MIDD-LEDirKG POST. 6CHNEC. II 1 0'..,m T.1.1 .( Kl.-MUJ c...v. ..... vi;,t were mt'O ia ui.vn u eu- !v i'vi'Iiiiil' I'oiiiiiiiini hi ..tr . ,. "... ii .. 'i.i writ 1,1 -" i In". ,.!, Ktrstcttcrs, iioli Kv-jM-r . I... . I Wednesday i J I'islliT i t V ll lUIUII Was III ., i M'i' lii Miiii'V I U'liil Jhurs- (l,r MTviifH nt I heeses church ;,.t, r evening. . I ... i:.... I..II I ...... ...u- i A. 1 laromf; " J" " .1 In' will littriitl the !m-i ..rtiii-ii (ieliutt nnd Mi-s Stella . ,r jir i tin- sick lit. . '!"' ( f Fremont was n caller in town. Liin Ki'l'l'i" n,l w''w visiicl .iliiT. IviU-V Kepler, Nuiilay. chant 1 Ifiiry Hurtling mid ml l .1. kerstetter iiimIi.' ii s nip (o Kirhfi'-lil edncs- ;)g transaetd Imihih'hh in town IiunIiiv. Lst S it unlay U. C. Kerstetter Imvi' horse sale at tin hotel in i mmiin Mover of Freclnir was on iir street one "day lust xt Sunday forenoon Ucv. C ( .i i ...i... ...:n tr, I III) Ijtliiicicii iniiiinici, win h his farewell sermon. .. . . i 1 . lie lii'-l Annual VOiiiiiieiicciiicm remold (iraminiir school, lielil rciiiiint school liuilding on Hat- Lv evening April 11, l'JtW at uYloek 1 following were gmiliiiitcH Mr. Arthur.!. Iiiin- Misscs hsther M. Harding, ic ('. Knthrock, Katie Mae npist uml Margret A. Shndle. fallowing program being rrn-i. anli, Tli IMolizer," W. A. k; I'liiyer, Iluv. 1). I. Shufler; Ii, A. 15. Chasseur; "Success in ' Katie Mae Arlmga-t, "How (inat Fortunes Made,' Esther Uanling; "Famous Women in nrv," iMargret Catharine lloth- j; March, "The Drummer JJoy !ij," J. Henry Idlis; Condition kutral l'a. During French and bo War, Margaret Anna Sliadle; :rioli8m " Arthur J. Landix; lV'Thr ";'. WaltzV'S. Inson; An. .: .M to Class, Prof Buyer; Soprano Solo "My It's Wedding Day," Margaret bliaule; rresentation Speech ity Snperinteadent, Geo. W. mm; Awarding of Diplomas. ttMie, ''Chicken Pickin's," S. Allen; Music Was Fur 1 by The Fremont Orchestra. kna Mazier spent Sunday with fciirents at Meiserville. miiuion services were lieltl nt Saturday evening. iH'riutemk'nt Oscar X.Kalriter ;. John's S. S., appointed the iwiug delegates to attend the ay S liool Convention at Sel- wt : J. L. Minium. Misses Si'lmee and Margaret A. Sha ll Sunday. 0. S. of A. Camp of Fremont. "'liii's school and Fremont Cur iam! invites all the soldiers oi ivil war to come to help decor- graves ot our soldiers on at "i o'cltK-k in the even- A. Sclmee made a business .vlinsgrove Monday. rAL ACCIDENT ON IOWA iB9 Cun Kill Three Men and In- jurei Five Others. "U. Kla.. April 10. A dlsas- "Plosion It low Whllo the vessel was at 1'i-anice tn the culf. The for- Pft U'lneh khu burst from tha "ure explosion of a shell. 13 foet Puvt" outside tho turret belli ':nil. Thrtt nion uma Llll... I v InJiiriHl, two seriously. "i'-i are: Klrst Class Seaman OrJiuary S.-mm. iur....n ..i r Mute Horry, wi ktlU-J and inliir,l wr ,., '''lun.l. or i-ni. .i.i. .. . P"h of the exploded gun. each " ovor a tnn ..u....i .i f spar dock, falliug Uku - mws, instantly kllllnB tht aii oi itxo men wwru ' Oiutilatml. M claim tho explosion was caus- l tho fluent firing of th 10 tho work w . J tt)rv t the charge burtt.J Nivl Drill Re0uUlt.ns. S "V 01 wlvh roctmtly lu the navy, a ... .csumuoua m oruor HSE OLD RELIABLE Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE BEAVERTOWN. (ieo. Il"icliciil)acli lias rented tin (iriiiim's Mill. Mrs. II. It.ilil) ni'rtiuijiitiiietl her sister .Mrs. Mump when Mie moved to liewistowu recently. Miss Alice MiiMIeswnrth recent I v visited her siste.' Mrs. Sheriff Samp- set at tin; I 'utility seat. Unlit I'ten- wild his hoikc and lot on Cliiireli street f'er A. Fee farmer The (ieneral ( 'oiiiiril liiitlienm ciiiigrcgatiiui willcelclirate the Holy v m in 1 1 ii ii mi on April 21. Prof. V. J. Kngle made a Imsi ncss trip to Sunliiiry Siitunliy. iV. '. Feesc spent several days Hi Aliildleliiirg, last week. Mrs. Allrt'd Speelit and Miss A. Manes were in .Muldlehiirg on Sat unlay. Charles K. Shirk ami wife attend ed the funeral of Mrs. Shirks father, Mr. Paige nt Kichfield Friday. The peach Inisiticss is iirovini' a success in this vicinity; aUmt (JOOO trees are ts;ing planted this Spring. Samuel Ilassint'cr had for hi- guest last week, his hrother, Martin, of Warren Co., in the North western part of the State. Seven new rricniU-rs were receiv ed into the Lutheran church Sun- lay u week,, five hy rite of confirm ation and two by letter. Wm. II. Specht has been unable to walk for over a week from a severely sprained leg caused by a fall Sunday a week. A Sunrise prayer meeting by th Endeaver Societies was held in the Lutheran church on Sabbath. The attendance wa9 larger than had been dnticioated. 4 Kev. S. I. Shortess and wife of Millersburg visited their son, Thomas A., recently. The Kev. preached in the U. E. Church Sun day evening a week ago. Ilev. Shortess claims to have Uen the first regularly appointed English Evangelical preacher in these parts and was sent here 3S years ago when most of their meetings were held in private houses and when the circuit ami prised nearly all of Suytler Co., and part of the end of Mifflin County. Miss Ida Kern and Miss Ella Walker were Troxleville visitors Sunday. Mrs. Maggie Zellers and daugh ter, Ethel, visited Watson town friends during the last week. Makra A ( Iran Swrp There's nothirg like doing a thing thoroughly. Of U the Salves you ever heard of. Bueklen's Arnica Salve i the best. It sweeps a.wav aud cures Burns, Sores Bruises. Cuts. Hoils, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions ana rues, lis only a.c, aud guar auteed to give (satisfaction bv, Midilleburc Drug Co.. Gravbill A Uanuan, llidhtield. Dr. J. W", Samp sell l'eutis Creek. KREAMER. IHst Sundays eutcrtaiumcnt was tjuite suiwsful and well uttcudcl: U'fore the vxciviscs clostl 've had a tine addrctw bv l'rof. Uei. Duuk Icburger, and Mrs. liev. Womeldort of Midvlleburg gave the children an address. The public scIkmI of this plait ckwtsl lat Tuesilay. Mrs. ( A. Fishci has btru very Mck the last wtvk. Our ucv milliner sold unite a iuiuiUt of lulls during tho la.-t week. Mr. and Mrs. levi.i Magce oi lnwisburg visiteil hi sou J. K. Magcv Sunday. MisH Maurcr aud Miss Aurand who are working at Sdinsgioyi w ere homo lust Sunday. M. J. Maurcr took an agent to Middliburg who wa.s put oil thi train ou account of canyiug too I PENN'S CBUFK. Some of our o ci tu-t took in the lommittif inveting on Siiturday. Mercliiint S. (.'. )... . .. nun 'ictel lmiiii-. nt Millliu!.ii i S.it I'd.iv. The funeral of Mrs F. II. liolig vas atleii'l "! bv n large mitiilM-r of MMiple from n di-t'iii'!. I. W. Slrnkle of .Icr-i v S!...ie .i-itiil Ii i - niotlier Mrs. M u v Siiin .Je over Siimlay. I. O. and II. W. Sl.i.ucrs iiiiiieliaiina I 'iiivcr-itv -;i iii '.,. ier varalion 1 1 t I r tin- p.ir.n I i! i .. I. I'. II. IS'iyiT, W. ( i. i 'liiainun o '1 M. I!. lioWI ISiiX Mil !. ,.!.. tiie Frit lng A en bin v " !i .f i over Sunday. l'rof. Keller lirid Martin of Kel ler's business college, I .-w in ir vere in town last Friday l-...kui up the intrests of the college. The Ii. t It. Sunday school gave an Easter eiilcil.iiimirnt Siindav evening. A well iri.lir,., :l.M in. resting progr.i.u rt.is i. iidi -re I. Mrs. Maria A. Idig. Tuesday April 7th ih-ath of Maria A. M.lig of IYiu.s Creek. Mrs. Polig was burn in Franklin township Die. 21, IS.'J and died April 7th PtO:5 aged i',s y ir-" ;; month and 1 d.iys. She leavex to mourn Ic r :i hushand and four chilereu I'harasO. and (Jlara interm in ii d with Allen iSoyer of Penns ( r.'i k, John E. ofSunbtiry and M.irv in termarried with Dr. ('. E. Molin (,r of Jersey Shore. Mrs. I'-dig h ,d Is-en an invalid for several years The community has ot a g-nnl neighbor and the husband ami chil dren a loving wife and mother. I Ier funeral olwijuies K f:iirred on Friday. Itev. Sj-saril ofMiilliri burg and Dubbs of I'enns rreek officiated. A large, i-oticonr-e of relatives and friends ferment took place in the L. l. ( 'ernetery. A Thonsjhlfal Naa, M. M. Austin of Winchester. Ind. knew what to (In m the hr.nr need, if 19 wif had anrh ltT. I . i.,l.lA Dhv.qiinna cr,iil,l r i.t nln k.,- tr.. tboueht of and tried Ir. i:in a New Life Pills snd She OClt. relief of rr r. and ww finally cured. O dy 2V, at Miild!hurir Hmv i' rin.k.ii OarnaaB1 K.chfield, Dr. J. Y. HmD "11 reoDicrftek. nuNDORE. S.ioe i.f our firm r- hiwii! outs 1 1 k while otlic-s are sowing t'ds wt el,. .1 ''hi 'A'. Slab', who as a few hi nt the Picker I -) r , M Sn,, o'trv, is nt In. lie- m iiiingling neong his many friends. Dr. Krelis has inroiy profcs-cniial calls nnd has a bright future b'f .re him. Jfenry Witnier, our le w enm-J -I'liiali, vtiH In ii'ir t'onitv . " . j j t o I' k 1 f r ihe ii Or- -1- 1. 1' Ii ;;irlv nnd e that til -.tinirv -if-.' M. 1.'. I loo', our a f-s.,r, i hnv ii.d v!l 'iciili 1, or people in il :c time. nr tax colln f .r is ,iiv and wants everv dollar p.id a! once. . J. II. Keeler is verv iip'iii iiii!oed piiysieally, and his wile is convalescent. ( ):ir 1 in) I i- school t Ic,-. d and ti. scholars marched home with a .p'--i it Irom their t.j.clnr, wishim thev would have him ai.-ain next Winter. 'S jiiio;. Seehrist made a bu-i i's trii to I'ort Trtvofon li t week. l'.'s have not dee lined in price in this in.irk't -ince h..i-ii-r. .1. II. Wise i ireffinij the fiiin- (I i'ioii ready for his ni -.y Inrn. 'Ihe Hoovers ha.e tLeir K ipe F'erry in running order. The SiHijiiehanna h hi''h al! this Spring and fish are -car and toal are hard to get. Our supervisor is improving o'i, roads, I). W. Stahl of '. r lill.i was in t'iwn on business. f. W. riii'.c ii-rc is tanning for his ncighhors. A. 1',. Witmer was r.i S.nl.-.rv on business. Con Reiclicnliai h and her aunt were to Selinsgrove. W n heard r if only one man 'hat had "J doz. eggs f,,r Ei-tcr brcak- tast. f. 3 To The 1'e-ru-na Medicine Co., of olumtms, 0. " Pe-ru-na is All You Claim For It." 1 ir 'in nwrnff tMiCiBTiii'fiTiur - - Trrnri ... 'vmM? A Con(rMman T. F. VCilher, of finecnta, . Y., wr!o-; The I'trun Medicine Co., Cnlumhun, Ohln,: fientlemeit'"" Perm- led by a friend I have tried your rrredy nnd I hive .- for ( N". P. . iino If... I The IVnna 'anal is in the hands j of a million frogs and thev have ' turned it into a paradise f.,r all Inv ert ot music. Henry Witnier is working at Danville. . Jon't . so hiek to pcsli 1 try ua you uphill, but read the Pdht almost fully recovered e Inst reruns It all you cl. to all who are afflicted r frtinfta PrftTAfiti v aiel I M. (', T'. ' V TI, sluss, rri.1nnt of "Th.i Pint- C'lnh, " wr1t: " VhineTr fh will weather s havi f..r yr past heen v ry -afeh a Tr cr.M which :rm h thrv off, amt whtrh wnilil av" rffHrt. -,n my coustitutiou tho .' tJin winter. " Lait wlnfor I wa ,v!v!jer Prun, ami within fl? :1avs tl hrolcn np iul n .1ny i. man. I rrtcnmmen le evral of my frimU and u spe ii irheat praise for It. There ii n like Peruna for catarrhal affile It . well nlffh Infallihle a a cure I gladly endorna lt."C. P. Olv A Prominent Sin for Savmt From .. . Voir. Vf. Jillan JV.'i-.'.it j, iT'sipneca B'ltTlo, f. Y.. !s .'i .rr.uT)rin.lin -tiiry of Tun Sjnc.TliKt, of N'.w V la tho adnt w.,nl :ias of ;h Han j lu, th Iarje.t "iiriiaii iinirliiif o.ll Nn-w York tnrl ilso hn ..l.l-t. r the ms of a few hordes. I z m f.illy convinced 1 for I ', md I cheerfully recomm- id your medicine ,i cats rhtl trouble." David F. iiher. a l j In :sx The flf'le'h nni iiration in i in? Is h ;s ' "Ahr.ut iT-r" f.M m jeM'.ivj in'o TsrirV ' r Y iT-lt i 1 ir.oiiT : ' yrs ;i :i: 'rvp'.. '..i ir-'i f of nhi.., and to a'T t my was o'il: in i'.ii)rv ;ry 'li!irin I w is .ulr'seii in ".1 aithonah I iuut ner.-r jse aierlieinn before. I nt for a ' '.Vords :mf .'.Ir -l.r1! :n 'o find that, w'-'nm few I .-eat!y rwlier.'d i was entire! Wtliont :t a..'v. tin Thea I f. W.Miinllta. If yon do ncit fa.-ory renlu rll at ouf. -f full itatpmpnf ix plvaoerl v r!i srratig. .ViMri Dr. i The HarVr.an s el. '.rated ta a iir.-e oe Tim follow- I .'aiiijlit a - and wUich iiron.'ht.al that I .men. 1' T'ina, . iient IV- rinn wan ind -I'liui 'hr. e '..r.'rixi. I Jin I -akii an .w...a'onal 1 run town."--fuiian r(r prompt and satU m o j- . ,f i'T-;na, r. rtar'tnan, ilrln k nr 'as and he will ' 70a ratum.la ui. irtnn. ?rtdint A ; t u r Tn . ''"lam orjg.Q ' i'eatt I V". take t! , inir liali inr tlm.-e tl ' 1 tlK.. n.l. ..n ..11. iiif... an- :n 6 LSvr sel.l't- III ii.-.tnniers it. I ome ami VKKI.BKBOKR. I 'nil on a . r.. tn tii.n new kiihv Hit; and hair euttiiiK parlor fur ymir limit elt-aiieil with a ref'reihinir -ham-ikhi anil a i-lenii '.uwel tn inch nitron on thit north suit: of Market snare np 1 prmtte K'rntml Hit4. ."Btinfiutiin mmr ante!. tf. 0 Buying Here is Econemy, S Its aa indisputable fact that trading with us is a matter of -living -ioii.ir- iti.i ...!1t- :'..r v..n. In ;.Hr-!i.i.-i.- .nr i : and Summer gumU we have tried ia every possible way ro make it protitat)ie for .air natron.-. M.-. r- ar i i it . ', r- t,r, and eey article that is ouerwl here is throughly 'ood and the ''-est to i,e i:td :uiv viiere tiie 'irtce i-Ke'i. ""ir-e'vi; u ers vtii the advantage We buv cheaper: "e sell cheaper than others. Wash Waists, Dress, Skirts. Theee make up an interesting stc. lt. and very attractive, and 'veil it should for these indispensiole irmeuts are prettier ami eneacer than we had to offer you last year. In colored wash waists: 3Jc. Ferca! Waists full frmt, wed made assorted colors iu stri(.ies and tUurw worth 50c. 50c. Madras Stipeil waists I'la.tci front and tiack, ' iin it fmut. I inch back, pretty colore. Stripes. $1.00 Cambric Waists trout Sol seams and hemstitched tuck to form yoke, French back. Bishop -ieeve and cuff. " In White Waists: 50c. b'iue Lawn, fnnit clusters of " tucks -Hc!i and pleats back tucked and pleated, tucked collar, bishop -ieeve. An other with tJ tucks, !) mws insertnui in front ami tucked hack. We "Koyal White Waists", wuceded every where to be the 11 tittm waists made, a due showing, from 75c. to $0.00. Shirt Waist Dresses. $1.50 for $2.00 value striping Percales waist tucked front ami back full cut skirt, some with tlounce. Others at $1.00 and $1.75. For tailored suits. Tile 'iel ; 'lace ' . -ii v ' ::at. fn -t' ' ::' r- -ii: lot 1 1 i v 'eea'i.-ss i n r 1 .rt'-es ,r '.hat wiil .uwavs -ai.--iact.-rv. J5C. .'.ii liiUes ;:t ,rt!i v. bine. 5c. eot!: M;i a i i t i -1 oiiirtnu 5(!c. uttinir iu ':ierr":i; ;-one tteets. -,-.. . i-rv -t r. ." ;: oiue and rwn -vitti '-nute. IC. tor (ItlC. oi .ii i! ' '.i-i 1 .i lie. - .Hi!. noil ,,.U -.. '. he -eniierii mail, .ti ten - i-!.- ,i.n k -ro out in... in-: n 5l-M W.-iii i 'anvas. -i out .1 ;ie -i .i'n. castor. Tlohairs and Sicilians. Fashion maker -in 'b. v 'sit! I'e n.-r 'am i' i'or ' imie 'lie-.-. and -uii- .;iji -Kirls, a lid : hele - 'm -ti.-ie -.rviciaole er $1.50 Pri.-uv I .ai. '-,:' ...c::n. -j" I v iier ntiHii "o : lie n. eie. $I.J5 bia.k ami l.oo .-! Liailei tor the price. t ant. New Oxfords For Men, Women and Children. Amonv: the Wash Kubricks. Never so fa-ctnauiij in ,ic.un : I'rvuuie never e.,.ia.:.i j Our slock iscompiele now and uiKdaie iu . eiv resign. 1-or The demand for them) is increasing Shirt Waist CoaIuiuvs. and Skirts there are faciic to suit ci. every day looking ahead a bit you . 10 ct. Lawns ate better iu every way than !a.i a;. ;iu kuow our value are the best in tov n i colors iu stripes !isuls and poika dot. Nolicc These h'tW '5 ct. lialate.us plain colors iripcs and li)ti:... pe ,ia.iv i Kor Ladin $1.25 Uoiiola 'd little boys uits-Hiiu fur kiris, with palcut tips otheia in vici kid; 15 ct. Crash skiuiiitf in tho 'puiar riuvv dake -i in, "i and Patvui t'olt skin in tho coltumo -.Xirls it can not be cipiaie.! al the pi ice. style, silk ridbou bow $1.00 strap 25 ct. Skirting in piam '.i-lois in i-vrt'evi uu.ta..ou oi' wool t. and buckle, with patent, vamp. I makes the lesl kind of an .. uL dor skirt. ochreyer, Son :i -t: i into. :. ipl 9 - -I i If Ill-' le ...ii,. aM a.'flc ll.'li.e '1 '111 tool i'si.y Moua.r oi. i;ii,- -i- .ii- Nl;V t)Kl H or M 'sm .iii.i i r -1 1 1 oi'i . 'O ';it' ' : ie i. ...'-oi ' 'cl-,- ic 4n ''-Vmc..'. ,.., ., 4.;a y ' tip, l -2.o0 . '' "'" ' S-.00 i'i,i h, . ,L .,itn i.tti t '"!' .!'. I . id 'I 'll,i:i.-ii S ' , $t.''0 ,:nv tun. , ual.i. - 'it 'uli: ' . ixi i i ...:..... : ' "'-l.i.'i i' . i ' , .... , l i t . J. U K I ,1 . J.. .'Uo:a L 1'IV L1 tiKll-a i ,i.si. : :.t.ti.t L ;.:, i.n. ',.i..,.. Xmto.uri. V t a 0 "fuusi casualUea. largo a buudlc. u n nf 3CDO