MIDDUfiBURQ POST. tSPdumdo V ' ! i REl ST0RE.B i Our line is nuicli lugger, inner, aim (J OvlUIja prettier titan it ever was U'fore. .j.(K -Kill 'im'. iu:,1,t' ,i,:;ht'r Pr,VH ,ower' LyflONS, the values are remarkable and the pr'urs .,t tractive. jVlJPNVAllK DKt'AUTMKXT, more eomj.lote tliu.i I'Vi'l. iVAHIS swirj.ing mlui'iion. jg Department il'KKN" AKI-i, well wieeietf ni popular pun-. " vSSWAKI'. IMk to iih f'..r Hiriius anI save iii-incy. 1'S a"'' 'A1-S ),,r Iim'8 urt' J-,",H'' 't',,l' ,'i''a"' ;iiul carefully selected Mock. ....... 1 1 -VI' ..II .t.. !.... in- L()K iM'.l AUIII.M, in u:i uiu nun. ,. jmrullel to the progress ol our shoe iicpari-nicnt. Kvery day is Bargain Day. Watch 'gcllllSj Maikets for liutter ami Kggs. Watch Wly Markets N. T. Dundore, DUNDORE, PENNA. i '.ntif i FOOD my FDR That Succeed Las. IS TlinHrol limine of I). I-Hii'lr.-Ili A Hn, the nlilml in Am- . niM.rl.-nrn with K-mI. "1 tlieriwiilm nlllii. nre it Hie ljS i;g "I" ' hi,,.,,,,!,..! V.Il..Kln. iMiinl I IIKK. N.. drnwer ..f Hrr.l. 5ic ! v.lui.1.1. Information contained In tin- XMBKICA'S BED FOR M" i... ......iiiilliilr In ll .lllllir III TO. Soft and crooked bones mean '.d fecdinjr. Call the disease vickcts if you want to. Th' ;roving clfild must cat th ipjht food for growth. Hones nust have bor.j food, blcx)d .list have blood food and r :i through the list. Scott's Kmulsion is the right .catment for soft bones in hildren. Littledoses every day ivc the stiffness and shape ' at healthy bones should have. How legs become straighten ;iosc joints grow stronger and '.rmncss comes to the soft Aids. Wrong food caused the trouble. Right food will cure it. In thousands of cases Scott's unulsion has proven to be the right food for Left bones in childhood. Send for free sample. SCOTT Si BOWNE. Chemists. 409-4IS Poarl Street. New York, joe. ami fi oo; all druggist. ' KAISER SEES THE POPE German Emperor Presents His Two Sons to the Pontiff. .iiiirrH jii-ilw ami"""' Srr litrnu illii'triitimi Binl lull l . ri . Write to-iliiy for the CatnlK"'. RETURN ON A 25 CENT INVESTMENT. BIG HC (JOO Hi-mix of ('bI'I'Hicc . I 1110 lioula iilltaillub . . SEED ' Inffi K..o if Im-U. . - ) Kino Frul'it of I'lii-iimlier . I i(m lli iiilnof l.eltiliu . . i wo KruitHoi Watermelon ODUCE. ! .VNI llullin i.f Oninn . , I WIO riant ol Tomato. . I amlrrtlm' Knrlv Hlllnliirr Ijtiii.re'lm' Whitn jiily King'-r. Scarlet TetinNliall Ijt'Mlrctli Kirnl VirKini'l Holid Healer Arkanin Traveler IIIimiiiumIaIk I'l-lirl ljtn'lrol lin' KurllentJ 1 i of Seels for twenty five () ccnti cncloed with the Order will lie mnt'rl, D. LANDRETII & bUIN5 1217 Market Street, PHILAD0LPH1A, PA. Ihciilii'iti'in .. . . j.i.i LiM llki-1" man prn '" '"" and fr.-n'i iik'"'. " mi onleri irunitly and aBti- JAMES VICK, tE LY OF OCHE8TER, N Y. ill M.ll 00IR DtPTMCIIT. NE PACKAGE FREE ,.veyo ot DyspepMa, Indigestion, W any kind li tuhlftfi Which W 1116 newt rmiicuj , V i n,nra than 20 vears' experience m that will curems ..- - ACCORDED MILITARY HONORS Ths Kaiser Received Tumultuous Greeting From Populace On His 1 Way to the Vatican Presented His i Two Sons to Pontiff. 1 Homo. May 4. Kmpi-ror William mas rccelvvJ by the I 'ope ycsttr.lay. Me hail a cunlercni e with tiifc I'oii- tiff of 4 ) mlnuU's' iluration, ai. I .liia 1 H tiiincil lo Ihu residence jf iht! i'ru- j pluu mlnibtci to the Holy S'o As ! the empcroi anil liu niile traversed the slreets of Itniiie he was cnthimi- astlcally ai i lalrncd IMh majesty priv sented I'rlm o Fred' rU k William and j 1'rlnie Kltel to the Pontiff At the j Vatican thu trr.pcror was received j with military honors by the Palatine j f'fiinrd and a platoon of KcndarmeH, I and he was welcomed by I ho high dignitaries of the pontlflral rourt. The visit of Kmperor Wiliiam was returned hy Cardinal Hampolla. Papal Hecretary of state, at tho Prussian lu gallon. The mm was shining brightly when Kmperor William left thp Prussian le gation to drive to the Vatican. Fif teen carriages wre required for the use of his majesty and his suite. His majesty was In full uniform and ac companied by Prince Frederick Wil liam and Prince Kltel. The roynl party received tumultuous applausT all along the route. When Pope I.eo was advised of the arrival of his guests the door was thrown open and the pontiff appeared, lie was dressed in white, with the ex ception of a small npe of red velvet, trimmed with ermine. The emperor advanced alone, making a profound how. The pontiff Inquired In French , s to the emperor's health. Kmperor Vllllam thn presented his two son. His majesty and the Pontiff then re tired to the latter's private study. The audience lasted 4') minutes. At the end of this time the princes were nam j mnned and spoke to the Pontiff. t The Imperial party then paid a brief visit to Cardinal Rampolla. I'pon his three previous vUits ti the Vatican Kmperor William returned ilirect to the Quirinal. This was not liked by the Vatican, as it thought he. should first return to neutral ground. It was appreciated, however, by the Quirinal, as to do so Is considered somewhat of a slight upon the Pope. King Kdward followed this course. Yesterday Kmperor William returned for Infants and Children. 'ar'. f:nsWri.'i U n. liiirtnloss fiiitistitiitn for "atr Oil, 1 troric, Drops anil Soothing Syrup. It i I'li-aant. It contains licit lu-r Opium, .Morphiim nor otlu-r ar-otlr Milctanco. It ilostrov Worm ami allay I-Vit1Ihm-. It cure Oiarrlio ii aiul Wiml olic. Il rclicc Tcctli injr Trouble ami cure Count ipal ion. It regulate I lie Slomacli ami liowcl-t, itivintr healthy ami natural Mccp. The Cliihlrcu' I'anaicii-The 31other' 1'rieml. The Kind You Have Always Bought Eears tho Signature of XX aaa In Use For Over 30 Years. Liberal Adjustments- Prompt liitercli.ini;calilc KMo-Milo Kcfuml Tickets. ( 'oiimieiieiiig June 1, llKCi, inter cliilligealile PHKI-Mile Itefilliil Ti' kels will ' plneed on Hile, lilnilei: In ooe year from ilnte of isMiie, kmmI only fur trmi-iortiitiiiii of the owner, with un:il t i Tree allowiinee ol l it) n tx I - lniu'Hge, 1 1 1... f .ii : o. . uvi-r hii.v iu- I' n hp w i iijc 1 1 1 ii"-. ItAI'riMOKK AN I) OHIO lt.MI.-l l:Ul. ( it. 'tween nil Miinl euxt of the Ohio liiver and hi-tAeeii Pitt luirg uinl K:tne. Alio to ami from points on PhiUtilelihi.'k aiel I ! . ;i 1 -ing Kuilwuy and Central It:ii I r rt I ( of New Jersey between Phlhnlel- plihi iiml New York. ) j en i :s a it: a k k a x i v ; o i : i r .-1 WAN'. (Ka.it of anil liichnling Ifiiiitiniloii.) DKI.KW.MtK, LACKAWANNA t AN I) WIvSTKKN ItA I I.l:o.M. KIM K IJAII.UOAD. (Kast of ami iiii-liiiliiil? Jamestown iiml Suxpen si'in liridge. ) LKHIOII VAKKKY ItA I LIU A I). ; PKNNSYLVANfA It.MI.kOAl i Uieses tickets win lie sold in rate in, frQm thft Vatlran t0 thp Prussian le $:!0.Wea(;h, sultject to refund of $10.iK) ; paflon accredited to the Holy See, where he changpd carriages, his cuirassiers remaining at the legation. REMEMBER H. HRRVEY 5CHDCH, GENERAL lNS .ANGE ACENC V flip Oi OMot. Tfillliei' Fir. , LW Ii ' ll 1 1 i.-l 1 1 ivw. No AsHessiaeDls n ' i..ciit and 1 inia . The Arii.i Home American Foum)-il V 1SH 1M0 :i iC.IS.i :) The Standai d :V The Ncv York 1 The fidelity Mu, ill Insurant 0 insurance Your Patrcnaci ; Life Association iliclted surremlcr of cover to Trunk line Mil- bb Ticket Iliireaii, No. 11:5 I.itwrty j Street, New York, at any tune w ithin tighteen months from date of pur-J a. inuiBestion. RasonnnieTloW 2."9&'ai 1PHV '-JW nt ,,,.Vpt wil, it, and poor digestion.' f. to . lf num) My Stomach Tablets .... mt ftA It the stomach to diirest food. That is their mission, i ney i tZZTth?umht in the Btomach. Create new life and ty by strengthening the stomach. Any Form of Stomach Trouble if the right remedy is used. My Stomach Tablets i5 the kedy. I have seen hundreds ot very uau cases wu.cv. UJ Rankin, III., May 10, 1W2 Mr. Jolm Morrow : Dear Sir Received box of John's stomach Tablets and tKk them according to directions (2 days) and I slept soundly both nights, something I hud not done for over a year. I and i was iiiuiKij cici and enjoved eating. For I be last year, soon as 1 would eat l would feci my stomach and head begin to pain me. 1 am going to send part of this package to mv (laughter, and if it helps her I T feel Mire it will), I will soon send you another order. Yours trulv, Mks. U. A. (Jkifhth. JtEWITH ARE TWO Among Alany Testimonials. Ktrswn. Tex.. Feb. 10. 1003 John Morrow, Springtield.O. hirnir l'lease una is.m ior Ii iniiil me three boxes of the intu-liTaiilets, these I order lor , 1 live taken about two Hand tliey cured me of sto- Ii truiilple. .Many oi my Ms have tried them and say are the liest they have ever I. lcinild not sleep on my i-ile fur many years, but I lie down now and sleep any- I happen to lie down. Yours trulv, K. L. Ramsey, My ..tier to let vou try them FREE is based on my faith in and es-Hil-e with my tablets in curing dysiepsia. Write me at once and the FREE TRIAL PACKAGE will be sent vlurii mail, and soon you will he cured. l.Mo-t ) IN MORROW, Chemist, 96 horesi Ave., i-ki.-ui iulu, ih. issued in request of numerous pat rons of the lines in Interest desiring one ' ticket good over several lines instead of having to provide themselves as at present with a separate ticket lor eacn line they desire to use. j Agents at principal stations ot Jie railroads named ubove will have tlit-s tickets on sale and give all further in formatiot: regarding them that may be required. Over -Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. 1 fcJDOR HOUSE I. II. ni TI.I.K, Proprietor krket Si., Harrlsburg Pa., Ilalt P. K. K. Drpot Entrance) VCnllrd for All Trains' 125 and 50c. Good Meals, 25c flood wcommoiUtloni. " f Wot Cold U Hnnuo-Oululne 'UbleU cure ii day. No cure, no pay. Price PAYS I advertise in a live and up date newsiMuicr. For results The POST. (HESTER'S ENGLISH III Y 110 YAL PILLS v. . in. ubim.uk iminui in. k. "", MU4 Willi bill Hobo a. J" IwllMlutM. Ituy ut yuuc tmiulai, FHlCIHHai..- - Patenlsj Guaranteed Under $20,000 BOND THE KEYSTONE LAW AND PATENT CO., 107 liU Build ing, Philadelphia, which is the only bonded Patent Agency iu the world, oiler to make a Guar anteed Search of the Patent Of fice Records not merely their opinion! Free of charge to read ers of this Joi'KNAL who w ill send a sketch, model or descrip tion of their invention. They will also give a eerllnVate of patentability which w ill be of great assistance to hu Inventor In raising capital. Valid Patents with tho broad est claims secured ou easy week ly payments. Write to-day. 5. S. WILLIAMSON. No. 5 Uuu T.F. President. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. 1 ne tuuncys uc yuur blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or Impurities in the blood. if they are sick cr out cf order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess cf uric acid in '.he blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney poisoned blocd through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to b traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning In kidney trouble. li you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest (or its wonderful cures oi the most distressing cases and Is sold on Its merits by all druggists In lifty- cent and one-dollar su- es. Tou may nave a sample bottle by mail Boat, oc Soae-an free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out il you have kidney or bladder trouble. i(ienuoii ilui paper wnen wnung ui. rvwmw & Co., Bin.tuuitoD, N. Y. This course Is supposed to Imply that his majesty wished to pay particular deference to the feelings of the Vati- There another ne Wpavil dnring this visit of the emperor. , vloualy Cardinal Rampolla ha turned the imperial vlatt lo the Vati can at the Prussian legation, and had found only the Prussian minister. Yes terday, however, Emperor llnam waited at the legation, received the . cardinal most cordially and had a Inn.; conference with him. Kmperor William presented to th Pnjie a Urge photograph of the M-'tJ ! Cathedral. The Pope expressed his thanks for this sift and remarked , that the Mefz Cathedral greatly resetn- j bled that at Rhelms. Emperor Wil- ; liam was surprised at the quickness i rf the PontilT In remarking that th one cathedral was a reproduction of the other. The Vatican is delighted at the im portance given by Emperor William to his visit to the Pope, and the au thorities consider this visit an answer to what they call the present perse cution of the church In France. KING EDWARD LEAVES PARI3 j Boarded Royal Yacht at Cherbourg MOST LIBERAL OFFER OF THE WEAR. SATVrv,-ir I The lew-York Tribune Farmer is a iiat imi.-il i!lu-t rali'd a'riciiltm:ii rv..'kly f. -r ;.irniers and tln-ir f;iinilii-, ami -taiids at : :.-.-i. i.f tin- mri cultural press. It is a practical paper i"r . radical I'.irinerx, lielpillif tlietn til Mi-lire the lawst pnllile i rc lit mmih the farm thniiiL'li practical methiiN. It is entertaining, instructive ami practically useful to the farmer's wife, sou and daughters, whom lutcieKs it "overs in r1"- " i - ' rue icRUlar price i 1.()0 iierynn , but for m lhnuca time we will receive your -ul scrptiini for THE NEW. YOKK TRIBUNE FAH.MEH and also for yoiirown favorite local new-paper, 'The I'i.T. M iddli l.imr. I'a. Hi Pap OneYearforoniy S1.25 Vend your order and niotu-y to Y"iir imllie aiel .'uldn i-- "ii a new ok k iwiiH.M":;r.k'.-i:!:. I i 1 1 . . ii :ne -:.nti'U-J.--py. rue N. nn ffn 13) (o) im UV! Opium, Laudanum, Cocaine and all Drug Habits permanently cured, without paia or detention iron business. 'eavi o cravtc? For drugs of other stimulants. We restore the senrous oad pnys.cai stem. . to their natural condition because we recove (.auscsui A ice receiiy For England. 1 t SUAnANTtt A UUnt , ?.,,,!, 'ndir. . King Edward left I Contiuentiai cotresponuence, espevioiiy wna leik."! -. Manhattan inerapeuxic ssouiauii 0tpt A 1136 Broadvay, Naw YoHC City mi) ifii if ftf I I KlrctrlcHy ! llllt. The unusual number of thiiiidi-r-stcrins !a.t Miiiiiucr should haxe lutii accompanied by a largo amount of sour milk, if the old belief that thunder storms sour miik is true, but there has been no complaint ou that score so fur us report show, says Hoard's luir muii. It is certainly true that milk it frequently found sour after a severe thunderstorm, and it is natural that there should be a popular belief of a relation between the two facta, but as koou aa we endeavor to verify the claim by the actual trial of sweet miik by electrical discharge we find that the electricity fuils to work and the milk remains sweet, for electricity iu the form of sparks discharged indefi nitely over the surface of milk fail to show au.v effect in producing acid or ouilng the uiilk. Pans. May j Paris for home. His departure was l delayed so that he miniit visit the j salons. President Loubet acconipan-1 led him to the Station des Invalid'- i with the same crtnouy that attended 1 th royal visitor 9 arrival. Despite j the ugly rumor which were circulated ( In London that the king had been as-1 stssinated. be passed through the fes- J tivttle arranged in his honor at the : French capital unharmed. i Boarded Royal Yacht. Cherbourg. May 5. Th royal train arrived hare last evening. A salute of 101 gun wan fired from the fort in honor of the king. At all the places through which the train passed ou its way from Paris crowd assembled and cordially greeted hi majesty with : cheers. A second salute was II red when his uiajety entered the arsenal. ; and when he descended from the train military houora were paid him, and the band played "God Save the Kins " The king embarked on a launch of ; the maritime authorities and was cou- j veyed to the Victoria and Albert, th ! royal yacni. Mr. Burdick to Get $25,000. Uuffalo. May 5.- By an order hand J down by Justice riruse iu tho Su preme Court Attorney Wallace Thayer will et $10,000 insurance left by Ar- j thur R. Peuucll. A declsiou of the j curt aouio tinj ago gave Thayer $15. 000 of insurance from another com pany. The $.'5,000. I I understood, noes to Mr. Burdlck. Mr. Thayer ued for tho mouey a trustee of a ecret charge left by Pcnnell. Oppo sition to the auit instituted by J. Fred erick Peunell as administrator ot hi brother's ea te was dropped after the iocumsnt left la Thayer's bauds had ba Aplaia4. I iV iTcv Good?, Low Prtecs i i 1 e;re to :nv:te ;r.e Line ;t .-ccos itwnf.c.'i :i ruciic '.- .1 .st ;e:rucie CLOTHIWG- -:r Men tctu -p. Fcr C.lcir-i: and 5c;-s. 5 . .;C -'H Ja.icccc a; cc. ui.e vc. '.',' ' Z?reis O'.nghair.i. at ;c ai'.o -f Lawiii. ;c. 3 ar.d ICc. EMBKOiDEKl.S xvi '..AJEt. - -LaCiei' Sr..rt '.Va..-u. -'c. '- -?- -; cuocq j Luc.-ci' S:icc5. ' -.uc-sd trni cJ.-Cj. j 1. ui;e' rtt. 5hvci. 5;.-'? '- cC M..Nt .u'.C ...-rc;i s cnce .u -ui Me. G-rcceries 1 have a full Line ct Orccer.c. gf-s -'- -'-'i--kcut in a Fttit-clas Genera. Stcte. Ccnie tc see ; rytn.Pjj F. P. KUSTER, .itbimi