The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 23, 1903, Image 8

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lie Have
Slnili-y C'yiic ami wife of New
I U-rlin niinrled among friendi Sun
day; W. 1'.. r.H. luT, wile and dau;!itcr,
Caiiio if Siitilmrv spout bu.idav
uii ln'i p. Hi nts, ( i.
t'.m i v,
Ti i 1
: x 1 1 xx .
Ivcll to i v . l
x .v
t,, t'.-r srni.l.s of tlu i III' VITXP
;i i ( r known. Men., and Voting s
! in 12 lillorcnt vl.;s .vid mixtures aUi
. : t!i from ii to 7 ! 1
m In! If. 'lit a I 111'
r- a;i'l cent.
-1 :!'- tnanillaei iri r
l ii-ii :il this ini'ioav.! t' pr.o .
Wednesday, April 15. -
The Southern AsRociatlon of News
paper Publisher wa organized in At
lanta, Ca., for mutual benefit.
The bank deposit of Kansas are
ow over I90.000.1M1O. over J.t.000.000
M. (iro"8 iiinl: more than at any previous time.
Christian Seni, of Louisville. Ky.. la
I . . . . .. r I ..... .
, i i- V il I unuer arrest m 0:111 r iam ifiu x u.u s'-u
Noting ami wiloot :Sorll.- wUh ombong 20.000, awaiting ex
itiiUi t laml an I liteir. Noioo, the, tradition papers.
Liu-hlei .f l'n.f. O. 11. Itaktli-ssol'i Two nun were Mllod and two In-
mi i .!. I., nat
r r
iV.o m.Uiitg were visitors at .Mm
:akf Sunday.
Sin r-:ian Kihor, and dandi
er, (inuv, wire visitors at M uiiii
Moat's on Who Mill Sundav.
Martin Ia-sIhto! Ijcwi-hurg was
soon in our phuv Monday.
Harvey Hear of Illue Mill was
married to a Mis lrnvn one day
a t wivk.
IMer I.i'.im' va to Mt. 1'aiincl
la-l wetk and returned home with a
;k. ill limse.
Mat tv W t ati.l ftmily f Sin
iiiiv (-jx'iil Sum. lav with fiionls
.1 . ( '. t i.itili i'. mo nl our old and i
ivps tod lii ii'lx I . li t- 111 ve,l his
i .me I i t!ii ';i v from Sinlmry
Julio i'.t. wile an.i 'ii of m ni
ii i i'v ere ii. i' iit si on iir v ret Sun-
Mrv Peter I pn e a mvptioii
,i ii. r m.itiv It i. -; ii- .iie lav lal
Siiii-e i v ; - - t to U a
:'! Kiv-i'i' lie
!. W :l t
I'm: 'i'e
. lit
e el'
Jured In a dynamite explosion at the
Mount Wnshlniston tunnel of the Wa
bash liailrond near rittHburs.
The employes of the WilUeabarr
(Pa.) hue mill, the largest plant of
Its kind In the United States, demand
a 20 per rent. Increase In w aKes.
Thursday, April 16.
Carlos Krrneh, a millionaire manu
facturer of Anponla, Conn., (ell dead
from heart disease.
The Tope has consented to receive
Kln Kdward on lits visit to Home
after the klnn has visited the Quirinal.
Keuhen WiiKner. a wealthy i ttlien of
Mnhanoy t'ity, Pa., while despondent
from 111 health, cer.imitted suh ide by
shoot Ini;.
The t'.erman empress, by the advlee
of her physicians, has abandoned the
id i of nccompnayinj! Kniperor V.'ill-lai-i
to Italy.
Ceveiiior, of Pcmms;. I
vania. appointed .lames K Ho I ; .;,
rf llazlcton, chief of th.' new . . -nient
of mines.
Friday. April 17.
The National Mai,iir"V: '
elation will meet nt Pit: ! '
The !iio Pemocr-t'e - x"-
tion will lie lidil a. Cnlrei'Mi" s i
post :'." and 26
Vi:iia-n . Sun lav a w - I ' ;: !
l- ! Jae'. r': vrr. a. ei'.l,,;:' .I a i .
I bxti liiin i; -:ri: In x'i'i. .11.. I
Ar. ; - p t!;e ..' : :
r-.-iV I Sm! - vi , i. ;
'-.'i (.-,!;:.' :'ia and t'
IV !i. (em
.x i:'. '.
I 1
i xx ;e ale 1
..i l'linilv
: .:'i Pa'Pa-
u'-i'i ! I ii 'v
-. ':. i at
: c it.- to i
! .1 tor.r t
! ?OTVx-t.
! Vx dill.' pie
! nf St. 1 onis.
i :i rs ra
. e
fi.'.:;lv of P'.e'.in St.'.-
xvas c siipper I'm
d the luiii".' and se, are
i ; . xx erx.
Aerd 1S.
rr. LacdEr.uir.. C?ca'ir:c crd all Drag Kabsts
, - '- ' : . t--.- Ir'.x--c r.-i c-; v:r.c
IV !,
; t x- t ,
V,- t,
i f.n-.-.i.
TV c
I i-v-i P.-
.r I V-
e.v P
. . '-ran
: ixx cir.'
x .x : v a
: .lay
n t The-
I Cl'i
1 M'.-f'.",:
v in We
id (V
I .1
Tl. ,
: . e;-xi v...:'v v:
ranhattan TherapeLtff t
.. s.-.:.c::c-.J.. V.'r'tt- t..;"..-y
. 3-aadwcy, Now York City
I Wet.
iv:i in t:.:- '
m-t'.raiii e
aelt. 1W
kfan- Ixfause their ik w !rn laU: is
I Mi Mirth her frieii.
'Mr. A!:eii':i:f'h 1 t I ! if Se'in-ir'u.
jl.i.ik .iii tav ms;i;uT ::t cni:).!m':l er
W: .!
'I',.- ; xv: : e lie.;. i ;i.i" i -erv'e v
xx e:
Nsw Eprinn Cbtdete,
Rug end Meltings,
! Uttera- i: P ij-
-.x ::. .. u
C lirji Ir
i I . t i . i -
;i;f will viiiin-
I ' .-LI ' 1 '.
Willow cict
. i '"M
-! i J', .-.i
. l:i . i ijl'l IU'
( ,tfi...
Tapestry brussels Carpets
'., xi
im itirf- ..
i -T-l J!i
'. iti-
itl'l III'-
In? rain Carpet
J la
Ill '
awl l iitrui
)' XU!'.i.
!.i ri' '
i i n &
' : I I f .
Amendrrertt ABrr.ed Ey Nstional
Cnrvfrtion Will Ee Accepted.
: April Tic !r:sb Ns-
eeLV'-iitiyi; tUE Bdiouned. Is
!(. (li;T it priT tLrouFl- 6 large traount
o! r-;ir.T ri.ivTF:&; w!irk aiid nierct'd,
to cjuut' T. P. O'CoLaor. "peiiliiless
uv tmiitir-d Jroiii l T-Ft vLi'h the
whu'e w.i'id w as wan Ule. Jt vai
nii: nL.)y n.i.;i:i.r th- deULit-s of Ire
land tuT it bid iE j.s Lai.(J Tie fate
o! ii power? u; hr.Uht miLiBtry "
JnhL Ketltiiuiid. i-fjilyitg to an cd-tnuKias-.ii
vjtt of titles Jor lis ehair
n.uiiKl:j . clw lured that the coLvention
u k er-tilt in every jiarucuiar to Ire
laii'! !r a Hta'.m'LT Mr Htdiana
muKef ttir iii.ji'jT-.ant aLii'.iuiir ''iLeiit
tuat tti- uiiieii'tnjef.k aaoptetj Ly tie
eoL eiiTiut: will t a'.-eejrrei at tie
jua.'- '.ot:!,,'ii'-e a: WLi'.l Lorl Lud- '
raxi-i. Lord Xayo. CayUuii Hiiae
Tayi'jr. JulIi Keciuioud, Williani
O'b-iei aiid T. W. Kut.te!l will ux-et.
Ti;ii- p'a'''.e:a!!y i-Lcuret tL. pubk:
o! 'i- Irish iatid bill.
Oii1: of ttie ui'jst i:jxruiut auien
infu'.e at that jnop'i.;d by Me.lai-i
Uavnt tua. tue pnueivie of tte A;ien-iioUiL-mK.-hd
iaw be lutrodu'd Into
tue ial.C bill t'J ' aaf suard tot p
air.t Jfyn. tLe rtuitii u ia.yrvijifnt
1Ur?.'w;ni aiid t u ojieralioL wf lu.d
graieji'it ai.d iaijd j-jUitvrt "
1'Uh ueii-fcaU.-t If'.urilHl Vj Lvs
1 b'.nii'- it. liaj'py !iaii.e of ii:id4,
- iivitir Job li K'-diuoinl'if Lruu$
' ofo ".Vay tie jd our tallTf
I tW.L ibi. H:.t iiit.'i WJ'ii lb
i-u ty t La". m. i.i-r lu
Globe lJarehausE.
343 Market St.,
Sunbur Pa,
i Ke nt vt V ' W'.td A'.f.
.i ;.t- i'j , N J Apr:. tV. - A yrim vf tu Citirf-noui t'.vrui
mi tt.e eva'. t.U iiart ix-. a an
L . ! I l . i . .
0:i.afu uuuu MUVie ix w .ov,-
ji-i'.-'.: by '.'ap'-aiL n-ir jold
fcjfii.j' Jiiiut Williaui fceH-livuUergtT,
a jiairvliiiuu j'. ILe- '.'a May lie fcv
114 aiaUuL, lyuud a lift'. jf .witi
wit Uoit jyanly bur.xjd in lit baad.
tyjii. v' icx-bv tu'jt art- aujbbd ty
i,ar liviu lue H. JC. J'fttifeiavxju,
tHiii's' -i'y, a it.e lovl Lt;bt Uie
ii.t- initial vf tbe W '
V! e . i.i i renxentlon of
:' Or,, -.- ... '::.' . " C. iid'.t. tors e'
th" Pi'.iti'i j?--;ti .;:? Canada wi'.l
r-eet in n.t May 1
Wcnc'sv, Aoril 20.
A Prrrrh syndicate is rpporie I to
have nali $T 00'V'ie.' for oil fmpcrty In
tic 'a T.ifV r;o-!.1s 'f ra.llsrnirt
The hi-cnniil conrer.ton of ths Amr r
lean Con-.initiee, federated with the V.
W". C. A., adjourned fine die at Vx'nkes
barrf. Pa.
Kir.? F.Jxr-:i ha. a; ; minted a royal
eeir.n-.isrirr. to ir.T.;iro into the qnos
tlrn of iir.rrTin.c find into Ersland jn
i:rre of war.
py the collision of an automobile and
a street ar at Indianapolis. Ind.. Pr.
Claries Howard was killed and his
!.ai:!!f'.;r seriously injured.
Kate Ruiosky, tie helpless .girl who
was f-'j:ijios.ed to lave wandered away
from Sharcokin. Pa., turns out to have
t.L abducted, maltreated and then
tent borne.
Tuesday. April 21.
The jiostC'ffice at Herrickville, near
Tcv&nda Pa., was broken Into and
robbed cf ISO in stamps and other
Tb immerse packing Yrx :so of the
Paeifr M.-at Company, at Tacoma,
Va?:.. 'as destroyed by fire. Loss,
;fi.;i !;j
Twoyearold Fancy Himellorf. of
Philadelphia, d.jrk a large quantity
of oil of w.r.tergre n and died a few
bourt later.
While cleaning a revolver Davil
Prar-r. (;f New York, a Columbia Cni
rertlTy ETnent, aerid-DtalIy ghot and
killed' bimBeJf.
Lieut-Latt "ien-ral Miles, Genera!
Randolph and other array officers In
fp'?f-d tie Lew lystew for alrnins
mi f'ltiir 'att deferue (nini at Port
Pi'Vct p-ca'o!a, fin.
Philadelphia Pa.. April 20. flour
was b'ea'jy; winter upTtin, 'i Vtft
'i.'y. pennvylvauiit roller, clear, 'i l)
flZZj. city toil), extra, 'i 'Ml 'i.V).
P.y four was yuiet at f 3. Jttji 8.20 i'-r
barrel Vbeat wa f5rm; No. 'i Peun
yivatna red. new. 'tv.. Otru wtut firm;
Jso. i jeliow, ;al. 4Vii-. 'au; Ko. 'i wblle iivj-d. 41 lowvl
yade. 4'. Jiay was tieady; No. 1
titiiothy 121 for ir-.e iales. fieef wat
tit.eady: bf banns. likiiO. Pork a
turn, family, JJxe poultry. J4
djli-. for iient, m.d Ibc. for old iooi-.-lett.
jjr-heed poui'iy. at J!5V- lo"
itioiee lowit atid J0 . for old !'rtTii.
Jiatier vxi'fe tleady, cimnniy. Z'f. jer
po'iiid. i-it tiieaty; iVexv yoik
at.'; J'HliL.lalJia 10.. i doen J'o
ume urn: bUady; uoiec, iw.
Live fctcck MrKeU.
Jiaj-t ial-ity, Pa.. April -CuttU
w rt n.t aoy; Lon.e, j av w u.4
lIKyrime a Coining w lu-i jott
ihhI l'iiint for your Spring 1'uinting
Pon't Make a inistaki' !) Imving
elieaji paints.
Wo wll tin- Sliirwin Willitiin
Paint. 1 1 M giiarnntertl (o wear
with vxliito letul mill oil.
Mitt' in iiilxiiine
w e Itotilit several tons al, llie olil
ii lee al .1
the liellelil el
I j.fix o e iir en -Ii mi ls
e t-
aino wliilf tliis lot
i lv aii'l laki1 tnlvatil-
ll'er, a- il vi!
lapimx ,
It lias liirn iVt'ijiii'iitly assirtwl ly eminent autli n it"n
that ticarly two-tliinls of the crime ami poverty ' tli.
wurlil was tlinctlv traceable to i litem jn'raii'.-e.
The wise acres should have stated that these evil- art
due to the immoderate use of Whiskey and Liniii- "!
ijiiestionahle quality, for it is a well-known fact that in
temperance is practically unknown where pure iinailuii-rn-ted
whiskey is used.
Marks' All Rye Whiske
Is Absolutely Pure, and is sold for Medicif
Purposes. It is a Splendid Tonic lor
Spring Weather and Invi
orates the System.
Jt Make You Feel Like u N'ew Man. Tlii
Kight Vars OIl utid H-1Ih ut
.SI-2 5 per Qt.
Olliee near IVnnsylvttiiia Uuilroad Htatioti,
Middlehurg, l'u.
Nrrittown, P., Police Believe John
Heod Wil Murdered and Robbed.
NorritstMwu, J'u, April V). - Jolii)
Hv;d( a farm baud, aged l'i yeui, wuu
fouud dtad uIouk the- tiak ol iln-J-'eiiLKylvatiia
Uuilroad ut i'ort I'rovl
briii,f, 'v.lotf0 i. nooii. ?1 ivc 'i iv. ' deuce, near licit, uu! lue poiicu kii
Kof,t J-nu.e Uavy. 7.G0&7.&0. uic ( u jU u-llv Hie man wan uiur
omuit. 7.4v: heavy Yorkeiii, i i .'.j'.w , "
7.00. Ilebt ywkwn and Hkh, 1 'ifJn den-d. J bite whi, who were aeeu in
7 io, iuuxl'M. 04'7. Shetip l'.x;hl , tU vlcluiiy of Ibu placu, have been
wethc-i, or-0 10; .ullf and x,muioii, Mri,,u,d ou nunpieiou of -knuwlup
jcvjo, iiv;ir wuiiw, fv ivu.nv, iwu
talvet, ilibf t',00.
Kwt Uuflalo, N. V., April Z0.-U1
ii,et her doom ou lue bur at t w-i atoad' prliut blucia, io.jifcMB 40;
bulbi, H2044.t;O. Voala wtr loir
loot!, i. 201,00; toiiiuwju to Kood, 15.00
First National M
cf Aiddlcbur.
Hok ware jw:tlve; lie.av
D.Kvtr4 Oil In Virgin!,. i'i'.lZ', IVSttL
. . . . . i . , a ..... , - v. ..... f w r-wn - ' ,.- w
Keftt Court Kouw, va., special re
porta tbe ditoovary vf vll in fco abau
CoLod hrtwiau wail uttK nooui il t&o; evves, $i?.7Jfr.M: Hhctp, tio
j cam ato at TallfcavlHe, Nr jCabt mixed f0.3dC.7v eullu U K'd,
couul- A ol Cow U 4ixpectd. 4;6.40.
'.avy. 17.06
i . I.
J,aru0i were iowar; lop uauve ""' !?
I7.30fiii7.a0; culls Oj fcOod. ti.V)&
. wiibUan. 17.207. 3S; yeariifiKH. f.ZC
bOiiu lLliiK of I be liiuiiuer if tbu mall'it
dcuib. Ju I be lltilu ataiion ut i'oil
Frovldcace, 00 feel from where Hit
body wait fouud, I lie poiicti ilUcovere.l
two pools ut blood and a trail of blood
Uaidlug to wbure ttie body was fouie).
In a tool cUaat nearby a aplktf baww.'i
v,tj fouud, oo which there la ion1!
blood. Hood wan paid Saturday, an I
It U tl:e Hi cor y it the police I but l.u
ww billed with tlie uiill.u buininer,
yobbid and bl body I brown ou the
trmVt, where jt wan ruu over.
(j. Ai.mi i H'ii' ii, I'""'
W. W. Wiiwmim:. virt
Akn 11. 'I'lliikil u.s. a-tii'-'
(J. Allied Hehoeh, NV.
W. W. Wjtleiiinye., A.M
J, N. 'riioniptioii, M-JK
Jua. 0. TIwimI
a ,i, . r i.,,i;.,;,i.,.,U. W
PUUIIlim Uf IHUITI"""' f
CMrMjrulioim bolixa'"'