The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 16, 1903, Image 7

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I invite all to my store and call your attention to my line of,
Pry Goods, Notion j.
Groceries, Drugs.
Hardware, Tinware,
Queen s war e. Glass wa re.
Hats and Gaps.
Boots and Shoes.
- r t f I 11
:ih7 mm.
' t S-day Clock in market my pri.v, HI.
Fancy Dark Outings, "c.
Vst seamless (irain Hags, 20c.
lliiiTv Whips. l."e, 20c, 2.V, ',).'; ."ito.
Fell Window Shades, !(.
Standard Table Oil Cloth, l.V.
Watch My Markets
f,,, lhittcr and E.'gs, Lard and Itiltry. I always pay
more than my competitor
N. T. Dundore,
oldrttt in Am-
RFFDS That Succeed
Ilia tiiid 119 your' c'Xperirm'fl with ScciIm, itud the retlItN of t hi ure imimI lit tut for it e
,.,.'.i-um.i Lrnnioi.crH in Hin;lv illintnWtl Cutuhmllt-, WhiioI Ml IMS. No. Uro Vrr of St-nN
. IT..-.I ... .... ....!.....( i,.t,. .l.l !..- !.... . t.,i t J..
fiHUIrtl Or IHIHl"It Via 11 mtin '"u"1 " imiui umnuii iuiiwimh u til inn
,.('U'. ."I'titl for it.
Hit- i!inti to mitke this ftttmitive And showy ImmIiiM wort h from 17' to " 0", iiccuntiiiK
l. liiil viiii I'iktl llAVt! 11)6 Ht UH 'Olcri'" (III 111, Irl t" III Cllrir. 11V lllf tlltM ft'l Vt'l lint'-
1 wild yniiriiiMl onler, umountltiK U or in'iro. See lure illustration iiml full tlrHi.rij
n luiii'iirt tliH' t'amlouue. W rite to-luy for the lutuloK'"'.
I J4inl i-kt li' r.nrly Summer
I jiiK.ri'Mir' W hit' luly Kinder.
sciirlet TriiiiNlmll
Ijiii'lr.'tht Firm
V i ricini i Sulicl Heivler
Arkiiiin TmV' li'r
Itloomwlnlt I'i-hiI
lin.lrt-'Hi,' Kurlicst
( VdO Heads of ('iililmjre . .
UiIhiJ rm ItHIO limit (if Itmlinli . . .
OUCp SEED 1 1 mci Kooimif IIi-pIn. . . .
f low i-rin'ftof i iiciiiniKT .
1 i(KI Ik-iulnOf Loltuev . . .
VnnmlT I Win Fruits oi Watermelon .
PPHUUUOL M llullmof Onion . , .
V auo minis ui i uinmu. . .
Vliich culirvtimi of Seeds for twenty five (A'O cent enclo-c.l Willi llio Order will lie nmi'e I,
1217 Market Street,
r . V 1. l.l
I iliolllil 11 KC iti null l turn 01 my "mi ami frieiidsii Oitaloirue, as I nm
Lrnl lu till onlerH pruiiiplly unit intis-
MtuciR Mail Order Department!
Have yd. jiot Dvaoeosla. Indigestion, or any kind of stomach
ailments? You can be Cured; I u ill send you FREE a package of
my stomach tablets wtiMi is the best remedy for the stonuieu that
lias ever been prepared. I have had more than 20 years' experience
. ...-r.. ..!.... 1 ...111 ..It if utjkllltutll tmillllu Ullltll
ijriHTiuij; a riMiieujr umi w ill cure nu un inn vi niunuiLii n""t
kidysiiepsia, indigestion, gas on the stomach, heart-bum, palpitation
r.rl...l . 1 :
pi uii'uuin, uiiu piiur uiuniiuii.
My Stomach Tablets
Awist the stomach to diirest food. That Is their mission. They DO
THIS livsettinir thiiiKS riirht in the stomach, (.'rente new life ami
Knerjjy by strengthening the stomach.
Any Form of Stomach Trouble
L'.... 1... 1 ze iU ! l . i -...v. .. 1, .....1 M .f Ctsimfil. Tnhlolo la iUt
IKemedy. I have seen hundreds of very bad eases cured by them.
many testimonials.
Straun. Tex.. Fell. 10. 190.1
jMr. John Morrow, Spriuglleld.O.
I iK'iiriSir Please find $2.50 for
fvliich mail me three boxes of the
Ftiiniai'li lalilets, these I order lor
ritmk 1 have taken about two
uses ami tliev cured me of sto-
iiwili trouble. Many of my
frieiuls have tried them and say
tliey are the best they have ever
Irlril. I could not sleet) on niv
Ifft siile fur ninny years, but 1
Mil lie down now and sleen anv-
ruiy I liappen to lie down.
lours truly,
E.'L. Hamsky,
Itankin, 111., May 10, 11)02
Mr. John Morrow : Dear Sir
Ileceis'eil box of John's stomach
Tablets and took them according
to directions (2 days) and I slept
soundly both nights, something
I had not done for over a year,
and I was hungry every meal
and enjoyed eating. For t he
last year, soon as 1 would eat I
would feel my stomach and head
begin to pain me. I am going
to send part of this package to
my daughter, and if it helps her
(1 feel sure it will), 1 will soon
send you another order.
Yours truly,.
MllS. (. A. (iltlKKITII.
M v oiler to let roii trv them FREE is based on niv faith in and e-
jwifiice with my Tablets in curing dyspepsia. 1
Write me at once and the FREE TRIAL PACKAGE will be sent
ly return mail, and soon you will be cured. (:t-liM0-t)
pun. muKKOW, Chemist, vo horesi Ave., M'KiiNUi-ibLD, OHIO.
W. II. ill TI.KK, Proprietor
Market Si., Harrisburg Pa.,
(OiipUe P. II. u. Kepo Entrnce)
"l ulled Inr All TnlnXW
hs. 25 and 50c. Good Meals, 25c
Uiiml accommodation. tf
t mm W.rH. n lk Cia
tive Hroiiio-vjuiulne lableis care
Wiu a day. No cure, no pay. Price
to aitvortisc in a live and up--ilate
newspaper. For results
uttu '
win, Mtlvd ,lih M. MM.
lll,llllo. u.,w.r ...
I 0B10RH...
Guaranteed Under
S $20,000 BOND S
J PATENT CO., 107 Betz Build-
Ing, Philadelphia, which is the
only bonded Patent Agency In St
the world, offer to make a Guar- JJ
anteed Search of the Patent Of-
flee Records not merely their
iii opinion Free of charge to read-
Jj era of this Journal who will
send a sketch, model or descrip- i
tiou of their invention.
J They will also give a eertilicate
of patentability which will be of
great assistance to an Inventor iu Jj
Jj raising capital. n
Valid Patents with the broad- 2
est claims secured on easy week-
Jj ly payments. Write to-day.
No. 5 Run T. F. President.
Like tVe runni'v I n : k. tlic
! l.!o:i.l that II ' ; thrrii..-'
t!". ' v.i:is lias t r'r.j i:i
! irirwl-.cro.
T!io springs r f iwl 1 :r -f
i:i t!io soft euro :
' .-i s cr.llcil tlie marrow r-u.
. .".c s:iy rc:l blood alo csr.i
i:-o:-.i t'lc spleen. 1 Iealtiiy lumv
' lan-ow and healtl-y tp!ej:i
fall of tat.
Sc.. it's Enui!sio:i makes new
ljy feeding the l-oii'1
. .: "ow a:v.l the spleen vi;'.
rk lK.-tcf all fat.;, li e pur.
i t livi.r oil.
i'or pale school ojils am!
. -a:ij and I; r HI v.lio-
od is thin and pale, Scott'.
an .'..-ic:i is a i leasaiit and rich
o.jd food. It ni t onlv feeds
'.u blood-mak:- " o- -.ins but
.ives them :.renth to do
.lieir proper work.
Si ad f..r free
SOTT ; lioWNl-:, tliinii'
.1415 1'curl sir. i 1. .st.w york
Joe. ailul.i; nil lru(;;;isls. Riiico tlic :i ti nt ot the liners 11:
Soiitb Africa cITurts have been 1 1 . ; 1 i in
have tlietn colmiie certain sect imis of
America. Tlic loyal I'.oer cannot, con
flstently love and respect t lie I'.r tisli
Hag, and though time will heal the
wounds of war, it will be long before
the Transvaal farmers can reconcile
themselves to their new conditions and
make their neck tit the yoke. It is now
given out on good authority that they
have purchased 200,(1110 acres in eastern
Texas, which they will promptly settle
and develop. The climate find charac
ter of the soil of this country are much
the same us in Soot h Africa.
Jj F,VWJ r- a VV ir
t'nirf Here l)i-M-ri :::i !:.... n mil
hy lla l.nriilur l..r :.u l,ur
Mill! Ml.-.
'I I. e aeeeiii 1 , , :; ti . ii ; i i a
ii:a;:iaiii of a 1.1 i-ir.u.e hr.ielier.
which I bae 1; - i v.'ili .i,nr.-:,
for two year-. I.. I..- tim e In.;. res
lee I liuiir. 11 li.,-' , v !, ,.,:;m eill-O'llel
a pen U' li 1; f, it. I'ki-.i ei.rni r K
I" pojit I.. 1 I i:u I.. nail a t In ei -iia-!i
1 11. a n I fi'iiln elm t. i li'i lit piiint M. 'I'll ell
iiie I hat fiu- , f p. n i;tn lie-Is, o- ini:
scrap In.a ii!, if mees-ary. for part:
iieiis. inakieu' each nest II inehev
Mpiare, placing a narrow hoard direct-
J- -r r '
r4-9srs tor?!:-r".tci.rtf h-vH f J
for infants r.n: Chi; J";vr4
Catori:! i s ;i harmless sub-1 it nt lor ; i - (.-- en, I
jioiie, lrops inl Soo1 li : ::;r Sra;is tt i- t'h-.ivi 11.
eciiliiins iicltlici- Opium, .'Viril:im- 1 -1 1-
Mililaiiec. It (l( Mios Vwi.iis an.l jiil.n I i . rN
II cures I liurrhira. and Wind Colic. It t-clii-ics 'I'.-.
inr Troubles iind -urcs ( 'om .1 ip.11 i,.u. i!t:olalc
Sloiliacli and Itowel-. yiinf licallliv and n:i!iiral
'l'lic Children's i'aiiaeca - Tb.' .Aloi bcr'- t'i i.".(i.
The Kind You Have Always Bon;.
Bear:; tlic Signature of
111 Use For Over 30 Years.
Much interest is manifested in the
offer of a $.1,000 cash prize by the St.
Louis fair authorities to any person
who shall siioecssf oily transmit with
out wires electrical euorpy amounting
to one-tenth of a horse-power 1.000
feet. Tlu achievement, if performed,
would mark a new step in the develop
ment of electrical science. Many ex
periments have been made in the di
rection suggested.
That the people .of the United
States do not eat rice is shown by
the statistics that a population of
80,000,000 consumes less than fire
pounds per capita per annum of the
400,000,000 of clean rice now pro
duced annually.
The valued lioston Transcript says:
"ilay the coming dog show not fali
tinder the influence of the dog star.
That would be Sirius." It is only in
Boston where they stand and under
stand tuch thing.
h below 1. M on ciIl'c to secure parti
tions. The top of hatcher on side of
nests may be eoeied with one wide
board running full length. Or if one
has time, money and tact the cover
of each nest may be w it h h 'iii'es
at points 1, 2, 3. 4. etc. Leather make-,
ii guild hinge. At point (' place a
board upright wide enough to make
the pen dark and secure the hen In the
inelosnrc. Now construct runwais
for the hen where -he may eat and
drink at will. 'II. i -e runs are best
made of lath, and should cMcnd from
I. to X, and 14 inclif-wide, giving each
hen a sepa rat i' inelie u re, excluil i.ig n I!
int ruder--. I'lifv,. j.;it covers slip un
der board I. and board X. As soon n
a hen wKhe to sit. place her at n ght
on eggs in one of the-e nests, fastening
her in securely u ith hoard at (' ('. mak
ing the pen quite dark, and let her
remain until feeding til! toward night
the next day. Then let her out inio
the runway to eat and drink. She wlli
return to nest and require no more
care. The earth in the runway s should
be loose and a few ashes thrown in,
that the hen may have her required
dust-bath. It is bet to fill the entire
1- nests at one time, or half of them
at least. When my (lock is small, and
1 wish to ruth the chickens, I giTe the
13 broods ,q three or four hens, and
reset the, ' '"they seem healthy
and not needing rent, i use tomato
cans fastened securely in corner of
runway tor water. This hatcher may
be made larger or smaller, ns one'
needs demand. Last year I hatched j
l'.".i chicks from bill eggs set in thN j
hatcher. .1. lv. Sexson. iu Agricultural j
Ilpitomist. j
They Mnkr Dip llmi Winter l.njrr
and Arc Mitre Prfl(alilr In All j
Other HenpertH.
Liberal Adjustments. irnmti! ;
GENF.n AL .' :,' 'iANGF :.r.
' die )!l-.r, 1 'roiii si, ( pain. s
'h , I. ill . ..ii In ill :t!l(l '( i i m.: .i
The. : i , K.niiidc.l .' . p., jsi'i .sm-is U,i
1 1 1. uw ' is."), ;t v.;;
ii i l icaii 1M()
1 1
The Slandnnl A jut I nsu i;i lie C
The Xiy York I imur.iiicu
The fidditij Mir 1 Life Associ :t:oi:
Your Patronaiii . -jiliclted
The subjugatioa of the Indian hut
cost $S4j,000,00 ad his education
tg4n.000.000. i
The Eminent Kidney
and Bladder Specialist.
S7 1 IT
i mt-u. .w r-T iu y ni
The Dljcovcrer of Swamp-Hoot at Work la
EU Laboratory.
There is a disease prevailing in thw
country most dangerous because so decep
tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by
It heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure
or apoplexy are often the result of kidney
disease. If kidney trouble ts allowed to ad
vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack
the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves
break down and waste away cell by cell.
Then the richness of the blood the albumen
leaks out and the sufferer has Bright's
Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new dis
covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder
and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands
of apparently hopeless cases, after all other
efforts have failed. At druggists In fifty-cent
and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free
by mail, also a book telling about Swamp
Root and its wonderful cures. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. and
mention this paper.
V.'e find by experience that early
hatched chickens ure always
We set our incubator early iu April
and in Xovetnb'T the pullets begin
to lay. In the latter part of the
summer pullets are as large as the
old hens. Karly pulleta make our
best winter layers, and the egg
from them are much better for
hatching purposes than from late
hatched chicks. The eggs are larger,
:, 1 .:...!:.. : .. . i -ei
1111 iiioic tn.iiiiji 111 litem. iiiev j
will hatch a larger per cent, of
chicks that will live and grow well,
than will eggs from late hatching.
! A late hatched chick will never at
tain the si.e of un early one. TU
early one gets its full sie while the
weather is warm and the forage i.
abundant, but the late one has to
make the finish iu the winter on drv
j feed in confinement. Nothing grows
mi well in confinement ns when left
to ruu at will. Late hatched chicken
ffpi.u. vit-v iti, vi-liil.. flw.-.-. I...... .
! t- j .' ...1.-- .
j chance to ruu, but winter cornea on
wnae iney ure yet growing and tiiey
go into the and stay rather
than wade in the snow. The change
is so sudden and unnatural that the
rapid growth stops aud they become.
stunted; never getting so large as
they would had they got their prop
er growth during warm weather. I
helievo if the plan of keeping late
hatched pullet for breeders was fol
lowed for a long term of years that
the fowls would become smaller from
year to year until they would become
worthless. Kpitomist.
The .ew-York
Tribune Farmer
is a natioiiul illustrated agricultural .-.ekly for furiuer
and their faiiiinc, mul stands ut tlie l,e.oi of the agri
cultural prew-i. It in a practical papei for practical fnrinern,
helping them to M-ciire the largest ossilde profit Imtn the
farm through pniciieal method-..
It is entertaining, instructive and practically useful to
the fanner's w ife, sons and dallulitel-. wlii.e intetesLs it
covers in an attractive maiitu r.
The regular price is tl.iKi per but turn limitnl
time we w ill receive your -u 1 -i p p; mi i for 1 11!. MIW.
N OHK TRIBUNE PARMER and :,!,. f. i v,,i,mu o lavnrite
local Hew spapef, 'The 'i . , M id, I !. 1 i; i g. 'a.
Botn Papers One Yearforonly SL25
Send your order and money to "The I'n.- i'.
Your name and address mi a tal card in THE
NENV-MJKK TRIBLNEFAk.lER, N.-w-V. rk ( ::y, will
biii.g you free sample copy.
Schools and Courses of Susquehanna
University, Seliiispve, Pa.
TKAUIKUS' (Ol'K.K.At tbi- time Medal att.titii n i-
.1 t.i this:
Ills Little- Scheme.
"Old Croesus is a mighty clever fel
low." "now is that?"
"Why, just before the assesor gets
to him he always manages to have a
lot of stuff printed to the effect that
Tie has been, giving several millions
to charitable and educational insti
tutions. That makes his assessment
schedule look more plausible. Chicago
Merely I'reeaatloBarr.
"You succeeded in life in spite of
the fact that you did not give much
attention to study duringyouryouth."
"Yes," answered Mr. Cumrox. "But
that doesn't prove that education isn't
good thing. I was so much afraid
-that people would make fun of my
spelling fiat I was compelled to hustle
and get rich in self-defense." Wash
ingtoa Star. 1
An ounce of prevention is worth
several pounds of cure when it comes
to poultry diseases.
Ccld quarters are bad enough for
the hens. With damp udded to the
cold ruination i.s in sight.
Milk is worth more when led to
liens than when fed to pigs. The
hens like it, sweet or sour.
Fowls seldom tiro of milk. They
may eat too much grain or meat, but
milk in any form is palatable and
No one is a good feeder of hl
poultry who does not supply both
meat and grecu feed to his fowls
The song of the hen is not very
sweet, nor baa it a wide range of
notes, but the good poultryman
never gets tired of it.
' The lov of corn cannot ba bred
out, or fed out, or knocked out of
the hen. They Just naturally kaaw
it la esa ot tha beat f&fe tn
them. Commercial totjtfjj,- ,
coin--'. It is iiiteiiilul to ;it!v;ui( 0 tlie i tlieii tiev an.) iart;iii: .qacitv
of those wlm tiaili iliifiitL: the Winter, aial a No to tt jaie I'm- i. :u hii:.
Tin.' entire cotirsi' covci s t'mir jiai, till ot wliidi cm le taken I y t. ;n liei-s
without interruption of their woik in ti e school-ivi m, ami liaii- up to u
pi'finniieiit I'i'itilietite and other uiivuntnis. This meets a lmi ti lt v:mt
of teachers who must e.irn their eilncatioti witli mciu'ii' siluric- ami tTtT
ext'i'llent opportunities tor steady udvanci mcnt. 'l eadiets and those who
w ish to prc;u'e successfully tor ti at hit t: sheitld tu t tail to :ii iiiaint
thunselve.s fully with the heiu tits to he di tivi d l'n in this cour-e. Thin
vear tlie term begins April 0, IWo, and closes July 'J'.', Kxpensew
are verv low. Write tor full particulars.
jLAllKJ l)ee;rees and Diplomas (iranted. The Spiii.j: tutii lnitic
t A nril 1. liH'o. and closes June 17, l'."1;''. Spieial tin at'L'i im i;ts have
!,i e-n iiuiile for a large attendance for Ml'SsC and other studies. There
is a .splendid course in Elocution. Facilities are nowhere Letter. The
work is in charge of an able corps of ttachers who rank with list ativ
wheie. The large imposing Indies' Hull has all the modern coiiveiiient'es.
The environment is home like and parents can rest .'tssiircd that their
daughters will Ik? given the best I'are in every way. The climate is very
healthful and the surrounding scenery tsa!l that could U- desired. Our
si uilciit conn.' iruiii the U?t homes. Why ia t give your daughter the
advantage of ut least a tew terms away at College. The day has gone hy
when the girls were kept at huttie. and only the Imys sent to college
Hates are very reasonable. Write for catalogue and particulars.
COMMERCIAL COl'KSE. An inereaMiig number of young persons
are finding lucn-'ive jiositioiis at the oitinting de-k and in ollices. To
nut't this ih niaiul the I'niversitv otlers a thorough ami etiicietit Commer
cial Course, ci.nsis'.ing ot l' ck-V ceping, Penmanship, Shorthand, Coiu
niui ial Iiw, etc. All vr :.tiy i f these .-uljects may be pursued. I'ltideg
securing a .superior Commercial Course, our student enjoy tke a'lditional
advantages of a (.lyninasium, l.i'orary and Heading-room, Literary Svie
tics, and the University life 1 1 general. The University atmosphere
stimulates the ambition of students, aud, together with efficient instruction
gives exceptional lv satisfactory results. We have no ditlicultv in secur
ing positions for all studcuts completing the course. Write for terms and
The College of Liberal Arts is noted for iu excellent Scientific and
Classical Courses. A course in Civil Engineering is given.
The Preparatory School fit students for College entrance. Address,
Dean. lvivistrar. field SWr