MIDbJEBTJRG POST. JURY LIST. , i turora ilrawa fu tt Court ' ... r and Uertrrml Jail dallrsry r . .i.iimt rSloDtof the psara ' ... 1..1.I JunaTrrm.Conimencinit . ... ,1. I."" IKAHI Jl i r tu hrr Wa-l burton. , . .... .l.,.,r, - ' t''"iinirr WwU niiluii. Iff . .-....r IVrtv I 1 .. .K.itii.hir Peiin. ,., ii in . " i. 1,11 lurii rr MutitiMi. ll IiiImiPT :i--'i-ii I (IlliiT l' liHHl . ,,,! 'linn A llMlltn. ' l ln nHUlM I'l III! ' l,i.i I lii'..iri'C Hi-avcr Vrt. i,! , . . r li' I r . u roe. ,i,l " , , ill ,',,,'H' inulcr vlli pjrnv " ''i t, ,ni..iii'r I'rniiktiii. 1 ,. furni'T ,'Hiiiiw, ' ' , ,., n ill lirr -ii.lll. . ' , i i ii i.i.r l' nil I, r .(liilill.l.. r. " . ,. .Ulkil'T I'lillHI. ' '., ... ii liiflin-r rmro. l, ,' urn tfi'l K''V ' ,'. i- ' Hi lni'k"ini. llil'l r.ir IIOKH. ii i ln r Ailmn". i ri liiiiil Hi vit. '"' ,.M.ii iirin.'r rriuikhii. ..,. I ilmri r W uhi Kluii. 1 , , ,.iTlrirl"it ''rr. i'ii(.itiniir llvrr Wwt. '. ..... m, ini-r iiui p rr k. Uv,"r":"M1,i,.....,.K. 'i'!.i t..'r i...-r Mini e "l. i,li.i knillli I'i' l " ii.u.l lniHin r llravrr. i r I ruliklill. ll.li 1 ,M ' I "" ., ,..i.t.-r '.-rry. ,i,h ii inn'" ' i"'y ,!, nli lli'iin-r WVt. ,,t tt il l" (utmrrl Vlltro. u,nwril fiirm.T On're. , 4 , uprutrr frlliiKriiv. ' i.,,. l.ibii'nr Kniiikllii ',, Km"1-1"' '"' -nwr Ml'lille Mi ck. ,rs ( iiiiiit .laelnon. I K I i' i''r lilll""n- H.iKiii l lit'""-' Mr"r. .,iiii I' J fnnni'r Hi-nvar. ,.;mK l.irm-r Wiwhl union. ,1111 Fililur Wanlil.iKloii. .null' v iBlmrm i nl.l li-rrwlt. i ,'.irii'liliT 'llliilimll. jl, M ii, iinirMiriim- ,1 Iiiiiit .Iwknuii. ,. .i.it.li. I fiiriiiiT IV ry rt. i k i K. nt lln-iirin , rtn fiiriniT HiiIiik. .1 lliniv II furllinr Llilini. ,', iirnn W fiiriniT 1'i rry pI. , ll;,ln tmim-r i:imiiiwn. , iuuiii'iilir l''ini. ,,, M iMi ri'hniil cntri, .rhn-1 ii mi-r .MiililloiTwk. r liiriNi r Mlihllrurmik. , s II I ill m VmiiUm. K ii k 1 ilmrcr Mnlliijrve. Ir Allinl hiliiiMT Centre. L Vimi I line ihmI Kunil Yuur Knl ricy In ::uck on i if ii Trust Mine M,nii' for riulinrrliitlnim 20hriii fur 10 Kulwcriptloni" ml in I'.W iiniIit tlie 1 own of tlm Htn!e ut WsnllliiKtiin. . 11,10 i,iKi, ConnliiHiiK of l.OW.HHI Slmrc ilbaiar Vulim of $1.00 Euuli. Fully I'linl nliil Nnn-AimriutiiblP, iTibbiu, I'reniilcnt. .MIkiIuii, Wh. i.itiit VnliitiKton I'unk and Investment fcy. I'bIiiii (ioHnrl limn, mn nmlcnom- Ll reliyioui weekly published t ('elare- fctilu. httM urmrifed for limited (mount iwl Ti -t tock to be Usued In Cert Id llh,Whn.. vfl.are en. ana oner to nrtiSni of t of ni valuable luring k im-nent marl t vnlue of tu eenti Ulomi-i . f lurlvearaln ad- Iir S one v..- iirMM.fi iitiona, aeeompani-tin- .,,Mlar DUbacription pric be wntofm ! yearly autjacrlption, or we it ti hari of Lend Truat Stock for S rte-)er luliwription at f I 80 eacb or nnual suimripiions at ao cents eacb. k fur full particular!, prospectun, and tto onGospelNews C&xton Building. Bl on A. E. Boles In his new buuv- pl hair flitting parlor for your I'leaunl with a refretthln? nhani- iid a fltan towel to each patron le iiortli .idle or Market stiuare op K'eiitral Hotel. Satisfaction guar- i. tf. A ThiMiKhlfal Man. if. Austin of Winchester, Ind. what to do in the hour of His wife had such an unusal stomai'ho and liver trouMe, oians could notholp ber. He at of and tried Ur. long a New ills iiiil she eot relief at once fa tinullv cured. Onlr at teburs Drug Co., Orajbill & ja luotitieM, Dr. J. W. Satnp- enD8.reek. VERD1LLA. pph Kratzer of Kratzerville fwitiii;; at the home of Isaac f ovtr Sumlay. Wlw Foltz of Cupolo 18 stay lith his brother George. "..vuikiT, ageut, set up a e bi-iilir last week. iuf'ant child of Knoi-li Aiu-kir pad was buried Inst Sunday at r viiu-tfry. k' nrv L'Lnl tn ki tii it nr f John Stahl wlu had such a V tHMtie of 1m'hu kill. si mi M Mad two weeks ago, is all Jguui. '' 'iix'l direi-tor txlitor (f rirtjve in robbing our diroetorn, ' i"i measure our nose by 'ent his own. ;ddleburgh Market. THE OLD RELIABLE Mr i Wln nnit Absolutely Puro THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE :r Jtr. 20 12 GO 12 8 10 12 15 Wheat liyc f0 Cru 4vS IHU 82 rotate 60 luTuiptrllHU.20 MiddUug120 Chop,, 1,25 FloufjHjrbbH.OO Siiin'ay School Convention. May II, 11! nml I I, nl MrClmr. Pro tfrnTinn Moii Iiiv. ":::() . in. H iu wrvli-e, Mitj. ItoMifii'li, )cvoliiiimt - frckn; Aililn-w of Mvlronif, 'v. I', I ti tt ; ItrHtMiiiHi-, I'n-s. M. I,. Wiiiscm- wller; 'I'lie liomi' kiiU' f Siml:ty Srliool work, ItfV. (. V. (i. MKli r. Aljniirn- IIKMll. 'I'iicmI iv, 11 8. in. Itcvnliiiiiiil vxcr Ihcs, Aiiiod llowfll ; I. 'J'li" Inline nml Hie Sninliiy w liool, Jlcv. I). I Slmi lliT nml otln rs; a. W'lin t hIihiiIiI In- lln ir reliilinii ' l. Unworn Hie S. S. Iii'l), lli' Iiome V c. Mow run t lit- limnc li l. thoS. S. ? i. Li llcrs lo I'lirciilM ihmI l';iriiiti' liny in tin- mi-IiooI. L'. The Cnnllc Coll, Stt. I'rimiiry Worker nml oi hern ; . What Is It nii'l how oiernleir.' Ii. Is it Hiiilnlile for every Hrliool '.'(', Sjieelal lieneflU eoiniii) from It. il. Sjieeiul eraille roll eeleliralinns : Mrthilirjiw, ec. .'. The home ilepnrt ineTit. Itev. A. I). fJramly fiinl ollierx. it. ISenefltH of a home department. I. Mow toHiieccNsfiilly inaiiuurate. e. The essentials lo a Hiieeessful ileiartment. il ItH helifuliiess In Interesting lnemUTs away from here. Address, Mome In lliience fin child life, by J lev. J. I. hhcllenlierer. lU-ceiti:in ut delcntitt. Adjournment. Tuewlay, 1:.'I0 p. ni.-Hong Herviee, Iievotioiml exerelsiti, J. F. Snook. Ap IMiiiitmeiit of coiniiiittees nnd eonveri tloii hiiHiness. Children'H hour, Itevs. II. If. Hjinhn. f. P. Ziiii'iierman. Arch deacon Hadclifl'u. Addi'MH, World wide H. K. work, KUte Worker. Ad driMH, fo-Workew together with (Jofl, Hev. II. IJ. Fortner. Tuenday, 7:. p. in. Devotional ex- erciiteH. 1. Our field on outlined in the Scripture, Itev. Klracofe. a. The local cho-jls. b. The other mho in tl WOimanliy.- c. The c.fnrnuTdtTlGeir d. TheregiouH beyond, county, state and nation. 2. Conditions and ne1softbe field. Prof Xoetllng. a. The local schools (Delegates), b. The different com munities (District officers), c. TIip county at lartre (President and .Secre tary), d. The treasury (Treasurer), e. The various lines cf work ( Dept. .Sup erintendents). f. The State Association (State Worker), g. For the coming year (New Presidents 3. Address, Evangelistic effort our greatest need. Itev. J. Ii. Focht. Wednesday, 9 a. m. The teacher and the class, P.ev. Dubbs. 1. The teacher himself, Prof. Fisher, a. What are some of the marks of a teacher ? b. What constitutes a call to teach ? c What should we reasonably exeet of a teacher? d. How best sustain the teacher on spiritual life? 2. The cla. Itev. J. Womeldorf. a. Location and equipment, b. Classification according to grade, c. Individual studv of the public how ? d. Securing the hearty , co-operation of the class. 3. The teach ers' work. Itev. D. C. Kauffinan and others, a. Before going to the class, b. In the class, c. Betweeu Suudavs. d. At special times. Address. Teachers' training the solution of many difficult problems, Key. w. K. Diehl. eduesday, 1:30 p. in. 1. Praise ser vice. 2. Address. The niftterinl ua work on, Itev. Brillhart. 3. Address, The book we teach by, Rev. J. Lawver. Music books, Uospel Hymns os. l-t Will be used. Every school In the county is expect ed to send at least two delegates. One cent, per meiuber for expenses is rc duested from every school. All dole- gates will l entertained free. Come prepared to say something on the topics Work and pray for the success of the Convention. All S. S. Superintendents and Ministers of the Gospel are mem bers of the convention. Executive committee. Makea A t'Uau Kwee There's uothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all tho Salves you ever beard ofi Huckleu's Arnica Salve ix the best. It sweeps away aud olives Hurng, Sores Bruises. Outs. Hoils, Vloers, Skiu Kruntions and l'iles. Il'a ouly 25c, aud guar anteed to give sstlsfdction bv, Middleburs Drug Co.. Oravbill & llariiian, ltidhtield. lr. J. W, Samp aell Venus Oreufe Most Ueautiful nillinery. (ur assortiueu of millinery cauuot fall to plea,M) the most critical, 1U sim ply beautiful. BEAVERTOWN. - lrof. I. J. Kel -r Ins v,,' to ifi.rnlia n wlere he li:m miiuvI em-' ,!yment in i ne of the oilier. J Slierill San jisrll was in t wn on I rrnlay. HoUrt l'i i w ml en ' u!y jr.ish in is CiMit Tin rstlay wi i : rutting v I Oil. .James St ml rcker fjrj it a rliort taraiii'ii in lnwu, and " ; if the r!s ii) Kine's More w.i v n KjM-4-ial .'. tra smile. Mrs. (J.il.iiel Heaver of Midd!. i IV, nnd Mis. Mclpr of A Itnnlia CIV the L'I" -t- of W. I'. Iragel's' 1 ;i it i I v over Sniidny. ( i. V.. 1 1 iinliiicli and w ili' iifSiin bury are i-iiiii!iiig a week v.itli Mr., I I'm jmreiiis, V. N. lleimbaeli nnd wi fe. 1 (iuile a iimiilier of our people at' tendiil the funeral of James Anraiid at Troxelvillc Sal balh. Allen lluwir-ox of Chicagi) iir nvfl in t,i n Mm. day evening, and is (he irui-M of his brother, A. II. Ilowersox. Siitnnel I lassider and wife spent SiLul.iy out of tow M. 1'rof. Iv 10. Wetzel and hii Daniel, ni.eter Jacob Welei, and ( '. M. ( 'iiinp wre in MiddSelitirg Saturday. Mrs. I. J. Merlsler his I ,,mi -eiinily hirk wilh typhoid f.ner br the lii-t few il.i s. .laeoli I '. I Icrlr-ier eame in c., i- laet wi'h oi f the machines in W, II. Speehis planing mill Friday; the result was a badly erippled hand ; one finger was cut otl altogether and hever.il otiiers of the h it hand are badly crippled. Mrs. Jacob A. Aigler, daiighter, Jennie, and sun, Kiils n, after sS'tid ing some time with friends in the Western part of the State and in Ohio, returned home Frid.iv. Among the sick in our burg dur ing the week were -Samuel Uearick, Charles K. and lassie Freed, A. ('. Winey, A. M. iJowersox and wife. Allen and Kva MeI)oweII. Key. i. ('. Flmond-', atone time pastor of the IJefornied charge ci.v ering Snydi r county, Wot f the County S'-at, but. of lite year- a miscioiiary among the rnounUin dis tricts of KeiitucKy, lef.tiirtsi to a iTowded house in th llelorrr.ed Clnintli, Subbath evt'iiing. SHADEL. Mr. Wagner of Xetntska was seeuMuFTifreet "Friday. Rev. Miller, the Lutherau Ta-itor of the Freeburg charge, preached his farewell sermon Sunday at St. John's church at Fremont ami (irubb's church at I'allas. (r. Ii. M. Ranch moved into hi house at Fremont which he pun ha eil lat year and Norman Troup in to the house vacated by (i. 15. M. RaiK.'h. George D. iisslling of Moi.-.r-ville wa-s vi.-iting at James Mengle'; Sundav. Freil Ilackenburg an i wife wen- visiting their sou, Charles Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Walter of Mid He- burg was visiting her brother at Aline last week. H. J. Ileiicr of Shadel is doing a lar 'e business in his l'lantnc Mill. He has six men at work sometimes, liairv is a bustler. Moses liotts is building a wagon sheil. Orlanda Troup wears alroid mile, because it is a ly. Jonathan Keielitul-acl), rvife and daughter were visitiDg h's wife's ivtrents over bunday. Harvey Boyer of Kantz and Charles Miuiiun of Aline were seen ou our streets Surday. A Hare Talaia;. It is said that nothing is sure except death and taxes, but that is not altogether true. Dr. Kms New Discovery for Consuuiotio i is a sure cure for all lung ana threat troubles. Thousand ran testify to that. Mrs. C. R VanMetre of. SLooherdstown. W. Va. says "I had a severo case of IVouchitis aad for a year tried everything 1 heard of. but got no relit f. One bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery then cured me absolutely. It's infallible for Croup Whooping cough, drip, Pneumonia and Consumption. Try it. It's guaranteed by Middleburg Drug Co., Oravbill A Uaruiiu. Hlehtield. Dr. J. W. Snipsll. Pen us Creek, Trial Bottle free. Keg. sizes 5iV, $1.W Mrn. Win. (lilliert and rliildree of Sb.'ui'okiii I);iin spent Sun l y willi l'-'ppy Hughes. Ih-ii Smith, head rlerl in Kus'er'. storr, spent Sunday in Middle burg. C. (). Shaillhaell moved his li ia'd- iug house from Ihindore to I'a.vling Station. Our Hand ba- pun lia-nl thc "Mareh of the I2ih," the lat.-t nd best out. I'M. Ne.Miian, our new black smith, is kept vcrv Im-v r pnirii nj implements and -leii in lim -i - ,i tnir farmers. Mr. .Ninmiii i gmid lliechailie M. Milliter ot' .-'eiin-in'. i. :i ,, KhiiIx caller Sitnidav. Miss V, W i'iiiMti is having .i iidditioti bnili t i li.ir re-iilem o. the Isle 1,. (-ii!,i le'vnti l. bridges. ( hir band has piucli.i-- l a I' new horns nnd has a !inilte. a f-w new iiiemUrs. Tlic bu.i ari- il. i i will. Mi-s Olive Staid ,.f hipmiii is staying with her I iranlp tii i.t-. Henry Iloltapple and wife '1 'he oiing lady is iittending nitnal eh no I ill Freebiirg. The First Ollice at our p'.tcc ha Iiot yet been fnoved. ' ur Sunday S-hool- an- ali l.ir.o ly attended sikup; the j, j,.r,. for I heir festivals and picnic. ('niiieri fJla-e of mar Itimdore was in r.tir mid- Sunday. C. A. Sheinory of l'iwlii,g -pent Sunday with his wife r;r tl.i jilace. PENN S CREEK. Mo-chant C. .f. Showers wa- (. I'hil.-tdelphia last week to lav in a 't known Fr'-n.-h f.tna.!.n t. "iippiv of ."Minn;; ainl Summer , .' neaa acne a ana I Hit hmz'il "POOR DIGESTION, ' LANGUID AND TIRED." An Interesting Letter Concerning Pe ru na. 1 w ' A I 'It- y-' i I ' i Is I f- ' Is l I'l , -'I't.iTi, Or,'., Is f-'-ni --.n -f tnr l f, l . ; ii i .i ... ..i. ,iio, Mimiorn i,i ti.e J . u. .; 'p I'll f f I - KM I'JI HiCf UUl CM ffft roxelv.l.e Hotel, wa- m t.,w:i It.- 9nd am pleased to state t.l ,:iy- ifler of the syitem. In three Morns. Krdley and wife of Vi k- petite had Increased, I filt bi. burg viited R. I'.. Krdley and fan ti- ache or pain. Peruna isa r. ly Sunday. Adla P.rittain, of s.-k;tn, o., Cm-tible, H. F. Mnhii tii iiii- a " Afvr uslnsr yonr TV'.niierf il I- b'.'-iness trip to Inrelt..n Satur- 'hr! m.nr;.s I h.i-.-o h.t ;r:t .- ,av had fon'inunl har:nis in mr '- , j. i. . . w-iw MLnn, and h.Kt f.i.ntin illill V . 'I . IT, I 'ill I' t i Ti.II , , . . .. : T .. ... ' , . - tneyn nav .ii m.s w. uaia i'-ruii A,trssj ..ir-min. F a Air. Kci-er of etn-rrove wer r n Adia P.ritUln. . TImj Uar-.ttaa -...r..rar:o;.i, ij town Sundav. - " : TT .. ' -lZZsd up, my digestion p- - -. my I tired all the time. 1y ph, -iart lvi,ed me to try Peruna. It. -1 It nd It a a r.nderfj cleanser anri ?ir 's I n like a ,:.w woman, my ap Uzht and h-'i'oyand without art .s family medic: e. " : If yon l'i n..' nf.mr, tr.. it'.am )a i ?u-.,ry r-'i.-s -n : ' ;--r;r. t-it. ,n - r7ir'r..in. .r.j" a ' ! I'ititmi'S! 'ii ir... -ToX i iilin.-( '. " : j .'I ...A V k. ...I. ..ii IlT I). F. Binifaman, Klixs Ilrunner The new feneR arom-.d To-hiII. and W. A. Napp were to Mt. I'leas- when completed, will he an orra sant Mills Friday. ' ment to the place. Or J. F. Kanawel was t,; J. F. Mover ir, working ui ! BInisbnrg last week to attend the Slw ,;, at'sl,amokin Dam. :asonic Meet ft - i , . , I .. i vi.iv.i. i a unii. ,.,.iui I .., . ..... riiii,.,.,,-,, a i nt V .1 ti:r-i ctiiHion tur t'le ' unii"' iirniuei- Letter To Harry W. Bowersox. H.-ut v V itm. ; Mifi-llfUrr, P-i. , finvil!e :md v !i Dear Sir: I'.irterlinii-s' s., much: t i hi i l.-v i , ; neck, o much: all the wiv !,et veer-. -l-t I' .. .'I',.- J uat so with paiar. !-. f.e:.d , and Zinc is the pur'e.iii a :.-'. . . ; ,r ; Ix-lv wants t';e n.-'k; the itx.-en, M:.i,i!...ur . X'tne .-ay, is g'x.sl etnugii t'-r tl.citi. t ;, . u- IJut Devoe costs ieu, re t :n..r. oil aeifuuu -f "i;e than lt ween. I-ad and oil :- !- '"lier. r.i.- .'.;r.ir..-: !"n!ai!,!; Siimlav Pa-ss . "T'.l. Si.:. ;.iy I'rev ' i- arow pope.-.'-Jrp-j;Jy, H it i ia-pos-inle !u r..i ;nf.i it all re -.v i.-f l t'li ll' !KI!I,' ,t -fili '! IV Tlie I ' v. "::.i!.iv Atir:I v ...r i-re'.e- tit::! tw en; it is the i.;.i-ta't;infi j-a:nt. Hut zinc hasjiinii' io. Zinc touii- T'.e :.i-r . r 'li'e s.. I-..? i.iiie i a.-.ii uir- :r-;.c r.vi r- t :-i s na. .-i. t!M '.ii -:r .i.p-a-iv .ad '.r're :)iaatii:"T". ''ir M..r :.aii: - r-pr.ie- !..r E.'z- J.:: i ... i'iN u,-liiru aVn.l Zinc is tlif gist. A :ure Mr. Jolin. Deite:. Fair H.ivi.n X. Y., writes: Mr. Charles HoIJeiibeck. of tiii- ian: trade :a :hu: '.iae. place, painted his house tiiree yr W'.. :lr.. a;.n .... .. ago with Devoe Lead and Zinc; hi- i eiR-tits ..f nir T-!l:u. ::e father paiutetl at the same time witii ;,,,t i:r merenunt -ays, :i . lead and oil. To-iay the s,,,,' :- 'ju-i;:--. house looks as well as the dav it 'iaire Ss-iirist' iK.uitrv wis n-iinfu.1 u-lii'u til.. t-iTli..r' ' 1 1 LT 1 1 house has all ehalkel of and needs i... it.. 'n. . ... . tumuli; vcrv oauiy. i:ie miner ,,1,, .Jle . tud says he will puiut with Devoe next Jait papers. tlUlt-'- lir tOWUlip jXl'.T loll-: Youri truly, larg-ly patr.uued ri.r -n.-i : tie Ktuiv '.r-H -i timtiiate mir ;s'pic 1 1 , uvct more m pmulrv iii'l uiiu- vcj their -tuck which ttiev :tn i-. 'v i iun.-r ij.i-u- i 'lo aoi iiKe , Netv Yjrk- J.iuu Uoieer .f i'a; L'.'otr V. V. Smith ot Suiiiiury ;s kw,iln, .)a,(-. i,V i.e. I ami H) I' ...r -s.'l!s our puiut. aouit; i.'X'-ei.eiti.v. ' 1 ...i-;.:: '.- .- : !!., "' ' ' '!''-"' . it;.-.. : .er-. 1 ' ' - - : -. -.. -.. ...... V .,Ai - tr " : -n .ji - - . .-.- -i v 4t n a. , . , .. m r. ' r t; r ..'. ;i : a;-.'-. -:vitn i' - !"tv a v ' ul "in .uv - " i ;;:! stii a r'-;t ita. t ine.!, v uici ,-. . ... . .. t. viil :uv ' : m-ii' -. Piu :''ii!.ti.i .ii... t.:-.ia' .'-. -' i in KANTZ. Auiou S. Si-huw, clerk Urowu's store and his. family sH.'Ut Sunday at Mt. Dleasant Mills. William Sprvnket and family sjient Suinlay with, the family of his jvarvuU. Spa'ukel lWs. have put a team to 1 "aw Hug Statioa wvkiug nl the induct. OCNDORE. The Susquehanna ha lvu at. high water mark, for a long time aud is in tiue railing coudiiioii now. The Hoover's twry Ixiow liie AovHieduct is cvmpletevl, ami is t grvat public improvement mid uo doubt will have a large patrouage. Our Mervhant being in new! '.'I a family driving tior-; aitvndod j lurse sale at S-iiuburv, but iku tilled the bill. Charle AruolJ anvl ae of Swiuelofvt visited relative M tiiir. hist week. H S Wolf aul bivthvi; aiv vuc tiug vrd wood tl N. l I'Siudow. W. !?, Keivhvubuch w ill build a imw hs.vus) lu thr iKttr future. ' 'st' WE OFFER YOU :nUIIIU9 3UII2J -I1IUU ill cCne car's wjpuoH ;u juks.'y' Ifuine Jounal. 'ne year's Tn.imX'rtiiip n i-rtcrcau lusttai tosuiiomru.. C ?NXY S MOM'S JOVRNAl For H IS I l - r ti mf ftu:: L.vv:i H I -.ic i ' Dui: v ' il JilV f . C tlHl . .Ki;i.' o mi tu." i.e. ttS 1. rttritcl ' ' tn ' ifiLii'in- l st:Muii: v it .vmi - Km, . II .'.'n;is ! . It. ;.t . '-: M- Hi.'. v. - trtvi ii-. t snttiv itutrh Jwrivk r-t'l '. rtdi: rtr r JUi.'iv.' '.' ; t-'.'.r till: ti".. t" n.,)n,"H Tin ii."T;-y WVTMOVT CXTRX CHARGE Vf i.'C:i rMiir it it.irrw it..! w " to vwirn it ir.-( ci iyt "cct. ititl i-ivi :ni ye i c c- . :m.iT, ."v tf r Tt .iiiiMa Ajs-w- ikitWam : -crlxrs prchse i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers