The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 16, 1903, Image 4

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4 I
PuMishtd Ernr Thnmdiy Maraing ' '
l.tMtrwr yww rM In a-lvanca. f jrr tf no paid
tna-iranc. rnmi con. r iv mm.
AdTrrfWinc Rlrm. 8 crnt pr line, noni-iril mawMii
mi f.r rrt inri'.i:. and a) vn pr line for t h iilw
)r.tnTli.n. OVKI'h.-N.-tlti oimlv l-.ur llniw
h-(...-cn Ok' Kir" Nuioiwl liana ami h (Vnnl Jail.
Republican Standing Committee. V. Kia. T. Shiv.
lUn r 11 11. t an-. II. M ii- r.
UnnwS'rt l lm. Inil KemilnpT.
ntrf T K V.'hn. .. M . vmp.' I
l lK;maii l V. Ili-okiM. 1. H.I l.'8rw,
VrauMm IN ntv Kilt . .i.lin i. K-i.iniiRr.
.!.. k, mi 1. 8. mrick. W m. .-lvM.
1',t.llel.iirvT-liv Imtc. Hik W. Vntft.
Mi.l.l)o.rr k Irar.k Mailer. H. h sni.lct. 11 l . Ht-mln. k H.K lili-r.
I'emi -.1 II liovfp. V hV-
IVnv V lin'kciilurt:. .1. ArNx.-al
"Vrrv W ct - Amnion pnicl W. A hitcl,
Sri i..iv- l . 1. ki"-r. I W I'.vor!.
Xpriu: v. 1 orlrv. .1 P Kwinir.
1 n-.n H K. Knltr. rlrnrv Mt'm.'r.
aliinrn -V'oliacl Novt J. F Fim.lniK-r.
Republican Ticket.
lV'tliKii.'tnrv Cti M. Shin.Ul.
lu'iritr p.nil K.vor.ItT J. K ArUiM.
As,v .In.liro .1. Frank Krllor.
li-lri-t Att.r:u v M. 1. Totter.
.Iiirv I imtnwiimr Irwin lirnvrill.
1 oih i vr ! vmr lie iioinI nivi't' 1 without
a vnnn .wrrin: nt niirlit. 1 1 I a li wi-n in
papo tit.'hi'.! tiijri'ilitT nrt -firi'!v interior t
ai, I'i.iiTiiovMi .jiiilt in point of warmth. When
li:uiket iin ti w nn.l thin tin t-irt i worth know
ing. A lavrr of mAVipup'i IhIwivii lilnr.krt:
tri'!lf tin corn f.irt ot tin ivverlet.
member a9 once being smooth ami pink, then is
the time to love ami cherish, even more teiulerly
rtlian ever U-fore, that mother in the home. The
eye may be tliin, but it never fails to glow with
love for the man or woman who was once her
little ehihl. Her kuuN of time arc nearly run
out, but her atUvtioii!" will hist to the eiul. Then
watch over her, as .she watched over yon ; cheer
her declining ycais with your own never waning
devotion. !Slie is your mother, whose place no
other has or even can fill. Many years ago she
gathered you in her anus in linns of childish
troubles ; do not forget now to sometimes hold
lici to voup heart and kiss her withered chirk.
Hrown Has It
.lohn luown, a middle aged mechanic, who
conducts a repair shop at M nidi Chunk, says he
has solved the problem of perpetual motion alter
fifteen vears lalnr.
5,S78,100 horsepower. Coleman Sellers sulsf
ipiently t-vresse I the lieliet that water enough
to develop JOO,000 horsepower might be diveit
ed without pnxlucing so serious an effect as a
change of wind or an ice j un. The first com
pany to undertake the conversion of this power
into electricity was authorized by the State of
New York to take enough t i give it 100,000
horsepower. Allium ;'i all of t'ie machinery is
not yet in place, tcis made during the last lew
months demonstrate conclusively that nt, least
that much can lie used without Itcing noticed.
This same company now controls the franchise
of one of the Canadian Organization? formed
more nventlv for similar work, and expects to
develop 100,0(10 horsepower mote across the
border. The total amount of water then con
sumed will Ik- within the limit contemplated by
Mr. Sellers ; and there is much reason to think
that his forecast concerning the eonseipienois
will be verified. There are two other Canadian
corporations in the field, however; and the
ipiestion arrises whethir, if their ambitions are
fully realized, the aggregate loss of water will
not W siifiieient to affect the beauty of the falls
so far as to occasion lasting popular regret.
Reasonable objection may also lie offered to
anv artificial construction in the vicinity of
the cataract which can mar the lieauty of its
surrounding. Mindful of that consideration,
the American company just mentioned placed its
power house a mile or more above the tails,
while the factories of its tenants and patrons
are still further away. The conduit that serves
the purpose of a tail race is not only entirely
n n.l.M-.riMnn,) luil it emero-es iniiler the snrfac1
Tlie Senate has final I v parsed the Soronl cood : ... , . , ..' ,, ., ,.
i.M .in iii . . .... ....- .... -....b
lo Not Isc Torn Stamp.
It is not generally known by the public that a
torn postage stamp cannot le nscil, under the
rules of the p.sta! department, yet thousands of
(xvple aiv in the habit, when a stamp has Uvn
a.viiliiitally torn, of parting it together and
putting it on an cnveloH F.nvclovs si stamp
eil are not jerinittil to Iv dclivcnvl. under the
postal regulations. Sme times the torn stamp
i pasted together so well that the tear is not
detected. a;iii the litter is deliverc.l. Hut where
the tear in the stamp is dist-overod the sender
run the rik of hisinc his letter.
Half- Sick
u I first used Ayer't Srstpritl
in the fall of 1848. Since ttien I
have taken it every spring as a
blood - purifying and nerve
Ktrenptheninit medicine."
S. T. Jonea, Wichita, Kans.
If you feel run down,
arc easily tired, if your
nerves are weak, and your
blood is thin, then begin
to take the good old stand
ard family medicine,
Aycrs Sarsaparilla.
It's a regular nerve
lifter, a perfect blood
builder, si.mimh. Aiumn
A.k yiinr iliH-Mt h thlnln f Ayi-ft
Sur.iilMrllU. Hi- kniiw. nil lwnt thli rinl
lit (mnlly mrillrlii. Follow hit ilTlvaud
W Will Iw Utlaflnl.
J. C. ATK TO.. I1WI1. M.
240 Ft. Lo
The State ami the Konitv
roa.b bill, tliesecmd bill of that name, the first
ha vine leen din-laml unconstitutional. The
notable contrast to the outlets of some of the
Tin imtirrioi! iia goni abroad somehow or
another that tin Pennsylvania legislature has
an anti-Avifc-kissing h'w. This we are
nssiirtii. i not the ease, and the laudable prac
tical ot wife-kissing, now and ilieii. tnay In in
duL'eii ii. wittioii; lear of arrest, that's counting
tha- everv it How kisse- Iiis im-n wile.
liisiea i u:'oiit- they an feeding hay sweetened
K-itt. molasses to work Imrsos in New York Ih
caust the horse- whet: suinding in harness at
noon dc not chew their oat- properly. A veter
inary surgeon sav:- therv more nutriment in
molasses than in oats, and that it is a better food
lar horses. It i on ly in recent years that the
food value of sugur has lieen understood.
.'.,,. , , , ill i older mills on the American side. The develop-
new bill has been st ronclv favored bv horsemen , 1
and by owners of suburban property whiel
'll will "H in iiiiu outi; ihi iiiiiu i i.n.s , 1 1 i i f ni-
. , .i... i i.... :., .... ,,. i,., t.,...
. i 1 i .1 . i , Oll1' aeroxs un imiwei l.s liliuni I'll m n rsnn
U U'liehttcil hv the extension ot cooi r.ts : I
, , . : , , ,, ' , , spirit. Its buildings are of stone an I luconspi-
a:iil though it is cxiictl to cost the state some , 1
.,,.' i , ., -i ,i . cuou'sU- located, while its bridge over the inlet
six million ilol.ars. there is everv ivuleiice that. p- ...
canal on that side is so handsome as to add uis-
the state w ill cet pivvl value tor tlie nionev.
Kith direetlv and indirectly.
4 iwirt tr.ini the ibrect lienetlts conli'i rci
, . ... i .i i ,i 'been equallv scrcpulous an.l judicious is open to
the working ot the new law is the U'lietit that 1 1 1
, .- , . . . . i i i nest ion.
niiiv h i vi i i ih i to to. low tioin tlie tnrl ner ilc-
tmctlv to the attractiveness of the scene. Whe-
. flier the independent Canadian comixanies have
Write This Down
in the hook of memory: there is no
such thing us a harmless cough.
F.very cough is a waruingof a cou
tideiHY that goes from bad to worse
unless if is remedied r i u lit away.
Opinio-laden medicine is a delusion.
Allen's liimg llalsam cures the
W'irt of cold. It clears the bron
chial passives, so that the lungs get
plenty of air.
buttle to-dav.
Why not get a
7830 feet of for
loaded down with ,
000DS at prices
speak for themselves,
1H t'XlHVi
veiopment of the go.vl roads movement.
The Picture of iasara.
It is not difficult to understand the uneasiness
which is felt at Xiagara Falls over the possible
eflects of future power developments.
q j is thflhajestic -spectacle "there that it "may
Iitports art current in Chicago of a possible truly 1 said that it U-longs not flone to New
coDsiidatton oj the Western Tniu and the York and to Ontario, but to the whole world.
1'os.a! Ttierraph companies aDd a condiinatioti It is a treasure held in trust. iHspite the nni
viri. ti... Amerigo. T.-if-nhon.- A 1 U-r.ini Com- ' versal ireneratioK in which Lord Kelvin U held
janv. 5;r,.t in, vi !l u.e hod of the a-an authority in seience, few people would horsepower turbines or dynamos, or of long dis
Vestcn. r,i,.. i: i, lJlt matter La- in ugn. with him in wishmg t sW. this wonderful tanee transimsMon Rarely, it ever, has such
tK-tw. tn interested in the cm- cataract given up enureiv io inaustriui service.
tl, Wert ii teasible to hold a plebiscite anion;; the gether to consider an eigineenng project as was
Still another consideration may he mentioned
which ought to have more or less weight, if it
hoiild be thought necessary to discriminate
againrt the newcomers. The pioneer organira-
tion to engage in the electrical development of
Mara Falls has opened tip a new acd large
field of industry, and thus performed an inixr
tant service to civilization. Twelve or fifteen
years ago such a venture was looked upon as
exoeedinirlv riskv ; no one had heard of 5,000
Kuril Thin.
It is said (hat nothing is sure
except death and taxes, but that
is not altitfether true. Dr. Kiuirs
New Discovery for Consunintioi is
a sure euro for nil Iuuk and tliruit
troubles. Thousands eun testify to
that. Mrs. C. li. VrinMelre of.
sbepberdsfown, W. Va.says "I had
a severe case of itionchitis and for
a year tried everything I heard of,
but got no leli. f. Quo bottle of Ir.
lxiutf's Sew Discovery then cured
n e absolutely. It's iufallible for
Croup lio.minsr cousK wnp,
Pneumonia and Consumption. Try
it. It s cuarniecd by IMnidleburir
I'iuj? Co., Oraynill t (Jarni in,
Hlchtleld, Dr. J. W. Sampll,
Penns (reek.
Trial Bottle free. Hog. sizes 5'c,
tiiKei.; ovc:
ecru- nauieu
. in.
T'r.ijiostM lncreoist o:
in i ii ii i 1
AiutTiii.:: V cat;Li
li. cut. ' aei'outvi: to: oi. aiiv
Hull i- r-tio! o: Ktud.
enlightened ch-er- of Anieri'.s. uud Europe, the consulted in regard to this matter. The novel
iirniKitini, would uroliatilv mwt with nn ov.t. end serious nroMems which were involved hax
tiiornviti- t'aiarL"jmen: o: caio- J ' J
. m-lifitniMrr iixr.itiv. i int Jj.n iu'ltlf ViriWf-vfT. and thp KlllsnpSS .if
Ti. ..1 0!,v Ml,..- rrr.i!..fl minunw. ..v.." . ...fc , , - - - -
Tnt ehie: danger jmK-eedi. it is eoDueded, i tie enterprise having been demonstrated, scores
iron, tin pusaibilitv of diverting Uk much of such uDdertakings qu'ckly followed, both in
darx g iisir o: tm tiear olii
3i:rr-'iws o: tin eheei: v:ii :i.
ov-.t tin ui i w water to tte Hirji' of industry. Id a s-jiec-ial America and Ejrope. Ioes the world owe any
niotne: atu: ceu.-ii- rejum jirejiared ir l'y it wa- estlrunted prtfereDC dvtr their imitators to the backers of
you 'jul r- tua: Xiauru tiad t theoretical tajiacity if that seherae ?
tiav wit: iiijr uaiciitt". Mr
l.i- wa- tic w.-Mviti)' gues: ci ner-t'.i.i-jj-.
Ij:i:. :.ii.. Len' ii-.nuui:..
!': i.i ,;i.. 1. liurrisyj'-g
wa- iteruu-c ruttixe curing
u- w.-ti.
M vKee- ILilf Mitierhug a-, "juutniry.
II. J . Cuarie- au
rr-uLiioi buuuay.
wt-rt tuvir sol. Ltiwit.. xvii
Ea. W . Fisher is slow J v i
from tut- fall :k- liad.
xviit ii'id t Tic Lowell circular stw
:nt jire-jul treated . II. Phiilit- to
aiiu ciioi'.f music lust w:k.
mjiiU. and
r.i .t; is:t. : .-ra-e-- rj-jtiitr,
iir- iiu:- Of:i-.fc'.er,")!ituiaay.
'. y.. l.iuvr- r: Vcti.. S:iD'wy-'
M.i'. .ruji .:" iWii'jL. wa- a
i.'u". t'j : I'-.-fl.ti;-.
r I' l.-g4'. -H'- "A..
Jiarvtr'- i-.i-" t:- oc: jjtiie-itsj'i
Zj.:. jaf w-i- i: t-ivw oi fa'.ur-
jij'. iiiti . v ;.a:u-i.i: it.uK piij-i-:
u:a:. ' ti. V. part
t; --uU vi.- nrruiitv: ov i.j
I;. ' m , i.'-;ju- j" 5u:i jiiv.
JI - i : .-.v.. up-' v f jtuat.
a :-. .; ' ' i' 'Jl' ii'.'.jt
X: . ... '. ji.jvL,:.,
fcli.. X' - ..u.' jii.-; ?.; o W:.'ijU
If i"-lt.
;auj::;it' .leiiLK. '.'
lierrvic a?:'i wiir
'iaug:;ter. Mr-.. W n..LruijiKr, hu
yiiid. c-.'.v auii daughter. Jut-.
oi Miudieburj;.
"MiarnoKiL. jj.
vi 'Juapman.
rvtstz. vui
I. '.'aar;t-.
auo two coa- auu .j uo.
vwjt aud twti sou- of'
I. 'j. nrui&L and wib: wer: to
MtvupVivi i. uudi'V. ( i
J. J". !'.ruj, wilt and tiaugut-, : 1
iiia'ji l ounijirisr trii V, Jaliaf.
Mi.-fl-.-. Iji.ttt: Jit-iu. auj .a'.ie
Isaac U. Treaster jeut a day in
Lewi-town iast wet k. Jle ha vime
raud stories lj tell in regard-to it
ieinj: iiie iirrit time lie ever stjeu
carr ruiiniii' with out an engiue on
tin sirwii;.
ia"f.'r jja-ed ot! ' j uitd v here.
Johu II. Koung ';i.(iuiiieu:3ij eat
iie; eggs at K o'cl'k A. M. amJ
liiiisneO at twenty nntju'.i's after
--igiit A. M. Liuui''r not n-parteJ.
NN'orreu A. Mi Jauirlin has -u
lying -ii-l. at Vigertovi ii f r tht
s; wee:.
.Jariji- fs'.e'' v
fje'gJ pla' .
liar Utr.i-IJ j'i i.c
ouiv in lii-ai" lu
'J ?ou au'J MeiN-rr (.'je eiati'J Mtauo . rl' t .
au: Vi'i.-jiiigio!. 'J rouj wwe oeei. m : batuue! '.'.'agin-r of Millliu 'o.,
tl.ii- XifiiJitv b'jii'ifcv. ' sieu'. Lifter buuua itii iauieJ
. ii i i-
into.' i Jowai'j aij'J iuiijijv .
I bo setter iJtWr i.- l.iut- friym
v ''. ' ' ' aii
ViMll i. Is jL'jTA- '
v i
Ml'.:, li.
tjW i'-j't. hwiAikkM Uj hj-lid fct li; W Ja V ti Will)
eli'A'.'!. a'. a'i jyi'U'ieii'y . Jaues (jtjnr Mi-Vevlow it wa.-
v'ejv Vi'vj ji JiettnivU wv iu to i)itfud J-j.tet4.-l4 with hi- frieitilr
i 'sjyil 'J liuiiiay. la"- '.iwgtvve.
Mamie GilU-rt of Sunburv spent
Sundav with her father John tiil-
lert and wife.
Samuel llri-.h of Jyewislown
spirit ."Mmday with John Zelr ant
Ueury Hasinger of .N orth urul.T-
lau 1 arrive.1 at tiiii p'aoe M-jnday
to make hi home with John C
Hummel and wife.
Mm. Ida Novadia of J;witurg her sistjr Mrs. Airiou Vergrr
of this pl.vy.
Anti Ulrich and daughter Mrs
f Jims.. Stuck were doing buuiuif-sn in
I00 Reward, atOO
The readers of this paper will
learn that there ia at least one hun
dred diseases that science has been
able to cure in all it stages attd that
is Catarrh. Hall a Catarrh cure-M
the only positive cure nw tsovfii'V
the medicsl fratcrnitv. Caturrh
beinc a constitutional disease, re
quires a constitutional treatment.
Mali s t atari n cure is takeu intern
ally ac'iue diieetlv upon ti e blood
and mucous surface of the system
thereby debtiojiu; the foundation
of the dif-ease, and giving the pati
eot strencth by I'U.lding up the con
stitution and assistinij nature in do
ing its work. Ttio proprietors have
so much faith in it curative po vers,
that they offer one Hundred Dollars
for any ease that it tails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials. Ad
dress. F. J. Cmney A Co., Toledo,
O. Soldbv Druggist. 75c Hall's
Family Pills are the beet.
Every Day Witnesses th
val of some of theNti
Things for prinj.
Among the new Wool Stuffs
Are Displaying a licauttf
Assortment of
vones, thiamin?
Crepe, Helros!
Poplins, Lond
Twine Cloth,
A Lot of New Things in!
Prices Lower than the Ud
A Special Lot of Rain cJ
On our Racks at $101
Orphans' Court Sale of Real
Bt virtue nt in order of Said Court the un
de'niinird Administratrix ot benjHDiin Vlrich,
Ute i. f Selint Orove. Snyder eniinty. fennurl
llanis. dee'd.. will sell upon the 11 re mined on
Mvturd ty. May nli. tue fullowin i valuable
real enale, to-wit:
Trwt No. 1. Situate ratrtly in the Borou(ch0f
Seliim Orove and parity in Penna 'l ownnhlp
and hounded on the North by land of Harnuel
Ke'er.on the EaM hy land of Ian. K. UavlH,
li. e. lierv'reneer. JoLn StaufTer and L. C
Smith, on the South by an alley and the public
road leading to ba'esu. and on the Vtet by
land 4)1 J. it. Llrieh and other, coiifUiininic 62
A' rea. more or 1-, whereon are enHed a
frame dwelling bouve, bafjk barn and minor
out buildtng-
Tra1 No. t Situate in PennnTownnhip, a1d and State, and bounded on the Ttortli by
lai.d of Samuel J. I 'lriih. on the Kaet by land
f J. i. L'lrieb. on the South by laud of Hiram
I IrK h. and on tbe Ant ly t piJbliti road, and
otjitia ni ng 7n i-rra, more or 1-m, whereon
are re-.-Wi no buildtnra, it lieing rarrnirig land.
l bee two trarta will aold toiether an a
whole and noi by tha acre. 'l hi-y will be aold
ub to two mortgagee tbe amount of which
Uiortgairi-a will be lua-le known oil the day
of the ftalr.
hile will ojn at I o'clock I. M., wlien the
ovnditloiia of the aale will be Uiade known.
KA1IK I.. ITUll.-Jf, Adiuluiatratrli.Ac.
i.hai P. t.'i.kM ii, Attorney for Eelatc.
A. H Kk, Auctioneer.
-". il. i'-
itli-r. vU'.. '
j-.i ' '.'.".i l-t'f u:.i
i'.i' '.j' I.;. u.-. '.iiii-
JJl!i:ll - .f j' ii.'.i1. iii' J1
jul (-.. t'i.i i in rill, liu.i a
tfcT bLAVtf. OLOfatE MiLLt.
V..-.v ;iiwL- viufMLiii tiu- Jrj. V. yrt(i,;( of M.ddiebaiy
irtfi 'turl .w.i.; wet wed'.i.e- .-auo-d i ;,,,,., buiiii- h ti.i.- jiluu-
tin deutv. j Motrdav-.
iii-oiy Jiiuiiif.-fdui.-r lu- 1i.r-u on! rf. ij. I'iricl. it-ut a lev- (lavs
tu :. lj ItM Uitet Uttr. tf Vj.lliiui vvcel ill I'liiladflniilii Luirii.i
. j ...r.
Fell Dead From His P.'pit
Amu!i-r, I'u., AjtiI Vi. V,';l!Unj
SS'iiiU.. tt jloii.d lay prra U-r tib j
I'.n iun, t-U di-ad Jrotu tLt Afrli ttu
Mifthoilibt Ctiiin lu jiulplt. litt pluii'J
lii-udiiihjt from tut jiulpit vvullt! Iiud
ibK a aiiriti;d tx Ln.ttUou Btrvlj-. lie
was pn .! uDcoiikirloug aud (J'.crl I ( lju.-kUM. .
a few miuuttn ltilijr, tuiildnt Kftvt x
;it-iuiiii uiijoi.e ike woiauipfcre ju.s i
wife Wid fluuxbtfcr Wi-lt- lu tLe I
I 1
tifcVMi Ms Coatb lu tLe fourth of n : IJsn.
tiMiliar iiaturi- uiiioi. ttc oloiir joo-
lc, wl.O liULuU.T uliOUt VjJ HiiUlli lu
Ambler, ai.d tl.c tut: uiucli ttiircd uy
lu cotibiiqucuce.
'i'allo a
... n
... f)
;ji I'ouu rtj
5l Biuijei'Jt)0.1.2)
JO jVfi.i.iJiiigs" J
J 2
(Join ..
CJiop J. 25
Flour -i hU 4.00
Jivovt' rji;iJl 'J ui-; IJo.ii;f tui. Calt- of JJf. feiiivi- Mle lllr gVi-.
J-or lufixuU aid tMldxfcfl.
Ik Kind You Have Always Bought
Sfck Headache?
Food doesn't digest well?
Appetite poorr" Howels
constipated Torque coated?
It's your liver! Ayer's Pills
are liver pills; they cure dys
pepsia, biliousness.
iSi. AU druggiju.
rSntV'ur ni. uio.lir ,,r ttiril hcaullful I 11 Ail f flPI JU.
brnwn or rich fcUckf It,, n I I I 1 II Hill I IVVI-
a ... a , u ..uj JlllllffaJI w m 1
t 0 t'
Tailor Mai
The New Suits
begun to Arnv
Blouse Sui
Coat Suit!
$3.75, 7.50 10,
$12.50, $15.00, S2(
In (he Willie and Colore!
floods We Have the Latest 4
I.Kliiblfet! thl .Sprint;.
Rvery Department is
Willi new goods for the A
jiriiiai Aaaorf ilifllt in thil 1
of tlm SUIe.