The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 16, 1903, Image 3

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of the chief
ihe boav is a
lt chain of life.
i5 no stronger
weakest nun,
no stronger
akest organ.
j5 weakness 01
lung, mer or
M is a wcai.
Le chain of life
,v snap at any
ft en mis so-
' weakness" is
lack of nutri-
refult of disease
,mch ana otner
digestion ana
diseases o f
A and as allied
In cured by the
pierce iooiuen
.liseased stom-
Lred, diseases of
bint wuicu wceiu
r .1
h have their
diseased condition ot tne
anil other organs of digestion
kioti, are cured also.
pvir health when I commenced
Kior nervr ukii.ii. wines
Iff 1)1 HIIKR, jvncinuii uu. .
h. kiJiiey, ucsrt, and lung troubles.
,u to do anv worn, i imu b icmc
- r . i I .... ,1 -
I hrmorrnaBe oi inc iunn uui itci
I- .. . i. : i t .. .J
tlirtmlTic; " wiiiic a wiiiiucuitv m
tneth ami flesh, and stopped cough
iwav. Took about six bottles of
-Jical Discoverv.' I feel like a difftr-
I i;la,UV recommcuu vuur mcuuiuc
. fnr I know it cured me."
Lot I'r. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets
that foul breaui.
Lesua la lac
Itr April IS,
f Lac,
Iaicraattofc! (erica
, 10O3 Tha Law
Lewistown Division. j
effect May 2 1902.
Himlmry "SI 4 Si I
Sliii-T.ive .Imietion 'COS. 4 4 '
M liii-i;rovr '.mi 4 I
Kiwliuit KM
hre.iincr M 4 'AJ !
Mi i-i r IT 4 Al
1 .I.II. Imiik 4 1s
iicnfi-r HI 4 07
l.iiviTtmvn Sv.'.1 8.171
lU.ivi r Sp'iUK" i s
;., hi.- Mills h 14 3 It ;
Mcl'liire 7 Sits i
Ki-r 1 '"7 8 in I
slumPe Ml 3'J
riiint. rville 7 4
. Mankind ' 7 44 11 l;i :
1 i.u iattiWII I 7 S'l S Ik !
1wM.iwii (Main Htri-el. 7 .W 8 "a 1
UwiKtn" :i .liim Hon. . tu a "o
,res Suiilmry 5 SO p m, ar
i at Sfliiisirrove 5 45 p in
;,iin8rovH 0:00 p. m., arrives
inlllll'V li l.'l 11 111.
Lave Li'wistown Junction :
U m. 1 10 n in.i:iiip in 4 .i.p m, T .r.p
i.u. Hi a hi lor Altoona, ritwnurK anu
nirciin' vahiqrQn 80S am U30,
. j in ., ... ', rit . inliihla nn.l New
Utfi, :u n , 1 01 1 ' 4 a and 1110 p
li......... - W I. .11
telphia & Erie rl R Division.
ih Miherove Junction dtUyjror
ft West. -
liJM i ro, 4 p m. Sunday ( a a m,
mSanbury dally except Runilnyt
jrBuffdo.l u a m lor Erie and Can-
rBillefnnte Krleand t'anandnltnia
Lick llsvou, Tyrone and tlie West.
lor Buffiilo. 1 1:1 p in for Hellelouti
me and Cannr.daiicua
keO'ivuanJ tluiira
Ir Willi mi, ioit
; for buffalo via En porlum,
Erie, 5 to a in lor Krle and Canau
8 M p in fur Wn.
Irlk Haven and
l 'i.S tii 2 00 and 5 '.'5 p in lor WtlUes-
10 :n, 2 n.1 p m, 5 81 p Ul lor Shauio
unt ruriui.'t
k.i id lnr Wllkeiibiirre
nM. ive Scllnsgrove Jutn'tlon
. n i y arrtvlnv lit fhlladelnnla
k '' 5 M p ui Baltimore 8 11 p in
ii 4 in .. n
iily ;ir nine at Philadelphia
h' Y. t'. :i V) a ui, Halliiuore 9 45 p m
II III Si i in.
u ill It arrlvInK at Philadelphia
..rk 71 1 a in. Kaltimore 2 30 a m
'ii I "'i a ir.
r.i'ns .iI-h le.ivn Sunliury :
'ally Jrrlvn-ii at I'luladeldhla liUiu
Taia m WashlTiton 8 10 am Now
m Weik.lsy. 10 a m Sunda)
ilslv irrivinir nt I'lillailliihln 7
Vnrii .iiH a m, 10 38 Sundays Ualll
i m. U'.i-IiIih' 8:lu a in. Maltlinnrn If, II In.
pi-tk iinivlntf nt, Phlladi'lplila
, iiiik -z i.i p iu, uaiuinore is iu p
K'lUI I II II 111
week iljn arrivlni; at Philadelphia
Yum v .'in p in, HaitUuore 0 u.i p in
7 1.1 1, la
i iv, irrivniT ar Pullad"lnlil t 7 Si p m
' - i ui, iiiiuiiiuri7 ; P iu, wasu-
"i leave Siinhurv at 9.10 a in and 20
w. I'T Uarrishuru, Phlladolphla and
l.W WimiIi n..ii f A ...4
l'K.I;lllll!Y Oen'l Manairer.
t 1
l . n
Made a
Well Mao
m i.r.ore" ""'o'SOdaya. It act!
VJi. ""WMn tuuir lott mmihood.andoid
: r p Youthful vifinr i, iinlna
, 7':l4"k ly 1 nurely restores Nemu
"HI . IiutK-.i-nry, Niirhtly Emiealona,
"ii. r Jli ni .ry. Wartins Disuses. and
1 Kl bunn nr.t.wnn.l i.l;.,.
rn'ii.I-.biisinessormsrriago. It
l: '.Arfm .flllKn.u i ...
. ... i.u n i. . . uincsac, ww
etOlllo, ,1 hlrw.fl l.i.lf.l... liplr .
llifl n'-,ii .i. . . ,
L s . s" ' lu nue coeesK ana r
poriiof y (h. It wards oO Insanitf
fupU'H. Ins 'onkm.PI.'1'IVIlM
ln became,. inPt mrkpt. Dt mall
"iks. or k lor 0S.OO, with a pool
f:; c'"i'trti-eo. AddresB'i" Co ?.Prborn St,
' in Middhburqh, Ta.', by
(Komans U:7-i4.)
7. Render theretor to all their dues;
tribute to whom tribute la due;
to whom custom; tear to whom ltar;
donor to whom honor.
S. Owe do man anything;, but to love
one another: tor he that loveth another
hath fulfilled the iaw.
. For this. Thou shalt not commit
adultery. Thou shall not kill. Thou ahalt
not steal. Thou shall not bear false wit
ness. Thou shult not covet; and lt there
lie any other commandment, lt Is briiily
comprehendtd In this saying, namely.
Thou shall love thy nelphbor as thyself.
1". Love worketh no HI to his mlhbur:
.henfore love la the tullilling of the iaw.
II. And that, knowing the time, that
now lt Is high time to awuke out of sleep:
lor now- la our saivatiou ncunr than when
we believed.
11 The night Is far spent, the day Is nt
hand: let us therefore east oft the works
of darkness, and let us put on the unnur
of liKht.
13. I yet us walk honestly, as in theuay;
not In rioting and drunkenness, not in
ei.ambering and wantonness, not in strUo
uiij envying. 1
.4. Hut put ye on the Lord Ji sus Christ,
und make nut provision lor thu Uesii, to
Iul!iil the lusts thereof.
-l.l)K riltl,-l.iive worketh ln
ill Iu hla nellibori therefore low In
the ruirilltnK of the Ian,-lioin. i:ti lo.
This is assigned as tlie nuail.rly tem
perance lesson. The tfeeuon to he s;udi U
In Honiuns lu:l-14:
The 'hrlstlnn t'itixen's Altitude vs. 1-7.
The Law of lxive vs. s-lv.
Walkilit in the Light V:, 11-. 4.
Tin- thrift ian t'iliinV Atliliuu.
There lire niniiv cirt'iiiiit-laiicfs thai
lead t hougtit fill nun to iiiestinii the
alli'iiiiicf liny tiiif;lil tu ;ie tlie
ci'iiiiii'in. This iintiiii lias liet ii
luryel M-t t Ifii fur us !n live in lliis
early jiart f the iwent let h t , n : n i .
The thrisliau iimilr nf tliuiiyhi has
chani'il it.s uspn-t siiiiuwlial. "lieii
ilei' until taiMir the ;hini;s ili.n are
( aenif's," n!ii Christ. Sn, al-n, mis
rtiul iu lu-ilni's It'ssi.n. I'.ul die
iiui'stinii ariM-s from time in Tine,
anil the Christ la lis in t he ril, i.f l!i i. e
in the tiint of ihe a-l.iil ii.
'riu- jro iiimi'iit was iiiisii aU.i! ! eur-
iiipt ami i.eir;n i'iI. iiiiiiiiiii ui,-
iml !is i-si ei imil as it in
ilay, and i t ! i la t ry with all il s ik iia .
ililliienri's hi hi li,v far the Iiii;i -1 nii
I inn ,f i he hi) mil, i inn. in j i 1 1 i l a!!
t his l'aul la s ilnw n the i;e in ial pi i i,ei
pie "there is no power lint of (iml."
lie who revises the power tin n fore
nsisis (iml. In general, and I'.. nl
ouyht to Inflow on i.eeount of ,-;.d .:nd
painful cxprrietiee in various ,n
"rulers a re not a I error lo fjoud , 1 .
but to evil." Ii ove ru tut 111 i xisl s i hie..,.
Id iut down erime. 'i herefm v o
shoulil not he feared except lv wroii
doers. Jitit, adds 1'iiul, one slmulil lie
subject not alone for fear of rouse
iiiences if otherwise, but also ',,r
conscience' sake. We should nut
merely stand by to see the law i ..
forced, but should aid its ciiforecim in
in such ways lis may be opportune,
bceauso they, the rulers, "be (loii's
ministers." "Itcuder therefore to
nil their dues; tribute to whom trib
ute is due; custom to whom custom;
to to whom feur; honor to whom
T6.?f"-ht-fart-v-CTug are EigTiiO
cant in view of the fact that many will
render tribute to whom tribute is due,
but will not recognize flint there lire
any to whom they also owe fear and
The Law of Love. l'aul docs not
stop here. So much was only a part
of his thought. Jlo goes on to declare
the general, inclusive jirineiple of all
law-.- Love is the greatest thing in the
wurld, and he who loves breaks no law
of man or God. Law tells a man he
shall work no injury to his neighbor,
but iu specifying in what ways he may
not injure hisi neighbor is often defi
cient. The active principle of love
leaves no loophole at nil. Love thinks
first of his neighbor, then of himself.
"Therefore love is the fulfilling of
the law." Incidentally, that is one of
the btrong arguments for tempera nee.
If not for ourselves yet for another
should those who drink spirituous liq
uors forego their cup. In how many
homes has the Light of love gone out
because of the over-indulgence of sonic
one on whom its happiness depended:
Walking ia the Light. To this
principle of love the great awakening
of the nations was to be due, nnd that
speedily. It was not so very long
thereafter that Christianity became
the recognized religion of liome. The
day has now dawned; how unseemly
is it to indulge in the works of durli
ness! Paul spoke iruly when he re
ferred to the armor of light. There
is no better safeguard for any man
than light. "Put ye on the Lord
lesus Christ," Who is the light of the
t"fcs Itrasax Actios) f mm OK
eat la Ccaaetrr Scar
WaaaJatton, D. C.
All diseases of Kidneys,
Bladder. Urinary Organs.
1U, Vhnm.H.m
ache, Heart Diteaae Gravel.
Dropsy, Female Troubles.
Don't become discouraged. Ther li a i
CUT for you. It necessary rit9 lr. Kmiicr j
Ho has spent a llfo lime, curing Just such
vises as yours. All cousultalious Pre. I
"I hail severrao of kidney disease and '
rheumatism, tlisctiariir.: IiIihmiv ii,atter.
SulTered Intense pain. My wife w:is serlmisly i
nui'i'leil uii It teiiiale troiihles. Ir. teimei t
Kidney ami Itaeka-lie fiirn cured us l ill.
F. M. WllKHLKIC Kaiidolpli. la."
Pnnrslst. rv..t. A-l; fnrt'ook Free.
PT UlTllvVnAWPC Sure Cure Clri'ular.Pr
I litllUD unilULleuuer. FreCouui.N.y
Its Flonch F.mllng,
"1 don't know what people nicnn,
rsnurksd the happy youth who had
just been accepted, "in saving 'the
course of true love never runs
smooth.' "
"They mean, my boy," replied Hen
peck, "that it usually ends in mar
riage." Philadelphia Press.
Effect I irr.
Pjenks Do you believe in the iios-
eibility of the care of disease by
suggest ion?
Ujinks Why, certainly. I was feel
ing pretty sick last week, ami my i
w.ife suggested that I go to a doctor
utul it cured me right away. Somer-
villo (Mass.) Journal.
lie eer Smllel Auiiin.
Horn m 1 sa. . Miss Sharp, w hat's the
dilVen nee between a woman and a
monkey V
-Mi.-s Sharp - What is the distance
from y oiirehair to miiie'.'
Ilnruin- (Hi, alum; six feet.
Miss Sharp Well, that's the dllTer
( nee. Philadelphia Impiirer.
Tin. .11 ciin (11,1 Tliinu!
-Ml'.-. Jliirpsiead (.clulaiil!y)-So
you would like ii. c to go.'alling mi the
Meadow brooks'.' hi, ha ii't got ;l
l"a!r to my i.aine in w ca r!
Jli mpsli ad That's iiee-: hat's
1" c.'ii.c . f them'.' You told me t,0
' : In r day oU h.,,; i.oihii.g but rug-:
.. V. Tim, s.
I'll i' n lie l umlileil.
W.iri'- I was n ncoiiscii iiis for i t a r
ly three lioiii'.s , esler, ia a !'; e : i.oi,ii.
Washington scientists are much in
erested in a monument in ltock Creek
cemetery w hich proniises to heroine fa
tuous nil over the world. The tiiiiiie
feature is that of a marble vlab bend
iu'y iiiuler the action of its own w t ight,
as if it were a :',nid like scaling wax.
Marble is our o:' the principle rocks
composing the cr t of the earth, and
lois gt lie rally bet a rt yarded us a hard
l'ut the work of the scientists prove
that the slab in Koel ( n ek is in reality
a stick fluid, yielding slow ly ami chang
ing its form under its ow u wiighl.The
w &
Tin: SI. At: THAT HUM S.
( .turn; l i nk to I:,' s . u in a Washing
ton ft u.i ' l i y .)
i" ii -t V
V,:,:. -Wi-'-Waggs
1 1 u i it-1-.
1 1 :t i, .
il, u i
al was
on fall'.'
i. Cil:eititl'lti I 'ti
ll first in,, I ril.
He (reading ohitimry) Col. War
battle was a great mlmirer of Lin
coln and a linn upholder of the
principles of the union.
She Yes; but, don't you think tho
influence of these labor organiza
tions has been greatly overestimat
ed? X. Y. Herald.
f" Weiiry Walker I)e trouble wad mo
is I can't stand prosperity.
Hungry Hank U'ou! You never
seen prosperity,
j Weary Walker Sure, I've seen it;
i but I've always seen it wid somebody
else. )at's de reason 1 eau't stand
it. Philadelphia Press.
Urapes from Ctiniiiin.
Misfortunes arc (iod's call to now
The true man sees in dillicnlty a call
to endeavor.
Internal forms of religion often
mark its extinct fires.
Watching others i often an attempt
to hide our own w i at nessev.
Perfection may lie like the .North
Ptar, impossible to touch but good to
steer by.
You cannot pull a man out of the
mire of sin by throw ing rocks of cen
sure at him. Ham's Horn.
a Hope.
We have a hope that time cannot
dim or eternity exhaust and that, all
the experiences of this present tinu,
of Heaven or earth, cannot (lest ro
Ucv. A. C. Garrett.
A llenvenly Mulch.
Husband (irritably) It isn't a year
since you said you believed our mar
riage was made in Heaven, and yetyoti
order me around as if 1 wasn't any
body. Wife (calmly) Order is Heaven's
first law. X. Y. Weekly.
ItenI StrriiKlh.
"Do you consider him a strong
"Yes, indeed!" J
"Because ho not only knows but
ndmits his weaknesses." Colorado
Springs Gazette.
Looking Forward.
When 1953 shall come.
We wonder w ill lt be
They'll praise the simple lives we led
M ay hack In lyi3.
N. Y. Sun.
JlYllMLl: ClltlOMTY.
God's Presence.
God's presence is not congenial- ex
cept to those who desire to become like
Him. W. F. Wykoff.
Christ's ITero.
Christ's hero is the manwho Is unself
ish, brave and pure; free from the tyr
anny of tin- Ker. L. H. Harris.
Proud 1'athcr Do you know, my
boy, that a large stork has brought
you ti little sister for a present?
Would you like to see her?
Hoy Xo but 1'tl like to see tho
stork. Ally Sloper.
We start out to conquer fortune
Yes, and fame but time revenls
Thnt we learn to be contented
If we get our clothes and meals.
-X. Y. Herald.
Tuneless Tunes.
Johnny Say, pa, what is classical
His Father Classical music, my
son, is music that you can't whistle
and wouldn't if yon could. Brooklyn
lie la
I' seriiil ion i
thai it was plan
1 -.Ml. Ill I he colli -
h i- s.-o'L't d in I
l lit of on r 1 ki i i
I. II lilt Ii!
in 1 1 , .- i ; i
: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
I 1 hi ha : et in ui
lliit ii le In 1 he t -eht
s. IM I. 1 I. lis a--
Illl'il lilt' I'lllAi
ah i- 1 i in.
.-1 -!.i
pol Ii ll o
an; w .:-pi.,.-,
i: r
:. ... I I.. I- 1 '
A 1 It' I II i A ' I"
I'le Is II. e n, ..s! !-i
Si it li I isl s il : -i'om T
auo (hat the !'l;n '.. I s
1 he ace iiniuia I ion ti
hiiih mountains, nr.
shown i 1 1 : 1 . 1 1 tii'iii t .
hi - 1 ! , - a. i; an .lit I..",
tw.. inch. il l. k. It
the f' 1 ' 1 1 ' is on fonr
nt .v .,'iit. : : aiu' 1. 1
' - it ,, 'Il II :illi ,N I ., I s
X "I the h.i- la . li
iu.iica iii thai n.a i -
! -cons ol ail know n
i ti al'oiit ;u . :. I'
ll kick ti. . I iv
ice and .-now on
in 1 1 niii tin i ing
rivers of ic which slt.wlv llovv tinvvn
I lie I noun ' ail. - il in it r t lei r ow n vv i i: I, l.
like slitV lava I' loin it vuieano.
Tlie glaciers a. Saner sonit tint, s nt
I he rate of only a f. vv If. I p' f v i a r
I hi- is due In the l:i el that ice i- a ' ii:o-
a sniid, its v i -cuo.-i ty hi ii,;: . t y i: t : a : ,
Prof. . I. inn s 'II .sol,. .1' Ida -i;ow,
I he fan. mis brot In r of Lord Ki l in,
lit -1 inv , -li: ati d 1 he cular In ha v
ior of ice.
The ii-hi t' v I on sci.nli-t who ha
In t n si in ' v in i: t he ma rh le - la li in lioek
Cie.'k ci iiiilcrv now thinks that tl.ire
may lie M envivc layers o f I he t a rl Ids
crust ctunposit! ot uiarolt' ami similar
rocks, which yiiitl slowly ami change
their form nni'i r pressure as true
This indicate ' -? the crust of the
eflrth lyiuls . . wiistimtiy and
ntljiisls itself to the state of rotation
of the earth. In the light of this view
an explanation is found for many facts
eoiiiieclcd with the upheaval and set
tling of the mountains, ami other geo
logical phenomena.
lt is thought that the viseiiosity of
marble will prove to be greater than
that of any other known lluid. l.altr
invest iira l ions may bring to light ot In r
crystalline rocks of a lluid character,
but so far the extraordinary slab in
Uock Creek cemetery stands uiiiiiie.
Its bending is so slow is called
secular, no ineasiirt able change taking
place inside of several years.
I .. -..
Anthony Clnln. Mho M ill ( ommnutl
.ii'Kler ,:ti'ill(loii. Is n I ii ii r
niieiins Man,
Great interest attaches to the per
sonality of Anthony Fiala. the young'
New York photographer who has been
selected by W illiam 11. Zii gler to cone
' "0.jl 1
T.'tV ti , AJ r i.: !St,f.,-Sr '-.Ar,?CV i
(l.eal.r of the Nt xt Ziegler Kxp, tl it Ion to
the Arctic Hi gU.ns.)
mand his next t xpedition iu search of
the north pole. The members of the
P.a Id win expedition eommeiitcil freely
on the ability shown by Mr. Fiala to
withstand the cold and his reckless
ness in taking risks to secure good
photographic results. He is a silent
and somewhat restrved man and is
possessed of considerable executive
ability. He declines to give any idea
as to his plans, sin. ply stating that he
will "do as he thinks best."
Muter In Ilrlilc'a Outfit.
Among the tirtil'les comprising n
bride's outfit iu the Japanese island if
Oshima Is n big tub of drinking wnter..
Water is very scarce In the island,
every prudent bride tries; to have a
supply on hand.
Tie TTivn.. 15. tii.miin 1,. Od"'l of Xew
hur!i, X. Y., father of an illustrious
faintly of sons, writes the following let
ter, v.hieh h hoH S will U read by
every man ami woman in America:
" Some years ago my life was fairly
mail." miserable bv tlie pain and distress
I suffered from AlTTK lNIiltiF.s.
TI(X. I was also mstipateil ami run
down. Tliis condition continued for
about throe years. A friend of mine
wlm hail siitTiTt il in n similar manner,
ami been much betietitptl bv using ))l;.
1AYII KKNNKliY s 'i'A Y( KM I T.
Kl'.MKDY. nr-ed me totrvit. 1 finally
ditl. iiutl IT HKI.PKI) MK' FK(M Tlii:
FlItsT DUSK. AM) 1 CON T IM i:i)
" I have recoiiimeinleil it tu numbers
Of people, ami ill every single instance
they have received the' greatest amount
of benefit from its u-e."
Ir D.ivitl's Favorite le iu
edy is the most prompt and iVn ii nt
medicine known fur Kidtuv Liver
HladJer atitl Hlooil Diseases. Klieinua
tisiu, Dysp psia ami Constipation.
Druggists sellit in rVru50 Crnl Si'.'e
and the regular jl Oil size botth s.
S.i:,;'r h.'rtis ri.;,k-, K-r friM , ;,.,,
I)r David Kennedy Corporation, k'niutuut, N Y.
Ir. Iiatlil Ki'iiui d)' lull llli. u "i I trnin , UIOj
Old sur, skiu ssa kmifsluot y,.
President Roosevelt Delivers Twelve
in South Dakota.
llccltlninl inn,
A ntnti re. kiiMi. 'l fi 'tn - ti vvii- I-..,
II. '.1 "jalin ,1 ti..- . kur, h." that'.- v ky
The thilius he t.lie,, ,1: ! t.p.-n.y
II.' II, .VV ,, i s , li 11 , y'.y.
- t 'at!:,, lie 1 and 'I'. 111. -
i in". ok i: or ,11: m in m .
4? .
Maiic lie I old me that he'd ihut
seen me looking -n well as I tin now,
Daisy by, the rude thing: N. Y.
Hiit Tit k U Liuhtc nt'il.
The " . t tl.ank- hi- lucky riiiM
An. I stir;, k- vv i: h frai.t .. ul, . .
K,,r tl.. re are lots of i a-J vv , vis
Tl'.at rlivni,' Willi ;. ,il.
N. V. ll. nikf.
I.IMlkillK lllll'l. tt tll'll.
"I'a. did you cur have any halcyon
"Oh, yes; lots of tiiem," Mr. lien
peck replied, looking cautiously
around. "I uniu't c'-v.iu-. .'.i.', v.i.'.'.
I was nearly 30 yeurs old." Chicago
Mlmt Morrletl lllm.
"Yes, gcntlenieli," said the professor
in ihilosoihy, gravely, "you should be
content wit h what you have."
"1 am," said the precocious fresh
man. "It is what 1 havi n't got that
I'm dissatisfied about." Columbia
Ills Aiiprc hfiiNliin.
City Nephew I not iced that tin'
hired man didn't drink colTee for
Farmer Heiitover No! lie's afraid
it will keep him awake durin' the
day. Puck.
The lllstiirlilnu I lein.'iil.
"(lootl lieavt lis! What has happened
to this room? And I thouulit ymi said
your chiidren were ordtiiy."
"They are, but to day tl . father
has been playing with th ri." Town
How II I. .. i. Lett.
First Ollice Coy t 'i i,l, l,.r j)
end by marry in' de ty pi writ. r.
Secontl Ollice I'.oy hy so'.'
First Ollice Hoy Why', hi-- kirkin'
already about tie moi.t v sh, - L'ii in'.
J lltlg'C.
Coiiiillrliii Allien.
Xeighbor It costs a gnat deal to
raise a boy these days.
Mr. Tucker ( fat her of Tou.inv My
experience is that it doesn't cosl os
tnueh to rtiise a boy as it tines u sup
press him.- Chicago Tribune
All Addresses Were Confined Mos'.ly
to Tariff and the Cencral Prosperity
of the Country May Attend Cow
boy Jollification at Dcadwood.
Aberdeen, S. 1)., April 7.- Tn sid 'iit
Roosevelt traversed South Dakota ami
made more speeches than on any other
day during his present trip, lie In g in
with two speeches at Sioux Falls and
i titled his twelfth speech at Ahci ih' 'ti.
The speeches were confined lor the
most part to the taril't and lo the gen
eral prosperity of th" country. In ail
his spi'ei lies he followed t losely the
lines of his former ad. In s... s t n t'lc e
subjects. Tlie president was ..til 'il
a cordial welcome at t ! i - tl.ti.-ivnt
slopping places, ami at many tip.: huts
where t he l rain did not stii' the t i d.i
gathered ami cheered as 111" m ill
train sped hy. Cue hat. ire of lie ,kiy
was the large number i f .hi 1 ir, i in
the various audii'in e... and t' pie.- i-
(Ii'tlt referred to lllelll several t'll.e;,
saying that lie was glad in .-. i' t'aat lin
stock was not d;. inc oui.
At Mill he'd the piv:. id. 'tu i.,a ! lV
lou.'i .-i ad, it- : , uf i !i,. tl iy. 1 1 1 :-.i-
ilii ii, c w.i.: lai'::e and 1 1 i ; - s; li fre-
ipieiiily inti'i 'ruptc'l I y npnlau. .. 1 1 n
he i!i 11: . , fa,, work nl' iii 'lvid ui'. i
a:nl lie i:..p. ;:,:::! part tl., v .'.-. ;. in
the lll'li'liiillli'.i of I lio tn:t ;i ui. "Vi.'l . i!l
li.'l 'ii' a l.ian il' Ic M'litiiiV." I'.' : .: 1.
"I 'll if ho In- da w n you i i t.' , i:;
l it':, if v oa t i v lo tin ; n. v ; : 1 ta t
he'p aail'il vv ill n..l help vo'i. ;'o. in
d.ii:;"n:.i!i . it nin. i rest upon y.e.r . '.f
to vi in su. , . :;. As 1 said, law , an d i
soniethinu. wise lcgi-lai ion. w i al
inini 1 1 nt ton of tne government i: tt d"
souc'ihing. If you have laws I :i'!'y :nl
miiiisiereil, they will spoil any pro.p. r
ily. It is easy etiuugh to got a had law.
bin lo g. t a good law is not mi easy.
It is easy to sit . mt -1.' and :ay how
the man inside should ran the ite'ehin-.
Inn ii i.ol to i a. y In go in. i.!" and run
Ihe machine yourself.
"This prosperity to whl h we have
a'taitn',1 ha ; in en reach.- I wn h r a
wi'ii - "f :n imic tn. iv - in. ' .'.li d in a
sv'i.ti I;., t In ..a: h ear; v in: I of i , r-
liiiti id. a - in I In- eiit-i i u. y and in the
tit rill'. V.V catitiot all'or,! to ri verse
Ihe y-t IM. i "Ml Hi I'. e::, ft .'.111 he made
ill ii. Ill Ih.' taiiif. for hi: lain ". selieil
iihs are not sai led, and as the need'
of Ihe nation change ami shift, it wil.
be necessary to change certain pched
llles to meet l.iose shifting needs."
There is ii possibility of tho presi
dent's spt tiding u day at Deadwood,
S. D. He has made a conditional prom
tee to Captain Seth Uullock, who will
travel with him as far as Hillings,
Mont., that if the snow is too tleep in
Yellowstone Park he will leave there
one day earlier than he had intended
and will spend a day at Deadwood.
Uullock has promised the president a
good time ami Is planning a regular
cow hoy jollilictition.
The president arrived at Fargo, X. D..
early this morning, but he did not
leave his car until li.llii o'clock. He will
spend tiulav in North Dakota, and will
enter the Vt Towstone park tomorrow
W G roceries f '
The Bust Breakfast Food
is imitated
hut never ciiualej.
De sure you get the original whole
'wheat products. Your grocer can
suppiy you.
The genuine made only hy
.The Frank! n JTilU Company,
Agik-t "All th.- ;7i,u that's fit
a. L.aPAiilt
Mrs. Rocsjvelt Returns to Washington
Washiiig'on. April . Mrs. Roose
velt ami her children, who have been
on a cruise on the Mayflower down tho
Potomac river nnd Chesapeake Ray,
have returned to Washington. A car
riage from the White House met the
party at the boat and they were driven
to the White House. All the family are.
well ami greatly bcueiitted by tho
week's outing. Opposition Developing.
Kingston, Jamaica, April (i. Tho;
Royal Mail Company's steamer Atrato
has arrived here from Colon and Car
teuena ami brings the report that con
siderable opixisitlon is developing to
tii- Panama Canal treaty in almost
every department of Colombia except
PuJinina. lt Is believoil that the major
ity in congress will favor the treaty,
hill there am fenrs that trouble will
arise because the political situation in
Colombia is becoming more complicat
ed, and the presidency is surrounded
with uncertainty.
Asked For Life Sentence.
Newark, X. J., April 7. -Annio M.
Ilihlt'hraiidt. the young trait'.. -d ti'irsu
of Orange who recently was cotivii-ted
of having shot ami severely wounded
Bernard J. McCallam, at Oranir ". was
sentenced lo sis Months' imprison
ment in the rntinty jail. .'In n ar
raigned for sentence she a 'l.ed that
she be sent to prison for li.','. saying
that her life had been ninod, and
she might as well spend what remain
ed of it in Jail.
-ore of Uia Mint.
v. a- iioio.ti. A ril 4. The treasury
ib ppi'imeiii has received from tho
Mint Really Company, the owners of
the old mint property nt Philadelphia,
through the courtesy of the president
of the company, all of the historical
contents of the corner stone of the old
building, erected in 1S29. consisting; of
a copper half-cent of 1S29. a copper
one cent piece of 1829 and a silver
dime of 1S23, also a statement from
the architect of the building', a copy
of tho Pennsylvania Gazette of July 4.
1829, and a copy of tho Democratic
Tress of Philadelphia. Tho operation
of coinage commenced In the year of
f.A..Mf.':W-' '