin The amount paid in Slinsgrove is $12, 4m. fn some of the other town- plate taking the examination should j nar here tney were as follow Dnn- dlnr Drus Store for it, tf. riainax were in lown iasi wee a io see the shoe factory. They wanted tbe ne -.oert ot LyRen Hisses Beitha and Mabel ti t pure Wines and Whls- ieal ue at the Middlebuig tf. nepp. formerly of Middle flinty, writes us that he is iling. t rwig atteudetl the funeral irey at Watsontowu last kiuiawell of Pennscreek and ll Saturday evening from Ohio. t Itoiiiig of Beaver Springs tn Attorney Jas. (t. I'rouse riimlav. I i taking lumber fnmi tui iiii and will ship the ii- depot. !' linker, Xorthuniber pent Sunday with Mil- uiul family. pelmrg lrug Store has ad- liiie of pure Wines and r im-ilii'iil uce. tf. aims ami wife of Oraut- knt several ilays iu towu rSitniK relatives. , h inian of Fraukliu towu I in to pay his rt spelts and ii tiin to the Post. .Mi " yy Milton, will be Kiil'llow price. tf " in I wife n-turm-d last """a slvtto IJev. I. p. " Mitlliu Cviunty.' plant five years for nothing and thenlredhot -to ThecbQ, th would agree to pay $2000 for the com plete outfit. The local managers re fused the offer. E. S. Stroup, Strouptown, is hand ling a high grade of Fertiliyw, manu factured by the Baltimflre'ulverizing Company. Prices range from V to V1 a ton. Persons needing a reliable article should call on him. tf The following are the dates of tie Fall fairs held in this section of the State: Centre Hall, September 1-tL-18th ; Hughesville. Sept. :nd-i'th : Lew isburg, Sept. LT.'th to October Sud : Milton, October 6th-0th : Bltainisbura. Oct. UUh-l'Uh. WANTED-YOCNtt MKX to pre pare for I iovernment Poeiyons. Fine Openings iu all De4rtt-nts. Grssi Salaries. Hapid PiouVins. Exam inations soou. Particulars Free. Iuter-State Cor. Inst., .VltWiu. Cedar Itapid-, la. Call OU A. E. Sole til ma ut auav- ingaiul hair cutting parlor for your head cleaned w ith a refreohim; sham poo and a clean towel to each patron ou the north side of Market siiuare op posite Ceutral Hotel. Satisfaction guar autets.1. tf. Any iers.m desiring gyl fertilizer should purchase the Lackawanna Fer tiliser. See me tiefore pVreha.sing el.--- hcrtf. W. D. B11..1KK, -i-4-ot. Kreamer, Pa. The State Educational Association at Wilkcti-Harre olt'-rs an excepiiiyiiilly notify any one of the undersigned rem- mlttee. Miss Moyer. T. A. S.tetler. A. P.iillrt. A bantam hen belonging to Luther Feaster, of Northumberland, died while hatching. A bantam rrwter '.jok in the situation and finisheil the V.ihing prrjeess and brought out a orijod of chickens, which are new be ing cared for by the rorter with the watchfulness and tenderness of a mother. Because hia wife refused to give him ville, $:ti,iiT, Milton, $XT1: SunUiry, SI 1.281; Mt. Carmel, V.ft; Riversiiie, S2,.V)0; rwiaburg, $-.2HH2. shamnkin. S-'-..V!0; Xorthumherland, $M.H)0; Trer erton, $2,;t2: Watsontown. S2, Anthony Phllfipa a" Poe, tlvtng ax Scranton, picked up their six months old baby and placed it iu the oven of a Mrs. Jesse Sham bach. Mrs.. Soph la Shamiiach. nee Fry ilei at her home in Centre township, Jun 2nd and was buried Friday June ."th. Her husband .lied about a year ago. She leaves a large family of sous and daughters to survive her, ail of whom are married and have children. Tbe cause n her rieni U u ninmn Aurauu ana uun omciaied. jjgnt children ami 30 gmnd-eliildren were present at the funeral. I.jT were enter tuiued at the houae. She was a highly resnecusl lady, aud was v-ars ( a-e. r!,ich ,Mt .. ordeal with only a few blusters. The prompt arrest of Philips snven h;m from rough handling by the neighbors. Between the ac:s of Musou Hr'-s., Uncle Tom's Cadin (o. novel and! plea-iug specialties are tutrodueed. The Conij any is an exifllent one. t.oth a.- i regards t.) dranuatic strength and niin;-' bers. One night only, tir-c puy tne sina.ier ciaes. i'uu't m:. it. Middlebursr, June l-i. under aiaanLn'th canvas. t Cn.'le Tom s Cabin lor vears 1 ! :l,',i,llr"'1 - been cruelly "faked" t.y;;. manaifers, but Momi: I n . r ';.:. -:iou Liiiiii.t.K.iin Sale 'il Sclirevcr. Sun ,i uk. Miituii. Pi. I'he -chreyer -ore t o.. Uas ...mi .11 .nr,t.i.ri;.si under the !a'.vs.i' the eom of Penua.. 'or :he uiir.m' time to j ,,( eu:u':ug ia a "nri. ruer'-iiaudis- 'iU i;i;s;;iess in B.uifii of M.Itwii illd ::e' tiaCiirs B.'bstl comvieleii ! u.u a riorat.uii iiave , k1 a-':iiie. pw w;ll. j hrevA .-.Vy jc t o. ;l huk- i :e ::-.iustVr y : necer-sary m shi- j a "e rtortinri of ;ie -t.ic ::x, ; r v.."; 'i ! :nai!' . Ja:ie .'lley. i!c!;.y . r :ni.- :ea tllarUor.r;;s -l' .7 l:ie. ,;.l1v i'i.-t 4Vt-a: p-iiucf:oi:s j:i . jet-n . ill iei'arm.eutji. -a.i? )e:n- "ei ureii (si-ses-lou i t !ue ... .a. .av and present-, it in i - , i.:;.-ty. I'he orgauiatioii is u.ade i.i ..' men ami women who can act ; aad .-flored peo ple who ran ;nn anl aJso everything that U needed in lue wav of scenery, lilechatiiial e:!'ei't.-.. Louies, j donkeys, blis'dllouiids. etc. Middle- burg, Tuesday, June Pi. r;l; Among our callers last we. k were: I tiU!'- bia'"" Chxs. Sprenkle, Heur.- H. aud BrM"-r-: :'n)m the,r rvat;oiis ii. W. Pae, Kantz: Isaac Smith alt misM.'.i of the n.verime.ic. o, J. S. Vearick, Kraterville: Johu H. itU 'i-:R"'ult-v- :u" Wise and X. T. Doudore. IHiud. P-: ; -'-"utre.l th-y alway i ban Bti - :iot a Vb! W.-s ifn; not i I!"- of ( 'i:uer. .' oy per : tained ' Mnbllelniri Has. A few liars very few if course Several 'piiicers I 's i i . !,-1 men . : tc!c.b.,!i.. ,n,i. T i ,,ri-: iy h.-lio u'i ''.. Some l'i ' 1 1 !-4t i ic ; i - . Tl,r.'.- A few -mart .ii..,-. A nii!iil.i.- ,,f j, sin uld advertise rc iiai' ifirl who jrimrle.. Several vveatlx-r prophets. One r..l!cr mill. Several women who tattle A few cranks wi". refract. A planing mill. M.-r loafers than it needs. Laws that are not enforced. Men who see er-.-ry lmr ;!e;!it A national hank A ourt House and Jail. A Tannery. An idle Shoe Plmit. A 'hirt Factory. Three progressive l-fotels. Two Iinrter 'hop. Four f hurches. Plenty of sites for new indtietriesv. A .Masonic Lodge. A. i. A. it. Poet. Twfi millinery stores A P'ano ami Organ. Agency. Painters, paper-ham;itrs. deioras. planters, stone maeons, carpentersv Thn-e P.eai'hera. One Practiaiag Physieiaji. A widow who is fair, fat and forty. Mnuy handsome homes. Mie lovable bachelor. wln. woiakl pay SlOO for a wife. Tw tiews)ftjers. Stave Dealer and Tin Shopk Seven Attorneys. A Mimic Teaimer. An Architect andCuntrai'toit.. Two Cwit Dealers. A fe w Society . fellows liuatiiaflL p gavj -rt rf.iia.i a mm. .... Several ha'.helors who ougiU. Ca jt marriptl. The promise of Water Work. Two Dentists. An excellent 'ornet Baud. 27 widows. A Tew widowers. Two iiiai'ksmit h.. -everai .a.y mv, A fev :iiii-ssiiiii; L' io uu.'ll .die 'Ijolicv. A .iiltcher. . a.ier L'.Vo .,r ;i;i-e otitlctaii.-s I iri J.ii.; Ttra iiu'S.. veary -mil. v.txn oatK. Ht'Cnu.1? :ae :hr-ai.ii' liy .ii'e. Aad ; efftiail'". a ' ae .ustw of -hy Tn .i. r o'i '(" ''rom. ae -u4M.' .ntr ..'.:l'r. r iy oiua v-iy 'lone ol aet .liiiii rod. 'a.' -tfi na." ia-- lar'h-ne.; Je 'lit'.' riti'U oi;.y aast iirunii-lleit ,Lm '. u.y ta. .a -hat iaricuot .he vhv. F ira acii:a'u.' '.iioiuui. for -iwii.'. r ) tae i'ad ia;. ii vrnaaa i tad! youth. r4rs-etui'ic :.av tears aiii -mbe. L'r'.aix aa-a. it .h 'uat;t.:is THE I'LTl'RE KF.VE I.K1'. Cemiii'i Events Cast 7'ie'r h.fln'A IVforc The renders ,,f the P are ."..!..- ed to -end i iioioii,.-.-niei(i- ,' , events. Vo . harw'e .-,! I i... , i.!.. pnblisti 'in' linn' i Ion '1v....t ,- . potilic imtfir'ance Turili t . J'tiie ! I . .i .. , ' ,.i., Illetieem.-nl .t, . ' , . .. . ( Diversity -e'tl..'"..v ; i iiii v , . .i in -cliis I near i-' tivil in Mi i-i i y lie? i . - , f a- it a.' I'be hi r tn.'iit i ,' .. :i 1 1 i 1 1 L'. sftin'i . .iuiie : i. i : , i'.j ' . ; ..t v . j ..n-i-es , ,.. - ,,,, j e'liirell J -t l IV. .I'll.e i t. I nil.ll'.ii i ',' er.'is. s i u I he i .ii' lier-m " . o . li I tills Jlace III 'be e ell I. J j SfN'ti v. Jillie ! I. I" ; T'h 'I'i-vI i ..... IMll -rle i oll.-u min 'rtte t ollei;,. I ..ti Vr 1 " I "I'M .1 'Hie It'll Auniversnrv of b Miivivv. June Ant, iic:. ti,. iv vi!l be llui.le to ' he i hi', erimr for t, "barter for 'he Middletiiiri; Water I ' CMtinuv. TVkm.V. June In. Mason 1'licle roin' I 'aliin i o. .vill elo! if .n :lis nltve. T'i ri"it.A S'. June :-. fbe in. Can ilill 'A'ilil West and .Meiean .lij.po Iroe will eshil.if iu MiddbtOurg. Tut usv. v, June Is, The 1'osuj will lie 'in ;he publication "f lU-v k'hurleti M. ."hellion's tfreaf. -rttii story. "Thw Iteformer.'' This . ne of helJon's Master pieftst. Firv, June is). The CeMtsMion f the I2.'th Anniversary of 3!e Eva cuation of Vmley Forge, u3 Valley Fora;e, Chester County. Frtoat, June 10-24y B-'-'weil Univer: . . c . . . vvwaanaMM' a.- urm i'iiirgt Pa. Stttday, June 20, The Summit Sun day School will hold a !Vsival in Suiunut lirove. Saii khav. June 20. The iEommers -tnnlay S-hool will hold a. festival in : heevennnf. . rt'iai w. .,une j.i. -''.errf vi ;1 -el I : b u.iiiiue i.n'm ell Unas. N il Vi . Mil. MoM : . i:a i-'.ii::-Vilan:;c veea. l-.i' v. . '.ii'ii ; '.'iii at ' -lauil Wes 'I . nine . Mile !:U ;; i;un be 'a- .a ol iatctl- 1 tainii. oi "liijotii r. . n:naief ll.Illi'U- . ..." ;l ti, a . n a -ti -s-rvi-s lt : :f; ami .'. '".;;i fs ..f 'Cl'liililell' OO.-i en a. :a. ' Meiitfle. : ti ' i w hvtr'v strvnig program this year and will have b-i'i 1 1 KiatzTvilV dicil addition attractions in the wayofeii ! 'l wis buiiisl Juno 2nd. tertaining, excursions, etc. Teachers 1 only four weeks K- s'loilld make a i note of it. The Lock Haven Paper Mills have ' i' bainbiuh aud wife of, Uvn awaiiKsl a contract for furnishing 'invovci' Filday to at-1 l,'HHi,tjui pounds of paper to the intei- i"! "I Mr, Shambach's nal revenue department this year, a j contract that llu'se mills have Ixui '" lot inr prescription B,,h,K fur u'u -vu,r' K1- Mi'l.llcl'Uig lHutj Stoic ,un,ish 1,10 l"41 ,,,r Kovoriiiucut "iy and WhlsJiu-s for bami-s. I lliva Vnii liVui' i'hMi.l iltl v nf iu .hhil'. . I A aw V fc a. V e aii i '"VUVl' , in ' borg's Works'. If not, ull you" send me yvair addrvMt eiicKufg a stamp or two aud I w ill mail Ton one of his books FKKfc. StatcfUetheryou want it Iu English or iu tieruian. AHOLI'H KOKUKK, SO Clevvland strwt, U. , Oraigv, N. J. Almotit four inches of ralu fell from Saturday night to Monday morning. This was the first good rain for eight week. The hay crop is blighted un less the second crop reimburses the farmers. All kinds of vegctatlou suf fered. The raiu was wor.h a half a H. J. Reiser. Shadel: Phihf Ml. Plea.-ant Mills; Kiley Kepier. S-tbtiee; Howard Howerso and J. K. Magee, Krvauier: Aaron C. Wal'.er Peun -creek; Oeorge Hains ami W. F. Houscwortli, Ksi,., Selin-iri've: Jos eph Middleswartb, Ie.aveit Jona than Ming-tmati. wiuel'onl; ti. W. How. ;ileui; John T. Shetterlv, Aline. Pa. M. M. lir.ibelblis, ('. i:., of Ham burg, has liven making a survey of Ui. Water Works plant the )-ajt evk. A samiiig that the railroad is the average e!ca!iou l the low ti aad moving to- sh vl ! ward the Krb Sriug toau e.evaiUiu ot moxe :; 20) feet he is sail T'J ti lower than ihe , Varna i "pi ing. i ic cstiutaus unit n tiie u re. will be -eed ai ladiau Bill d . ;a.a lid West. Indian BuT W':Ul Wost ti.r only faiilifi.i aud abss'lutcly tr.te W'b i esi , i:t e'.ten e. It is perfect ;ti detail aad trie ::t nature. It a:i .'b .s. t '..".-. m .11 t!v -t i'v of a t:reat ;'-i ''. x aarraave told and illustrated by themselves. Wbi : n'-. a t at Mi d.ilei un: Pa.. u Tatiisiiav . aielv Pr: " for tia..ay , reduce. i '." 2 ".' :' .a 1. the and date I he Ditietctu-s. I'll . s.'ll lug Hotel" try House at fl'IVt. M. llAH-I'Mlv l llaiUr of Suubury has "'K sirteial days at thla '" io l.y th tlluuaa of her its. pi'piittorof the Vulou MUlw, wM lu (wwu Friday 'iipUou aud wder a lot Ml uf Jai'kaou Might his wife owe U ' the ui'iHH u uku th train W t ItoedavUla, Ki.'l 'a iwe a '.ista.cs paper, wr.le a ;s tui v.'ii ::. and worth St"), urn- that's vuias. nit can write a few woid-. on a piei e o; i ap r and n ake a worth scrvoii is placed at an t'lcvatnju of 200 , 0 1.1,1 k h- that's capital. I' ho I nUevl Ls-t water will lo torcd from an inch , S.aiis can take an ouuee aud a uartci' no.'..le lo the h.ight of more than MO ! nf iold and stamp upon it an "Faio levt oruigncr man tno t,ourt House .Hud' and make it worth ?2o-that's sttvple. J money. A mechanic can take mater- ., , ,v. ,. , . , . ! ial wtuth $0 and make it into watch it. .-s. 11. iMiieuuerier, uvutai t.iiaii uate, formerly of Heaver Springs, Pa. ie x a V La-is etii'.r r M tv W a'.,- , V i: a. ai'.1 ' 1 '.'bat ' i :ii-' a : '.ere th lauo s 1 : ;t a; :.d 1 mvni -.' f li.'t : i-.i ix Mii 1 , .: . i' bey wau. 1'iisUu aud -ua:' ;si, : r i-mv, ii s.ui .a ae 1 a, - Ji iJcC ii s-s lu.s .01 a, . bt, i ' W ti' ai.'t ! :'"scs ;..f ".,:. a:.: ' ei ' i'i::'' aei;:c. ae i ' ne v i'i a, ' !.:.- :: u-:i. ii.i v -.a. 1 M,..s.-i tiers his scr vice to the public He is dpi'tpped with the latest methovls iu lVutistry. All work guarauteed. Of fice ou East Market Street, iu Johu Moata's Building.JMiddleburg, Pa, Pn'gluiug iu May he will visit the followiug tow us ou days below; McClure Hotel, first Monday of each mouth; 1 Waver towu Hotel, first Tues day ot each mouth; Boaver Springs Hotel, third Tuesday of each month; tuUliou of dollars to the people of Suy-! Frveburg, Empire House, thirtl! Wed- (TmlVvumy, - v uewjay of each utouth, tf. springs worth $1,000 that's skill. Ai mcrchaut cau take au article woith 7 j 1 ecu to aud sell it for $1 that's busiutss. A lady cau purchase a 75 cent hat, but she prefers one that costs $27 that's foolishness. A Ditch Digger works teu hours a day and handles, several tons ot earth for $0 that's labor. The Printer of this could write a check for fkS0,LJ0,000, but it wouldn't be worth a dime that's rough. Any oue can go to The Suaviuehanua University Musi tale aud thoroughly enjoy au excellent concert that's comtuou seuse. A concert will be giveu In theSelius grove Opera Hous?, Juue ltith. Ad luUalou, '-oc. aud 3oc. 2U Ui fue Kt ;. r '. 1 1'ua tan; a. .v. '' ayik, ''0 in '.be - .'cii'.s Vl!''.. ca.,.si. -aa ..1 trakk, l aits. sUKH'; woe. I'liy foot pt'iuts U;u. fvJie, Thy thoii'ats a puie, For the ipaicksuad ou jwu aie -iraiant st i.'e aubie au Ji .1 1 i I in. ll . Kraiii'i.sci. , Mi'M'.v P. 1 1. Ai. A. tygam's shore Wl.i'M..-i'A'i, "s. i Am dliftiug aud Uc'ci' will endure. "Suae Couveoteui ' a.-.i-i , 1 a, : 'l'i, 1 lyilii' I ... I e a i lai liuu. l,, i 'a. W. E. Hoc Si Juue 10, M03. .sKUOKl'll, 1 , . jrii cliusgruve, Pa. I'oiluw tiiyTill .tau'iuy ! .Moiiii.iv aau vUilJ(pv slut) j L'uv,iuo Kut Sale A twelve horse poweuCrtable Frick Engine is ottered lfrivate sale. It cau be seen, at Strojrwwn. Inquire of ! cviiiateis ol kX'invvj tou, I'll. am i at a c ti ic Co., Mii- Iveemyr Uuukie Monday IohI a Luaad new watch. For Innately it wasfouud by U. A. ScUojh's douieatic aud reotot- Strouptowu, Paed to the owner.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers