midiju:bueg post. MEM i Have liri'ii iveiircd asking tor samples of tin (JliKATKST Suit ..lit r, Snnbury hasi v r known. Men's anl Young Men's !rii tly nil wool suits in I'l dillcrcnt colors and mixture, als-i li'ue and lthii k Worth from ti to 7 ltll:trs and f0 eents. We Koii.Jt an iininensf lot from a Philadelphia manulaelurcr is why we will sell tliein iit this unheard of prii'o. triors. .lu-t ir. p us a rani we'll do tl;e re t. BROSIUS BRO.'S SUNBURY, PA Mr. Payne Says a Thorough Inves tigation Will Be Made. ' NOT TO ACT WITH UNDUE HASTE m (n rs nn n nn r?! Opium, Laudanum, Cocaine and all Drug Habits permanently cured, without pain or detention from business, leaving no craving for drugs or other stimulants. We restore the nervous and physical systems to their natural condition because we remove the causes of disease. A home remedy prepared bv an eminent phvsician. WE GUARANTEE A CURE FRET TRIAL TREATMENT Confidential correspondence, especially with phys'cvtns, solicited. Write today. Manhattan Therapeuti Association Dept. A Broadway, New Yark City n lobe WW drehouse New Spring Carpets, Rugs and Mattings, A ehoice selection ol New Patterns in Rugand Carpets at such Prices a- will nuke New Selling Reord- in this department. We want yon to see and compare, with values you will lind elsewhere. AXM1N5TER and SAVONNERIE Kiegaut Parlor Carpets, beautiful figure iinJjcoloriDgs, the very latest, our price S 1 .2", -1.5- and $1.7") er yard. Wilton Velvet y,rfhu Fhwr,n I,Vr.ian and set euects, all jv ju Iar colon ugs our priee, Sl.-j, l."ii, ?1.7.j per yard. Tapestry Brussels Carpets fsn L lloral and me dallion elleet.-. all latest colorings 50 cts., 5'J cts., 7 -J cts., 6o el.-., Itn ei.s., up to SI. GO per yard. Ingrain GarDet 'w' Medallion and FWai ' Kil'.fts, our price 43 cts. per yard. J INGRAIN' CARPJCT Floral desigu, all popular colors, 'Jo ots. per yard. IXGR.UX CARPETS, all wool, Brussels Patterns, all i-olot, "cl.s. and G" ets. per yard. China Matting "rjv; y,,ina aui,T mutUBfe'' our L price U eU. jjer yard. Fancy Jap Matting mv :!rsitrns' .a'J cy,yni' complete line ol' rugs all color iard. Rugs quality and pnccf, Globe lAarehrJusE, 343 Market St., Sun bury, Pa. No Immediate Changes In Department Contemplated, and It May be Sev eral Weeks Cefore Inspectors Com plete Their Work. Washington, April 14. Postmaster General Payne gave out a statement In which he announced that the investi gation of the affairs of the postofflce department will be continued and that any parties found guilty of wrongdoing will be dealt with summarily. The statement follows: "During the months of January and February, information and reports reached me which I deemed It for the public Interest to Investigate, and I, personally, gathered such Information and facts as would enable the proper officers of the department to undertake a thorough Investigation as to the truth or falsity of these reports. 1 directed Fourth Assistant Postmaster C.eneral Brtstow to take the proper steps to Institute the necessary Inquiry, using for that purpose the postofflce inspectors' division and such other methods as would thoroughly ascertain the truth or falsity of the charges or Insinuations made, and he was In structed to proceed promptly and with vigor during my absence. Since my return this morning I have not seen General Hrtstow, so that 1 am not ad vised of the progress made. The Inves tigation willcontimio, and if any wrong doing is disclosed, the parties guilty of such wrongdoing will be summarily dealt with. If the system or method of doing business In the department is faulty, the proper remedies will be ap plied without fear or favor. I Inaugu rated the investigation with the deter mination that it should be exhaustive. It Is proper for me to add that I laid bo fore the president the Information which I had in my possession, and that he fully approved of tie action pro posed by me." The whole administration of the postoffice department is made subject to the investigation under Postmaster General Payne's directions, nn.l every charge will be pushed thoroughly and the inquiry made ns thorough ns the department's most expert inspectors can make it. At the same time. Mr. Payne's pur pose is to give fair and just treatment to all concerned, and not to act arbi trarily and wit- undue haste. For this reason it can be stated that no imme diate changes of importance In the per sonnel of the service are now contem plated, and changes will depend largely on the report to be mM-j by Fourth Assistant Postma,'' at Brtatnw oa the Investigation, although circum stances may necessitate some devia tion from this policy. It Is learned that It may be several I weeks or more before the postofflce In spectors will be able to complete their j work. When they have finished. Fourth ; Assistant Postmaster General Bristow . will prepare a comprehensive report on the whole subject. The report neces- sarlly will embrace matters as to which I publicity may not be warranted, so it ; is probable some parts of the report I will be withheld from publication. An Alleged Promotion Syndicate. N-w York, April 14. No arrests have as yet been made as a result of the Investigation said to be In progress of the charges that an alleged promo, tion syndicate had been operating to lecure payment from employes of the New York postofflce for increase in salaries. Postmaster Van Cott said that he had heard nothing official from Washington as yet concerning the al- 1 leged postoffice scandals. He is still loath to believe that any such alleged ryndicate could operate In the New York postoffice without his knowledge, and he cannot see by what agreement the men were induced to part with their money, IX such were really the J case. ANOTHER SCANDAL PROBABLE Exorbitant Charges made for Shipping Soldiers' Bodies from Cuba. Toledo. April 11. Congressman J, H. SoutharJ, of this city, has started an Investigation which may bring to light a scandal among United States officials at Havana, Cuba. The charge Is tl.at exorbitant charges are being made for the disinterment and ship ment of the bodies of dead soldlera from Cuba, when It should be done free of cost, according to Mr. South ard. Homer Pugh, who enlisted In the navy last August, died at Havana on April 2. His mother here was notl fed on April 7. Two days later she received a cablegram stating that the bod) would be exhumed, embalmed, and shipped to New York for $223. The mother brought the matter to tie attention of Congressman South ard, who Las started an investigation I he dispatches received wre are signed Springer. A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED. Wednesday, April ft. G. N. Wilson has been appointed general auditor of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company. In the election for aldermen at Ev lolt. Wis., organized labor swept the city, electing every man on their ticket An engine on the Cincinnati North ern Railroad exploded at Van Wert. C, killing one man and injuring four others. State Treasurer Brlegs, of New Jer sey, has received a contribution to the conscience fund of $125. The letter was dated Philadelphia and signed II. C. Marlon. ' Thursday, April 9. The strike at Rogers Brothers silver factory, at Wallingford, Conn., has been declared off, the men returning to work on the old conditions. The armored cruiser West Virginia will be launched at the yards of the Newport News (Va.) Shipbuilding Company on Saturday, the 18th In stant. Senator Clark, of Montana, offer to build 82 miles of street railway in Lob Angeles. Cal., and charge three- cent fares if the city grants him the franchise. Professor E. S. Eggers, head of the department of German at the Ohio State University at Cincinnati, com mitted suicide by shooting while d spondent from 111 health. Friday, April 10. Hilary Bell, the famous dramidc and musical critic, dropped dead iu New York from heart failure. Assistant Secretary of W.-.r ?r.r-r reviewed the Seventh Cavalry n: 1 Third Battery Artillery at Chicair.au ;a Park. Governor Tennypacker, of Penn y! vania. has signed the bill fixing t.ie minimum of salary of school tcaiYii r; In the state at $.15 per month. The Virginia house of delegates hi: voted to remove from the bench .ludo C. J. Campbell, of Amherst county, who cowhlded Rev. Crawford, of the Anti-Saloon League. Reuben Zimmerman and F. WnnUe, of Scranton, Pa., and F. J. Leonard, of Philadelphia, have applied to the Canadian parliament for power to op crate telegraph and telephone lir.es In Cunnda. Saturday, April 11. O. F. Wharton, of New Haven, Pa .. committed suicide by shooting la n hotel at Huntingdon. He was despondent. A jury at Woodbury, N. J., acquitted Peter Brandt, charged with the mur der of his brother William during a quarrel over the ownership of poultry. It Is positively denied In Washing ton that Mayor Seth Low, of New York, has been considered In connec tion with American ambassador at Paris. President Loubet. of France, may visit Englnnd as the guest of King Edward. It would be the first visit of the head of France since 1855, during the Crimean wjvr. . Monday, April 13. Henry M. Rogers, of the Standard Oil Company, Is said to be a very sick man. A $10,000,000 iron and steel plant will he built at Brunswick, Ga., by the Mo hawk Valley Steel Company. Colonel J. E. MacGowan, the veteran editor-in-chief of the Chattanooga limes, died at a hospital in that city. Jimmy Bryant, said to be the most notorious all-round crook In the coun try, has been arrested by the Memphis, lean., police. Funeral services were held over the body of Rear Admiral Belknap at Bos ton, Mass. The body was taken to Washington, D. C, for Interment. Tuesday, April 14. The Havana Street Railway have begun collecting five-cent fares in American money. William S. Smith, a r"od confed erate general, died at Hui.ngdon, Y Va.. aged 73 years. A hurricane at Blocton, Ala., wreck ed a number of houses and caused damage estimated at $75,000. Secretary of the Navy Moody has returned to Washington from an ex tended cruUe In the West Indies. While temporarily insane Frank Hush, of Erie, 111., shot bis wife to death on the street and then killed himself. Rear Admiral Belknap, U. S. N., who died at Pensacola, Fla., last week, was buried with military honors r.i Washington. r Sea Captain Crowned. Philadelphia. April 11. Captf.lD Morris .Barnes, one of the oldest resl dents of Camden, and the best known sea captain of this port, fell overboard from the steamship Mary M. Githens fn the lower Delaware and was drowned. He boarded the Mary M Githeus at Bower's Beach for the pur pose of visiting his daughter, who re Bides in Camden, and whom he had cot aeen for nearly five months. While walking on deck he was afflcted with an attack of rertlgo and pitched over the side of the steamer into the water. No. 2 yellow, local. 49V4; GENERAL MARKETS ' Philadelphia, Pa., April 13. Flour was steady; winter superfine, $2.70ff 2 !0; Pennsylvania roller, clear, $3.10 Ct 3.25; city mills, extra, $2.95'&3.10. Rye flour was quiet, at $3.153.20 per barrel. Wheat as firm; No. 2 Penn sylvania, red was nrm; No. 2 yell Oats were quiet; No. 2 white clipped 4zc; lower grades, 40c. Hay was steady; No. 1 timothy, $21 for large bales. Beef was steady; beef hams, $19 20. Pork was firm; family, $20.60. Live poultry. 13c. for hens, and 10c. for old roosters. Dressed poultry, at 13Vic. for choice fowls, and 10c. for old roosters. Butter was steady; creamery, 33c. per pound. Eggs were steady; New York and Pennsylvania, H'fcc. per dozen. Potatoes steady; choice, 68 70c. per bushel. Live Stock Markets. Eafct Buffalo, N. Y., April 13. Cattle were about steady; prime steers, $.,.25 5 DO: heifers, $3.50g0; cows, $2.75f 4.40. bulls, $3.50&4.50. Veals steady; tops. $7.2S'57.50; c.ommoa to good. r,.f,0 017.15. Hogs were active- heavy, $7.t;0 ft 7.70: mixed, $7.45& 7.55; yorkers, $7.3067.35; pies, $7.2507.30; bulk, $7.25; roughs, $707.20; stags, $5.50&6. Sheep and lambs were lower; top na tive lambs, $7.60(&7.t6; culls to good, $5.60j7.50; western lambs, $7.60fi7.65; yearlings, $6,756x7; ewes, $6(3 6.25; sheep, ton mixed, $6j6.25; culls to good, $3.25(j 6. East Liberty, Pa., April 13. Cattle were active; choice, $5.305.40; prime. $5.155.25; good, $4&5 10. Hogs were lower; prime heavy, $7.60; mediums, $7.5507.60; heavy Yorkers, $7.407.45; light Yorkers. $7r30&7.35; pigs, $7.20(0 7.30; roughs, $5&7. Sheep were lower; best wethers. $5.505.70; culls and common. $2.50(8.50; choice lambs, S6.fi0a6.80: veal calves, $6.6007.25. A WORD ABOUT PAINT n ' I IIKjTimc is Cuming when you nml Paint for your Spring Painting Don't make a mistake by buying cheap paints. We sell "the Shirwin Williu nn Paint. It is guaranteed to wear with white lead and oil. A WORD ABOUT WIRE! a S Wire is Mire to advance l I i it we bought several tons at the old price ar.cl will give our customers the benefit of same while this lot lasts. Come early and take advant age of this oiler, as it will go very rapidly. GELNETT BROS., A1IDDLEBURG, PA. A THE 11$ E It lias been frequently asserted by eminent authorities that nearly two-thirds of the crime aud poverty of the world was directly traceable to intemperance. The wise acres should have stated that these evils are due to the immoderate use of Whiskey and Liiptors of rpiestionable quality, for it is a well-known fact that in temperance is practically unknown where pure unadultera ted whiskey is used. Marks' All Rye Whiske Is Absolutely Pure, and is sold for Akdicii Purposes. It is a Splendid Tonic for Spring Weather and Invig orates the System. It Makes You Feel Like a New Man. Tlii: is Eight Years Old and Sells at $1.25 pez?Qt. Office near Pennsylvania Railroad Station, Middlcburg, Pa. Packing Companies Kay ineir Fine. Kansas City, April 13. The five Mis souri packing companies which were fined $5000 each on March 20 for vio lation of the anti-trust law, through their attorney, Frank Haguruian, of this city, have mailed to the State Supreme Court a draft for $27,136 In payment of fines and costs Incident to the action against them. The firms fined are the Armour Pacl; Com pany, Cudahy Packing Company, Ham mond Packing Company, Swift & Co. and Schwarzschlld & Sulzberger. Laughter Caused a Strike. Schenectady, N. Y., April 11. Bo cause Mamie Birch, who was employed in the factory of J. Wlederhold & Co., in this city, laughed and ber foreman discharged her therefor, there Is a strike in the shop. Soma 20 of In r friends in the factory quit Immediate ly and eay they will remain out until Miss Birch is reinstated. Firs 101 I Nat of Aiddleburj, Pa- $50,000 Capital, Surplus, 30,000- (M il. IV- G. Ai.FitKD fv W. W. Wi rn mvj:u, Jas. (j. TllOM ViJl on, Cam lII.('.OTOKS- (3. Alfred Sclio- h, W.t'.M W. Witteiimyer, A.J J. N. Thoiniwon, Jaa. G. Thompson- )H)D. I A nss nit Cornoralions Solid"1