MIDDLED URG POST. HOFFER. J. F. Straub took a flying trip to Yeruo.it Friday, y, (. Guiniaa lost a fine log on Ilenrv Swcigart of near Mahon toii"o p sied through liere on Sat onlay. J. llariy Kreitzer, who was un Vt., at Akron, Ohio, relume I to ''imiiiL' Saturday. Nr.-llintr school at lloutys Mon- t i 11 j,v evening was well attended am un- .nUfiainin. i fin li ?1V BATTLE IN SAN DOMINGO Government Troops Drive Rebels Back Into Pajarito. HEAVY LOSSES ON BOTH SIDES Another Engagement Is Imminent, At Large Government Forces Are Marching On the Town Marines Landed to Protect U. S. Consulate. Santo Domingo City, April C.---Tho government troops outside the. city at tacked the Insurgents in tho suburb of Pajarito. The nioHt severe engage ment since the rebellion broke out en sued, and the insurgents were driven tack to this city. The artillery from the fort covered the Insurgent's re treat. The rebels are disposed to fight to the last, and it is supposed that if they are eompelled to abandon tho city they will embark on the gunboat Independencla, which Is in their power, and go to the northern part of the island and Join the rebels there. The United States cruiser Atlanta has landed 50 marines to protect the American consulate. No second engagement has taken place, but large government forces are now marching on the town, and an at tack is momentarily expected. Tho rebels are making great preparations for resistance. In the engagement at Pajarito the contending forces used firearms and cutlasses. The losses on both sides are heavy. Several persons were killed Inside the city by stray Bhots. The government gunboat Presi donie bombarded the town, and one shell fell inside the yard of the Ger man consulate, but did not explode, The surgeon of the Atlanta assisted In Attending to the wounded in the Fa.'-i'vo fight. Many of the wounded diei' r want of timely assistance. Tr. members of the consular and dip!" . utlc corps here met and ap pointed a commission to notify both tides that they must obe srv'hc rules . of wai , and to demand ' TuO!5Ie- It that the foreign residents may go 10 a place of safety. All places of business are closed, and the situation Is extremely critical. THE OLD RELIABLE. J! POWDER Absolutely Puro THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE on his farm Kat of this! -Mr THE OHIO ELECTION Tom Johnson Carries Cleveland and Republicans Sweep Cincinnati. Cincinnati, April 7. While the Re publicans made material gains in the municipal elections in Ohio, they did not secure many changes In the ad minisl ration of the cities. The most notable exception was at Columbus, where Mr. Jeffry, Republican, Is elect ed. The mayors of all the leading cities except Columbus were re-elected. The Republicans retained posses sion of Cincinnati and the Democrats of Cleveland, and Samuel M. Jones was elected as an Independent for the fourth time as mayor of Toledo. Tom Johnson was re-elected mayor of Cleveland by 6500. The entire Democratic ticket was elected by a smaller margin. Mayor Fleischmann, Republican, of Cincinnati, was re-elected by 16,020 plurality. The entire Republican city ticket, including all the boards, was elected by about the same voto as that of Fleischmann. There is much diversity of opinion as to the effect of these municipal elections upon tho next Republican nomination for governor, but it is con coded that Mayor Tom L. Johnson, of Cleveland, will now become a formida ble candidate for the Democratic nom ination for governor a few months hence. The Ingalls organization will be continued, with a view of making him tho Democratic opponent of Hauna for the senatorship. W. J. Bryan Coming East. New York, April 7. William J. Bry an has notified his New York friends 'hat he will be in the east in May, and that he will deliver a series of addresses on political subjects in the states nf New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts. New Jersey and Maryland. The first of these addresses will probably be de "vered at the Academy of Music In Brooklyn. It now seems likely that "Is Brooklyn speech will be the only ne Colonel Bryan will deliver in the state of New York, as his time will w limited and he has many more In 'Itationa to speak than he can posi tively accept. WEST BEAVER. Charles Wagner started lor Wil liamsport Saturday to attend hi school. lames SU'f! v tiMik a h ad of vege tables tip to Yciigcrtown Saturday and while there Mild his horse to Samuel Del!. Adam licit, starlid to MeYcv town Saturday, where he got a Jul. at driving team. The laic odd spell we l ad did considerable damage to the fruit and probably Killed it altogether. Mrs. (.'. V. Fisher has bicn on ihe sick list for the part week or two. The jiarty who destroyed the grafts for J. M. Wagner would he gentlemen enough to steal the pen nies from his dead mother's eyes and think it smart. Jos. M. Wagner is almost daily adding improvement on the farm he bought of li. 15. Treaster. Calvin Knepp is ahletobe around again from his late sickness. Ezra Knepp of Crossgrove is building himself a eage in Iiewis town. As soon as finished, no doubt he w ill eateh a Snyder county bird to put into it. II. M. Ulsh of Lewistown, for merly of Snyder county, is iuite sick. W. II. Knepp has started a coach shop with his blacksmith business at Crossgroye. 1 lmnn place Airs. Alice Ilei-t uul and brother, 'icd Klnse of Iiewistown were t.iwn Saturday to attend the- funeral jf their neiee, Alary Hoiluagle. Alable lvow of Ilea vcrlown spent Mii.day at home. Charles Ytrger of Mi Idlcburg, ailed on his brother, Anion, at this ilaee Tliiirsdax. Lank Krccger f MiddlcSuitg : as taken charge of the mill at this ;.l.ife, with J. A. Kit bman t Sl iisgrove as fiit inilU r. ilson iXrilw.od ..f J!i avt itiiwn uas taken charge of Edward llolig's farm. .Mary AI. Wi.gtu r ami Alts, los er Ki'iglc called at this place Tues day. The inillright, .villi W. ll.Kipka I'ui'eiiiaii art? n-iuodt'liiiir tin- (Jlo'oe .Wills Uullcr Mils. lu u linislud it . ill be ccjiial In any in tliccouiuy DISGUISED CATARRH A Stealthy, Insidious, Weakening Enemy to Womentoy Thousand Women Suffer Needlessly From Tins Cause. There aro a tnnltltndo of women, es pecially housewives, and all othei women obliged to 1k on their feet eon stantly, who aro wretched beyond do Fcriiu'on. slinulv Ihvruso their rtreiinili and vitality is sappedaway ly catarrhal uisciiarc iruni low liL'iviu ormi Theso women got up ia the moiuiicj tired, lira ir themselves throuifll tlieo daily duties tired, only to j;o to K-U ut niglit ud liriM m ijeloiv. Mr. Kra Itrl!io. 13: KatL-!lli tp-tj V.tily, N. Y.. writvm " I sin' ri l r. .1 ttirra yours v-tt'i wlml I Konwiilly kmwa u louoorrtuti, in onii.iootinii Willi uloonuinu i tltewoinh, Tho ilKrtorH mlviioutiMi iiu tH.r:i lion wlitoh I ilrvmit.it vory i:iui li. nn ! sI:--.iit- ly tiliji t-Uil t' m umli r 11. lifMili. ii ut tin nluo of I'i-i ii: :i. 1 1 u ! it it l st to !vo this w.'ll-kin ,v.i roiiio.ly ,i trial, w 1 Imnislil inroo !iMUt-M el li ui luit-o. ,ow i inn t cliii"i:''.l wni.i fi. roruiiuciiroil mo; It limit llllll- ImtMl'M, hl.l I foil KH lllUfll llllllplVoil I ki'i'l takiiiy It.n.H I drrtitlotl nn oit':iI!iii sh iiiik'Ii. 1 mil lt-il;iy in )iori'ift l'oali',1, itii'l liavo not foil i-o Well for l'.lticu yiais." Mm. tvu llart'iio. .11 K-. t.t .V ll.Vl. IH. if.f .".iilioinn T lirv? ever ink-rn. 1 lifullv lor lf wti Ud a''(t : iti'tt'iy oill i'vl lllo. I h:.W Urn 1 p:ii.si mini's ae w loro. In-.t too low wxiuail. I ui'i tr.ilv thai. w hut I'rriina h::- Jono fur mi . 'i:.r:v Al! cny. Mn, Kalo Muuii. S"fi li iilmr.i ri'iitft. kiit. 4 an., no i'i'i'i.1'1' I nil if Ai.l M io: . 'ii ii :-' I ; o . io tr:iio in l'i i u 1 t I in' ' I f.i.ii..! hir.oiKli i' it--. I M :lor-t: w It l-atiiii-Mo Hint 0 oj" it-iUot it !! 'i htu! '. ' Ho Ih-.I si 1 i .:: I w.uvt i;ivii:it I t.i';:il ily W . .vajtlioiolinjt' -tin, : i Uotiit 1.) ; l'l'l'llli-l Van t'lo: i .i' . inv l'"ti' ll'io, m riut'il til Kto l.-Mi-tv I!..- . In-I! lO.I.'i' i;i tool IIIIIO'! ' 'I T. H 1 ... it l iv-i it Oial if 1 I' ll.' i i:,t ,11 tvoli'.'l' luivi r. lo It .j Hi it t'l'l voi:i. n slit.ii :. ;:i'iv til it. 1 l.;iv. t lioaltli fur ' 'i nr. I t ut' i's't t'i 'I'lii J!7 ri ''','" 1 i i-a-niv hoi-atiso in Km ll lino In i'1'' Vl.VJjV. i l-S ' '!' 'jpt :i.iiil'!-si'itist..o In a.v 'u ..iirvli. l;Ts'''-!iS .'''v.t'i 1,1 Kl lionith, !'-ri..'t ll: t .llil.!-lv I a lT ' a -r .:.r- l r T.t -Hi . t IV t it '7 11- ' I ' in .ivi . IIO . r I t lli- HUMMEL J i Old Employes Remembered. &ew York, April 7. Old New York mployes of the White Star line at trans-Atlantic steamships have recelv W about 150,000 as an especial gift jr long and faithful serflce. When e Vhlte Star Line, an English com Wny, was soid to the international mercantile Marine Company stockhold- of the White Star Line set asldo 157,500 to be distributed among the employes according to the salaries u ueen receiving, in this coun- - iae - wu.tUA "own to 91250. amounts varied from $10,000 Abe Vaguer Is putting up a new house iu Lewistown for himself. KREAMER. Mrs. Jno. Mitchell and children of Kenova are visiting her parents Samuel I5ollinger'. M. E. Krdley and Jno. Fields attended a horse sale at Adimshurg, the former purchased a fine trotter there. l'rof. F. (. Dunkleliurger will start a normal class at this place on the;20th of April. Left town, Jrank Mitchell, Mil lard Bollinger and families moved to Lewistown. Moved to town, Danl. Musser's moved in with J. J. Mitchell. Wm. Keeler moved in his own home, Samuel liumbauch iu with Jacob Ijiuiver, Theodore Kowe moved in the house owned by Jno. Crouse, Jacob Diemir moved in Daniel Naugel's residence, and A. Hummel moved in the residence of Wm. Fryman. Jacob IIeinty.elman'3 barn was set on fire by a saw mill was burnt to the ground with no insurance. J. A. Duck of Middleburg was seen in town last week. Mr. Ilassinger of Milton is the apprentice of A. C. Smith iu the telegraph office. Miss Quick of Lewisbtirg is here trimming hats for our new millncr, Mrs. J. E. Magee. Miss Mable Gutelius, who has been teaching school at IJannerville during the past Winter, returned home Wednesday. Geo. Gordon was home the past week yisiting his family and has again returned to New Jersey to his work. The P. 11. II. Company moved the tool-house about a mile below town. Mrs. Frauk Hummel went to Lewistown, to visit friends Satur day. S. T. Hilbish and wife were seen on our streets last week. Ilev. Womeldorf our new minis ter preached an interesting sermon to a large audience on Sunday even- GLOBE MILLS. : Mrs. Laura Hummel visited her parents at Sclinsgrove the past week S.O. Ulrich ereotel a chicken Quite a number of our eilieiis attended the funeral of Harvey Long, at Sclinsgrove, Thursday. Aluster John Kliugler of near Freeluirg is visiting his grandpar ents. Mi.-ses Klin and Jennie I Sower of Sclinsgrove aie visiting ilnir brother Norton. -.1 iL Ed. Zcllers and wife of Danville, transacted business in this place last Wednesday. (.'has. Trutt and wile of Sunliui v and .lames Wcrtz and wife of S I- msgruve, were visitms at S.iniut Trult'rt last Sunday. Aiming tho.-e who changed resi dences since our last writing are : Samuel Si rou b to Verdiila, I'hilin Nace to Shamokin Dam, .Mr. Willet Mover to the house vacated by Mr. Nace, James Kcsslcr from North umberland tti his In nne lu re, Nath aniel Mover to Samuel Uowcr's house, Frank Kcsslcr of Shaiuokiu Dam to J. L. Cimpcr's farm, Norton Mower to Mrs. IVter ISailev's house, Mr. Swartz to John Schoch's farm, I to I v.'.'k V .'t tx. i '. I 1 1. uis !. 1 1 -vinr.ai, i :ifv-r i.i i WtiWhT ..t.tKa..--Mr.K:..,ui,. MISS Lot IS K MAIION. ' iiV--1- 'V VKIiA'ii .ANN. J fe I foT v jftv ' " i ... - . I iTvw -'-r' II nun L.OUIM1 oianon. a itn itnuin nirrri.i r - ji n k .-.-v-v'.i .s&jvSk li I II KrMi?- -i im ' vji j i - Ill liVa iV? I I ih v LV V Ji All 1 IVWXv vrJW mta. AWHA MABTIK. Air. lu'idcr of Shamokin Dam John Schoch's tei a it house. Chas. SasHafiian started house keeping at Sliumokiu Dam on hint ti,...i.... '. .. M- it - tolrl .ma hair Brian Teate has taken iwssessiou ! wti much Pernn. had benefited her . , i, , i1. . . nd I sen out for bottle, which dldl ot tne store and 1 . U. and is smiling ! nior to rellsre me than nil the other!, at his ma-iy customers. Ml I.oiiIimi Muhun, 3 GIpii Ilnino Slrrrt Turonfti, Onl. Cnn., Sorrt-lary uf ttio K liiif'n litiUKliiors nun rocrf-tnry il I.ntiy iiiiu'ii boen, wrlK-ni " If nil women luiew nf tin' lionofltK to li ilorivcil from taklnir rornnn vt woultl liuvo muiiy liui'iitor nml muru liraltli ful wuiiii n. My health Inn novor lii en tot robust, ami I mil eimllv ftttlinoil find rim not ptnrttl iniii li. Aliont a your nun I wax no run down that I hiul to Ink to my tinl, nml lo came wokUit niul weaker. A frloml mlvlaoi) metotnr l'enin.nim 1 hriTe treat reason tohr grateful, for In two weeks I win out. of hoil mill in n month I wn iwrfretly well, nml 1 now (1ml that my litslth iiiueh morcroliiiHt than formerly, mi Mint I tUe IVriiim oneo or twice H inontu and keep well." ImiuIkc Million rcruna Is nnoh a prfoct ?tieriflei furl earn caso thnt wnon lialicntu li:ivt onoi used it thevean never lio imlueril to quit it until tluy are pvrniantly cured. It lienins to rellcT the dlfncreralilc Bvmptomrt at opc. Tho ImekaotiM rpaes. Ihe tremhlinu knpes aro rtrenuth encil, tho appetite rsstnreil, the diejcBUon niiula perieot, tne dull hemlaolip l sto red and the weakening rtrains aro ar uallr cured. These rulti certainly follow ft eonrse of treatment with Permn. Brbr Alberty, eornor Seventh sntl Walnut street, Aptiltton, AVie wrltos s rouows in renam to rernna: " For years 1 have suffered with back cM nd MTer pains in th side. ? . that I became dU Slr. . una Martin, .17 oyt St., li, -mill- lyn, X. .. write": 'ia ili'l f" I ui'-'lt ur in" that I f -1 it my on In reeui": n-ix. ttuiillitiK who limy he I.irly ni;i.iteJ. Mx in I n year irm inv heallh i euiiiiliteli lirol; !' ili.M ll, hu t haekaehe, ., iii"s.,..i ii Ir- reiv.ihi rules, ami 1 1 It feenif- .l;nlt ii'iii'ed. We 1 1 . i . 1 u-i il i t i una III uur h" iiu n 1 Miir. in. I lor rolils nml ratanh, ti' I ileeli1".! U try It lor my trouMe. lu li - iiian I'irea iiont lis 1 iieeame regular, my . i.ii'i eo llrelv ili:iiienn ii, ami 1 uui uu' iier.jctjj' wi ll." Mrs. Am:.. Marlin. Mrs. Win. lo lriek, Ketinaril, W'aHh in;tim eotttity, Meli., m i iIim: "I nm III ty-!-'. x years old anil lia'o not felt well siiiee ifio t'luiliKO of J,il'- lio L'lin tell vearf aire". I wiis ill lniiM-tr itornew heri? nn' t nf thu time. My IlkiW was vrrv weak, and my fieuh tenili;r t hurt hip to le n airniust tlio linek nf ft ehtilr. 1 hail .n uiuler my shouldcr- niKiirs, ut m small in my imea una .hips. I Home. :ius wished tnycelf oat jof thin world. Had hat and ciild ptutlls. rtiiriiii'sj ano Ti'iiuiiinir ot ino iitniit, tin (I wiiH loKiiiL .lexh all tho tlnio. After following you: dirocUoDji and iakJns Peril n I now el like a different per son." Mm. Win. Hetrlok. If vou do nut derive prompt and stl- etory renulls from tho lino of runa. writ at once to nr. itartiuan, rividr ft full statement Of your cane, and hn wlli us pieaseo; to give yon nut raiuauie au- Tice grauB. .t rry.0 can m pnrcnaaea for t per liottle at all first class drug stores. Address Dr. Hartmsn, President ot The liartman Bauitarium, ColumbuaX. g Easter Oreelinp n 0 "ranee on uciive lilIVI Ivistea brightness fills the Store it breathes (he spirit of Spring everywhere, pretty decorations every when if vou liavn't eeen them we invite you to .'onie this week. Bl nintf Flowers are scaMered all around Hie store mlilint: their luau'y every side. Snriuir stoi'k of worthy mercliandise liorlrav carefulness in selection :unl .-how :i cri.-p newniss that plcnxs :tll psosj We buy Cheajicr, We Sell Chcap'T than others. Easter Novelties. iTnllAHaH Q-.il-c Ijloomin h lowers. For Easter. l'retty ami attractive and a big display, a regular fairy land for the children. Ileal Peeps and Ducks, stulted when only a day or two old 'Si cents. Chicks inI5asket 1" cents, Roosters as low as 1 eeliteai'li. Iiali bits movable ears, 0 cents. Italibits hitched to wagoii9 2o und oO cents. Geese that iiikI and open their mouths 25 cents. Crowing Rooster 50 cents. Life like Itabbits, birds, deer, geese, cows, pigs, 10, 1W, oil, ocenta up to fViO. Foxy (iruiidpn and the Rabbit 2." cents. Fairy land F.ggs, 5, 10, 2-j and "0 cents Fancy Raskets in many shapes and colors. Small red and green ones o and 5 cents. Wee covered Market Raskets 25, .19 nnd 4'.l cents. Raskets on run ners or like wheelbarrows, 11), 20, 25 cents. Larger Hand Raskets for Children fancy splint 12, 15, 20 to 50 cents. Fancy Work Raskets and small Lunch Raskets, hinge lids 3!, 40 to 75 cents. Are you going to join the Faster parade next Sunday'.' Certainly and you want a New Suit. Conie as soon as you can there may be slight alterations to make and we are busy now. We have made a wide gathering of well chosen styles, up-to-date in every respect, materials, workmansnip, style and lit guaianteid and prices eater to every purse. All si.ea for Ladies and Misses. $10.00 Rlueaud Black Cheviots, jackets ore collarless blouse, capes on shoulders, postilion buck, with belt, roniania line I, new full sleeves, whole jacket and skirt trimmed. Skirt untitled, worth $12.00. $10.00, $11.00 and $12.00 Wool Canvas SuiU iu (irey and Tan, jacket blouse front und cularless, double capes trimmed with braid, poplin back, belt of same goods nv full sleeves, with fancy pointed culls, romania lined. Nine gore skirts unlined. Kxtra values for price. $11.00 Venetian Suits in Castor m ule the same as above only that whole jacket is piped with satin. $15 00 Oiey F.tatnine Suits, jacket is collarless, blouse front, cape over shoulders, postilion back, new full sleeves, neck and cape piped and fancy Persian braid down front, satin lining skirt unlined. , $20.00 Rlue Cheviot Suit, Jllouse Front, collarless jacket, poplin back, double cape collars, belt of stitched satin piped in white, neck, capes, euH's and front trimmed with black satin, piped in white, full sleeve, tall'eta lined. Skirt 7 gore, tallVta silk drop .-kirt which lias :i rullles. Suit, worth easily $2.r.00. Master Lilies, Hyacinths, Azaleas ( 'liiiison Itaiiililers are be re in bloom ready to send (o some friend or to biing fiiigniui e to your home over Farter tiile. Hyacinths nil colors 25 cents put. Faster Lilies (ill, 7". $1.50 put. A.aleas in colors 7'.' cents $1.00 aud$l.uii. Crimson Kanibler liose Hushes very thrifty anil large $2.0(1, $2.50 and J i.uil. Perfumes Half Price for Faster trade Pari" sian Triple Fxtrncts large assort ments of odors. 25 cent bottles just as large and just as good as good as the usual 50 cent kinds '0 cents for the usual 25 cent sizes and strengths. Sachet Powder 1 odors wrapped in .Japanese popcr, ribbon tied 10 cents. A New Umbrella. Fo wires to cut the covering, wire less, eyeless and you pay no more than for the common kinds, $1 5, $1.50, $2.00, for Ladies and Cents. Made Sheets and Pillow Cases. Why take the bother of making them when you can buy them cheaper ready made. The muslin is reliable kinds in every one, tiie size full, hems liberal, and every one torn-uot cut-and ironed. BUY GROCERIES HERE. Why '.' 15eeai.se our prices u-v lower than others charge you. Granulated Sugar, America'! it lined 5 cents a pound. Lion or Arbuekles Coll'ee 10 cents lb. 2 Cans Peaches for 25 ets. chreyer, & Co. Q Froi)b Street!. QC3C -JC JSLTTJIlOJSr, IPein-iQ-a. 0 DC OC DOC 3 Eln) Sheet J