The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 28, 1903, Image 7

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    rT finnnC Utirline 10 Ugivr, liill.-r,
Ll VJUUIJSj j,r.t!i. r tlmn itevrr wjh
(JlJOCEKlK, a foil liw, (juality lii'her, juiiv-t I.:vt.
NO TIONS, llit" values ore icmurknlile uml tut jir'nv-4
T'N'WAKK, HwiM jiing reduction.
Drug Department u
(Jl'KKNSWAKK, well "elected nt jn-i.v.
(JIjASSWAKE, l(M,k m '"r Iriiins aiil Hiv.; in nicy.
1 1 AT- anil J'Al'5, cur linen ore god, fresli, ! in,
uixl earti'tilly wleetcd Htock.
SIIOK DKl'AUr.MKNT, in u'l liie there m t
our jmnilUl l tlie pnnH of f ur mIhh l-jifirt-
ti.i.eM ilntf la ttjrimlll f )'l V Wtlt.'ll
Maikets for ISiittur nnd Eggs.
Watch My Markets
N. T. Dundore,
an I
Mm Plants
-.FFDS That Succeed
mmmB mam TtiaHewl llniiaeOfl). Ijtnrlreth Cona, tha nlrleat In Am
u. Im.l 119 years' einerlenrfl Willi Heeila, ami thereaiilla or HHaara p axss.1 l tl.a fervi.e
I hk, l.a ,.' ...! iii..r.i,i i .i,.u li,ul IHtl' No. ) rower of Heed.
"r"r l--TiL ,.l .1. "..J...I.1. lnr.n,.f..n,.el In ll.l.
,..l,nil or, -"-- --
tlott'ir rentl for It.
II,.. .!itiit lo make thle attractive nnd showy bmlare worth from to ' 0", ayeor.Mra
-i.- ),. iiiiiinn hkVfl I II nrcan loxroi iiirni, irra 111 i-nnrK". i'y "" '""i'-ii - ......
Li I will. y'.mr.aal oriler.amouiilliiK Uj$l.(Mic.r mora. hea larire illustration and full dracrlp
Ln In Uii.lrelli' ataloue. Write to-day for the :talnKii.
f n0 Ilrula of CaMiaae .... tandrPtha' Farly fummer
I 1W Hoots of Kailfah Ijnirlre-'ha' V. hilo Lady Finger.
I tno Kno's of Heeta Kerlr lenniaoall
J lirno Frul'aof Cuoiimlier. . . . Lanrlretha' Flrat
)0 lleada of lettuce Virginia Hollrl lle1er
I WO KrulW. ol Watermelon . . . Arkanaa Traveler
. ..... .. .. . i 1. 1 i i i
WW C.IIOB OI 1'Illltn , . . . rllMlli-iii -i.i
BUS Flanta of Tomato lawlreths' KarlleaiJ
Which collection of Seeds for twet.ty five (if.) cents enclosed with the Order will be mat ad,
''i'l'r.....l.l Mb. In mail each of mv Old
....limra Mini frii-mtaa Cataloirue, aa I am
h'i.irr.l In nil orders promptly and aatla-
JAMLa Vll.,
M.noi Mn Oaota DtTaiT.
1217 Market Street,
L- C 1 1 R12ra moaa' "--'Plon Middleburj I'OsT
fOl (b 1'luOne year's snbscriptloa to Conkey't Home Journal
VIM ew UICHIUMOUI Ma luuvinrwi . w
literary and muilcil monthly family maciiine which thould be In erery home.
rv.'i .icsiiin ii i hivi in color, it ta nrinted on looa DJDer. ana mecnanicaiir ctcit
bur ii tribute to the printer art. CeMibty1 HemeJevimal i really two macazine
Our Stock ConsUtj of Clean New Goods,
Such a ia Found in an Up-to-Date
. Country Store. , . .
ry Goods, Hardware, Drugs,
Groceries, Chinaware,
Best Shoes.
Cigars and Tobacco, Smokers' Supplies.
More Goods for Same Honey I
Same Goods for Less Money I
Come and see our wares. Jlarket prices paid for
Country Produce.
A. S. Sechrist,
Verdilla, Pa.
out fur ih fir.t half T. AmvntmA tt anial illustrated articles on auhtecti nrominentlv
lni. the public, and short and serial fto ies. The second half is devoted to the inter
it ul the mother and daughter. It also contains
Practical lesson In lace and embroidery-makinf.
1'i.iLiical lessons in home millinery. -
rractical lessons in interior decoration. '
I'i ji ik jI suKk'estions for home dressmaklns. -v
A coniDlete iash'oB denarlment ahowinz tn k Amim In k.t. ami MMumel
utt-4its and the smaller articles o ;eminin,-Wei7.
A complete pattern den.:tment from which patterns may be ordered,
rhoionraphs ihowinihow to set the table.
Krri!n-i an, I -raV,tl". IL-" . k:k i .k- lrn. ik.. u nM.Mtr In the
W .. .. - , . u v y i.i .IIIVU 1 1 U I111VI lliahlVl. M w
p in who would be "up-to-date." -
l i he li.reKoniu is supplemented by department of music which contains each month
Fupyrwht son, two-step or walU, a lesson oa Vocal Training and a lesson on Piano
flt by eminent teachers.
i i'ovii ivts" is the subject, of a series of articles for the boy. These article are
F'ruuchly practical aud tell bow all kinds of pets may bo raised both (or pleasure and
The Amerio a. n Mii.lna.1 a mih.1. tl.m naKlea tta mrmheri ta nlirrhacet aheei
kiijc 4iul all music litpplies atdiscounts ranin( from 35 to trt per cent.
I fJmiile copy of Conksey's Horn Joirnakt mailed to any address on request
SiUlVft all eummunu.atiiiiia .ml r.niillliul til
p generosity of the Pittsburg
fv uuuway company to it men.
l-ublio side. Just before ChrUt-
U'e company distributed UO.000
I such (.f it motor-men and conduc
f hd bad uo awldeuts during the
fctOiiig moutb. Tb itift. dU-
"Utfd lit ftCCord a Ufa With Pi.ndltlntla
H li4 bCl.u previously siiuonce(j'
l nun, oi bu u
fvr cml tlor. ... :u
Every farmer knows that
omc plant3 grow better than
thers. Soil may be the same
id seed may seem the same
t some plants arc weak and
.hers strong.
And that's the way with
!iildrcn. Thev arc like young
'.nits. Same food, same home,
.me care but some grow big
vl strong while others stay
.nil and weak.
Scott's Emulsion offers an
-.y way out of the difficulty,
iiild weakness often means
arvation, not because of lack
f food, but because the food
ocs not feed.
Scott's Emulsion rcallvfeeds
nd gives the child growing
Whatever the cause of wc.ik
icss and fa"! rc to grow
Scott's Emulsion ?ocms to find
t and set the matter right.
Send f r fr-eample.
rit A TV,wtie. (hfiii.1.. t e-ar! s , New York
Jijc. and fi oo.nll dnigxiata.
PrUllrajea aa4
Tlie Ix-Ht breeds will not be. profit
able if they tire riiixrnnriatcerl.
Tlie amnllcr the poultry rju.trtrrs
the cleaner they inimt be kept.
l'oultry is the cheapest and moat
economical and bent meat rained r
the farm.
Provide net where they are: handy
for the. hens and handy to gather
epgs from.
Are yon ffivlntr yonr poultry tha
attention you jrive the other sit'ick o.
jimt allowinff it to dhift f..r Itself?
Coarse food promotea rligetirin and
helps to keep the fowls in a healfhj
condition. Feed as much ft ir nt pos
sible. Do not simply throw the water out
of the drinking yes.el.s and put in
fresh water, but wah the veaael
thoroughly every time you changt
the water.
An experienced farmer ponltry
man says that the heat, way to kee;
poultry droppings i fo put them in
barrel and keep them slightly moist,
ruing dishwater or oapaucla where
available Prairie Farmer.
The Ml ted Til Ik RatlAa.
Roughage, is nearly the sameerery.
where, corn silage. c.,rnta.ik and hay.
The question Is what fo use for a grain
ration to be fed with the above kinrlai
of rouffhaffe to produce the mont mi.k.
Most farmers have corn and cats,
which they frrind and feed mixed with
a little bran; this does not furnish the
most desirable no- the cheapest ration
when production: is considered. Leave
out the corn entirely, as worse than
useless, and substitute cottonseed
meal, eTen at 130 per ton. By feeding
four pounds braj), four pounds o;s
and two pounds cottonseed meal, with
silage, cornstalks and hay, or evm
without the hay. you will get resu.:s
thst will be surprising'. Troy (X. V.)
It mny hsre been a discordant not
tliil Miss Josephine Dodge Daskaui,
w rfter of children's
stories, struck at
the dinner of the
Pilgrim Mrthrrs, fr.m wbidi tyrant
n an was excluded, Imt it was without
iloulit looked on compRM-irmntrly as
I lie? exprek'un of joutli and inxp.ri
ence. Mi.-s I u k kii m vaii;-, ".Vow, I
dii't know much about ti e rights of
women, Imt I do know nliout. their
privileges, and I am forced to confess
that if ii girl were to crime to me aril
jsk what she thould cling to, I wr.uld
liy privilege every time, aurl t tl.c
r ghts go. Never tiike from a nun the
biiiiklioi.k fir the privilege of tranlat
iiiif a tinie-tnlile ii ii'i you ciur l,ae i. I
the rest." Woman, vlie aid, (iid every
thing t,he vwmtcr, t(. rio littler than
mini, iuijhkj. ,(ifS. Daskarn sh'.s (.
powerful percept irm in mi v . eat ing t !,
retention of the biitikbook l,y nn.-,.
ii(i argues wisely, sine. as the St.
Louis (iliilie-Deriiocrat oliserve. in,
known power, hiitnan or d v.t.e. ran
force him to give it up. As for trans
lating a titne-talile, t.nly a linn, cm
translate, it, aii'l very few of them,
riii.e-tal.le are got. up toentertain per
pie who are fond of pule. and when
the puzzle editor desires a day or so of
relaxation, he might well offer the ,it-e-t
railroad time-tabie to hi pul.iic;
they would get as much mental exer
cise out of it. are fiiite ready to
assent, to the mainte nance that what
ever a woman want to do, he docn
better than a man; for she. makes ;t
very clear that whatever she rioeMi't
w eil as he rJoes, she doesn't want
to do at ail. Ifer success in establish
ing this contention exhibits tlie upe.
r .r niinl.leness r.f her a rgumenta : n.u
If all Wiinen wre as regardful r.f the
privileges ,,f man and sparer! him hi
KanklirK.k, he woulrl a ffe t ir.nateiy de.
eipher time-tahles for her forever ai..
..- - . .""v
1 5 J !
for Infants and Children.
CH.lnrl,i n li.irmless sulislifuto for ( .isfor Oil, r.irr
jrorir, Iro nn.l SiMitliin Syrups. It i I'leiisanl. It
-ontaiiM iiciflK-r Opi , ,Iorph ins nor other ;ircoti
KiilivfaiKo. It ilotn.v Wornn and I'i eris,n.-s.
It mrf liiarrli.i ik iiikI Wiml olir. It rcliv- Tc tli
iiiff Troubles nnrl mre ff.nsf ijcitinn. It niriilntrs th
StotniHli mill Hr.wcls, yivimr li-iltliv ;t'il itatnrai ?loei.
Tim Cliiidri-ii! raiuu ii Tlio .Mother's r'rifiul.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Ecar3 the Signature of
f " aMSliii
Use For Over 30 Years.
Liberal Adjustmeiue.
"Ti e king can r!o nr. wrong." The
ki-.lf'. son's hrot.her-in-l.iw can do no
fo.dem.erl to BWf'rk A "'mP!'
fieri in The present
I aeleaa. . r,
caseof Pr.nce Fran
cis of Terk, thr brother-in-law must
nor. even let. hi name work for h.m.
It. . abhorrent, t.o t.he ideas -,f F.d-.vir I
U. that anything apperr.iimr.g :.i
royalty should earn i salary. Franc;,,
ia a brother of the princes of
So day his is'er may he Knglan.!'-.
o, :e.-n. Is it pf.ssihle to imagine ,i rea:
q .'-fri'i next of kin, llliing par'ner
- a i stock brokers' concern '.' X'
t.;!i tJie Kilary be. ten t.mes the
i . i.iiiiU -.(Ter on which aneage.r highest
bidder competition for the prince has
been started in London. Fiw.ird VII.
'.h : trained shoemaker, and has worn
boc,t f his own making. Yet, says
the Xew York World, he may not col
ble? save for ' : The
kinsj of Sw'mmlaaioners )iftvel.sJi'
guist,yethemay not be eourtinterpret
er f.vr extra pay. The queen of Ron-
mania i an expert typewriter, yet her
ivrt,ime belong- ti her diirnity nnd
the state. Louis XVT. of Fmiu'e w-a
, x 5ne locksmith heijind th bnr-i!
, door of a private ,v.-.rkh'.p. Fr:ir..".s
, of Te.'k ia far less thar. my u-.e,-but
h is ao except ,.-,n ra i r'iie f y i
etiquettt. It i s..nier.,rr.e ii:e
Only the Oldest, 'n.n-."
Kir. , Lit.
No Assessments
The Aetna Founds! ."
" Ifome
" American "
The Standard A.
The New York 1.
Tha fidelity Mu
Your Patrocac
ih r'n'iiji'iiiii's,
: I T 1 1 Tonin.'ri.
IMin Assets 11.1
i sr,.i
I M 1 0
'-at Insurance u
insurance C.
Life Association
The New-York
Tribune Farmer
r V4
U pity the sorrow
prince :
f i p
national illustrated nrrh-'l ' : i; f, I
iinl 'heir fnuulic. -tat, .Is ,t
tiltiiml pr. It is i ;.nctiitil :.nir
he! j nig hern ut -ei-r.rr. lie '.lr", . -farm
ihroiiirti lira. : i. al :iietho.l.s
It is entertaining, instructive, and
the farmer's wife, -or, and!.;er-
wrers in an attrnctiw mania r
The mjular pi Z is $1.00 per yrsi . hut for t liniiU.J
time we will twi". your si-V 'tuion for TrtE NEW.
ruKK - . .BU.Vc 1 .K.vtfcK and aJxo for yourowii r..
Iix-al newspaper, f he Post, Middlehnr?, Pa.
;u : l.
Pl.-ticaliv .eel'lll to
'.vb.i-e :liti.'est.s it
Botli Papers One Yearforonly SL25
p. '.
.1 : tiir
:ui ym. r order .mil tit-y ..
iir ::ame n..i iii.ires n i
e rr.i
. cr '
3 !i
II at I W V I j
W. U. SITLEB, Proprietor
418 Market Si., Harr'-'our Pa
Rooms, 23 -jj Oooj Meals, 25c
Joo1 aoroaamodationa. U
" n ' vwivm umm
ned such a ptk that priaea are
"K wardv4 t)ik who remalu long.
I" servlca, tha time , .nnrk.
jauisslvea or vnu. kt-i
MOsms tae ttta mm Wasks tka Cold
Laxatlva Bromo-Quliilne Tableta oOra
a cold In a day. Mo cure, no pay. Price
& eouta.
to advertise Id live and up-to-date
uvvrtpapcr. For results
the POST.
KJJncy TroaMe Kites Toa Kstnblc
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers Is surs to know cf the wonderful
cures nue if Cr. .
Kilmer's Swamp-Rcct,
'! tie rreat kudney, Q-er
aa d b Udder rerr.ed.
J It is the fr-at tr.ecS- ,
cai tnumph cf the nine- ,
teenta century; dis
covered sfter years cf :
scientiiic research ty 1
a Cr., the eml- ;
nent kidney aad tiai- ;
c:r specialist, and Is
wonderfully successful In promp!y curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou- i
bles and Bright s Disease, which is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec
ommended for every thing but if you have kid
ney, Hver or bladder trouble It will be found
Just the remedy you need. It has been tested
In so many ways, in hospital work, in private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful In
every case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried it, may have a
sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Rool and how to
find out If you have kidney or bladder troubie.
When writing mention reading this generous
offer (n this paper and
send vour address to
Dr.KUmercCo.,Blng-l C Jb
hamton, N. Y. The
reeular fifty cent and Baaaxat
loliar sixes are sold by all good druggists.
Tke iaefaittMia of Foaltrf.
fhtiltry tilay be ruiscd with tht
greatest economy on large farm
where there is unlimited range, an
exhaustleaa supply of insects am
worms aud abundance of seeds and
grains going to watte which poultry
alone can utilize. Under such cir
cumstances fowls can take care ol
themselves so well, and are so ener
geUc In seeking their food that they
are either forgotten and allowed to
shift for therubelves when they really
need attention and assistance, or they
are regarded aa a nuisance becausi
they sometimes do a little damage.
When fenced away from gardens and
flower beds fowls cause little ""am-
atre or annoyance on a farm. They
do an immense amount of good it
tha nrotecUon of crop by tbo d
structton of Injurious lasecfa, larras
aad worms.
wl I I M ail Mm
The death, ri'e of the -.i-e r,; J(f.i..-a-chii.seua
has been s'i-:ii:.!v f -.r
tea years, aad ia the last -.v ii
lower tliaa ver be:or. ijeEeri. c
diti.ins are tha:j::j f;r tae ce'-r,
aad the mor-aiiry Jr.-31 ccas-i.-sp-.oa
aad jorr.e other iaf-i:i..r:i !:s.-:ise
decreased. The -a"e b arl if h-i.-h
sugtsts tha: the fi.: .s in a x-as-ir
due to inim praties, aiaee sost of -he
iicmigrtas are souad-o--uied pers r.s
of a favorable Iamiirract do no:
always jret cr.i.t f.-r :hr:r v.r:-aei.
physical or other: oa: even we dt-r.y
a of ttadtr s'-a.;-
y w mi v m u !jJ
Opium, Laudanum, Cocaine and ail flr-jg Habits
x-.:aca: ;ja
n-ri or stier rr.i.xzrs. -N e rearer- -ze
asiaess. sav-.a ao .raTia?
is taa pnT.cai iyr.e2as ta
:i iisease. .iaoa:er:rieci7
theai the posse
ties, we hculd be w.
that they are :ouh.
their aorarai coadiroa ;ecase we rerzave :te saases
prepared :v ia -maea: -arsicna.
WE 6UAHATEt A CUHE frtfct TMIAU I M C.JK I !1 1.1 1
Coaiieariai rresccaieace. isrecii7 T:ia raT5ii;:as. joucited. v-:s racay,
Rlanhattan Therapeutic Association
fJesyt, A 1 133 Sreaaway, Uw Tor City
:o so:
When oue maa is called to be a hero
on som great scale. 1C..X) men are
called to b couneous, r.tle. patient,
oays the Chnstian Evacpelist. There
re conspicuous virtues, which ma'ae
reputation, and there are quiet vir
tues the virtues of private life, which
uiaie charssvtcr. It is not every man's
duty to fill a lirfce place, butit istvery
man's duty to fill his own place well.
1tcty Goods,
Of 15 aiudec.s who took ectracce
xamiaauon at one of our utivern
tie si miskpeUed 20 or more sura cut
of a list of 1J0. This proportion of
"bad spells' tugva that our sevocc
ary schools need more atteolion to
matters priiuury.
CreiS C'.
There are really only M,v.vVJ
people in the United Stales, but tbtv
first began to look like 0O.iiKi,vji to
Germany and Kngland when thev
turned their indignant fact towarvi
The census shone that each wage
earuer in our ruuuufacturing esiab
liahments produces wealth to the
amount of M.74 a, day, aud rewciv
$i37.SO a year.
'.e S.ce.
keat in 1 b'rl-tis vji'i -'e- .-"
There is now a public school ia ftfj
city in l'orto Kico, and no suaXl boy
can bereaftex hop to escspa the tow
bully by plajiiif vabss ewnyaro.