The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 30, 1903, Image 1

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    A 3
Mote THcabs
hTa Job lot of note
on hand. They must go
The price will do It.
ales and prices for the ask-
' . . I At -..Int.
yc funiisn mem piuiicu
than you can buy them
,ut printing.
Her, Fdltorand Proprietor,
A Family Journal, Devoted to Sewn, Science, Art, Political Economy nd Correat Literature.
Rate: One Dollar Per Annum, in Advunce
. lfa X w
Tfileplioiie 202.
ivcv Uttle Liners.
I the Hustle of the
Uy Sent. Told In Brief
, Mrf r Less Prominent.
I ,,.t -,Hiltln and Cvenla of In
r"" '.,.. .-..rin.llv and
L,.l thai '"J . '
rM ti.i..i fa.r ,
MM"""' ,nc "
,,.1V f,.r kU'.
. I It. I ill I IT. I
Lli..idsr Snyder county nil
li,Tlis, s .Mommy.
, ml.' Appraiser's List np-
',!. W Uii week.
.,mr and wife of Sclitifgrovu
1;,v nt M. I. Potter'.
,,, Wcndl f Snilnsgrove,
., .,iv Scut Monday.
;, l,i.k:i..f Sui.l.ury, spent
., ,, U with Ikt pwri'iui.
..(.... 1 wife of SelillSI'lnVC
!na',v mii . NV- ,!ur,IH 11,1,1
li,,,r, ,i ill.' Post made ( trip
Vll, "11 business Hl" IttlT
l:i-t "
itions will In' n-
1 liM'C.f ti
l n NKr.uir.itfiKii.
.1.. . I.. Mi. 1.I1.
,V ttii- liccii-c "".v ""
,,,. w i i'i iiitff ft number of
:1l tin- iiititv Sent.
.... r 9 1 .
it Mii'iiu line nt inut s
1 ... .! I
iliwiil-'- on gelling u.'ijs.
liiiu'ln- and wife of Sclins-
wtiii Annul Heimingcr Stm-
W.-l M:trkrt St.
n. l ililiiu DiiiiVfllnirL't'r'ti
Lnu'iit mi ljiHtVnjjre. She often
Mlikiis in iifnliiu-ry.
iamuel Uipka of Millhelm,
I I I iknriMrii 4 rt ii - ii Lr u
tmer inin.,J opoiung which
'hUMlay l rilay and Saturday.
mid Ira C Schoph of SvilinB
iid A. . St'houh of lilmuiifr
?re Coimt y St-at viHitors Satur-
Swartz, of the firm of Swartz
lill, was iiiitllcity laet week
irlit a full We of Spring and
you want to talk to this office
bne. tall i'lJ, Middleburg. Or-
SuUrri'iion, Job Printing and
can be scut by 'Phone.
TKO : 1W girls, kood wages,
tan work, permaftjAat position.
nCKii .vsx.v Silk Mills,
Sunbury, Pa.
kzi liraybilliwlte the public
pra! in wcoTuuie the beautifnl
.ailit' Slmes knit Oxfords and
t sluics for n7 TXiese shoes
mail of cood Wdther aud are
Dnwcr than trcr U'fore.
II. KUher, son of W. A. Fisher
(.'oluiiiUa, shot a crane that
H 71 inches from wing to wing.
wkao, he shot a large loou
kml wilil ducks. Ho loves
and is very fortunate when
ilcrt'sting jii irttt at Sw art
vnii i-viT read an v of Sweden-
F'Tks? If not, will y0U nd
Millings enclosing a stmn or
" 1 - -
1 will mail von mm of liln
fl-E. State whether vou want
lfclisti or in lleruian.
Aiti.pu Kokhkr,
mi Cleveland stnrt,, N. J.
iiiikf'l a ptiradox, aud one of
proof in the world lu favor of
'"'ice. The Toledo "Hlade"
l a t hicak't) Hartendcrs and
Fl'i-s Tt.Uil Abstinence So-
been in nanizwl with HlxttH'll
rin ileclarw that total aU
"r ptrju-i nitt drunkcnm-H are
ullcinutivm. Think of II-
h'iintni.iiig m, total abut !
lii'lv ! Winn I.ns. .. in
l)- Hilli otlerfur. LKintiil Orutl.
P"'rl.V ol Heaver Snrlnir. iv..
Hrvuv-uthe public He U
V- Alt work guaranteed. Of
' Market Street, lu John
:""""', Mlddluburg, Pa,
"Khi May h will vUlt tliu
!luii!ttilidav ru.l.ui.
Iflltilcl. ntvt .. i.
I , ... .xuuuujr Ot DHVUt
vt ttt.wn Houi, ttntt 1W
uiontu; il,ver Hprlug.
P'tUrutUu ... . ' ...7.
?-'rHouinH third Wed-
r -mi iiiulllli tt
John S.(!i'ii of Anroimliiirg, l'n.,
s-nt a few (Ihjh with W. II. Foil..
John i lowi II of Kuiilmry U sjm'ikI-
Ing nevcral days In town with friend -i.
MIssKutlf Ociiilicrling of Pawling
station whh n County Sent visitor Mon
C. V. (irnyl.ill of Um J ".agio hotel
niiiilu a trip tn Wiconisco Inst Tlmrs-
du .
The ineiii'it'i'sof the l,ulheriiiM Inirrli
clciuii'il (lie boiiHt; of workshli Mon-hiv.
Mistt lie i tint Uipka, who had Ist n nt
Nnnliiiry, is visiting her pfirt-nts on the
Ladies Jfe'ipx-rs, a most desirable
selection ntjyl
t (Irnyl.lll
Stpiiro A. K. (iift ami I)r. J. XV.
Orwig .nl In tiling to 'Irnin t he cellars
of I ht lr rcsidi'hct'H.
The J. A. It Post of Him i.liicc nt
Iciiileil th" funeral of ('. L. )err nt
Paxtonvill)' Til' sdny.
Carlion Siflioll, trtptii'tir of Hit
Vnsliioi:t. hi IIoim,' w.'n lit the Stale
Capital lat Tliins'lav.
Mrs. .In; in lit ii inircr, uhohud Imcii
away for several months rtliirned to
A. S. :.;i vt i'- this week.
While Merieil Ii,r I.ailits' Sliirt
Waists in hi) :t: i.-i i.'-. itu nt 1 -i r-
gain prices at v; l . a. ( irnybill.
Kilith Pn! !er of Selin-grove anil Mi-s
MeCloskcy of ,o,', Haven, pai,
visit to OUfri. t Aliuttii'v M. i. I'nt:r
and wife.
Dr. and Mrs. J. XV. Orwig - t
Monday i t MilHiiilnirg to llx iij i.,..
Cemetery lot in tl. at 'iiterjiri.-iiig c.t
across the hill.
James Heaver and Son of MilUinburg
spent Sunday with his parents, (Jalc
rlel and wife. Miss ('htlstina Ilenver
accompanied them to Mifllinburg f..r n
Aon. fcL ArHchoeh spetit a few day?
out of town In conference with wime
shoe manufacturer!! with n view to
opening operations iu the shoe factory.
We hope lie w ill succeed.
Win. II. Swnrtz of Fast Pittsburg
and Miss Minnie Osinan of Shamokin
were married last Saturday. They
spent Sunday in this place and Mon
day they visited his relatives at Troxel-
ville. Mr. Swartz is the Isish of I'D
girls in the Fiectrical Works at Fast
J, W. Itunkle has just returned from
the Fustcm CifiMa nice Hue of
Diess goods, ClothiV, Notions, Hato,
Caps and fchoes. hj i iHf finest line
of gtHKls he liaiTr bought.
If you have a late item of News,
call us up by 'Phone, Xo. iXC, MMdle
burg, and let us have it. If you do not
have all the particulars, send us what
you have. We wilt do the rest.
To desire to stand ou the level with
our fellows is inuate. There are two
ways of attaining this; viz., by lifting
ourselves to the place that others hold,
or by pulling them down to where we
stand. Many a depreciatory cheer is
explained by the latter of these two
A new bunco gatue is being worked
ou unwary merchants throughout the
country. A niau euters the store, dis
plays a government badge aud states
that he is lu the secret service and ou
the lookout for counterfeit money. He
looks over the cash drawer aud luvar
lably thids four or rive "counterfeit''
dollars he "confiscates." The whole
thing Is a fraud.
Iu our write-up of the improvements
last week wo neglected to meutiou the
new building erected especially for A.
K. Still's' larter shop. Aloug this
Hue we should also make note of the
marked improvement lu the lrug
SUnv over that institution nine years
ago. We regret this oversight, but
willingly make amends now. Hoth
Institutions belong to the lino of pro
Fvvry newspaper writer realizes
sooner or later that the majority of
people, are. like the house caU. You
praise- them aud help them aud rub
Hie- fur Ibv smooth way till doomsday
and there is no kick coming when the
pelting is done. Cut chauco to rub
the fur the wrong way once! Print
aitiuelhiug they don't like. Then, oh,
what howl! Sharp teeth aud ugly
claws arc bhowu and ttlorta are. made
to demullah the paper aud publisher.
Hut some people are diO'ereut. They
realUe that a paper In like a hotel bill
of fare. They take w hat they want
aud what they like and leave the re
uuttudor for the people who are diifer-out.
William II. lliiiiklt'lmrger and wife
of Himbiiry Hient Sunday In town with
Ids mother and sisters.
Horn to John lleintzleinnu nnd wife
a son.
United Evarnjelic.-il Cunvcntinn nt I5ca-
vcrtown, May m-2t ncn.
Tuewlay, 71 p. in. I. iH-votional
service, Itev. A. I). (Iramley. 2. Or
ganization. Ail'lress of Welcome,
l!"V. A. I), (tramlev. I. lievix-mse.
W. IS. Wini y loaded sewral eats of I K-v. . S. Miiuiey.
ties last week.
J. (J. llornlierger was noticed on our
streets last week.
C. V. Oraybill was to rl.niiiokiii
last wti-k tine day.
W. A. Swartz of I jst Pittshurg spent
Sunday with bin parents.
Charles Stetlci nnd Homer Hathfon
sjient Saturday out of town.
Samuel Sieder, I I i os. Clark aid. lull ii
I.auilis sS'iit Saturdiiy in town.
Charles Verger and lloyd Kaiidnian
drove to Shaiiiokiii I un Sunday.
I'aiilel Maneval ol 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mn
noticed on mr siret t.s lust. Friday. j
H. II. Custer is in the city tins v.
buying his Spring and Summer g' ods
The Middlrl.ur Feather Mai.ufa. -tin
in;; Com ji'iny i. running foil i i ;,"
Aiimii ViT'vr uii'l ' la t n iviil.r
Sermon, ftev. F. Crumliling.
Vedneilny, H:.U a. in. 1. Praise
Service, Itev. J. Ijiuver. 2. Flit ire
.Maiieti'leation, lU-v. N. Vming. S. Fnek
of Itevereiiee in the Sunday ScIhh,! ;
cause, l.'t v. J. M. Priee ; lleinedy, W
C. Hlerly. I. Hnw to Proinote the
FU'ectiveness of the K. F. C. F., Ilev.'s
I. X. P.uir, XV. K SI, ult. enroll
ment of delegate)
WetltifHthy, 2:'Hi p. m. 1. Promise
Service, Hev. F. Hire, powerful prea. h
ing, Itev. S. Smith. ;:. Our lidatioii
to the Siimlay ScIhm1 as Parent.-.
Cliurch niemiiers. and as a ( unm; ;n
ity, H.'v. s s. Aiir ind, V. If. Ilr ..s ,i-
I. A Parliament oij K. J', i;
k imttee work, Jlev. I). A. Artiii.-in. .
iciest ion r.o't.
Wednesiia y. 7:: !ii i.. Smr'
Comlnt; Events Their Shadows
Tl, readers of the Post are reiiiest
eil to send us aimouiieeineiits of nil
events. No charge will he made to
KF.Dltr.D KTES In All r.
i.i IVnns Iv.mi.t R.iiltiiai!. Ac. mint
V.itinnal Lnnfcrcnce tf Lli.ititiis
And Correction.
For I he hen. tit 1. 1' ihn-" . 1 . 1 1 1 f . r tit
attend llie Natimial
i,:'er.ine of
pilhlish the same wlcn the event is of , , -..j, j., r, ,n ,.,.,;, ; . ,,, U,M
Ma V ' to I J. I he I'etm-
;.eiit Mm !.y
. i ,
I. i
pll S. i.a
tieed on
o! near
Xi :-j 1 ii ia.ih
!;e k iiie r vi-i:
i i. lin k.
Mi.--. An..;...! ill
ht'i'ii working at 1'.
home !o -la .
Miss Annie Heaver, w
-faying at H-T., n-k. .a;i
.-..iturd.iy to stay.
FniM-h Saji! and ,lo
of near HieliiieM, vv en- ,.i
si ree ts lust w eek.
Mrs. J. C Walter of Danville, for
merly of this plat e, visited at XV. A.
Smith's last wet.
i.Mrs. lLtrrj Jiitatuer an4 dauUUr,
Hntli. ure pp ri(!ii g the week at Lis M
Haven, visiting friends.
MUs Lillie Mitchel, Mix. H.;ulien
Weirick ami her .-ister of I'axtouville
v isiud Airs. C. A. litlifon last week
one day.
F. i. Smiiii le.'t. Monday for Pitts
burg n here he has - -cured a position iu
a tengraph toer on inifrof the Wi-st-
em Lines.
While E. Zecbuutu was hurning
brush ou his new grouutt tire broke
out and got into John Lawyer woriis
aud did considerable damage.
Jh-t Central Hotel.
Any one coming to Middleuure,
would do well to stop at the Central
Hotel, aud try the Marks' Brand of s
year old, ALL HVF W His KEY.
there is not one particle of headache in
this old goods. The bar is well stocked
with Brandies and Wtues. The house
has been newly refurnished. The table
will be supplied with the best the mar
ket affords, and I would be pleased to
have a share of your patrouae.
W. S. Kch. Proprietor,
Central Hotel,
(26-S-t.) Middleburg, Pa.
Examination for
Applicants for professional Certitlates
will be exatuiued at Freeburg, May l.j.
The retiuireuieuts are, at least three
years successful experieuee iu teaching,
have an average of less than one and
one-half iu the brauche.
Successful teachers, now holding
professional Certitlates, can take the
examination iu the added branches at
the regular examination.
Faithfully Yours,
liKO. W. W.VLBOK.N, Co., Supu
Maiidger VN anted.
Trustworthy lady or geutleman to
manage business iu this County and
adjoining territory for well and favor
ably known House of solid financial
standing. JiW.lHi straight cash salary
aud expenses, paid
check direct from h
Mr M.
Service, I'ev. D. A Artn
-ionary H.iily, Ho
il .iniiig.irdi.i r, i '. .n i in.
Miener. . M. s
'I :.! ,!..
v. .'. Hcv. -. . ,
(' .: - " t
1- 1 1
A. S
( ( '
puiilic ims,rtuiii e.
MoMiAV, April L'n-:'.!!, Nineteetith
s.-nii-atiniial ( on veiition. Danville
conference of the I '.vai.gelical Luth
eran Miiiisteriiim in Selinsgrovc
Sati KI.AV, May 1 la-t day to file
wid'iws' appraiseiueiits and aecoiir.t
for confirmation at June our'.
Sn hi. v . May .;. A f. -t.i: -tm
Cake Walk wid In- held at I'.eavcr
Ihwii hy the ('. f . I.o.lg...
Til I i:ii 'A i-.i i in '. ,y. District M, nit-rial
'...-ivetitit.n ol' l!,. I ni:.'. I
an .'.-o.-al 'niir'-li in la .'r'n'.i n .
Tin i:-i v. M iy -'I . A-ei.-ion Da v.
I'i l -l' V i'. Mav p.t. I'll ami ! -I . M ,,..
at Atlanta. ia . .Mav '. n
sylvania liaiir.'nl t'linpat.y will Jell
. excursion tickets m At'.ant.i '"o ni ail
slat ions on p : 1 1.. ioi
I to '1, illi'llHive, ,,lld JIM, 1 1 t'
reach i,ri''inal -laiiiog p in
fore May In, at reduced imi.
A "i' r man -dml.hily d'e-
oiog May
r-'turii to
,.ii ..r li-
d l''.r meini
'ell l'1.!'
nl -1 1
i ill a
r '.tas
He ;,ad , i-t
.,i l;,.- .ir,
t .if
I .111.
n l-.v
tefial. Snudav
' -mi..!,. I
IU livelt.c.v;,.
'A ;:i.i i v. .
I u. d
Ml! ml, I
Mav ..'
. I i .
. oi
lieel, I UcV.
Th:i.'-d iy. - .i.i; p. i., 1. p.-nr-en.-'
t il Sen-;, e, K.-v. !.. i. I .,i fcr. J. 1 i , , -
'an t he I i ' 1 r i ; n i. t (... i ..-iit-i.t ! ..!-1
.',! lli" i in.r-li. K.-v. .1 r i,
'.. Churcii Lnya.ty. l.Vv. S. K. K.tnt.
I. Sunday .-choc) Pi'.-achin.j, Kev.
If. T. Senile. ."i. ' i'n-Ht i .tl Box.
Thunday, 7,.".i p. in. I. Devotional
Service, Itev. X. Young. 1 Fncourag
Hig V'; 'MP" Tei" sre Rpforru.
Rev. J. Womeldor.'. :t. rildivldual
Work for Individuals. Rev. M. !.
Jamison. i Consecia. ion Service,
Rev. F. i rumhling.
I. Clioristei, Rev. D. A. Artmail. U.
Opening Address limited to 1.1 min
utes. ::. All the preucliers of the IMs
tict are expected to lie present. I.
Fach Sunday School, K. L. C. K. a:ut
aililiatcil - fiely in retiie.-tiil to -.end
one deleiritc, who shall be a ineiuOer
of U:e enure convention.
V All preachers and 'le!eg:ites. who
will .'cute to tue Cniivtmtioii. slnmlii
notify Rev. A. D. Urtimlev. Heaver
t iwu. Pa., not later thuu May lntli.
and a. I who come wuli teams -.lioiild
so iiaie. that provision may be made
tor cue care ui the sumc
I :
Sacrilice Sule of Shoes.
XV. I. Oarmau has receivetl large
I'onsurnmeut of shoes! These -ihoes
have been bought at a -acniice sale
and will be disposed of at these sucn
tlce prices :
Ladies' Light Weight, sue.
Ladies' Metlium Weight, TV.
Ladies' Oxforl Ties, 7"ic.
Ladies' Pateut Leather Sandals, T-'ic.
M;ses'' Shoes and Slippers, sietl to
-'. 0 ceuLs.
Men s Drees SwTaOc
Men's Everv Davjjhoes.
Chilli's shoes
I'he; shoes :tyjaiiie i lgiMid oiid
leather. Thereis uot a deive pair
iu the lot. The iojxafrs dispusetl of
luesv' at much krtnau regular prices.
because strtneshaptt are slightly oat of
Do not get the idea that these goods
will last all the time. If you want a
bargain, come at ouce, as these prices
will con mue ouly while this special
slK. iv Ii-;s.
After i ilis stock is exhausted, these
prices caa uot be duiillcatetl. Do not
wait. Come now. if
Do Vou Fat ttreaki&st
cereals? Of course you do, but which
one.' It it's you nctd no advise
frt.iu us, for you vull sy it s the lvt.t
-l ..It.-1 I i ; i: - ! i '
I.ecN.I '.l... 'I i A'--' . '. -
.-r ; i ,. '! "
i: 1 1 . :. ... ! ;-: :.
I' S'ner, "t ac; . -. '. ..: i '. ' . ;i M i . , .e ; .i ,
Heirs of Daniel I .auel.-r n, -ari.h
( iailgler, three tiactr. iu Monroe two..
furSWO. , . . .
John S. Shai'er and wife and I'.
Nettz and wife to Flins Tnmp icn s.
Ill 1' , iu (,'nion twp., tor ;j7".
Xathan l'rtsti and wife and Wm. U,
l'rti-d and wit'- to .Jaeoi, A. i-'ps-d and
John .1. !' tnia. i.-re-. ':'; t 1' . .:.
Heaver t 'ail. :'nr - loo.
Mary .1. and Harry F. filers ,.
-aiiiiicl W. I'.'Htt. ! acre 'or ilm.
Lciuis I'.i.niiuii.
I:i the .-state of Laura F. it.
to I m i '. Sehocii.
Justice nt T!tc Peace.
Comiuis.tions for ..'u-ticcM uave :ie-u
reecivisl and ns'iirdt-t :ts follows;
Pliares Herman. I'"nii: Allen -iinst.
1111011: F. D. If. Waiter. I'ranK
iin: '. A. Ha-ssmger. 1 'enter.
. ' . . 1 W !l
lil.w .is at 1 ti. .1!. .. . '. s : 1 : i .e
Lord ,iad t..!. :.;:;; I..1T ;.- ...,.t to
gel itito t hat . huich ;',-r iet.:y wars
aud had utterly failed, several n d
inmU o wilU tiin at.rv, mi, tUv r
extra and are not given uipesssecctai y
i.t tiitrril. -illlll
' !. .- .n . I
I or "-a 1.
learn 1 hat th-r.-droit
:i-ea.-.e.- : 1.
able to cure ::.
! .s 1 '.itarr:.. .i.
j '. he oLiv ; ist: 1 '
the ::ii-illi':u
och Meii.4 i i'i,.-t;:
I'lllires A "!..-! 1
:i;ui s ( .atari 1. .
;uiv ic'iiii.' u.'-i :;v
aud .-utlco'ia -urUc"
tlierei'v lf-tr. 1 ;::g .
01 the iist-ant'. .ma g-.
ent stri'UgtU ' U;i r
stitution Mid issitiLn
;ng its vitk. 1 Li
st t ruuca tauti .u
Belli. K.
Aillile F.
Marriage Liccnscn.
Air. lith, by Uev. IL ' i. -nai'le.
Weltie J. Heiuuieruau of ICreainer ami
Vertia A, Bow of iitisgr)ve.
Apr. Si, by Uev. W. A. Haas, !!enj.
F. Hoiig of Lewisourg aud Annie F.
Loug of Seliusgrove.
Apr. Jl, by A. H. Keck. J. IV, Wm.
Hoiig of Kliiltieid aud Mable lVuner
ol Kautz.
Apr. VK by itev. L. I. -S imd'er, Joun
C. Fiseiiuart ol Chapiuau ami Hauuaii
Melgar of Paila.
411 er liaintl.
r:. 1
s '.Url
a.-, i.t-t-u
1; ntl
' Le i'i.U
' ;a 10-
r Trti'toi's uave
uative no v ejsj,
that they oilVr "ne Uumireti Uoiiara
for inr ens' 'Lat : uns '.j !ir.
Send for ::t t "crIki: '.:ais.
dress, t'. -J. ' .'.'ti'-y v ... r",
1). Sijid ijv "'c iliii'd
Fanuiy i-'.lla ire tUe o-t.
Letter to vhas. ounington.
'lnuiii nun:, i'".
Ptur s;r .Here's m :.utcrtiiaj;
-lory luoiil omul. 'v ivc vou
ttie tiauie oi i!ic -iorv-.c.!cr: vrtt
imii ami tititi 1 .111 ;ui aot.ui ;l.
Mr. loiin i Lamia, i-'s-ef, i
LVuu., I'atiiic'i
lVvue Li aii ami .".:
ttioiioui :i ct'iisivi-,
it. Alter iiii.-iiiiig;
Lit'oug.iit 'UtK I'.eut'iv
by silo iv 1 ami -aid it ua- 'lit-
Ytrd comes from Wake, Ark.
that Itev. Juo. J. Cox had a -iraut;e
malady acccmptuued
jauudice For 1'.' vear
were Hallled and thougu every thing I'atui.u
known to the profession was used. U no-
the trouble remained. One Jay lie ., ....
begtau to use Fte-ctrio Hitters aud mi 'I'"-''
' t;r-
i.'HH' iiih
'anil. Ho
.c iiiig;iit
ui, 'ie
' lie
11; 1 i l'
1 il 1 I I '
week, a cuaugo :or itio beller
catiie aud, ai leuK'th he wa euiireiy j '
cured. It's the most reliable oicdi-: v.'., r
ui m.
'., ol
l':t. "S-tviusr
cine for Liver and Kidney trouble. . .,,,
... 1 1 1... w ; 1, 1 I'.lUr
Univ C.Oo and guaranteed by Middle
ngm, tausi. Ntai.v t.uj i good at anv iiieal. i y Vr T' ? I ' t ' U
each Mondav hv ,. , . , . . " ' mirtf Drug Co., aj but A ( tai ui.n' , It '
itadipuiu ters. Fx-1 M yvry lu.uJUlfuli rtttvly ,u Crwwit v ;Woi.a -
pouso money ailvant-ed ; isjtion per- : .... mill. .
VddlenS 1 homos ClhMk-T. ' ...
-Manager, 10J0 Caxton Building, Chi
cago. v-lV7t.)
Vou Will Like "it Bvttcr
than other cereals because- it's dill'er
cut. U'n better! There is something
about the tlavor that everybody like. oa,hy. Oi all the Sslviwm
lUe pure aelectetl gituus nvm which ever beard of. BuckJeu's Vru'o
7t uiado go tuxough a acieuUilc , Salve ia too boak, It swoop. awaV
.i :i.o
oi. U
puie sclecled giaiu from nhicu it is
! made give strength to the body and
I brain. Try "f aud you will like it.
At giocvis everywhere.
I '
Thoie's nothing like doioq a tbiog
pioccsa origluattsj by food expcrU,
making It the most healthful as. well
as the boat tuatlug of ccrvaJa, "t" la
already to eat by adtllug milk or
cream. You can. eat; "t ' Uuw Uiuea
a day. At Urocorn evci'y w here.
and oureav burns, Suia. Bruises.
Cuts, Boils, Ulcers, Skiu upUuud
and Viltd. It's ouly '-c, and suax
an toed to give satisfaction by,
MidUiebur Drug Co.. Oraybili th
Cluruian, Kidbiieid. Dr. J. W, iStuup-
btll Pklllld Cy"l 00k..
C. L. Ucu Dead.
C. L. lerr of I'HAiouville died SiitUi
day morning, aed " taix He
,,t-ri.l .1 l i.a M.iv-cr tlu. I '1 . Illlilr.'O
'i boys and 2 girl and S or I graudchil-1 it nevtr let;
dreu. I UjAJi IV via;
Funeral Tuesday, Bevs. Divhl and
(Jrandey otUtiaUug.
'. l.c 'leapt -
t't'' I '
covers iiu s -un.itt 0.1 1 nc
; and it weals 'litsi.. ! licit - J
! itl to k,l o'l it tills pai.lL Useti ia
I MtiUilei.iiiix wlien ;t i;ti.s.i I'.Kd-iiyld,
ip. am! 1 iic painter w lio
Call ou A. K Sole lu his new u
in aud hair cutting parlor for your
bead cleaned with a refreshing sham
poo and a clean, towel to each patrou
ou Um north side of Market square op
posite Central Hotel. SUaTaelaou guuC
antocd. tf.
Lead and .ine is oii'i;
to navc uiouey tor lus patrons.
Yours truiv,
F. V. eVvts.' Oc Co.,
Nov York.
1-. 1'. V. J-'mith oi Juuoury
stils our jaint.