THE PRESIDENT'S TOUR Mr Roosevelt Will Travl 14,000 Miles On Hit Western Trip. AVaiMnston, March 30. All arrange merits for I'rcslicnt KcoseveU's west err, tour have been complotoil nJ tho Itinerary was ;tveii out Saturday night. The president will leave Wash InsMn en ViMne.;.hty, nt 905 a. ra.. over tho lVitnlvaiiia Railroad on a ipociul train, atitl will bo accompanied fy Smi rMr J-09' "u K,,rK(H,n ln eral of the'rlfti" nr.. I throe atonoitra- tl.or?- O. R. U-wnh, r. representing the r.-ioi-y'.vanU Railroa 1 Company; rrpr. - iii.itiM s of tlirci press asso ciation, three vvcehly paper and a photorrapin-r; 1. W. Williaiv.s. West ern I'nion Te-lctraph Coiv.pany ; J. R. Gooch. lVi-tal Toli-sraph Company; throe- r.ns'i iumm s and four other. Tho run to f'ai. airo, tho f.rst Mop ping plan' will bo made direct, allow ing only for tho necessary railroad chsns s Ciiica;-i wit! bo rcacho.l on the iHon;ir.K ? Apt 11 2. Tho rroRrim for fhitav.i rind vici.iity will tnclu.lo -visit to tar Nor;hwrs;orn University and rhioapo rnivi-rsity and a ntoeting t t'io Andito-nutti in the evening T le will June trip tra tfcrot; A DOUBLE DROWNING Two Perish In Presence cf Hundreds Who Were Powerless to Aid Them. Sharon. Pa., March IS A double Crowninp occurred hre last evening tn thr Shenftneo rivpr within sight of several hundred people, who were powerless to give aid. The victims were fiaylord H Lotke. aged SR years, a pron.intit business man of Sharon, en.": his nephew. Frederick Vapous. .pel iS year. The bodies of both Wito roeovered two hours after the acii.'ei.i and Mapou drove a hors( sr..; wagon into the river at ths foot of Silver street to wash the biifk hoi.rri Thty apparently got into a siri. bole, for tin horsp and the two tren werr wopt down tstrwim Into deep water an.'; '.'. wore drowned. Mrs. Vrfi. l.i was an ye witness to the As she saw her husband hat tlir.c t..r II? she eried. "My God. will r.o on"' Then he sank un der the wtter and she almost col-laps" HONORED BY "WOMEN. RIPENING OF CRT AM. Suffragists Observe Birthday of Su san B. Anthony. faleaa Tertret Cleaallneaa Cliarae trrlara the Proceaa, (iood lt- ulta Art Out of the Qaeatlnti. For Over Fifty tftn Sh llaa Tollrd to Secure l-'.qaal l.eitwl and lltlcnl Hialil fur the Lcntlir Se. February lj was the anniversary of the lility-il.ird birthday of Miss umiii lliuwiiell Antlnr.y. It was more or less (;t rurally obMi'id throughout the country by nu is of woman MitTrac associations iind other itc iiiaii.liitici s of this tinted reformer. "lYisilily no woman ier livid," says Shallow setting produces rrrani )if fieicntly riprnnl. ns a "it. era I thiiii. at the time of gathering. Occasionally it is over-lipciicd, which sonu t iuit 1 causes i'oiisidt raldo ditlicultj in lnak inp pood Imtter. In iKep setilii!', m v eral i-kimmiiipH may be put io'o one ean and held nt a ti mperat ut i -f (i in CO to To ilegrees. l-'nun "I toilf. limns will be sutbeii iit to ripen it for ehui ii- "Auditors'f Notice. N. la l.r' y fr n n all partlr hvln . Imiui. am) ii t tt.c ' t:tic of !' til livrrulil. Iai or I liNtiiiiin 'iiwiif.lti(. hii)tt.-r 4iM.iiiy, Pvati 1 1-nina a ell a all otii r rioa in li Utn-l tn u. rn iti nnaduly aeeoiiittil Audi lt nketii llliulto i i( 11. i Inn. In n liialii iiiK in ' 1 llaitil nf I lio itMii..liitiatiii' of nalil .1 iiil. i.t an" thai li v III rlt nr Hip nirM-e o( tllM.iiii.tnic lii tl' tifMi nf lii i; miiMiii-iil at i i ' cv i.t .Innim i nu-. Ivm- at Miil.llr- ui la. eti nuitiln., .t 1 1 -Uli, e':i. ai H ..' Iin k A. M ol m tl il.iv. vl rn and ohrre all iIxi-h lm init c'rt a- af' r-alii inul r"i-nt ami prove 1 lir .nt.ur In-1' Tvvi-ruVlMirrtfU ruin imnl'V In on t il (ntil I II. iH I'. t'LMCIt. Auditor. M nli !H.. Notice of Pinal Rule. lo PI T. li I, M 1! Avi:it, lite of Mwlton. lliir. omo tlunk It l lii ei -siirv to ue IVnimylvania. a starter for en am from i'u i p -et t il l( t. l.y imlillrl Hint a flnnl mlr fur If )..,! i. .-...ill. i. ....1 It . 1... il... .liMir.r lm. iM-vii iiriiiilr.l ;.iaiiil ynil al 111" tin-t or top as iliauii olV ti e elmin ami it should be ean fuilv lo pi in -!..-s iars that l.:e been lh. ii-hlIi'v one of her fiini'.. '-who has, j;iiiiM w.lsnlli. d n,l kept in a pure atmosphere. About nn h-.lf pint to one irallon of eream will besuf- maiiv j ears i.f aetixe work to a re formatory nu asure ami has In en left wit such w oi.iierf ul i'.alitj." Horn ut South Adams. Mas., in l-. this girl n f Quaker parentage was ar'.y taught the importance of coinage, selt am! of thinking ai;i acting for licit nt to U--I . The abnormal practice of lipinin eream in a churn that Ikis n..( l. i u I washed cannot be too mmi.Ii t. n- 1 tlenintd. The cream is hurrinl nloiitf S'l-V,,'r. .' w ... ! , 1 ...... I . ... . -l oniM.i. '" ""V f;1!.t etioiith. but bad llavois. it . t iriii?io A !-l nutt-r vi.tir wife, n-lilt-h ti ill l-f In ant in ll'f I milt if I'tMiinif n I'leAit i.t i.y.irr . .' nlv. tf liti.-lwr Te in. l'.tl.', Vo. V. tm x it tluv. iin- ilr." tin ti. ttintp. I'.n:1, mi whlt'li Iny, yuM ht.iy itpM-nr tin.! litir t-ntift. If a"y y lutv-iv tt iiy hit. h iliv.trtt) hliniilil iit.t lie Itr.-liit ilnuiiin-l veil JAY U. WKISKlt. All.Mii'-v for I ml Vj.l.llei ii-uli !' . Van-li intl, Iwul. 4 . lMlMTRA'HMrSNt)TK'K. l,et a lers ot Administration in thee .le el llfiil'v Ititvt-r P nt iwp. , r.i , ii'V.l., hating itt't'ii irritni luiirrslcneit, nil ttisiin!t kn..ini: I'u 'in. If - U'.l' I t'tl tnni'il rsliite iiie reiiuemiH Neuralgia of the Heart For Years. Pain Went From Heart to Head. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and Nervine Cured. vt arrisa i. H "Woiuen endure pain t than men." "Who spratiff thr.t nP rtiwlnr? "'So, The shot null, fr Id A Flati St. ft. There are as K""d f tin were ever taken nut marked Small to Ynniu, 'j refusetl by .Monr line's "Yts. 1 know, but tin v r) fish." X. Y. Times. ' 1'i-opa- 1.. ... 1... ... .. .. - .I....... I .!..' M.VUl .... . ... ... I.. ....).. I I ti 1. It'll ' I I.'.. 1.1. tit 11 III l ll.ltsi. l.iiVltlir he return trip to Washington will! ; -jpated in tins way. itiy.iriaiuy - nie ,., ii. i.-rv t ii-.-ilv The rresident , i luttter. eparatctl cream n.a.i in- Hit uinl.-ii).i.i-i. l,.a... .r ,.!.. .t. J r.i piesuitni s.-h.i.d suonoi let bv hi I , ... ' t l t . r.oYI-ilf. A.lm iil.'intor rea.h Washington at 7 05 p. m.. V" , "p ; " " 'ho,e I ' . .riZ. )":"" . " Z '' '-'- h. The time occupied on the , , ' . , , , ,.,,,, a i M-n.nt-. om u i.-.uiie . -- will he 156 davs. The distance" ' ' pr.l.iil-lv an n.i.lit.onal 1, n to vo iiouis . DMIMSTKATtiUS MH ifh. i,et- I Hii'iLer liii-ii-eitit-srlniA! ui Wist I lll.a I . a . i- ...: ....... . . I. VfK'I w M hp fthout 14 000 1111108 r 1 U '!'r- " rnruiiiM;inn . iin1 tmm ,t i m mmm nu hii i ii i ii r " ' ' 'iihin At nh.nit this tinio lit T fiUU- i - .i:v. t-tr ol Cro irr I t lmr vt f n n m A 11 giin tta. hii.g at the ear.y ag-e of 15, though ibis w us ur.ucci ssarx at the time. Whin she was about Is years olt";. how i 1 1 r. her fa t In r. a cot ton man ufacturer of eolisii't rable wealih, lost eei per.r.y .f his fortune. The teacl.ii. u Liu; to be cut intieii and it was 12 years i.-.itr b fore M ss An- ; rave i.p th.s line of work for the ; or.c which has made her so wi 11 known i a!', on r -, lie worl... M away lro;v. tioii.e tr.e nisi woui ai."s rights eonvfi.t ion was called at 1oi hestt r. l,att r sht- beei.mi intt rest '. in it cause mn; 1 as t vi r leen its most nr.'i i.t supporter. In Is:,? she aided in oi'g-ai.iii.p the first Slate Womrtii's society (N.Y.). She bee a nu nelivt during the i. war in at.ti-siuvr ry and woinin's rights work an: was Fcereiarj .f the Wom an's National l.f.yal league. Paring tin carle discussions ot. the wnmnn's- temp A but til-maker niust make rubs to tit the surrounding's, t'leanlim s. how ever, applies lo en ry butti rmaUi r and yery mi'k room. It i- inipoibh- to make a nicely flavored butter with any part of the surroundinct filthy, fla vor comes from fernu nt at ion that is ir.tiiietil by perms, l'oul dishe. bail odors and filthy surroundings propa- i i.iti .i iii.-ivi.Miy eernis t not a.'ioi ine was teaching I fl . , t mU.,r ,'ii:ivtrouslv. l b :mli- ness first, last and at all times N abso luttlv neetssary tti the protluetion of pood butter. 11. I., .lenkins. f.'l.-h'hif.l t.. a.ii.l i-Mnte ro ri-.nifntf.l t" linnie.liiili' .h u.i'iil. ahlle tlmr liavlnv cUini. will rim m ilii'iu duly utlit iioe.iifil t. in.- tui.lfiiiune.t w. n. itit si:u, ('hapiiian, I'u., l i li. l IV U Ailniiniittr..tir, Let- A ... UMINISTKATOUS' NOTU l r ot A.llliini.trnlii'il In tlie rstnle nt ilitiu... Troup, hilt- nt I'trrv lotvnliip.'r to. inly, la., tlivinsi-.l, luivinu l.ern itrnnl.-il to 111.' mult nil vr"ii.s kll.,wtli lln'iii soli f iu.leltttsl .t iit f.lnlt- are n-nut-.le.l to ntnke iniiiiiHlinte imt ineitt, white tlio.t Im.-iiiK f Ininis Atnint llie sni.l r.litt. w ill piv.i'nl tlu'iii tin!) antlit ittl.-nt.'.l lo tin- umlfrsiniH-il. .1HIIN T Mlll- l l'l lil.V, Aiiniinistintor Vnr. 'V H. Aline, l a .'n (. frou.e. Ally. "Abtnit .llirre ie:us ny nster was so badly attrctcil Willi licait ttuubie and neu ralgia ol the heart that we did ii"l expect her to live. Altlmu-liwe lunl a l.rt elms phy sician she grew wotse tiiub r tli s treatment. She had a swolliil drrvitienl look and had (reipicnt spells ul neiiralc; u puiu nt her heatt when she would ri nd.-r the most I ta't tend iiig moan and shocks. At tilths the pain would c" hum her luait tn her hc.ul when a lump would appear on lur temple hall ns Uige as n tin. One tulit the got up in lied and ran into llie back turd riying with pain; she w as in it cunseiuus ef it, however, and was brought h.-k to the house by neigh hers. I b nicht l"r her a lieitle em h ol lr. Miles' Nervine and IK-ail t'uicwlu.h helped her greatlr. She nlteiwnrd u.ed some live orsix boltlfs and lias nevir had a spell since. I had used your medicine with great benefit myself. 1 know that Nervine and Heart Cure net only saved niv sister's hie but all saved me lnm Insanity mid death. 1 was m nervous I could not bear the slightest noise or movement around me and I sulfered Irom palpitation ami pain in the heart. I hail choking lensstioas, ditty snd laint spells, smothering spells when 1 could scarcely get my breath; I was so nervous I was tiented hLe n child and atone tmif it was thought I was losing my mind. Nervine saved me fiom insanity." K A llK AcKFS, Clover Creek, l a. AH dritcgis's sell and guarantee lirst lint tie I'r. Mi.t .t' Kriiu-dies. Send lot fire book in Ninons and Heart Ihseasr. Address In. Mi'i M-tlua' Co, 1 -'.II hart, Intl. I. nit lent t 'nai-i,,,) Mrs. rianiKUi -Shin. , Prj jour litis ba nd'nTinsi nt . . Mrs. Kluorwnlker . , j and does nothinj.1-. "ralth, Is he n tin i ; States man. "' rrJ The Heat Ilr tti,4 tt-i ii.. r .1 tl llfK Itt ii'ii- i 1 1 1 y t.((, said he would be vy lllim IV UVll I... . ""ss " " r-o'ia,,, It. At any rate, ho il.,. .,,', u to earn it livino; fur hi i -, Iterord. It Wm t l tn i "1 tnnde n resolul i. n ii .t t, kiss me." "Have y mi broken it , i "No; but lie bus." i ;. . can. KILLS DISEASE GERMS. r.lrrtrle Hath Heoomnientled lt ! kee IntMilnrln Mump llnl the i ante rtaane. ropt rt 'lill'.lv ot.s.'b e-rirl.l bill eircnlated 1 1. civ .1 an Miss At.thor.y p r hunilrei's of pe!i 1 po'.i: ieal. travi Ur.g Kinrj and Oueen Will Visit Iceland. Ixm.lot, March "1 It is officially ann.r.iticcd that King Edward and Qtieei. Alear.(!ra will visit Ireland in July or August of this year The ac nouneetnt ut of their maiestie? lntend d visit has been received with prat satisfartior. in Dublin and Belfast, where It if predicted the visit will bo a triumphant success,, as they will see Ireland in r. happier frame of mind than shi has beer, for many years.. TCothlnc is hnnwn regarding the itin erary that their majesties will fol--iow but It is believed thai the trip will "be made on the royal yacht and :sv iees v-111 be wtalted. in p Utleal rlrrleia the announcement of the Irish trip is accepted as as au pnrv thai the land bill may be passed without a:i'- t:r..1u(- frictir.s. i i Since the ciscoir that the terrible "'foot anc moiilh tlisease" has bei;un iis raMiees Hinoi ir cattle of the iw l'npl.inii states tytry means has been utilized to stan. p out the plat-ue and prevent it from spreading to other In r.i s. the state and national depart ment of a-L-rh-uliure cooperating with the farmers to this end. It is not im prohithic that the apparatus here il lustrated, llie recent invention of mirew of tiroton. Mass.. may be of considerable value in ihiswoik having Ih-iii t':esii:r.ed especia tlie purpose of freeinp WASTED- sevoml ponton, of t-haratler nml iroo.t renuin'ion in enolt t.tte tone in iin. 'o 1 ri'ipiire,! lo le pre out n,tvt.rti ol.l f.lnlt- li.lip.1 wealthy tin. tit . s house of snlltl liiinm ial plan.linff. s:tiaiy SSI weekly wilh eieiw ad , tl tmnal. all payable In tali rai It W ittni-nhiy ttiroct from lii-a.t ollice. Ilor-f anil cnrnnKe fitrnishe.l w lint nt-fesnry t'l n ii'ln-e.. l-'n-i I..ih s-tst eiitfloie t oloienl lo., Xii )tarltolli ft., t liieoga. 1 ti! li t T 1 111. . I OI.II 11 H H. j Take Laxative rtronio-OuiiiinoTnhlels All ilruenists rt fiitiil the money if it ! oils, to cure. V.. W. llrove'si r-iKtinttire ( ati each lox. "Se x for : f i. t Korsy, ATTOKNKT A" ' 11 M:t)'.t. Mt-: tl 1 tici. tii) nv ajtii jii.Vm uuo3 'upjaj '03 H3A1IS 1VN0I1VNH31NI 3HI -StlltlSJI) Man initinajq u 'tM -on JJ1-",W joj mJV'in ant oi -sumJii MuiptMi in iom aailiitl.w 'uiutialf atu jo .nun ttui.imu.tpi si,.VI,, lloltlUI A u II in mi SJJM.I. suoodg pun SJOJ S3AJUf jo pnau; nit) in Jil no unatltlu lill jui aptJ.L tl l (itioil t -ii t-r, Mrs. Honticcr- 1 Inn. I,nn Mrs. flriice thin nf lei i . . n. lichtfiil company she i Mr. Itoillieer Yes; I iin, irv, she Is no talker. ItnsL u irj, The l.raarr , "lln you like to nn l i s,, boys?"' "Ves'in. The teacher d...' half ii linicli a maw .luin.". Ainerienn. I'ully t'lMrrnl. A woman on the ih nth old bund teleirriiplu'd to a i'is.t "Peiir .loseph Ih di ad. ) covered by insurance, y yd atrnlulii rip. Tom I ran read ymu- the t lit rn t ean nanny i. nn, j-ntl could you wouldn't i; away. Indianapolis .buiriial. : t t i in le. i.i Rt, Tatta ftve-i.i.... -.thc- it: ni " -J i.i. ill liv. , : '-. , til! 1.1- iar' r-.d nt- Thnt VV n Iltftrrert. .. yi.i Irt.ov. v.n. pi', me 6 .1- . ti. -. a;..' :.u-k . Hi nt V. t ... 1 , ;. n,!-ta,.t. FfSAN B. ANTI10VT lller Has Hecr. Mr.2t a V.u'AZ li uf;rilpls.s I 1. 11 j ' v'eterjNARYsUrceoN. HLINSGeoVt, a. Al prtifeaatoaal rmit)es entrtmaje Bay esrej wlf rrelw' l Tt mpt -I iitifnt Mierrnj . 99i XOM I msin rnaiicitiritior jj ineniliermt-elves tliootlti-itiai t" r.Trr Mnntk"ar"iti'a:loMa lf.lncludlnu Splices of hu-ii-cmi tl wii.ti.tT ;.:.t. ii. a.: sorts of vi hie.-s , .,.ir;,Mlt.s, ,s wil, be seen, the idea, Mrs. (iur.ipps My husband says my -"""""""'""""""" i sometime.- even trampitic m. foot '. to jninM ,.,,. anin.t.l a, a bath, new is not a bit U-conjicg to , - fZ'z:; '2' t'Z 'X.zrziX-mr ''W(JQ heading Slapd ad re : ? h''' : iU-cliiiJii ficroWna Copk-i Hi sorts vi hit TI2H GEIlM-KILLING WTH. Jaat Tfcla. LIT bit er sunshine, ti".' bit er fontr. En strtnpih enoush ter travel Tre rocky read Atlanta Constitution. rre)ad.ieed. (iur.ipps My husband says my WHEATLET I Is not rteanwooked. therefore It retains the S rich, Nut-Uke Flavor of Wheat. t TRY IT I 8oliluisJb.pacmees brail leading- 0 rocert. ; Chitnee to .loin at t'hth Tk..a Mitke anil Nuts at nnry fnr li Rvaribotlr slioulil loin tlie M uin,i iu lo Clubof Amerlea. There In nnitiu-j anrwaorn. It ooul ainmitt in ililini,,) J btmentattsireaaro wonilerful. luiuJ unnaMi iHiiiRnantiperiiitik-iiN.rniiiKiid nutruinenla at anet'lnl cut nrim l. dueetl rntesatninnir rinteln. liunai rraeniciinran, it one si-nulartc.i4 tile east) prlies to tnrnitierit. I; tiy rooms In many cities for liitrnt-inhnthf tied ItwlM strtimental muslolftill alxri earhi extra eharRoi Ti iileeeii In otfitii CAN OKT ALLOV TUk& tUtUnik BUST SUTHintt, I wanlk iollark doatear . . ... .-flit tstm moQtm memDersnip. sonwrruci tbls offer by. Yliu will g, r rour gnf value manr ttmosover. Tull lurUw not free of ehanre, but If ym trrm end In your request lor mennnoi E roper feeatonee. ThelSetfl.tHrwao erablp offer will soon olianf. Wnua dremlnajour letter and enplnWnf I.i J. i fiihll jrearly menberA .p fesk V ' - rt k,. Krci it aU ahojre. 4 y4 i I drat .'. year's membenhlp or Iwenly U'eaul 1TFKA KT HTW No. lMNwimiMl mnnlllt to HVTVAI. I.I TV. tan 1 : 3 A F T.'i .- ' l:.:.i. V nr.' it, tite I"m . II sl.l 1 1-: i J i-.i-of 1 cat liov. If T Zlllf i:ii.t lit 1: tTiliVUtv. TIL. j - f. , 1. cf V. i : t r.' s.u liar ( tvuit j LIU. Jorii...- ! l.V 111' i.- M-a-ft'-;- a state it. the in rt .h-s An-.lioi;, lia iiot i.i.., r ne l.a- o-f u- -i. v ii. ft v .M;i"-i ,. i.i. i. l.t.pi.tu.. S net i.ii- f.-r;.t.-. i. i, liear.Lf,' i u.;:nt ' riv .f every eonf-vess. ; ! , ..i v nt 1 in. t Ms' i nee v.i. i .mi: I Si:f "i.i't i.hhi- liei:: t.irl otlieet i-ni; is if '.1.1.1 ( (! t.ii'.l t U l.. l:i ; ieii( .1 ; n. i. -ii- Xn Ma li: ti : T of r 31 it i ' ry ; i:;t i t I t i ' rriv :1. ,u t s up lv en ri.ii i. i. i. t .. . 'I. hilt . p-e-Ui" -lit ei.f -iHU '. i 1.CM II'"' 1 11.1.1 til li'-'.I ' in v 1- t li I.t I 1; ii ,i os -yi (.Hire n. it j'i't:: l;ve--v ij.UIlit vto-1., "'J'i, 1 th- ii vi i.ii.r rty in l is work am. Minlus a enrrtni of ii-ctricity fi con pu tt- t In ii l:t: v 1 in TU ? ! t es w I.i t)t:-ii. J'. v enk s' li:'.'.;: !,' ! ! ' vt'lll iii'r I (. 1 I ' : i' ' ' t i lit th. S" t l.fct b -nit et rr of it.w V t 1. i' TI I: V 1 ( si "V" ' 1 he t- rn:S w i' 1 '.i.t i r. .: r v : ii. 1.1. Jii i.pp yli i' :L .i l.; in i: i: f ! i -1 : ' i v i ( L (.ii'- in Prepared. Ah. r.iy dariirg, so ne nirain l!ns 4 v;i I've te i.i . t s tUUl.1 '.ruf ne wot. l l ilt ui t t 1 ' I ' L le I I. C ) "it Anti.oiv" Ji..l Hutted "'J'i. t ruin- it ioi. o( lit it ):.:.. uiriin: o! tt.e owi v ''ie . into the it- J..1.'-'-.. I U.'I: p . a-. i I lO Ihe ; c-u rr I. ' fit-f't.r . , e '.; ' i: i,ur 1 1 - f .-"i-j :,r i !.( f. ri i. tlie til nil utid' r -h m f 'U voi:-i-eel.. c r '. 1 1 u. -ii: 1 e a-.i-uti;.M the , t- i-alh. iia"try is ' r fork ii it ' 1, a vi ire Mr. Stay voa rtally tvtrlrtj? Mis Tvitlm Yes. (leoipe Ut n s'.et lir.' all day. Pearson's. . Prtiltlem Everywhere. Mrs. riiiisonlit ak They say coal it.? at sea is a preat prolili m. John. Mr. t riinsor.beak oa'.ii fr any where, now. dtar. seiin-i'o l e a prob h in Vonhers Sta'esrnan. ii lit. sUiteswrlJiat.. js .erful tt:UL t h eliui-fe i f w .' elleet-c; kt oust- i.'-r nt-r; .'ins. To-ctiy ale eT:vit-ri by lliot--r i. nt "Li. at', s tti in! volutin- ii.'Jivirtuals. wit!, the 'if p' ::ti'a' dmbilitiei I.H.I- ' ti Ln JL 11H- iuri'' :V II. Au.erii-bi. if ill eti pt: l i t iv e y eNi t-pt i'.ii: j Iif 1 1. .V y et rs w li 1 i it lev '.:.' i'.H . just '..!,t w on.iii: if all ii.t. '.'! i'.-hiii j'ltei tun t.Uy of l.trr t n.t eu-n tli. '.tr .-f Let u " i. v . n ei-v Ji'.VM T L r b'-' '. )' I ' -Li I I I i li . n : '": wti) .up'l t- 'jrii i j,i, j.,t s'.i.i ' yr.' i t,i l.i'.n t'i ly i;.e fork buck - t !;- rt urn i l.eiii lieir.L'i of the :-fij,: for tn. itistatt to fcll'.i-w tl " eurriM t, nei ol ail ju.r-1 . tl.- kir.. Louifc vilit C'ourier-Jotj'na'.. VAlRYjn) LIVE-STOCK- Anotber Way of I'Dttinat It. "Truth lies at the bottom of a well." "Ar .C u're to kini tf diver." CLi- CICO I'ost. now nfi: t iiuzt: him. Vj if J..-. Hi r fciu. . ye;, i. : y Iu; ;l.. i;:.i't n.i.i.e r. b . vt i i : '.u M ii.l't. ei.i; ii . O'J.i '.. V l.el. Ct hilt . 1 1 i i.mrri. w L,i i. . b'.' U'i Ce'.erit i l sl.vr. i' : U t. i .- . iri t,er 1 '. i.t ei' i'j'. , bennesf ir. -1,1 iic I or i.f a- .l.-l '.i fcitu 1 .f .MM ttii-.ll.i t'l. b. lull i vtiie uit.-Milu.-, .t en 1 I I ii I 11, 11) V'f i.e eh! . i ii. i J oiinr, lie. 1.1.4- Ul , ill.!.! ht.t! J;i l l.eir '. VU- ! Jt 1.11 w i:U ! l. I.ll .i Nfl.l t (. 1 tn i, vtti-y ).' jfcii v ii-jjiu-tit b r k'-i. jii.v w h .ei. (, ,i ' T. i '., u. 'jt t Ai-iii fvr ijuf Jr i.i, t- tit- triiUst if wvu.1.11 j".'t or J.iot fcs .(J,. for (jl.y i,t ! 't l r l( ilijr;, .j, vut-'L eitt.ei of al! .-tivi. or vtb.ti W'.iili ;l:Ul!el with i It js t'.ioteu.t pU!.V.-e ett-1 a smutch i bt i i j'.vet.. u lelp inKi t . ti vltit I u.-uC . t lei'.ei w fit let,, ii. ii.'l 1 ti 1 l.ii'f ;.ei.'.uri. that Lut twt buc ovt.t Ji : itt-tiy ;t t'ue ii tt-rt tt vf ji.t I JeCt. 'J l.ete bus bieu l.-j tLyuUt vf ! jieravt-ii! t-vufvri, u iu-ut vr ' f Ivrv ; lL.e btif -ttbliegutivtt. the- wlf- (iairyiiJ-L st'nr3 rj'.nt.'h 1i:.e wt-e)iiif over spilled li.Uk to buy a L"lt- cow . TLt- AuK-ri'-ui; hoj Las rootn; Lis wry iMo -aTiy -vry e-.jier f tie -ivli- wrvi cLl i'-d world. $ eoui i'y ittt Y'' t ' tvar witLuut I. .n.. ' f VOU Ti' 1 I W St.) till! il Hb'ilit j Le.i. G'jii't ti-r". sitli uitrtiL. Yvn ; will i'i.-e iii'iu'' "j, il.,r!e ft., if vvu i .! L-'t a s br- lulil: b If k t f .' -1 . .Never allow eiione lo V list ,f tickle yjijr L'j''M- in tlie i-iabie. J cii'y feelt tJ.t- toriiii-M. nu':! not j wiui rkttid tL jol.t . Vieivu habits tit tbut brt.nifl 1 or. It it about hi; eerj t L. ; t r-dtiy , vhetl.t-r you j-ait n tteer or u I guiAt colt; c-ueii .ll f.eJ for i.bvut the ' frblue Jjl iee i.el. 1 wt lu.1, ij.i, ') bt rtr it ti. vi i ruir. i'. l ti.t colt . l.ovw-ier. ' 'J'l.t ci.-Utee- bt-HM 11. tl.t i little lilld ; tLr t-lit t-jj U.I L I, Ut ijt t:oliiil;jf tjo t.eioi.k jo jui.H.y jitirts of th wtbture juo i-w tbinj.'. AbiuLiiui und .Lvt bud U,c bau-v v.d tivubit. Where fcl.t-ej) i live eMtit ritarse. i 'I'l.e fut cow wh icL it tit for the block bt all taui-b le uuruetut to the eye, tuentice, 1 ate oeeii bOt,vluU-HLey i iut vt. lllV(. it.urut(i frwu tiear -xiC-l.iite beet, uipimi Ifcd" j r,cli;t tLut mc-li t v' 1 uot. j.r,flU0' rn.un.ry Hire udur. ' W Jvi.ep. One Uiny J)iu hi lattli tJ tho 1 .. ..... ! .. ...l . l... ... t . ...... ,..i tut u. tn i. .ei . t;t-rni4Hiyuiiftuai,v w;uo votujicoun-, v-on, r.Mv viv smuuiuh i, n... inum nui wash try 030,000 couary liU, 6,000 U jjriiouucul, whiuli i baiuclkftUoo tU4 nii.c. i n n utoiUinx, .000 U Etv'.uud, utf3 2,000 U . UrfoodgoeisliiiKelytotU jttJuoUvU v - 1 ..:ii. t.-..... Y...... ..1 "Jinir iin?, Mi.- lb- siyLjrjf tfvtaiu. with my love lor you" "Jivw etiu you tir."J Mis-f Al'Iiff, tuiii-r, "if ,v ou ha)eu't on?" -' bieiito 'Jl'ibuue. O.d Jwi'li t not th UAkr.ce wit 'J l.ul l.v,.f, vtUbvUt a dvubl; Cue ie.K.s hey 1.- hah ai U.iU Jit- ttii.i.wl .ar tl.iui out. -V juititt.lilti Jtur. 'itU UiJIireoee. J'fclieui iJo jvu jVuovv the dilfer bit wt m a food diamond ioi u goijd ctttV jyiitrict o; rtitlly, I dv not. 'Vliy, a Kood diuuion4 vaU aexutch, mid u KJjd cat will livt." 'otiJtcr fetliUbUlilU. , ADJUSAABLE top. Is 1-JxlS inclus ; lart:e ami slroii"; t in id. ytii.r Dictioxakv, Dirktoky, Dlw, J'.m-i IjIULI-:, Atlas, or any licavy vtiluireAtit ntiv i aiifrle. It can he rerolrctt and ffr(twfVi' w'nii Fo as to alwiivs throw the utrovfcd uti lt You tan thus avoid the ttruin on yourvinf iH when Iioldinir a Ixxik in vour lituul or (n a ievcti It is made oi' Oak, and has on one ed'e u kt't j) hooks from slitling oil. REVOLVING case. This Cakk is 15x15x12 iiifhes. Tin- AM Oak or Ash, finished on hotli sides and on all and have 9 iiK'hfrof hook ejiat! on four riden, or 3 lift i:i room tnotili Jer reli-reiutc Ixxiks ol tltnly use. Manylocl it!; lij lilaeti on tin; iiudct hhell'. In all twenty to thirty vulunq siw, ean lie put in it. ! CASTJ.MiS coniieetiiiir the ton and Cakk are finished in hlw.'M rj I ami of runii ieiit htrenjj;tli to last a lif'e-tiiue. Pipe, Post and Les. I Tin; . legh are ottachwl by round-headed sciewN to the lurtfl Into this jxiht is loreed an iron jiip-J, whieli runs up thioti i the ynl to whieh the eastings at the top are atlarhed. Arom ! j the (,'ai-k revtJves. j Ati h JloMK, Oi'i'jt K or Lumiaky uitirh; we elaini its equal u t ii-t. 'I he ac, tnaey of lhi fctati ini ul t un he eoiilirun d hy uu 1 tU i r- f I he hiylnst eniijieiidation from thoiihuntls of MinifW jloibiy.-, I'hysieiuns, (jovuiiiiieiit, Htale'iuid County OIlieiaLs and Jin.-iness Men. Over 50.000 havu U-eii Hohl in the I 1 1 1 ltd i Auc," plead' i ' ami oi! r now eoine i'r large lotd from Knglund und otlier I "J aw intoxifftf.J,,:,.,.. you. i tib,u.c JJ(;U, JNJSJ,j,:j)jt j8 Jlllll(rt01ia.y (illihR,l j Aiiqi be jiitoxieiiud," iuid ti 't ei iiuiiient tt uny Olliee, I.ihiary or J'ai lor. 5u culm, doubt ir. k A!S A ill'"j iN'olhini made is more biiiluhle to niiMiit to' Kot ti t-kiitc , lr us wi.j;,, Jjij-il.duy (iift than this iSluml. HOW MUH'I'W). This Stand is not knoekid duvtn, wnfl I lieuvy piiir iiiuking u paeltuge of 20 Ihs, Jly Kn iglit i' i Keolnl-i lurs ul 1 Ut uh tit hulf whut it would etibt if i-eut I 'I'luiu directions for putting together ueeompuny tai h iSluml. ' While the regular jiriie of this Kland is $7.00, for u rlmrt U ure ullowul Lj hell them ut the wholeeulu rale of Three J llars, i li., Chicugo. Or we will wild the 1'imT one year prejitiid uu&b fcituutjj.shij.ped i' O. JJ. (-'hieugo, for $3.f)(i. j The POST, ! Middleburg, I vf luilk. f urui ioural.