MIDDlBURG POST. r,n n.Tn. I l i 11 nitniTmni fill 1 1 I It AW Jnion Leaders Meet at Wilkesbarre to Name Conciliation Committee. PRESIDENT MITCHELL PRESIDES ' THE POSTAL SCANDAL "Organized Libor May Become a Party to the Investigation. f Washington, April IS The Indica tion 8 are that organized labor will be come n party to the Investigation nf the affairs of the post office depart- j went. A surciul committee of the Central l.ahnr I'ninp. of this city, which has been secretly considering the mat- ' tor. has formulated charges of favor- principal Grievances Are Over the itlsm. incompetency, etc.. against cer- Nine.Hour Workday and Appoint tain of the official of the mail equip- I mrnt livi,in of the d. partm.nt. The ment of Check Weighman Serious charpes nll. :e that mail hags that do j Trouble in Schuylkill Region, not lon.c.im to the specifications have ; wktsl)arr,( j , AprU 21. - The horn ac ci ted l,y the chief of the divi- (lf U)0 t w(ttl 8lrikc cf last slon. t'olnel Thomas P. Graham. KUUimr nIul f:li, w,.rt. nvalled at Hotel Other chain s all, among other .., whiiri, tho ,,.,,. ol- the Mine things that a worthy and needy white Work(ir!j. ,-lion Rathercd ,, discuss the iull New Cup Challenger Struck Squall 03 Weymouth, Eng. r7 SIR THOMAS LIPTCN INJURED woman is discriminated against in favor of a te gro woman employed feature!! of the leeent award and to ap- twiint n iniiniiitiie on conciliation, there; that the forewoman of the sew- whu h wm .,,u.d for ,,y tu n,ai ing room used offensive language i (.ommis!iitm to B(,l;ll, any dispute that toward her subordinates; that when i ..,,,.., in, ..r..iat ion of its llllf.111, Ul ID" 11 I'"1' the machine operators were reduced from $2 per day to $1.7." per day, tho salaries of the superintendent and some of the other officers were raised from $iri to per annum: that tho suspension of one clerk was illegal and another unjust; that engineers are worked overtime without (ompensa- lindings. Nearly all the mine workers who were prominent in the miners' move ment since l!tuO were present, hut as District President T. I. Nicholls ex pressed it "we are gathering for peace this time not for war." The members of the three executive hoards arrived tlon; that the foreman ol me iock- j n(,r)1 during the day, President Mitchell Fncip is no, a lochuwihci, i i.iai , . . . , , ,...,. This is the first meeting of Mr. recommendations for promotion nro not based on merit. DIVORCE OUR GREATEST EVIL j Mitchell and the three district hoards i of the anthracite coal fields since tho ! end of the strike and from the pres- Bishcp Sattcrlee Says Jews Preserve j ent outlook there will be considerable Family Ties Better Than Christians. business to be disposed of, principally Washing!' n, April 20. "The Jews I in the adjustment of grievances which are preserving the home and family vary in each of the three districts. In hotter than we Christians are doing. I ' the Wyoming distsrict the dispute is do not know how to account for this ' over the interpretation of the nine-hour but I do know it to he a fact." P.ishop , work day as regards the drivers and Satterlee, of the F.piscopal church. , other company hands, and when the made this dec laration in a sermon j work hours should begin. The coin here last night, in which the main panics hold that the drivers must be in suhjeit of his discotir.-.e was divorce. J the mine and have the mules harnessed Men. said the bishop, are losing re- j so the miners can commence work at epect for the home nnd caring less for i 7 o'clock a. m., work to begin at that the family, the unit of our civilization, j time. The drivers claim that the work On the shoulders of the husbands and : hours should begin with their duties fathers of the land, he continue,!, in harnessing the anlmalss. and not n rests tho responsibility for the low j half hour before the miners start to estate to which the family has fallen work. 'in this country. This fostered and en- President Pottery, of District No. 9. couraced the greatest curse of the age says: "The companies persist in vio- divorce and the loose manner in luting this section of the nward and which the sacred marriage vows make the company hands work from were bring kept. f's ,0 10 hours for 9 hours pay. We "The great evil the most frightful have no trouble," he said, "in any of dancer-of our age is divorce and the the other points In the commission's breaking down of the family ins-titu- award except with the one which gives tlon." said the biship. "If it is not , s permission to place check weighmen stopped, the women of this country j at the collieries. The companies, par and our race will be degraded within ticularly Coxe P-ros., claim we have SO viars." 1101 right. We referred the officials to a section of the award whkh reads as follows: . " 'That whenever requested by a ma jority of contract miners of any col liery, chec k weighmen or check dock ing bosses shall be employed. The wages of said check weighmen or check docking bosses shall be fixed, col lected and paid by the miner.' TTe- m-e yilltKgMirilrtJrbtH company objects to one being placed in the breaker. There are many minor matters that require adjustment, but these are the most important." The niost serious condition that ex ists in the ninth district (Schuylkill WITH PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT His Tour of Yellowstone Park About Completed. Cinnabar, Mont, April 21. Presi dent Roosevelt has about completed 'Tills. tour of the Yellowstone Park. Yes terjday he was at Fire. Hole geyser ba- sin Today he returned to the Norris geyser basin, and will go from there to the Grand Canyon, where the upper and lower falls are .situated. He ex pects to return to the post headquar ters tomorrow, and will remain in that vicinity until Friday afternoon. wi:cn ne wai resume nis trip, i u? region i. according to the statement of members of the president's party, who , ristri t Secretary George Hartlein, is tave be, n livine on the train at Cinna-i ,nat tM,.rp aro nnarlv an ono minors Mr since April s. will probably join; who ar(1 practically locked out. This the president in the park Thursday j trouble also grew out of the nine-hour morning, j work day. According to his saying, i the miners union is todav In the verv Starving Herself to Death. ,.on,,,oni nPT(,r bptt'rr ln ,tg nls. Newark. N. April IM.-Annie M. j tor. and u ,s a rare rxception to flm, Hildchrandl. of Orange, the trained a man aro)md th now who ,g Tiur,c- who shot r.eruarJ J. McCallum, not a mpmhT ot the llnion h( ...I.. l . ...I,,. I. ' ner t.weeiaea.1. iom jui. m. oo , , lhe conciliation committee will brin in me county jail nere serving a six months' sentence, is trying to starve hem If to d'-afh. Winn she surren- peace and good will to all. President Mitchell appeared pleased to return to Wilkesbarre. He informed cer-i nrr, :i lan w. eh enoimn po.son to newspaper men that the conferences to kill :(.,.. persons was taken from her, flf the thrr. ,XoClI,iVe boards would nnd she was watched closely for fiar j end tonight or tomorrow and the ses Fhe might n.al.e an attempt to end j sjons W0ll!(j t,p private. her Khc then declared that she I . wotiM starve herself. She has posi- I 30.000 MINERS LOCKED OUT tlvelv refused to partake of food of acv kind, l'.ecause of her refusal to Red to Work Nine Hours Satur eat the in a v.rv weak condition, and and Companies Closed Down, the -ail authorities are much alarmed. I'ottsville. Pa.. April 21. Thirty I thousand mine workers were loekeel out in the Schuylkill region by the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and ! Iron, the Lehigh Valley and the Sus- Buried Alive For Four Hcurs. La t"rose. Wis., April 21. H Etraitz. of this city, was buried at th bottom of a well for four hours, and fluehanna Companies. This action of when dug out was unhurt. A section tce companies has spread excitement of garden hose saved his life. H was , among the men, who freely express at the bottom repairing the pump, when the curbing caved ln and dirt surrounded him up to the shoulders. J. Wolf secured a long piece of garden hose, which he let down to Straitz, who got It to his mouth Just as a sec ond cave-in piled six feet of sand over his head. On account of the peculiar condition of the soil it took four hours to get Mm out. with the assistance of the fire department. Kicked Out of His Own House. Worcester. Man., April 20. James Y.- v-h- : ;''r- f-r ' i Of'if.r. roau, was turned out of house and home at 2 o'clock in the morning by three nien and left in the freezing their belief that a serious conflict will break out unless the men are taken back speedily. The action of the companies is the result of the miners' refusal to work more than eight hours Saturday. The report of the strike commission de clares they shall put in the regular nine hours on Saturdays as on other days, but last week the mine em ployes served notice that they would not serve the extra hour. The com panies answered by declaring that the men should put in full time or conHcr the -ns'Ivg din'hargod. I-ast Saturday the men threw down their tools and left the collieries when the eight hourB had expired. They went to their homes confident that The Masts and Canvas Were Carried Away and the Yacht Was Left a Mere Hulk One cf the Crew Drown ed and Several Injured. Weymouth, England, April IS. Tlr Thomas Upton's new challenger for tho America's cup was dismasted In a squall shortly alter leaving tho harbor preparatory to another trial spin with the Shamrock I. Her mast, as it fell over the side,-carried sev eral of the crew and all the gear and canvas overboard. One man was drowned and several persons, includ ing Sir Thomas, who was knocked down a hatchway, were bruised or otherwise injured. Tho yachts were manoeuvring In the roadstead, under mainsails, jibs, foresails, nnd gaff topsails prior to the start A strong northeast breeze was blowing, .but there was nothing in the nature of a gale. The boats seemed to carry their racing sails well as they fetched out from tho shelter of the breakwater, the Sham rock III leading on a tack out sea ward, apparently with tho Intention of testing the strength of tho wind outside. The Erin had taken up a position to scud the boats away, round a trian gular course, and everything seemed to promise a fine race. The Sham rock III then made n short board on the port tnck, dragging through a heavy squall with her loo decks awash When nearly a mile off shore, she went about on tho starboard tack to stand up to cross the line, when a sudden gust of wind, sweeping out of Weymouth bay, struck the yacht and completely dismantled her. The weather rigging screws of her main shrouds gave way and her mast car ried away close to the deck, and with It went her spars, sails and gearing in a confused mass of wreckage. The yacht's decks were crowded with Sir Thomas Llpton's guests, offi cers and men, tnd it soemed impossi ble that the disaster was not attended by serious loss of life. Deprived of its chief support, tho immense steel tubular mast swayed for a fraction of a second, crumpled up liko a tube of paper and went overboard, creating general havoc as it fell. So sudden was the calamity that the yacht lay, wrecked and helpless, before those on board of her wcdl re alized what had happened. Fortu nately most of the tremendous weight of the gear foil clear of the deck, as otherwise the disaster must have been multiplied tenfold. As It was, only one life was lost, that of a mem ber' ot- the-t. .r-aamivr OV:'- brother-in-law of Captain W'rlnge. Collier at the moment of the accident was handing a binocular glass to Sir Thomas Upton and still had the glass in his hand when he was struck by some of the tumbling gear nnd knocked overboard. A number of oth ers were injured by falling gear, bijt none was seriously hurt. Sir Thomas was knocked clown a hatchway ami one of his hands was injured, but not seriously. The hull of tho Shamrock III was not damaged. The mast, when it went overboard went solid. There was at that time only one break, which was about seven feet above the deck. As the big spar, with its weight of can vas, became heavier owing to the wa ter in it, the mast again buckled, its head going down until it rested on the bottom. During the work of raising tho mast Auditors' Notice. N, ti,T I her-' T fctr ti fa nil licirtii? ttu-fnic cUmii.huh ii I !, etnteof ill livrrul I. Intu 1 oM lineniini I'mwiihIiii Miyilt-r 1 U'lnty,. Inn H.vlvnma n- well im nil otle r iwraonii in I' terrt (lint tlie li'-eri gtie vir ImI y npiuiiiiteil Audi to t,i nnkril'M rilutint ol the fiimlH ivmuiii Inic in ' lie liunil of i In K'ltui . Htintnr ' mitl il ii'ilont nir iu.it lie will it 'or tlii ii,irM-e or li.iuirto ii( l lit il' iirs of liin npfniiitint'Tit nt II e o'l cc f .liunm 1, l ri)iiMk, Ke. nt Middle ImrK I n. i ii - attirilnt , iiril 4th, IW1. ni III i' leck A. M nf hi ,1 iluy. whrn n ml where nil Ihcw liM ile rU in- n. ifo'e"ni,l mut r-ent nml prove 1 lie nmenr lie I, 'TvveroVhurre'l from j eulniiiu in on icl il fml i i ll is I'. ri.ltlCH. Auditor. ' M m n il Mil. I'.H.t. Relief From Headache and Neuralgia In Notice of Final Rule. i To r;.TI It I.. STKAWSKII. I .tc ..t Mielton, ! lYmmylviitiiii. You are lu-rchy nutilled tluit n flnul rule fT divorii' lull hrt-ii gr.inti'd i'itniot you nt the Mlit of Vi nip A- St iiwwit your wife, whlrh wilt he iirnnl in the t'ourt of ('milium I'lcii of Snyder eoi'iity. of iH't.dnT Te m. l'.cii, N'o. tf. on Mo' tiny, the ilrn' ln ol .tune, lyca, on ivhii'h dny. yoil m.iy upm-ur uud hIiow finite, if n'iv you have, why nut-li ilivorce idmuld not be ' Krnnti dHKiiiiit yon. . JAY i. W KISKIt. ! Attorney for Lihell'int I Middlehiirgh. Pa , Viinli 2ml, lnH. 4 I. ' 4 DM INISTHATOU'S NOTK'K. Let a tern of Ailininii-t ration in the en. lute nf Henry lioyer. lule ol Jackum twp. Sn.vcler t'n., I'.. ii'Vrl., having ih rn gnoii i'd In the undersigned, n 1 1 persons knowing Iliemsi'lvi'S Inili'Mid IiihiiIiI est lite niv ri'iilrslid lo iii.ik,' linmeilhili' piivmeht. while II. oe having i'IiOiiis will pii'M'hl lin in duly uiitlii jitli'ulccl to I lie illidiTHlBliiil. C. W, HoYKIt, Adm'iiis'mlor 1 1 tin lei on, I 'a. a Few Minutes After TaKing Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills. Chronic Case Cured. AS D.MlNISTKATdK'S NOTICE. Let- j rsof Administration I n t Ii e - eiitutu ul tienrKe lie user, lule lit (ii a p in a n j twp., Snyrler I'ii. I'll., ilec'd, bavliiu heeu Kruuied I to the uiiderxiirned, all perconn ktiowmu tliecu- j elvei ilitlehleil ti Raid eftMle lire re,UUrti-d to nakc liuineillate piivinviit, while thone liavlnit dnlin will priwnt tlieiu duly iiutlienllciited tu tlK Ullll,T8UIH'll W. II. HOfSI-.H. i Clmpnuin, l'a., 1'i ti. v -in a. ilniiuNtr.'.tor, DM I NrsfHATmsrN )TICE.I.et- XV ters of Adininitrutioii in tho entate of .litiiifN Troup, late of Terry tmvn-hip, Miyder t OUhty, I'a., ilereastMl, lliiviug heill granted : to the iinderHlKned. nil mtnoiih knowrlujr thein- ! Helves indented to wiid enUite are r ciieteil to make iininedlnte iMiynient, while tho.e liainit etiiitns iigniniit the Hiiid entate will present Uieiu duly autlii nticated to the liudiTMiulied. .loll.S T Xlll'l'TIIltl.Y, Adiiiinitmlor Vur. '9'H. Aline, Jim. ii. 'rouc, Atty, "I cannot speak in highly nf your remedies and I will always ted my friends hnw much they h.ive done for civ hu-biud and mys-. K for sudden attacks nf headaches, neur.ilfjia and riicumatic aiu. I line is nutlung rcual t Dr. Miles' Ant.-I'uin I'ids. They ate. simply spleniiid and give r lici in fifteen or twenty minutes. I us, d to be subject to attacks of headache, which bad becunie chronic, and I took a co. rse of Nervine and Nerve and l.ivcr Tills in connection with the Anti I'ain 1'i.ls. The result is I now have very little trouble in that wav. My husband has also taken thee remedies and praises them verv higlilv. We always have some of both kinds ol pills in the house, nnd do not feel that we could get alon' w ithout them. Mas. Klt K. Johnson, McClellandsville, Delaware. There are many reasons why you should take Dr. Miles' Anti Tain Pills, but the best reason is that they will give you almost instant relief from headache or other pain. In cases of chronic headache, when the sufferer knows an attack is coining on, a Pain Pill will usu ally prevent it culiiely. la cases of extreme nervous exhaustion, when the brain is too tired and the body too nervous to rest, an Anti-Tain Till will sooth the nerves so that sleep may come. They never fail, yet con tain no opiates and are non laxalijv All dmccists sell and guaranteaJCr. Miles' Anti-Tain Tills. They are non laxative; con tain no opiates, never sold in bulk, 25 doses, 25 ceuls. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. uara worst All Jlrotj First Strancrer (on rail-. So you are sellinff Prof. ltiaaT dence. I &tn Iro. Kin n ir , Second Stranirrtr Tim you wjote the very book 1 atQ linn oKdiirr ie), V ,1 "h'Ol'k I Prif i!ul wno Seeond Stranijer Well, That's another stranfn The hardest work I ever did ' I1IJ, IU IM-H 11. lll-l.ll.S. ' Vnheard or. Jifrs. llrrmn Mr. i:..... . , ... . .. r b i nnnlitirol tliipt i..,,L-i .1 4 ""nilliiirj ! terday nnd it was n real b.ir .,, I 01 .. -'"C 1 .--lie says ic was tne very iirs, : sue Avent into, j Mrs. (iray The fir.sl ,:v cy! Itnt then Mrs. 1 wns a little eeceiitrie.t 1 iranscript. The Oliatnele. ionic, my arlin," s;ii,l ,i( paueni lover at the foot ,,f t tier. "It's no use," replied ,ei elopement's olT." "Why? What has hap pn,.,t, I'apa absolutely refiiMS "u, v iiiu money iur our tfj, exjienses. ' i own 1 opie. WANTEI Several petMons of eharaeter mid pood reputation in eneh tate lone in thin Co required, to lepreteut and advertise old enlnli -liidieil weiilthy Iiuiiiii-hh hoiuie nf nnlld Ihiiini'ial tandiiiir. Siilaiy weekly with expi nnen nil ditionnl, nil iiayahle in ,ah en, h N eclni'inhiy direct from head nMiee. Ilur" and ciirrmv.'e. fiirnihliecl when neeeHwiry. I'l'fi'ri'iu'eii. Kn elows Helf-iiddri'Hved euveloi e roloniiil Co., 3JI liiiirborn .St., I 'liieocn. t K'-li'it to cnti; a oi.n is iim: iiat, Take Laxative Uroino-tJuiiiiiieTiililctri All drui;j;ist,s refund the money if it oils to cure. K. V. (irove'ri Higiuiture an each box. Hoe 7AS. . CHOP8F, J ATTOHXKT AT LAW, MlDDLVROPS, PA Al! Luxiiiv.-it- i-itruite.l to ii cut. ft!!! i oeiva iiroiiitit uttetitiou. I "Silver Plate that Wean." I Feellna; (or lllin. Stern 1'nrent Your id o t litr ., j imc ui vii ii.iuiiiv naj therefore I sliali be obli, , t,jj Troulilesonie Son Wh-wlir ma punish me herself, i.:i'.' " s-see wh-why you sliiiub ),,. tl-do all the odd jobs. Unvikir. I'rartieal Adiiionliio,. Old Dr. tirinishaw (to u .t-,;. dent) And now, rcmcinlcr t!i; physician liumani'ty is ilivitUdii; classes. Student And what are tlicr,;, y-t t M-t uiu ur. urimaiiaw i in- i,o.t; he cures and the rich whom hec;, Tit-Hits. " rauium ourns a uiistt-r ati lance of 115 feet, we are glad;;, only one pound of it in thisf,-. and that's as far ofTnsAcw Yuk, When You Buy Spoons knlvr, forks, etc., buy rHhtn branrli, vwn it tht'V do rmt a llttlo inoro. They arJ north the dlllfrenn. 1 f 1 S 17 " Is ft purl of tin) stamp It limunt- K'Mintne Hoiffrs quality! fumoua fur wear. Full traUv-iuurk 1. 1 Pottiegei', VETER!NARY'SURCEC?4r SELINSQROVE, PA. , All professional business entrusted to niy care will receive prompt i-t.d i ureftil nttrntinn. IB A 7 RQQERS MJ -T f BROS." Sold by lrwctlnz ctealcrs. For CaUlBgua,' No. tot, l,lru tba luakera, A Dlleiinnn. Dennis You s-eein in a itudy about Sllllll t in. Mike Oi am so. Me lioss sent fur a man to come an' take hi.s measure, an' Oi ilunno did lie say Collin iv Co., tailors, or Taylor A: Co., cotlins. riiiliulelphia Tress. I WHEATLET Sis not steam-eonlcecl, tlicreforo It retains the . rich, Mut-liku i'luvor of YVIieuU TRY IX I Sold lu S-lb. packages by all leading Grocers. Ctaane to Join m (t'nb ThMK 1 W - HUIirM ' EvlMMlyriUouldJolnthaMuicailjai IlloClubof Amarlea. There In nntbtui auywoern. looaiainionr.nrituirjf .ii4 beneflta It Klrea are wonderful. 1:hmJ fiurehcue booksand period Icftlfl, Tjiusleac a natrumenta at siwelal flit prlcri, InJ duced rates at many hotels. Itanmnj free of charae. It offers aeholnrfMrmii bleeanh prlsea to members. It nuaiie rooms ln many cities for Itsmenln.li4 every member receives theonirUI naiai tied K'ry M ontk"apnhlleailiisie ltelf .tncludina; S pieces or hlnh-rtiiv strumental muslocrull stse c.i'4 extra t-eanei 73leoen in on -jmiV HKW T Ti" i which you ft all aiH. Jnn ; rnn draw any tlaaa wltaliAb aaa want to do so and Ket top dollar tati dont care to spend $1.00, send 25t'Jk) montns memnernnip. noooayeanuiii thlsoffer by. You will fet your Baal Talue many times over. Full nartlcvil sent free of chnrite, but If you r send In your request for memrnu;i Kroner feeatonee. TheS5cts.tlimihM erahlp offer will soon ebaniro. Wrltn'i dreiwlnirynur letter and enehwlnitl't year's membership or twenty-Uveccul month to MCTOAI. LITKRAKT HTK No. lAONaanaNl.,i I )l 1 t II. 1. MOST MOTVi The full veal.. lletler llnya. Ion,' have you lived IIoiiIiih; fur Dearborn - How vt it h you ife? Walwh Which one? "The last one." "Oh, I hope I haven't lived with my last one vet!" Yoiihcrs Statesman. Mrs. Jut a Little. Newwife What! You vc It buckled ai;ain owing to the weight brought back those biscuits I pave of the canvas, makin? three distinctlyou-.' breakanes. The challenger was finally Weary Willie Y'es'm, but I'm sorry cleared of wreckage and was towed into the harbor. The canvas Is Irre trievably ruined. It is said the accident will not delay the races for America's cup, and that repairs will b flinshod within a month. Aged weather to shift for hirrjaelf. Patrick Cahill, David Fleming and Edward the companies' would not carry out Cotgrove nere arrested by mouDted police and held for examination. They were found ln the house. They de manded entrance, and when Keyes re- the threat. All this was changed, however, when the men reported for work and found themselves locked out. The men found notices posted stat- Jused broke in, turned him out, ate inn that work had been suspended what food there was and laid down ' Indefinitely at the Dehigh Valley, to sleep, kicking Keyes out of his own house. Fatally Shot by Playmate. Karrisburp;. April Malvirn Kut ledge, a 32-year old messenger boy, was shot and probably fatally wound ed here by his playmate. Clyde Herry. with whom he was punting birds. Cerry is only 15, and in leveling the rifle to shoot a flying bird, pointed it Philadelphia and Reading and the Susquehanna coal collieries. Only 11 of the Philadelphia and ReadiDg Company's 43 collieries are working. The officials will make no statement, but from other sources It Is learned they Intend to froce the issue. Boy's Body Found On Mountains. Scranton, Pa., April 20. Tbe body directly at young Rutledge. the ball of littl Paul Suoda, the 4-year-old boy, entering his abdomen and made nix who wandered away from borne last perforations. Rutledge is at the hos- "Korember, Was found on West Moun- pltal and not expected to live. fain. HOLDS &HE RECORD IN JERSEY Colored Guide Records Birth of Tvfcnty-eTfhth. Child. Washington. N. J., April 20. James Furman. colored. Is tho happiest man of this town. He baa just become tbe father on a son, and Furman has re corded Its birth ln the family Bible as his 2Stb. Furman has been twice married, and each wife has given him 14 chlldron. Among them were trip lets and two sets of twins. Furman wag born in Stewartsvillo 63 years ago. "I have taken some trouble to investigate." he said, "and so far as I can learn I have the state record. I learned of a man in Camden who was the father of 20 children, and I guess he Is my nearest competitor." Furman is healthy, very well known and an experienced guide. He is the best wing shot in this section, despite bis years. Weil-Known Publisher Dead. Reading, Pa., April 20. Jesse O. Hawley, proprietor of the Heading Eagle, of whl'h he was one of the founders In J8C8, died here last evening aged 63 years. Mr. Hawley was of Quaker parentage, born ln Chester County, Pa., and came to Reading over 40 years ago. Soon after coming here he was admitted to the Derks county bar, of which for years be was a lead ing member. With the establishment of his newspaper he gradually gave up the practice of law. Tbe 1'agle. of which be published daily, Sunday, and weekly editions, under bis guidance has become one of the most valuable ! newspaper properties ln eastern Pennsylvania. Fay dat I nicked l-'xa miner. ouo of 'em. N. Variations. In this Inventive age of ours, Where new Ideas teem, Our flat Is tilled with ttamle.s heat Or else with htatUss steam. Urooklyn Life. YOU HKT SHE WOXT. Mrs. lienhnm The paper says that the average ape of man nnd woman nt death is greater than it used to be. lienham Yes, hut woman won't own up.to it. S. Y. Herald. A Mar Man. "I'm getting old! Two girls I know Who soon will wed," said she, "Want me to act as bridesmaid, Oht How withered I must be." -Philadelphia 1'rtss. I'unUhinrat. "Did your father lake you out in the woodshed to whip you 7" ahked the good boy. ' "Worse than that,", answered tbe bad boy. "He made me chop wood,"- Washington Star. adjUsaable top. Hfs 11x18 indies : large and lionir cm ym.r Dictionary, DirfxtoR Dux, 1!i:.u IJiiii.i:, Atlas, or any heavy voluire, at any aiiirli-. It can he revolved and (id justed wlitn so as to always throw the Pronged liyld on tk ion can thus avoid the ntvuin on your id when holding a hook in your hantjor on a lev It is made ol Oak, and has on one edge keep Iwoks from sliding ofT. reVoLViNg case. This Cahe is 15x15x12 inches. The Oak or Ash, finished on Inith sides and on ai ami have 9 inclicsof hook space on four sides, or 3 feet in room enough lor reference nooks oi daily use. Many took " he placed on the upper shelf. In all twenty to thirty voluicj size, can lie tint in it. CASTINGS connecting the top and Care are finished in hW and ol sumciftit strength to last a lue-tinie. Pipe, Post and Legs. The 3 legs are attached by round-headed screws to the turT-f Into this lvost is forced an iron ti, which runs up throng i ll' and to which the eastings at the top ure attached. ArnunI tj the Case revolves. As u Home, Office or Lihuauy article we claim its equal 3 exist. The accuracy of this statement can he confirmed by uff letters of the highest commendation from thousands of iMii'H tomevs, I'hysieians, Government, State and County Ofln ials, and .Business Men. Over 50,000 have been sold in the I'uit and orders now come for large lots from England and utW count rici. HOW FINISHED. It is handsomely finished in Anf anil an ornament to any Ollioe, Library or Parlor. AS A GIFT. Nothing made is more suitable to present Ii or as a Wedding or I'irthday Gift than this Stand. HOW SHIPPED. This Stand is sent knocked down, 4 heavy paper making n package of 20 lbs. By Freight it Hcond-ciass and at ul out half what it would cost if rc; Plain directions for putting together accompany each StanJ While the rcgulur price of this Stand is $7.00, for a nliort are allowed to sell them nt the wholesale rate of Three Dul!fl 1$., Chicago. Or we will send the Pout one year prepaid ai HtaiHlJshipped F. O. 11. Chicago, for ?3.50, In- The POST, Middleburg. Ien tm