Bote frlcabs "je a Job lot of note 5 cn nana. ii"jr r The price will do It. "les and prices for the ask- MTe furnish them printed ss than you can buy them .ut printing. accn-clter. Editor and Proprietor. A Family Journal, Devoted to News, Science, Art, Political Economy and Current Literature. Rate: One Dollar Per Annum, in Advance xxxx. MIDDLEBURGLT, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA., APRIL 1(5, 1903. NUMBER 15. ' - . . ' . . r IPO l'iP ' i-.:..... I..I.I.. U'ill III' Iliad. npi Ill HI"' " , ; . tilMtlll May 1st. I here f, miiiic tmif an urgent, (w L letter Iruin arrangement jvi-ie'l. A train should leave fur l.cwistown lit .":.. p. ni. l.l I ... ,.lriii1ii(.1 In tjllll Ml""'" ' ;,!,!,!,- llie line, either for ,: , to hiive the ulternooti e,t delayed leaving Sunbury instead ofS:l' P- ' v.ur time to buy Summer inu't fail to inspect our goods ItvitlKi J DcNKKI.IIKKOKIt. r.,K.,. must not lie inert to , nu n's ambitions lor pollti- ,i,.i,l. Olllee in tut' KKe is Liv for service ; it should not Lurmiiote party nniliition or , .ss. Tin K"'KH w ,,,r ,t for pollticlat Detitiil Grad Sprins, I'm., mlilie. He is I methods in guaranteed. Of- t, in John IiiiMinir, Middlcburir, Pa. i ...til .1... in)! in .May ii" win mi- tovviis on days below: hre lltiti-l, lirsl Monday of eueh irtiviTtow ii Hotel, first lues- ucli month; Heaver Sluing lilnl Tuesday of eah month; Umpire House, thin! Wed toi'Ii mouthy tf. TKD: VTierson for kitchen of four. Good wages, Woodi-awn, Lewistown, Pa. UuMicnn fitainViig Committee lieCouu Holing,, Saturday Jaf- land ik. t i tlie following : . Ir, Chalr-.iian; H. C. Hendricks mid II. II. Faust, Trens- i.i liilliflTer, krCrviie t4tlie 1 itlltkiJlaV A I wufti lJKiket Sli THE FUTURE REVEALED. j Coming Events Ciist Their Shadows Before. The renders of the Post are request ed to send us niininiiiceiiients of nil events. No charge will he nmde to iiihlish the same when the event is of public Importance. Tiit usKAY, April HI, day set for ad journment of the State legislature. FitiDAV, April 17, Second Arlior Day. Monday, April i.'0-eO, Nineteenth Hciiil-anniiikl Con vention, Danville ' conference of the Kvangelical Luth eran Ministcrium in Seliusgrove. Monday, April "7 License Court con venes in Midrtlchurg. Monday, April 27, (Sen. U. S. Grant's birthday. SATfKDAY, May L last day to file widows' appraisements and accounts for continuation at June Court. TlllKD ki:k in May, District Minis terial Convention of the I'liited Kv angelical Church in licavertown. Tni JisDAY, May ill. Ascension Day. Wkdnksday, May L'7, Republican State Convention at i larrisbuag. SATfKDAY, May :;u, Memorial Day for the Decoration of the Soldiers' graves. Monday, June 1, regular term of Court opens. Resolutions Adopted liy the Republican Standing Committee. WilKKKAS, we the rcpresentativi s the Republican l'arty of Snyder ., having met for the purpose of electing a Chairman of the Committee ami to make other arrangements for the Full Campaign, we believe it eminently tit and proper that we should at this time give expression to the following semi' ments, therefore be it John Lecscr and wife spent Sunday at Sunbury. Flmer Walter is a proud father ils another baby lioy. Dr. Canival of Cent rev i He was a visi tor in town Monday. Mr. A. K. Soles and son arc at Lewistown fur a short period. J. L. Marks spent one night last week at Milroy. The bank statement appears in this issue of the I'osr. John L. Htahlnecker of Lock Haven sj Faster ill this place. Twelve persons united with the Lutheran church Sunday morn ing. lieiijamiu Sietleii ol near l'.ixtou ille visited the ('has. Itnush family mi visit in- Miss ( iriiuni lias Mumcd to Mr. Harry Orimni sou of II. II. 4 ri tn in, was in town over Faster. Miss I'Avtx linker spent a few davs lo r euiplo iiient Sunbury. Ladies Vra si-lrctioli at il .fill. li..r ,.it.i.i.t n.n.r I il- iul .1. nr " , - tv (iruyl.ill. Albert I'.oyer of Altoona spent a j M r ( ." tew days in town with mends last week. in theilk UKfla new iterelprr Mill at t desirable s at Swart. Mrs. Ldward (ircene of Lewistown! wan a visitor here with her father over ; Faster. i i Mrs. (Ico.'D. Maueval was visiting! Mr. M's. father at Muney Station over Sunday. Miss Mollie r.olender has been ml'- feriug from neuralgia in her face the past week. Dr. C. L. Marks of Lewistown visit ed his parents J. L. Marks of Swine fonl on Sunday. Mr. amlMrs. Lul of Shippeiisburg, visited lU'lijamiu l'.ai liiiiau of this place over Ii. Mm. (ieo. V. Leaver and children have returned home after spending a week at Mi til in burg. Mrs. Fdwiu Charles and ci.ililivu i i eiii last week with Mr. Charles' eiil.s at l'oi t Trevei'tnii. raid and Mis. Alfied Clelan visited the hitlers father at New Iterlin on Sunday last. M iss Naomi Snyder w ho is employ ed at Sunbury is ut home siill'ei iug Irmu an attack uf rheiimatisin. Kluier Zeehmau umved his engine to Harrison Moyer's, where he will saw wood for the next few days. "I WhiU- MeriprTLtiir Iiulies' Shirt taisisiii large va an ties ami ut gain prices at nwnrfi (iraybill. The Htiliseribers to the fund fnr the piin has1 of the engine for the h.rt factory are ieiiiestei to pay tneir .b" ligations at the I'irst National Hank. 11. It. Lowe and wife i if Millerslmrg spent a few days with A.ariah Kreegi-r and family ami Mumlay left to spend several Weeks ill the Mulin.aitis tn ar ( 'ohurn. led Hats and Outing Huts, al ly fr inspection. L. 1 (' N K i:i.HKI!( i Kit. paiil litiished up his sales ns i-r fur the season on the 11th. 110 piililic sales binoe the Hist .ry mill li nights he held auc ussiinee store. Any one hav- would do well to give him a he U No. 1 as an auctioneer. fKI): A Good Cook, fay illiirs a week. Address, 41S Market Street. Harrisburg, Pa. ill be sei vices in the Heform- irrli next Sunday eyeuing at liy the Dev. II. II. Spahn of ppnngs. Change of Ownership. li to inform the genral public have bought tliutTntire stock hilM.'rehnndirof It. K. Gift e twkeiLJifwsession Anril ti. Iihiif do business on is. veamiiiberlf uffirked down lieh we are (iWring at a bar- "iue and sybils, we will save Merimties this week biivine ew hikI attractive gwuls to fir present stiK'k. Yours Very Truly, tiKAYIill.l., Doiison & Co., l'axtonville, Pa. i Th-: Central Hotel. " Odining to Mlddleburir. Kell to Htop at the Central pl try the Marks' llrnnd of 8 V, ALL livu vriMiri.'v IUI' "lie particle of headache in K'U The bar is well stocked K'Jies anil Wines. The house "''lv rel'uriilshed. The tiihle hll'licl with the lierit tlui limr. t'K and would bo pleased to "''' of yur patronage. M'lix, l'roprletor, Central Hotel, l ' Mlddleburif, Pa. Manajj.T Wanted. furthy luly or geUl.nmll to "i'miiwh i this County and Nf territory for Wi'll mill Cuviik. F HmisB of solid lluanclal WlK) Htrulirht r1', paid each Monday by from headquarters. Kx- rY'vaneed j position yer- i amiresa Thomas Cooper, ' 1030 CaxtonBulldlng.Chl. wise and patriotic adaiinistration if our worthy Chief Magistrate, Theodoie Roosevelt, soldier and states-man, who has by his wise and able administra tion of the alfairs of State endeared himself to the American People irres pective of polities and that we on be half of the Itepubl icans of our county, hereby present his name for President in 1!XJ4. 15e it further Rksolokd, that we endorse the clean amiable Administration of Governor Samuel W. Pennypacker, who in the three months that he has tilled the Chair of the Chief Fxecutive of our grand old Commonwealth has given abundant evidence that he is "The Right Man iu the Right Place," and we lespeak for his administration the hearty endorsement of our people. JIksolvkd, that we must heartily endorse the course of Senator (uay and Penrose and Hon. T. M. Malum in the legislative halls of our National Congress. We also endorse the official conduct of Senator Focht and Repre sentative Frank C. Uoweisox iu the Legislutuie now drawing to a close. They have proven themselves able and faithful public servants whose every wish was to serve their consti tuents. Rksoi.vkd, that we most cordially endorse the Republican County Ticket from Associate Judge to Jury Commis sioner. One and all of the Candidates were honestly nominated and are con sistent, faithful Republicans well qualified for the positiou for which they have been nominated and are worthy of the support of every Repub lican iu the comity, and we bespeak their triumphant election. Rksoi.vkd, that we pledge our ear nest anil united laUir for the entire Re publican Ticket at the November elec tion and call unon every member of the party In the county to taithfuily and cordially supmrt the nominees of the Republican Party. Marie Corelli Writisfor "The Philadelphia Press" Sunday April It, On "The Rody Hnathers". A savage, unbridled at tack ou those who have given and pro pose to give memorials at The Home of Shakespeare. Miss Corelli is nothing if not sensational w heu she champions a cause, ami lu this vigorous "appeal" she Hays everybody m ho hold opinions dltlbront from hers ou the subject and attacks generous Americans, including the late George W. Childs aud Andrew Carnegie. Read it lu next Sunday's "Philadel phia Press," April 10. lieiijamiu Li.ehniau the genial "tree man" has enhanced his home by put ting a new fence iu front. Trout season opened on the l'.tii and Dr. J. W. Orwlg left Middleburg to capture some of the tinny tribe. i. ....... .w. t-.r- i. iw..i. j 'i: 1 congratulations that we endorse the ,pi , uwrll nnrt r.r State the latter 'art of last week. vJohn N. Iirosius the genial coinmis sioiiep clerk made the purchase uf a new wheelbarrow a small one fur his son. Miss Iles.sie L. Siuilli returned Iruin a weeks' vi.-it to friends and relatives at Port Tievenoii. and McKccs Fails. Douglas Aucker, who is employed as a carpenter at the Washington House spent Sunday at his home iu Troxtl ville. Wm. Koon and wife, spent a o.ay in Sunbury last week making purchases for their new home ui the Ceutral Hotel. James Aurand a well known citi.en of Troxelville is seriously ill. Many w ho know him hoieforhis speedy re" covery. Arthur liowersox living near Ceutre ville who has beeu eniidoyed iu Phila delphia visited Mr. and Mrs. I. 11. Uowersox. The family of Representative liower sox are spending the week at the Capi tal witnessing the closing scenes of the Legislature. Miss Fannie Rowersox has returned to Shamokiu after spending about two month with her parents and relatives iu this place. James Kline who has spent the past few months with his family here has returned to his place of business iu West Virginia. H. J. Rolingerand wifeof Lewistown who have beeu speuding some time with J. L. Marks and family returned home on Tuesday. Dr. Fyer Walter spent the past few days here remodeling the Central Hotel, w lieu through it w ill be fitted up in tlrst-class style. Mrs. James P. Smith who has been attending her father Mr. Gray bill at Richtleld, has returned home, he is iu a precarious condition having bad a stroke of paralysis. Jerome Thompson cashier of the Wilkesbarre National l.auk and his brother James G. of Middleburg's First National Rank spent Sunday with their parents iu Thoiupsoutowu. Mr. Curtin Rowersox and his family were poisoned from eating dandelion which was prepared for a meal at their home last week. Mr. Uowersox who is very fond of the dandelion, ate an unusually large (ptautity which all'ect ed him the worst. They thiuk some poisonous weed had tveu gathered lu A freight occurred ut Sunbury ou th Reading load Monday morning. Two curs containing gun powder were demolished and a fire began on the train only two cars from the dangerous explosives. The tire was extinguished by the Sunbury fire department before any serious dumagi'S was done, bWlncr-Urtb. Middleburg Leather Manufacture Co leceived a car load of hides last wtek. Stealers' Kxcelsor Planing Co., ship ped a ear of lumber week. J. W. Swart, just returned from Philadelphia, l'.altim .re and other points with a large stock nf Spriniraud Summer good. Mcnmger Iiros. shipped a car loud of Wheat Tuesday. Jas. Deitrich of Reaver Springs spent .sumiay at home. mr Supervisor Joe Musser is busily engaged m repairing our roads J. L. Marks pent Saturday at Lew istown with Dr. J.C. Amig. John Nuugle of Pallas transacted business iu town Saturday. Jerome Garmau of Fremont was seen iu towu one day last week. Mrs. C. A. Rathfou and daughter, Reaulah spent Saturday at l'axton ville. A. Kreegeris erecting a new fence around his premises. H. W. Smith visited relatives near Zions church one day last week. F. W. Custer of Sunbury spent Sun day under the parental roof. John Ranter and Son, whoare work ing at P.uruham spent Sunday at home. Henry Reaver of Vintoml.ile, Cam bria Co. Pa., spent Sunday with his family. Mrs. Sepharus Shambach spent Sat urday in town. Swar! A Graybfl invite the public iu genual toX xaminu the beautiful line of Laijlr khoes and Oxfords and line dress shoesVyft ien. These shoes are w ere made oTMod leather and are ottered lower tliiri ever before. Reduced Rates to St. Louis. For the benefit of those desiring to attend the Dedication ceremonies of the Louisiana Purchase Fxpcsition, at SU Louis, Mo., April :il) to May L and the National aud International Good Loads Convention, April 27 to May 2, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets toSt. Louis and return from all stations ou its lines April -7, 'JS aud,LHJ, good going only on date of sale and good returning to leave St. Louis not later than May 4. Tickets must be executed by Joint Agent for return passage, for which service no fee will be charged. J. W. Bwartz, of the rlrm of Swarfcs A Gray bill, was iuAhJ city last week mistake which cause them all to bo-1 and bought a full Urof Spring aud come quite sick. Summer goods. A Plant That Kills Flies. Fditor of the Post. I want to give housekeepers i who want it i seed of the Southcran plant that is sure death lo that pest of do mestic comfort the Iniii-e tly, and at the same time is harmless to other life. I do not know the naiiie othi r than liy puis ui it grows some two feet high, and bears tiny I. hie lluwers, the leaves are the poisonous part, put milk or sweetened Water on them and the tiles will do the re-t, eat ami die, much to the satisfaction of all concerned. You may say In your readers that I will give anyone the liy poison seed only let each one tend a stamp for postage, it is easy to grow, and so useful dill ing the tly season, that I want to scattel the seed evervu here. Voi us Mils. !'. A. Waknui:, .lacks in villi-, I T:i. Note: In regard to the above ti e I'Mili r l i-lll s to state he has v.-ci c tlieal.oe letter with a small package ut seed. We know nothing cmii-crniug the seed llur llle lady uhoso gelleroll-. ly oilers to send seed for a stamp. It si-cms strange that any one -hi mid become so generous, but .-hoiild any of our readers like to experiment with til" V pnisotl seed, they will elMainl.V not los,. much money even if it will not grow . . M AKKlhli. n the st, ji,st, by Lev. W. A. Haas, I. eiijamm I-'. Rhyust ;ue of Seingl'ove and Shrey of Duinlore. I III the !Uh in-t. by Rev. W. A. I laa-, Paul N. Weiirieh of Sunbury ami iraee II. Mover of Fleeblirg. 1 1 1 l. p.. IIiillli'il. Word comes from Wake, Ark. that ltev. Jno. J. Co. h;id a strange malady necciniHiiued by yellow jaundice For 12 vears, physicians vicro ualiled and tuou,, everytuiug known to the profession was used, the trouble leniaii.ed. Oue day he began to use Flectric Bitters ami in ;i week, a clia,ngo lor the better cauiH and, at longth he was entirely cured. It's thi.- most liable nindi i iue for Livn- and Kidney trouble. Only .".Hi! an i guaranteed by Middle burn Drug Co., (riitvbtll .t Garmau. Rii htield, Dr. ). W. Sampsell l'enus Creek. ut In lite Siiinlav School Workers Snyder County. The time is fast approaching for our annual convention and iu order to have a good and prolltable convention we should prepare for it betiue hand. Fach and every Superintendent, Vice President and officer should make a determined eti'nrt for the betterment of their sehisil or sehoois, if that is done we will certainly have an uplifting and protltuble meeting. If we are listles iu our work, it will be a draw back ou the success of the County Association. Let us gird ou the armor and prayer ful ly go to work for the up building of God's work in our midst. Let each school make its report promptly ami arrange to have tlieir school represent ed, not forgetting that there are neces sary expenses to be nu t : let each school send in its apportionment ot not less than ,011c cent per member. Let us all do the best we can to advance the Sunday school cause iu our county. PllKMDKNT. Ill I'lUa ul Aei'tileiil. Accidents will happen. Mother strains her back lifting a sola. Father is hurt in the shop. Children are for ever falling and bruising themselves. There is no preventing these things, but tlieir worst consequences are avert ed with Perry Davis' Painkiller. No other remedy approaches it for the relief of sure strained muscles. There is but oue Painkiller, Perry Davis'. Have you ever read, any of Swedeu borg's Works'.' If lot, will you send me your address yylosing a stamp or two and I w i4ii:vA vou one of his books 1'Rb'k:. State V hither you want it in Fuglish or iu GtViian. AllOUVIl RuKDKK, MJ Cleveland street, tf., V J. Seasonable Goyjtr ut Reasonable prices. AfutTTmeof bfewns, jpUuiiies and Summer dress i-gmuitsV Oxford ties aud a full hkof fhoos, Clothing, Carpets, Furniture ainf Geueral Mer chandise at ' It. X'S. Gkayiiili., Kkhtleld, Pa. Letter To W. I!. Winey. Mnhllrhiir;; '. Dear Sir: lien's what "fewer tilliuis" means: Mr. X. Avery ,.f I tell. i, X. V-, nuns two liinises exactly alike. lie pain'ed nue with a mixeil puint took twelve gallons. Fainted the other with Ievoi bought twelve gallons am! had six eralloiis hit. y . Same painter (Je.irev (olliert. 'l'lie secret is: I evi e I, inland Zinc is one liiitiilreil per rent, pt'.int; the mixeii paint wa- abicit tiltv per cent, paint ami lil'ty per rent, adul teration. Here is an ai.alysi, (.(' niixisl paint snlil iu your neiolilmrhiHuI. I.etul, Zim- and e.,;,,r 1 1 ),er cent. Lime ami ( 'liina elav per cent. nil -ee "i'.t ie-ei,. is ,1, ) uitel'a- inti. What is it lot'.' l'n till the cm; to take unfair ailvant;ie;e nt yotir very iiatur:il atnl ' rilit desire to maki- nnir lauisc pamtiiii: cost a., lit; I,. ,,l,.. I lie cheap iai:it i- 1 li vue I.eail ami Zinc, lieeau-e it i- all paint tin cXpelle ti if ;in t ! i i i else anil it does not waste i'i- ninliev. Vi 'Hi's trul v, V. W. I'-v v C.,., New Vnrk. I'.S. I. I. Smitli Sunl.ury -ells i,ur paint. Marriage License. ' I'.enj. F. IthytinMtine, Seliusgrove, I .-cln-y, I'uiou twp. f William W. Ay erg, l'axtonville (Mary a. iimfer, Paxumvilie BANK STATEMENT. Ueimrf nr llie I' ..r Hie First N.iIlonuL .if M lil.lli-lmrvrli. .ti MI,Mlel'!ir-a. in Hie si. tie er t'"iin. Ivaiiiii. .0 i lie '-1'ise il !'ishii;,h V.r I. 1 -.MIJ : s 7.'ii ;o :::.' ni. is I'lHMl. i .. :;"i. o I,. i'.i-. r:i HCi. it it. .'.i:l i i.i U0.11 li.:i.sT 'U.jSu.OO 1. W.J MMI.I-' . T'll I H N 1. ( H 1 . i'I.iHII.IJI) I'J . 1:1. ll.js.j-, J'Jii.iil ".'i.:s 0'H, I'.KSOl.KCKS. I. UilMS mil tlsinlllils f I - s. i, nils III s,.elri. .liv'll.i. et Slili'K., slM'lirllll'S. I'll' II. ml 1 1 1 -1 n !-. inrtm Hie. unl Mv ;i'-s Miu fruiu Niitiuiial ttank.-. unl ri'st-ne A'Mlls Hill- rpUM si. lie II iiiks il,-1 ii lllie-r. Due rreiii iiinrmeil ii-ser. .. i"eiii,-, i 'liis-ks .iti.t ii lier .-:iii ii. -ins Null's Ml . idler Villi m;il II. illl, l-'raci i.i(ie-, Mi riMi, '. a;, kit s, .i.t I'l'lll- i.AWKI I. M.INKV IfKsKlUK IN HtSK VI . sperte i. r.i.iijlii l.e..':il-l...I.T ll'.les .ri Heiieiinn vii piii'I a ti H r s I '. ,,-iin r 5 !'er 'i'H'. it .'ll-.--ll.4l lull.- rnr.M LIABILITIES. i M III 1 : 1 1 steel; mm u, siinMiis Kiniit 1'lKlH Uleil iriilll s. less ";iell -. s .u,, ';i li'. !';lli N'.lllilll.ll H.IIIK Hull's 'lUt.-I.UI'lilU ll'll- III illler Vlllnh.ll inlihs line lii snue H.uiiv, .tu. II.Uimts lllvfiletiils I iipttiil tllllH Hill. 11 ll't'i'sllS sllle. t iii in-. I; .'.-I, i'J'.i. :' i nem.llnl , erunrati's ,.t .e. Il"il! 17,-js.i is I'll !' s'f.X 1 ': nl-' I'h.NNs-l l.V im.i, i SNYlU'Mt i lilM'V. , t. -1 AS. i;. fltuMI'siis-. i t.-lii.-r .r 'lie iliuvo II, int.. I I'llllli. In siilellllhV .e:ir Hl.ll Hie .ill. .1 si :ii. ui. nl is : l ae In Hie I, est i.iil.. kll'.irtli;.lj;i. ami iK-llef. txs. u. I'tluMi'snv. r.istiter siihsiTtlH"! ni l -wnrti 'n lieiur.' 'in- 'Ins lltU Jay nl Alir. I'm;!. I.'i. A'!:is;i(, N,,l.ii-y f'lL'ttC. C'DRHKlT AM.'sl : W. W. W I TTKNMYKK. . KItKKiiKIt, .r. N. TIIOMI'MJ.V. I unviun. I.1LEXSE MU'IC I:S. Ttie followitnf tiniiu'il iM-r?iiii.t !mvu ti It'll with the ..'Icric o( 'u.trtcT t ssUMi- o( tht! .'nnuiy uf Siiyilt-r, tlit'ir .toplutitDMi (or l ni, I MMtulor .unl v iiwlt'MuIu I.ii-t'ii-cii, .wlm-ti will i? prtt wnieii iwr tiProv ul .MuinlAy, April '.'7, !'.hj.J, ;VVi;i(N Ui'KNibS. 1 W. V. Mulm, Tp.ixflvill. i II. II. l''ait(, iivtTf" wii. I Wllliunt 1'. Ifou-h. Mtt'Mirt?. I -J, K. tumvr, IVm.- rfs'K. 1 ii. l- hiiiK't-iuiii, IVniif ( re U. ti I1. A. Tr.njp, IflNti v i lie. ' 7 V. H. KrrHU-Htr, M -ivvn j Kulli. . S M.J. I-'uIht. Utiupiuuii. 'J '. . t tik lull, wiiu-fonl. 10 I'Hii cl 1 ItTili.ilt, 't llle. 11 .liiiull -obuil, Mltiul.-lmri;. 1 W. . Kiilin, Mhlillt'hitiK. I i Arlington KtHlit-r, K.riini. II Martin lar, Miuniuk.iii I'uui. 1;" . W, Kryimru. Miiaihukiii l;tm. 1'i l4Ullt Hiii ttll.tll, SUitUioklU UlUtl. W 11. C, UlUs-, Ht. MlilH. I'rrkmiJ. lvt'rUUurt X'lmi'i', ihit'sjb I. Ituck. !iiii!s;rij't. il J. li. A i bonnet NcJinnrovu. I'i Mlu;tril I'.iylor. -H:liii!aruvu. '.'4 Ailmii AnioM, I'mt Iruvt-rtun. ' W. ll.ScliiMwdfr, I'm l I revcrion. 6 Iu win biljvrt KrtuburK- 'ii Vifo. W. Weaver. I' reelmrtf , 'it J, li, aulloriit Summit. 2 JoHcpli L. Murkn, Swinufotti 0 Isutkc Uuwvur, 1'urC Aim. 31 Johcuu I. Murkn, SwincfotU. iU W. ii. -riiuiu. Krocbm n. aa A H. ilUiur, SvUnruvO. UKJ. M. SHIN DEL, Clerk i. y., MiUaittburg, I',, AcU