, Ip U U I yjjnd. - They must p price a jnd prices lor the aik f furnish them printed an you can buy to" Jnting. I r CaatlUr, UUM aad Frsfristsr. ' 1 ', 1 ; 1 ' 1 f i T 1 A futfly JmtmI, tkrtuk U leva, Sctests, Art, KUUetl Ecsasay aaa Carnal LtUraUre. BaU Om Dsllar Per Aaaia, U Adrtac XXX. MIDDLEBURGH, SIHTBER COUNTY, PEIOTA., MAY 7, 1903. KTJMBER 18. Telephone 1. Little Liners. Vnd the Buu n Seat, Tout w arm . Paragraph' L or Usi Prominent. Pomiih it Mtufy C-riHy Lh th Thirst tor Ntws. L,u have opened a new ieyuiadeatrlpto Seliua- Vler of Pennscreck was at Ut Friday. L winters of New Berlin Ch town Monday. Carks of Lewlstown paid narents iu ranKini. Lh.Ptter of Mt Pleasant bfiddleburg Monday. Li rhu-lea Newman of ft spent Sunday in town. Ui H.lioch Dald a visit jt Mitnluburg, aud vlclu- Zechman and 8on of Lnshlp were In town Mod- I I .Via Altltf WAV ii iff 18 uuk mo vuv " J ,h?y can be sold by the L of Franklin dropped in Justness call Thursday of Pawliug has had a very of pneumonia durlug the tin VuanM nf RunbUfV is f'J -no time with J. M. Leeeer . . J l LI. rs. a most aesirauie M.'atiug price at Swartz For ry of the lower end of a County Beat visitor i, foreman of the Eliza- . K.'n, uw-a'M. Mill (rovewereat the County 'ltteumyer, Jr., is now v Orleans on a business trip. F. Bpecht and daughter n spent several days with urand. auffer and wife Sunday to the latter's brother, ivllng. W. E. Houseworth of transacted business at the Saturday. unman left Tuesday for uere he has secured em t bakery. nmel, daughter of Wm. jf Middlecraek township, meumonla. r of Union township has store at Produce, a new st established, oyer, the popular insur Selinsgrove, was at the last Thursday. a Womeldotf left Satur course in music at Al eat Myerstown. YElbbie DunVelburger's jie page. She offers Sin millinery. . Winey of Beavertown ay of last week in thl any of her friends. Inyder of Cleveland, Ohio, a his grandfather, John tirday and Monday. Riegel and daughter, a visit to friends and reeburg last week, fclusof the firm of Bro n of Mt. Pleasant Mills unty Beat Monday, lerized lor Ladies' Shirt ?e varieties and at bar- Jwarts & Qrayblll. Mley of Kratzervllle has pr u remittance sent in tommissloner Derk. hade, one of the Editors towQ "Hoiald" was at capIUl last Friday, 'k is serlouslv 111 imr iHels not expected to re eled Tuesday night.) tor for a prescripUon ddleburtp Trni fitnra ines and Whiskies for tf. J. Q. Snyder of Beavertown was at the County Meat Tuesday morning. Chaa. A. Melsor of Thoinpsontown was a Mlddlebuivylsitor this week. The Mlddltffcttf Drug Store has ad ded a full lineW pure Wines and Whiskies for ruSKcal use.' tf. . Work on the Lutheran parsonage is progressing rapidly. . It will be a cre dit to the towu and congregation. You cau getjyifJkWiues aud Whis kies for medical utthe Middleburg Durg Store. tf. Br. J. It. Dimm, one of the profess ors of Susquehauna University, Sellus grove, was at the County Beat Satur day. Mrs. Dr. I. O. Barber aud Children of Danville paid a visit to her sitter, Mian Amanda Wittenmyvr iu Frank lin. Miss Desbte Sampsell. who had been vlsitlug friends at Peuns Creek, return ed home and Is agalu the belle of the jail. , . The County Commissioners had a meeting last Friday to settle up the bills for the Pine street bridge at Bellns grove. H. Q. Frederick of Millersburg was in towu Monday night to interview the towu Council on a water works proposition. Chief Burgess John F. Stetler spent Monday night in Newport to meet the School Board on some building plans and contracts. Clark Buyer, who had been to Bust Pittsburg relumed to bis home at l'.ix tonville, aud was a Middleburg calk'i Saturday night Dr. Levi Itooke of Win field aud Hon. Joseph C. Bucher of Lewisburg were at Suyder County's capital last Thursday night. C. O. Bingaman of Paxtonvllle, for merly of this place, has gone to Lewis town to accept a position as motormau on the trolley line. Calvin O. Stroup, clerk iu his father's store at Stroptown, was a Sun i..vw.n(tq thl place. CaL has u Geo. 8. Bomlg, the efficient black smith of Sellnsgrove, passed through town Wednesday of last week with a handsome well-bred Stallion. Dr. Walter has put a glass front and a glass side in the office of the Central Hotel. . This makes a remarkable im provement in the appearance. When you want to talk to this office by 'Phone, call 202, Middleburg. Or ders for Subscription, Job Printing and Advertising can be sent by 'Phone WANTED; loo girlsigood Vages, light clean work, pernBknbktosition. Susquehanna Sili&Mills, 4-30-St Bunbury, Pa. Geo. D. Fisher of Sellnsgrove was at Middleburg last week representing the Continental Casualty Company. He Insures against accident and sickness. F. E. Bower is kept busy attending to his practice both in Union and Snyder Counties. He has an office both In this place and in Lewlshurg. , Ex-County Commissioner Phares Herman, Charles Botdorf, John M. Moyer and Frank Richter of Sellns grove were at the Court House Fri day. Bev. B. F. Houston of Indianapolis delivered a temperance lecture Sunday evening in the Lutheran Church. Prof. W. D. Blair of Mifflinburg Bang several solos. You can getJWnes and Whiskies anywhere,0TTrhen you want the best, tor Medical The, bet a prescription from your DoctjawSfgo to the Mid dleburg Drug'Store for it. tf. The contract for the New Bridge at Centreville was awarded to the York Bridge Co., as their bid was the lowest presented. It was lower than the bids for a wooden bridge, ' If you have a late item of News, call us up by 'Phone, No. 202, Middle burg, and let us have it If you do not have all the particulars, send us what you have. We will do the rest Mrs. E. C. Anfand will have her Bummer MUtffiexy opening Thursday, Friday and Bafucdayof this 'week. She will have a lNMnumber of readv trimmed hats. yOnd her ad in the Post. W. A. LuU and wife of Shippens burg spent several days In town visit ing friends.; Mr. Lutz just returned from Chicago where he secured a cou tract to supply Bears, Roebuck and Co. with a large supply of pants from his factory.':- . The June Court advertising appears in the Post this week. - T. W. Stlever of Pleasant Mills wss In town Tuesday afternoon. Preaching in ths U. B. church Bun day at 7:30 p. m. Communion services after the sermon. All are invited to attend. N. A. Kiracofe, Pastor. Wm. P. Seifred was awarded $5433 against the P. R. R. Co. by our courts Feb. 1002. The cine will come up l e fore the Supreme Court next week. Stetler's Cornet Band sppeared on the streeta Saturday evening and Rave a delightful open air Concert on Market Square. The citizens are al ways glad to hear this excellent music al organization. The Memorial tablet, purchased In honor of Rev. I. P. Neff, will be un veiled Sunday morning In the Luhter an church. Revs. I. P. Neff of Jeffer son county and J. H. Weber of Bun bury will make addresses. The case of Wm. P. Seifred, vs. the Pennsylvania Railroad Company tried In our courts will be taken to the Supreme Court Seifred secured a ver dict here and the Railroad Company has appealed the case to a higher tri bunal. Rev. Elins Noll aud wife of New York spent Sunday In town. Rev. Noll preached sermons Sunday morn ing and evening Iu the Reformed church and iu the afternoon at Artley's church. By many he Is considered a favorite applicant for this charge. Fred Kurtz, Editor of the Lewisburg "Journal and wife, John Bucher, as lintant Cashier of the Lewisburg National Bank and Miss Elizabeth Stewart of State College, were guests at the Washington House from Satur day evening till Sunday afternoon. Swartz & GraybiH invite the public in general to examine the beautiful line of Ladies' ShoVs and Oxfords and fine dress shoes for VfljJ. These shoes are were made of gooTleather aud are offered lower than ever lfore. 6WINEF0RD. A tarn Kline of 'r m ut spent Sun day In town. Joseph Mnaser and wife spent Saur day at Freeburjr. Dora Weaver of Melserville spent! Saturday in town. ; THE FUTURE REVEALED. Coming Events Cast Their Shadows Before. . The readers of the Post are request ed to send us announcements of all If you wish a trimmed in p djHJcial day and Friday. App theie with a hats aud bonnets. spuing d6d Vv YHu wWfinM Tun hat or bonnet le. Go to A. JbttrrettdM 8, Thursday Mrs. J. G. line of trimmed Give her a call. Our town had an overdose of smoke and dust last Thursday evening. Ths smoke was so thick that every one thought there was fire iu the town. It bus since been learned that this was the experience of every town in this section of the state. Mountain fires caused the smoke. Have you ever read any of Sweden borg's Works? If notill yw send me your address eiuhtsiag a Vtamp or two and I will riiail rub one of his books FREE. State wbjtierou want It in English or in GermaiV Adolph Boeder, 80 Cleveland street, tf. OraLge, N.J. Dr. S. D. Dlffenderfer, Dental Grad uate, formerly of Beaver Springs, Pa., offers his service to the pujuio. He Is equipped with the latesy methods in Deutistry. All workginranteed. Of fice on East Market street, in John Moatz's Building, Middleburg, Pa. Beginiugia May he will visit the following towns on days below: McClure Hotel, first Monday of each month; Beavertown Hotel, first Tues day of each month; Beaver Springs Hotel, third Tuesday of each month; Frceburg, Empire House, third Wed nesday of each month. tf. Social for Rev. Noll and Wife. Monday evening a pleasant Social was given by Mrs. John N. Brosius in honor of Rev. Noll and wife of New York. The evening was pleasantly spent with games and social conversation. Those present were: Misses Mollle Bolender, Claire Wlney, Dllla Stetler, Susie Winey, Elva Baker, Carey Willis, Mrs. I. H. Bowersox, Anna, Helen and Marrlet Brosius. Refreshments were served Rev. and Mrs. Noll left Tuesday for his parents' home In Reading. Ran into a Fence. ' Thomas R. Johnson and friend of Lewlstown passed through this place Monday on an automobile. On their way home their auto ran into a fenoe this side of Beavertown and broke off two posts and smashed a lot of paling. The boys straightened up their ve hicle, paid 13.00 for a broken fence and started for home. ' W. B. Winey and family attended .events. No charge will be made to a funeral near RichBeld Saturday. publlbh the same when the event is of Uteidiiiger Bros, are having a double public Importance. set of stringers placed in their sld lug. Misses Dora Libby, Besle Smith and Bertha Beaver spent Sunday out of towu. Reuben Ftnsterbuah, who bad been staying at Mlffliuburg, returned home to stay. Saturday afterooou the Taunery was shut down on account of a broken shaft W. B. Winey taught a tract of wood laud of John lU'iiuinger, Sr., Jul week. . Wm. Aurand, ugrut of the Clement's estate, shipped a car load of Lumber Saturday. W. M. Winey Is shipping 300 tons of Rock Oak Bark to Lancaster, Pa., this Spring. . Katie hhambach of Klssimme, who had been working at the Eagle Hotel for the past eight mouths, returned home to stay. We will have a special Hue of Ladies white shirt waists on opening days. L. DUNKELBEKOEB. Died. Apr. 20, In Penn twp., D. Wallace Laudensluger of heart trouble, Co. F 131 P. V. I. Aged about 60 yrs. In terment May 2. Apr. 24, iu Sellnsgrove, Hetty, re lict of John Stahley. Aged 85 yin. Apr. 24, near McKees Half Falls, Jeremiah B. Hull. Aged about 70 years. Mai riant; License, f Wm. A. Walter, Middleburg. Catherine A. ll. ibst, Globe Mills. JR. Frank Dock, Kantz, (Ellen N. Spotts, Mt Pleasant Mills. Our full line of notions will be re duced on opening days. L. DUNKELREUCJER. I.I I 8CHNEE. Our farmers are busy planting J Pi " "-.O'""-'; ;;'ickely were BpUillig Ounuay at Kantz and Freebuig ). Kile Kerstetter is lame since he bought his last horses David Ilnover and son, Don, were transacting business at Aline Monday Mrs A F Soli nee and Daughter Lena, of Kantz were spending a few days in town W Arthur Schnee was at the county seat to transact business Sat urday In our vicinity about two thirds of our young folks are having the mumps J I Yergar was in Frauklin Sun day visiting his son-in-law, John Mengle Frank Weaver, a young gentle man of Freeburg, was in our local ity visiting friends Saturday Miss Katie Iliem, of McKees, has been spending last week with her sister, Mrs. F. J. Kerstetter. Simon Ranch of Freeburg, was a business caller in our locality on Thursday. Levi Gelnett, our enterprising merchant, was to Philadelphia and Baltimore last week and bought a nice lot of spring and summer goods. Elmer Troup and wife were to Richfield last week one day on business. 1 Frank Yerger left for the state of Washington, Monday, where he in tends to spend some time. Miss Joyce Yergar is in Sunbury to slay a few days. District President, Wm. Brown and his brother, Arthur Brown, president of P.O. S. of A. camp 451 Freeburg were in our camp Wed nesday evening. The Freetnont Garfield Cornet Band is practising for the 30th of i May as they expect to furnish the best of music for the day. The Smith Sunday school have elected the following officers : 8upt E. Mitterling; Asst., Allen Valen tine; See., Banks Womer ; Asst., Aba. Kratzer ; Treas., F. Deitz ; Organist, Lydia Deitz ; Chorrister, Mrs. Henry Swartzlander ;' Librar- Satitruav, May 2 last day to file widows' appraisements and accounts . for confirmation at June Court Satcbdav, May 0, A Moon light pic nic in the evening at Globe Mills. Saturday, May 10, A festival and Cake Walk will be held at Beaver town by the C. M. A. Lodge. 8UNDAV, May 17, Church Dedication at Glotm Mills. Thursday, May 21. Ascension Day. Tuesday, May 19, 20 aud 21st, Minis terial, Sunday School and VL L. C.E. Convention, United Evan. Church at Beavertown. Wednesday, May 27, Republican Hi ate Convention at ilarrlbbuag. Saturday, May 30, the Ladies' Aid Society of the Reformed Church will hold a Fete on the Church Lawn. Saturday, May 30, Memorial Day for the Decoration of the Soldiers' graves. Monday, June 1, Regular term of Court opens. Sacrifice Sale of Shoes. V . I. (iarniau has received a large consignment of shots. These shoes have been bought at u sacrifice rale and will be disixMed of at these sacri fice prices : Ladies' Light Weight, 80c. Ladles' Medium Weight, 7."c. Ladies Oxford Tiw, 73o. Ladies' Patent LeaWr Sandals, 75c. Misses' Shoes aud SlrWrs, sizes 11 to 2. cents, a Men's liess4hpll Sue. Men's EVerDay KhoesJl.OO. Child's slfWs 2 to 7, These shounrS made of good solid lealfier. 77w J not a detontiv imlU in the lot The Jobbers disposed of luesa at much less than regular prices, because some shapes are slightly out of style. Do not get the idea that these goods will last all the time. If you want s bargain, come at once, as these prices will continue only while this special stock lasts. After this stock is exhausted, these prices can not be duplicated. Do not wait Como now. tf Letter to D Bolender Midflleburg, Pa. Dtar Sir: Milk, so much u quart- How How many part water. Ii it milk? much satisfaction will it give? much nourishment? J low customers will it win. Mixed puiut is the same as water aud milk. It muis to bo cheap, but it nu't. Devoe lead aud zinc is rich milk, it's creamy milk: seems to be costly, but Un't. Covers more square feet to the gallon; covers ic better; makes labor go further; lasts more years than any mixed jaiut; lasts more years than lead aud oil. The cheapest iwiut in the world, made by the oldest concern iu America 14U years old. Mr. J. J. Hall,Slitllie!l, Pa., at i tee: I had always used 4) gullons of lead aud oil for my luiifc; this summer I bought 40 gallons of Devoe Load and Zinc lor tlie same house uud had 10 gallons lefi. Yours truly, V. W. Devoe & Co., Mew York. P.S. 1. 1 Smiili of Sunbury wlls our paint Accident at the tannery. A series of accidents occurred at the taunery Saturday. In the morn ing the governor valve at the engine unhooked.. After dinner, the horse tramped in a nail and later the main shaft was broken and comiiellfd a shut-down. The Central Hotel. Any one coming to Middleburg, would do well to stop at the Central Hotel, and try the Marks' Brand of 8 year old, ALL RYE WHISKEY, there is not one particle of headache in this old goods. The bar is well stocked with Brandies and Wines. The house has been newly refurnished. The table will be supplied with the best the mar ket affords, and I would be pleased to have a share of your patronage. W. S. Kuiin, Proprietor, Central Hotel, (20-8-t) Middleburg, Pa. Examination for Professional CertiOates. Applicants for professional Certlfiates will be examined at Freeburg, May 15. The requirements are, at least three years successful experience in teaching, have an average of less than one and one-half in the branches. Successful teachers, now holding professional Certlfiates, can take the examination in the added branches at the regular examination. Faithfully Yours, Geo. W. Walborn, Co., 8upt For Masonic Homes. Free Masons are much interested in a movement to establish "Masonic Homes" on au eutirely new basis, pro viding not only for the care of indigent brethtren but alo their wives, widows and children. The measure has been endorsed by a number of lodges and John W. Farnsworth, of Danville, who as District Deputy, Grand Master is one of a committee appointed to confer with the lodges of this district, states that he finds Free Masons practically un animous In supporting this departure, which carries with it increased helpful jness and broadening charily. Have You Eaten "?" . foods on the market now that one hardly knows how to distinguish be tween them. "t" should not be class ed with the others. There is no other that compares with "Jt as one trial will convince you. "f" is more healthful, strengthening aud tastes better. Made by a new process and ready to eat by adding milk. Get a package to-day at your grocers. Telephone Open All Night. The United Telephone company has granted the request of the Lewisburg patrons for a continuous service at this exchange, and au operator is now at the switch board all night. This ser vice was greatly needed, and wiil be appreciated by the patrons in this sec tion. The exchange heretofore closed at eleven at night, when the phones went out of business. "Jf Makes Strength. Iu these days when the children take violent exercise aud parents are more active than ever, people look more to the food they eat. By scien tific process the new cereal HJt " con taining all the nourishment of pure selected grain has been so prepared as to make a perfect food, cooked and ready to eat. "" makes strength and prepares the body and brain for i.ctive duties. Everybody like "It". Try At grocers everywhere. HARRIED. May 2, by Rev. D. I. Schaffer, Benj. Death at .New Berlin. After a lapse of a few days' illness, David Ilerlacher died at his home in New Berlin on April 21st, aged 75 yrs. 2 months aud 2S days. Mr. Herlacher was born In New Berlin and was mar ried to a daughter of the late Rev. W. W. Orwlg, D. D., dee'd. After mar riage they resided in Lock Haven for about 22 years; then removed to Cleve laud, 0 whare he had employment for 27 years Iu the Book Establishment of the Evangelical Association. Nearly three years ago they returned to Penn sylvania locating in Mifflinburg; after ward they went to New Berlin where they have ever since resided. Surviving him are his wife, his brothers, Geo. of New Berlin, Harry of Freeport, Ills., and a s'ter, Mrs. Fred erick Aurand, of Mifflinburg. ian, W. Arthur Schnee; lAjwistant Franklin Dock, and Ellen N. Spotts,!day, j-iiuiui iau Amos Miuia ava UUU1 ii ivouu, 4. m z? You are rpjrffaLifc. our summer uuuwer J rrv-.... u L. DCS Invited to atteud peuing whica ridayand Satur kelbsroeb.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers