M1DDLEBURG POST. ANOTHER HERO. Let tn tell you of a hero who has nerer marched away. With gay flag above htm Hying, to bo fi-.-irlcjs In ttu fray: He h never heard the rattle of the rll1e or the rear Of the hMVoc-ilenltr.K cannon a the sheila hi Mi'caii.i;.u oYr 11 Is pot a KnK.irt o.l'cr. nivl the norlj knows not hl name. But, unlimrcUil. urn,v;.i.'..l. J. he's a hero, Just th Mine. Ah. the turkey was .1 .'.!. -loun that they ru'e,! il on hi plate. An.l hi r al his troth, r chat- i.rc.l payly ;. :h.- ate YI:h a llixuiih: fin i'.i.-v he Kiiitly pushed his wi ne m. at all asi.le Anl he Tiililil t the g'.zx.-mt and a mr uti-ic I- i-M Th.n he s'.i i'l his bunch of raisins In h.s p... ket on the sly And was sorry that he couldn't hl.le away hi. Piece of pie. At the corner by the alley, whixre the win.l hnwhsl all the day. Sat a !.; boy at a window while his mMher seweil sway. And he held a bunch of raisin and a wishbone ih.it was bare. Tastlns still the iet,.er white meal that h i.l cli-.rs so latdv there. 1 have told vou of m hero; men may never itive him fame. Hut 1 thlr.k he hs a tablet up In heaven, iiiM the sane - S. K Kiser. In " hi. -: Kecord-llerald. 0000000X00 ON THE ISLAND. By S. Rhett Roman, 0 j PHE water rippled in small waves, j 1 Moke into a narrow line ol foam, la n up a short way on Uia wide, jrrry bench, then sliii Inn k into the ocean, to bepu again its monotonous liaik-iiii'l forth luovement until, the Cide turning, the wavelets would swell into breakers nnd tlniiuler sJid roll on the liar.: Mind. A young woman, who seccied more suited to Trouxille or Hht ll:irtor 4han to this wild, solitary spot, st on the upturned keel of a boat, ship wrecked and buried in Uk shiugie, jiit-t lieyoinl the reach of the tiiles, bull u century ago. and whose dimen fcions could not be guessed at, by the siuiill jKirtion still visible above the shifting, heavy white saiul, and looked seaward musingly. Marjorie Stanford pushed liack the t-truw lint which hail been shading hex face, niul Jet the setting sun shine full upon h r. and the sea breeze alow at will mining the light strami of curl ing brone-brown hair escnpnd from fhe comb which held thoir riuh masses in ilace on the shapely head, held oa as u deer dot when startled. Marjorie bv all the rights of laws dirine and indestructible, should have had some oue-l)V her sine. .snro line'attire, having a siifficifflt amoiui ( of good looks, youth and brains, to correspond with those which a bounti ful I'rovidcnce had so liberally vouch- j jifed her. I'.ut she was alone. There vns not ii sign of life unywhere near The lor.g beach ryi out on o:: - . bare niul solitary, curving off .-. tiini lin- and melting into the tint.-, of i .ky :inii water. On the other, it ended jibruj'i .-. where an ;irni of the sea : f the sea j me closer sllol!" Ilk- 1 sep.iraicil she isian-! tr ms one closer burying yourself ulive in this lutr in si. ore. on which i-i:t;.:' shoit" !lk- ' baric wcy. Nor does William wuht while specu ii. tin . :.n! tin- i you. 1 know him of old. He was ul- wa!i.- i ! tin uii: for; wer:- li..r-.i visi- i ways selfish und self-centered. i)e. J Never gave a thought to anybody but LooUinir ariMUn! a: the immensity himself. He is uceustomed to Ann f liie i.ee.,1.. tit:i: the eotnpiete luneb- ' IhiwsotV care of him. and she knows Utes :' t,,.- scene. Mariorir iauglim! his whims und crochet, und they ru f ul:. aim thoupnt what her uu- 1 both would lie better pleaded with mcroae friciiiih ei-ewnere wouit! say j ottt you. fee coiivineed. oiul t:ie in:! see hT siting on the . -As for your sacrificing yourself, rottoi, i.i.r. of old wreej; il this j uuc shutting up yourself on that dis-Oe-o;ai- jiiace. w:tt. nu'j tic s-a and j Biul isiuutl jurt to see that William's a. few sei. guli.- !a- eompanv. niiik pruel is al: rigiu. und to let Llni or Jiiirinm r-:ati!"rii i:ai; tweu a ; s.ueer and growl ut you, it is sheer briiriit am. pa iieiaar star ii. Uie j Quulotie uuiiseuse! You will grow l:ru..ini-'iit o faiiiot;. iirubT her ; luIlJ UI1(i ull,j v, William iun'. Mr Wi! Manfon'V rui'ianee '. j; ut ,.yv pruteful. I t-ll you !. larieui s-usous. am. had tasted j j j.uw jljni child. We were brought liie sweeu : i. Mir): am: brilliant . together, and a leopard does not life jt dg - it.-, uie- ca;.ttas. i'U. at change bio sjiou, rememU'r. ljotm lmu a:t :!'- "Xiie uaiiL'er is, lie inuv ret used i;..Ts Jiai' i i. ii gr-at soctai ue- -e . a-'! sio had r-iim-i'. royalty (ivi-r that small eirci vWuci. mjes the worid am: its rin-r?. l.v r-.ai. of ner w-v remarkable-le-autv. am! ti.ut Wiurii. which Ameri can wolii'b i"-'- par excellence. Mario; til- lo w o!;.e: i-asi he- ' jo-r j A w had "Wit aeeiistoiueU to ..gallon- i'J life o"l by '. fasiii.-i- of our uny. and the s aouiuti"!. wiiiej. s'irroun'jei.1 i,i ei.jn r;,t va.- sharp with .-S.-IT .:-' - or-. ai ".air. w b;t' mlT of r ;i r : ' r eiirons - i:, itioi!i-s bruit:- t be sr'-n-X" s'-a tieaTiii - .it 'j' j-Kl-: ,' '. tw : a W fc. i- J in oil: (I! oil"! dllijli'il I," I !.;' . t liey jo-nlly luin . a.- il & ept 111. . Miofev. til '. I. o-'l'.ie.t. li' ' Jill- V. .1 .el t, o1 t -llt i-ilWaI't! .Xlut'oTie i.i ij V..-! iii.i.t'.et. I' ; i : , 1- li" . I. ol. T I ol ' , D.I tl.ee ill h'-l miii IIK-I . "VuU Slliv tiling.-! no. you uie J-aiiipi-i vd by tji-h aii'l sliaciiie.-? ou weie Jiol bll'-heii is ill. the gioriouz rgiil lo lin-, aii our own i.vct, as y.ju picaM-V., giMii uccuuut to uoue, I learn that you have luade up our and r i spout. uii only to yourselves I mind to remain there. I aiu uot writ iur what you picabed to do? You j ing what I think or feel, ouly what juuat iitcus faalcu your own exinV- , proione doing, faithfully, -uoe io that of another, aud forerex j "AHUilEVf J,lUaNOTON.M lrawMr the right to order your own , A Bbuxp ruice cauicg, broke ia oa LMilur, live your Mepn yow PH yr-ia' ius40g, af tlm rtyly Unci, and for your own gratifica tion?" The hub slanting from the west must have tent a message to the sea gulls, lor rising suddenly, and slink ing the stilt brine from their long pinions, they went swiftly seaward until ll.ry wore suullnued tip in t he 'jlut'8 nnd greys of sky niul wutcr. "Not leiig htmitin. they mny he pood mmiwuiions,' Marjorie mused, "lie may be so iibnorlxMl In the pleas- j ,nR ,K., ,lpa,i)n f catching fish, that ': . . ,. i i j ' '"' relieved of hi company 1 most of the time, nnd she may find ; niuch pleasure in looking after the children. Verba ps thev are n newly .. ,1, ' i " married couple, they seem so fond of ' each other. He exident'y can't do ) without her-for tint time being. x Vr. hlu,rlIv oa 0l,Hr,gr. unless ; Mwnt from Come, Turk, let im have a stroll and ; s(0 jf WP ,.nn e pood company for ,.iher " ! j A big Newfoundland, who had been lying on the sand, got up an'd majes- t'it..,;lv .,.N.J bv her side, while tiiev , . , . . 'M roiled down the beach, nud the evening liclit faded. When it was quite dark they turned into a road, built high and tirm with beaten shells, which ran towards1 ft clump of wind-swept tree quite a lUsUinee back from the const line of the IkIhuiV They sheltered, or rather surround ed a Lug, rambling, weathsr-beaten house, evidently inhabited, for lights streamed out from the span doors nnd windows, into the mild spring air. On it deep veranda nut an e-1-derrv gentleman in an armchair. clearly a confirmed Invalid, whose thin, clear-out feature bore just enough resemblance to the contour of Vlarjorie's face, to proclaiu'i him her father. Vut It was a querulous and an evil faca, tne from whieh all kindliness if there had ever lieen any and intel lectuality, wera gona, extinguishtd and worn out by constant suffering and rears of Ul-heulth, which peered out at Marjorie. "Ijite. aa usual. Your society man ners. 1 jiresume. Yon forgot I was wuiring and it is past ta tiro,'' be said, with snarling emphasks, as she came up tho steps. jt: Oh, no. There's quit half an hour yet bsfore tea. I was walk ing on the beach with Turk," she an swered, pleasantly. Throwing her hat on the hall ta ble. Marjorie went indoors to see about those ever-recurring, small du tieis, the prelude of the last dull meal of each day, cheerless occupa tions which brought neither pleasure nor a retr'. l peace to those on the island. What h:1 brought Marjorie there? A curious, persistent thought, that whether r ! hed It or not, she, his er , " m 'l queriilotis recluse, . .ing more morose year ly, who J sent her off, first to school, then to her aunt, seeming . ! to lie rid of a responsibility -..irh was solely his, after the death f her mother, long years ngo. There were letters on the table. She reud: "Hear Marie When nm I to expert you back.' Jt is simply ntisura, your to seeing you uriiuun Uie house and refuse to consent to your leaving later on. lie is as capricious as he is despotic. As it is. he due-siTt cure just now whether ;im leave him or not. and 1 know Ann Dawson would iike you out of her way. So for Leuv- j en's sake paei your trunks und join I me at oie e. iiefore going abroad we an snii u week or two in Cunutiu. 1 1.1JOW SUIlie Olie who is illC'lllSi "iul'le at vuur sutiiieu flight just at present, lint you are well acquainted with noire niomie.' and un know Imw liiany eonolei crop up when the siirT-rer owns ti few millions. Al-e;-.dy .leeiiim- t iioton thinks she i n i r shoes. 'Jiiis century is tov o'.sy i'lc; Mii-irnniNii'i wh!i play roi j.Htsore us w 1! Us "ik i, let Je o ;-c think uiije!. iitel l-m;' ou r i.liy oJj.e .em:' or pei-M.ni. Write or wire u u ui-ll to epeet J'l'l. .Now. for tiji i,i-4ivi-:'s si ie. .Vijl ior'i. In- sensii'.e , J i. ml ciin- otice. Iv.miig'y. ' ':v , "' MJ.'ll: .-.I .J yl.I." i "V. wi'! :,' .ar shojijung in l-'uris." . ,, i .V;. r-tM- pvt it dow 0 it h a Mtlile . i i'.ic: ii sigh and took up tiuoiliei-. ,ii. j wiio.-e riii.i-. trin lia nd w riling d! ..eil 1 ecw u it inaseiiUue aulUoisrip. It ; null- j '"im; enti have no conception of I now much you nre luibhcd. If you j i.u'l you would are at hatst u trifle I i " I'.ooe you lei t so uoruptly to I .-.on ouisclf up on thut horrible is ' I;, ml. Vour aunt bus dcMsriimd it to iiie. If you are deteriuiued to re uiiiin theic, I will nm dovtu to bee you LmuB8 you pobiUvely ob you may sue liie at any time should folded the letter and slipped it in its envelope. And while sitting at table with hsr father, and listening to his querulous comp'slnts, and usual abuse of hie manager, who was "a d m fool and knew nothing ubout Sea Island," so he declared, although ti e continuous successful results obtained from t'ie fields stretehiug far back inland seemed to prove the contrary. Mnr jorie's thoughts were occupied with several queer conundrums. Why wns she so averse to seeing Andrew Ver rington? Of course he was a charm ing fellow, lfut Knnnie Onrston was welcome to the succession if she de sired it and the owner of t!iose sev eral millions. Then'again. being of better service, nnd quite uiidcsired, why did she per mit in cutting herself oiT from t'.ie en joyable life she wns accustomed to, nnd lead that of nn anchorite, on this solitary sea girt Island? Looking eriticnlly at her father, he seemed to be pathetically worn, nnd even in his grim snarling humor there was n suffering which appealed to her pow erfully. Marjorie was discovering strange and unsuspected depths to her na ture, one she had hitherto thought quite ahsorbed in her Idle, pleasur able life, in cotillons and chiffons. Marjorie stopped, to caress Turk, and glancing up found William Stan ford's eyes fined on her with a look she had not seen there bcfore Marjorie's smile back hod in it the charm so few could resist, and al though her father roae and went slowly out of the room without speaking, she felt as if the horrible solitude surrounding her was bro ken. "My poor darling, you hi net go without me this year," she wrote her aunt. "It may be that I asn not wanted here, but 1 can make bis life more tolerable, even against his will, and 1 will try the venture. The sea view Is gorgeons.. Turk and 1 lux uriate in the surf, and I am making quite a number of friends among the sea gulls. Remember me wbea you are in the Iiris shops. KJise has ray measurement, you remember. The day may come when I will emerge from thee Solitude and iy back to the daret aunt in Uie world. Fondly. "MARJOCIE." And Marjorie also answered the other letter. '.'No, I cannot possibly go back to my dear, joyous life of pleasure and freedom, nor must you come here. Iter you will he glad I un tinkt&d and unappreciative to-day. It Is quite solitary, but the sea and the winds are my friends, and the waves sing grand anthems, and I am always busy. Don't try to remember and you will soon forget- Y'ours, with mTm. pleasant reicolleetions, cin.. -MARJORIE" STANFORD." The days and the weeks passed. Then months and years. Marjorie's father, old and decrepit bnt not feeble, cling to her with a tenacious, exacting affnetion which demands her presence day and night. Heautiful. but graver, with a spir itualized expression not bet in the days of her social triumphs, Marjo rie's many cares and occupations make herp a busy life Indeed. Her moments of recreation are those when, tlipjnng away, she goes slowly along the beach witii Turk for a companion, w hen the tide Is low, and her friends, the sea gulls, etrcle over the water or dip in the waves. The post brouglit announcement er.r-.s on Tiffany paper. The mar riage of Misi Foiinie Crston to Mr. Andrew Bryon Perrincton. ' A slow flush spread over Marjurie1 face us she read. N. O. Times-Democrat. CalB't Be Boas at. It happened in the south r"t the iiew south, but the old south, where they liied in the same old way, re lates the Brooklyn Eagle- The enterprising yunkw tiiougbt he saw- Bome "opport unities." "'Hiis looks like good land." he j OTTl If ienTfl I "It is." replied the native, carele.- . , . . ... . , .. uui j i yi iir I r f iiihat; j the most of Jt." ! "They don't," admitted the native. "I could make tLree tim as much out of it as they do." i "You eouid if you oould get it." "Can't I get it?" "Well, hardly." ".Not if I pay twice- what St'i worth : to the present owners?" "You couldn't buy it for tn times : what it's worth t" them." "Why not?" "htranger," said the nathe, weari ly. "VOU-don't s.el)j A) jUite get the l;ang of things here. If they hold they'd have Vo moe awuy, wouldn't they?" "Of eourM-." "Well, they're Vj la.y to move." Hvw'm Jills We offer Ouh Jiundi'ed DoHiuk Jii-naid for tt'iy cae cf (Jul hi rub that cannot hiU curd bv JJall'e ; Ontttirh Cure. I V. J. CLeneyiC, Toledo. Q V, iLe undci bigiiud Lave kuowu ! V. J. (Jliouoy for iLe lut 10 years, j and believe hiai perfectly Louorulbe IIU till bUbillfcrid ti ua luctiouti uud ' tluuiicially a i ile to carry out auv obli- ' outwiiiki niuiii litf iliuir 4irni Wkbt&Tkcax. wLoW.e Diugge8t. lOledO, U. WAhblNa. HlMKAKttJ Alt' vie. W'holeaale Uruggutu.Tolodo.O. Hall's CuUrrhCure ia Ukou ioUr uall.v, actiiiK directlp upou the blood aiidluiucous hcrfaoe) of tbfl aybteiu. Tubtimouial beat freo. 1 'rices 76c. per bottle. Sold by JDruggeeta, UaU's Faaid Vim aid the bt. Take LAXatlVC JJrOUlO QUIHIIIC Tailets. flJy A on evJ Seven MMon oe aoM In past 13 Some showmen of Brooklyn lately found it necessary to kill un elephant M - which, by her vl-1 lleflaemcnt of , ' cioiisncsR, had be- icellna-. come a menace to the lives of her kecpi rs nud the pub- j lie. With the true showman's in stinct, they planned to make the execution a spectacle. Death was to be attempted simultaneously by poison, by shooting, and if these methods were not effective, by drown ing and strangulation. The affair, duly advertised, was to take place on on island in on artificial lake the shores of which would make an amphitheater for the crowd who wcrs willing to pay the price of ad mission. The spectacle had already been advertised when the "society with the long name" stepped in. There the mutter ended. "Topsy" was Killed, but not in the presence of any crowd who paid to see the sight. More recently still an asso ciation In Connecticut announced a public mouse-killing contest as one of the attractions of an approaching cat show. A thousand live mice were to be released In a ring about which the patrons of the show would gather, and prizes were to be award ed to the cat which made the quick est and most numerous "kills." Here again the Society for the l'revention of Cruelty to Animals Interfered. Tta action was vigorously opposed, but public opinion sustained it and it won. Without that intervention there would have been no added cruelty. It was necessary that Topsy" die, and In the economy of domestic life H Is often necessary that mire shall die; but it Is not necessary, as the Youth'e Companion point out, that the death of cither be made a public entertainment. Death, even that of an animal, ia at best a pa thetic mystery. The finer feelings re volt against making an exhibition of it, and in these two instances, as in count less others, the Boclety for the Pre vention of Cruelty to Animals per formed a service for decency and civ ilization. Into what confusion people are sometime thrown by feigning wis- . . doro; presuming to There Are Thlaajs fe know thing's when X"V KTVley not know them. The good old professor stood before the young man who had asked auch a question, and said, frankly, "I don't know." Seeing a quizzical Wk on the face of theyonrig man, he said: "Look here, you are surprised at my saying, 'I don't know.' The truth is, 1 do not- know but I might have at tempted an answer, and so given you he impression thatl did know." Then, looking into the young man's face, he said, earnestly: "William." never be afraid to mj you don't know if you don't. It will save you much trouble. You thick 1 know a lot; but there are a great macy things of which 1 am ig norant, and I am cot ashamed to say it." 'LoLg years have gone since the old profeteor talked with his young friend, say the Ueptist Union, but the UiesiJr.g tf the old i: an grows clearer as the years grow shorter. Only ti foolish and ignorant pretend to "know it all." "1'rofefo-ing tliem fclve to be wise, thy become fools," said J'aul, s-akiog of the Komanr; but ihet tribe ha ct paired from the earth. It is only the humble heart that i the teachable Leart; he who thinks he knows even thing is in a doubly tad way; he in ignorant and do cot know it, and hit heart iaclosed ""her . I (.ynt de MoDtesquiou wan invit- ! ed to a fashionable dance in New York. When he arrived, says the Cincinnati Commercial-Tribune, the h teas sent word she was dressing. After waiting an hour, he said to the hostesk, who came down at that minute: "My cards said ten o'clock." -Jiut ," kaid the lady, "that means 12 iu New Yolk." With an icy man- 1 ner, the count said: "in J'aris it is irood n.auiiert tj aecepl iuitatioiis ' jiuiK-t iitliy at the hour one i;- in : viled." And lie was evictly rij'ht. It is ood iiiiii.iiers iu this country, ! too. uinoiJK tho who have good i luanncic. 'i lie count went home I williout fuither i.do. DR. FEKNEP.'S KIDNEY - Backache All diseases of Kidneys, . CURE oiaaatr, urinary or an. A l.v i Khsuinatisui, au;k acbe.HsrtlUe&ie .Gravel lirovuy, f ouialti Xiouole. Don't become dUoouraged. TUr Is CUISforvou. If inxciirv writs li. VemiL - He has W a llfu tlmecuruu? Just audi wwesasuurs. au cousuuatuius fit. "Vuur Kidney sud liackuche Cure hat cured two very bad caw aiuougour cuaLo- uiurs ius pasi year wn.jiii iuf uutuin hilu given up. J. L- bTIi-L & CO., WooUlaud, Is.' urugnuu. ouc.. ti. ah r coos nooa-fres. To Cure a Cold in One Day months. Thfa Sfen&tare. SlC'jGyrinrL' bOX. 2V I sisnfttare,1 i Masai, FOIfUtlE Stvle and in rices mm THE EARLY SITTER. Little Ifome-Made Ilevlee by Which Her ruefulness t'su lie Mate rlallr looreased. Setting aside the question of ex pensive incubators and brooders, while at the same time admitting their desirability, if our purse would admit of their possession, we Bhould try to utilize the early sitter. The latter ia either an early molted hen or an early hatched pullet, nnd If well fed and warmly housed since the beginning of cold' weather,' she is broody about midwinter and ready for a chitr'SOtigs, iii"g one of the very first to take to the nest, she is valuable, and her value may bo greatly increased by the aid of a little homemade device or two which will enable us to utilize her incubat- BROODER FOR A FRW CIllfKS. in qualities to their fullest extent. This can be done by ' milking a cheap brooder, just large enough for one brood of chicks. For this pur pose a cracker box may be used. Make a door of the front end and nail some strips cronswise inside, and about four inches up from the bot tom. On thene a slutted frame should be placed extending about half the length of the box. On the frame a-square tin tank about live Inches high and about as long and wide us the frame should rest. A rimmed hole should be lnude. iu the top of the Uink and a lurge cork ued to fit the hole, A cloth eur tain t-hould hang from the front edge of the cross strips to the floor of the box, us shown in the illustra tion. J hen, vi lie n the eurly it ter hutches her first lot of chick, they thould be tukcu from her uud placed iu a hoiin -made brooder buck under the tn nk, which t-hould be tilled with hot wuter. Morning uud night the tiink I tliouid be refilled, wjiich will supply , njlticieiit wuruith for the chicks hud ' 'lied lji lieu Hi it. They can lie fed iu I In' front purt of the box while until!, ii ml lutcr lie placed where they may enjoy u lit lie oM'ii run-uiiy, uud fed outside the brooder box. With the chicks thus cured for, Iho ! hi u may be reset wil liout uny in i jury to her, uud her utility tlnii doubled. f dhe be u iiiiituie hen ! of two ycurs, she jniiy be reset a I Kccoud time, muking tln ce brood , from her iu nine weeks. 'J'liU in a ((ood pluu to pursue, either with the ordinary flock or Willi thorough bred slock, iho chlckai thrive in close quurters in cold weather, end business at our olll ju suuies -1 r. .. . . . . oAIca I w,ui luo Per u amona . ,T Imnlne-s cnickg manoga as sujfgeEtca la Uie single brooders ia very small u. ieed.i)rnuge Judd Farmer. mo Dl'Sfc Alliericuu Jiewspuper Wtt i'ublick Occurrtiijces It appeared iu X030, aad Wa prowpUy If you are Sn nml of Furniture, C'arM't, Mattings, IIugM, OilcUli, I iimeillll,rl!io; Curtain", Whitlow Simile, l'idurt, am! I ii-tuiit r raiius, give un a i-all. W miii you in eun Our Htoi'k i new ami tii to-dnte. It is no trouhle to hIiow go(Kl8 niul tiiiotu jiriim IvKl'AIULNG neatly ami promptly ilone. Lewistovn Furniture Co., No. 12-14 Valley St. Felix Block Spring Openin? At the NEW STORE Sunbun Larger stook and prices I,, than ever. Our Store is 15! with new tilings for Spring m jtimhIs, Greniulincs, Voul iJ i:.,.io e:ii, vt':.,i iv k1 ..rvmct, ui I IV VT UiniHy J TCSB Jteuutifiil line of Hulls, Sp Jackets, Wrappi-rs, Muslins, (ii UinghaniB and White Spread, "We will have a special &! Ladies Musclin IM wear, May 1st to the We will have the most baii line of underwear ever slion Sunbury. 20 yds. muslin $1.00 33 yds. muslin $1.00. 3 calico sc and 7c. $1.00 White Spread 85c $1.00 Table Linen 20c to L Come in and see, no trail show. I H. F. Clem me! 446 Market St., SUXIOY, Three doors east of the MarkelBj FURN1TUR Do yon need any furniiut! If so, don't fail to come toed store and get our prices. We can suit vault style and prices from the chew est to the batq grade. Hard wood, golden oak M Only $2M Mattresses - Ucdsnrinrs - Si. Good v Tliitt l 'liuir, lliM'krrn, 1 'iiui-Iii-. ImiuiiIh, lHlli-y Hint rlinil' I. union 'l ulili-s, llul.) Sllll Ou-41lU. M. I1AUTMAN riJKMTCKE i MllMluliur M ..eH Schroyer 8- Smyrf FIK1C INSUKANCfl AGI O NTS- Itepresent mill 1 I'HN'luwf!"1, Iilillicd Mglllilli; Uluuai' M Tlirealiiug pemiii granted. ! Wflop,..,,.i.,l. ..ii,.,l l)V oU' imuics to Issuu i ilicics aud lice. J i ii 1..,., i. ....... i...,i.ul In o XVII UllOJIlCBB B.LUDIA ' will be promptly attended w "-i i or other wine, Of f ICE cHEBTfWT s lo Oeliroyer'i Building, u'i eEIiINWJKOVE. J Bnyder County, ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers