The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 14, 1903, Image 5

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i. ......
GOue of Middleburg
.. :.... 1 rail at Litis end
of Lewistown spent
last week with
OowsofCsgr(vetHk a
Vt,H)iia lat wwk. He
.n need to le Kile ii
is lots of wort
'f Mifllin county
re p,i-hopdSiiy.lcrscttlc.i
i.nllt." iH ''I " . " .
.. Tin' Spun will try in
;tu.r ne to day (Monday)
,wlv Weadcr ami Mrs .)
4,.r of Oossgrove, Pa. .
IVvkrr. better known as old
Met lure, tiol at his son
1 Saturday. He was 'bur-
llay, aged about 87.
liltoiili. NW" 19 bI"?,m1-
us parents
Absolutely Pure
L Stirly and J 1' Jnslier
uwiliivs in the niouniain
Jiing hist w'w'K' 1,lt',r
(on great or too small to
Howard is farming for
rt & C. this season
Knrpp of Iitwistown spent
ith his parents anti iricnus
1 'II
lMscv KncK oi Dannerviiie
1 !ll(f mill V!l
t the Samuel's church Wed-
kirah Steely had been on the
at week.
Ichry Kline of near Mc
jtill confined to her bed
ir late sickness.
Iliimmcl was to Adams-
ftnuthsold his two horses J
i ami l !'t for Akron, Ohio.
i Shu Her made a business
.-linsgroye Thursday.
v Shatter was to Mt. Pleas-
- Monday of last week and
nick a horse.
1 (i;iiiI.T of Pallas was in
li.iniwn was to Quaker Pun
iiinl Tuesday
ItiMmrg Oritg Store lias al
II line of pure Wines anil
for iiiedical use. tf.
Hew J. H. Kceler has painted in
a most artistic way the fence around
our merchant's re.sideuce.
Henry Witmer is mingling
among his friends for a few days.
John II. Wise last week received
the shingles for his new barn.
Harry lhtner is at home helping
his father on the farm.
Jacob Gauglcr has a good horse
to sill.
Our farmers last week sold many
loads of potatoes that were shipped
at ochnsgrove.
Our Supervisors have reduced
their tax from what it was last year
and our Overseers could have done
the same, if it were not for the old
debt contracted ten years ago.
The price for butter and eggs is
going up but the price for the Post
is us low ascver. "sTi
Mary'Kcelcr had sixteen teeth
removed one day hist week.
Norton llcndiix has some lr
lives to sell and is overstocked with
James 1'athl'on buys the bread
lor his children at the bakery at
S'linsgrovc; the woman that used
to bake for him went on a strike.
Ascension day next work will
have the largest croud at the ac
ipiedu.'t that was ever witnessed and
Hoover's rope ferry will accomo
date all.
Kolterl and I la ry Aucker !oth
' Union Corner sjHMit jKirt of hist
vevk with parents here.
Ir. V. W. Ungacre of Mt.
.'leasunt Mill- was here business
!ast week.
lien Kli vmestine and wife of
Seliiihgruve an) C W. Sch rev and
vile mx-iii Siind iy with A. S. Se-iiii-t
an. I t'.iiuiW.
X. T. 1 mndiiie InmiwIi: a .land.
Iriving Iioim' at Miilerhurg. They
ay he e hi lav a month organ.
Tuesday evening of ltr-t week
iImhiI friends and neighbors gave
Mrs. .I.S. A in ker a eomo'ete Mir
iris.- part v. She un.s -I'J sears old.
It is needless to add that we had an
exlra total prepai.d.
The earM'iiters' Ugan work on
John Krebb's new barn last Monday.
Is the New and Better Breakfast
Food, 60 different from all others
that it pleasos everybody. Get a
package to-day at your grocers.
Thi Gmesib rt ui Food Co., Lb Rot, 21. T.
ick of 1'caver Sjriiif.
with his parents.
J Sliamhaeh of Le'.vistown
low hours with friends Wcd-
Spiglemcycr ami family,
nest ami laiiiny spent jniii-
Feliny spent Sunday at
Wfirick visited friends at
riiniaas and daughter spent
ysut Lovi Kepler's.
Kepler returned home after
wks' visit at Fremont,
le Graybill, who was ein
nt Kline's Grove, returned
mk r of our men anil bovs
Pgl in hark peeling for II
at lieavertown.
minion Services were eele
't the white church Sunday.
all ot our people were over
the sermon preached by the
pastor, liev Geo Kaufl-
"iy,MaylO, by liev W K
loyt t; Gravbill of this
JiJ Lizzie A. Hitter of Ritter
"letly married. We wish
ucli joy and happiness.
y Neitz, one of the paupers
fa township, is out on a col-
itonr, hut he snva tlinao wlm
I k OUL'llt to dn sn
pinpand wife, who have
tolnnulo for the last vear
1'iug their many friends and
m staying with Mrs. Kemp's
Mrs. Harry Iioyr.
Manic, the wife of Harry Y. lloyer,
a well known traveling salesman, .lied
T mlay iiihili"Tove ftH-li ' o f "pa nily-
is of the heart and pneumonia. 81. e
was about 40 years of age.
Hhv ttk sick Tuesday preceding and
she improved so much that her hus-
liiiml went out on the road to look
after his trade. The relapse came so
suddenly that he was not able to re
turn before she died. The end cjiine
10 or 1") minutes before Mr. Jioyer ai
med. Funeral took place Tuesday at 1 p,
m. Services at the house and inter
ment in Union Cemetery.
.'rowtlel .mt t:.t wvvk
Miss Lillie Uow spent several
'ays in Selitisgrove.
Mr. llaupl of Shauiokin is a
guest at the home of AtniH Gemlier-
;ngs for several .lavs.
Mis-es Carrie (Semberliiig ami
nnie Klingler and Harvey Smith
i .ill . .1
were electci tielegales to the o. ?.
Convention to be held at MeClnre.
Mi.-s Pauline Kisher spent a week
with h.-r si.-tir, Mrs. Jam. s Slear,
Mis. Mary Klingler and two
lihlreii of I'lkhart, Intl. are visit
ing her parents Kilos Klingler and
I'ire itad been raging in the woods
near rair ak ueel ami liv
teady lighting it was got'en under
initi'ol without aiy large loss.
Mi.-s Lillie Kow ami .Mabie
Kuster attended the Ltilheiaii S. S
Cuiivei.tioii at Selinsgrove m ilela
'laekstnith at Port is nm-
date's cribbintr horsn whieh
0 -
tl) the corner stone tliat
anted and while thp nnrsp
Nle says stick to it. and
"g8,,meiDie zufreden heit".
supervisor had all the big
"if roan removed and the
w may look out for them
Kerstetter, who has pissed
"llll'Stoile. is tnkilKT nmm
Mr the River than any of
f. 00 Yh but he fell into the
"e other dav f A r.l.r.
Tht Central Hotel.
Any one eonilng to Mi'ldleburg,
would do well to Mop Mt the Central
Hotel, and try the Marks' Brand of 8
year old, ALL KYK WHISKEY,
there is not one partiele of heatlttche in
tliis old goods. The bur is well stm-ked
with I'.niielk-s and Wines. The house
lias levii newly n furnishe.1. The table
will U supplied u il It the best the mar
ket air.irds, and I would lie pleased to
have a share of your patronage.
W. 8. Kl liN, 1'niprietor,
Central Hotel,
(-('St.) Mid. I libit rg, Pa.
Jane Court Trial List.
lialtiinore Bargain House vs. J. K.
I'attlck C. Conley vs. H. App.
(ti. It. lleudrieks A. (i. Seltoll.
et. at.
Cll on A. K. rMties in nn tu w cunt
inganrt hair eutung parlor for your
lieatl eleauett with m refi.nhing fiin
pooauda clean towel tti each patron
on the north side of Market square oj
posite Cent nil Hotel. Satisfaelion guar
itiiteetl. tf.
Letter to James 5human.
MUUlkiimj, Vn.
Dear Sir: Here's what "wears
longer" means.
D. T. MctJown, Cooierstou n, N.
Y., built a house in S,"i and paint
ed Devoe. The jiaitil lasted ten
A year or two later, a neighbir
built a house and painted it had
and oil. The HcighWs house was
repainted twice in the same time.
This looks as if the neighbor's
liouso was painted three times in
eight or nine years, and Mi-Gown's
once in tin years. We arc not
ipiite sure we tell the tale as it
comes to us.
It is enough to say that IVvoc
liead and Zinc lasts twice as I. mil;
as lead and oil alone. The reason
is : white lead i soil ami chalks nil
zinc is hard; ami when thoroughly
ground into the lead, prevents its
One of Indiana's Useful Educators Says :
"I Feel Like a New Man."
j , i"; J " '
Mr. John V. Monh-, W JolTerm. i
of Iiulintinpolts Ilastnoss College, v
firmly believe that I owe m
change of food and water wroug
suffered with Indlgeutiun and un
to do was to give up my occupati
an ad. ot Peruna as a specific tor
ft faithfully for alx weeks, when I
and I seemed like a new man. I
time, and occasionally take a fou
John W. Meng.
TIIK most common phiuicsnf sv
catarrh nreraturrh of tlet hi.
nnd Imwol. l'eruna U a peeil.
Mimmer entarrh.
Hon. Willis Urower, Itpresfi
lrt C'nii!;re.j from Alabama, nriti
foLluwlag letter to lr. llartinan:
House of ItepreJeMt.lflTO ,
Wahiou'loii, p. f.
Tho Veruua MmlipiMi'. 'o., 'olumbi:
' IndJanuiioittf, Ind., State '. .'pn.venUtive
' health trt Pervna. Constar ' travel and
; with my stomach, and t . months I
i . - the atnmach. I felt that the only thing
.ikh I felt very reluctant to do. Seeing
irri I decided to give It a trial, r.nd used
; it tat my troubles had all disappeared
j bottle of Peruna In my grip ,. 7 the
rlilch keeps mc in excellent liexi;;.."
need good remedy. A a tonl:' It i -eelloni.
la the short timo I h iv e ti - -. 1
it It hiu done me i. ;;reat dealut' guod."
WU1U Br. wer.
;ve pro!:N r.'i.l ''..;.i-
1 the u-e (T 1'. ):.
. 1 1 ,irlu::in, . . in a
n r r:mD .".e..l he v. Hi
. 'U his v'.i':i''le a.l-
ii ii- i .reiniemen - 1 nnvo u-eti f:tM L .
chalking ami makes it more .Inia- of ivrmia f..r bw--ita,le, an. 1 1 ui: ph.
urn ia reeoiimieuiliu ii Uj thodo w.
'1 1 1-.-
!'. .
Hevoe tV Co..
New York.
P. S. P. P. Smith of Sunbiirv
sells our paint.
If you do not i!
f.T-torT rrKiilts fr
Tfite .it Ottec to '
I : st.itemi nt , .f
! ple,i i to -.-ii
viee t:rtis.
! A.Mret, !-. 1
I Tie- il::;1 u. i-l .
, Ulilo.
.ii'., l'rei,!elit Of
iri-ia, V'olnmbud,
William nyder, u il'e ami d.
of t 'leM'laud, !ii i, :tr i-i; in
many l"i ieiul-. ami ivlnl i ve- i:.
eoiinly. Mr. !li
position as e.erk
-lore and has bee
weeks' vacation.
h r li:i- a
in a l.i!''.r'
i ''anteil
;ht. :
l l.i ir i.
S ivili r i
hlrfai ive
a three
If o,
ii .
IllVe ;i !!
. up by 'l'ho.i,
and let Us liavi
have all t lie p:
vi u have. W
e item of N'es,
No. - Mi.M'e-
il. ' If v !o not
'tielllars, send lis
will do the rest.
' Uaatsik
Every Day
ias its special features each day our new show case at our front entrance shows a special bargun t.:!e:i 1".
Dr. llartinan Killed.
Dr. Robert X. llartinan was killed
at Golden, Colorado, Haturday. lr.
Hartmau was a jirofessor at Husiiuc-
haiiua University for several years and
in 18!l married Lottie Kqy of Selins-
groveand went to Golden, Colorado to
accept the chair of Chemistry hi the
Colorado School of Mines. He was
asphixiated with the fumes of Hydro
Sulphite while working at a machine
that manufactures this gas. C. Dar
win Test, another professor was ser
iously Injured from the same cause.
He leaves a wife and two children
and will lie buried at Chambers
Mrs. Lydia Kchrcr.
Lydia, the wife of George Hehrer of
Mt. Pleasant Mills died Sunday night
aged about 65 years. They had no
children. She was the daughter of
Michael Minium and a brother of Lew
is Minium. The cause of her death
was neuralgia or cancer of the stomach.
Quality Counts.
It may bo Interesting to the readers
of the Post to know tho kind of men
who buy "Theory and Practice of Ad
vertising." Monday's mail brought
orders from the following distinguished
advertising and business men :
Robert C. Ogden, advertising man
ager for John Wanamaker's N. York
store ; Chase & Sanborn, Tea and Cof
fee- Importers, Boston ; Gen. Chas. II.
Taylor, Jr., Adv. Manager, "Boston
Globe," Boston ; E. E. Morgan, Adv.
Mgr., the Abbey Effervescent Salt Co.,
N. Y. City ; II. L. Kramer, Kramer,
Ind., the Treasurer and General Mana
ger of the Sterling Itemedy Company,
who has made "Cascarets" famous ; O.
S. Benson, Jr., Walllngford, Conn.,
adv. manager for It. Wallaco & Sons,
silver smiths; Hauoe Brothers & White
Pharmaceutical Chemists, Philadel
phia ; Charles Kudofl Mason, Paducah
Kentucky ; Nevada Business Institute
Reno, Neb.; Dr. Maclennan Medical
Department, Tonga, South Sea.
partinciit inside. At all times in ivery department we aim to give Utter values than ymi et e'scwhere.
of exceptional opportunists, ol'ollerings too great to t continued long. "e cannot tell it all in our w
make the store even more interesting th in our advertisement.
XOTICH : Store will be open all day and evening on Memorial Pay Saturday, Mali :!n.
I'.nt tl.t r.
klv store i
He' ile-
try to
Special Values in
Silks and Dress Goods
MOIIAIUS there is no more popular fabtic this season, light
in weight, strong and durable, and easily kept clean and nice, ami
here a reduction in price so early in the season.
$1.50 Mohair 1.2o, IS inch black with pretty stripe giving
it the effect of a grenadine.
$1.15 Mohair at 00 cents, -It! inch figured and Priestly's
blacks too, has a white thread running through like a stripe.
50, 50, GO cents to 85 cents Colored Mohairs, rose, pink,
garnet, light green, mode, navy, grey, cadet including black ami
white, colors that will give satisfactory service.
Ilemstitched Mohairs are one of the late eflects for dresses,
esjieeially in white.
Ktamines are drawing their share of patronage tiu.i these are
strong values : 50 cent for 38 inch green Etamincs : 85 cent for
44 inch in navy blue and $1.00. for 51 inch in castor and cadet
Wash Waists, r?
Dresses, Skirts.
new supply i f waiN l"r the
forr-tmkis jite'ti'f -tvh-s and
Of course you will want :i
summer. A notice ible feature
prices smaller than last year.
In Colored Wash Waists:
P.t cent Percale Waists full front, well made, a.nrtcl
in stripes and figures, worth 50 cents.
50 cent Madras .Stripe Waists plaited front and hack, 'i front
and -1 hack, pretty color stripes. $1.00 (.'hamhray WaNts, front
has slot seams and hemstitched tucks to form yoke. French back
bishop sleeves and cutis.
In White Waists.
50 cent fine Lawn, front with six clusters of dye tucks each
and four plaits, back tucked and plaited, tucked collar, bishop
Many other styles are an artistic showing of laces, insertions
and embroideries in front.
Window and Door
Fly time is near, be prepared
now and save annoyance later on
Screen Doors in walnut stain, and
oiled frames. Screens in various
sizes. Get our prices it means a
saving of money for you.
Ladies do you want a perfect fitting corset cover ? Then try
one of the knit ones we sell, they are made just like i vest, open
front, fine ribbed, perfectly shaped, with or without sleeves, and
positively will not shrink in washing 25, 35 and 50 cents.
XAZAUETH WAISTS, the under wai. t for boys and girls
in summer time. They take the place of all other underwear,
elastic ribbed peunit peafect freedom and waist buttons will not
come off. All sizes 25 cents. Union Suits, 50 cts. and $1.00.
Summer Underwear n
.1 ,.i .i i.i
Absolutely tne nnesc ami me
U;st goods we ever sold across
our counters. Comparing with
our former iiialities these arc
very much cheaper-it you are
looking for a high iiiality at a
low price come here. Pricts range
from 5 cents up to $1.00.
chreyer, Son & Co.
0 Fr0i)b Streeb.
' inrn'g M?nir
Eln; ;
trcct 0