The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 04, 1903, Image 4

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Published Ever; Thursday Morning
I.OO iH-r yi .ir
in iflv;iiu-i
1,1 In nlvaii. t.."H -r triit II no! ld
single cHl,f. Kc Tents.
Atl vi rl Islnif Hut . Ti.t tt lilii", noinrll milre
nfi' (or lift nwti.n. ..! '-miI ht Hi"- lor earli iilxw
qvtrl Inx-riioii. C ' oi l U K. - i t"o Comity Court lloue.
tw-trfrvii tin- Km- Nation! lUnk ami tlir County Jail.
Vol. xx xx. JrK 4, 1W. Xi'mkkhS!
Republican Standing Committee.
A.lm-C. r. Ki, .1. T. Sli.-iwvcr.
li.avir II. II. Kami. A. II. Mt,
l-avrr W ' t - . I'. On-. Ivil Hcniilnircr.
I ruin' - T. K Mnhn..l. W. X un-'l.
Cliasmiaii l. K. lltvk tr.l, I. II. l'Hleitrovc.
Kiankllii -H'-nrv Kflty. .lolin U. limiting r.
Jiii-J. S. mm k . t in. SVIhiIiI.
Mi.i.lli-lurif-0-.i. W. Iiiit, Hank W. Yoder.
Mniillrvn-rk - rrank Waltrr. M. K Snvilcr.
Monror II. '. Ilrnilri. k. II. P-Finlirr.
Venn II. hover. W. N. Kow.
lVrrv-C. A. ItaVkrtil'iirit. J. W. ArlioKa-t.
l'rrrv WiMl-Ammon !liK(lo. W. A. mutely,
Scliiiicovr C. 1.. Kfiwr. t' W.tVvert.
hnriwt-lSfo. . Il'lfv. J R. Kwmg.
I ninn-K. K. Foil. Hrnry WitmiT.
Vtlilngton Nt'i-liacl Moyr .1 . p. K.InloltiT.
State Will Paj Its Share.
I5y the euaetmcut of the new road law the
state has made it josible for any township to
have good roads, ami with the principal cost
on the state. Whenever the people of a town
ship are willing to pay 1 for good road, the
faithful citizens, they gava the Snyder County
Soldiers th it feeling of gratitude and recom
pense tha' can com.! only by a unanimous
bestowal f liberal jus'ice and an overflowing
Two weeks ago the Post published a picture
Twentieth Century Land Club.
To Editor o! Post.
You can state that the plot refer
red to where the allotment of Lots
is to lie mnde is located at Jersey
Shore Junction, opposite Depot.
The Allotment will lie made on
or alxiut June 20th, parties will lie
notified in due time. We have net
Republican Ticket.
Statk Tkeasvrkr
William L. Mat hues, Delaware Co.
Al'MTOK (i F.N K.RA1.
William P. Snyder, Chester county.
Jrix.KN Sl'TKRlOR ColHT.
John J. Henderson, Crawford County.
Thomas A. Morrison, McKeen County.
Prothonotarv Ceo. M. Shindel.
Register and Recorder J. B. Arbogast.
Associate Judge .1. Frank Keller.
District Attorney M. 1. Potter.
Jurv Commissioner Irwin Graybill.
county will le require I to pay an equal amount ; of the proposed memorial. It will be erected by
and the state will mid S I for every ?2 provided 1 the County Commis-io-ieii. Architect John F.
bv the county and townshin. and in addition ' SSetler has agreed t i do.uo. a tiiatigular lot near aside GOO Lots which are selected
furnish the help of the state highways eonimis- the Lutheran chine'., i,i this borough, where it j from dillercnt parts of the plot and
, . .1 1 In .t.. I null. .4 1..111H iiinrn sub-the lots run 111 value from $i0 to
sioners in making the roads. pnuii ie ci.i te 1, unit -- louu more sun-1
, able site can lie secured. v""ri" 1 n . .-hi
I . I 1 lie plan ol allotment will be as
Day alter day the columns of the newspaper The tax pi vers of our sister counties have al- j f(,ows. () j0i,iing the Club you
convey to men ami women who live in tins part j '"dy paid their loving tiilmtcs to the valor of j,.,v $10 and' receive the Company's
of the world the impressive warning that the in- their sol hers and the soldiers who went to the .receipt lor same, winch uniuuiit will
dividual who takes the railroad track for a pub-1 ''out from Snyder County can now hid not
lie highway is taking his life in his hands. It only tint they have not "fought in vain in a just
wasalwavsa dangerous practice, this thing of , e"tl I'o"rable cause, but that their honest and
walking on the track, but in these days of rapid M l't,,,rts hre ,,.v PPUh1 by the men
among wlioin tticy live.
trains it is far more so. The man who valces
life in this world will stay oil the railroad un
less necessity compels him to go on it and while
there he will never relax his vigilance for a mo
ment. Why shall anyman die More his time?
The Soldiers Honors.
The grand jury by a unanimous vote Tuesday
afternoon paid a glowing tribute to the valor of
Snvdcr County Sddiers who served in defence
jot our Moved Country in the various causes
! that needed assistance chief of which was the
L. 1.. : ... i.
sttt'ggic mi iLieni iu mi .-ioi it at.
In the test vote there weie ;two or three votes
against the proposed monument, but the oppon
ents saw that the triotie fervor and justice due
to good and noble men predominated aud th.iy
gracefully accepted defeat and like good true
The soldier's widow can endure her solitude
with griaterjfortitude and with considerable solace
for her grief wtih the thought that her pre
mature widowhood is recompensed by a thought
ful consideration for her husband 011 the part of
those who enjoy the blessed fruits for which he
The soldier's children and orphans can find
a sweet solace in the peaceful meditation of a
heritage that they need not pass to the great be
yond "unwept, unhonorcil and unsung.
While bountiful justice has thus liecti extend
ed to the deserving soldiers of Snyder County,
let it not lie forgot ton also that the grand juries
apply in the $32.50. At the time
of allotment you etui pay Imlance.
if 22. 50, and get a deed for your Ixit,
or have a year (muter contract) to
pay the balance in monthly pay
ments. Each Certificate ol Membership
in the Club entitles the holder there
of to one of these lts tiud in some
cases we have set aside two Iots
aud same will be given as one Ijot
to the holder of ticket bearing
numbers corresponding. (42 niem
liers will get 2 lots for $32,. fiO, 28
memUrs will get 3 lots for $32.50.
The membership of the Club is
limited to the number of Iits to be
allotcd, and the more Certificates
that are Uuight bv each individual
member upon joining will limit the
individual "lcinbcr ship.
Each McihIht inducing seven
iiiiinluird fii iniii will PfWioltn n I ji
of February and June Courts of 1H03 deserve , m h mw mmxKT huya vm
Uie lliiuiKS 01 every pairioue cuizcus 01 cnyoer
Countv. Let the good work eoptinuo.
Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Staufter of
York are welcome visitors at the
home of Major and Mrs. Rollback.
C. Slcar and wife of Sunbury
spent Sunday with Mrs, Slear's
mother, Mrs. Chas. Benfer.
Miss Minnie Gortner, teacher at
Berwick, is at home with her moth
er. Will Schnure is a welcome guest
of his parents.
Mrs. Jennie Dunbaugh of Sun
bury spent several days with her
father-in-law, D. VV- Dunbaugh.
Bennie Shields and wife of Phila.
Repent several days with her parents,
John Mark and -wife.
ul days at Sunbury.
Miss Irene Kistner and Mrs. Ott
of Sunbury were visitors to town
last week.
II. E. McKelvey and wife" "of
Sunbur" siwnt several davs with
the family of David Keller.
Mr. S. A. Dover and Mrs. Heniy
Schoch left Monday of last week
for a trip West to visit relatives aud
Mr. Sherlock and daughter of
Altoouu Fent several days with
Mrs. Sarah Miller.
trip to Centre Co.,
Mrs. Shirey and Miss (tladlclter
of York and Miss Dundore of
Womelstltv.-f are guests of D. O.
K easier and wife.
J. C. Deck was a visitor to town
Misses Aigler and friend paid a
a visit to Miss Lottie Gift Wednes
day. After a two months visit Mrs. C.
C. Heimltac hand son returned to
her home in Phila.
Trof. Chas. A. Derr of Glen
Rock, York Co. is spending hi? va
cation with his mother.
k Samuel Zimmerman of Hambel
ton W. Va. Wm. McAfee of Burn
ham, Wm. McFeecrfMeeesF.ort
and J. F. Specht of Wand PjAJ
Sunday at their respecteivl! is.
Sterner Sisters of Sunbury spent
Sunday with their Grand Pa Gift
Mrs. J. Boardman is visiting re
latives at Aline and Herudon.
Chas. the four old Bon of John
I Reigle, fell from the hay mow and
broke his arm.
Stahl and Herbster moved their
saw mill into the Grimm woods.
II. C. Graybill and wile sjient
Thursday eveuing at Hitter with
her parents..
u. it t .1 t
iram I iricli and wife took a . , , , ...
to viit their I T"11 RFul oaiuruay wun ner sis-
terwho is recovering nioelv from her
! full down the stair wnv.
Rev. Michael of Wilnierdiup. u
former Student of Susquehanna j Mrs. II. II. Attig is sjieuding
University was a vi-itur here lHSt ! budic time with her sou at lienova.
A number of our jieople attended ' SCHNEE.
the funeral ol Joiin Houtz of ree- Saturdav callers in
burg. Friday. j vm. IllimJroU8
The wedding of Prof. Gladl'elteri
to Mis- Ella Kes-ler was soleiuuiised I
at tin Triuitv Lutlierau
ing under the delicacies of the sea
son was seen. 1 1 was prepared by
Mr. and Mrs. Fisher who certainly
know how to eater to their guests.
Mrs. Smith now agrees that she
can le surprised and will have sym
pathy for those who must pass
through that ordeal.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis, of Anders
were the welcome guests of II. F.
Charles and family Thursday.
Mrs. David Went and children
of Sunbury are visiting her mother,
Mrs. Ellen Kelly.
EJ. Mitterling and wife of Sun
bury are visiting the latters parents
John Hoover and wife.
Chf-"le8 Shaflef and two .sous of
Nanticoke are the guests of Mce8
Brubaker and family.
Elmer Dauliert and wife of Mil
ton, Calvin Forry and wife of Kanti
spent Sunday with the former's
Harry Boyer of Selinsgrove mov
ed down to the old homestead.
Miss Toledo Iloutz and nephew
Paul Houtz Mrs. S. S. Herrold and
and son Reno are spending the week
with Mrs. J. E.' Arnold at Shamo
kin. -'
Geo. Michaels and son James
of Sunbury vifitetl the former's
son John and family over Sunday.
Chas. Stroh, who has been em
ployed at Sunbury for the past few
years, is spending his vacation with
James Mitchell sold Lis home to his mother. Mre. Suan Stroh.
c- 1 r 1 1 1 . 1
jaamueixvumoaucniasiwetK. , pjjip Daubert and son, Grant,
Elsworth Aarand and Reuben transacted business at Milton Mon
towu were , Hummel, why are workiug at Lew- jay.
lifinrn Krtihnupr is Piwnniritr
Fremont, the Sunday School and
the Soldiers constituted the parade
while County Superintendent, Goo.
W. Walborn delivered a most ac
ceptable oration.
Edward Newman, wife and
daughter of Kantz were the gut-sts
of their friends Sunday.
Mary Snyder, who is employed
at Sunbury, was sending a few
days with her parents, Wilson Sny
der. Dr. M. Roth rock made a business
trip to Freeburg Monday.
Fred Dcitz is erecting a new barn.
Fred likes to have everthing in good
Sherman Hoover of Kantz,";'wa5
the guest of his uncle, David Hoov
er Saturday. . . ".;
Quite a few of our citizens, are
attending Court this week.
Miss Dillie Maurer of Northum
berland visited her uncle, J.
Maurer and family over Sunday.
The festival and birthday social,
which was held here Saturday, was
very well attended and the money
realized amounted to seventy dollars
of which fifty was clear. There
will lie another festival held here
sometime in the future. The
money is to go toward painting the
Evan, church. . 1
Miss Bessie Quick of Hazelton,
who has been here trimming hats
for Mrs. J. E. Magee, has gone
John C. Boyer, who was employ- Mrs. bauniel Bollinger spent at sham(lk:..
1 iv lie p Mil Limp lAimriiinv m. several O.UVK at JVliaaieour" last
ctiurcii 1 i... . 1 :
toral in my bousa for a create
years. It is the best medicv'l
jj the world for coughs tnij ccii'l
& J.C.ViIliams,Atiic,,KJ
All serious UnJ
troubles begin with
tickling in the throrl
iou can stop th;s at firs;
in a single night
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Use it also for bronchitk
consumption, hard coldj
Ttir illll .. nmiph f.-r in mJ
mldi Hie.. Juit rltclit fur brnnriut,, k?"J
ma, imni v.m.. w..-., ri inn.,
tut chtuule r nd to ki-, i. n i,,"1!
J. n. it,n iu., 1., 1
NtarlllHit EiltlruT
Fresli tes'iinouy m i;ii.:it(
is coiiKtantly eoui'im ir, ,1'
Dr. Kmn's Now PiKcmmf()((
CousIik and Colds to he uhm.
i I i 1.1 1 ' u r vj'i - - n 11 1 1 - 1 in t 1
Farhu d Hiutorville, n lt.
exami'li'. He writes: ' l ,(i
rliilm lor tnrco yearn nml
II ii....: .. - .1 . . 1 . Iw'
hii inn tiiiwiiuouvoeiiii.M)ini
I hen I began taking D,. Kij
Discovery, and a few but 11,1
cured me. "Kuually ff, ,.;,.
.Timmln (Vmntv. (rump brittip Vr.
Tuesday eveuing. It was ijuite an!Qav
elaborate atlair. The reception was 0 , .- ,
held at the Kevstouc Hotel. At , A ' fht 8,'d
the same time, the "oth Annive,-' Uf'f r "f ,Wz" T
.... ,, r 1 -,- 01 John Schuee ana family Sun-
tary oi 11. 1 . Jarrett aud wile was
Lehi at their resident ou the Isle of .
1. 1'. Bliaille ami ii. 11. Forry
are busy as a viewing Company.
The Fremont Cornet Band aud
Camp 415 will hold a festival ou
Saturday evening at Fremont.
1 I:.-.', I'.-. nt '...a vvockiev was a caller in
Juuiala Couuty Sunday.
Mis- Annie Brosius, who is h.-uru-ii-
1 & 1 1 1
V I', 1 IIIOll t 1'. I'"- 11 J 1 1 1 1 ljr-1 1 lia'll' III lllHHHt;-
burg aiid Arbella Kulriicr, who is
lr. Spangler aud wile
pii-u-:tr! iy ent'Tlaiiie-l tin
iiiei-i.. .Mi-.- Amiie Spongier of
J r'.s
1 ' -
em jiiovwl
vu'.ir N i i
at Sunbury.
e Suiidav.
pi.i' 1 is visiting
Mr. Hummel and wife of Milton
visited the latter's pareuts, Levi
Erdley's last week.
This part of the country needs
raiu very much, the hay crop will
be very short.
Our liveryman, M. E. Erdley
bought a beautiful span of black
N. C. (jutelius treated his house
to u 'oat of paint which adds great
lv to its tippearancf.
A JiiKJiiUAV St'i:i'i:i.-K.
Monday t-veniug Mrs. A. C.
Smith of reamer who has luasli-d
tha! shi' never enuM be surprised
w as made Im Ijuasl in a !,n r t- -lie
I a.- a bust i,umli;i'.ij a- i.iii'.v
J lrielld- a !ld, .1- ,,, , ; ii,
I M f. JSl:ilil l ! ill l'ii ! :. . , 1' 1 ' .
Marriage Aooiversary.
A delightful surprise party wa given
by the neighbors aud fritruds of Rev.
Kirauofe and wife at their borne on
Thursday evening, May 2Mb. It was
the 13th year of their marriage. Mr.
Kpittler took the Reverend to Kunbury
in the morning aud did not return un
til teu o'clock p. 111. M. Kpitiler -iugsier,
the Rev. 's wife teok eare of
her, unt'I they returned. The guests
ttsseinhhsi at au early hour and when
liev., wife aud daughter returiie', they
found tin ir house iTiivvded to i;.- 11! eajjiteity with their members uml
friends. 'J'o say they wi re surnrisi-d i
putting it mildly. The evening w: s
very pli a.-nuf !y snent unJ t horuh ly '1.H - n'
Ixits at once he receives eight
receipt", thus getting one lot free in
this way, the total cost for the eight
would lie ouly $227.50, out of the
eight you would no doubt get at least
three that would be worth from
$100 to $150 each, and the balance
averages about $75. thus making a
splendid investment.
Of course we loose on this dispo
sal of these Ixits; but we calculate
that the extra building that will be
done on these Lots will increase the
value of our holdings and thus
make up the loss in the end.
Should be pleased to have you
join the Club, as a great many have
already joined, would also be pleas
ed to have you interest your friends
in tins splendid opportunity.
You can send money order or
check or the amount of first pay
nieut on any number yotf wish to
take up, and receipt will be., for
warded to you properly signed and
Give name and residence and
write same plain.
If you wish to take up seven cer
tificates send Seventy ($70) dallars,
and you will receive receipt for
eight certificates. The balance to
pay would then be but $157.50 in
Cash for deed, for eight Lots, or in
installments of about $1.88 per
month, on seven, or total of about
$13.25 per month of the whole, until
the balance of $157.50 is paid.
Trust we may have the pleasure
of enrolling you as one of our mem
bers. We remain Yours Truly,
P. S. up to May 7th the members re
ceived run 70. 14 joined to-day.
John II. Herbster and Miss
Amanda Snook were married at the
home ol her father at Burnham last
week. The Bobtown circular savy
baud treated them to some choice
music for which the Bride and
Groom returned many thanks with
all the lee cream, wine and cigars
they could use.
William Wagner was home from
Milllin County to spend Sunday
svith his f iimly at bloiicy lonesome.
S tine parties who attended show
in lictvistowii last week as usual
aine home wiser and much weaker
11 uciiili and it vva.s all the oilier
fello .v'.-I.U.Il
A bund of Gypsies spent u lew
Lung and Throat tieiihU )
suiuplion, I'neunioii "n.irlCjJ
nin etiii in iniiinu tti if i,rilU rvofjy
bill A Gnrniauof KIchliel lDr j
KRinqsell of Peons Creek DrtJ
T. ll I...II.... u
iioi tumuli nee, icuiar sum
RUd 1.00.
For Infants and Childm
Tin Kind You Have Alwajs
Bears th
Signature of I
Butter., 16
Eggs.:....... 16
Onions 60
Lard. 12
Tallo-v...... 4
Chickens.... 10
Side 11
Shoulder...... 12
Ham 15
Corn J
Bran perM
1 liy tho-c j.n
,1 ! t H; p; i
.... I :)..
r I
Th 4ti(Bt H.w I
Is the 'bardworkine nrf
bo'st Batisfacliori'couiesfjfi
performed- Only it is ilccnr
keep the bowels regular nit
Kan active. There s nottii
Hi- Kinc's Mew Life rills M
They render service
rousrhJv 2i)o nt MiuulobPil
Htore, Wrayblll & HarmanM
Dr. .1. W oampsell of t'ettsi
First National I
of Alddleburg, Pi
OapityJ, - 950,t
Surplus, - $50,01
G. Alfred Schoch, Pres.
Jas. G. Tiiompsok, Casliie
G. Alfred Schoch, W.CM
W. W. Wittenmyer,
J. N. Thompson,
Jas. G. Thompson.
-'.art. ii
II, I'
v. j:
' S
.1.1. .
CI'lAi .
ii,.' r,
r " in
.1 .ii r.
,0 1 j
I I,
I y ,.-
1 f."
i' -.
di-pai led
m 1 j:.
ci 1 hist wnk following
trade of l'wl'liiiictellilig, begg-
! . j , li'.i. e trailing and 110 doubt
1 hi'l.i'ii.-' wleil the 1 ii.l'k
v. 'I'll In.
'Ilillis Js.jjiil, j,,,,! ( ,, di-
I'e'.el' ! the iul'lm l's Mill Jaeob
i. t'.e '.Muidlelj''l'; j:iil la-1 week.
'!'!; ol:! 1 :n:ili VOis diiilililid It In 1
: ' . ('. .liy , a - ,il i, :. j s ji daujci'
. ' a.,' ! j !.. ... , .. ;.;.,n i,a,
; j .oi.; l id I l:i 1. ii.l.d.1
Menioiial day paecd oil nicely
at all the churched except the St.
Jolid's at the Ridge. The caiiac
was a di.-putc with biiiic of the
Accounts of Individuals, Fa
CorjKirations Soliufcj
Alton Winey is makiag
ments to his parental ho"
Mrs. Kepler visited lif;
law. Allen Builds, ill M
C. A. Worklcy and F.C
of Hehnee made a irl j t' H
Miss Kelht, a maiden tf-1
lived alone,' was found
day of last week.
Win. (Snyder and f'c'
laud, )hio, are visitin.' In
1 1 tai y riil)dei, in l. ii i
Foot! doesn't
Appetite poor? o
constipated? 'i'or.;:-'c.
It's your liver !
arc liver pi!! ,; t
pepsia, bili)M:Jn
25c. All i)."n"st-.
Want yuur im i .i."
tir.iwn nr rieli la.i. U.'
0 u