M1DDLEBUUG POST. TOOBSTONt INSCRIPTIONS. AUvinan, S.iiah V.., Kiu of 1 (vvoii .V'i'f from iillihf liury- ll iiw th- .W.i.i'.'. '). " Sclinsjrrovc Oi.o l.i mi i;v l'i Mini i;v. .larnn. lvi. h .1 mi.- 21. 1M'. d tVt. l'. is.M. Kant. l.;hj.. ! IVv. 10. N'.tt. 2S. 1 "!. Karl, 1 . i !i:m. ! Sopt. .1 M.,y l. is.M. Kaiit. I :r:i. !. Aug. 17lS. .1 Sum I :in.t Ann K., l IYI. ii, 1 S.":5, .1 .li.lv '2S, 1S70, aged 17 v . in 2il .1. A I Ionian. Saimio'. Ii. IY1. 2, ISIS, .1 K.k 'JS, isst. App, laniard IV,. I Aug. -'V ls,,' Hij.nI 7S y 7 -S .1. App, J. Fivderi.k. li.lan. 22, 1822, 1 .1 .lan. 21, 1S7 ago! M y 11 i in 2: .1. App, Catherine, w ut .l..lin. 1 Spt. .Win r, Caihrt nu w f John 11. 1 S.M, HpNl v ; in 1?mi. , ,1 Mar. I", IV.'-, ' AiMv.lolin. I Jvivt. 22, 17W, d Mav A. 177. V I 02. Kant. v . k- k Kurt. M i .' iV Kvn. (t.-.iP,;!-, I' Lang. r.!i7.. h Ann. Apr. 2;v 1 2'.. lng. .la. oil, ! Apr. Jiiih 2. Ijoy.i, iivui. I' N-pu May A. 1 lytv.l. M.r v. t. .Ian. JuN 2 '. -V A. IMS. .. 1. 1S2i pr. :V IT: 11. 20. 24, 10. ITi'A i7(v:. 1770. isn. 1M0, d 1S02. A Iivii Ihivi.i, F.-L 2 147. lOv1. Hepi-v. l TW. .lnrtr 14. ISArt. !vtin.r. .lafo!.. .1 O-t. U. 1 S 1 5, aj'c! 4 1 2 m 1 4 d. Mill.v.fi. Magdalen. D.v, 22. 17V". , .lai.. 1. 1 S.v. MilltM.fi. iV-i.i.. I May 15. lS2t'i. ! O.i. 2d. Is.V.. li .in nf 14. i7rr.. Mci.-hafl. Ann M.. l Aiijr. o. 17-2. .i Nov. 2'.. 1S04. On. 4irrt I' .lunf 24. 1745. ; Vt-u. i I 14. lS7t, apl S2 y S m App. NV., s of.l.ilin an.l (Vtli-,-rino, h 1VN. 1 2, ISM, d Anc. 2:, 1SAS. apM 22 y 6 ni 1 1 .1. A pi. Mnrv, w of lsiao, 1 1-VI. , ls7, apvl 0 1 y 4 in 11 l. App. Cn- ' iMt. w of 11. P.. l 1V" 21. l2, ng! ,M y 10. 1. A Pi. Uimv. .1 Apr. 11, 1S72. 4 7 y (1 tn it 1. A I Ikti. S.ir(.h. w of .lail, 1 J7. 1S77. hl'1-.I So v 2ti .1. AllvrU -la.vl. d lv. 24, 1S5S. agixl 80 y 7 m 1 . d. Allvit. .las. a Aug. SI, 1SSA, gl ! 5t y 6 m 12 i. 'lWno, Mnrv. .1 Mav IS, lS04,j ngod S. y 25 A. IVnnor, Hownr.i lv, 1 Nov. l,j 1SS2, npod IS y 0 m 11 d. ! 1 "gill Apr. t ni !.. 1;- Im.sv, w ul M'n li.ul, !' Mav 2S, M7, .1 June 7, 1S72 ' ng l (.5 y i l. 1 Frank. .1. I'M F, .1 Mar. ISO I. ag.il 2 ) 1 1 in H il. i Fi-I ' . Sarali. 't S .I. ni'Hi, l ! ; I. IS ... agisl .'. y il. I FM..r. .1 .!."' II . .1 s.pl. IS, 1!H2, arc! Si v S in i l Fii-T. S,.l,.m..ii, l Jan. 21, ISIS, j agVl 77 y 27 i ? vl 5 in 21.1. j (Jarirl. SatnuVl, il IVI. IS. 1 S 47, sgo,l 2ii y 1 1 in 2S .1. (Jingii.li, v atluiin., w of diaries, il Apr. 10, 1S50, ng.-l lit y o mil .1. (irisMitgrr, N.nlian, il Jan. 2.", lSiS, g.l 25 v S .1. fiarn-t. . I Apr. 22, IS02, ! Nov. 5, lStil. viaint, Sarah F. , ilau of (i. hii.I KliwUtli, l Nov. 10, IS 15, l Mar. 2S, 1S5S. (barrel. V'liraU'tli, w ot (?.vipo d N.n-. 4, 1S50, 42 v S m 6 .1. (invvs Phivlv, w of A. J., il Apr. 22, IS72. S7 y 7 m IS A. Groincr, Wm. d Frk 10, 1S50, C1 SS y 5 m 1 il. GaneW, Wm., I May l. 1703, d IVc. 11, 1S70, at? 77 y 7 ni 5 il. A solilier of tlio war ot To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo -Quinine Taticts. (VL own niui - r wt- - , Oft everv Mak iararl( In n i-iiiiiinriioniiriu iuuiitm Inst . .. ... . I 1 . I 1. 1.... Jllllp, .'Illnl J MIIIW linn nil liirni. ". j tlint 1'iit in I'.nll n tlnren wnrils the ' MivriB. A ,iuiir clrik in a ture, lie aiil, ni-ki'.l for nn iiK'Unsr i f niliii'.x. Tlio 1'ii'pi'ii'liir j;a. it to lilni. A lit llo later t lie .'l.ik iivkeil fur nnotlirr l A l tii Kt t lie o in r hh iiulipnniit ; tlicn, nfler thinking tlio miittcr over, lie nut fur t lie elrrU. "Y.ini'jf ir.nn," lie naiil, "wluit j.m ihmmI in imt more niniicv. luit more iiM'fnliirv." Tlien he puiiileil out to In in ooiiiiiI.'mi ixh.Vh in n i it'll lie li. it lit lime ilont- i-omet liiiiff fur t lie eonipiinj, anil linil mihM'il Ms opn.nl unit - -times. In n lie liiul been carelet-s, ur iinliffcn ni. or lifiiorant. "Kiovv time." lie eoiielmle.l, "tlint a customer couirn in ami ni-Wi. for you nioiialiy, it counts for jou nnil couiH!. for the More. Your Imsincss is to make juiirsclf wanle.l." It in the I cen t of nmvoh in luiKiuesa, in it nut Imi the secret of nuvena in every place in life? In the home, in the church, in the school, cvrryw here, the one w hose work is thorough anil cheer ful anil enthusiastic is the one vthoi making the most of hi life. (attention i Stop ! i isi: IVmier, Frank 1... d May 11, 1SS2, . Rgil 4 m 22 -1. IVnner, Margaret, d June 2t, 1SS0, agel y 2 tn 2S d. lAonner. m. li.. (1 1 tV, 14. !.,!.! , , - i ' . ----- - - i o i , 11 .uti aircil 1 v o m. ! , e ... , , (laugler. Marcaret, w of m. i1 1 , 4, d Mav S. lNt, agei , 1 v 10 m 10 d. a yvrgtrrssiT, F.liaUnh. w of Gpo., (5auglor, Jolm H. A Apr. SO, 19, The medieval aire wan the era of wonder ami woiulerer. Nowadays, porvaileii by the Hellenic pirit of cul ture, we have nrll-nigh forgotten how to won.lersnil can only a .1 in ire or crit icise. The miracle ha lvcome al most commonplace. Ye take each WIIKKI- ? AT THE Lewistown Furniture Cos Store. We have our 5lorc Pull from Cellar to Attic with New and l'p-M. Data rURNITllKII. Latest Patterns. Lowest Prices. I t t Put ems, A IniReswo.tineiitet Reitrmim Suit anil HIiIb ItimnU. j, relv.l. ll'ir ro.'kem r llm tnlk of IlielnWn, III liwiily, streimtli ml low rrlor BiilU. Pnrl.ir Tattle, ele arrltlig ilnlly. Our tturpet Diartii t i. Fccon.l nune. V linr it lt SsNirt'ttetitof liini.tKini nw tttern to Mlwt from. W hnw h bel eirit mchlne, sml 111) tel limn fur Hewing sihI Imirj criolln t.tn n. Levistown Furniture Go,, No. 12-14 Valley St. Felix Block 151. Ivrjrtfrcss, Fnmklln, son Teter ntul Elizabeth, (1 ! 20. 1S51, atred 23 v of; UinugW, Marcaret, il Spt. 20. j new discovery or invention with au lSti7, pM t5 Vllni VI .1. ' ,oln .,ou KO- ri.e.v.cieiv I Rurireh in Sunset Mft-iiztne the (liiiolor Viiliitlas V.. It Soot. 11. .,,; ,r.r I - - . 1 ... lod.i. few) love a marvel, the homelier the better, while the Hellenic reeks only it ideal of pure beauty. The Gothic is the more masculine and virile, re joicing in the vig-or and power which produce a variation from type, even if that variationor exasperation isgained t the expense of other qualities. The other, or Greek, view is feminine. 1702. A Ox. 1, aced 71 v 1 m 2 d. Hcttriok. Marv,w of John, d Aug. 7,1847. Oti, M. 0-atniim. 1. July IS, 1745, j 7 i 3 Fei.. 27. 1S27. " FViro, San-'., IK of Peter, d .TicL.Jriai Wilhelra, b Feb. 1, j J. .", lSl, ged 68 y 7 m :l746.d Mar. 25 f - 25 .Uv inua, iTlV : 'ittSr May 2S, 1 '399, Anr. 17. 1S43. 1 p---.o y 10 m 20 d. Hiioacir. FraiKMB, h Apr. 15. 17CS, c Feb. 20. 1S31. Iih. Eh;-, i. Jnm . 177'.'. ' .'.: 1-4' li--'- V;':iiiiii.. t. Ju.. 17-'.. d N"v. i', . k:.. liic.t.N- Atiti:. Mc-u. r .1::in 14. 177,.. .. Au. 2' ts'in'i.- lit'::rif.u. ;. Mur. 22. ' Ma: 2.. I-".. Suse-vr- N.ijirn. Aur v 1771. Snvaer. Simon Governor. r Nov. riveT, b-.-h A 1. Nov. 12, 1SR7, d July 11, 1002. ..itm.Wo., il. Jab. If). 1SC2, iLZi-d SI y 5 tii 7 d. Ikiy. IiviJ. ii N-.v. 27. ISCS. ajed Tiv v n. 17 ti. Iir iiti. Iani-;;. c Srp:. 20, 1S47. a.'t". 4' y 7 n. 2r c. umnuo. Ilarri';. w of Join, d j Ilei Jer, Bcrnl.ard t, d Nov. 1 6, 1 SOS, aired 62 y 2 m 10 n. Hartman, Sarah, w of rerciral, d Jan. 29, 1S52, aged 20 y 11 rioflman, Siisanna, w of DavKl, d Feb. 12, 1857, aged 2S y 4 m 27 d. Hower, Amanda, w of Charle, d t.u 14, 1S5S, aced SI y 2 d. II iliinc. Aiirnstii. d Aiyr. aced f'to v. It is not right to be. unduly dis couraged by a mistake. Some peo ple are plunped into misery if they do anything wrong, even if they do not intend iu That is not reason able, nor is it fair to themselves. Mo blow has ever been struck at per sonal and 8iidual liberty such ai .... Introduction mjr tontrressttian MoaHrialo Wealth. ..,,,. ... vjliuii.. n fin limiting private fort lines in the United States to $10,000,000. The gloom that has settled down on all of us who in this one prospective act see the labor and ambition of many years brought to naught is as thick as a smoke, blanket, says the St. I.ouln Globe-Democrat. What is the use of going on? Why keep the safety deposit box any longer, in which we had securely stowed away I4S5 and a $.15 chattel mortgage at eight per cent., if we art to be cat down in the midst of our ex ertions and forever forbidden to go b yond $10,000,000? All incentives are gone, enthusiasm Is dead; we eare not for the morrow. With no dacatthgaim ahead of us, we may as well scattet Spring Opening At tlio NEW STOltE KunUrrid Larger nUx'k and prices J tliunevt r. Our Store is li!oittJ with now tliimjH for Spring in W( gooda", (Jn'iindincH, Wool iJ (J.hhIh, Silk Waiala, Pivss StJ lleautiftil line of Hull'-, n I V.nA hut Aru4liV I n tlli (rBA n. l. . - . j . ... Tfuiel'- 'i"-"."f a'oreht torlune , . , - ... , 1 u lue MirivA ukim. uo i"t' discouraged by a mistake. The right human attitude toward unintended mistakes is not an attitude of de spair, but of repair. Aa?. 1- t: ihL. 1' I :?5V. c Non V. 18!.. Sivrr: iisu::u , .m: 12. lilt'. ' a '.vj. j ; -4 . j:: r l-ui- '.. . .li:. 17. ': ut- 21 ' ! :: 2- l ! Ai:i 2'. 17'.'-. 2'. friui. iici:isu: i Yur l 1 T.'T i Ms: ;. feu-.ir..'jiiijL. i .'ir; L '7A C ."u'l 21. 12L. fc. i.ti'1-iw- i ."u'v ' 175''. t N I " 1 . " . irrV. ,--JIi,. . ! ,. ui . . . , . . (. ii-U 1 ; 1 '2. Ui'i-. L-.L. ' Kf.r 1 :7i t. Ml ; 11. '. U-"i" - ' jn: 0. t rrL. I lZ'.. C - ! - . k 2 . T invL Al. i Aur. j'.. 2717. j Ala? 2, :rL". i' L.-i ::.. !.. -!.'.. '. . . '. Jt: 2'. -'.!.. V. : ,j3X. : tifc'.., l . j t, 21 J '2 . V k.i" J.r ju i J '. 3 71'.. C . 'j-l.t'r-. )iiV:ui ".'Ji'. ' ''';'. - ;? Na .. 1 I.V lj i . ti., f i.:t:t i.f . Feu h. , aKJ 7 1W2. v 2' t lie- r., urc 4 d. 7H1 Haupt. EI i Feb IL Cr-iu-.. .Jam-. c Ala?. L Cthu .. Lyuii.. v o: ?5iini'.. : A tic- , 2 .'2, ar?i 70 t J7. 37.. c Aur. 4. 3?74. 14 i. Cu?:nmaL. 'j-'orir. . ii. Feu IL. 1 S' !iC 41 v. Cast'?. Aia-v 1 .'u:r 2L. 3?-4S. l eu 4.":." May it always carry messages of j ij-o I hspphiess'." The words were spoktn "jwhtE the California end of the all I Amtricsn Pacific cable was recently Hull. Ilov. O. L., d Nov. SO, 1 SC2, j brought ashore. It is too much to arl S3 v 1 m 1 0 d. . j hop ; but there is the consolation that ! no Biiwr how much uthappiness a Haf.lov, I". P., d J cne 5, 1 SOS, ' epe may convey, it will be soon ard ?2 y. 1 over. Htfify, Emmt w oi Uriah, d Aj.r. S, 1 7S 27 y 0 m 14. 191, m 2? d. of El , d Feb. ltttead of tryitg to extract gold from the Trego and Ellis county thale the Earns chemists should experi ment upon its possibilities as a fuel. Johrs-'in. CnarW H-, d Nov. 20, 1 arsd 24 j 5 m 2? d. 1 Kimuer, Lenianiin, d Sept. 2, 1 5?2, : C j r " . r nr. j I fc?l ro v j cj J. J u. Exjriment with lemon j ilce cn ty phoid ftver bacilli show that instead of kUlli-g them it tone up tie r systems and nkkt them baciUier than ever. i 5itv !".. 1 4 C T T 1 "tvit.. . il. t u.. . . . Altr. 3'.. i47. tTf- 21 c ifcvii Ajt.-ytrti. t.- 22. 3 C Sr-)U 2c". 312. iitfj 7 1 rx sf'fl 3' n. 7 :. ml'.. Cliir. Si'jt. eX! it'j'l AjtlmA- Miy 3 c Au;. 2. 3-2; fci 13 y 2 2 ; c. 5,. 3'2,'f Ajx. i Aj..', tcyalues cn Wagxtr's operas last rear paid H15-OC. Vet some Eu- ropfcas roysltie, T.err pay. Wha'.tvtr your busictts is do not go - Ki-tiwr, C vrus P., d Mav 24, 1 l, 'at il M if oa wtrt merely sticlcingto a.4d 2b r 11 m 25 d. ! ' ttkke though to get into some- c j thing el- Butneis that is run in KrmnifT, Hsnrisftta, w of MM d jtkv way is sure u kep you a poor Juut 10, l?b., agw 0j y 4 ate stUit A priie of SO ysvnt iur a safe lsmp lir hurning kerotene was offered at it grocers' exhibition in lMtdon r eiitJy. The lamp was to cost o-nJy one shilling and kTf--u , Mhokai. The (peeSsVativtis, t s forth ia a trade were M-ntM jud talu- lary. bnct 01 of the nuvt mdjju probUrms in liJvi is the pr'tc-tlou of tirutlaros rttnrt ttu.blvet, th objir'-t it. view sutiJit inu. wLkh, if tnruMn by a Oui.Jr.t-fc uin at hi til, for "JLUJp, vuW etiliuJl:Jb t '.-i ...'.1 1 . j . . J li ;iijjC-Ii buC the hoUM- VtOUld Uvl di j a. Eri'ifr, Jo. d Aug. 21, 1S5C, asd 23 y 3 m 7 d. Kiiiir, V. F., d Mar. 12, lbIf, ajri 5. y 11 ra 13 d. 2 1 , ajrl y 3 m. Kiii!T, dxa. fl, d Jatj l4;: 3 v hj 2 d. 30, -1 I tickeu and .t iltalre diamond ring. If we eannot have more than $10,000,000 we will have nettling. It isn't worth w orkicg for, and every one of us should from this time lead a carefree exist ence, unrestrained by soul corroding avarice. If we may not control the commercial development of our age, we had (or "would," deferring to the authorities) as lief play ping pong. To thus limit the possibilities of achieve ment takes the gusto out of it. Let us turn to the collection of postage stamps. There will be no law restrict- ing you to 10,000,000 of them. It is not the possession of wealth, but the pur- ; suit of it that inspires the whole hu man race. Not merely emulation j actuates, but the resolution of pre- , eminence. Set metes and bounds, clip the wings of soaring eagles, and who , will essay the heights? Life is real, life is earnest and $10,000,000 can never j be its goal. With such a paltry reward j for human exertion, we may turn to the consolation of religion and go into a monastery, devoting the remainder of our days to "aves" and the contem plation of the vanities of this life; even as the brightest and best did when there were no such ennobling aud ex alting objects to command the soul as railroad mergers, steel trusts, corn corners and oil syndicates. Jackets, Wrapper, Muslins, Cit (jiitglinniB and White Sprcuik Ve will have a ppw ial salt Ladles Musclin Indrj wear, May 1st to the It We will have tlio most bcusc Hue of underwear ever short Suubury. 20 yds. muslin $1.00. 41 ili muclln CI fill VP JH. III iy ,,'V'. -jt , Calico 5c and 7c. $1.00 White Spread 85c $1.00 Table Linen 20c to 3.' Come in and see, no trouble show. H. P. Clem me! 44G Market St, 8UXBUHT, Three doors east of the MarkttBi FURNITURE 3 kgwi 32 y K w Ijkt, fjinjii, of Jvhtj, 3 July 30, tZ, 2'J y 10 27 (1. ri .1.1 lit i t I. tiui. ti: ' . I' itV.. i 1 i'. .-. nun y, 1 ' . f . f. y , yuc. j Try 2- . iikiiui.:.; u J'juii, i t Jyuu-juugi .. . K , -j X. 2;. ; I Jvuuyuut.. j.-lil.Unt; i 5f7. 1 iV, u. J 0 v: ' ijy0.iv I. , 'J i n'.. Vj. I'lJJ. o t 'i ! Iff KUUtUU.li. 7)',-,:i DR. FENNER'S S,JS S lfi V.lr.U. j 1 M aM A'w. AJvcrl, iiiuiuiiii li f P. ff., d Ve oilw Out ilvu-iod Uvllans Wti ivr .oy cafc of lajriih vkfUvt ly CUittd LfV iiajlc Uirti Owe- . ;UueM.'. Tvxlo. o Vl , tut WU'i-lr".rd LkteikUOMU . J Jiiy f'jr tbe at XO voua. lAi.ie, Vivil. .-tiiw. t , yo. O. 14 1 - . . .1 1.. .. ,.. .TT 12.-'. J . . J , J , tiuu;uliy aj ko i-w j vut tr oOX- liimui , ii'J'.ii itujk wipe, L ; tua-ito by tUir au. iuiUy Muu& lui- cviuiiiuuo mi j k;t . Wixiloottlt. iJruKiU,I'vIo4o,0. 4:iiiji it'. tU wl Kluvld, iiisU'i CUr'L Coo ia U.cu iutw- r 1 - ' -7 ' O X y.Sju d. aud'iiuuvUJi ciu; ol tU fcj'ktonj. jLfcjtm;oium tout ire, rrw-H 7w KIDNEY 1 Backache au ftwin r K.ttuiiys, r 1 rv n KkJU)UiLeAiIIOIl.W l II I , 10 . tUkJ Utt4L Ail k K 1 . 1 Lou't hoAbWl 4)oi,uiiuut Thare hi a 1 y tiller ,tiu The world is indebted largely to In vutite grulus for the luxuries aud .... many of tha util Ities of modern civ-u-iMt- Ui4,tiou. Labor, saving luachiua-ry Las iaicreased the -ktie power of labor ten fold and openr.d boundless poskibiJilis lu the reuhu of agricultural exunslou. Aa ik bt:-iii for JiiirreuMiJ produc tion i. iiloji Jutentivc tuius devises Uwh'liLicl y Iaj aupply the puUlc wuuls. AH nuo4ru iuvetttloiis projected fur pi odu-ii.g Uit-rt'handike or agrluulluial ;oiuiuoditii's for the t;ou.fort and aus trtik(x:e of o'l-ly have beeU UU advau ILyi: iiU iid of a it l iiltl:lit to skilled liiUor. With lit did of uiio liiiury and the Milbigud in. of iiooe power Hie j.ivclu. Uoij ut lint n-eceskilit'S uud iuiuiit of Uiodt-J'u society iu Juki tju.nu, of a ci ulury liu iiudud the i.iipiMiily i,l mtuul consumption. Jf j.iohu tlou vm-j c jiblru led lu Mi cu piu:ily of hand luljur olily, olcn.k the .li'a.ttO h'liu, (liklii-Hk Olid tun A Hit Mould j.ivtuij in 0.(1 uy dtiietly popu Uu d 00UI01. of tiir world. K'tfMy tlioiiitund liiiktu were Uj K.Um) or food ( jletlia lust yaar. ' h hoe Jis becojua on of lU y:rmn friable article of diet, Airi K'"a 'Mu i Alalia, joy irUuU tli uYuty ut U', T J itr.r i btrUUje. old by Jruggle. j T 1ITpCtp 1 sru7e7'crV; Do you need any fiiniitc. If so, don't fail to comttooa store and get our jirice?. We can suit youitj style and prices.' from the cheap est to the bett grade. I Hard wood, golden oak fcaj I Only $ 1 2.5c Mattresses - 8 i-f. I UedsDrlnirs - S'-J BO.C IiuuiiU, Kni iii ' "TV I iuiiklun TMm, lMiy i '" .,..1 o.. . .L. M.HAKTMANIIJKINIUK Mlllllulur( Schroyer G- S.ny kikj-; J I NSU KANCA AGICNTS. slid 4 off 10 m 11, I, I, I ..I. I. liuulu JJullLliiii ;iuuw SU Thnnhllii 11111" uiauU- Wa uta i l.luliil .1i.ii.mI I'V iianlin In laMilu inillcU-a audj liiiallia at Ol'f I'liloi ' oflliia. All Lualiiuaa enllUnLwl will ht pronipLly altuud' w office cHwtHt si) lw PuhMyer'p Hulldljig, PliMWUHlWf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers