The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 23, 1903, Image 1

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    hTve a job lot of note
THiG n.
Cn hand, iney musi go
The price will do It.
I s and prices for the ask
V.'c furnish them printed
s than you can buy them
ut priating.
cr, Fdltorand Proprietor.
A Family Journal, Devoted to News, Science, Art, Political Economy and Current Literature.
Ratu: One Dollar Per Annum, in Advance m.
:lv Kittle Liners.
,,j the Hustle of Hie
Scat. TolJ In Brief
, v, ,,c or Less Prominent.
.. I., n and HvclltS Of Itl-
,; i-.Tu.. -
lul ""y -uri....
the Thirst for
.,v ,n uinl ofllcnnvais visil-
Jr. Drccsi'.
Sui'iii'K''1" I""'""' wm"
Hi,,,; relatives Sunday.
u.lU .1, went ( West Vir-
, U in search of cuiplov-
; . Imch, paid luif-i I -l f
II . . ,uil: Mini Philadelphia
, , l Mi 1! ''' lw
1 the forme's par-
;, and W it'.' 'f MalllU"
!. liter's moth, f in this
; ,,f Troxch illc, u wcl!
;., !, died la?t "ml
.ml ill' 111.' Spending
'. ;-',,urg, ill'' gun-is of
. I'lHii- ! Akron.
.- . in king in :i i mmtv
. Iiiui.
i Haas iiml family oi
I ! i-t Week lis till.' "Ill st
i it V. Kunkle.
.nut .lolin W. liiihkli
l ! i i:i lift week to 1 1 1-
II -jl.
tilt .1
. i:-i-.
W. IS. Wiitcy has spent several days
New Jersey. S
(ood liny for f:ilc. Apply t" A. Iv
(Sift, Mid. belong, Pa.
J. N. Drosius and wife spent several
!: at Sunhiiry lust week.
The Legislnlme luis adjourned and
tin' people nre resting easier.
Miss Kssie Fhrhart of Lcwistown Is
visiting friends in town and Franklin.
John W. Kline of Ail:mis township
was hi tlio County Scat, Tuesday morn
ing. ' "
Isaac Stinicliug and family have
moved from ltitt-r to Jus. (!. (.'rouse's
Dr. V. W. Lnii; to of Mt. Pleasant
Mills was at tin- Omnly Sent! Tuesday
Samuel Wittcnmycr 1 1 f t Saturday
fir Philadelphia Washington, and oth
er points. s
A lot of 4.00.1 tinijifTv liay for sale.
1 iiiiiiri' of ( '. II. tiger, Middle-
burg, l'u. 1 1.
Lidiis i a most d -irnhlc
si -lection :i! ii.:. n fl-,;.' ri -4--. ;.t Sw.-n tz
tV: ( Vl
K:.-fouiilv 'i'.i-i-'iiei Win. II. V.- iyi-I
L. (I. Smith transacted Imsiness nt
Siinlitiry Friday.
Dean (irayl.ill Is eonllticl to his lied i,'., ... ... I
. , , i I luek'-iiimrif, (iluliu ( ri-amerv in
with rneiinioida. , . i
i .! lOO fl'K III 11., J1 , l P.
.VI: l',.ll...f I J. L, Mi'lj 1
, . . i rosier J.
."niiiiriiay lit town.
COfRT II01SE CHIPS. Htcorded.
Ilenjainin W. Hosier and wife top.
II 1 1 1 1 1 1 :i 1 1 to f lovd 1 1 r 1 1 : -
i man oiiit elaim to liow-r and lot in
falvin Stroiip if Strotiptown spent ; (V'ltreville .11..MI.
several ilavs in town. 1 1 i 1 .. 1 . 1
1 .1. M. Miiimau an 1 wile to Adaiu
John IteniilniMT is ereetin,' a new Iteniiluei', J'i A. and II P., in I'rank
haru on his pr.'ini-es. i I111 twp., Van.
Charles I fare left fi.r Winllell wleiei .nnt. s.irt:, tiusie,. to J. ;.
heseeured employ in.-nt ' filler, house and lot in i i ox. lv ille.
I!:1VI lit Sliltler tillil lie,', I l.ll.hv ! "
drov( lo K reamer Sundav.
.1. II. Dehiiernml Mrs. C. A. li ith;"..
are havimr their ho.isi s p linted.
II. II. Ilaekenliui has let I.
Dui'ldiam to work in the axle pla:it.
Jennie Meiser sient Friday willi li
sister, Mrs. J.h. Deine r.
Clara I.ihhy sjient 'I'l. 111 -lay :
Millliiil'iw 11 he- i,!.. ! . !' ,.
P. H. Kneppto.1. W. .Klinnler L'i-'i
A. and 1 !s P. land in Spline; two , $1.-
! "il l.
r Henry A. Iiniiii, a'tv., In faet
I iiikI exeet. to A. Kii e.M-r and P.. W. 1
rj Voder, IM A. in Centre twp , $.!o'n.
i ( 'harle- P.. Wit 1 net and w if to ( 'l,:i.
CiMiiiii!' Etints Cast Their SIkhIows
The readers of the Post are ns pleat
ed to - 1 1 I us aunoiitieeineuls of all
events. n rliartro will he made to
piihli-di ! he sane- w hen t In- event of
puhlie inipoi tauee.
MoMi.w, April JI-::m, Nineteenth
semi-annual Convention, Dmville
e.ilifeleliee nf the I'lvailL'elieal l.llth
el:;ii M ini-tel iiim ill S'-!inloVe.
MoNli.VV, April l,ieell-e Court eoii
Venes in Middlehiirir.
M'ixhw, Apiil L7, lien. I'
;VII 1: . . Ma v '
id.iw ai'pr.ii-
i a i
, : W. Smith, I. -.ii-
,. pll!IU-, $OOII.
.:s ua ;.l t:
r-i. -1 .
; mi l
r I.
"I .v
: 3
'. .;. til..
i-Hlt- e
I 'eU!.t
k, I'
ir new -prim; Koods.
le linn of Swail.
ie eily last week
iuo of Spring und
mill '
stbt 11 full
1 gixls.
yuu WM.' to talk to this olliee
11 ...... noil 1 .
(lie, can iiiniieiHirjj. vr-
f "TirtriniYj-ruTnt
;ng fan l- Mt hy 'Phone.
ul. II. Spahn of llenverSiiriiifis
I a:i interesting ' and very ne-
siiinnii Sunday eveniiuj in
niitii Cluin li of this place.
piile party was here last week
the Mid'llehtirj' Shoe Factory.
1 the fart that Mr. Sehoch whs
111 liome nothing definite was
. (Janvier, of the firm of
A Mi-KaU, was in town M011-
lny are lil-ivek jiuttiiiK up a
.tit f..r lLe's at MeClure.
refiirnMiiiij; good material and
ttiiiilinii advertises. 'JJeauti
k'" in Mirinir shirtwaisU:'' It
too sunn for the spring shirt-
ut , way, hut we have just
liful tilings to put In them when
nine us lioston has.
Airayliill invite the puhlic
m to elinine the henntifnl
ailiiV Slnlsjind Oxfords and
luies foiLn. These shoes
tiiailiMifHood leather and are
'i r than ever l.efore.
in Part Trevertown the Kirls
tyisetl a new ttundnv mi.nlni.
... "j ...w...,,
liny take one side of the room
f'iit Christianity; the young
1 I'I'im tlie other side and rep
I'Hi. athen. Then the heathen
I li! Noll nf New York State.
1 invited to preach trial ser-
"ie various Informed churches
1 II'V. Kohler nreueliiil. lt
(I' ll lit Dieislnii.l.'u X- !..
iittTNiJU. next Sunday ; at
"KH'i'l Arlley's Sunday, May
V''Ver rend anyt Sweden-
u". If iiot.yill you send
W'li'e-s ui.i,,K a ,,,, or
'ill mail
hi... ' n ma
KL1- State whelhi-r von
t'Udi or in ( ierii.ui,
A I'M loi:t)i:tt,
Cleveland street,, . J.
I'lllemlerfer. Dental llr.,1.
"Itrl' of ! leaver SnrlmrM. IV
Mrviee,i,tlu. ,,ul)10i j,e h
' WHll (he lnlnvf
V VII "' oieiuuus in
All work guaranteed. Of
Market Street, in John
Mid.llehurg, rR.
May he utn .i.u .....
M"H Oil duVM
J'M, Urst Monday of each
Hotel, first Tues.
i' , w iiioiun;
lfm..l. """1 mini wea-
.... lIt
i.y ot ;he .-imi.ury
M!-- I.iie l;ipk'a
Lll.-t-!lt W. H.
of lie ivef S,
Seal Tii. -d i
Hon. r C
t M fin d ho'll
I Iani-i .r
Whit- '!
Waist- in ' i
'j:iill pl'iei ,,
C. Moiiis :
ures-ive in.
was seen a! !
11101 uiic:.
W. P. She
"Item" an.
istow n wit.
Mrs. Carrie I, ul. of Ship ei.-liinx', i
visiting her parent ; in thi- place w 1 1 i If
her htlshand is on a hiisiuess trip to
The "Police (la.i tte" of April '2".:' .
contains a linlf-tone poiliait f A. M.
Shnmhaeh of this place 11s n wrestler
una iKxer.
John II. Kreeger, A. It. (iilliei t, P.
S. lUtternnd hrother spent Friday timl
Saturday in the trout stretiins. They
booked just 17.
Millinery for (JfTv women nnd
those of mature jfii 4aTv mywing more
youthful every seasoifA Uptake special
interest in this line jfjjfats.
L. Dr.NKKi.r.KiuiKi:.
Wi'liam Uotnig, one of our procres
sive pedagogues, thinks the Middli
burg correspondent to the "Herald" is
pretty well twisted on the teachers'
salary law.
Harvey, a young son of Mr. John
Duck, west of town, was bitten hy 11
dogof Austin Oldt. The little fellow
had a serious time of it, hut he is e.-
nected to recover.
J, W. Uunkle MSjust returned from
the Kastern dXTeslCilh a nice line of
Dtess goods, ClotljjiUfS'oiions, Hats,
Caps and Shoes. Lft-j the finest hue
of goods he has ever bought.
If you have a late item of News,
call us up by 'Phone, No. illU, Middle-
burg, and let us have it. If you do not
have all the particulars, send us what
you have. We will do the rest.
(ireat care should be taken in the
selection of t'hililrpillatH. Do you
want the propefttylf.ryour child ? 1
can supply you.
We are pleased to learn that H. Har
ris Dower, who has been in Pittshuig,
since last July, has accepted a posit'on
with the Union Kealty Co. a million
dollar corporation of that city.
The Central Hotel Stable has Uen
treated to a coat of whitewash. This
adds greatly to its improvement, but
what should be done is to tear it down
and put up a business structure.
Dev. Womeldorf, 111 company with
the presiding elder of the Fvanueliciil
Church, Sunday held Communion ser
vices at three ot the former s charges,
Including, the Chapel hi this place.
Our extra A. No. 1, Luke Shad we
are selling are eye openers, big in si.e,
small 111 price, 'M lh llsh J-m. We also
have a Iresh supply of tbrfamous In
ternational Slock and Poultry food.
A. S. Sf iiiusr,
I-t I'erdllla, Pa.
Marriage License.
f Wellie J. Heintzeliuan, Kreanter,
1 Verna F. K;we, SelinsL'rova
Uuarles lu. Spotts,
A. Supera Mmigla,
(John Elscnhart.
j Hannah Metzgar,
ei -X ,r,
I true.:
lor mi ..
. i;.o
0 m.
e Ii ami . .1
1. ay i v. , .
U il ;
.Ii- i.
1 : 1 1 1 1 .-. ii
-. Hi ;n.. .:.
ie ar I e;.; i .
1 1 . 1 1 I ! II:
Mis. J. I.
i.a- U eei.
lei tail eil l!:e
some ll ien.;.s,
a nt evenicg.
ii "heart hunt
P. S. M-t-er
I tr-u-'s e ui
in i'.'i ry t . p ,
Wll.. II !!:
-to;-, tw . lot .
I, . i S. 1 !.
Mroup, ' I A. a
1:1 I w if"
.1..: t:
i:i I'.eaver 1
Ii II. ;t-
i:i' .
!. . ; .!
I ..
:: licit i. n a t .1 Hie I 011:
1 k i'i :.:a . i .-ti
. .'1 .
.,1 i 1
tl.e I
1 .'rant -
to 11!.
av. Mil-
Mr. i
MKS. lh' I. SLihiLil
The Iiml Came Sii:.h'iil .it I U 1 llui; e
In Sclinrcw.
The many fiiemN if Mr-. In c.
Sehoeh W ill he t; i, , , to , .11 1, ,,f hel
death w hi' h i.e 11 1. . at h r iioii.e at
Selin-Ulove at al.ou! o'elo.-l; '1 li 11 1's
day eveninir. The 1 ir, ua.-la:: -. -111-roiin.ling
the .! ath ot M : - . ,-,.., !, aie
-ad in the
i.iilh and
nioi her.
.Mr-. .-, hod, I , ;
Mi-s I .mii 1 a lli. oi
in. I Mrs. John P
wa- f Se!i:.-..
.-lit ami . -! iina1 '
of her de itli I,.,- ,
h e
' 1 I.
' 111a: 1 u a
. ilaili.-hl.-i- of Mr.
I.'i, -liter. Il. e.-a-l d
, '- II.. - t pi . Illill-
a.'a - 'Me I the lieu t
I" I .1 of -. . .tit
' . ; ; ; , J,, a a i;
id ie : -.-.'I a : .- now
1 1 h.-r
' ". : . 1 .-. n
. . . 1 .. 1 .
. I,a .
M:ris l.nt' i t.iiu-1-.
J, . 1 li I.. Ma;
two lots a
Ann-. 1
a, . !:' . P
1 . V. :
a I , s I .
a t
W hllil pi. IV ide.l a pie 1-
Alnolig the I'i atllfi 1 v. :
." l'tiere were I'M small
hearts secreted about the room and thy
lady Uniflng the largest nuniher was
entitled tou prize. Mm. A. II. JUshoar
Wldt U'.H-IW U4 'I'V4M4.4 . I
eseoited single tile lo the ci.k;.ig ile
partmcnt und marched around a table
laden with cooking utciisili and then
seated for refreshments. After luncheon
I'.ie guests Were asked to make a list of
as many of ihe cooking utensils as they
could rellielnlier having -clII 011 the
table. Mrs. W. II. Diehl won the prize
in having letii'iulieied the largest
iiutnla r.
P.. in Wa-ii-
l: o
(Wm, Dolig,
e Uenner,
Anrll IS, by Rev. If. T, Searlo, Chas.
SiHilts and A. Hupera Mangle both of
April 12, by Rev. C. 0, Miller John
Minium of Pallas to M. Ctarit Steil'eu
of Buubury,
Hi.' Central Hotel.
Any. one coming' to Middlehurg,
would do well to stop at the Central
Hotel, and try the Marks' I'.rand of S
year old, ALL KVK WHISKF.V,
there is not one particle of headache in
this old goods. The bar is well stockid
with P.randies and Wines. The house
has been newly refurnished. The table
will be supplied with the best the mar
ket all'ords, and I would be pleased to
have a share of your patronaue.
W. S. Kl'iin, Proprietor,
Central Hotel,
(y, S U Middlehurg, Pa.
A Yulomic From England.
WiNUKttMFUK, Kng, April ii, PHj;i.
tSeo. W. Wageiiseller,
Middlehurg, Pa., L". S. A.
Dear Sir : Your text book "Theory
and Practice of Advertising" is the
first and only text book on the subject
that ever reached the P.ritish Isles.
I find it very serviceable and 1 shall
introduce the subject to my pupils. I
expect to be prepared for the Autumn
il. C. P.rooks, M. J. 1.
Fuglish School of Shorthand, etc.
Manager Wanted.
Trust wot thy lady or gentleman to
manage business in this County and
adjoining territory for well and favor
ably known House of solid ituaucial
standing. $.IKI straight cash salary
and expenses, paid each Monday by
check direct from headquarters. Ex
pense money advanced ; position per
manent. Address Thomas Cooper,
Manager, 1030 Caxton Building, Chi
cago. (3-19-7U
' I : id.
Com Huskiu4 in April.
It Is certainly au unusual sight to
witness persons husking corn in the
month of April, yet this actually oc
curred hut week in this county.
M. K. Schoch of Bwiueford was driv
ing along the road in Washington twp.
last Friday and saw Frederick Freed
and others In a field husking corn.
The com had suffered practically noth
ing for iU exposure to the Winter's
snows and rains.
. IM.
Joiiaiirr: m. I . .1 an
!'. Minium, II A. and I
ingtii'i tw p , $7").
Cha- . W. Decker and wife to Jack-
sou Iti.ktr, 1 14 A., in VV.?ltovvt U'u.
Harriet W. Sunt!, to Dr. F.yer Wal
ter, two lots in Middlehurg, $Ihi.
Sarah l i. and J. D. Ueigle to Iliclrird
l. Shall, -r, "1 A. and 17 P., in I'nion
twp., J.'-'j".
Adam II. Mu-s. .' and Wm. II
- T, executors of I '.1, -1 t Mil--, r. d.
1 1 Maigaret M is-er. :;i A. and I',
in Franklin twp.. $ . I" . 1 .
Mar-ar. t I., and Wm. II )lu, 1
A. I'', liil'iert, above tract. t'.C.lo.
A. F. filbert to Wm. II. Mu-ser.
Jit". I".
( ieo. W. Mei-t-r and w ife to Aaron
L. Mii-sit, :t A. and li P., in Middle,
creek twp., $1H.
Dr. D. C. Hotteiistine and wife to
Charles Hummel, two lots in Shaino
kin Dam, fi-IO.
A. K. ( iiftand wife to Jacob Paskusz,
aVijs.p feet, land in Franklin twp..
Mary A. lkiiley to Samuel L.
Scbreiher, :5 A. 111 Chapman twp.,
Mary S. lkrge and J. 0. Ilerge to
John M. Moyer, house and lot in l'mx
elville, $S00.
Kllen Musserand hu.-hand to Adam
Musser, 5.") acres in Washington twp.
William A. Meiser to Fannie Ktinar
4'J acres, 14 perclies in Chapman twp.,
(i. W. Sheary and wife to Ada V.
Polig, lot No. .";! in the plot of Center
ville, fiaW.iX).
Josi'ph Meiser and w ife to Samuel W
Herw.ld. '.'" acres in Chapman town
ship, : '
F. U. 1 .-ats, ex. etc. to C W Wagner
1 i acres in West Perry township $1,-
John F. Moyer and wife to Film
Spotts house and lot in Fremont, $si;.j.
Alfred Specht Slierill'to .Mrs. Polly a
Snyder lot No. 11 in Krick City, West
Dciver twp. Jaii.UO
Lcllvis Gianud.
1 ..tti.r of fiilm i nisi nil toll in Ilie
estate of J. H. Long, late of Selinsgrove ,'t't''
were granted ta Catherine Long.
Letters of aduiiiiisiratiou in D. M.N.
in the estate of Catheriue Wagner, late
of I'.eaver twp., were granted to Henry
Wills Probated.
1 1
, la
I I '
I'l V
1 .
r . I.
to Ne ,v 1 I; l.-aiis, on .,',; v
.oil nolle.; on 1 hi e .late
return reaching ori 41'al
, r -I. .1.
; : in -
1. J. ami .:.
- ami g. d to
tartiiig M.tut
iiutiiiit-r Uau leu dayfeJjuu data, of LoitV mile VVHt !' H
ii-s,:'T.'t" yi.((i
t'.i.'k Monday Mtrttin.
otl l.T
: m-inKM. Tim
ticket with Joiiu Agent at New Or J v v t'-'t.t '7'f, ri, '"; -"
I o 1 ,-i i 1 1 .1 1 1 , '- '-oi . . lit: li ill IV lor
leans between May 1 and l'J, and pay
1 1 1 .'li t of fifty cents, an exteii-i. 11 ol
final return limit to May ;'.ii m iv I e
Iveiief iiiii st
Pi nw nt. I
.1 I-' K -li.-r. of Selin-iip-ve, Ih
'iil.!i."in n.-tiiim for associate ',.,.'.'.. of
this county, h id a narrow es.-i; . in
drowning Tuesday.
While Keller w:n taki'ia a raft .,t
logs over a dam in P -imm 1 r. .-k his
Isi.-it capsie I in th"-w irl of the high
water, throwing him in the whirlpool,
his gum foots weighing him down.
Keller -ll tiled io keeping his head
above the waier until Aui,s I.andcn
slager -iez.ed him and drew him into
his I oat.
Locks had for I'ii ccum s.
1 1 lias just come to light that detec
tivisi, disguisecl as hook agents, have
btvn eirciiI:itiiig:imoiigseioni iineetors
ii-a number of Sehuy kill county town
ships ami have discovered ainongother
tilings tiiat the directors almost w itli
out exception demand a percentage on
all orders and elect teachers with the
understanding that the teachers shall
pay over a percentage ot their salaries.
The evidence will be presented to the
district attorn -y in a few days. Don't
let that be the case in our vicinity.
ill WVre llalllril.
Word comes from Wake, Ark.
that Kev. Juo. J. Cox h i. I a strange
malady aeccinpuiuml by yellow
jaundice" Fur 1- a em s, physicians
were bullied ami though verythmg
known to the profession was used,
the trouble ii'uiaii.ej. One day lie to use Klectrie Hitters and in
ii week, a change "T the better
came aud, at length be was entirely
cured. It's the most r liable medi
cine for Liver ami Kidney trouble.
Only "ie and guaranteed by .Middle
bura Drug Co., (.lias bill A Ciarmau,
Kiditield, Dr. J. W. Satnpseli I'entjS
tralll. at p m am.
'leaned up at '.
trains in the n.or:,
several hoiil'- ami I
. - - - .
New Km
The :i w V"! e :'.
'I'lehaniia at tie- ::
1- tio'v v. aily t ' a.
lie. Tli i ferry i--u
..-r county -it !
k.-t. Mr. Ho..v. r.
if limy wo,'t 1 1, el
commoilate t he I 1;
all wreckage was
!il The passenger
ig w.-i" d.-layed for
e- . -i - en', r- were
s'l I .
1 dr.
'i.e s. ;
. ,..,
v.::... ,,U
' ' i.e pi;!.
!:i;e wilh
: 1. k niar-
- w i I
tion lien. nil. 1 OK
The readers of tl.h rap r will
learn that there is at lea-t . tie him-ln-d
ii-it uses ti.a1 -cieliCe has been
able to cure ill all It stages and that
is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh ctiieis
the only positive cure m w known to
the medical fiat, nn'.v. Catarrh
being 11 CUDst. di.-ease, n
iUtreS :l constitut a 1 i::il trmtmeiit.
Hall's Catann cui " is taken intern
ally acting dr ectly ui.oii the blood
and mucous surface of the system
thereby destroying t'uiltl latiou
of the ili-easi'. and giving :lie pati
ent strength by 1 lidding up the con
stitution and assisting uitfirc in do
ing its w-rk. Ihe proprtet'Ts have
so much fan h in it- em ative po ver,
I hut they oll'.-r , ii- Hundred Dollars
for any case that it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials. Ad
dress. F. J. Cnney .V Co.. Toledo.
O. Sold bv Diugg'st. 7-ic " Hill's
Fanulv I'tlls are the bct
f 'llott ' n- nil i'i, .1 !.. rs. to 'i.iv.- il .. .1 it a
Hie . U ri il iu r.i'i- s,.... 1 1 1 .. i . . a 1 1 1 y t
Sey.ler, Uit- r aie( ili"ii t".' ' it rn. histi .,-r-aii.t
wh, l a.,- s. thuii ttill I.e po."
st'utisi l,,r al'i rut a. M,.,..'ay, ii 1 1 -7. ''."i'
11 I.N-KS.
1 w t: ,n
IO.'.-! M
-li. M. . !
The last will and testament of
Email uel Page, late of West Denver
township, deceased, was probated and
lutliiid t.Mjf uiiiuiitfirLP te.n'L. irrtttlfMl f.t '
L .bl I.I VS . . J . V. W K.MUVl. W
B. Page, who is named in the will as
executor. The wife is the heir during
life and at her death his children be
come the heiis.
The last will and testament of Robert
Lesher late of Monroe twp. was proba
ted and letters testamentary thereto
were granted to Robt Lesher of North
umberland and John V. Lesher of
Suubury, who are named in the will
as executors. The widow and children
are the heirs.
Gangrene Set in.
Calvin Derrof Paxtonville, Snyder
county, was admitted to the Miner's
hopita), near Shamokiti hist week,
suffering from the effects of a slight
injury to one of the left toes sustained
several months ago. The toe was
amputated and theu another, Scinile
gangrene set in and now the font has
to be amputated above the ankle.
Engagement AuiiouikcJ.
The engagement of Harry W. Cham,
berliu, Esq., the well known Milton
attorney, and Miss Miriam Ducher,
daughter of Judge Ducher of Lewis-
burg was announced last wwk.
V. . M.jIi.i. ',
'.' II. II. l-':iill. II.
I Wlllmin I- K"
1 .1 I-., sj, inif, . ! ' . - i , i . !-i..
0. K. icim.iin.iii I', ie.-, re. s.
ii I' V T-...i,. .1. .-.a .. .
7 W. H It.'t-ti II, r. M, a. -i s ' j ! a i :
H M I 1 lli.'l ' ll. .l, in.
J l '. v ,.r.. ..; I, su ,; .
ta i imi i-i 1 lei man. It , .it .tier.
1 1 I i hua s,.,.,,,,. Mi .i,, en;
IJ W. s. Kuln,, MeKIU-ieir-.
I.I Arlilii;tiili C. 1'"w1ht Ivre.nin-r.
II Mitrli n s. nr stiames. n . 'mn
li W. W Krynnre. si.niie i ii liain.
I'l I.uuril illll tlll.oi, saalne: li i'lllit.
:; n. c. tiiuts. Mt. i-i,.i.i ,1 mii.,
is Pr.mtis.l. Ki'i aie a, -S.I,;,, , .
in .l;,t',)h I'. Untie, -i:ii'-i;iioi.'.
."i .. !'. Ileiritk, si iiii-Kiin i-
.'I J 11. Al lienil-l VllllM.IIH'.
I'i 1 a i.t.'.
M W. h. .-stj.U In. t k. r. U.o.. s,r,iiK-.
A AOuin Ariieiil. I oil t'rctt'rleii.
W tl.sK'hiawil.T I'nil I'revt-rtun.
'-. I.t-t st-i-lier, I' r,',a.iii
7 i. co. W. Weaver. Krcclmrg.
ks J, ii. Yatittoni, Suiiiiiiii.
Jixwph L. Murks, Swmufoid.
:0 Imum; Sbikwvur, I'url Ana.
31 Jo-ciu 1, Murlos Swint-furU.
84 W. II. '.rim in, Krovburif.
U A. 11. Wilaitr, Sohnxgrove.
Clerk Q. S., MiddleburK, l's AprU S, 1903(