The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 04, 1903, Image 5

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4 Vcckly Income of fio.ftV ,
(. llf lireailw lnnT in Mck Hie
:i, income t, "
,,. nd .....l.lply. Theffh ....
, M. pill'l flllll I11BU1CIOC3 lit"
,t loiih-s 'lie ('""t ,,f l",vl,ll,,
,,,,11,1,. man jTovMiifor il ilaik
kticss. U 1'Iovimhi re
i r i.t- c. ...;:..
when li is mml'le Hjily
, twvlnirliini frnui . it iiiK
ill. aifl netiiitlly helping him 1
,i If you should hj h'U '""I
,. id nt teml ""r hiisineM wimlil
.,ve the necctwnry mentis to sii
,irf.iitiilv il'ni'! I"' l'"fi",I "I
.. ...I V II . ... ..
. . ,. I A....kiilLr4. Vu.iu-liili.lli
. i,!iMrliiiirii.iii).lrHi'l my- weekly inili'iiTiilty, at n rout
ri'l.l.. 1.. l.u
lv f-i n vi'iir. ni" i"",iit
lilH-rnl insurance everoflerril, mill
to both iiu'.i anil women of
rii!iiii''. without medical ex-
alimi. All claims nn lmnieiiiau-
ilso Unit the holiIlT r !
Iiisinaiicc coiitriictH Is uhlo to
tln minify when lie anil his fiim-
,wt iii'i il It. An no agent nun yet
, intiil in thin Ideality, any of
micro who desire to avail tliem-
L of this opportunity should write
to the home ofllee in Philadel-
fur implication hlank and fullpar-
tiM. Some enterprising young man
,hI eharaeter eoultl obtain the
v here ami secure a large number
IillcatioiiH in a short time. Huch
my would pay him well anil
i n permanent ineonie. it-i-il
.ettcr to Steninjrer Bros.
Mlddldurrj, Pit.
Sirs: You can n fiord tlie
.mil your experience lias bliowu
nit it is also the cheapest.
men would learn this, they'd
lot of money.
r i t rt -i-
Koe Jjeau aim aidc corns a
more ier gallon than mixed
but it takes fewer gallons to
house, and it wears longer.
iu clieapestiaint infttje world.
Frank AMflorse, afuggi
they uiny foe the work done by tluc
m hnni they expert to employ.
I'lii'iilully yours, (
(1 !:. V Waiuokn, Co vij. .
p'reeluiijr, IN , June 1, l! 0 '..
Any person dcsirint: tf o I fiTiili;tr
should purchase the Liickawaiina Fer
tilizer. Se mo lii'fore purchasing elso
whete. V. V. KlMtKIl,
0-4-.1t. Kreumer, l'a.
r mm w i-
uggist of
iitlk)rt.,5jntefi: ,
fcrdereirlS gallons of your
thinking, horn experience
nixed paints, that it would re
he amount to cover my house.
only 8 gallons.
, Austin Delcler, of Winth
Isi. bought eleven gallons; he
Veivt at Morrisville, N. Y.J
N. Dexter, writes:
ery job I have sold, Devoe
pd Zinc has given good satis-
aod has taken a less quaoity
could make this letter a hun
pies as long with such exam-
Yours truly,
P. W. Devoe & Co.,
New York.
1'. Pi Smith of Sunbury
r paint.
Jty Years of Popularity
record of Painkiller (Perry
but the shops are full of im-
biailu to sell upon the great repu-
f( the genuine; be cautious,
F, when you ask for a bottle to
J im get the genuine. An un-
siuetly for coughs, colds, bron-
k-i'Md and wife of 'Jackson
1 are the happy parents of a
k w heir.
caclicrs' Exam! nation.
illations of the Teachers for the
f Snyder county. will be held
m, June 11.
"Kton tiishu3Junel3
Hfuvertowil. June 15.
Heaver Npiluga, June It.
vir, Met 'lure, June 17. .
IruM-lvllu. Juno is.
lViiu's t'lifk, June 10.
rg liorouL'h and Franklin.
Ilfl'iiig, June A).
fi'i'k, K reamer, June ...
"Ii'.ii, J .ine L',"..
. K':il erville, June
t. l'K-ll:inl M 'Mm .lni..
r'S I 1 11-1. lu!rl.-t i':
.1 HI li' L'li.
''"H IV.'x (. i,,n. .1 hi,., "r
'I'l iuli -nee, Juu,
i' .it. : ;
N vi lli II it wt
'i i-' of tl,e l.iun.i r..i
nit epeeW o teueh.
'"iUiou )a exteml.d U-
'! e.:i,
ia tho New and Better Breakfast
Food, bo different from all others
that it plcoues everjbody.' Got a
package to-day at your grocers.
Tbi Gnnii Fobs Food Co., L Rot, N. I
Dtti Recorded.
Mary -Honey to Jacob Dreuse (VZ aereM
83 perches iu Adams township for
Jacob V. Dreese ami wife to O. V.
Mohn 02 acres, 83 perches in Adanm
township, JSo.
Hiiruli 1C. Dershtin and husband to
Henry W. Felty acre in Fiankliu
township, $.500.
Christian lioney and wife to Dr. U
(.Mohn. 31 acrts ami 13 perches in
Adams twp., $34.
Wr. O.C. Mohn and wife to J. O.
(Joss uiid Chus. M. Ingram 27 1 acres
iu Adams twp., $2.0.
Jacob I). Hhrader and wife to Christ
ian Honey 34 acres 13 perches in Adams
twp., $12.3I(.
Arlo Pardee and wife to Dr. O. C.
Mohn 872 acres and 130 perches, iu
Adams twp., $300.
Sarah J. Middleswarth and husband
to Dr. G. C. Mohn 267J acres in Adams
twp., $401.62.
J. O. Qossand wife, et. al. to Dr. (1.
C. Mohn 274 acres and 119 perches iu
Adams township, $412.11
Joseph Gearhart et. al. executors of
Lydia Gearhart to Elmer Draucher,
120 acres In Centre township, for
Samuel W. Rutherford, et. ux. to
Commonwealth of Penna., 1006 acres
and 13 perches, in Adams and Centre
twp., $1616.08.
Dr. O. C. Mohn and wife to Sam'l
Rutherford, 3 tracts 1006 acres, 85
pet dies in Adams and Centre town-
.hUpv $1258J7. . . - '
Letter Granted.
In the estate of Horace Haines, late
of West Beaver township, deceased,
were grained to William B. Wood-ling.
To take advantage of Special Offer made
by Middkburg Drug Co.
Middleburg Drug Co. the en
terprising druggist, is advertising
to-day for flfty men jmJ- women
to take advanWlfU ofthe special
making on
ted siiecific
ition and
half-price offer he
Dr. Howard a
for the cure
dyspepsia, an
package at half-
So positive is he ofthe remark
able power of this specific to cure
these diseases, as well as sick
headaches and liver troubles, that
he agrees to refund the money to
any customer whom this medicine
does not quickly relieve aud
This is an unusual opportunity
to obtain CO doses of the best
uiediciue ever made for half its
regular price, with the personal
guarantee of a well kuown busi
ness man to refund the money it
it does not give satisfaction.
If you cannot call at Middle
burg Drug store to day, send him
25 cents by mail, and he will
send you a package, nromntlv.
Ike iVnuMtYauij Ka'.liuad 1703 Sum
lu' i lixciai'siiui Umiio
On June 1 the l'ussenger Department
f .lie I'eliiiylviuii.i l:uilro:ul Cum
puny will publish the l'.tll uliiii n of
the iSiiiiiiiu-r ;.cur.-iiMi K.'Me Hook
I'liis moi k is tli'.-igiieil to provide the
public witli ileseiiplive iioIim of the
principle Sl!l!ilier resor's i f l.a-hrn
Alnerieii, with the liect router, toi
leui liiiiK llieiii, mid the liiten i.l f;ue.
It contains all the priueipal Heie-bnre
and liiouutuin reoitn(if the l ust anil
ovtr hevelileeu bund, e l ilillerelu
rouits 01 uiciibliiatioiiH of ioiiIim. 'flic
iHMik bus I) mi eolnpiU'it illi lire uii-ul-ihl
euie, unil altogetlier in (Id- musi
complete ami eoinpielieliMive b:iui
Oimk of SliluliRl- tl.ncl ivef olleml In
llit' public,
Tlie cover is hand-nine and Mtrikint;
printed in colors, ami tlie book enu
tuiiis several n.iips, iiresenthiK tin- ex
act routes over which lickein aie mild.
The book is profusely illustrated uith
line hall-tone cuts of scenery at tlie
vuriiiux resoi ts anil alou; Ibu lint s ol
Hie 1'tiinsy Ivunia Kailroinl.
On ami after Ju.. , iu.a erv inter lunik may le pruiurtil ul any
Pennsylvania Uailrouil In kit ollic
ul the nominal price of ten cents, or
tiMin application to (ieo. V. Koyd,
Assistant (ieneral Passenger Aenl,
Hroad Street Huition, Philadelphia,
Pa., by mail for twenty cents.
Another Accident on the tilt; Hill.
".Miflllnliiirg Tclcicrnph.'
As Jesse lUilaml and a companion
named Wensel, Isith of Snyder county
were coining down the , hill iu ,x
Thoasada of Clironic Ailments of Women Cured Every Hoath Dieuisad Intern
tarrhtho Inemy of Women Pe-ru-na the Only Internal Systemic Catarrh
Eeni3dy Yet Devised Prominent Caso3 in Illustration.
Nervo'ts Depression.
Hummer i!:onl!is nr.; i"culiarly tho
Tnonilis of !: .. ,is ;i. cn.. s, ic,'-l ihy
tiTiiai ntratioii itiiU u:li r (l. jiri'ss. it
pla'.i" t the 11 tvuk k;-it. IVople
w ho nre not ,nt all I n-: I :i;'-I t Ih-ikj-v .iim
or Mil.'"!1 fr-iTi w ire lii-rves find tlds
tinio e.ijx'ri.illy ir niu'. Knltry heat
nii.l ! ciiic'l t.iKi.irl.aiicp of l!i'; nl
iiipliUiO aro pruLiatily the tau-o cf
Jiivnl''!.' ;vfd to be par(lenlir!v ca-n-f
it t to li.'tify tlio nervous rysteiu by
t)io u-ic of lVruna.
Ur'.m Hnlof, Kaiikniinn. WK,
irrllr i4 . vornl Iii,i"h uiirliiK t ii pnt lwi
i-piir or inoro my kvkIi'Iii h:m Ih-.'U ui.' itly In
h tiM"il of ft t'ni hii! 11C llio-i" flioi 4 IVruri.i
h lifi'll or kt.mI lii'lp ,n tiiill.litiic l Inn
vsteui, n'lirini my fi -"'t if n m.d wnirtiiK
rstful nl'-i'p. 1 kTi'i'.v a if.-fit niim' t f
Woini-n wh' nro ininn It r.r tlin tmutile
MTiillar 10 llif M i, ami with tho tn t ri iiUU."
lli-i. ii itoinr.
SfISS liri.IiN ItOI.OF.
'7 .1 ';. - '-.; ' ' I
V .
Wa ink VIg
1 11 art jj r - irA r i . ti
' -ar 1
ml I ;
Ml .1. in, : lin.' , ". 1 . . ' ..''!
V 1 'i : -. I ti'. a i- ' it- - .ii 11 i- ty
lix'y t t .!.. !;'. , 1 j. -.;
11 , 1 l.:ul i-vv 1 r!l":n'l. ;ui.l li I I w m
it...- at .I 1-.'.s:..i. .. I i .
rn ."V 1;: , -..I 1. n il. - I v . '. I' . I 1 1.
I V I . . t . U. I...'. I. V.
Ki.ui- Ik t ,. ,,f p. r::i,.i r'.i.i-..'. I rv i-nM,
;i;iyalratc..a.ii'l..i. My I I . ;
. i' sMviii;rli r--T ii rn -i . n'-t ' . ..
I. iwn i.HI . f my 1 1 t.,i (.1 a n-
a.i.l Mt.l v.' oi,i- i .. . I' i. i f ry
irri'rit. iiirt nn. w.-il woi--1 y th'.--rt
T h. !. . : ; . - . n ;,y at - tu 1 . " . . . II i . .
wuys Ui4Vn my miliirHi'iiuM.I." i-'iini.' K.i'l y.
Milton on Thursilay nioriiinif, of last' f'1",'t,un,tlI,'uilmonniiiiB,. when I
... ' . '""'Si '"si- immwl to h a collapua from oventi.lrn
week, the harness and lilt broke, when I ocinr. n! th dortor order-mi nn ntirn
11,.. 1. ....... - .. ,1. ...... 1 111 . . ' " !n and climata. Aatblawaaan
the liorse rail down the hill at a terri-i almolutn lmpoil,ility at tha tlm. I had in
lile pace, throwing lU.lan dout, severely ' -I.ZVJlmT h,".ll5 ln n"th,,r ni1
. . ' , incicii.ijf wa Indui'od hy a friend, who gava Penina
injuring LIS ankle and bruising and' recommend, totry Pruna. I ran-
..niltw. ai ii.. t . .. ! i011' 70a thecondltlon of my nnri whn
cutting his bead. At the foot of the I bagnn to o. It, Tha leant riolM Irrttai.d
hill the wagon collided with a luiuiv ! k?,",' P.i,lf"t,,t "I?1 WM,nrt '"i"'.
0 ""KS. lt lruna noon ehanajnd ma Into a wll
just about ascending the hill ami con- man. and now I d. not know 1 ba
taining Mrs. Samuel Iloyer, her two
children, and Miss Mable Kelser, her
sister. Tho buggy and the ladles'
horse were upset, but happily, the oc
cupant were uninjured. Wenstl
who retained his seat In the wagon,
jumped out and succeeded in quieting
bis horse, while Mr. Daniel Moss, who
was near, rushed to the scene and cared
for the ladies and their horse. Their
buggy -being damaged, they secured
another and proceeded on their way to
New Berlin to visit friends. Mr. Ko
laud'a injures were dressed by Dr.
Chas. H. Dimm. Later In the day he
aud his friend Wensel returned to their
home iu Bnyder couuty, with a bad
opinion of "Longstown Hill."f
MIm T.aal nrtl, 1!V cond trert.
llrnoklyn, N. Y.,wrltm My h.-ulth wan
A newpaper eontrlbntor -waa lately
admitted into the er U-nntye inita of or
flcaa which conatltuta tha headquartara
of Dr. Hartman, who treau catarrh
patten ta hy the thoaaand. Among the
busy swarm of anstsUnt doctor, clerks,
tenogrraphera and booltkwprii. Dr.
Hartman stopped long enough to aay a
few words.
MA large number of female patient
Tiait me every year, but theaumoer who
are entered on my books an regular
patient and are treated by correspond
ence larery mnch larger. Hundred of
letter are received and answered free
erery day. A yet greater multitude
tak my catarrh remedy, Perana,and
are eared, of whom I never hear. Soma
of thia latter elaa wrlta ma year after
their cure.
M I never allow a name pnhliahed ex
net tiv the written conaent of the
patient. W make ao charge a$ an
Mix f ury 51. Riley. 3: I .'nport tr
( IfWIanil, Olilo, wrllHS:- 1 w:h in -.
my lii...r.i-ninit to thoi. i.U of otbwr
women who have hen :..ioiik.h tlie im
of Pfrniin. I nulTt-rpd fur f'-' yMirn WH
sv.-ro liiii-kai'hi. and wlion , .r wurr '-!
In tlui l.-nst I had prnlniiL' -d li. i-ni' Th'.a
fall lrniiKhta had culd and w .tilvwd to
.altn p.-nina fur It. Imai(ln in al'inir
jn.Mit and plenmiri. to flint that, ai'i-r tnkTie
I .vo hnttli-M nntonlv wan inyrniinl jii-, i.
. i nun no morn biu-Kiirhn or hpniisrii.. ; .m
now In porfi'rt hraith. nov ln i-f '.itn
' iio'lhu..,. ..k... .1 u . .v l.
-Luy 11. Riley.
ahly not a t.'nth of the wompn ft "w
that their disease ia catarrh. To
tinuruUh catarrh of vnnuua orqaji X
haa lieon nained v.ry difTnrentl y.
One woman his dvupepsla," annthcr
hronchttlH, ano;.,i-r ISrtuht's ilise:is-,
another liver cr nplaint, another mm
sumptlnn, anot:..-r femaln roninlatnt.
These women w . i;ld he very murh sut
nrtsed to hear t: at they are all snnVw
Ing with chronic caurrh. Bnt It m ,
Each one of these tronhlen and a i
many more are .inply catarrh that
I'hronlo Inflammation of the mum
lining, of whtrh organ 1b affected. Any"
Internal remedy that will cure catarrh
ln one location will cure It ln any othr
location. Thl Is why Pnruna has be
come so jrjstly famons ln the enre of fe
male dlseaaea. It cure catarrh wher
ever located. IU cures remain. Pernjo
does not palliate tt enrea.
"Health and Beanty." sent free bv TTn.
Parana Medicine ,,,.2 J-T Kn. cijv
ht8J' '
, JMveral bachr.
charges puul.
Siiscticlianiui University.
Tho catalogue for li'0M!K);5 of sjus
iuchanii:i University, Soliusgrove, Pa.
bus just been issued. It contains 11J
paxes id' iiifiiniuitiiiii concerning the
lo.liluU.u The I'lim iiii; and bindinc
U'e (! 'laiiivc, !l 1 . 1 tile ruiili'iili ;iv !
- lit l'u'1 infr:ut:li. hi of the various ik !
Liquidation Sale of Schreyer Son & Go.
The firm of Schreyer Son ov Co., gives way to The Schreyer Store Co. as aa imMrjHinife-.l tirin, this .leniatiils a (m-mont -t 1
large sum of ready cash in a store if this sie, ami a minimum in the ami. tint of stock carrieil. T do tliis .juicklv v,v iiav -t;.r!.-.i
LKiUIDATION SALnot a fake sale either but a sale wliert; all starulanis of values arn upset. MC'STLV 'N IC HAL.F aiui
ONE THIRD the regular prices all over the store. Some things at first ailv:rtiseii are all -one, hut oilnrs imw !:ikc their plait-.
There are plenty of bargain-j for all-lower prices than you ever heard of.
Notions. Hosiery. Underwear.
25 cent Pearl buttons 15 cents, Lullet shape, tor shirt
waisbj ; 5 cent hooks and eyes, 2 for 5 cents for whole canU of 2
dozen, black and white ; 30 cent perfumes 15 cent; 15 cent
bottles 5 cents, nicely put up in separate boxes; 10 cent Envelopes
A 5 cents full sized packs, national bond ; 25 cent Letter Taper 1
cents national bond to match envelopes, full poumi 12 and lo
cect Buttons 5 cents a dozen kinds that you use every day lround
the home ; 15 cent' Ladies Collars 10 cents pure linen, good styles
Cushion Tops in Satin and Denim, figured and stamped $1.00
ones for 50 cents. 50 cent cues 25c. 35 cent ones 1 cents. 50
cent Drapery Silk, 25 cents yd. pretty colors.
Ladies Handkerchiefs, lace and embroidcrtd edgvs, hem
stitched and colored borders.
75 cent ones ari now 50 cents.
50 cent ones are now 3S cents.
40 and 35 cent ones are now 25 cents.
25 cent ones are now 15 ceut.
15 cent ones are now 10 cts.
5 ceut ones are now 2 for 5 cents.
3 cent ones are now I cent.
Ladies and Childrens Hosiery.
Not only plain blacks and tans, but lace uru't-j.
stitch and lis! thread, infants Imitr ami simr.
?1.5"' am! $1.25 kimN ''or 75 cent-.
"' relit kiln's i r 2" cts.
cent mic-
2.5 cent kiii.i - t-i 'ced ai I."
25 ' L2i .wii,.
l' ' ." cent..
Vets with low neck sleeve'e-s or -liurt seeve. j p'ttilv
trimnieii. F-.t Ladies :
Sl.l.O Vests now "Occurs.
20 and 25 cent s:ua.c 12 cts ami 15.
10 (.-.Mil (iiiac Vests I t r 25 cents.
25 ceut ijiiaiitics y;uai; 2 :iir 25 cents.
10 ccLt uaiities uac 2 iiu' 2-" cimiis.
l cent Na.arclli Waists cents.
Fans at halt' price. Ladies and Chiidreus iinves a ha'. f pr;i .
lit .
"l'"ii to altcn-l thou
NIumI hlretuua aiv
" i-l-.! I.. Ui preta-.t tbut
y.t't h :
in ;
Gents Furnishings
25 cent tiuazc Underwear 15
wnts iu plain colors and checks,
extra value. All Fleeced Un
derwear at 25 cents tach why
pav ,h' eiiits in u m tun. Mt. s i
and IVys Neckties, scarts, four
'-I'-vd, 'vcv tic ; 50 cci:t i ! 2
cents. L'5 cent ones lOiruts.
I'oys "25 cc'it Si.'rts are llc
r ys 2- cm:; i.:uc pants arc 17c
1.75 and $1.50 Ladies I 'in
brellas are now $1.10.
50 cent kinds are :.5 cts.
Childrens b oMit ones 25 ,-ts.
For men both 2 and :0 t:i'!i
! were .Vi.uu an. I .,.. rcit'tcct t.
, J '0.
ritislin l-nderwcar. 1
liid,!ccd M Li'l r"cc !'',t'.v '
stiflt'd from hamlii:
Skirts Ivr j; and
?:'.5' kinds n.-..-,
Si I'll
. 'i . 1 1
vaist- tr" :iov
'y ft: i
i'e- i -.1 .i :
.1,1 :
TilC VvmuiOtKMtU'lll l'.CtcisCci will
t-ikv place June Ulli to 17th. The
uiiuu r School oilciliii course", iu the
v.-.iioiM lU'i'Mi'tniculs of the I'tiiveisity
ill Uxin Juno lth atui close July
9 F
Lit., .v v '- y