The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 09, 1903, Image 3

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    MIDDLE I '. lUi POST.
1 lit
-.3 -J
Lri'n pun wincu iitii ii women
,. mill cvrrv tnontii il makes
,-ness and kltiilnew always nv
,ith w oiiiiiiiImmmI seem to be
i toi.:i 1 ...i
Tt!1tiH'li line 111 Kendal inj
IfWU hi; niist what alic regards
,,l nivcwitv there l tio woman
,i tut K "'y Ue rce lro"1 tins
t ..t ....:
I nrnii i'i miiii.
I iyt.c's 1'ivorite Prescription
mniirn strong ami Kick
I'll, "'i'i gives tlicm freedom
.,se. It rslahlislii s regulntity,
.niiiii' drains, heals inflamnm-
uU'tiiiliiiii nnl cures fettialt
flirii nio in vitetl to consult Dr.
letter, life. All correspond
v' nnil sacredly roufi
Vnii1 it limit fenr nnil without
K. V. 1'irrre, Hiiffnlo, N. Y.
1,,,, ,. Mu liiil. Perkins Co . Nrhr.,
,,. hip I i'f I' iin I ul im riil lijr the
l',rn I nv.iTiir I rrsriimioii, nil'l
t 1 i t i. I i'i Smart Wf-cil. I think
m,li ini-i llii" lies! III the wot III."
-..i-..lit .l
'e I ros I1H1UH- IHIH IIIC Iflll-'iiii'is of women to its
,'iiri- of womanly dmensc. Do
'. nit unknown nml unproved
Lraana la th International Serlea
for April 12, ltMiil The
n its i l ice.
v i ,h hu r made active-by the n i i. lt failli in
(1 Corinthians luiU'i, 21, y-tls )
!0. Hut now In Christ risen from the fit nd.
and bcum the Hi si-trults ot them that
1- Kcr since by n-.nn came death, l,y
nnn cnniB uino the resurrection of the
t. Now thin I say, hrethrm, that (huh
4ml Maori rnnnot lulu rlt the Kingdom
if (loci; nclthir Uotli corxiiitlon Inherit
61. lkholil, I nht w you a m ti ry ; we
hn!l not nil skip, hut wo shall u l be
C2. In a moment, In the twlnkilnir of an
". nt the lust trunii; fur the trumpet
"hull Bound, a ml the ill ml nhnll he rnlscd
liii orriiitllile, iimf wo shall be cl.nngi d.
M. I-'nr thin ciirriiillh!e mum put on in
?rrupilon. and thin mortal mum put on
M. 8 when this corruptible stall have
out on Incorrupt Ion. nnil thin mortal shall
inve put on Immortality, then flail he
brought lo puss the siiylim that Is rltt 111
I'nith In swallowed up In vlrtory.
W. O death, where Is thy stliiK'.' Ottrave,
here Is thy vlrtory?
f.'i. Tho tlliiR of death Is sin. and the
im iiKth of sin Is the law.
iii. Hut thank be to (iod, uhlch li'Vli
lli victory throutih our Lord Jesus
M. Theretore, my beloved bn lhri n. be ye
stradfnst, uiiiiiovalile. always abound. n
In the work of the foriiMiinch nn e
kio-w that your labor U nut In vain In the
I -oril.
((!. IIKH TKVf .-.., Is( 4irll risen
from llif iliail, nnil beeinnr Hie first
rriillsuf tin-in Hint li nl I ( or. I.'in.
u; di' s Hi i 'i r i: !; si; tih.v.
The Id mini riton of J"nm 1 fur. li:l-ll
I'anl's AiKiiinent f ir Iminor-
" !1 1 V I I 'nr. i.'.l.'-.'.l
What liiimorlallty .Mian I r,,r. lli.',-
'Ilie llrHiiTert inn of .dsns.- I lie
( liristiiin world Ims eome to luive nn
i All rtUonsos of KMnpvs,
Bladder. Urlmry Orttanii.
I Ali Rhe'inintistn, Bark
Hehe.Hert.DlKAss (I i n vol
Dropsy, Female Trouulej.
Don't become dlscnnrsfted. Tlier 1 a
tureforyou. Ifiiertw-ary mill lr. Ihimt
Ho has spent a llfii tlnm cnr'nit 1iet aucb
va8 as yours. All coo-nltiuioin Free.
"f lin'l severe rnno nf Hilm.y rtiR,..,5 ,
rbeiiriiaiNni. illii'liiiri'init I I r m . I v matii-r
SulTereil inii'ii"!' pain. M V wlfu win i -r : .ti -1 ,
BlTietl'll lib female troubles. I r. .in,ir.
Kidney and Ibn-kaebe I 'nroritrwl n- in. in
I-. M. WIII KI.I'.i:. Kamloiph. la."
PnnreNra. We .fl. Al; forfook l!o.,k T'ee
im inort a i'v ol
I':, u r's I'lr.iKniil 1'tllets.
.v.v.V.'IA ItiMLROAJ.
,;stowii DiviHion.
LiT. i t .M i.v 2.'., 1002.
Kim' .lunrtion
h r'-iliner
Mi ner
.11 -i. Ill' burn
I'.. -lifer
It, nveitown
llraii'i -i'iii,'S'm Mills
Mi i hire
l'sinl. rvllle
k.tew:. Main Hirer! .
Ull"w:i .limetlon.
am en
8 Till
K l
H 11 j
I sin
I H 'rt
I s ,)
: h l
I "W
7 ',7
7 4
7 33
7 W
I lie soul, of life In i, in I t tie in inc. I ,
I'i ii-oiih for Ibis liiitli linve in ver lain
1 better nitniin (.' 1 1 1 tl. in by Pnni in II,
i lil'lii tilh rli.'iili r of 1 ( oiiiiilii.ii.s.
i Hi ml the whole flinp! it nml .von w i 'l
j liaie t hi' w hole I rut b r funliiii' it. I I ,
I Hist kIiji in I'niilV ari'iiioi nt i tiii hi
j loiic fuel of I lie ret-Ill ii -i-t ion of X i:-.
i liiist liiul nveit His si, oil lire In re on
infill, (lied, lis I'.iiiI sa.s s. for our ; ins,
was Iniriiil and rove ni'iiin ilie tliird
in "M B of the truth that t hiist :i ri-'
from the (lend, .Vi'i who saw Ilim ;i',t
lisS iub iry 6 30 p m, ar-
thelitisrove 0 45 p in
Iina.'rovflr.OOp. m., arriven
bury 0:t5 p in.
te lewi.-trjwri Junction :
4 l
4 l
4 '11
it. day. At the lime I'nnl was writinif
J j1 I here were neai I y, i f no I iiiile, .Vin w it-
Hl! lifter Jle l.nil lin n ill the toinli three
jj iiH ! tlli.V. On this fvii'eiice, mn I'ihiI. we
82 preiifh, mid ye I 1 i ve.
J'Jjjj I'iiuTh Ariiiiient for hi.inort . !i:y.
1'nul ffoes on with his nreuirr t i'-h
?!.lliif Christ nrose from the dim. : I, r
t hose Hint fnid there w as no rt ur ;
tinn could not hnvi
rirndril tiollty, of ( nnrar.
A Freiifh mayor, who nt one time
beld tjif ulliee of ptipernliary tnnt'is
trntr, was aliout to jh rform the ciwl
lervire of innrriat,'e.
! ".Mademoiselle X ," he mid, nd-
llressintr the bride, "do voi n LTrf to
tnkf llr. ', , here prfsent, for your
wedded li tlst.n nl .
And, nfter the yoiinjf 1-idv 1 nd re
ilied in the n llirma live, the mayor,
tiirnini,' to the hridr i;roorn, delivi red
himself as follows:
"I'lisoner a) the liar, what have you
" fny in your defi nee?" 'fi t - Hit's.
The tuliT of .lentnusr.
"That Miss .,, Ti i I; v.a- ;,( i,, '
h'Te, was she not?" .i-;l((! it,,. .,,,ir. I i
1'iokini: woiiiiin in the sport ut i".or!s -Mor-.
"Yes, Ml
!' rk.
" l.i -hi' lioll;'i,t a ll. i L'.l,l,'.r:e, I
SUiiose? I under--tnn! ; nie.'
to aniioiirii-e .i r i .m;i'i nt - Yni,
kers Slate. iii.-m.
tll-ronnil Indlenllon.
! Smith a r.d .loi.i s , .,r-h eni:.-,;
the o! hi r a iia r. Il.n . 1 1,, v t'i'. n , .,
oi ii' r sat isfaetion yet ?
DiL'li.V Ves.
Henley With fi-'s or ,N'o!?
I'iifhy - No; t,ey ,,-ft ir to a r-f.m-
n.i't"'' of two oi" Jo::, f ri . i
two of Smith'-- lo s.iv who was
and In- i on, in. -1
An organization lias been formed Id
rural community of Pennsylvania
A Cow Moh i. w,,ieh cn, bt
dcscnbfd at a fro
th Latest.
tcrnnl tniitiinl ben
efit society of whiih rnttjc nre the
tiK-inliiTs. 'l'he hoiiie of this inter
f '!o- or,:. 1 1 i:ition is nt Arm t. anil
ilK loii-ial til It- is " The I'nioa l ow
(luii i f ,;-oot, j'.i." 'I'll,, fo-in'.ry
thi-rciiliinit is n culiai ly ha.i rdoiu
for cows In w.inili-r in. 'I hen- are
mine sliafts and raiiroail traiks and
sleep nnd narrow palh.-t where the
fareicss man or lien-t is prone to
hi iiinldi'. Therefiiri-, sas the New
York I'ost, the cow -!nli. .N-.eow le-s
than one or more than ten e.irs ..Id
is eligible for in' inl.rr-liip. and f ill
pa rl i( ijiiil ion ill the Ih'iu-Ms of (lie
ordT is p'nen oily to those which
tire ll Kourff of proiit to their own
ers. The m-m I c r -. therefore, really
earn er.o'ii'h to pn their own due;,
ai d the owner-i ocrupy ra h' r the
p'.-i'ion of li'l :ne-s a.k.eis who
lake care of the suipll- fluids
looh after the (er?e:il details of .;iv
i :iy the ,. .'s-iin';iU when they fa.!
(I'M-. l:.H il oil!-, it III l-l.t l.e s li'l,
I oids il power of attorn, y for !.,.
inrts. 'I !.' i.wi ers are ! - o the le-n
I'leiirii-s of l.e l.oi,e p. .lilies. )
t W ee II l I fell I a l"l
III I! 01
tiwste 2ail appetite'
POLITICS. eWii..rM-.'
m- irr-n. ifc.t,f.v.,iti jj (M-:iof w. ' N'"w;, ,,,,,k ""
" N. Y.. f.ltii'-r of,,,, .Uustrion. 1 r'"'- ''""'"r. "riM let foil. to be-
f .iii ly of sons, writes th" foilowitiif l.-t- 1 "1T in'.v "'"re. 1 want, that f,n
t'T. which ho hors s w-i'l U. r.. .,l dollars, ami I'm i'.,it, , t.. ha
every mini and woman in Amcri'ii- ; f""'- I l'-aw- n,U .-. "
"S.iiiiii i-i.-i r. ..... I;r.. ... . .
.' '" in" w.isiairiy -av. in.- oilier i
m ule in i si ratde l,v the fain and rlistrc. : ,,,.i..... i ,
I ilT,.r..,l fr,.. urn. o-i.iei'.. . " '
-" ii. i .1 i i ir.- r
A I,.--
:i X .1. with
.- I..- t'li-aed
1I".N. I v;n als. i c. ins; ij ;,i, , and roil i
do-ro Tl.ij l;.. .... .
- iianii ii Tiiinuen i , ,r
about (lire- years A fri.-t.d of m;i,
w ho had su!T. r.- l in s:t.:iUr iiumlt.
1 " Mi" h l.'T.i tit. , ,v ti - i r r I'if'
I'WI't KKNNKIiV.-; rAVulliri:
l:KMi;i)V. iir.o .l ,,. ;,,Tvif I finally
did .-i i it irnr.i'r;) mk' fiKni -i nr
kp:st ihisk. a:;ii r i ii i ivi i- i.
ITS I'SH AM) WAS cruku
' 1 l.ave r-eoioiuM ,i,. 1 if ,,, rr,.,l,, '-f f
III eo;,;H. a-. I t'l i-l.-TV S; i:,-'
tV' y hi v.- r" i.e. r j.n 'j-,-!', ,i .j ,
Of l.cne'it fr.. -?s ""'
It 1-.ii. Ki :u;i ,-'s F.r.-'-r '.- T;. ; ,
"'!.' i th- iie.,r pr ... . ;T;.'..'.
I-i .lii'in.. J,. j. .. K.i. r .,
j 1:1-id -h-r aiel Hi I ii-., s. .-inr.i'
IIS'll. I ), -T.s-., ;,,,, (
Oil) III.' w I In , ' ,W V
Uil.i' -a-!.', o i' ,
World. "Law. v,., ,,,
me n f .- I. . I lit..' -.
If so. I hop- y.H.'li i
nk a feiio.v to .:
H bite now ami the
r.rd 11. raid.
h !
by 'ioi.'t ,
"No-i,;,,' ,;,.':
S'v r.-d. !;
e I'er. ll.-r ...
I i e a ('Ml ll;,' - i
Sep I ' 111 1 r .11, 1 1
If -In- dies !,..'
I'l'lir ;.'ir :-. l.e
,- mil le . ,;:,. -
' i ,i i :. i n f - .a. ii
to d-. .-I.
,'d be ..I1..U.
;,.'- :-.-ee
II ! o : .1 I-
0!l! i'.'".
. ,le. o,-
i -
I at '
If th
'. k. a-
was." replied t,c sruilir.'
i' i .i"i ' . , - . !i
I''s ir ,:i Nf!w50r.i:rfS:.r3
a.-l-l :.. ;-. . J ; ;t r- i,i j,,,. ;.
'I 'i
Or 1-avi.l Kennxty C'irpnriti'.n. f .n.' -at. V V
i.-. nti.i w-ti i-.ii-. s rt hi,.., - ( , ,. ..,
01,1 sor.., skill IP I , t.i.rj.t.
ri. on.
"i'oor in. in!
i.-aiiy. "( ,. ,
l a .- l.e a , m
' i '-.-t
''r,f1 ritted.
'roiip 1 n ; H e a ( I nn .
if 1 1
t i . I
II . I.I III 1 1 1 1
i vi i.. v
a n i !
l:a r
Die Farr.n-r
Tii-loi v.
It.' l .is lo man, ,
spoken truly. !, -
cause U(1milt'dly one, even ( hri&f, had
risen. Jf Christ did not rii-c, then are
1'aiil and the other npoMles preae hintf
what in not true, and those who be
lieved afcordinjr to thin preai-hinfr !-
V'V'ed .whnt won not true. It cr i
An Hiii-rl Opinion.
Cohen (to f. iao.v -,. :. ri c
of foots do mi p pr. i,:,
I'r. Ill ppi rn t'-ti i, -, i
roil, ct ii fimds to irt d to
mismo! a l ii s.
Cohen Voii've j".f de 1,. -t end of
that job: X. Y. Times.
Ir. T a tn
i . I s ' . ..-'..
ty. II." -
,i;i2'!l(Vl- ' .1.' -IT.
Is to :!!. ity nr.i!
ed. as i: i-. to : :: '
Ii m. 110 4i m.ttop m 4 -17p in, 7 If7p
ejus icr.-.p AiuM.nA. riiuourv aim
J. ., v ..... . -nt -,jJJ i), I ua'rtllyfie) that these men woulo to-
,.r! if ml New
MW and 1119 p
4 Eric R R Division.
S'Utisr.jve Junction ikllr for
k p m, t p m. Sunday 9 a a m.
n'mry ! i ( l v OTocut Runday:
.!Til,.i.l i in lor Erie u.l Can-
f"at fl-l .mil (lanamlalirua
s Hst;. Tyrone and the Wusl.
B : M p m tor Hcllelonie
nd ('in in.hiiKUa
P "V i-.-t hi aura
al it. -ro: 1
f n f.-r I uT.ilo via Kn.portum.
f f. i i :u Ivr Krie an.l Canun-
8 M oi lor V i.
i Hirer. n.l
5 35 p ,n lor Shamo-
! is l 5 -25 u m lor Wlike-
u. i 11
1 .im?
a wr w ike-ibarre
East K kd.
vtSfiitirove Junetlon
ii. v 1-nvinn at Pllllit.lf IjiIiIh
r j ;- ui HnlUiuore 3 11pm
;. :a
rtvttT It PhllnifAtiihl
p i wi ui, tialituiure 9 4S p ui
I i-nvn at I'lilla.lelphla
o, ". I i Ui. lUlthimra 'JSII i -.iv Sunbury:
s u riniaaeuinia g uttu
i a nhmrtuD 890 aiu New
' !. 10 :k m Suinhivs,
' rrnir,s' si l'Ulla,U.lplila 7i
J a i iu. 10 is sutul.ivs llulil-
ssiitti,-!,a sac ui. U illliiioie
'Won i 1) p Hi.
Us Arivlnir st. Phll,i,l.litlil
iV'jrK j n am. ll'iiiihiurn K ill n
5 Ii in
Mi.-- i-rlvlna at Fhlht.lnliihis
' 1' ui. Haiti mora t Oil p iu
" i' I'lill.iil-lpniiTs; pm
H il laiorJT 30 P Ui, Wash-
' Sanhury at K.iOam slid 20
lUrrisi'urvt;, I'luU.lolplila u.l
'H. Win, i, (! 1, A(Ittll,
"A Hau l Manaaar.
, restohes VITALITY
Mado a
Well Mart
"f '-iliiHOilaTt. !,-
-J . .:- s v kuu alW.ihara tall
' i-ivir Kst luaiihcssl suaiilj
.U,U,I tl..r tiy u,iut
'''' -.Uuralv touliir. Nv-rvou
AXuvv. Kialillv tan luslctia
' ,rv. WfciUui tiaiiwi. tuj
' r .- aiiU imiiwirvllua.
'"!'. Nlkiuiw,. I't ll,, , iuo. II
41 l 41 ttiu nisi ol dltcAiMi hul
i- - i.i 1'iiKKi Uullilur, hriuii-
" tu i.le hui a. ami r
"ia. ii Mls on luwuui
ea h-tving lit
J 111 V... 1 ..A..!... 11.. ....II
I. e-. ' 'i uw
r-'i iur6.0, wllU A vual
P?" rur. f (Lad
-iiwi. Aoarasa
pre'it-h because niottt of the 500 eye- j
y' wPre still olive to testify to j
tuner the truth or falsify of the
preachinp. If, on fhe other hand.
Christ did rise, then is the arpnimer. :
of those who deny the resurrection
overthrown, nnd nil those who live
riplit lives may hope for eternal life
with Christ. Man was made, nririi'-s
I'lixi !. to he immortal, hut throuirh sin
the first man fell and forfeited
life. Happily through another, the di
vine man Christ Jesus, is irnmortalif v
restored. Paul lielievd in life eternal. :
If he did not. let somtliody ar.swer his
question: "Why stand we in jeopard
every day?" He certainly was not risk-
injr his life preaehlr!' an unpopular
doctrine which he knew to W untrue.
"He not deceived," s,ays Tan', for "evil i
oommunicntions corrupt j:ood
ticrs," that is, the oft repentirsr of a '
known falsehood must sooner or later
show in the life, and recognizing thi ;
truth he exhorts his readers to "awake ;
to riirhtiMusness. nnd sin not." If they '
believe themselves to have the truth, j
it behooves them to live accord it: a1 to
their faith, to show iu their actiors the
knowledge of dod they profess. j
What Immortality Means, Paul
likens the immortal life to a seed. For '
the seed to live n plant, it must reedi j
first die ns a seed, likewise to fully!
nttain unto the t-piritual, our natural
bodies must tlrst be cast aside, finally !
Viml declares that this Wins: the case. ;
we would look for the chant; with
gladness but for sin, which is the stilts; 1
of ilealh. Victory over sin which
Christ can give means victory over
death. "Therefore be ye steadfast, un
luoMiblc, ntways abounding in the
work of the Lord."
t rlllelsiu of l.ltr.
It It true, both iu a poiiiie ami
negative nciiNC, that life is the tiuat ti-.t
of everything. There Is no criticism
that in the sharpness am! t rvim iidous
ncs of JihlijuiiTt is npial to the criti
cism of life. What can stand eery a
auU in time and in elemiM? 'Phl
giiiinli'M con iitioi's -thai we ivceiw
from oiher people are not coiistiiicUd
iu lis h their ligic oi lln ii ph ilo.-oph ,
or their ChiUiianii y, but they aicvi v
iitcd lu iu hy their p.-iM'ii.iliiv.
VhIIs wUK tJ.
The man who walk.-, with 'iod uu-ili
late upon iu woiks. tic is com i.nii i
ed ut rwr. lm u by tvkciis of the I "i in
favor liud evideuce of hi.i creative
powri. - licv W. V. kolf.
I'ljt Hutl 'khlalle-t.
(lold will piuvokc a guugi-tue iuthc
A man uuikt t'v icliy ioin. .1 he would
be reuboualde..
IV Uv m e in u good piolcctioii auiust
UelgUU of cousecialiou may follow
do ptU t vcuvictiou.
Tho tine. fain ii may be wovcu out
p iH'ub puipimv.
U wa were, an ann'ious to do yodV
will we ro to, have our own wj(
owr wuvV V? WOV'liiw. IUiu'ii
! :' 'lie , i,.l;-,." -.. .-I ;:,a
!i l riei'tnar.eiit ,- pr,--: i -n.
W hat y. u ll. ea n." - aid I.e ;,:;.,-,,
that yon would 1,1a- a. I.aie sla' -ll-tion
that v.iii had u hen .. ii w.-re a
It Mar 1e the llenaon. i , mieh n v niatefiai as possii.:,. ,,r,
"Do you know why all the world ,he farm, and to .iv i'l. w lien ai,le. sell-; without havlrnr in some way raised
Tht'm one ip m t!n' r:u vnnit'. uiwm
lirt It r fifties 1'ror.i.
"'.Vhel'.- ... ,- ,' ',.-.' -. ',,,s
i- in ' ha i uht.- .-'ir M-es." .l,kl"'
eni-her uri-'nivti sehoi I tljiMi't'ei
"Well. Wll.-lt's thi anmrnr'"
Idealise he makes such a blooming reenvtnj- dcuo!.- pay fr tae ...... ..
A rhaaco fnp tb Worar.
Iileh 1 vnt iuive a oilier .v.-
. f h e M .1 '
fool of himself, and the world likea ' mean
to laugh." P.rooklvn Kairle.
.il advancement ill
la Pnrsnit n( Knoirleile. i
"You m:ir. h.. -i. !.-.., -i ,r-..-,. '
foolish llest;o;s jn the Cllll.-S,. of the j S,''';i'
day," said the solemn man to the eie. i
vator man. i h' ml
"Ye. sir; I am." ' st.i.;.-
"Indeed? And what are some of
"Oh, same a you re askintr." .T ' i ! r'
, niaaai. ni'-n: of the
! r--o--e--'.o 1 - M.e-i
st.-rn farmer 4
: ir.uiy t i.a' 'he
it ' .lj"l''i" !' -i
n. .w-
HI pioneer
,) tile -oner-
-h.-r' -''.
."t in;.- .1 r.e
', l'':n.
etil ie,! a Hrv --rt.
; ' -- V. V.
(iiililn'r -itiinl it.
V I" lille. In, r
m! Then Ue- Dahtel.
Parke My wife is -he an.-st ..bsti
cste woman I ever .iw.
Lane. In what wav?
I lertnaay a. is 1. wri
st a: '...11 -l the West
1 1.
A I'tun ermuiiT
May 1renu1c.
a a i;- .-; i ;'.;n i,
lille-. :i:;t llaa
ie"'l .1 i.a in 1 e ' .. o u
i:n , ui i' ." '-1.1
1 -lie M..f.:-.e 1. .'
''tiinillur iiiiii
' trine. Some yars -iiro
IV r. mar In f-
UTlv. the other ni-j-fcr. T h.-.,' c, i nn f'-r-'i to -eil tin- I'atusii 'Y.--t !i;,:i
till daylia-ht trying- to convince her' the t.'m:ei St:res. inn -he '.'
am. . .a :'
I nele liiihf.
1 cauc l Oeen i;r::ii:r
la . U. ttl.W.
Ar.ttf Teke 1 heard Ad.i Ciiif-jlin s.iv
to-day that she wasoiily Jj.
Sailie Serelief-Well. of all the pre
varicators! Why, I remember well
of her h .tv it: ir. two toe frozen during
the coal strike! Tuck.
Uhst Inle-d Mailne.
"Mamma." said little Madge, who
bad been intently watching her mother
iu the hope of an opportunity to get
a word in; "what iti the world did yon
do when your teacher used to tell you
to be quiet'.'" Yonkeri Statesman.
hat, ladeeUf
T pen is tnitcht'er than tho sword."
fray. what, then can excuse !t
i'.'r ucver turtniiK on :rto hji'lo
if pjet ho iibustj It'.'
I'BiliJelphla I'rvs.s.
APfK IK 1MB UtlVbllM.M;.
States congress .;;.; a, t ;t. u-
i-emly i.i'ither rri-ay '-v;ia i:ai.- jdi '
rti'itte.l h- tin- t'uit- d tati s .-"i:,--''--,
but tti.s t me. :'"r -rn::- ir.i:i"Wti i:y--
ei'i'iis Dium.i-k :'' i-'-i
-eil. W'-y.' a.siss the N.i' otial li.'-l
gr-iph'e Magtttne. I' .a ve.; l::-wn .
thai liertnany has a, ways w a ::!.; '
IVaituii's. ami f by -ottte p.-:iec-.tii- j
men as : i:e kin-."!' un . - f IV t-.tnark. - ho uei 1
... I
oecume 1 tate "t tue iicr 'nan empire, j
the Uaiuil West inuies wi.-uid m t !:uw
cliangeu sover-ign. ''i '''- he 'j.-r- j
man tlcet could lui .' it s sia t i. mi t here, j
Would 'he Monroe doctrtue i t: tert ere 1
with ilii arrangement '.' I
I. - -v
. -v ee pi 1 11 11 .
The nicl-.ts ui the wiiippi
w.t'e Ik .iters are .nice tuort
eus.sion mi .New York Male.
Hoosevelt, while in the lea-
Mr -1. - A l; ,
Mr Hi'-" '
i.e. rai.i.u. r
Nut i 1ere lilt
"How ' ' ' ' "I .'
;oi llu' i" w ii .'"
"I ' ii-1 i . ". : t -1 1 .: 0
: - L.' "
11 1
.11 .. n
a nar !'
,::ai k- ' 1
a. 1 1.. ; w -v ;
it I'li;..;
v , . '1 ' .
r't'ep-.i.! 11
...1 1 'lie -e -
"What'ii the fare, cabby?"
"Vivo dollars, sir."
".No, it iu't. lleie'n a dollur. I'm
not such a fool u.i I look."
"No, kiv. I wii,H you were, sir."
'Ue Musical Vuo.
Ui' ti musical, ah, mi, InJveil;
You'J know it, just to hear hlu, talk,
llu sayi he can't vnjo.v a, meal
Vnlcis ho uses a tuning-fork.!
IuUnnatl Vv-niuK-rclaJ Tribune
criu m-.ii's ago. tnai.c a -ireinn u
fort 1" 'iiuviiic t ll is Miclh'd if deal-ng
with . -i. I Itilsbajii: . lttr he :.,ni
l-eik'il 1 1 1 1 1 1 e 1 1 : 1 c l , 1 1 1 ' t'v lai liow
itig ti' . -toli'ish.t.g ;i 'ii,i.i new .l lii.-
iicCO I'll - 1 1 e I
et ."'
t'ttul' I-llltllluil.
a : ' 1 " ::. 1
.; e ' in.
, 1 'IV iv ' " . -
llll I !
II M.,i
'U I ll 11.111
' , ; . .
cow., .., pravticc. he 1 '..11 (15 X tifal?CWl
pmg pod "for wue beatvrs only." I he ( 3 fhi T ' TV'-
.isu.t' wa i.v.eau'i. IIIC ,11 g i. I. VIII V ,V.:J" 'JviiV. si-", . W
ng vhat .he t vmal ( -uci, , .si,, j iK$$S&&Si
..I. would W a taut,, to i.-toa.ou.-.j O'vS
l.inco.ti umvI to ! ;i i ; o It hc.i.tily at,
t hv' diet mil oil an a 111.1:1 ur iimniui' 1 -h.iiiling
:k new gun: "A gun ought
not- to lvcoil; it it rvcoilcvi al all, il
ought to recoil a Ii:lic t'oMud.-' How
his ability lo smile rcicaltii this gnat
man's iimUM'uliicj.- is, uol yet fully
' iii K--r-vi
Kdiioi ial notice (iu of the
near future): (.Iwin,; lo the press ut'
advertising; mutter, the Iilvrucy fea
tures hae, becu oniiltcd for thia
It was Tennessee, that was going to
build a state building at the St. Louis
fuir entirely of eoaj, but she ha been
ufiaid to run the risk.
a ..ey
v : tj
-. :'.'.-: : a
r. ut
:: wia"
.at' liai-
tt -s-arti
A.i.g :at
. -.iti
: rai
.. -irti
. .'.in.
; : 1. '.- r
.!' r,
,.J vl
.he. ..ItalK..!
A lis, ll I ,
..: J ,av i l-r
i.a t 1 -1 eii.ia,- ;:- -
-lls ... -o: J il. ,es !
''vi' iiKii rkliav-ss ;-J .1vli. i--v
a, , let. tail ths ,111. If
ais. j; :t.
vi . - . -.oil: g
- ..y ,.li hale l.i
-l'ii. v v vo uiu ba
1:1 1 lu '. a:e.
Htr .'UfB vuti i he ' 1 1 1 1 ; ; , 1 i v,
j. fuiuv. 'S. V-u. i;ri,i:.
lit; v'l.vil.e.' ' .li
Tiiii I-k . V-. i .n.i. CO.
Us.'.rv-rt, . Y
! 1 J ..v -' i o ,. .... : :, a -l.t. -a -ii. w w !...-
i 1U1 "' '' ' ' .'.-VIU.Uk
.iuiv.. la IN of livi a.... . .. : .... v .: . .v
I ' 111 . ii -i'i-.v a, e '.ac 1
i. '. ' . - ' ' . 1 ( ',, iv ,1 in ii v y ' :i,u ..1
I '.'.,-'' .. its ' ' T ivlsv.:. tvil.l '
'l I
a:::i W
n stu-',v vi..,. SL '
lA U I
is inc tss .nuu.a : lou L v i o4
lii'tt't iiccvi wonli '.:,...c g.av. 'uir,
deep line of care :.d vlw;v,i.tuvlc 15
juiviule life?
' Won't luVs ftuui fevef be uu: ovJl
'euoujjli wiiiioui, our trintf to ruJi ij
(tlirougli at) breakneck speed ?