The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 21, 1903, Image 7
MiD-DLEBURG POST. i DRUM WITH HISTORY - Our line is inucli l)ig;cr, fuller, ami i )J VWVIj prettier than it ever was U-fore. (JUOCEUIKS, a full line, quality liijlier, pri.n lower. NOTION'S, the values are remarkable ami the prim " nttrnt'tive. HARDWARE DiU'AUTMENT, more conr.Ue th-m eviT. TINWARE, sweeping reduction. Drug Department QlJEENSWARE, well at popular prices. (JLASSWARE, look to us for llnrguins ami save mi .ney. MATS and ,'.U;-, our lines ine j;ood, fresh, e'e.m, and carefully selected slock. SHOE DEPARTMENT, in all the trade there w not one parallel lo the progress of our hIkh; depart ment. i." .i.. :, n, iv. w,,.h Bal&cU 1 Ida MaikftH f-.r Butter and Eggs. Watch My Markets N. T. Dundore, UUNDORE, PENNA. my i Shylock was the man who j Captured at feunker Hill by Revo lutlonary Troops. jj y-v 4i r,j i 2 .1 10 4 VI Lc luirmn m p. n wanted a pound tf flesh. There arc Shyloclcs now, the convalir r:nr, the consumptivo, tV .:ckly child, the pale y..i;-v v man, all want human Ik-si It Beara tb rara of naltlr. Bat Ha- talis lla T. to Prrfretiua ' Hcllr ott linari by j U. A. H. I'nat. 1 t'ley can get it talU QFFDS That Succeed - fc--- ThSel Hoiine Of I). I.anilrfth Ponn, the oMm! In Am a t wl n lrl. 4JI m.,A lha raaiilla . I hia ara nikifl all atlM Prvir "f'uriw'.inrt Knriiiirra In a nnely I Cataloga. Ifniiad FRKK. No. Grower of f..iiiiil or nmtiir, call allurU to be without, tlio Valuable. Information contained in .thia , .....! ... II AMERICA'S BED FOR1003. llio iilnnU to make till attrwtlva and Rhnwy twlari worth from H 71 to tlfl, aoconlln . '. 1 l. t I...... fma ..f Klinpiiil l.v llfl..aill V till advnrti.0. Mailt Mill TO" 1.11 n"-"" '"Hi"" ............. w. - ntwiiliyoiircaonler,aiiioiiiilliiKoll-(''orm'rr. Sf lar.e lllu.tratioii and full flrarrlp ln in Uiiilretlu' lataloguc. Write to-day for the Cataloirue. BIG RETURN ON A 25 CENT INVESTMENT. . Ijuidrftha,' Karly Summer . l-un(.ro'li' Mhite Ily Finger. . Hrarlrt Tennl.nall , I,ni1rrlli Firal SUH) lleadnof lettuce Virgin! Solid lli-aaer VO Frulln ol Watermelon . . . Arkaimw Traveler rV'i Ilullia of Otilcin . , . . Woomndale I'rarl 500 l imit of Tuinalo I-amlro'lu' Earlientf v; U'j Kmulskrti. Scott's Emulsion is lis! ;: I L'ood, bone and muscle li feeds the nerves, strengthen '.'ic digestive organs and tliej .re l the whole body. For nearly thirty years Scott's Emulsion has been the 'reat giver of human flesh. We will sen y.m a couple of ounces fica. SCOTT & BOWNE. Chmlitl, 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. yc aad li.oo ; all druggiM. it VNS fit JCC-7.Y: for Infants end Children. ( VliO llrad of f hlire , r.lMlr-J CCm "" Kooteof Kiutlli . . EftOUCp SttU I inrai poote of Heeln . . . ten r nil ' v-uvuunici JO PRODUCE Which eollei't'un of Heedi for twenty five () ccnti endowed with the Order will ho mal ail. I should like lo mall each of my old . imjrtnrJTII 9m CfXHlC fo.tomrM and Irlende a Catalogue J( LAnllJItllIl 6a. 9Lfll9 Drrparrd to fill orders promptly and eatin- "lT' 1217 Market Street. JAMES VICK, FOnVE IV OF OCHESTf R, N V. MlMOCIt MaII O.OIK D.ATtNT. PHILADELPHIA, PA. ONE PACKAGE FREE ! Have you got Dyspepsia, Indigestion, or any kind of stomach ! I u ill end vou FREE a packaire of r ,,.ii taiduttt tac-ii U t.h bt remedy for the stouiach that 3 has ever been prerJ.Siilmve had more than 20 years' experience L .,..f..,.t:..i r. ,,.J,-- r"T-eaHJ'ornr2of stom.'r-nihle, such TflsyfmW'Tounty )V,n the stomach, heurt-burn, palpltalJoii i'ttV- My Stomach Tablets Nt ihpotomaeh'to digest food. is their mission. Tlu-y DO THIS by setting things ri!t in the slomaeh. Create new lite and outrzy by strentjthening the stoniarh. Any Form of Stomach Trouble be .-urrd if the risrht retnetly i- u-ed. My Stomnch Tablets is the C:l!l 1 have seen hundreds of very bad fies cured by them Remedy $ KfJIENVITII ARE TWO Among .v.aily leiunonmu-i. Stniwn, Tex., t-Vb. in, 1 "V. -. j.ihn Morrow, Suiiiir!ie!d. ). i -. .a- sir l'ie:ee llnd jio 1 in:iil me t'.Sree bnNi s ..t't a. -i.-ii Tr'.bl.'t-i. tlie.-o I .n-d.T !'.! : !,. 1 h ive takt n :d-it tv - and they cured me " sin- trouble. .Muiy oi" n.y U have tried them a.. I say i v are the best they have ever :.!. I could not !.vl en my t for many years, but I oi ho down now aad sleep ul:y-i- I liaj'i-en to lie down. Yours tnilv, K. I,. Kamsky, IUi.kin. 111., M.iy R !'': . Mr. Johu-M-'i-i-ow : b.-ar.-ir- Il.'Ciive.I of J. .'.ill's :or,i:l. li Talil.'ts and to..k tli. in acenrdi;i to dil-et i - l i - and I !;. i .or a v. ii eei rv 11 al .d .-avion. For : 1 .on a-- I would soiniilly both uii:'..! 1 h:,d iV t ! -! ' i arid I !;;. rv and e: last v. : Interchangeable iiHHi-Mile Refund Tickets. CoiiiiueiK'inK June I, IftfKl. iiitr cliatiKeabl,; HKlO-Milf IUfund Ti. kets will tie pliii cd on sle, lirnite.: to urn yenr from date of isMii, (fcl only f.r transHrtation of the nvrncr, with uninl free allowani of I.V) pounds m ii, over any of th followinR lines: F.AI.TIMOUK ANT) OI1FO HAllr llO.M). (I'etwcen all points enst ol tlie Ohio F liver and between I'ittj burn; and Kane. Also to and from pointioii Philadelphia and lo ud iiiK llitilwayand Out ml Iliiilroud of New Jersey between I'laladel phia and New York. ) C'fl FSAF'KAKK A XI) OIF If) RAIL WAY. (East of and liirbidiun Huntingdon.) I ) E L E W A F 1 1 :, L A ( K A W A X X A AXD WESTERN RAF LltOAD. ERIE RAIF.FIOAI). (East of and ineludinn Jauutown and Susix'n sion FJridge.) LEfFFdFr VALLEY RAILROAD. PEXXSYLVAXI A RAFLRi AD Thest tickets will lm ild at rate of f 10.00 each, subject to refund of $10.00 surrender of cover to Trunk lines Mil age Ticket Bureau, No. 11; Libert.t Street, New York, at any time within eighteen nioutha from date of pur rFvwe. ' ' " I Tins form of ticket will he is ued in dtiferenee to reipiest of numerous pat- ' rons of the lin-s in interest d"sirintf one ticket ifiml over several lines ' of having to' provide themselves tw m i present u it It a separate ti.'ket for each line they desire to u-e. ! A''nf ut principal .tatioin e? railroads naui.-d above will hsive !h.-. I H kel-.HI -ale nod L'ive ali f'l' lliei' oi- formaline r.-."ir I'uvj ! !iT:t ll.a! i v be reipliied. The Eminent kidney and Bladder Specialist, One of tl;e mot a I mi l.le liiftorieol relies in the I'nitcil Sliil.n is ao Ktig lih tnart drum, ihe property f Itieh- ard A. Pierce imsl, O. A. U.. of New f I'eilforil. Masr. S-eierul Ann rlenn bis torical societies liae lonif tried to i secure pos.krvsion i.f it. fur it is of revo lutionary fame, and probably is the only one in existence which is asso ciated with the first ha-ttle for An. eri ca n independence- Hunker Hill. It is battle M arred and lintterec! and beara the marks of eriice in that his toric liattle, when the men of lTT.'ide tersiined to no longer stand the op pression of the mother country. It has tiecn in the family of Levi Smith, of Providence, It. I., until re cently, when Urael Sn.illi. Jr.. the leadcrof the famoiisThirty-thirri Mass achusetts regiment band, now a reni !ent of New liedford. presented it to the post of which he is n comrade, and it is safelo My that, they will not part with it until the great majority of that organisation hove joined theif com rades who sleep in peace. Then it will adorn some conspicuous place in one of the government buildings Wash ington. It descended to Israel Smith, Jr., from his grandsire, Levi Smith, who was a drummer boy in one of the Uhnde Island companies, which followed the Quaker soldier, (ien. Nathaniel fireene, to MaAaehasett, to lend aid lo th, cans sit dear to the heart of every loyal American. W'hea given to the arrandfather of Mr. Smith that gentleman on his firs furlough took it with him to his home in Providence, and after repairing a piece of the barrel, which had been knocked out by a bullet and bracing the) barrel on the inaide, made this relic of Dunker Hill servicea-ble. and nsed it during the balance of hi term a a revolutionary soldier. The grandfather wan an expert-mtl such an instrument, at was a!.t. In Tlio Kiml You Have Always Iloiiht lias borne tlio signa ture itf C'liivt. II. rictclicr, niul lias Isceti iiuule under liU ersoiiitl Kiiscrvision for over '.Ut years. Allow no ono to deceive you in (his. Counterfeits, Imitations and jHst-as-jrtMd " are lut Kxperinicnts, and endanger tlio liealth of Children KxMTieiice against l'.periinriit. The Kind You Have Always Bought Lcars the Signature of J w i MawS In Use For Ovsr 30 Years. . rn.M. w, would :' el my stomach and le ad bet; in to pain tne. I am ir'.ivu to send part of tiiis p:i. kaie to my daiiiilitor, and if it helps b. r I feel . ire it wi'i., I will -non send yn.i atiotlier order. Yours trulv, Mus. tf. A. I il! KKi I'll. 9 i Z:if: THE OLD EN'f.I.IPn DRrf (Cajiuri i by tt.v.i.ijll.,i::iry S .l.litrs on Uunkt-r Ho!') ;M son. ar. ! it Otr ? k:-..-r.lf''--; :l-.a; ! - lh :..-: -s --ay.p-e. ' ,.r. ..! f T ' !. r-s, : .-;..-?ti . ' ;t 1: :. .-.o : i ' ear.- wMl. :. ' i- ..i.-i. '!: ! ; i.s in - ; j,-: . ; : uo -' can --v . 1; : - ed '. . a : ' ' ' - : ' --"c " rv.V " . : - e i . Liieral Adjustments. aompt RZrVErV!BEF-- H. HRRUEY SCHDCH, GENERAL HS( .ANCE ACENGV Only the Oldest, "tron :' (.'ah ('onijianieH. Fiirt, In. Ai-cideTit aiul Tnrtiadu. Kl AssessmeLts The Aetna Founded .'. " Htunt) , " American " The Standard : Tlw'Ncw York . The fldeliti. M; Yorjr Patronav.- To Fremii m Notes. ?, 181!) Asetet j ll,ii ,13.88 . 5f.S3 ,828.4 J. 10 ,84.3 " IS 10 ' !cnt Insurance Co : Insurance Co. .1 Life Association siHcited. 1 MPST LIBERAL CFFER OF THE VEAR. ( trwr The New-York Tribune Farmer . is a initiohal ilbistrali d imiiciiltmal n-ekly for tanners and tbeir families, and stuuds ;ii liennid .f the agri cnlturnl presjr. It is a prsetiitil paper f.r practical fanners, helping theiu to -ecu re the iaiircst j 1 1 I profit from Uio farm through practical nteihods. t It is eiTtertiiniirs, it tntct ive in. I praeticallj u-eful 4he fai''JT's jrhJ M;st:let. whime illletests it eom itJ?.WHTueliv uiuiuitr. ' T . - The reyulai" price i.-: I.i II piT . :n , bur o -ii 'In.ifrd time we will reciive ..;ir -i.l -',;; !;,. ii ;'or TWF. RW YOKK THIBLNEHAH.'dER ai.d a.- n r v. ur-ifhi :':,v. nil r. -I ni . T! M .1.. I.: Pot LdJll r- i.s Ml.- :iu Mi' : 1 4 A -end ... V. :- 1.: ;u ' !- My ell'er to let you try them FREE is based mi my faith in and ex"'co with my tablets ill curing dyspc( sia. Write me t once and the FREE TRIAL PACKAGE will be sent l.y im.-u niuil, and sooil oll w i.l be e'.Kc.l. : ;;-l'i-!-)-l i JOHN MOCKOW. ClioniKst. a 1-otvst Ave, i'iviu. U.I.U, OiilU. iMa tt t-i MAW M-yw Lj W.1i '..'. I B j r.-.r... "si-ri v IND0R HOUSE W. II. Ul' t'l.t'.lt. I'roiirletar 4lS Market Si., tlarrlsburjr Pa., lOppvtlw l. It. K. IH-iwI Kiitiam-O Nt'iillvl lor All I'raliiNv. Kaoms, 25 and 50c. tlooJ MeaU, 25c lluod ais'omnHHlutleita, t( Wn iu aal Hai H U ta t Lua'.iw Brouuvftiinlne tableis cure wild in day. No cure, no pay. Price J euK IT PAYS to .idveitisu in a live aiul tij-to-dato newsajvi'i', liv iv.still!i trv TJic POST. CKiCHESTEK'S EilJUSh FaHYBOYAL PILLS - .a.. -f'! i. V.B it r aaift l u.. ' i iTIimiw. ..Ul.wil.n.hliw. .... V"'oih.M t v.t.t.ta in u-a i 51 ""Hullo Uoa.i W..L-.1 UU Wui nbbnit ?sl.r, k. ru.c d.kuserou. ubti- Z"-"s mj. 111 i.ui,.t fc.r fai tloiluo, 14-U- la iuil il. ll..r r.,i in UUti 5 laii. ttt,Uta loumjuiulf boW V wurutxiu, CHlOHiaTBR OUSM10AL OO. a4U tsvuara, fUtUA-, 9 A. MU.atalaaa M Ml Guaranteed I'nder $20,000 BOND 0 THE KEYSTONE LAW AND PATl-.M CO., 107 Bcti BuiiJ. Init, Philadelphia, which is the ia only bomW Patent Agency in J the world, offer to make a Cluar- antccJ 5carch of the Intent Of it. flco RccorJs not merely their JJl opinion 1 Free of charge to i cad- eis of this Jol KNAl, who will tit hend a sketch, model or deisclip- u. It lion of their invention. Jj They will also give a certilleato Jjj of paieuuuuiity wiiieu win no ol Tie It:cov;.rer of Swamp-Root at WorS ia Eis LaSuratory. "The;-; :s i ciz'e.ise prva:!ing m thii co-a:r most canjerous because so dice?, tive. Many suiden deaths are caused by it heart ui.-e.ise. pneumonia, heart fadure cr apoplexy are often the result of kidney cissaje. If kidney trouble is allowed to ,d vanoo '.he ki:iey-poisoned blood will attack the vi'.-al organs, or the kidneys themselves break down aad waste away cell by ceil. Then the richiiejs of the blood the a.bumen leaks out and (ho sufferer has Bnght's Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's $wamp-Root the new dis covery is the true specific for kidney, bi-iiier and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless Cises, after ail other efforts have failed. At druggists in fitty-cenl and dollar siiea. A sample bottle sent free by mad, also a book telling about Swamp. Root and its wonderful cures. Aidress Dr. K.iiuei- it Co., b;:ij;iiunitou, N. Y. au4 mention this paper. r.J : t; : :irm j It. is Tvaei s drum oi : Cv j w hieh, l.v '. 1 : , h.ilf ;.i-.u:;.! ' ; i ?et !1 ; ;.e n litcnue 1, t j ,.f Win. - j d t L ; j . 1 i e . I; fa" i ?U'-LH ? dr.. L.-cei r '.cla - 2T n ' -ft" i '-!' tar .. B... -. tor - :ht . - p: i . rv: : ft: , rl.a-. i ' ; A ) "1 1 : ; 1 ; v. -4 -.-H is!4P ' - i-S)(l f : iff -1 it W) "ai Opium, Laudanan:, osnj -nd ii: L??3 hsairs pvr-MKUtiy cureu, tu r .wxv.'. t r '.r-.s ;r other -;'r".-.::.i"' ;. '.Vo :.:c:r natural cosdif-.1:: vc..:.. v- :.'.jvu prepared hv in -jmi-.c-.t ''avs-.c: ir. Cr:::ue::'tai -..-nV'-i.-'iia'. ..s;v: i.l." a22airfa Copt. 4 !i lizL TRtATHIENT . .... .. :e :. Wr::; : Jreau jy. Mow Yara City Knltllc.l In Vnathrr Drcr, Pr.if. Pinion Neweonib is ntiiu-s-tiouiiblv tie oldest an 1 teo-t e'oi nont ol Hun.,' miTici.u -.el. litis.'. The decree of doctor of pi .1. o,t,v was upon hi'ii reeeufly by tho Fuiveivity of I'hri .tittuj. lte 1 1ons to this tie received iunlar dogvees from 1J diilWeiil in.-.tituiloii.s Including a D. l. from Yule, folmubiii itml rv.nrtl. great assistance to tn inventor in ', An,-., compliinentii.g hliu upon his honors, ttua surprtscd to learn that the professor still desired another degree to hatbfy his ambi tion. Curiotdty drew forth the following cxpluuatlon from Vrof. Newcoiub: "Another degree should bt con ferred tipon me for tho rvmarkablo feat performed In rcuiciuberio all of uiy teertw. raising capital. Valid Patents w ith the broad tat claims secured on easy w eek ly payments. YYrito to-day. 5.5. WILLIAMSON, No. 3 Kuu T.'F. President. a a lt u Ci til iiUl-)iitH(ciiil(iili as e.i .i.c reai as f . .. s : f ' ' "This llr ti-'. lr:. waseapi it Bunker ilili, ai d a-i.-iici i-y J.t t- : LeiSt!.i.h.:iiiif. ic. r '. ''vc nfinci : ' at army. HfM roiul u- !. . - -..c.'lsi m 1 I Smi'ih, . sn'i iiT . l ti e . I Dese. uie.l in hrf s,.. Isuel Sir.!'., leader of t.' e baiui of tj-.e 'I !-..rJ-. ii.fd j Masritcii ilselti it; I aut ry . the !n;idiuar- t ter Oiiiui wr.iert ir.iiiTliru win .er matt frun Atlanta o t lie oi in and pren-iiict. by Mm to !. A. P:eret pt, r C pai tn.ilit i.f Mass aciinse ; t s, . G. A. K." ; The story, as told by Mr. Smith, w 'n, ' when n lad. !-n'. 't 'rem ht grtindfrtl r. : is a. braef one. ttiela.. loc.iiiied .lie , drum when tlio Britishers n.i..le t!:eir first attack on Breed', hi!!, was s.'-ot down aft the first volley, and the iuiric! of his drmii tlmo.-t. riddled with hub 'tts. After t!;. mivn.1 as.rnt, and! while King l!iorge' ti ! were b. iug ! raiiied f"i' llieif Hliu: a.i.i'ui I s OLOTHIITGr ...'.a :et la. I, one ' Uhodr Island went- ,.ver tb t lite i:.l coiiipuy in; i-i i.vlin lied back with him 1 1; i.s nlic. i Taken to the conipi.t.y ufttr the; Britiih had taken the hill, tho men in ! the conipauy drew lotsi for its ji..-st.-sien, and afterward, by unaiiiiiious consent, gave it. to the Itliode Islar.'. hiy, Ievi Smith. At the beii.niiig of the last cent in , Levi Smith, the grandfather, gave it to hfc eldest boy, Israel. Jr., and he had It redecorated by S, Brown, of Provldtfnc, who adorned it with coats of &ruu of tha Fimed States and Rhode ,IaWHt, while near the top wers the MUal letters of Ws father, "L. 8.M G-rcjceries I haw a fu'.l Line -i Or. kect i;i a First-s'asi 0"; evi ry.r F. P. KUSTER,