0- rile niiMnnne QTnne I invite all to my trtore ami call your attentiou tu my lino of, Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, urugo. Hardware, Tinware, ftaeensware, U-iasware, Hats and Gaps. Boots and Shoes. 1 F8 Sps;Iai3 Bitraordiaar Um. '.,( 8-day Clock in niurket my price, $2.00. Fuim'v Park Outings, 5c. up. ;,-t seamless Grain Uags, i;i;irjrv W'liips, 1 or., 20e, 25c, 3te, oOc. ",!t Window Shades, Kte. KiHiulard Tul)le Oil Cloth, lor.. Watch iy Markets fr l.utter anl Kgg, Lard ami Poultry. I always pay more than my competitor goasianption 5r. tv f i I..' . r 1 N. T. Dundore DUNDORE, PENNA. RFFDS That SuCCBEd If I ' The Seed lloue of I). I.nwlreth A Son, the olftent in Am- i.. i,A 119 venrn' expi-rieneo wtMi SpwIh, ami tlieiilt of tin nre i evil t itUe mtmi-c , , ' .. , I.. ill.... I l,..l..1Lr U.....1 I' It I t X.l. Ur.V... of Sl-lllt kniH'r.'" IT....i ... I. ...Ul...t. 111.. VuLiKil.il. (i.r.iriiii.t'na i.fiiiti.iii.J ill tlllH ..liiniU wf 111111"'". v-.u ", .......... --- . B.iC semi forit. AMERICA'S BED FOR lSOa 11,,. ii'juiM lo make this attnw-tive net! showy heel iir aorth from $A7i to t' 0'", i'.irljnc .. hut lull U1I llttVO lUO I-ecu-i iokih" nit-ill, n-- ui ".v -- ...ii..'..iircawl onlcr.jjinoiiiitliiit to tl.lliiir mire. See 4ri0 illustration iunl full .tcsorii- it"1.' .. ....... I U iu tn..!... f '..r.lwu II l.imltt'lim mi..j. ....... r - . BIG RETURN ON A 25 CENT INVESTMENT. , I-innlri'tliN' Kiirly ujiituor . sUiiK.ru' Iin' hit lMly yii&vr. , fv.'iirli't T'iiniHij.H , llitlrctlif" First , Virini 1 Hnliil licit h r Arkuti-uvH Trawler lt(.fml;.l( iVnrl mu -truths' Knrlii'Mt PRODUCE ,( two Ili-mtn of tlulilinijc . OOCp SEED loon It.io'Bof lit la. . . i iiiw r rui 1 n t. v ucMiinivr ) mm) HemlHOf LeUUee . . f 56 Fruits ot Wiitorniulon . I Ml) ItulliH of Onioc . , . d0 Hants of Tnnnto. . . Whii'h nilSi cliuii .4SeeiUr twenty five (itJ.cont.s lmiuIomi! with Hie Order will be mi A, f 11 D. LANDRETH & SONS I,,r-.l in lill cmlem pruuiptly sud ati- r'r- ....... 1217 Market Street. JAMES VICK, FOF.ME LY OF OCMESTEfl, N V. M.U1.IR Mail ObOIH DtTEHT. PHILADELPHIA, PA. ONE PACKAGE FREE ! Hiiveymi cot Dyspepsia, Indizestion, or any kiiul of tsUmiaeh lilmeiils? You can be Cured ; I will send you FRbU n packajje oi fciy stomach Ublels whkh is the Leiit remedy for the Htomaett that I.,,.,,!, i,,,,,,, nronnro.i f lm t?o imil TM.in. tli'in "0 vc'its' exneritfiiee lerfwtiiiB a remedy that will cure all forms of Htomueh trouble, mieh is (lyspeiiMa, luaigestion, gas on me bioiuueu, umn-uuiu, mipHiK.u trtiieliuirt, and poor digey :if'j 'TSfomach Tablets ItwUt llio stomach to diirest food. That U their mission. They DO fUISIiy netting things rii?ht in the stomaeu. Create new Jife and nergy hy strengtnennig tne stomaeu. Any Form of Stomach Trouble an In- c ured if the rieht remedy is used. My Stomach Tablets is the Remedy. 1 have seen hundreds of very bad eases cured by them. T7 - . ! - T - 1 .:vi . h...:-. " -.m-.,- r..--i....-i . ." -rt :y-yy... liv.y.;. ' - US ' n r,'.-;.J.t'.S Kni'.!!- : .1 : A'.'k.'i i ! u.:. i:::-!.-. wiiiio it ?cnI f r fiec v.Tnple. SCOTT .1 l'OWN K, ( licn.Mv W-4'5 P" 1 .'iireci, New Vork. 5 c. and 1 1 all druggists. The torrr l'.fTrct of Ai.torr. '"MrSoclyy eats ut cue of t liust iiiivk luncli rtvstiinrmits wlirrp the rvntn is i.Imii.vs errvleil during llio liou'licini limirs. The other day a jiatrmi uf the Jibi-e stood rij,rlit lu liinii liim waiting to i.iintch liis clmir as soon as lie tin-is-hnl. MeSorley fell t he fi llnw V l.nnil on tin- lme.k f the elinir and it juale him hot." "V.liiitdiflUf.lo?" "lie ordered n sermnl jiif e of y.;'e jnst t lm tile -tin- Mlow, and if tio in oimI nilh a lirii nlde niaek of iieme in-diKet-lSoti." ('lM-id.iim Plain Duller. Hrmrtlea RclatlTe. Vis I res Did you learn how Mrs. Upton wna? I Servant riease, mum, I pulled at ' the doorbell half an hour, and couldn't make anybody hear. 1 thiol: the bell had been inn tiled. j Mistress The idea! How is the ' poor invalid to know that all her friends are anxious uliuitt her. if her Vearlless relalies have inutUed the door-bell? N. V. Weekly. Sentiment anil llnainea. "I cannot umier.-t :i ad, -'.i why yon permit your dlntir'iur to sue me for ' breueh of proiii!:-!-. Von remeinber that you were bitterly opn ed to our engagement, bt'eausi' I wasn't good ' enough for her and would disgrace the family?" I "Young man. t!iat w:is sentiment; ' this is business."- Tit-tiits. ! Invdie'M iMtlum. ! Mnad MuKi r. .hi a winti r's day, Wasn't rakinn the tiew-mow 11 hay; Of furtuiip Maud di sin d X illee ' So she said notl.iiiE and rut lee. Cliieinuatl ICiinu.r. r. Cnntrnry to Trnilltiun. When lirlltjet lltrhlf ihe kltchm flre rhe ' ne kerowne; Thereevii little boy hi oft cats nilt f that n re reen. And In fi!tr of nil t'hnt has htm fling anJ all that tits bfvn riihl. It '.p a fact that neither JJridjsel n ir :t.e boy Is dead. Washiiinton P:ar. I I A CLAIM I A (tll.lt M'lll'. he had laid f.r :frjrjt3 sr.d Children. m n - .... . n inwiAM The li;il Yon V. Aas lloul.t li:s liorno tl signa ture of li:i . I!. I'lett "ie ', ml li;is lx-en mado under It is jiersoual siiici't! ii.ii I'.ir r,;M ."t years. .Mlow no ono to ! i ,.t! !t (his. Coiititerl'i'its, ltnital ions ;nul 4.ltist-aS"'on,l " j. re Inn i".v1Ti iiuc!i(, ami endanei' tlio liealth tit' t'hililt n l'..nr:enee a;jainr t ivperinieiit. The Kind You Have Always Bought v? licar-; l.'ic fcisrnaturc oi In Use For Over 30 Years. S J SZSSSSSEi Liberal Adjustment e- PEIV1E!V!E-.F H. HRRVEY BCHf.-Li J GENERAL il5 a A NCI: r . Mis Froft He said claim ti my heurt. Miss Thaw What, did yon say? Miss Frost 1 t.dil liim it was n pood deal like staking out a elaiiu in the Klondike. X. V. Times. Deplorn hie. Great ttiniiKht hiv oft nllnwi if to as, And maree a m.ntal notes; While d.illiiis are ihe thlUKs, alas! That sometime set the votti!. Washington Star. TIIK SEIIV.r tlt KSTIOX. Airim MiiNlly Kiptnlnetl. "ileutiie," said the fond mother, "why do vmi throw your clothes on the lloor that way?" "Do you i i ally want to know?" asked the precocious youngsti r. "Of course." "Well, it's because it's easier than hanging them up." -Chicago Post. J'"ii' i ,i m Tin- . in i r.T.iidi'ti ! ' iiniia- " j ' . '! H al. " ' ; The St;ii!(jai! Ac Tlic Ken' Y! k : 1 The fidcliti) Mm Your Fatrciiatt ; ""r!' III LSI!) isr:; 1N10 i'iiL1' Apse's 1 . .! Insurant iitMiraiicc Co. Life Assoc! elicited The Oxford. It was the moan's c ustom to spank her boy with hi r slipper at frcipient intervals. I " There is nothing quite like an Ox- ' ford training," she would explain to ' visitors. Puck. i Similiter oir. i Jlonier So you and Mrs. Ncxtdnor arc not on speaking terms? 1 thought ' you were boom friends? I Mr. I' ' - -- were tmtil we es:'har.bvu"(ivuivJttis. - u.tugf: Duily INctvi. MOST LIBERAL OFFER OF THE YEAR. HEREWITH ARE TWO Among Many Testimonials. Strawti. Tex.. Feb. 10, 1!K)3 Mr. John Morrow, Springfield, O. Dear mi Please find rz.M tor kliieh mtiil me t hree boxes of the toiimeh Tablets, these I order for remit, J have taken about two I'lXisiind they cured me of sto- piacii trouble. Many or my ricmls imve tried them and say lliey are the best they have ever irlnl. I could not sleep on my It side for many years, but I hi lie down now and sleep any- My I happen to lie down. lours truly, K. L. Ramsey, Rankin, 111., May 10, 1032 Mr. John Morrow : Dear Sir Received box of John's stomach Tablets and took them according to directions (- days) and I slept soundly both nights, something I had not done for over a year, and I was hungry every meal and enjoyed eating. For the last year, soon as I would eat I would feel my stomach and head begin to pain me. I am going to send part of this package to my daughter, and if it helps her (I feel sure it will), I will soon send you another order. Yours truly, Mit.s. U. A. fiitii'i rnt. I Mi. .dl'... n I.- .frtti itr i ItaiYi FDFF iu lmuitil n mv fnil Ii in nnl nv berieiuo with my Tablets in curing dyspepsia. write me at once and the FREE I RIAL I'ACKAUU will be sent ri tiirii mail, and soon you will be cured. (U-l'J-lO-t) JOHN MORROW, Chemist, 96 Forest Ave., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO 'IND0R HOUSE W. II. Ill TI.F.R, Proprietor Market Si., Harrisburg Pa., (Oppmite 1. It. U. Depot Entrance) nlleil lor All Trnlnn. pis, 25 and 50c. Good Meals, 25c (inml accommodations.- If ineiouica aad Wamaun taetald ktive Bronio-Quluine Tablets cure "iuaiiay. No cure, no pay. Price ltd. PAYS to advertise in a live and up-to-ilate newspaper. For results The POST. CHESTER'S ENGLISH NNYROYAL PILLS - 9 m,b.i!,:'! fcI.IIM In Hed and '"ih.. u V""1 with blue ribbon, od it, 'i ..P9 danifern abatl- 'U in Si""'" 'r Partlealar., t4 ra r.'.,.f for IMllaa." In Utter, "Wiu. ' 1.KHTMlmoull, HoUtr CBBSTBB OHBMIOAL CO. au.. - Patents Guaranteed Under $20,000 BOND THE KEYSTONE LAW AND S PATENT CO., 107 Betz Build- Ing, Philadelphia, which is the only bonded Patent Agency in It the world, oiler to make a Guar anteed Search of the Patent Of fice Records uot merely their opinion Free of charge to read ers of this Journal who will send a sketch, model or descrip tion of their invention. JJ They will also give a certificate of patentability which will be of great assistance to an inventor in raising capital. Valid Patents with the broad eHt claims secured on easy week ly payments. Write to-day. Mrs. Newly Wed (from above) Hrhlget! Put the lemons on the ice so they won't get sour. Dridget (to herself) Is it nnny whonder that 1 ask double pay for serving the loikos of (hot? N. Y. Hi iv lb tli Hi t 111 lit ili No. 5 Run T. F. S.S. WILLIAMSON President. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Hake Impure Blood. All the blood In your body pasees through your kidneys ones every three minutes. i ne Kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or impurities In the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid In the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on Its merits by all druggists In fifty cent and one-dollar siz es. You may have a sample bottle by mall nmw or swamp-Root, free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer i Co., Binghamton, N. I) I pi o iii ii 1 1 eAri. She I suppose you have to flatter people a great deal? He Yea. Sometimes you have to flatter them by telling them you don't. Puck. RnoiiRli. Jaggles When that Kussian applied to have his name changed did the court ask for any reasons? Waggles Not after he gave his same. Judge. Not Ldkely. Lady Does your mother know that you're smoking? The Kid Well, as I live about three miles frum here, I don't tink dat she docs. Chicago American. Chokln Him Off. Visitor I've known your father for 20 years Bobby Aw, don't tell me your troubles! ST. Y. Journal. A Clear ae. Jaggles I see the scientists have i determined that only the male par rots learn to talk. I Waggles That's probably so, to 'judge from the language they uie, X. Y. Times. Dors It lllnmeir. "They say some blind people can actually distinguish colors by the sense of touch." "That's nothing; there nre times when I feel blue myself." lloston Commercial Puiletin. ft The lew-York Ti ibune Farmer . . i !Jy for fanners bead of tin' ai;lt for plactii-al f:u iiiers, -i'dc pndil limn ti, is a national illiistiiiliil ngi it -1 1 1 1 1 : i : . 1 and their families, and stands at l! cultural press. It is a practical papci helping them to secure the largest pi farm through practical methods. It is entertaining, instinctive and practically useful u the fanner's w ife, sons timl tlatighteis, whose iuteiesis ii eoveis in an attractive manner. The ret-ulur price Ib fl.00 per ymi, t ut for ii limited time we w ill receive your subscription for THE NENV VORK TKTBl NE FARMER mid also for yourown favoi in. local newspaper, The Post, Miildli burg, Pa. Both Papers One Yearforonly $1.25 m Send j our onli r and nimn y lo 'The Post. Your ntiuie nliil address on a postal caul to Till: Mi W -YORK TRIBl M:;i-ARnr.R, New-York City, will bring -.u fn e sample copy, Mil lit lent. Man (getting shared) What poli tician did you shave with that razor last? Parber Why? Man P.ccause it lias n pull. X. Y. Times. l.nNtlnic f4iiiNefnenreH. Cora Are those dangerous crobes that nre found in kisses? Her Maiden Aunt They are, dear, when they prove to be germs of matrimony. X. ". Sun. ml- my the i ftil II 1 1 The F.ienlve Town. "Yes; I've been to Xew Y'ork." "You didn't stay long." "No, It's hard to stay long In Xew York; it's so easy to get short." Philadelphia Press. A Snre- Thlnr. I'Tubdubbe Do you suppose that girl that Pilkins is to marry is an rich as she is taid to be? Pinhedde Xo question about it I know Pilkins. Smart Set. Ilevelnllonn of latere!. Rtubbs My new novel will hit the public all right. Scribbs What do you call it? Stubbs "Confessions of a Cook." Detroit Free Press. Junt a Reminder. Tom (angrily) I leave you to-night forever! Gladys All right, dear, but remem ber tlusfl 1 have, an engagement for to morrow night. Town Topics, Practical View of It. "The spirit moves me!" exclaimed the poet. "Well," said a fri.und, "that's cheaper than paying house rent." Atlanta Constitution. A Mytcrr. -Are you sure this fish Customer- is fresh? Waiter I don't know, sir. I've only been hero three days. Town Topios. No Love Lost. "You have accepted George I Whyt you know very well that I don't ap prove of him." "That's tjl right, mamma. Neither does he approve of you. Life. I Schools and Courses of Susquehanna University, Seiinspve, Pa. TKACUKKS' ( Ol'KSK.At thi.- time cpriiil nllci.tum is riillul ( i!: course. It is inti mli 1 to ;nivitn c 1 1 if 1 11'n-icin-y and laruiiir t juiuitj of those wlio tcm li tliit inir tlie Winti r, iiml nl.-o to pupai e fur loudiing. The entire cuiiisc covers four ytius, all el which tan he taken hy leacher without inli'iTtiitioii of thiic wt'ik in the st l.nol-rni'iii, aial lt:u!s ii. to a ic-i iiiniii iit certificate ami other advantages. This meets a loiijr it-It want of leat hers who must cirn their education with meagre salaries and oiler? excellent opportunities for steady advancement. Teachers and those who wish to prc .ate successfully for tta liirjr should not fail to ae(iiaiiit themselves fllllv with 1 1 if I it IK lit s to I If. del i M d from this coilise. This ' year the term latins April (j, ISKKi, and elosts July 'J!', l'.Ki;;. Expense are very low. Write lor lull particulars. MUSICAL CONSF.UVATDUY AND COLLKtiK lOU YOUNG LA1HKS. Jlcerrces mill iii!omas (i ranted. The Spin."; ltini Ujrira April 1, l'.io:;, nnd c lost s June 17, I'.'t'o. Spicinl iiriai'gt incuts h:iv lieen made for a large attendance for MUSIC and other studies. There is a splendid course in Elocution. Facilities are nowhere lu tti r. The work is in charge of an iilih- corps of teachers who rank with lust any where. The large imposing Ladies' Hall has all the modern ( oiivenit ncui. The environment is home, like and parents can rest assured that their daughters will he given the last care in every way. The climate is very healthful and the surrounding scenery isall that Id he desired. Our students come from the best homes. Why not give your daughier tlic advantage of at least a lew terms away at 'ollcge. The day has gone hy when the girls were kept ut home, and only the hoys scut to college Kates are very reasonable. Write for catalogue and particulars. COMMERCIAL COURSE. An increasing nun. her of young persons are finding Incur, ive positions at the colliding dc;k and in offices. Ti meet this tit mand '.lie University oilers a thorough and ( llic'icnt Commer cial Course, cotisis'.ng ol Iiook-k-cping, l'cntnanship, Shorthand, Gmi mcrcial Law, etc. All or any I these subjects may he pursued. Jjesiden securing a superior ('on hick i; ' u:rsc, our students enjoy the additional' advantages of a Gymnasium, I.'.-ury and Heading-room, Literary S-'io-ties, and the University life in general. The University atmosphere stimulates the ambition of stiulei.t, nnd, together with eflieient instruction gives exceptionally satisfactory i emits. Ve have no difliculty in swor ing positions for all students eoi 'pitting the course. Write for terms and particulars." The College of Liberal Arts is noted for its excellent Scientific and Classical Courses. A course in Civil Engineering is given. The Preparatory School fits students for College entrance. Address, J. I. WOODRUFF, A. N. WA11XEK, or J. F. KEMFFER. Dean. Ut-tstror. Field iiec'j-