ffliElJUMBOBS STORE.B' xgontiuue ' 1 'Tv I Tho who are frftlntn? flesh ... . . r, titc MlrAruth hvrAriilnr -a- Our line i miieli ngcr, lu!li" mil y JOClJ?a jin tli- r than it ever w.i Ih lino. (IKIHT.IMK", ii 1"H ''"' i'iiliv lti;;lnT, prieiu lower. OT10N5f Ii"-' value nrc iviunikalile iiml t'.iu m i vi nttrmtive. jIVUPWAKK DKS'AKT.MKNT, uv,v tr .t-M.1. t- i!,..i I'ViT. ThoS Who are) salnlnv flaah - end strength by recutar treat-1 Scott's Emulsion hou'd continue the treatment In hot weatheri smaller dose nnda little cool milk with It will do Away with any oblectlon which Is attached to fatty pro duct during the heated eason. PenH for fr-e .ample. SfriTT A HOWNL, Clieml.it, 409-415 I'tatl Strett, Nw York. c. and f i.ao; all druggitu. i;-i'' TlN'AlII-', nwtfjiiiig reduction no- Departmen O r I" 1 N S NV . 1 : 1-;, well wlii-tvil at ;ni ,;j sVAl!H, look to us for l;iri;Hiiw :tul kiv . ' mi. I 'Al'S ur lims arc jm-mI, I'.c.-Ii, iiml etircl'ully scli'deil Mwk. SilOla IMTAUTMKNT, iu u!i t i 1 tra it- liiurt- oi.f i:inillt l to tlit r":n iii'-iit. ,. Kvtrv tiny is liui-traiu D.iv frpiitnz .. :. :. .... . ai rimi'-'j .Mmkrts i.ir liiiurr sui'i i.- t 409-415 I can ii THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. ttiioa la Ik, lateraallaaal Series , for Jane T, I (Mt.'l I'a a l'a Vev. nt mud Iklvnrrrk. I Charter Notice. I ll.lt ilfpart- Watr Notion in inTc'-y (C'VT , ,,lf fppli will lp in mim ttir !' iltfi mti'iiu nltti I of Vii'yl mtl, on inlry, luiv ftfU'f nt 1, I one t -Hi-.imt nit.r (iinilrnl hm I ".. tmlt-r ! til if iifl rtnt:v. t li' Mn Art i i irnril f"r 1 In Inctf pir. ton . l rrrMlttiMi I of April t"t4. ixl lh -n ineitlN fi'-'t-tu or ! ft t'lifirtitr fif m in'f 11 I-'I r iur.tfii-i to rf t-tlleltii V (llt l.iirir Wnror iHMai.. Tim t tht 1 cii iru tor inl Kj' 01 wiix-ii i i M'lHfdy .itr'" to tin U'trouir't ' Ml'litiir, ny It fit . jkn't t Kr.t. t nrt'irrliir tiI cor Iritliuii4 r'ilinjr lir in inrt jj tit tin f'ti lim n i(ja), nl 1 1 1 i v I lie riijlit"! liett--flt-i Atnl prlvl'fic1 ' t'i' ni I Art r A---' iiit-lv fitt'l tin' hUjilrM"td lin- 11 I,. I, A KK. Sii'if tor 5rvv" r rv Watch EVly Markets N. T. Dundore DUNDORE, PENNA. n 3 q ; FFDS That Succeed (.K..I 119 vrnr." niMTlpnrr wl'li . K ami tlx- ri-.ult .l ll.m nre p nwil at the htii c .ml 'J'rrr. ln'atinely lllu-trut.-rt .n.,.l.U-. l,.eil Mt.K. : L,,lor ini.lwir.caimn..r.l to be wlll.ut tlio Vn'.tmlilii iil !r 11. AMERICA'S BED FOI 1.. .i.i. .nr, il.- uhnwv liiMlarn wortli from i'A7li l' 0 arronllr Z yH ... Iiav. .... nrx ukm ". - -. ' , , ,,. ,,, ,(.wrj . Vri HfUWjr llir lilt- HinniK'" 0 MM Hki 11 ;N4.iirf in fti.l Illi ii.HM, With hlll r-hrvrci. Tutwi no oil-f r. Ui-fnae rfnnicrn nMii lnllon liu II mi in. iiiv..f rir 1 ini-i:t, or Wfwl Ir. tn Htiii, f.,r Hnrtlrnlnr. TrM nnnlMln n'l U llrf for l.nllr." tn r by return Iw,u 1 attmiontRi j ail iJruK'fi-t. chichkhtrh chkmtoai. no MmUi ikU ....tn'ili' atfitiiitua. r" . a BIG RETURN ON A 25 CENT INVESTMENT. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. CH SEED EODUCE ( VIM Ili-ailanf ratilnge .... InnilretliiT Knrljr Hummer 1XK hootii of K11rtl1.l1 Ijnicrotli' w Lite Jjuly Finger. I HOI Kiio'nf llrotn Smrli-t Trnnltill 1 tniio Frul'nof Cucmiilier . . . . Inrtrrth' Klral 1 Julio lli-iwlnof U-ttura Virginia Hlll Header I (VO Friiitn oi Watermelon . . Arkanm Traveler I litM HiiIImi of Onion liloomwlale learl &U0 I'lanU of Tuinato ljmlrotlia' harlleiit lick colleillon of !ee'lli for twenty five (25) cent- enclced With tlie Onler will be mailed. Ll,l like In iin.il eai-h of my olil . r.vi a . r mi c tn.lfrlrn(l.t'atal.gue, an I am J, LAilUKCl'l Ca. 3Ji3 to Oil ortler pruniptly ami aaini- JAMES VICK. 1217 Market Street. ME IV OF 'OCHESTER, N V. l0CR Mll OnDIR DtPAnTMtHT. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Jill GENERAL MERCHANDISE. i sir lr(rDrug Our Stock Constats Such as Is Found rg Drug Stfv jte r r;ia uiunirv store. ryV ods, Hardware, Drugs, Groceries, Chinaware, Best Shoes. igars and Tobacco, Smokers' Supplies. OUR MOTTO : More Goods for Same Honey I Same Goods for Less Money ! Come and see our wares. Harket prices paid for Country Produce. A. 5. Sechrist, Verdilla, Pa. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition: beaut, vigor ana cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trruble has become so prevalent that K Is not uncommon (or a child to be trr afflicted with weak kir neys. ! :'r e child urlt.-ae-. ten. if the urine scalds the flesh r ... .hen the child reaches an are should be able to control the psagt. It Is yet afflicted with led-wettlng, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these Important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same (rest remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root iascoarulUtA. l-j acid by drufgista, in fifty- cent and one dollar sizes. You may have s I "-rw 1H i. 1....1. i uaSlni'i sample kkjuib d mui tree, also pamphlet tell- noma at mbim Ing all about it. Including many cf the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamtcn. N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. I WE OFFER YOU O 1 R12m mooths' subscription to MiddleburgrosT A 11 JOne year's subscription to Conkey's Home JoornaL " n l i. . u , . .... udg jcar s luciiiucnuip in uncraau rnusKOj Associauon. CONKEY'S HOME JOURNAL Irr and musical monthly family magazine which should be In every home. Its UKii ii always in colors, it is printed on good paper, and mechanically every ii ibuie to the printer's art. Cenkey'a Home Journal isreally twomaeannes ' Hie lirsi hall is devoted to special illuntrated articles on subjects prominently r !" , .iniimii i inu serial sio ies. i ne secoau nail is devoted to tne raicf f iiiolluT and daughter. It also contains WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE ral l.-Moni lii lace and embroidery-making. ! una in inline niiiiinery. m Irsjoiu in interior decoration. i' 41 ukKfitions for home dressmaking. J. . i .t 'on ""I'artment showinn the newest designs In hats and costumes, u ami the smaller articles ot feminine wear. I'lele paiiern department, from which patterns mat be ordered. 1 4ln nhowinv how to set the table. ana I jihU Talk." ki-i. .....- .1.. inr..,:- .i... i. ... . . .v. fiowi.uldbe un loiUte 'U'Koihk ia supplemented by a department of minic which contains each month II Villi, tWO-ltet) or walli. a leonn un Vnrjl Trainin,. an. I l.iinn nn P.,.n f eminent teachers. I.. ne "r"I?01 er", 01 articles tor the boys. These articles are w pidcucdl and tell how all kiuds ot pets may be raised both for pleasure and Amarloawn Muaioavl Aaaoolavtlan enahleit it 4 niomSer. tn rvirrtiscn eliaAi " "!'! ia ai uitcounis raiiiiiK irom no to SrV ler cent. I III IV 1 .1 CMnkAUA El. - I . I I . . "... . .... -ii . " -.w t m UI4IIVU w aujr 4UU1VM vviimiuuitaiiona ami remittances to ittss on request l!t(U to Rlauaelt. Inr- I would like a HttT Ml. air. You tc, I'm married tr And you need the In- fjur faiullv? pier No, lr; fur mvself. 'y ifo Vuowa juat what I'm Heiiorlvr Va M'lly. "Kton remirter. in describ- vorutK.na of one of the white vleasantly stated that it uriimnre In yellow and blue." u w ith him for thla rude oom- attvmluut gave him a "load- on hi. next vlalt. The wily gtnoroualy passed It to a WINDOR HOUSE W. II. BV I'LCK, Proprietor 418 Market Si., Harrisburg Pa., (Oupoait f. K. K. ltepot Kiitranie) -av t ailed lor All Vralna Rooms, 23 and 50c. Good Meals, 25c Good accorutuodationa. U .rawhrrii's must Glas rrrown have son. Late tender growth in jw.ti'h trec.i should cu: air, says a New Unmpxhire prower. i rren The bos Li not f.r cull., but for th j P-ril best fruit that can prow on a tri"i : tier remarks an exchange. According to California authiirif if, the raisin crop of the atatf for 1WJ U 100,OOi),000 pounds and the largest but one ever prown in the sate. Dr. Saunders, of Canada, has some crosses of Siberian crab on Tetofsky. MeMahon White and other hanlr ap ples nboul which he is very aanguine. Some northern strawberry prowerj who are able) to secure a good price for their fruit In the season u.se an extra thick winter mulch to delay the e-princr fruiting a Ion? a possible. Raw Apple Promote Hrelta. Kipe, uncooked apples are amoni; the most valuable of our fruits. It has been said that any man who can and will eat two good-sized apples in the course of every 2 hours, will never have gont, and if this destroyer of comfort has already fastened its f&nga in his system, apples will van quish even the most persistent form of this legacy of luxurious living. Kaw apples are much to be preferred for health reasons to those that are cooked. Heat makes chemical changes and destroys or devitalize an acid that seems to act directly on the lime, salts and earthy matter created iu the system by gouty and rheumatic coudi- liAn,IBV1,pm,H' 1.!.i. TJ1K LESSON TEXT. (Ae; .7:-41.) S3. Ami while the day nm comlre: on. I'aul b. aoul.t tr.un a.i to tuk mmt, my. I.itr. Till liu) la ;he lotutrei.ih lny tl.at J rnve tnrr.ei! nrl tii.i:nuil mulirtt. hav . l.'iif in km iich.HK. ZL Whin N.te I pray cu to take viim treat; fur tlu.4 for our .. a.i r, : t ,r U.. r shiill n.it un l.uir lai; ;ruin ii.- head of any of you. 'ii. Anil alien he hnl' ;hna .vokfr.. he tn k l.reaii. un I i.ji v thank.' in l. .d n I'riatnce of them ::: nni when (.. t.aU l.rnken It. he I., un, to mi. OS. T;.n re 1 1: y a,l of kik.J c h.er. a nd they ii:o t,.t,K F-.n.e n..,it I ST. An. I wile In ': (u ;K. ,!.ip ;o tundritt thre, icnrf im-l s;x- n .,. OK. AikI In n t!,-y h,Tt i nt. n . i .i., jh. th. I ilKhtem ,1 ihe ship, airj lMo the .(.i. ti. Am hn ;n il iv. ki. r.'.t Ian I: hut th'y iluoiir ,; a r rtain rreek with a ah'.rf . Iiro hi h :h er mlr.del. If it rc p..s.li.i, m tf.r...Ht In the hip ' And whn ;hy h i 1 t.ik- r. i.;itr.i an rhors, th-y comrr.itt I th-ms :v i,nt the sea. and i'.ox. 1 te r ; ,, r t.an.'. an I b-'dattd up the n.uir.ii4!. to ;he .nd. an I rnaJ t'.w ar I hore. II. Ar. l f.il.ir.s: ;n:-i n p'are h-r twrt hub mit, they r in th- unip 'ier.;m.t and the for. part ;u. k t.i-', ur.'l r. man., d un n.fival.'e. liu th h.i..!. r i.art as hroken with the vi..:en of the waves. Ii Aril t i'i:iir.' .iirn. . w a to kll! the prMniiera. - t ar.y of thirn r.ouel 'im Oil; ;ir, 1 rft .ijrf-. 4i. Hut :t - ii r.tnri..r., g to nave fan'., k-j.t th-rr. frnrn th ir p. r . ar,. rom manfled rhat f h. e- whi' h r.-iu!d ..nr. nn d rat thrr.HH.vm tirt into the a., and g-t to '.and. 11. A i. 1 r -t. v.n.e nr. h t ; ar. ; s rr.e on Ir..k. ri p:e. of the !..,. Ar, i it came to p.. that they si a;.. 1 ,.. -;i;. ;j ..in.). f.Kl.HK TClTTIifa they ery un to the l.oril In their tri.nl. le, anil He hrlnceth I lien, out of llielr ilislreaaea. I'a. I"7ias. ( it'TI.I N K Oh' SfHIFTT f.F; r-'lv Ti'iN The vov i to f'r. t."1 .A.'-i.'T : Th areat storm A :'. :-vi. a i-h.-. r.ni; w,.r..a Ac' a 2T.J.-14. The anehorlnar A. .T .eachlr. the ship Art.. :T :'.i-t.. Saf to un I A Si . li-l. TIME - A T) I'LAi'E M. d;tTr an. in neii NuTKS A N ) i 1 1 M M E NTS In the les-o.n for two week ag. i'aul was a prisoner at, ( aeareu, where he had been pnn fined for two year. lie had appealed his rase to the emr.e-'.r, and wa waiting tn he sent to Kome for trial. In t.hi.H lesson the vojMgn Ivegina. In studying thia voyag. rememher ing that he wa a prisoner, think what kind of a man Pan! must have been to have gained aiien inflnenee on board the ship. Tanl was one of a number being sent to Rome under guard at. this time. At Myra the eonvoy r,f pris oners wai transferred to one r.f the Alexandrian grain ships houm! for Rome. The ship encountered head winds moat of the time. "The Fast" (day of Atonement) va late in September or early in Ortober, afp.ording to the year. During the winter, navigation wna discontinued entirely. Note several things in verses 9-11 showing that a meeting wag held to diaenaa what waa best to do. Paul waat tn !mryr1&Dt ns and ?x-,f traveler for taoae day, and wnrht;8, ent at the ponncil. "Eurnnullo" ia from Euros, the east wind, and Aquilo, the north wind. Compare onr expres sion, a "northenter " "The hont" (v. Ifl) was the sninll biwh t.iw-erl behind the ship. For "lowered the ienr." v' should say "shortened sail." "The yrris" waa the nmeh i1re:niel n'tiek san' ilontr the African eonst. Ihe starm h.iij lasteil nenr'y weeks. "rfrloers an.i rrv hint g '.hen'.seives tip fur lout. an.', were irtr r.ufhinir when Paui enne to recie. and. ea'm. eleur-hetnied .' r. ti'ient. sneeeeiieif fn raI1.vlr.tr ff'irt. N.itii'i' '. yv.vv..s-vvv-. .w'.vcw. .-sv'-. -v v ... .... rintG r-,! C::i t tiro ; ( lift-.. 1 1 . Tll,ti 'i;, -. t i flrwlvr ;. a ; i ".Jllvf-:!--';,!,,! " !'!!. :.' i , I i. ion i.ip .. . :i t:.i-. 4 :r.- I.'-f ' hi 'I II of C'llli'.j I l ' l l i- . i .. 'ii. . r i' S l!mv tt' mti ' i'.it tii'M i. ; .1 - lul l n-,' !" i '' i . ) rt "I i;lt ill. The Kind You Have v v cl V s Bon eh t Jiorri tho Signature of a For Ovsr 30 Years. rtajiaaa-e M ' -. e. , v - r . ,- i'-V " - f , SJfA In Use Liberal Adjusliner.ts. t a- ri. arvavsij:-. -ffrl.VIErDLFJ 1 H. HRRUEY SC! GENERAL 1 W i k INS- ANGE !l- : 1 A "5 v 'c!v t!ie OMrt f. Fir. So AsaessmcRu .t I.i!V :uni ! i ! He i 1 1 The Aetni FoninSed " Home " Aiiierirau " The Standard ;U The New York L The fidelltn Mu: Your Patrcnanf iSl!) lsio Assrt 11, .-e. - tea :::s.i v t :! ::.t Insurance Or. .ii sura nee 0). Life Association siliclted. MOST LIBERAL OFFER OF THE YEAR. .et ..a.... Swrai hntthr fts,sr'-J to renewei'. eiopa tat leu, aail Waraa a ia I'elU Laxative Brouio-Qululne Tablets euro aooldluaday. Mo cure, uopuy. Price 6 ot ' uU. IT PAYS to advertise iu a live aud up-to-date uewspaper. l)t results " The POST. The value of the onion us a medi cine is just being found out. Doc tors are of tbo opinion that it is a preventer of smallpox and will ar rest the spread of many other dis eases. The oniou is a household remedy which every mother has. used for coughs, colds and croups for gen erations, but now its virtue is being tcated in a more scientific way. On ions promote sleep and quiet irri table nerves. They are said to im prove the eyesight. They are kuown to improve tho complexion. They arc, in fact, most healthful and beneficial article of diet, and if they could bo made to taste and smell like oranges or apples their popu larity would be fur greater than either of the fruita named. Wl veil do- the) :nd rh" how seems to stand he.a.1 and slf ul a.b.ive ail the rest on Uie ih:p. H do yon iii'ount f ;r it'.' It was now a question where f.i -'in the ihip aground, nr.. I in order to ch.ve rM favorable a plaee n pos sible it was nees.itrr to have .;.iy l:c .t. tan' v:j-..ar.i. prav.T. tvl -i-.e !eser.ion of the crw, w:rh.ut w'j-.m it would have been hard t beacli the ship successfully. IVture to yourself the eene "n rh s ship in the dusk of the morn in sr. e- I peeiaily the part Paul piayeii and the heartrending etTect of his words and exaruple. "nirowinir out the wheat:" The lighter the ship was the closer could she run to shore before striking bottom. "Loosinsr the bumis of the rudders:" The "rudders" were two enormous oar worked by hand from the stern. They had been pulled out of the water for fear the wave would break them. TTie revised version is more accurate here than the common. Note the difference, epeciuily in verse 40: "Where two seas met;" This was probably a bar such as often runs be tween two neighboring islands. Ram say believes that finding this was a piece of extraordinary good fortune. "Kill the prisoner:" If a Roman soldier could not produce his prisoner when called for, he forfeited his life. Was Paul's influence on this voyage due simply to his strong personality and good judgment, or was it largely due to the fact that he was a man of God? What idea of Christianity do you suppose I'nul'e thipnuites carried out into the world with th.'in, n.s a result of what they snv of it on the voyage? PRACTICAL SCUiJESTIONS. In time of danger a Christian bus a source of strength and cheer that oth ers do not have. In time of danger a Christ ink will in tercede for others us well as for him elf. In time of danger a Christian will try to comfort and encourage others. In time of danger a Christian's faith in God will be most conspicuously ihown. The lew York Tribune Farmer in a iiHlional lillimtrnteil ntrrtiMilturnl n-eckly for farmers and thi-ir fjiimli.-M, and -tiuuls at the hetnl of the iirri I'tilturnl pross. It is a prnrtirnl paper for j rni-t fanners, helping them to su tire the lareil piiKMble profit from th farm through pmiTii'til methods. It in entertaining, instnn-tive ami prni'tically useful to the furmcr's wife, ?nnn and dnuuhtera, Jwliose interests it covers in an attractive manner. Th&irguUr itrtf :.. Vtff-pe .nn ro-r .."';,'m'rf tlme we will rwlvf your , otlon for THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE FARMER and also for yourowu favorite lornl llt'Wspnjier, The I'fiST, Midillelnirg, Pa. Botii Pauers One Yearforonly $1.25 -M'tut your order ami :noni-y :o V . hi r name and 'udilrcs nti a XF.W.VOHK TrilBLNEFAlinnH. ui ,nn "oiijfri -i ii:iIi-J i y. Ill- l'i-T. I otal am New-York 1 ' the '.VI II m m If uu 1 ill - i OpiJirn, LaaiCaian:, Gccains and all 2rzz 'Habits perTaa::t;ntiv urtii. -vt.iout dr or ori'.er st'rnt::an:s. tteir natural cor.dif.cr. i ;c.t.:.:ot: .1!... i:.se:u. ec.'iase ve prscareil .jv a.i :n:n.nt :i.":c..in. WE GUlilAMTES A CURE FfiEE TnEATr.,"C CY-Sii1-'"! crr-csriindeactt, sr)ec:a.iy '.v.tii pnvsic:aj:-i. iciicitcu. vYrtte day. Slaan.s-stisa. Therapeutic 43suciai.on Ccpt. A 113a oraaavnay, low Tot K i2,ty I I itqw Goods, Low L -L .1 br Line cf Gooas ;nv;te ire ittenucii. " the r.Li bi . EEI3STG- Fcr Men rrcm 54.C0 vp. For Children ar.a Boys, frcm 51. Calicoes at 5c. ana c. A? Dress Ginghams, at 6c. ana i;.c. Lawns, frc. 3 and iCc. EMBKClDtKltb ana ...Al -. Laaies ihirt '.Vaists, .cO up. Silk G: SHOES - r:;n M.ii Lacics' Pre Misses and Chi! It is idle to predict disaster for the woffltn'i daily paper ia ChicefO. H G-rcceries l !ii.ve a full Line cijGrcccr . kept in a Firsl-clasGenera. . c'gau ai.a v.?i:et. : ioie. Cciiie to stv F. P. STER KU 1 tuay get to be aU Um style.