MIDDUfiBUEQ POST. ? v S l.r .M :'I.r I ii.o n.'i-l wo:,.!, rl'ul i it oiler Simluirv Miioliv all wool iii ( IV iiarUau.i' pnv t'l '.t t vT i viiit in a! -M 1 1 - :iii I miv ii. "i V.niili - ,t till- -.ml Tin; srrr ii vciir i ii'iii and a.l.liv- au.l wo will s; in You will then know w luiv to huv vuitr .n n ; 1 1 Siinini t Siii!. BROS! US BRO.'S SUNBURV, PA. obe Warehouse ! New Spring Carpets, Rugs and flattings, A i-h ic" M'li- -lio:i ut Nc-w'I'.itL-ra in I! ' and Carpets at su.-li l'rirv a will mike X.-.v Sull'ii ' .Ijvtrds in this -departmrnL - We want you hi sw and i.n-nreVith values ..jr"T. . . , t - AXW1NSTER a.id 5AV0NNERIE i:iv-an: 1' .ir; r t.i vi-: "ts, li'Mllti: ?1.'J". fi j-urt" an.l ml oinniiL'-., a:i !?1.7i vum. Wilton Velvet i;:vii ( ' til. i.' :-l i! ali r l'er- Kill ! in la?" c ! ri:;ir- V.H" i. k WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED Wednesday, May 20. A runaway trolley car at Chicago rrashe.l lata n freight train, -severely Injuring rix jvrsons. A l.rmi'i swtpt over Horton, K?n ; r.n ! vicinity. damn '-Ins? many build-ir.'-i and i t ' j ; r i n tr two people. III! rii'-'o. n;i e'?"d farm laborer, ivi.ii. lit."! m i. i!e by h:v.-,i;!i;g In a I'imu i-.ir.r M:vMta, Pa. He v-aa me! an. lf!;-. j 1'ihiiU Piu:.ib y. of Vermont, has' I ei :i iii i ir.' ! umpire for Great Hi I- 1 tair an 1 the Netherlands In the arbl- trat it n rt Carinas. j Tin' Soutbport National Pink, of ! i5oiithport. Conn., has been r insert by I national bank enaniiiior, owing to tho ! Icr's cli full alien of fliV.ICO. Thursday. May 21. ' The Pennsylvania ('.rand lc: re of 1 Odd IV.lows decided to hold Its m-xt M"titin at Kasion. Tli s 7t h annual convention of the rhilailt'lphia conferenie of the Afilean Molhoiltvt Kptseopal ehnreh was held ! si 1 larr. sl.tr. tr. Ta. ! Dr. Thomas Morton, a illntln Fiitshed rhlladelphla sunreon. died in a Cape May. N. J.. hotel of cholera nior hus after an tllnoss of two days. i:ii ven nn n who Interfered with the transit of t'nit "il States mall during th Mreet car Ftriko at New Orleans last Octoher have tieen convicted on tho charge of conspiracy. Friday, May 22. The business iMirtion of Punklrk, O., iis destroyed by fire, entailing a loss of JleO.O-nrt. l.ouis Kliis and Hlchard Krance were drowned at Ptihlin, N. H., while out rowing. The 4."d general assemhly of the Southern Preshyterlan Church was held at Lexington. Va. Mm. Thomas Counter and Margaret MorriK were struck by lightning and killed at Huntsville. Ala. The navy department has awarded , the Cas. Power and Knglne Company of Morris Heights. X. Y.. the contract for one of the new gunboats. I The Hamburg-American liner Penn sylvania arrived in Xew York with Moorage passengers, the largest number over thought over by a single vessel. Saturday, May 23. . The navy deiartmont has accepted the torpedo destroyer Pale, built by the Tri;c Company, of Richmond, Va. The Italian government will sord a commission to South Africa to soe If conditions there are suitable for Ital ian immigration. Mrs. Mary Curry, widow of ihe late Pr. J. L. M. Curry, former United States minister to Spain, diotl at At lantic City. X. J. Captain W. Rainbrldpe-Hoff, IT. S. X.. retired, died at Washington. He v.-as the author of several standard works on naval tactics. A building In Brooklyn. N. V., occu pied by Frank Jenner & Co., manufact urers ol fireproof flooring, ai,d eight PENNSYWILLOWNPOLES ifaf' Forcibly ' Ousting .Westcra Union Telegraph Company. WILL MAKE A CLEAN SWEEP other buildings were destroyed by fire. -"""""'"frump um ro Tapestry Brussels Garpets L:it,';t llr i Ti.ir-i 'in. I 1 .1 1 1 1 1 " ! .... (. t-. a, a!"-: o i: Ingrain Garpe imiij- v.-ird. V., -"ft.-., o', uira. in- ami me et-!.. in el and rior-.il varJ. I.V5K. ra. il-j-iu'tj. al 'jiular iN'ii: v'.n China iattin? 11. i . Wo ) van:. , 'K-u--i' I'atiijrn-, all ami"-- u i j ?' vard. tni. our Fancy Jap Ratlin? . new (i-:--: , a, i color-. vai. 'ijiie'.. ji :i durs ii inn; i jinee-. GlobE UJarehousE, 343 Msrkst St., faunQriJ, Pa. r 14 Twenty ymrs ago yesterday the Brooklyn bridge was formally opened for putdic use. While cleaning an "empty revolver" a? Shenandoah. Ta., young Peter Pill- j mm was probably fatally shot. ! r. W i:;!eiib(T?rr's planing mill and 1 thousands of f"ct of lumber at Xorth Watti ':'.!'. 'a.. were destroyed by f.r-.'. Loss S2",'hio. I Twelve-year old Howard K. Jones ; had a congenital dislneaticm of the hip . arc;: by tin Lorenz nit-lhod at the j Arhlaiid. T'::.. ho;:;iitiU. l'n- : !:.? C.nn.pers. of the rdora ' : . La!'r, addressed r:r:K'"s at Lowel is All Pclei and Wlret Along Railroad In Pennsylvania and Southern New Jer sey Removed Postal Company Will String Wires. Philadelphia, May 23. At the gen eral office of (he Pennsylvania Uall road Company It was stated that the company would not permit the Postal Telegraph Company, or any other cor poration, to ever gain a foothold on the Peunsylvai.ia's system of road beds. "We propose to replace the Western Vnton Telegraph jhiIcs which we removed with our own poles. The Postal Company will be given the I right, where necessary, to string Its wires on the new hi1cs, but the re i strictlon will be of such a stringent character as to preclude disputes as to the liRht of the Pennsylvania Coal pany to control Its highways," T!.is statement was made by a high official of the company. The same au thority dialed that the next onslaught on the Western Vnlon" poles and wire would he made In Northern New Jersey, where Supremo Court Justice Kllpatrlck 1 expected to hand down decision similar to that rendered by Judge Piiiffllngton at Pittsburg. At the office of the superintendent of tel egraph at the Hroad Street Station It was said that all of the Western Un ion's poles and wires had been cut down and removed from Rome 1.2t0 miles of roadbed In this State and Southern New Jersey, or the district covered by Judge Huffllngton's dects Ion. The work of chopping down the polos, unstringing the wires and piling them up at various points, subject to removal by tho owners, wa rushed on the line loading Into this city as well as into Camden. Perhaps the scone of greatest activity was on the New York division, west of Prtstol, where two gangs, consisting of about 70 men ach, wore at work. At several places In Pennsylvania Mie onslaught on the poles began si multaneously. Along tho Cumberland VaJley line, from Chambersburg to Harrlnburg. the attak waa pushed steadily. The poles, with all the wires attached, were thrown over the fences into the fields as fat as cnt down. Tbe Western Unln Telegraph Com pany Is without communication at the railroad station at Gloucester City. Woodbury, Wenonah. fllassboro, Sa lem. Atlantic City, Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Anglesea. Wildwood. Cape May. and all Intermediate points. In cluding the stations on the Pelaware Shore Lai! road to Pennsgrove, In Southern Xew Jersey. Shortly jitter the orders were receiv ed 'large fanes of men under U.e su pervision of road foremen were start ed from Atlantic City and Cape May to work northward, while similar crews wore engaged working from this city southward. On the side lines tho same condition of affairs prevailed. Manager Peitz, of the Western Un ion Telegraph Company's office In Camden, said: "The Western Union Telegraph Company has been expecting this move for a long tinie. Why don't they cut out the Amboy division? We are rtady to meet them and have been CLOTHING io textile ! . . , . . 1 , . , , i roc ptu v i us Hhietp: jusi you Muss., and prom-I .. . . .. ... hen, substantial aid. . , . . . all the points cut out and vll receive luesaay, Way 26. j Tlie limit anniversary of the birth , ; of Ralph Wa.ido Eiuersoii wub celebrat- 1 ( (1 Vi U'TdiiV . t iiurgiart liew op'-n the safe in the I jiostoflirt at Howif. Tex., and B:"ured ' r:.7"i' it. siaii;ph mid cash. I j Two pTMins were burri"d to d'MtU i arc iiiio!!;'" fp.'.:;I!y irjur'd in a fire hi' !. ui'S'.ro.vfd a bobrding buub" at i Larre. Vt j 0'ii''ra. Joi:t i". Wt-ston, chief eom j Bii.-!.ary of tae t'tnteC Ktates arniy. is fc-Tioubiy ii! a? Jutu Hupkins- tiospital, ! buiimiore. Md. j Tin- ;u.imi..oi!C irr.ti.xi- of U late Li. '. Juliet-, tht Pittsburg Kt-! Miinu J fa' turr. in divided ariiong hiu widow ami iour eiii.uteu. buaineBB, Fpecial cr othcrwi Lnyfief bi.c Ly fcf aneaiar.. K.' lujL'Li'. . iiii.v i. -Cuarie . '-':- -i.e.- ' -.'-oaiJt.'Ui-.' aU . :l'o -ij;i:..'-r vtt.- sa'.e air: by Lat hr'i-t.-. ije'!-- biai.t-iuii!. Tin men Laf1 (luance1 juri bee(.iua!. i-tarted a biuOkk win a moUKey wn-jj;, m ii'. iie tue iat'.er fji.-- l.i:-' inow! ijucUuaii stjpe! au'i tue uokiu sut torn. ooi. LudU. cm lolijwttd Ditrbut WrCK vn Feonk. New CmU- kit, Aiy if'..- -, diofei , tious hck, in Wi.ci. bevet. jersoas ; Were iejurty.' im.u!n: in IUk I'vUU .yivi(.i.! lvja ' ukui Lact.oi uoi-, uiuaud Ly a huai-oLi i.ol-ibiyii between frelgUt 1 tiaiUH A lliniUU'aelfcULlUUfc of COUfbe, ! la lie n i.ohod cauoe o the atcluwit. ; 1 CENtRAL MARKETS Phlladi iphiu. Pa.. May 2'.. Kiour I was su-ady; winter fciiperSne. 'ityru 2.SM': Penury ivaiaa rvit. eii-ar. (z 10 I tv.W: uty nulls, extra, f-.Wtj 3.10. j hyt tluur vixb quiet, al t'J.lZ per lUuii-l. V.'iieui Wat lu-iu ; No. I IVuti- syi;;ui;. ny:. new. 8i"I: bo'-je. Corn I fit in: No. i yeiiow. loeal. 0-4c. OaU ! ijun." , Nc-. 2 wi.iie elipi-d. 3I''i-.; iin.-i i;iauet. '" Hay bicauy; No. 1 Ituiioti..!. fJi lor iaijie biiit-s. lieel waa jbieuuy. bi-f! iiauit. i ! 'sit 'i. i'urr. wad hiin. I'iimiiy. $S".0(i. Live poultry, jlliV- '"r aud 10e. lui Old iuis-t--i:. bii-ched puuiliy, at li. for : i-:k ji;i low,!-, and i'jf. lor old rocmti-is. jfculliT was a lean y; enjauiery, 24c. jtsr i poiiud. !!:...- w-t steaoy; Ni-- y.,rJt i'i-a:i.-viHiiia. ) it:, jwr dozen Po-l;ciui-s wen.- bo:aiiy; ehuiee, Oft'UiUc. ij.l-l OI.RUtiJ. Live Otock Markets. Las' Liberty, Pa.. May ;aitle iwen fcl-.-ii i , eLoicc, JJ-.u'lj. 0.40; s wen iowr iini.i-i .,iu. i. z 'a t'.io: ij-i 'ii.iijs, brone his paroie and lei, tue '"'l.o-V, - ' , i7.i.S. r 4 . - . .-. r. .- - . .''V " ' v- slow: U-ht weti.ers, $4.60 Lituttncot breads His f-aroie. New pur ,tt Va., May 'i',. Liei.- a? Vr Ai.jijiuc aad held for court-'L -oaju T - ' - 4. ....... i,riiii- lieavy, $0.4o O.Oiyl. Hi; heavy n. if.-- i't'i: hotel wiieie he was uutitibed. Taelhh.-ep wen atlair ;j.ived out wieli tue court ai-l' 4.6-; ulis aad coiiiiuou, $1.004t!.iiJ bt-moled to try tue caac aiid a re- 'itf'iVS,; ,iifiul"i- Y.'&a val talv ).on was luaue on tue ofcwm au- (;j, aso. u . May iO, -CatUe weie beiiLi- iileCuit.'h Is a bon of a wealthy Ktiuag iu.il loauf ; oo1 to (ji line huJiaueivhiaai. He went to Old Poiut .Vrfc- i-,4' $y VA''9 ii- tsuud aa exaxaluation for l'fiS. U&i to a tapUlucy. hut lailud U ay- J4 4.00. Ho were lower; luxxui pear Uefure the board. He cialiuod ! u3 butchers, $?.10itC.35; good to a Lboyed to wa Uxu p. butj. t&Uf & Oo.ouel btory lavesiiatod aud ltarn-'Kuod to choice wethers. $4.75$5.&U; ck! that McCoach wa seen In Norfolk fair to choice mixed, (3.7C4.7j; tia the night lefure. jp axreet followed. Uve hiuil"i' tMQ1. Pugilitt Gaddard's Slayer on Tria. Camden, N. J., May 2C. Charged with the murder of Joseph Goddard, the barrier champion pugilist, in July last. Richard Washington, colored, constable of Pensauken township, this county, i on trial here. Assistant Prosecutor Archer, in opening the case for the state, said that, although the shooting of Goddard was wilful, the Etate would only auk for a ver dict of murder in the second degree. The shooting occurred on the night of July 28, the date of the Republi can congresbl'al primary elections. Goddard was at a polling place and got Into au altercation with the con stable, which reunited In the fatal shooting of the puglliat. The Jury is composed exclusively ol white men. Killed In Boiling Waahtub. Passaic, N. J., May ZK. While watch ing hit: Uiother do the family washing, iiainuel Suhruub HK' d 2, fell into a boil er of water and was so badly raided that lie died ten minutes later of his lujuriet. The faiuliy n-alded on the top tiixir of a teueuieut lu th la city, and the accident created considerable excitement among them, iu it lb the becoiid of t he same l:ind to occur lu the b'.-hiaub family ir. t.iice montha. Thieves Stole 1,800-Pound Safe. PitUbur'. Pa., May 25. Thieves en tered the Hotel Koethler at Clairtou during tlie early luorulng and stole au J, few-pound bate containing (ijOO, car ried it lw yards through the streetd to a vacant lot, broke the back off, he cured the money und escaped. Thera were the proprietor, his family and at least 40 guests bleeping lu the building. L:rV;, sT ii est, -Latest and Best. Lint- t'Vi r liiutuln t.i Siinbm v. Mon's Suits IVimu 2.50 to .oOOO. Mcls, Caps and Neckwear Ltitt-M D!ioi.s mul SI vies ami tit iriive llitit will iloiiisii I t ciisIi'iikth Inmi Snvkr counl v. n rare paic . 1 will pity out -!i:iH" tli v u fa iv for i oisoih I'ioih iiuit-r romity who buy 10.00 iirl Ii ol' (loor.H. Nolliins: bul Reliable Goods are Handled. Call on WOLFF FRIEDMAN, The Up-lo-Datc Clolbier, SUN BURY, PA. Slaughtered Ly Turks. Loudon, May 'Zit.k tiolia corres poudeut telegraphs that the Macedon ian committee reports that the Turks Lave burned the village of Haiiiul, near Seres. Only 48 of the 600 inhab itants escaped, and many women and girls were outraged and murdered und their Lodie caat Into tlx water. ROOSEVELT TALKS POLITICS President Says He Asked No Man's Support For Second Term. Walla, Walla, Wash.. May 2(1. Sec retary to the Preshlent Loob gave out the following statement: "In speaking of the sudden political developments in Ohio, the president said: "'I loive not nshod nny man for his rupnort. I have had nothing what ever to do with raising tho Issue ai to my endorsement. Sooner or Liter It was bound to arifo. nn.l Inasmuch as It ha? now arisen, of eoui'e, those who fnfor my administration and nomination w!'l endorse them, and those who do not will oppose thorn.' ."The president also said ho was deeply touched by the action of Pres ident McKinley's home county, In which Canton is situated, In Instruct ing so heartily In his favor. Nothing could have pleased htm more." Last night President Roosevelt wan entertained by Senator Ankenoy at his home. A select party of about two dozen were present. The presi dent left later for Wallace, Idaho. MARCUM SLAYERS INDICTED Tlie Kaiitz Cuiiiit Dam! tie Ink' IioiiiImiiio -.iliiyi'r. AiMresJ llmlu'iinui). D. II. Wilt lo.st n valuable last week. VERDILLA. IVrcivnl ZciirliT und lami Jiristol, Intl., ure vimlin J hero. C IO Aiickcr mid family of lasl-y upcnt a day hint wnlt IllS JlillelllM. (!i-n K Si lioll ami J () 1,0a niiiile a business t rip to SinJ otic day last week. JaiiioH (i lirown of 1'iiJ nunc licro to fpoiul tlicSumnu'i Ins brother, illnun. J S Anckor is moving Li mill to near ( liapmnn. llitiilin bark is in season n Our Carpenters bave two i . . . i i niv nurns to put tin yet iiiiurl inakititr tinio. Rev. W A Haas lieKl coti Curtis Jett and Tom White Charged With the Murder. Jackson, Ky., May 26. After an all . ion t?or views ut Kuisei 's elitireU day's session of tho special grand day. Jury. Irolh which the principal wit- u ness -was escorted .under the .-protec , ofo,,r .vu"g mca a! Uon ot a guard of soldiers, Curtis Jett j tllP "' t fccbiipgrove Fin iran nmio wnrn ino'c.iea ivr no vi'V. - Jockey A ticker is takinirl lo become an auctioneer. H liini fciicccf-s. PORT TREVORTON. Miss 15ell Keller of assassination of James - B. Marcum. The action taken by the- grand Jury was prompt, and decisive, and there is a growing Impression that Justice t will at last be administered In tho Hargls-Cochrill feud, of which Attor ney Marcum was the latest victim. A denutv Kherlff with n sruari nf soldiers, have started for White's "rg is being enlertaini'il home in tho mountains to arrest him. J5ro. Henry and family. ,ne party carriea provis.ons ,or two. Um.A . un.'s. -Aiit'iuri ptiuiu i'l BUiuiPi s, niui Ii J a deputy sheriff, will bring Curtis Jett to " llkes 1arrc -' aecuiiiifl from Wlarhoster to Jacin. The illness oi her bister Mi. town is qufeL ' Morgan. Fraudulent Naturalization Papers, j Tlie "Fair" which was Washington. May 2C.-Imraisratioa lK,,,ifit 0f U. 15. t'liur ofTnials say they have Investigated re- i c i , .,.,. , . week was a financial success. uralization naners had been sold to ar- I Uev. Searlc lclteml tJ riving immicrants at Xew York, and nual Memorial serinoii iu had ascertained that the purpose was not to facilitate the admission of Im migrants Into the United States, but to permit male Immigrants to secure work on the subway and other Improvements in New York, as under the state laws only citizens can work on improve ments of that kind. It Is said D,000 aliens were fiven these certificates and charged exorbitant prices for them, in some cases $50 being paid. Officials have found numerous fraudulent nat uralization papers in Iliiladclpbia, Wilmington, Del.; Providence, Pitts burg. St. Louis aud Buffalo. Brave Rescuer Was Drowned. Ilazletou, Pa., May 2C After sav ing a companion, Walter Wilde, who had waded beyond his deplh by bath ing lu a reservoir here, Ueury Uright, aged Its, got. Into deeper water and was drowned. Neither could swim. The victim of the drowning waa a high selnx.il student, aud no Is Wilde. The latter was recently appointed adet from Luzerne county to the West Point Military Academy, which Iim will entr t.4vt uiUh KANTZ. Mwhaitt Uiowii, of Sunbuiy wats in town Monday. ' '. f. NVitz i,f Juniata Co. took dinner with KiiI'uh Miller Monday Charles Slianibach, aud C. (ilace were to Richfield over ouud jy. I',. C, bluiiioiy, Jititha Hum iih'I and Jiixsiu Rowc of Jsreainer, atUmled the festival ut this place on A s-xui.-iion Day cveipn. J. F. Krdly was appointed pobtal clerk ot tliin olhce. Chaa. Muureruud wife of Wssh ingtouville, Montour Co., were th e guculs of Isaac i'.rdely s u few days this week. . lVter HolHwtppIe visited friends near Fremont Sunday. of the 0. A. 11. Tost 1 "3. V. camp 50 of town evening. Lord Spcecc and wife Slate Capital 'were the a of the latter's uncle C. 11 and w fc Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Holshtie, laughter of Shainokin er the guests at the ''Xatioua week one day. Isaac JJoyer of IlermloiJ the old hoiiubtead Siunlav.l ti Wis, wife ami tlaij .Seiiiihgr.-vc wore guests "National" Hum!.. . HUM MELT. WHARl (Jeo S hacller Mul wife ' er were tliogucMrt of I'ctJ und wife Hunday. Mi,is Ameliu Neitz of ipciit a lew duys with hi Mm m Mo)ir. Mid Ijcvi IlieSnlel el her hirder tn.d family oil over Sunday. Mrs James fSlear of Si several days ut I Idwin Fij MissMarguni Fryliuy bury spent tuna , y ut Tlnj trick s. Miss Adams- Sip' no' versily vinilcd iasesb:lij day. Mrs Willard Moyeraul made a trip to Fieeburg bioii Day. Issac Heaver and fa mi If Anna Wrick of Winfieldi Igucbls of Irvin MilllioU' i I Sunday
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers