The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 21, 1903, Image 2
MIDD.LKBURG POST. Mercantile Appraisers List 1 he venders of foreign ind domwt c mer rhatvli etc., tn Snyder county will lake notice that lliey are airaird end deala-netl by the undciagne 1 t aier I mercantile and otner U-ei for Ihe year JW. ee follow! to-wlt : Hllttanian. I" W, horae pwdl Hi rinau. XX H. men liandiae Mi.ldlcw.irth . Mattern. niervluaiidlee Vohn. XX m A, Cigar littler. J.lin K, X eater. A A, furniture l.itrl ltowcr-o. A Vesdc, Merchant!! rau-t it II t'ie.te K. I cr.XV XI. lonfectioncry Kmr, II S. Merchandise s, lil, A B. Vill'.rary Snyder. W It. tt.vf an.l tinware Mettler, W V rdcyelo Shirk, J P. hardware Strolickor J . drnc Torn. J J. confectionery Brjwt.J V. Uore imw.lrt and medicine M'ier. Aaron It. me;.t Rlck.l. V .V, I nrdware nril mT F.-lker V id.'.lew i 111, meichan.h : kohlcr T-ioma. mi -e Ixrni;. J HI Co. rrde Peter. .'nm H. m.1-e R..uh. XV K, oirar SMrcy. Iadt, implement Shircy, V r Ua', miMineiy Shell. nl' rirer, .1 H. nicrchndie Vlh. Shircy A V. mW Mdllcwarth A Holtxl". tiliim rotor. H I, M vesaml tinware CVVTKV FranV Vittcr, rod HlnCiaman. r F. oisara liundore, S C, mde Vrdlrv, K P. confectionery Herman. J T, rndae Itifr, II V eoiif-ctionerv Shower C SI nde Spanker. J K. clg" Snmni II. .1 , druar V e'tet. K H. oonfcoiinnory Hover. Alien, furniture ii aria n KMicr. V .1. ml !oniUCi. Hnrel. tntlar kcr-t.-tior. XX'ni n.nirar lime. .1 S. m.t. Kme. XI. k. miie l.'in.- i.e.- s. nut--Vr vr Pavld. mile Troiin r A. carer mMU rv. B-iver ilia. mde I'u.ter. h li. mil C.ifl. Ti F-. mil S. haefTrr 1 K. vl Mnioiilon. rlertvr. md Swarts A UrayhUi. nut Steiniiifrer Hro. eon', anil prn'u Vine. W T. e.i end train liruvnii: C W, clear. Vranklm Vllluir On. Frin .1. KiiN TanHrTnai. A h. rmic IVrk. H V m.1r !l..rmii n.inic;. Hear. NrrlinoU. Irwin. mfrr-lar1ir llumm-i A A. dmc hcnlrt, V.irlUM-1 A ,aUllT Mirmi.Karitii Aiiranu. Arthur AV, mi oil .Ailaniu lr.uiru: (V. r:oi Aunuxl. I" C. wlllinrr fevr. W H.jDdw flarkrnKan:. S A. Y ' 'r Irrnnau. K k-aaodlrr loiilt li V . ouTti "lowry . i lri'U l.r. mil.'. iifirnial.. 1 I'uir. l.:- !- r TrraTi(!t:nirirf K A. ii' cl.ii i -v ' .1 ,--. .., .....-. ... .J . I . . - T il 'lrr , - V."l V , IlU. I 'A , Lajoi I ?non, 1. A, Hooka Huck. J H. rl(arn ( harlra, H K. Murn Taylor, K vnia I arv. A I , KriMrrl''a It..I.I.t, II J. II ur ami fwd IHnhtrr, K K, rvalailrAlit Ih-ol.l.-r. K K. rriMtmand iw'iftilo-wrjr i:lt.lte.rlll, & 1 Bll.l llH.Ufl llolmoa lint. K.''.l.llir I T, p oriii'a H. tln. k. Z T. llai iil. k t Son hardo ar l(itoini-l rd M . luuilter kfrlry A Sun flollmiK ; Kl'r, J C, rorntin'o and I'lrtra ' Killm'il tal.lca , Krt-k. A H. Mi.m Koc ra A, Itldar 1 I aml iilarT. I F. oir I iliit-lon. II II. (iiriutun 1 Meek, t X . Ili.lw . Millrr. II K P'il O.I1IUI1 a I'liirli noliona lil-ynr Mlna .1 W, all r , 1 1. N, rml W atrrnwllpr. O.. driTan'l coal mul. Frank K. meal hHUr.v Foniv meal . hrocr. M s, .hoca and hanlare . Minister, lr . lVlcr. drnira . mi. li inn. Kdw. C cont.Alionery I il. I IK V K. (tmceriea lai k. C M. cinfo-tumcry Kant John. wnfoiHioncry S. hnnre. II IV r.un Viirlmn, A . hili'HM and pool tables liakor. L IV wall paper IM.X n,cr. W M, niTvhandi Hoicar A Hinirainan. flour and fi-cl An.old. Adam, ciirara ! lnl dore, N T m r.'hanrtie Klan.lera. eo. F. mdw Flamteia, S. md e Kine. h. H,grocene Sprenkle, 1 1". confectionery Snv.lcr. Jerry it. hanlware and fnrr.iture Se-linH. S mix1 S.-hrawder. W II clirr Tnnitman. H nnle XVilliania. Vn. K ' , nid-e , Viw. .tolin 11 coal . hrw.ter, H H. eonf.-cliiinery r!amr. Ja.-oh H, .temelrv WtltXliT Charle. .lerry. men'handi, Fi-i'nlianr J F. flour and feed I'l.'ler I earl, oikum I Hard y B F.mdae 1 Hain. P I. furniture Mover F, driiir" 1 Shotrherfer. talvin, confectionery i StrauN H I'. mdi Murk J H, nt.-vea and tinware Schnce. H N. flour and feed X antlorn. .T K. eitrara I x eaver. ti X . ciirarx .la.'oh. eiuar and einfis tionep i 'haa A. eonfcionerv A(H al will le held al Ihe OommiaaiontVa Offlee. May SM, : S. Cll A. A. OilSS. Mercantile Appraiaer, Apr l -S s. Trmelville, Ta Rejister's Notices. Nolle la hcrehy KWen thai the following naineil prraon. ha lllol their Atlminitr..-. tiuardiau and hiecutura aiuiil In the K.'i... ter al like of llllrr t oiinly. and lUe r e havlii tx en cartilled Ui under the late rn'ca of l ..iot will lie niem-nled for onflriiialt a d allow ance al Hie Court Houaa In XI lU.llelmrt h. J.mi.lay Jiinelri, WW, via i 1. Kirai and flnl account of tirnnte K ulm ailmliii.lraloro theealate nf lialliara A. Kultr. Inle of XX a.lnnitton Iwp , dee'd. 2. Flr. and flnul acconnl of Amanda YonnT. Kicvhlrix f larael iiuntt. Inle oi XXet Iliaver ta p., div d. GERMAN CROWN PRINCE. Hla Father Una riaaaed, m Moat terratlas Kducntlonal Trip for the Yoaas Maa. Further partlnilari concernin(f thn itinerary of W ilhelm, th rriiKaitiD crown iirince, and hi brother, l'rinrt) Kitel Frieilrioh, huxe jiit been nmtia ktroxvn In liorlin. On Murch 1 th ! prim-ei w ill net out from Trlffte on I Us: V II ffll II ii v II VI t Ural and final account or John A-Moaia. . , . . . , Ke,uirof latluwma Miyder, lal. tXO Ilwtltll. ottr thnuiffh h(TJ t I1U .1 Middlcb Hull. dee d. I. Flrat and final account of Jaooh tlllhert. a.lmliii.linlor of the en-alo of F.lltn t.llbert, Inte of Adania Iwp , dee d. V Firnt and final acc'int of Joepli Kline, r ieiiilorif I vi K. Trvaater, lata of XI eat Hea ver Iwp , dee'd . rirt and Anal aeci.nt.l .lfred Sieht, Kxecutorol Hie Miaiv cf ."opliin Kloi k. line id leaver tap., d. e'd. T. Hrl and llnal account of Alfrel Spe. hi, Fieculor of Ihe e.lale of hllna wclit, lU- of llvarcr two , dee'd. s. Firl and final nccnnrl of Vaiirarct. Km and Samuel H lT.-r. Kevuima of Hie e-tale ol J.nd Ullirer. lata of Mld.ll-iek twp.decd. a- Firt and final account of Henry Swarm, admtnt.lrator ol !nan Sw arm, lal ol Fiaualin tw a ,i1ec d. lil. Ftrl anil final accom.t of H. A. Ilmver .ii r .it lun liael llovtr ilc-crt-.! and Attornev In fact r..r the heir an.l l.'iraue ol rtiralHlh Itoyei, Imi'Ii Inte of I enter lown.hip, deceam'd. 11. Flratand flnal account of II. J. Duck. K ei'utor of t ic e ale ol llni iici Frautr., la'e of Franklin Iwp , deed. I. Fir t and final account of S. XV. Ttutt t D XXertr, ailm'l llral-rof the etat of An drew Trull, late of X'.onroe li , dec d. i.L Fil and final liccoi'nt of lieorire S. Klne administrator c. t. a o' the .into i f lalierinc Klne. lale of Chapman Iwp , .le d. 14. 1 r and partial of lanlel i amp hell Fveeutor of the et lt of t.mrgeCainplH-.l late of 1 hion twp .d.v'd. l.V Mrt and final account of F. XX', Teata, Ftcutor of the e.tate of Mary Teat, lale ol ltry tap, dee'd. I. Ft rat and flnal ac-nnt of Win. 11. Vu aer. Kveculoi of the eiale of F'ruient Xiinwer, late of Kranklin lP, deed. 17. Firland final account of Chatle. K. Oliver T. Hummel, Feciltor of the twial of Solomon Hummel, late of Xli.ldlecreek twp., dov .1 15. Fir-t and final aceonnt of . A. At. iaer A Thilip Kou-h Ki-ciilor of I l.e etate of I harlea Keck, lale of Mid.ilecreek l p . dee d. J. H. XX'll.US, RKiaantn. Vid.llchiirsh, Ta. May I, H the I.eA..nt. An Knirlis-h yarht, pt- cially chartered for th oot-naion, xxill take them. In the first Ini-tauee, from the Adriatic Ho Alexandria. From tliti hUtoric oitr they xvill viit Cairo and the Pyramids, sail up the Xilo, adiriir the Cutaraetr, and ee the proffrea Court PrtKlamation XrHDRIXS the Hi t r 1'. , lnl .1 ll,lt.'e (siniiMie.l n( the enimtiei. ol Snvrter, ana I n. Inn and Pe'er F. Kiecle and Z. T. m heriihi: F.q.. A...'iHte Ju.lrfe in and InrSny .1er iviuntv. hive iaued their preeet. hearlmi date the .h da Ol Feh A. D.. ltS. to Ol iilecrci! mt Hie Imiitinc man I qdin' Court, vuri or t'on.mon Plea, court ol iJyer and Tes nnreran.l irrer! Court ot Qnrter Seton of ihe I vacs, al Middle! umh, lor the county in , Snvder. mi Ihe li Vonny In lurel. lWtS. i Sutler I thereii.rr herenj triren to th t'-oroa. er, .luiieeni! the Peace and OonMahle In and inrthe canty oi Snyder, to appeat In thlt pn.per er..nawHh their rnll. recnrdn. inqaiai- ( tinni.. evaniinntion" ano other rememhrn(ea ti dn thir thiirf which ot ttielr nlHtf and in ihe.r fcetml: pa-tair. to he dime and wttne and peroo? finweiMitint: in hehall of the l orn oji.i wealth mrainfit an; wrvui or perann. ar re nulre.1 to he then ami there aiten.linK' and de ifartinn without leave at their peril. .Iu.tlee, are re.)Ueto.1 1.. he punctual tn lhair attendance at the appointed tiuit free.t:y to roUc. ilivei unite rev hn,i -. 'iii at t:ie StierifT ofrire in Middlehurch Ihe d of Xtay, A. 1.. is... Ci!A F. SAVrsKl.U Sheriff JL RV LIST. Twt of I. rand Juror drawn for tile Cmtrt of ! Oyer and Taranner and General Jail delivery j ud Court of tynart.'r Se;on of the Peace of . " .X-!'V- J--IoTaiceaiijene1 i wfikASP Jfairtw. Fienhaur. J F-. teacher. Xa-hincton. Ki.her. Krank lalwirer Monri.i', i.nv W larmer XSaalilnuloli i.arm.m (' pi.i.lerer I'rrry l.raohii: P I larmer I'etry Wet. .liTm.u. licnrw.lioeitutUer renn. H;:!i.:ii.'i .Inhn lar:l-er Xlmir.. iHH-i.i, la.'Hrvr .at nr XVANTIX Se-eral peraon of character and ' cood n-putation In each tWc one in tin . i. rlamlil M. Met inr i wulrel to rcprctwnt and adveiliae old eatah tl.e Judicial lhairiel, tlahed w-ealthv hmvnea lionae of ilid financial nmlinir Saiarv ti week I v w :lh enene ad d'linnal. all payahle In cah ea. h XXa.tnea.lay direct from head office. Hor and eamaire furmohed when neci-aary. H.fereneea. h.n cloe elf-addroed envelojM, Colon'al t o., SM Le ar born SU, Chicojra. 4 li-HM Itnirr una lliai l a aaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaawai KEEPING COWS CLEAN. 4 Little nevle M hick Rkoald Da larefallr UtadleU lleraaae It'a Wortk latroducluR. The illuatratiou allows n roxv stall In act tin 1 use. The uontrlvaiipe over the ahnuldera of the coxv U the unique fea ture. Coxva. a li-ii iirinatinc natural ly ort'h the bnrk, nnd if eoiifliietl by rope or ntnin-hion. xxill rroxvd h far ahrail ns uimililc, thus nlloxvinu; iheir xx-ante to fall exnetly xxhere they would atand when feedliiir. The little device khoxxn in the HhiM ration In no xvr." A. PotiGgGl, VeteriNARY sUrceoN. SILINSCItOVt. M. All pmmvtlonal hnalnetw entrusted to my fare r.ll receive prfimpl and careful attention. 1 . U 11,1111 l T e r.i t N.-trt. hiirlc LirmeT Xl.-nrot.. arni-r .i:utn. n:.i I . 1.:. .iiri l.-iv.T V. Ik "ROGERS" q m ilwvij n Rogers Brs." j Is the Trade mark H j 5! that ar jwars on the olj orifrincl ; :!j Knives, Forks tj and Spoons. iJ I The- r.-rr-.r i r i-itatifR fish ' l J)A ' J . T ' ' l - I r.:". ":( 51.- -t t' , f :v r-vi :n- '. - ,,i f? -i lH?t I'v ii.;i:'.l.- r.n, sell.: ta V" B the rr:: f- lkiet ( 1 t . f SI.VFR CO. Jt. ( rV'tfiA -v. ij'v... " i r i ..." j fe CROWN miNCE W1I.I1KLM. (Ocrmiin Heir Apparent Who I About to YiiU Wirange Unjj ) which Khartoum i ninking- miilcr llrit ihh rule. From KpyiH they xtill nail for.lafTa. noxv famous for little more than ita oranpe. and tlien push on to Jeru Mlem and other holy plnces xrhich their father vinited in imperial ttl a fcxv veam ago. On their return trom tlhis pilgrinMifre they Intend to pay the4r respect to the vultan tn the inula kiosk, xvhiiae repird for Kaioer Wil helm itt still 'unimptxired, and from Stamboul they will visit KiiiK Oeorga at Athens, A pleant exyxirolort to the svte of Troy and the ifcltMt of (rrea wi'.l be tJie? eonclimion cf this elxie tional trip. Tliey xxill leave their yncht in southern Italy, return) horotl via Xaplca. Kome, Florence, and Yetic, tvnd rea lWlin about May 1. It is rumored in St. retenrtrtirjf, birt the source of information ts not tho most, trustwort.hy, that later on erown prinotn will ft Kia ("Jjau by the orerland route, traveling' in p train over the Siberian railxvay. "It is scivrcely nexwwary o say," "iy the Berlin Gazette, "tJt no political rijfn'.ficanoe attache to any part of this journer. The princes xarill not be -r'zJ?. 'lx,hVy"n7-AtJMs.r They will tke their two ordinary military attendant with them and Prof. Clemen, of Bonn, who accom rr.ried the crown prince in RolVnnd, S.xityt rlaj.J and S,mth Germar.y. COW IN TUB BTAM Interferes with the Brchlnir of the aplne, but tloca force the cow to draw back iiiHtcnd of pttKhliiK nhead; thus the gutter back of the ctnr catches the tilth nnd the floor remains clean. There la no rule to Rive for tho ex act pltu'lntf of the Btruetnre, as dif ferent, breed of cattle differ ao iu helirht and lenirth; how ever, piece No. 2 should be located just bnck of upper point of shoulders, nnd from one nnd one-bnlf to two inches aboTe the back. Thin (fives a chance for free movement and In no xvay interferes with the com fort of the cow. My eoxxs nre Jerseys, and frame Is .flint 20 inches from stanchions. Xo. 1 is - a block on which to fnsten Xo. 8. No. 3 is the upright which should extend to the joint above, and there be fastened. No, 4 is a, brace for the support of the frame, and should be nailed very firm, n the cnxv will break the trap if she ctm. Xo. 5 is the putter. Orange Judd Someone said in the heurinp; of Tres ident Hopkins, of 'illlums college that university men noxxmlnys have too many sofa pillow und other luxuries in thoi'r rooms'. "Oh, yea, they have their luxuries, but they uUo have the antidotes," said Dr. Hopkins. "I see these signs of luxury, but I also seethe owners of those pillows out on the board track every day, exercising In dis- uKerajJ? oJtemrratdir And tfcj-r. am Tery Uiilr.... J.tu,'iA. 1 , ur. Miles' N' and Anti-P Cured GripZ' Day's W Antl-Paln"piiiJ Headache RJ "I wish to say I hurtTL Tills and Nervine lot 1 ,(Z it out and keptht.mruVj also tited Dr. Mili'.JJ times during the pan and always with consider them the , edies. 1 have also WH ' Cure in tut' Unnly t,C tills. Actual eipetienc, ' your remedies have p,v' 1 cheerlullf reconimmd MssaiT M. Davti.", b,,"" I'ubliKhimrCo., Puhlnhn,'! Weekly Nrws, Cnturll J Alumni News, N. -j-0zt In itscH LaGuppr it ij, in its after effet n it scoutires that affliiti the nervous iyMrm. aw action, and lays Ihe jtigg. ease. The ai'conip.nia, Ihe vitality and rrniitril tilile to pneunionia, troiu The best treatment emu. Nervine which quiets thtM brain, restores strenptj entire system; l)r. Mileit Pills, a nerve tnnic lctJ nerves of the Hit'tit nl tnactin anaturalsn.lkeJs. oiiic onii-i am rilllatiQl Hit torture oi bea.lacht, kj aes, the must comntnn irj All dniKKists sell and -J lie Ir. Miles' Remrditt, m on Nervous antl llrirtlj Ir. Miles Medkal Ca,U I Ckaaea J nla a n. Brarybixl f shoulil join u,T aloCltlbnf Amarl.'a. TbmtT anywaera. ISoostsslnmiiwr nenema at aivea ar wonrt- rinmbaae Ixxik saul BrrlKau natrunienu at sihtiiI niiZ dooml rates at runny hfti, free of charita. It orn nZ bla oaali prlsea to BiraiwTk ronmsin many eltlr.fnrr.7 very mtiiberrnc!TFfu.Ma 'llu... W."V?I0I. trnmental mujiteiriill aai. extra charge.1 75 rle ha (1AM Or.T ALT. OP TlUUkV HOSTNOTIIINO. V That ull yearly nmlnW which you get all .(,, deawraaytlraewluam. want to do so and ert ra doB'tearalosiiend t.t,K month membenihtp. Koatia this offer by. You wtlei w value many ttme orrr ris sent free of ebarca, tctlna end In your requen fraa proper fee at once. TtitSwa benhlp offer will nonraa. t areamns your inner us year's nirrabentilp or monrn in i UVTVA1. tITf 1 Na. t fit I iTllgTlT l. BAROKZSS STERIxEEUG. Fergus Wr.h:ncton Society Intereated In the harmirsr AX ifc if ernianj' Sew xflniater. Tit t ern- ft frit-E '.t i f I'-arc-rio v, r. P who was L'l':':iTi I.rirphan. a j y.y l-ri nt.x J'u';:.'! .r ir.:.rr:s7e, ;. . '.i :: : . : r: ! ! iii . :i:Ta:.c:- .1 Ur i. : :r. t'ae iVpiuiuati ; c ; ' L-.i;..r-u.'.. r J ; Oerrr.a'.y , I':.'-. : : -. '11. re? ; ci.ri. V. 1 - : r' t i '.H'I". m (',''.'.:- . ; .. L' t -iii!. . Ky.. wi.erc sl.e : i v . !: :. r uncle, : l.;.t.!.nt:.. i i-t.' . t V.. :, I :..r - e'.-V'i . V. . 1 r.i. vi r-..-,:t. .-:,( ; n. :;,-.. ' Tt' w. . w.-. ' :..;., : , ' ' t:.C V- ii: j-ur.-'y u. C. :, .f v . .:!; ' :.-.rt ,! . ' :. J.n-.; . Jr.. s,a V. :.: ' Ii.r?LL Ijl-f Ir if ti.l- Ii'j:....'V I.,'J' . ' t.'.l- ufif.Hi- 5t,l. 'j . ! ' ."' . '-Ji t..t f I '7f; .'' vj V '-. y VZm monlhs' subscription lo uulieiiflwk One vear's Ruhscrintlon to Contev 8 Hamf Ji- Ooe year's membership in American Musical JL CONKEY S HOME JOURNAL Is i literary nrd musical monthly family mneazine which sr. iu.c M2i cu r ili'M.'n is always in colors, tt is tirtntod on irooil paper, .lr." J isuc ii .! tributi' to tlie primer s art. Conkey Homo Jourrv a! isra. in one. for the iirst half is devoted to special illustrated artu - b fur t!.e jnhiic. ami s!i.rt and serial sto ies. The Secunii 1..'..: i; o-isa ca'.s of liiu mother and datih'hter. It also contains WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE rricticil lesnns in l.ico an;l pmbroidery-niakins. I r.ictical lessons in home millinery. I r ..c t i c.i I lessot'.s in interior decoration. 1': etieal SJtsestiutis fur home dressmakine. A comfileto fash'ort department showing tho newest tie--;.-: ' thirt-w.uMs antl t.'ie smaller articles of feminine wear. A c )i;.;j!et.- pattern department, from which patterns may L. .:. i'.'i j!' ;s shoxvim; how to set the table. 5.. ; 'Tabid Talks" which impart tho informati ; i. iit'1 wc:;.aa uliow.itild b; "up-to-date." '1 he f.ire.: is supi!emente.l by a department cf mnVc ":ivr:it s n '. two-step or waltz, a lesson on Vocal Trail i'.as in. by '-tiiitivm teachers; "U.vs I ets" t!!e iil,ieet of a Serii.'S of articles for th t'.orcut..;y ;.:;-'.. cal ai.d tell how all knuls of iiets may be r r:.ot ey. Th- Arnr!rlcn.n MusIcblI Assoclcvtlon enables itf; r rr.y 'j ar. 1 a.l ifi jiii: sn.:'n:s :it il.seounts ranin from to ' "I y of Conkeyi Komo Jriurna.1 mailed tj Addreak u.i coiianuiiicalioiis and remittances to THE I J" - '- ' av. li 1 trz U Ii . ir. ... .'. r r- i.i.. I - I N t . I . L.i. .1 1 ' 1 1 1 .-f.flU.' j;...l.elll'(., l.lle. i. . i . . I K I . . . . ' ..II-' 'i ..i.-fyi it:"' ".(.-' ir j u.l l liy..UI: ..j.J,lU..-. I K I. L. . .1. - lue' t o' y.a 1 I w il 1 ! ...v v' l....t ,ui ti ji . .' i X'.u. ,.ii It Lis lytcll f'i(ijiirlill)' iit-ir't rlril I))- i;iiii:" 'it; tliat i.carly lwotiiinls ul' lint riiint! turi p '' WrUl was iliii ctly lnti:iulli In int n J) r;.i" r. J ' , Tlic wist! WHH hliOlllil IlllVti Miltnl t!if! i"' .1,,,. .. I ... I,,,,.,.,.!,,, n. ,. .,1' U'liisl. v ::!'! Ii ijiuhiioiiallt' ijuiiliiy, Cur it in u wfll-kiinivn i' i fryj i r-ti''; i-t jiri.'iii-ally iinknown wliwi" j'"r" c" :1 wliisl.t-y iw iiHil. Marks' All Rye Wh . . ' - . ' '.'.II...'.. I ai . I . I .J I BV I'urposcs.j It is a bpicntuu Spring Wcallier and Invlf orates the byslem. Jt MuKta You IV. 1 IMc a New Ma"- Kiglit Vturu Ol'l uml tit.lld at ce'liV Kir -'e: y isl y;" jn w-'-J . VjtKe .'.i.'i ..' I.o l i t:.''i:j i-- i K, .... J?A1.'J.1..-.S jS .S'JK.' .VhKl;'! iU.. "i.i oUa r :tt art: f.:u ta , v .. j . ... : , 1 f i.e i.aniii.rir V l.e tt tie '..iiuitu : Ovairta h-a-r.y. ..f.l.i-C. v,. I,'.-.- Mu.i.urat VXaeblr..; j ft ; J. 'fc:.' i r.c rs, bi.-. reVkry; , l;u.,i!: ,r, .. .... ti.f Af .tf n.i ,,... I.e I.'i. (i uv.i,::.- ii.. v I ... I:..,,,. .;... U.!iJ if Mw.'sr ,i.8.'.i! o' Kir Kr-1 a; Ui.y...i .. U n 1-roL Met t 'u.'i' . '.'"iTo'V- r'r: ct.iiirn.aii: Ki- U rff wftfe f tbe nUtxIira cf t' louLd iy.u-:ui.t, J OiUiiticiou Rt3- ;,.rubn t-n-.barrjr. hl. vaa know i a. j rrt7, JTUOJ-'A riUUfV IAJ,. J5a!0.1., ,,f ,.,. ,VI, j.,,l Uhllllraa, !l,at Jieinr-.'t: xof J af Ker.. Y.-:ul. L. ,.;t 4 , a,.,! v,iir lt j,iii.. i,t .u. a l.ot. . ut 'lit!: 1 S.'.S. i: j.o' -A at., it ..i,. I.e l.:.,;.!!,. .. tOLUur .-:..t.-i:. i, : i.i aty l.nn i inii.rd wi.a ) ei r si.i fc'i'-f, J.'.n; aju; y . nr. lVL.i. V'i.?- .- -v;v 4lvt fcJ.-.aJ' iiYSs t-'lr iu J- um li et.M to i.uve i -i - r,, u.-, v ,l;;,,.jr ,,., ,i,ur- u',A fcc.a-j; u-.w.i.e t;i!i.. .i .ii l. r l.oJi'.r Inf.! winlei'. aVtcKinie't laiv'.t; in Vaarigviile. Nt !. li Mi,- i'.-J,,-. I J'J.e Va-ur'a Jaaiiialoa l.fa, Lt.. : i'.....o ( ii..- Uu i'i-.,i -.. . All !' .:; i.ti.l i;j-ii.r, xvl.o tiwellj y.- Kiiiii y iluu u .iauxiaur .jt Alii.. ; tv ai' ft. fjiiis-, n.Kn-iUd un lnnocuit 'Cr'irnr WMl,y. i... late ltuf Lr.,..a.1);v'...SfL.'xvxry. Ifavfcd.Ley . .. .--.i o . ,. w,ij t;.. .v,, it u aLi.oL.i. d. v..;! i.t,i., ,.r tn .i, a, 1 with u.a!t, l.p uiatl wtttr, lo certain on ti.- lUniy, ui.d Keait.,i vaudcviilo i-rtyiipi'ii.. uuA aJ.efe-ivta Ugt-r Jmitead ptxi aumuicr I iiilecda -I . .1 . . J 1 f a . v . r. . .1... r l-.-et ....! ti-a! awo.aat vf Jlf. lul.iun l-al t,iU '-. il ajUibluUA. UfM;M !' vj M FroiJ.wivLwry's Accouiit Cvii.i.i.l'.i;.; vf ."oinuc'. Kiii;e Jr.. n luc,l: iicui' tor iC .e;., uriat..;Uieijl. rt c.j)cura.i.,t; hji ytcf!4lji.aJ vo- Urfreovvlv1tI rum iuJiigBr, will tL t.. y..uisUM., ojiM tiUist will Le u.aiv in WowLlx,(iu. 'cpfcCatifa lLatL will 'iri(.iw: juiik 4 Snl.QS tier tr' ' J- j Oilk'e near IVuneylvanitt. Jluilroud bw MiiJJIcurg, ). ( r y yvneo.