The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 07, 1903, Image 5

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T)r U M iwreos ien inai iuunc
jay for Ft Wayne, loo.-
IlarycV xieimzieumu - auu wue
Sunbury over Sunday .
V W Sholly and w J Herman
jade a business inp 10 ouunury
nnedav last week
Joseph Sohrey and Mjss Lizzie
Ilivf i y ot Montgomery were visit
ing bis brother Gottlieb Schrey and
fcmily 'iere
ri li Aucher spent bundny at
Agent H W Aucker is kept busy
these cold days.
John nud Frank Scholl of Sha-
mokia Dam BPenl Sunday at home.
While trimmine apple trees, 8
StrouD caiue very near cutting otl
i,; thumb on the left hand. ' It re-
... .
quired the aid ot a doctor to hx it
This is a good time of the year
if., iha nunervisors to dick me
loose stones from the road.
Our Sunday School is in i good
taming oruer.
Mrs Puul Iieadley. returned to
ler hunieat Shaniokin Monday
J F Specht, spent Sunday with
Its family
Merchant II C Graybill spent
Sunday at Mifflinburg
Miss Mollie Troupe, who was
mployed at Sunbury, is spending a
Jew days with her parents
Clms Boyer spent greater part of
last week in Phi la and has purchas
ed the finest line of Spring and
lumnier goods ever brought to this
Wtof the county
Willie, the oldest son ot M C
Teirick, is still confined to his bed
Wm Mitchell is remodeling his
louse which will add a beautiful
Warance to his farm
Dr Botteiger ' of Senna Grove
fas attending to tick horses here
Frank Troupe, who was spend-
Jg some time in W Va, returned
me - ' ;
C S Boyer returned home from
yV4rn tour. ' vv;
ajmeh ofW.' .
The Telephone Exchange is now
lept open day and night, so that
lose needing a night service can Le
Elmer Snyder, insurance agent of
eveland, is visiting friends and
datives in this section.
Wallace Laudenslager, who died
hursday morning, was buried Sat-
tday afternoon; Post No 148 had
large of the corpse and performed
eir uunai service, lie was a
ember of Capt Ryan's Co F 13 1
Newton Stayley of Indiana was
lied here by the death of his
kther. He looks as though VVest
I) life agreed with him.
Miss Edith Potter is entertainine
V friend, Miss Schuyler, of Lock
Tailor Phillips was, in Philadel-
ua last week making his early
pnmer purchases. .... .
We had a fine rain Sundai even-
. - - r
liss Annie Hem.
J. . .AJH
ut Loysville, spent a short time
Jtown recently. v r
Absolutely Pure
Mrs Lydia Kellar of Selinsgrove
spent the week with her sisicr, Mrs
mck Deobler.
Mary Kunkle of Selinsgrove and
Sam lordly ot VickBburg, spent
Sunday with their mother Susaua
Mrs Jennie Moyer of Swineford
spent Sunday with Charles Man
beck and wife
Amelia Gilbert spent Sunday in
Rev Schuable of Salem. Thomas
Deitrich and wife of Kreamer, and
Maud Moatz and Viola Beaver of
Middleburg, J A Sehroyer, of Sun
bury took dinner with W L Sch-
royer und wife
Verna Etdly of Swineford spent
Friday with Verna Stuck
11 W Yoder and sister Auun llot
tenstiue speut Sunday with B F
Walter and wife
Samue! Zieber went to Sunbury
where he found employment
Jacob Bickle of Freeburg, spent
Sunday at this phue
Cora Landis of Knamer spent
Sunday with her suter, Mrs George
A Kreeger of Swineford was do
ing business at this place Thursday
The church at this place will be
dedicated the 17th . .
experience,, q i
Calvin Ulsh has added some big
improvements on bis dwelling house
at McClure by putting up a new
porch and having it repainted. ,
Landlord lloush rf McClure, is
putting up a new double porch
around his hotel.
Ulsh, Shirey & Co., had their
store buil'ding repainted by Showers
& Co. '
F C S Peter has a force of paint
ers at work at McClure on difier
eut buildings.
Charles Showers was home to
spend a few days with his parents
before going to Maryland to work
for TF Swineford on a stave mill.
The special train started this
Monday moining to take laboring
men to the Standard Steel Works
at Burnham.
Jos D of McClure has no reason
to stand around now waiting for a
job of corn husking.
Mrs James Peter, Miss Sarah
Romig and Mrs VV Y McGlanghlin
was at Hickory Corners last week
for a mess of hickory nuts.
' Mrs Aaron Moyer with her two
grand children of Mifllin county is
WP years'
rWcw: Goods,
J1AXJ Jl Jl JlO 9
I desire to Invlf iha" atlontlnn nf m.VIU otI A I Ul
Line of Goods; -
For Men from $4.00 up.
For Children and Boys, from $1.50 up.
wiicoes at 5c. and 6c. Apron Ginghams at 6c.
uress Ginghams, at' 8c. and 1 Oc. Silk Ginghams, 1 8c.
"wis, 6c. 8 and 10c. " ' . Dimities, 8 and 10c. '
tLadles' Shirt Waists, 50c. to $1.50.
Plow Shoes ' From
$1.00 up.
.here to spend a few weeks at her
'old homestead. . ,,.
Levi B Treat-ter alter speuding a
few weeks in Mifllin county, is
luck airain and making his home
with J. M. Wagner.
Dan Powell of Buruhaiu, Pa.,
and Milton Stumpff uf Wagner, Pa.,
paid McClure a visit on Saturday.
Planting corn, in April ia not
generally practiced iu Snyder Co,
but this season on aooouut of the
favorable weather quite a number
of our farmers have pl.iutid during
the last tew days ot last month
Our township is without a phy
-. .11... r . '
Biciau mm mere is a nne ope in g
tor tiie rignt man
Howard Scholl and Else Troup
made a trip to Millersburg on busi
T o 1 n ct i.
xr opaugier oi eiinpgrove was
in town on professional business
Mary keeler ce!ehratel her
birthday last SnturJuv und was
complimented by her many friends
John Hoover is raising lumber
for John II ise's liarn
Our farmers are planting a liberal
crop of potatoes
These warm days people go to
Dundore for raw hats and read the
Post to keep cool
Francis Reicnen bach is an expert
at white washing and is now ready
for a new job as he finished our
merchant's premises
1G to 1 represents the Susque
hanna coal business of last i-eason to
the present season
Frank A Eyer und wife of Cum
den, N J, spent a few days with bis
mother at Selinsgrove, and during
his stay Maria V Dundore called
on them
E S Aucker with his valuable
horse passed through town
Men waiting for work seldom see
the work that waits for men
II C Hoover is sowine Califor
nia millett for a crop cf hay
Holtzworth of Selinscrrove was
selling fresh fish through hare last
The Susquehanna Coal Dialers
say that the price for coal is nominal
and coa! scarce, and the demand
limited, so they f un j wo'rfun other
industrials, an 1 their co il fl its and
other equipments can bu bought at
reduced prices and the future hioks
Randall Fwlier of Chapthan was
on our Bt recta
- E 8 Wolf's child is on the sick
list . '
Aaron Staufer is hauling fertili
ser from Port Trevurtou to his
father's farm
lluw'n i'Iii
We offtr Ou Iluiulrl Dollnts
Reward for any etc cf CatHrrh
that cannot be cuixl by HhIi'b
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CLeney&C, Toledo, O.
We, tie undersigned Lave knowb
F. J. Cheney for the last 1-5 vears.
aud believe biia perfectly boubraibe
in all busineHs tran actions and
ttuaiiCially atilo to ariy out au v
(f itioiis made br their firm,
NVest&Troax, wholfHo Diuffeexts,
Toledo, O. Waldino. Kinnan&Mar
vii). Wholesale lrui(jis, I'ole.lo.O.
nan caturrn Uur ia taken ititer
oally, acting directlp upou the blood
amilmucous sei fac of tbo Byeteu).
Testimonial sent fre. Prices 75c.
per bottle. Sold by Drugt'eats
Hall's Family PnU ar,, tue bt.
James Freed is laid up with ii
flammutory rheumatism.
Mrs. P. J. Herbstcr, who has been
housetl up and was quite sick at
uiuca wmi ivpilOHl iever ior tne
last three weeks, is still a very sick
Mrs. V. E. Herbstcr accompnin
her orphan boys as far as Lewis
town Junction on their return to the
Loysville orphan school Saturday.
Rev. D. C. Kaufman visited
his parents and friends in Berks
county h st week.
llev. V. M lleaneh, wife and
two little children of West Milton
are enjoying the hospitality of the
Kev s parents tins week.
Edward Freed re-roofed h's house
G V Snyder has torn down part
of the old building fronting on
market street. It was used as a
barbershop of late years, an I he is
preparing to erect a new building.
Mrs. C F Specht and daughter
Lura are spending several weeks
with friends in Union County
Quite a number of people : of
Beaver Springs, Middleburg Pax'
touvillc, Swineford and Ktshnmc
attended the funeral of Artie Aigler
Satnut I Uearich, one of our most
respected cit'zens, is in very feeble'
health j
Another precious life has been!
sacra fioed in a rail-mad wreck, and j
another home has !eeii made exced-1
ingly Kid On Fiiday a telegram!
was sent to this place stating that '
rlhnr W Aigler had been killed!
in a wreck in the 1'lihtcrn part of j
Ohio, Artie Hi lie was culled, lull
home on the l'Jlh of May 190'2 and '
weut to Port Perry about teu miles
southeast of Pittsburg where bo had 1
been a telegraph operator up to
within u week or two la-fore his '
untimely death His parents sup i
posed he was still ut the same place
lie had written that he did not
like the place, ami he wou'd likely
? .
leave when the year was u
irom mo reports received uii
Pe-ru-na a Prompt and Permanent
Cure for Nervousness.
Mm. Lulu Larmer, Sloughton, W'U.,
ays: v
"For two yearn I nuffored vlth nor-
but ! T0Ui' ,ou an' st0""'''' dlKorrlrr' 'r tU-
- . i iv iuei:!cu luai. iiiere was notuin; lo mo
to the hm i
present time, it appears th-it lie had "I waa vory irritable, could not sleep,
left the place, uud was braking a, rest or com po so myself, and wan certain-
freight train on the Cleveland andilyunflttotakecareofahoUB4,hold'
Pittsburg Bit and waskilledin a filSlS
wreck JVist ot Alianee (Jhlo Irulav !l grow steadily better, my nerves Krew
morning The body was prepared i itrougor, my r st was no longor UtfuL.
for burial, placed in a beautiful j to-day I consider myseir In perfect
casket, and sent East n riving at this hlBltfhrlvr"f h , ,
i ...... ,.b . "My recovery wn.H slow but stiro. butl
Oil Hie late tatunlay persoverod and was rewarded by perfect
Aie is Bumveu oy lilSj Health." Mrs. IjUIu Larmer.
A lie
parents, N Wilson, am
(Uliamstine) Aigler, t.vo you ier
brothers and one sister, the fn a-ral
was held Sunday p. ui. and n- at
. .. i 1 1 i i i
milieu oy a large nuinoer oi
lives and friends The pu.i
the family, I P Ziminerinai .
ducted the servicies Hisai
18 years 10 mouth and 0 day.-
t i ir a
irs. jonn v. Aigler,
Katie, and master John, ppent
several day with friends m Paxton-
ijflle recently.
Mrs F S lliegle and daughter
"Li.'.Myhurg, were the
'is, l -wc" vum.
Uichard Foltz is the proud
of a youug daughter
Wm Hoover of Bloomsbuir
the welcome guest of his sistei
J Juo C Neitz the past week
Miss Edward Kelly, a member of I he
Civil Engineer Corps of Shame
Mrs. Anna R. FlcL-irty, recent Super
intendent of tho AV. O. T. U. bendquar
j tors, atOalesburp, 111., was for ten years
, ono of the leading wi :.ien there. Hoi
I husband, when living, waa flrat Presl
, dent of the Nebraska "U'osleyaa Uni
versity at Lincoln, Neb.
In a lotter written from 401 Sixty
seventh street, Wn Cblcuo, 111., she
! "I wonld not be without IVnina for
i ten times its cost.'' Mrs. Anna B.
j " Summer Catarrh," a book wr ton by
vi, tlartraau on the subjoctof tlio ner
vous disturbances peculiar to summer,
it.p i sent iroo 10 any aauress Dy 'I no 1'uruna
Medicine Co., Columbus, Oblo.
, da
ft" in- -was
Sjctit Saturday.
A mumberof our people attended
the funeral of James Kline ut
Troxlevilleon Sunday
spent Suuday with his fiancee, To
ledo Houtz
Mrs H F . Charles Rp-riVFriday
wii-hubc? brother-in-law, George
Herrold and wife at Chapman
Mr Edwin Arnold of Sham kin
spent Sunday with his father, J
rf- a
UHvin Arnold
Dr Jno S Arnold of Washington,
D C, is beiii:: entertained by his
mother, Mrs Mary A Arnold and
daughters, Miss l ra and Mrs K
P Bingaman
Jno D liogar, wife anil son liar- .
vey of Herndon and daughter, Mrs
Lloyd Specco and young son, of
Harrisburg, visited J G Snyder's
and F II Bogar's Sunday
' i '
m Maw Mrgy menit o !
ii it
Men's Dress Shoes
' r $1 dQfn5 .sn.
Ladles' Shoes, reduced from $2.00 to 90c.
Ladies' Dress Shoes $ 1 .35 to $2.50. : '1 :
Misses and Children's Shoes of all sizes. . -
Why should you do your buying at the Schroy.r Store Go 1
Because we buy cheaper and so sell cheaper, let us explain: wo are joined to the Eastern Syndicate,
an organization of largo merchants of Pa., who place orders for merchandise in largo quantities, thereby get
ting price concessions that to ono buyer alone would bo impossible.
Another reason is; because the styles at our store are always in the latest vogue, up to date in every re
spect; the syndicate employs a buyer who makes a study of exactly what is going to be in popular favor and
what is not and makes daily reports to us.
Bath Towels
Turkish Bath Towels are de
light added to the bath. Sizes to
suit, good weight and the price very
low for the quality. A special dis
play of them this week'
Bleached and unbleached 10, 15,
25 to 50 cents per pair, some fring
ed and some not. Turkish 'fowling
by the yard at 1 5 cents.
Wrash Rags, hemmed and unhem
med 3, 5, 6, 8 and 10 ct4. each. .,
Curtain Haterials.
For sash curtains and draperies,,
our stock has been replenished again
Scrims, bleached and unbleached,
open work effects 10 and 12 cents.
A new scrim with red polka dot and
bow knot at 10 cents.
Swisses, bow knots, luce stripes,
large and small dots 15, 18, 20 and
25 cents.
Brussels Nets with both single
and double borders, 25, 35, 40 tq
65 cents a yard.
A New Umbrella
$5.00 Silk Umbrellas at $4.00.
Ladies size In garnet, green, blue
and black, selvage edge, natural
wood handles.. .
In Carpets.
The greatest carpet season we have ever had, but no wonder for all
carpets advanced from 5 to 10 cents per yard yet our prices have been
no higher than before. You may wonder then why we say reduced
prices extensive Bellln let us with manyends of rolls with just enough
for one room, on all such we make these prices.
1 Pattern fine Velvet carpet in Persian design, border to match,
regularly $1.10 now priced 90 eta.
I Pattern good Velvet, border to match, green and red figure was
$1.10 reduced to 90 cts. i
1 Pattern Velvet In red with border that was $1.00 now priced 90
2 Paterns Savonnere Carpet with borders mice light designs, reg
ularly $ 1 . 50 now $ 1 . 00.
2 Patterns Extra Grade Velvet green and red, shadings that were
$1.50 now priced $1.00.
2 Patterns Body Brussels one In light design, one oriental, both
have borders to match reduced from $1.25 to $1.00.
1 Pattern fetlnson's best Tapestry in blue for bedroom, 26 yds., reg
ularly 90 cts. now 75 cts.
N 600 yds. good Rag Carpet at 25 cents a yd.
Rugs, at big reductions too, quality guaranteed Smyrna Rug 12x15
fet, real oriental flgurings was $55.00 redeced to $40.0 ).
1 Smyrna Rug 0x12 rich colors was regularly $22.50 now
Dress Cottons.
Our Wash Goods Department la
fat with real bargains, pretty fabrics
at lower prices than at other stores.
10 cent Lawns 6 cents and not
only Lawns but Dimities and laco
stripe, Finer, prettier and better
colors than most 10 cent kinds.
( 10 cent Lawns aie unusually
pretty for shirt waist suits, polka
dots in alt colors including Linen
color, with red dots.
15 cent Madras 12 cents 33 inch
wide, in dress Lengths no fear that
the colors will ever wash out, dark
and light shades, wide and narrow
stripes 25 cent Silk Ginghams 1 5c.
fine and soft, plaiu colors and stripe
25 cent Lisle Tissue, a clever imi
tation of the corded silks, a sheer
material with white cord stripe.
25 cent Black Organdies in stripe
effects and as pretty in appearance
as the silk greuadiut s.
New Neckwear.
Pretty neckwear now is the de
light of all, silk and the kinds that
wash. Lai-e collars iu cream and '
white are quitodrcssy, $1.25 to 2.C0.
Stock Collars in Bilk and Linen.
kJlVia U L,ne of Groceries, Sugars and Coffees, and everything
ept in a Flrst-clase r.n.Ml e; ...
enrey r,
Q.Fropb: Street.
Eln Sbect Q