The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 14, 1903, Image 1

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vyThave a Job lot of note
,jds on hand. They must go
Tk. nrlrft Will do It.
jlCK. "
"Ve furnish them printed
x less than you can buy them
Vancntller, Fditor and Proprietor.
A Family Journal, Devoted to News, Science, Art, Political Economy and Current Literature.
Rates: One Dollar Per Annum, in Advance
jvely Little Liners. I
Hustle and the Bustle of the
Unity Seat, Told in Brief
Lie More or Less Prominent.
I luting Population and Events ol In
(ftst that Satlaty Curiosity and
Appease tne nirsi iur
('nwgrove spent several days
Lli painting at Klcliflelil.
iC ('. Seebold and son, Harry,
Jbury are visiting relatives.
Irhtnt E. 8. Stroup of Strouj.
Las at the Couuty Beat, lues-
lry A. Rauen, who spent severa-
Lin the Western Mines, nas re-
1 borne.
lival Uray of Boston was a visitor
G. Alfied Schoch und wile
Ijeiii-tie Lelby of Suubury was
Lt of Miss Margaret Bolendur
bobn V. Orwig aud wife spent
i . ... i . i. imuatii ir 1J
Lrter ami wife.
i G. Crouse and wife spent sev-
lVg of the pant week with rela-
t Beaver Springs.
Lr Albert Smith of the Elizabeth.
Echo" spent Sunday In this
kith his relatives.
IrtWendt of Meiservllle, Mrs.
I'ildl and Miss Clara Wlldt of
Iwere Middleburg visitors Satur-
lAgi'ut, W. W. Ripka and wile,
tinburg, spent several days In
ist week the guesta of their par-
In Kelt, wife and two sons, Al-
I Luther, of Gordon paid a visit
Charliit M. Fnrry of Strnuptowti was
In Middleburg Friday.
Ml-s I.ulu Smith is visiting her aunt
Mm. Dr. Ernest, at Miftliuburg.
Aaron and David Stahlnecker were
passenger West Monday morning.
I Ion. F. C. Bowersox, who is away
on business, speut Sunday at home.
Win. F. Hummel of Holler was In
town Wednesday of Inst week.
M. L. Wagenseller of Selinsgrove,
called on our merchants Thursday.
Charles Stuck of Jersey Shore is vis
ltiHg his brother, George, at this place.
Dr. C H. Peter of Suubury showed
his smiling face at this place on Hun
day. Enoch Laudeuslager and Henry
Beede of Selinsgrove, were iu our town
William Rnniig of this place has been
selected as the Memorial Day Orator at
You cau get pure Wines aud Whis
kies for medical use at the Middleburg
Durg Store, tf.
Will L. Bassler and family of Free
burg, speut Suuday at this place cull
ing on frieids.
Hon. F. C. Bowersox has been select
ed as the Memorial Day Orator at
Shamokin Dam.
Mrs. Jerome Beaver of Beavertowu,
Saturday was entertained by Wni.
Komig aud wife.
I (viae Mlddleswarth, A. Holshue and
Win. Treaster of MoClure were at the
County seat Saturday.
Ex-County Commissioner John V
Wetzel of Beavertowu was at tin.
Couuty Seat Thursday.
Attorney Frank S. Glass of Freeburg
attended to business at the Court House
Thursday of last week.
George Womer of Sunbury paid
reaction must come, however from this
I long-llourishing style and this column
Fashion's Dictates For Soring, Spl ine . predicts the dawn of favor for the ht-
Styles that Furnish Wide Lati- i tie bonnet.
-ow, iis io sKins. .Not lor years nave
: tiiey undergone such volutions nii'l
tilde for Choice.
Distant nolesnf change in tin- nisli-' revolutions. While staunch admirers
Jons are in the air, although for the
Spring ami Summer the pace is pretty
well set. For enmile, largo hats con
tinue to hold sway, notwithstanding
the well-defined clfort on the cart of
several leading; milliners to introduce
the small bonnet tieil demon iv under
I Luther, of Gordon paid a visit George Womer of Sunbury paid
jfcaWer and, -wife the p .til flying, visit to bfaflislr. M r .F't
4 p mlth, Id Fr9uklln last Thursday. '
ard Bhanibach of Lewistown,
JuJuctH a boardiug house at that
iraa In Middleburg last week
Idea call at this office.
blwerve that our Ex-County
ler, I'. C. Seebold, of Sunbury,
In elected a Director of a now
I Sunbury. Charlie is a hustler
will make a valuable director.
Z. T. (ietnberling of Selint-
a? in tow n lust week. He in
itio that he and Mrs. Gemberliug
l'liilailelphia to attend the
of their son-in-law. Horace
r U. Smith of Hwineford has ac
Itlie iositiou as ticket, freight
kress agent and operator at Ki-
put County, Pa. It is ou the
I ivisiou of the Baltimore &
kiln.;.-!, 4D miles West of Pitts-
liis i mi excellent position and
r extends congratulations.
piennmi, Arthur Malick, G.
Iian. I'd. Weaver. II. C. Neal.
.Cooper, Henry Hanes, Miss
lustoii, Miss Edith Smith of
Miss Stella Zimmerman of
five und Clinton Mover or
pilerluiul, were a congenial
the Washington House Sun
you ever read any of Sweden-
forks? If not, will you send
i.. 1 1. . .
nuuiws enclosing a stamp or
1 will mail vou one of his
KEE. State whetheryou want
kiwi or in German.
hO Cleveland street,
Orauge, N. J.
Murilay morning we were very
surprised by a visit from
Alfred Schoch of Middleburir.
Hind not met since serving
I'll the legislative session of
fr. Schoch is one of Hnvder
most enterprising and respect-
f's, und though pretty well ad-
I" ytrs, hiks alter the Inter-
l'iu of which he Is the head,
r""" tt ni'inbcr of line furniB
fp'- 'd iu other business enter-
jNilU-rsburg "Herald."
li- Dilleiulcrfer.
irly of Heaver Springs, Pa.,
service in the public. He is
lw'iti the latest methods In
All work guaranteed. Of-
Market Street, in John
r!"il'l'"g,:MlddIeburir. Pa.
F'gln May he will visit the
wwns on dava holnw.
! Hotel, first Monday of each
avertown Hotel.-flnt Til
ch mouth: IWvr swi,
W Tuesday of each month:
1. Irtv.!
-pinj iiouse, third; Wed
l each month, tf,
Wm. Moyerof Freeburg, passed thro'
town Wednesday ou his way to Cen
terville to deliver several tomb stones.
Charles G. Hendricks and Miss
Alice Pawling, of Selinsgrove called on
G. A. Schoch and wife Sunday after
noon. Miss Mabel Wittenmyer, . who had
lK'en visiting her sister, Mrs. E. M.
Greene at Lewistown, returned home
When you want to tall; to this olllce
by 'Phone, call 02, Middleburg. Or
ders for Subscription, Job Printing and
Advertising can be sent by 'Phone.
Dr. John C. Amig, wife and son of
Lewistown are paying a visit to Joseph
L. Marks aud wife iu Franklin. Grand
papa was as happy as a Kansas sun
flower in August.
You can net Wines and Whiskies
anywhere, BUT, when you want the
best, lor Medical use, get a prescription
from your Doctor and go to the Mid
dleburg Drug Store for it. tf.
Frank Bradcuhaugh of Millersburg
spent last Friday night in tow n iu
company with his partner, II. G.
Frederick, who came here from Mill
ville to interview our Town Council on
the water works proposition. Mr.
Frederick is now constructing a plant
at Millville.
ivAMhU lUUAli to pre
pare for Government Positions. Fine
Openings in all Departments. Good
Salaries. Rapid Promotions. Exam
inations soon. Particulars Free.
Inter-State Cor. Inst.,
o-lU-Ilin. Cedar Ilapids, la
Diflcmicc Settled.
.1.1 rn . i -i ... i .
j lie town i.uuucn out not close a
contract with H. G. Frederick and
Frank 1'radcnhaugh of Millersburg,
last I'riday night. I here was harmony
on all questions except the disposition
of the plant in 1" years, the time fixed
ior me expiration oi me contract, l ne
Council will meet again this (Wednes
day) eveniug'to consider the matter
more fully. The question at Issue is a
very important one and should be
carefully considered.
Later. The dillerence has been
settled by Fredrick and & Brndeubaugh
yleldlug the point at issue aud it Is ex
pected that the contract will be signed
this week. .
of the eliiiKiiik! Iiii pnii ions still ailhcic
faithfully to this style, ol herns famous
modistes are making nothing lint full
skirts full girdle to hem.
'oat and jacket fashions are in the
same slate of transition as are the hats
and skirts, but in ilie groun of costumes
the chin a style which, so fin, him ! illustrated are embodied admirably the
ralletl to attract, and large Hat ! ltiosl pointed features of the Spring
hats without ties still hold the Meld. A fashions for 100.:.
Soldiers Attention.
The Snyder County Monumeut As
sociation will meet in the G. A. It.
Hall, Middleburg Saturday May loth,
at 1p.m.
Keb B. Middlelworth,
The central figure is a wooltex cos
tume with its new effect, stole front
and triple tunUns'klrt. The letticoat
for this costume Is 'a cwrosls deml-yoke,
mercerized, silk-appearing fabric.
I he bolero costume with the triple
yoke for the skirt Is made of Mohair
Sicilllenne of the richest and heaviest
character. This costume shows the
new low-necked effect, or rather the
col larless dress, and it will be noted
that the front is trimmed iu triplets of
pearl buttons. The swinging low front
Is the new French curve which is par
ticularly eiuphasi.ed by the assistance
ofaiiewnnd welcome article of wo
man's apparel known as the llosaliinl
waist adjuster. This excellent contri
vance is attached to the corset which
holds it comfortably and rigidly at the
desired point. The belts of the skirt,
underskirt and waist are most easily
and neatly arranged by the use of this
new article, and are kept (irmly yet
easily in place without a wrinkle, dis
pensing with much of the annoying
fullness usual to the superposing or
several different garments.
The third costume isofSpring weight
Worrall dyed Knglish velveteen. It
has also the French curve front, and
hi addition has the new extended skirt
back which is produced by a single
strip of featherbone descending from
the waist line in back to a point about !
12 inches above the bottom of the skirt
where a fork or triple line of feather.
bone holds the rear of the skirt gently
but gracefully In place. The girdle of
both costumes is made upon the new
featherbone girdle form, which Is elas
tic aud pliable, yet holds the shape of
Coming Events Cast Their Shadows
The readers of the i'osT are request
ed to scud us aiinonucemeiits of all
events. No charge will be made to
publish the same when the event is of
public importance.
Sati khav, May hi, A festival and
fake Walk will beheld at Beaver
town by theC. M. A. Lodge.
Si-NHAv, May 17, Church Dedication
at Glone Mills.
Tm usDAV, May 21. Ascension Day.
TfEsiiAY, May 11), 20 and 21st, Minis
terial, Sunday School and K. L.C.E.
Convention, United Evan. Church at
Sati-kpay, May 2:t, Mercantile tax
appeal at the Commissioner's olllce.
FitiiMY, May 15. Teachers' Examin
ation for Professional Certificates.
Sunday, June 21, Longest nay of
Si nday, May 31, Whit Sunday.
St NiiAY, June 7, Trinity Sunday.
Monday, June 22, Summer commen
ces at 111:0") a. m.
Sati uday, May 111, The Monumental
committee of the (i. A. U. of Sny
der County will meet iu Middleburg
ut one p. m.
Wednesday, May 27, Republican
State Convention at llarrisbuag.
Sati uday, May .'), the Ladies' Aid
Society of the Reformed Church will
hold a Fete on the Church Lawn.
Sati kday, May .10, Memorial Day
for the Decoration of the Soldiers'
Thursday May 21, The Lutheran
Suuday School of Kautz will serve a
grand chicken aud wflle dinner and
all kinds of refreshments one mile
the&r-r - I - iw I ' .ltuo. M.u8ie will be
tlwtno'"." the Kanu Cornet
b to-day".' .nem.-"The "'l- Kvery body luvited.
newest note umhion, however, Is
not alone iu the dresses, but In the ni
rangeinentof the hair. The low coif
fure will be especially noted iu these
Ilgures. The low neck or collarless
bodice will make a great revolution iu
hair dressing, and with the descent of
the hair arrangement to a point below
the neck or collar will come the great
vogueof silk hair nets, always so use
ful and so easily adjusted, and in this
case, absolutely necessary, to tho new
The new French curve form of the
newest vogue iu figure is visible iu
these costumes. It is produced by the
new model C. 15. A. la spirile corset,
over which these superb gowns are
Many gowns for the summer girl
are being made up without linings
either in bodice or skirt, so she is siqi
plying herself w ith a variety of silk
slip linings, which she w ill wear with
one or many gowns.
Materials this spring are of exceeding
softness and lightness of weight, voiles,
grenadines, tiareges ami the like, con
tributing to the soft, drooping effect
now so desirable.
Elaine Ro.k.
The XefT Tablet.
The many friends of Rev. Dr. 1. P.
Nell, purchased a memorial tablet In
loving remembrance of the scrvicis of
himself and wife in the erection of the
Lutheran Church at this place. The
tablet was placed in thechurch and un
veiled Sunday morning with special
Rev. Dr. Weber of Sunbury preached
the sermon for the occasion. The pas
tor, Rey. Diehl, made some appropri
ate remarks while the actual unveiling
was performed by Mildred Smith a
grand daughter of Dr. Xeff.
It was a trying moment for Dr. Ncff,
but he rescinded in appropriate re
marks and gracefully accepted the ex
pression of kindly feeling with humil
ity aud gratitude.
The tablet is beautifully engraved
and consists of marble. The inscrip
tion reads :
To the Glory of God
And in memory of
Rev. Dr. I. P. Neff aud wife,
Through whose
Efforts chiefly
This Church was Erected,
From 1890 to 1893.
Reduced Rates To San Francisco
and Los Angeles.
On account of the meeting of the
Master Plumbers' Association, at San
Francisco, Cal.. May 10 to 22. the
Pennsylvania Railioad Company will
sell exec -ion tickets to Sun Francisco
or Los .'. geles, May 11 to 17, inclusive
good to , turn until July hi, from all
stations .. i its lines, at r.'duccd rates.
These tickets must be validated for re
turn passage, for which the usual fee
of fifty cents will be charged. For
further particulars concerning rates,
routes ami conditions of tickets, con
sult ticket agents.
Saturday June II, The C. E. Society
of Ilassitigcis church will hold a
festival on the church lawn in the
Monday, June 1, Regular term of
Court opens.
Tuesday, June 0, Full Moon.
Monday, June S, Treasurer's Land
sale at the Court house.
Saturday, .July I, Independence Day.
I27lh anniversary.
f Otto Glace,
Kate Miller,
GloytC. Graybill, A. Kilter,
( Wlllet E. Roush,
Carrie E. Crouthaniel,
(('has. M. Ferry,
'(Hannah II. GaVman,
Million tonga.
A. M. Smith, Pres.
Secretary. 4-30-3t
WANTED: 100 girls, good wages,
light clean work, permanent position.
Susquehakna Silk Mills,
Sunbury, Pa.
May 10, by Rev. N. A. Klracofe, W.
A. Walter and Catherine A. Herbst,
both of near Middleburg, Pa.
Ou the 9th Inst, by Kev. W. A. Haas
Otto Glace and Kate Miller, both of
He Who Indulges.
First, we picture iu our mind the
happy school boy who is liked by every
one who knows him ; his mind is fill
ed with useful knowledge, bis bean
with good dispositions and allections,
he studies haul, be Icarus, bill some of
these happy schoolboys become caie
less and care no more for scl I, con
sequently some of them become "Thi
Cigarette Fiend," the second picture.
This is the first step down-wnrd ; hir
skin becomes yellow, his system is poi
soned by the nicotine, his comprehen
sion is dull, his ways In-come vulgar.
Next, his mind is rushed to drink,
'fills becomes the third picture to be
carefully looked at.
t ou see li mi iu tae bar-room, or, as
it is called, "The Tramp Factory," for
ttie tramp is indeed a symptom ; tic is
ugly, ill-savaged ami vicious. He 1
also a problem. It is said thai sixty
three per cent ol his wretched company
cries out, "Rum (lid it." Jle walks Ilie
street u fearful specimen of a broken-
down man, and from head to foot he is
covered with disease ; lie moves along
the street with downcast eyes or stag
gers with heavy trend, his lips are livid
aud closed over teeth decayed. The
trump is a dangerous creature, he hides
i ii woods, he conceals himself in the
outbuildings on many n farm.
The crimes against women and old
age. the burglaries and lires, the de
railing of trains, the tramp problem
still! ltis he who knocks at yoin
door and asks for shelter or food, it i
he who travels the street with shabhj
clothes, and he ciies out, "Rum did
W. P. Snyder.
Examination for Professional
Applicants for professional Certiflato!
will be examined at Freeburg, May 15.
The requirements are, at least thret
years successful experience iu teaching,
have an average of less thau one aud
one-half in the branches.
Successful teachers, now holdlnp
professional Certificates, can take the
Ask your Docotor for a prescription examination In the added branches at
and go to the Middleburg Drug Store the regular examination.
to get your Wines and Whiskies for ' . Faithfully Yours,
1 edlcal use.. , t Geo. W. Walbokn, Co., Supt.
National Encampment . A. R.
The Thirty-seventh National En
campment (r..:el Aim,) of thcRcpub
liciwhic h is to b.- In ld iu fan Francisco
dining the week commencing August
I7t!l, l'.'O:!, is destined to hci Hue olic of
the most notabie gathering.- iu point
of numbers, magtiiih-cncc and splendor
iu the history nf California, as well
as iu the annals of the Iralci nily. Tho
people of San Francisco, and ol all
California, fully appreciating the fact
that these veterans may never again
gather iu an l-'.iicauipinciil ou the
shores of the Pacific, w ill exert every
etlort to make this Encampment the
most memorable one in the history of
the G. A. R. No other organization
holds the atl'eclioti of the people as
does the one composed of the veterans,
the defenders of the I'nion, of liberty
and light. The veterans residing iu
California and Nevada arranged the
preliminaries for the Encampment,
but all the people of California and of
the Pacitlc Coast are enthusiastic ou
that topic now, and working hand ill
baud with Hie committees to make this
Kiicampmeiit eclipse all former frater
nal gatherings. From the Governor
ol the State to the humblest citizen,
eveiy one is imbued with the Idea that
Suu Fruiicisco and California must give
the veterans the most rousing welcome
they have ever had. Merchants, manu
facturers, fanners and miners, all are
eager to make the visit of the veterans
a pleasant and a memorable one. They
are determined to show the visitors the
famed beauties of this Western Won
derland, w hich must be seeii to be ap
preciated. From eveiy county and
section of Ilie, State the choicest pro
ducts will be brought to San Francisco,
and be placed on exhibition, lhat the
visitors may feast their eyes upon them.
Carloads of fruit the most delicious in
the world fruit-beariug trees, the
uIuuim of to ClirriitH fore!. nnd
oilier wouders that have made the
Golden State famous, will be ou exhi
bition throughout the City for the
benefit of those who cannot visit every
section of the state. The famous gar
dens of Santa Clara, .Marin, Sonoma,
Alameda, Contra Costa and other ad
jacent Counties will furnish the ma
terial for the grandest tloral display
ever seen. Oiiurt ami hydraulic mili
um will be demonstrated on niinalure
mines, und oil wells are to be bored in
the city, iu sight of the visitors.
1 hcelccirical display and the illum
inations are to surpass even those
which have made .-;iti Francisco fam
ous during the Knights f Pythias en
campment in 1002, and were consider
ed the finest ever seen. It will be the
grandest sight to behold the vast hosts
of the veterans inarching through the
streets of San Francisco, beneath a
canopy of lloweis, and under garlands
and domes woven of myriads of incan
descent electric lights, turning nighl
into day and making tin- scene one of
fairyland. For the illumination ami
the decoration, though much of it is
owned by the city and is given free of
cost, and the Mow el s are donated, tho
Legislature has appropriated Jj-2o,(X;0
for that purpose, and the citizens ex
pect to raise three times as much by
voluntary contribution, to defray the
cost of dressing the city in holiday
The climate is the most agreeable that
can he imagined ; the temperature tho
year round is mild and pleasant. In
August, with no rain, the thermome
ter registers ii." to 7) degrees, rarely a
degree more or less, whether mid-day
or mid-night. Two hundred thousand
visitors can be easily accommodated ill
the city atone time, and have been
comfortably housed on two former oo
casions. Living iu San Francisco is
cheaper than in any large city iu the
I'liion, and it is good living at that.
Fruit unci vegetables grow in abun
dance the year round ; there is no cold
hot nor an oil-season in California, iu
August fruit can be bou ht from any
street vender, enough for 5 eeuis to
feed a family. Meat is plentiful aud
cheap, and of the very best quality.
Rooms, good, clean, comfortable room8
may be had in the resilience part of
I he town at 50 cents to a $1 per night,,
or $.1 to $7 per week. All the hotels,
lodging, boarding, apartment houses,
have agreed to charge the regular rates
.luring the Encampment. The railroad
rates are the lowest for that occasion
ui the history of trans-coutlucntal traf.
ilc, and will Include, traveling over
ilhcr route, coming and returning,
tvith many side trip?, at a nominal
For hotel and other accommodation
address the Executive Committee, U.
A. K., Grand Hotel, San Francisco,
Cal. .