ESSSXfi j 'aaIp' Our hue la much bigger, fuller, ana VJvl"? prettier titan it ever was before. GROCERIES, a full line, quality hitler, prices lower. NOTIONS, the values are remarkable and the prices attractive. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, more complete than ; : ever. . ' . ' , TINWARE, sweepiug reduction. . - . brug Department ." Fi QUEEXSWARE, well selected at popular price. GLASSWARE, look to uh for Bargains and save money. IIAT3 and CAP?, our lines are good, fresh, clean, " and carefully selected stock. SHOE DEPARTMENT, in all the trade there is not one "parallel to the progress of our shoe depart ment - m V.-urti .Liu ia TLirornin TiliV. Watch niV p2.rf3.inS? Markets for Butter and Eggs. Watch My Markets N. T. Dundore, DUNDORE, PENNA. fHUlLSDON RFFDS That SuncBBd U Im " The Seed House Of D. Lnnrtreth Sons, the i oldest In Am- . mt - it u U..1.,- ....I hM.iill. . lllia ttf nA(Al Ml tile BRrVieC tITotmimMnT,iaatdtobumihoat iha vluible Information contained In tbi. I"""-. . . .. i. ilog'ie. fe AMERICA'S BED FOR 1BOS. ,,y, vou?Plonler.niouiitliiBtol.OI'orm')re. See luriro llliL-trntion and full descrl,,. in Uiidreths' Catalogue. Write to-day for the Catalog. BIG RETURN ON A 25 CENT INVESTMENT- f POO Heads of Cabbago .... UndrOtlm' Early Summer i.. I .-rr I 1H hoots of ltiltlinli Ijiu.ret lis' W bito Lady linger. OUCH SEED I iwt Roots of Heels Hmrlet Tennislmll I JU" rrui'.ui, .... ....... - vooo Heads of Lettuce Virginia Solid lloaler ......r I 8(10 Fruits ol Watermelon . . . Arksjww Traveler PRODUCE ftlH) Bulbs of Onion Hloomodalo t'earl 1 I mm Hants of Tomato. . . . . Landmine' burliest Which collection ol Seeds for twentjr five () cent enclosed with the Order will bo nini'ed. t& D, LAND RET H & SONS Lreil to till orders promptly and satis- JAMES VICK, 1217 Market Street, F..RME L OF:00H"TER' N v- PHILADELPHIA, PA. DNE PACKAGE FREE ! I Have you got Dyspepsia, Indigestion, or any kind of stomach ty4to? You canWCured; I ill Bend you FREE a package of ,:nfJ"T TaXSawore. thkiryears' experience Lie i u . T will cure all forms or stomacii trouDie. bucu krd Shanibaen Jon) ga8on the fstomach, heart-burn, palpitation II luciJiti,,, o - My Stomach Tablets Lui.ii,nl,inn.MhiA lio-paf. fivMi. That ia their mission, lhey DO fim by netting things right iu the stoniaeh. Create new life and mergy uy strengtnening ine sromai-u. Any Form of Stomach Trouble 'an be cured if the right remedy ia Remedy. I have seen hundreds of HEREWITH ARE TWO Among Many Testimonials. l... ......... in ih in rnrn fir. John Morrow, tfpnngneia.u. Dear Sir f lease find $s.ou lor liii'h mail me three boxes of the ftonmi li Tablets, these I order for blends. I have taken about two koxes and they cured me of eto- macu trouble. Many oi my riemls have tried them and say Jhey are the best they have ever pled. I could not sleep on my kit side for many years, but I nn ne down now ana sleep any- lay I happen to lie down. l ours truly, E. L. Ramsey, used. My Stomach Tablets is the very bad cases cured by them. RaiAin, III., May 10, 1W)2 Mr. John Morrow : Dear Sir Received box of John's stomach Tablets and took them according to directions (2 days) and I slept soundly both nights, something I had not done tor over a year, and I was hungry every meal and enjoyed eating. For the last year, soon as I would eat I would feel my stomach and head begin to pain me. I am going to send part of this package to my daughter, and if it helps her (I feel sure It will), I will soon send you another order. Yours truly, Mhs. O. A. Griffith. Mv nfr,.r to let vou trv them FREE is based on my faith in and ex- lerienee with my Tablets in curing dyspepsia. Write ni at once and the FREE TRIAL PACKAGE will be sent y return mail, and soon you will be cured. (3-19-10-t) JOHN MORROW, Chemist, 96 Forest Ave., SPRINQFIELD, OHIO. INDOR HOUSE W.II. BUTLER, Proprietor , Market Si., Harrlsburg Pa., Opposite P. R. R. Depot Entrance) V( nlled for All Tralaa PS, 2 5 and 50c. Qood Meals, 23c Good accommodations. .. tf lea mm Wwki m Ike Cold Jive Brouio-QulDlne Tablet cure pin a day. Mo cure, no pay. Price Scott's Emulsion is the ricans of life and of the er. y merit of life of thousands cf n?n, women and children. To the men Scott's Eniul aoa cives the flesh, and trcngth so necessary for the are of consumption and the pairing of body losses from :.y wasting disease. For women Scott's Emul on docs this and more. It is i most sustaining food and . n;c for the special trials that "omen have to bear. To children Scott's Emul ' on gives food and strength ?r growth of flesh and bone r- blood. For pale girls, r thin and hlcWy boys Scott's vnulsion is a great help. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists. VO0-4I5 Pearl Street, New York. SOo. and $1.00 all druKKists. NEAT SHIPPING COOP. If nollt of Good. Sound anil Mirlit Ma. terlal It Will I.aat for a Lonir Tlmr. Here is a very m-nt and attractive coop, and about the best coop for flip ping to near-by customers and the show room. When you Khip your birds to the poultry show, line the inside of the coop with unbleached muslin, to pre vent your birds from soiling their FOn SIIirPINQ POULTRY. feathers. Whenever you use the coop to ship birds to a customer, request him to return the coop, and it will last for several shipments. In building the coop use good, sound and light ma terial. For the ends and partition use three-quarter-inch dressed pine, and for tb ""V'ttom, sides, slats and ton use uWaslRiiR'-li.i.T'ijt the ln.' nn with wcvpw. find ihpn it. nnpu ' iwi'iHi makeuny difference which slat is taken THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. tcasoa ta ta latrraatloaal Srrlaa tor Mar 10, 1003Tka Plot Aralaat Paal. THE LESSON TEXT. (Acts 23:13-ri) 11 And when It was day. certain of tha Jews banded together, and bound them selves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drliik until Olejr bad killed Paul. 13. And there were more than 40 which bad made this conspiracy. 14. And they came to the chief prlcstaand elders, and said. We have bound ourselves under a great curse, that we will eat noth ing until we have s:ain Paul. 15. Now, therefore, ye with the council siKnify to the chief captain that he bring blm down unto you to-morrow, as thouxh ye would inquire something more perfectly concerning him: and we, or evtr be come near, are ready to kill him. 16. And when Paul's sister's son heard of their lying in wait, he went and entered Into the castle, and told Paul. 17. Then Paul called one of tie centurions unto him, and said, tiring this young man unto the chief captain: for he bath a cer tain thing to tell him. 18. 8o he took him, and brought him to the chief captuin, and said, Paul the pris oner called me unto htm, and prayed me to bring this young man unto thee, who hath something to say unto thee. 18. Then the chief captain took him by the hand, and went with him aside private ly, and asked him, What is that thou hast to tell me? 20. And he said: The Jews have agreed to desire thee that thou wouldest bring down Paul to-morrow into the council, as though they would inquire somewhat of blm more perfectly. 21. Hut do not thou yield unto them: for there lie in wuit for him of them more than forty men, which huve bound themselves with an oath, thut they will neither eat nor drink till they huve killed him: and now are they reaily, looking for a promise from thee. 22. So the chief captain then let the young man depart, und charged him, tiee thou tell no mun thul thou hust shewed these things to me. GOLUEX TEXT. The Lord stood by hint, and sulil, lie of koucI rbeer. Acts X'titl. OUTLINE OF SCRIPTURE SECTION. Paul's Roman clllm nshlp...ActH rJ::i-;. Paul before the Banhedrln.. Acts 22:oO-J:ii, The plot against Paul. .....Acts IHMi-lo. The plut discovered Acts lo:lti-L'i. The plot deleated '....Acta a:-35. TIME. A. V. 6s. PLACE. Jerusalem. NOTES AND COMMENTS. This lebbuu follows the lut without a break A D for Infants end Children. Tho Iviml You Hare Always Houht lias borno tlio signa ture of Clm. II. Fletcher, ami has been matle under his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations ami "Jnst-ns-ool" nro hut Experiments, and endanger tho health of Children Experience against Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought 1 Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. TMI CtNTIUH COMNNV, TT MUMtr THrCf, NIW OtH CITY. liberal Adjustments- I ronpt REMEW.BEH H. HRRVEY BCHDCH, GENERAL NS( r?ANCE AGENCY Onlv the Oldest, f Irons. Or-h Companies, c; u'.t nt and .lormit'.o. lb PAYS to advertise in a live and np- io-aate newspaper, x or results '7 The POST, CHESTER'S EKCUSSI f IIIYIIOYAL FILLS i lliS5:.K!!Ni I ssk I)raM CWOHBBTM OHIMIOAI. do." i mu, TA. Patents Quaranteed Under $20,000 BOND THE KEYSTONE LAW AND PATENT CO., 107 Betz Build Ing, Philadelphia, which is the only bonded Patent Agency in the world, offer to make a Guar anteed Search of the Patent Of fice Records not merely their opinion Free of charge to read ers of this Journal who will send a sketch, model or descrip tion of their Invention." - They will also give a certificate of patentability which will be or great assistance to hu inventor in raising capital. Valid Patents with the broad est claims secured on easy week ly payments. Write to-day. S. S. WILLIAMSON, Kb. 5 Run T.iEY President. l'uul lnul been arretted, und at the opeuing of the lekhon is carriiV. into tho c'lisUv of Autonin, which joined the temple court on -the north, to be tortured with the hope of extort ing a confession of his supposed guilt from him. l'uul's speech on the itnirs was in Hebrew. Probably the chief ea plain uul not uu(Ier!tiind it, but he thought there must be something wrong with Paul to throw the crowd into such a frenzy of rage, and he determined to find out by torturing him. l'uul's Roman citizenship was all that saved him from this ordeal. It was contrary o the Komuu law to torture a Koman citizen. Paul's cafe was evidently too much for the Koman officer, but he still be lieved from the actioua of the Jew? that his prisoner must certainly be guilty of something, and ao he culled .w.-.hai minneurin. ine n v nest conn- lp, ch ... ? anflr-2 - ' v'o-JrJWEAH: Fir. , l.ii The Aer;:i Homo " .American Founded i. ., isi!) Ahsoih n,t ;i; 1S5.J 1810 The Standard A The New York ) The fidelity Mi Your PatrcnaLi ::it Insurance Co insurance Co. i Life Association nlicltod MOST LIBERAL OFFEI OF THE The off to remove the birds. For single birds build the coop 12 to 14 inches wide and 20 inehea long and 20 to 24 inches high; for a pair, 18 Jnchex wide, 20 inches long; trios, 20 by 20. Double coons with partitions should have two separate slats to remove so that the birds can be taken out of the coop without- any trouble. The top of coops should be from four to sis inches nar rower than the bottom, says the Amer ican Toultry Journal. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Enow it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling Indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if it stains your linen It is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain In the back Is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to Bo. There Is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain In the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root ia soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should nave tho best. Sold by druggists In 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mall, address Dr. Kilmer ee Vim or pwomv-Knni Co., Blnghamton, N.Y. When writing men tion reading this generous oiler in this paper. The development of the modern railroad and steamship makes possi ble a trip around the world in 27 days, as follows: From New York .to Hamburg, 4,800 miler, 7 days; Hamburg to Vladivostock, 7,500 miles, 6 days; Vladivostock to Seattle, 7,000 miles, 10V4 days; Seattle to New York, 3,300 miles, 2 days; ' total, 22,600 miles in 27 days. . , A London scientist baa discovered that disease germs and bacteria In wa ter may be rendered harmlesa by in cessant vibration. Any mechanical device that will violently agitato the impure water for several days will de stroy the germs and render them harm less. "Don't boil water; shock it," the injunction published by Chi eago paper. ca . US, get at vA. a. Paul's first words to them were not a boast of a sinless life, but a protestation of his loyalty as a Jew to the (Sod of the Jews u pit-a of "not guilty." Paul's conduct, when. Kiiiitti'y in in striking con-trust with that of the Master under similar circumstances, and yet we cannot fed that his indignution wns unjustifiable. Remember that this session of the San hedrin was informal; that probably the lloinnn olliccr -was presiding and not the high priest, ns in regular ses sions and the high priest did" not wear a distinctive dress except when en gaged in act uul service, nnd that Tuul had been a stranger at Jerusalem for many years. It was thus naturnl that Paul should not recognize the high priest in the crowd. When he discov ered what he had done, he apologized. The resurrection tit Christ and of Christians occupied a very large pine in Paul's preaching. He muy have been speaking of this for Luke only gives us smell-lies of what went on be fore the Snnhedrin when he bbw the opportunity to divide the council against itself und so prevent its tak ing any action against him. The chief captain, little wiser than before, took Paul back to the castle. "The Jews:" Probably a mixture of the enemies from Asia, the most bit ter of the Jerusalem Sadducees, and tho order of the Assassins, spoken of last week. "Bound . . undera curEe:" Invoked a curse upon themselves if they should fail to keep their oath. "Came to the chief priests:" those of the Sadducean party, of whom Ana nias: was one. They agreed to aid the conspirators (v. 20). "Paul's sister's son:" How be learned we do not know. "Told Paul:" Showing that Taul's friendi had access to him. "Took him by the hand:" As if he were a mere lud. The chief captain seems to have sympa thized with Paul. He was probably convinced by this time that the action of the Jews was fanatical and outra geous, and that Paul was not guilty. The most dangerous part of the journey to Caesarea was passed when the troops reached Antipratis in. the morning. The infantry returned to Je rusalem, and only the troop of cavalry escorted Paul the rest of the way to Caesarea, where he was to await his trial before Felix. His imprisonment here lasted for two years. PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS. It is a great thing to be able to say that one is living in all good conscience before God. Those who live in all good con science before Oodi will be cheered by Him in times of trouble. Those who live ln all good conscience before God will be watcned over and protected by Him. Those who live in all good conscience before God will be helped by Him in great emergencies, Those who live in all good conscience before God ara not tortwtd tr ear and anxiety. . w fi a i lew-York ribune Farmer is a national llluMrolcd iigriculluml vy t kly Pur fuimers nnd their fainilicH, ami Htunds at the head of the agri cultural prt'RS. It is a practical paper for practical farmers, helping them to neciire tho largest jHissible profit from the farm throu&'v.vtK'iiea' iiulhoiiri. It iu entertaining, instructive and practically useful to the farmer's wife, sons and daughters, whose Intcie-ls il covers in un attractive manner. The regular price is f 1. 00 per year, but for it limikd time wo will receive your suliscr'plion for THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE IWRAIER and also for yourou n favorite local newspaper, The Post, Middli lung, Pa. Boras OneYfiarforonly $1.25 iSend your order and money to The Post. Your name and address on a postal curd to THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNEIFARHER, New-York City, will bring 3 ou free siminle copy. Schools and Courses of Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, Pa. TEACHERS' COUKbE.At thi time F)ceial nttcntini is c: !!k1 to (his course. It is intemkd to advance tlie tfliciciicy nnrl cnrnii. capacity of those who teach tliniii"; the Winter, and also to inqiarc for (caching. The entire course covers four years, all of which can he taken hy teachers without interruption of their woik in the school-room, and lends up to a permanent certificate and other advantages. This meets a long felt want of teachers who must earn their education with meagre salaries and offers excellent opportunities for steady advancement. Teachers and those who wish to prepare successfully for teaching should not fail to acquaint themselves fully with the Lent fits to le derived from (his course. This year the term begins April 6, 1903, and closes July 20, 1903. Expenses are very low. Write for full particulars. MUSICAL CONSERVATORY AND COLLEGE FOR YOUNG LADIES. Degrees and Diplomas Grnnfcd. The Spring term begins April 1, 1903, and closes June 17, 1903. Special arrangements have been made for a large attendance fur MUSIC and other studies. There is a splendid course in Elocution. Facilities arc nowhere better. The work is in charge of an able corps of.teachers who rank with best any where. The large imposing Ladies' Hall has nil the modern conveniences. The environment is home like and parents can rest assured that their daughters will be given the best care in every way. The climate is very healthful and the surrounding scenery is all that could be desired. Our students conic from the best homes. Why not .give your daughter the advantage of at least a few terms away at Col lege. The day has gone by when the girls were kept at home, and only the boys sent to college Rates are very reasonable. Write for catalogue and particulars. COMMERCIAL COURSE. An increasing number of young persons are finding luci: live positions at the counting desk and in offices. To meet this demand the University oflers a thorough and efficient Commer cial Course, consisting of Book-keeping, Penmanship, Shorthand, Com mercial Law, etc. All or any f these subjects may bo pursued. Resides securing a superior Commercial Course, our students enjoy the additional advantages of a Gymnasium, Library and Reading-room, Literary Socie ties, and the University life in general. The University atmosphere stimulates the ambition of students, and, together with efficient instruction gives exceptionally satisfactory results. We have no difficulty in secur ing positions for all students completing the course. Write for terms an4 particulars. The College of Liberal Arts is noted for its excellent Scientific ant! Classical Courses. A course in Civil Engineering is given. The Preparatory School fits f Indents for College entrance. Address, J. I. WOODRUFF, it; A. K. WARNER, or J. F. KEMPFER. Deau. Registrar. Field Saff
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