otc ftteabs TTjob lot of note hand, iney mu51 ku .tt j 11 price win ao it. and prices for tne asu- furnish them printed than you can buy them I printing- Latenx.'!''-' fditor and Proprietor. A Family Journal, Devoted to News, Science, Art, Political Economy and Current Literature. Raiea: One Dollar Per Annum, in Advance MIDDLEBURGIT, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA., APJilL U, 1903. NUMBER li. . . .1.1 i.. iiultit'ir a tliinl ......1,111 nf iheAYash- r St'. lr.ir.-inU-rfer, Rental Criid- 1 ' w IV Tv,,f Heaver .-i...,v-, ... il... mililir. Iff is i,h tin- latest meinno in H work guarantee!!. jj Market Street, in John iMinf. Middleburg, 1'a. i M:,v he will visit tut' . .. . I. ,W,S (HI 'I'l.VS """ ntel. lir-t MoiKluy of each ,sV,.ri,nvii Hoti-I, first Tues- l, iitl; Reaver springs I r(-(iay i eacu :.,i,ir.- 1 1.m.-i, third W !- !, in .nth. I' ll. m-. T, attorneys for ('has. i r.mght suit against ine nij'niiy for Ji'),(KK) damages .. . i . . . i f .. . :.. tl' will' hi him lancr, hjne. in the Thompson 'bus ll,,. noting near i.ewis- ,, February -. lfred Schoch and wife at- fumn l of John Kline at l:,.t Thursday. He was i ti... i ..... .o Uti'l was one oi me i" pru-l11'1 tms who h'lt New c'ou tin' bark Asa racKer the California Bold fields irii. Sis inonins were com- the tup- ID: A person i Kiicneu hmily f f'"r- ( ioHI wain's, WooIH.AWX, Lewistown, Pa. ' ! ""od-look-,abor-a.sud by the , o for not marry- A. . v it i in maite tne gin wuom me ct his wife just to show them uuot a'l verse to matrimony. nt n corner nod wrote liand-T. ... - .tifrere ,bers in the club, and the re- H one vote for each. The ,n is still a bachelor, but the iken up and its members are each other, ildleswurtii of McClure spent ith Operator P. E. Kinney The county of Huntingdon recently entered cuit auahist Milliin 'ounty to recover from $21(X) to $1M), w hich the 5 F '. 1.;.. 1 .1 . 1... e W7 101 iiier ciaiiiieu w hs ine soiue 01 ine litter in theexnenses of running the county line, but last week the matter wim compromised by Milliin county paying to HuntiiiKdnu $1100. VVAXTKD: A Hood Cook. 'ay Thre' Dollars a week. Addnss, 4 IS Market Street, 'Zt. Harrisl)iirg, Pa. A. K. Cift and John Moyer, Sr., have begun to lay out lots in Franklin. They have provided for a utreet fifty feet wide from Steininger Uros'. Ware house to Middlecreek and will sell lots on both sides of this Street. As there is k demand for more houses, this is an opportunity to obtain a home on a lieatiful wide j-lh-et. as&ssN. W3 PERTINENT PERSONALS flffi 1 Till: I'UTIKI- REVEALED. Coniing Events Cast Their Shadows Herore. The readers of the Post are request ed to send us aiiiioiiiiccinciils of all events. Xo eluirgu will be made to publish the same when the event is of public importance. Fkiiiav, April 10, (loud Fii lay. Sati'KD.w, April II, Meeting of lie- publican Standing Committee in Middleburg. SATL'itn.w, April 11, Parti. il I'dipse of the mem, visible here. P.egins 4:2i p. m. I'lnds 10 p. 111. St'XDAV, April 12, I'aster. Wkdxksha v, April 1", the Trout a son opens. TlifltsiiAV, April Hi, day set for ad journment of the State legislature. Fin l. V, April 17, Second Arbor Day. Monday, April L'O-.'iO, Nineteenth Hemi-aiinual Convention, Danville conference of the Evangelical Luth eran Ministerium in Selinsgrovc. Monday, April 27 License Court con- -.yenes in Middleburg. John F. 15(yer, Snyder County's I scientific and (irogressive farmer and Iruit grower, was at the County peai last Veliiesday. Landlord J. S. Pkoop and wife wxre at this place Fridav. Mr.it. attended ; the horse sale at Frit-burg and Mrs. 11. ' v'uileil relatives and friends here. Charles Itouh and w ife spent Sun- i day at Freeburg. ...... . .............. v. ....... wniie in town wiui 11 loan 01 nousenoiu roods for V. S. Kuhn at the Central (. Alfred Sehoch attended the hoise sale at Freeburg Friday. Cenlerville Saturday. Uev. X. A. Kira.ofe and Mrs. Janus Avers were on the sick lir-t. Hurry and Haehael Kilter are spi nd ing a week at Shauiokin Dam. Kead .1. L. Marks' double column advertisement on another page. Jacob S. Staull'er of Hummels Wharf was at Middleburg Wednesday. Ceo. S. Davis and Liveryman Luce spent Friday at the County Seat. P. A. Schi.ee of Mt. Pleasant Mills was at the County Seat Saturday. Mrs Alfred Clelau went to Siinbury Saturday to visit her daughter, Mis. Sipe. Iiciihcn S. Meixer, the popular plain ing Mill man, w as nt Middleburg Friday. Wm. H. Nipple and wife enjoyed a briif trip to the County Sent Satur day. Ceo. W. Peaver, w ho had l ei 11 aw ay mi' two wiias, ret 111 1 itit Home iai week. M. I.. Hassinger of Marucs, Warren County, was a Middleburg Uitor last week. Levi Artley of K reamer was at the C puiily Seat Saturday and made a i all al t ins olliee. (. C. Varger and L. C. P.ingamaii of l'eliuscieek were ut the County Seat 'l'hursday of last week. J. A. Kbright of Mt. Pleasant Mills dropped in last week to become a cash i 11-iid valiee subscriber. W. R. Cordon and Frank Iteichen bach of Mt. Pleasant Mills were at the County Seat Wednesday. hangc of Ownership. to inform the general public lave bought the entire stock Merchandise of R. E. Gift iken possession April (!. i a shape to do business on J ....JTll M 1 . 1 miiiiiimt 01 marKeu uown mo arl ollering at a bar ftnil e us, we will save bud vou richt. We are n Citis this week buying ami attractive goods to present stock. Yours Very Truly, o'HA Villi.!,, DOHSON & CO., Pnxtonville, Pa. lican Standing Committee Meeting. ulilican Standing Committee r county, will meet in the 'iseSattirday, April 11, 1903, lock. J. S. Yearick. Chairman The Central Hotel. " coming to Middleburg, well to stop at the Central i try the Marks' Brand of 8 ALL RYE WHISKEY. t "ne particle of headache in N. The bar is well stocked and wines. The house n'wly refurnished. The table pied with the best the mar "and I would be pleased to p ' 01 your patronage. ivnix, Proprietor, Central Hotel, Middleburg, Pa. Manager Wanted. thy Judy or gentleman to in this County and rritory for well and favor. House of solid financial WW straight cash Rulnrir h. lald each Monday by - toiu Headquarters. Ex. 7 advanced j position yet- "ures 1 nomas Cooper, '030 Caxton Building, Chi. , . (3-19-7t.) V .. .... Vail'.r T.ii...l.ir.l mill II. T.. PIlilioH - . - I A. A I Ml I.. Ur f- M.ilklnU Dlll.P. 1 birthday. Saturday, May 2 last day to file widows' appraisements and accounts for confirmation at June Court. Tin hd wkkk in May, District Minis terial Convention of the United Ev angelical Church in fieuvertown. Thursday, May 21. Ascension Day. Wkdxkkday, May 27, Republican State Convention at llarrisbuag. Saturday, May :!0, Memorial Day for the Decoration of the Soldiers' graves. Moxday, Juno 1, Regular term of Court opens. LICENSE NOTICES. The following named persons Lave filed with the Clerk of Quarter Sessions of the County of Snyder, their apnli cation for Tavern, Distillers and Whole sale Licenses, which will be presented forapjiroval Monday, April 27, J903. TAVERN LICENSES. 1 W A Mohn, 2 II H Faust, 3 William F Roush 4 J E Spangler, 5 I) F Riugaman, CPA Troup, 7 W II Kerstetter, 8 M J Fisher, 9 C W Graybill, 10 Daniel Herman, 11 Carbon Seebold, 12 WSKuhn, 13 Arlington C. Fisher, 14 Martin Slear, 15 W W Frynnre, Troxelvlllo, Reavertown. McClurc. Penns Creek. Pen us Creek. Meiserville. McKees j Falls. Chapman. Swineford. Kratzerville. Middleburg. Middleburg. Kreamer, Shamokin Dam. Shauiokin Dam. 10 Laura Hartmnu, Shamokin Dam. 17 H C Haas, Mt. Tleasant Mills. 18 Francis J Kerstetter, Schnee. 19 Jicob P. Buck, Selinsgrove. 20 Z T Hetrick, Selinsgrove. 21 J B Arbogast, Selinsgrove. 22 Edward Taylor, Selinsgrove. 23 W E Stahlr.ecker, Beaver Springs. 24 Adam Arnold, Port Treverton. 25 V H Schrawder, Port Treverton. 20 Lewis Fisher, Freeburg. 27 Geo. W. Weaver, Freeburg. 28 J R Vanhom, Summit. DISTILLERS' LICENSE 29 Joseph L. Marks, Swineford. 30 Isaac Shawver, Port Auu. WHOLESALE LICENSE. 31 Joseph L. Marks, Swineford. 32 V M Grimm, Freeburg. 33 A II Wltmer, Selinsgrove. Geo. M. Siiindel, Clerk (J. S., Mid dleburg, Pa., Apjil 0, 1903, were at the County Seat Monday aiter- uoon between trains. Rev. J. F. K el ley and wife of Liver pool spent several days last week visit ing relatives and friends here. Robert Ixsher, Sr., of Blue Hill died last Friday. He was one of the oldest men it the County. District Attorney M. I. Potter nt tended to some business in the Fast end of the County Friday. Joe Clelau of Lew istown came down to our county seat Saturday morning on business and pleasure. John Ramer of Riverside passed through Middlibuig Saturday. He formeriy resided in Snyder County. Harry Bibighnus and wife, who spent several week at Geo. M. Moatz's left for their home in Philadelphia. J. WardDiehlof Watsontown, for merly Editor of the WaUontown "Blade" was a guest of the Kditcr this week. The Editor of the Post left Wednes day morning fiir New York and Brook lyn wherj he will spend the entire week. Enoch Laudeiislager of Penn town ship spent Sunday in town to visit Maria Stahlnecker who ison the sick list. Mrs. C. H. Dunkleberger paid a vis it to Bedford County where her hus band is employed as storckee)er and ganger. Lillie Dunkleberger and niece, Mary Sallade, who had been in Schuylkill County returned to the former's home to Middleburg. Mrs. L. E. Paw ling of Selinsgrove and a Mrs. Pawling of Philadelphia spent last Friday in town with Mrs. G. Alfred Schoch. C. 10. Corkins of Siinbury paid us a visit Monday. He rejiortshis mother at Oriental seriously ill and not ex pected to recover. Mrs. Jennie Martin, nee Kerstetter, of Milton has been visiting her father, David Kerstetter near the dejwt, where he has rseumed housekeeping. John II. Wagner, of Dubois, a for mer employee of this office, wa9 in town last Thursday on his way homo from the funeral of his grand father, Isaac Wagner. This office is supplied with a tele phone notwithstanding the fact that the directory does not show it. Orders for job work, advertising or news can be phoned to us. Hotel, paid a call at this office. Call again. Robert Hotl'inaii. representing the Shamokin Packing Co., was in town Friday night. He is the son nf J, F. llotl'man, wtio formerly was in busi ness in Selinsgrove. H. H. i'.uist, proprietor of the Cen tral Hotel, Picavertowu anil oneof the members Of the Republican Standing Committee of Beaver twp., was at the County Scat the latter part of lust week. Rev. .Samuel P. Orwig vnd wife of Watsontown spent several days of the past week with his brother, lr. J. W. Orwig and wife. The parson funnel !y was the pastor of the Lutheran ehnieli ami lias many liienils here who are always glad to see' tin in. SVINE.FORD. John Zei-lmi 111 of 'i'roxelviile spent Thursday in town. Rev. J. Shambaeh ol Blooms! 11 rg dined at the home of Philip Atuig Thursday. Samuel Meisi r left for Altoona. Ilulph Wanner has secured employ ment near Dry Valley Cross Roads. Si phares Hiamhach ami son, 1 loraee, transae'e 1 some business in low 11 l'li-day. .Mrs. David Spaid is oji the sick list. ieo. SchaH'cr is spending some time with Joe Musser and wife. Mary I'.owelsox of l'axion ville spent Fridi.y w itli her brother, Amos liower- HOX. Ed. us ROXe-luc. ..?:it Saturday with 8. B. Spltler. wme Mrs. John Libby and Mrs. Foster Reigle, were to MeiserThursday. John F. Smith of ICreanier was noticed on our streets Saturday. Franklin Milling Co., shipped a car load of (lour Friday. A. Kreeger transacted business at Meiser Friday. Maggie Shambaeh of Kissimniec was visiting relatives in town one day last week. Eva Wetzel of Sunbury spent Satur day under the parental roof. Vergie Bingamau of Centerville is spending some time w ith her brother, John Bingamau. ('has. Verger drove to Selinsgrovc Friday. Wesley Martin, wife and child of Milton are spending some time with tlie hitter's sister, Mrs. John Hacken- berg. 'Sipiiie Mitchell and John Earnest of Paxtonville were in town Satur day. W. A. Smith and Miss Diliie Hale lire on the sick list. Frank Kreamer spent Monday in Selinsgrove. Mrs. James O. Herbster of Beaver- town spent Sunday with Mrs. Foster L, Smith. Boyd Kaufl'man, Swart.'s clerk, spent Sunday at his home near Buyer's bridge. W. P. Winey shipped several ear loads o' ross ties. Jesse 1 . Shelly of Kant.s pent sever al days last week with Samuel Hare and wife. C. W. Graybill transacted business at McClure Monday. Emanuel S. Bowersox of Lindsey, O., who has been visiting friends here, has been sick in bed at the home of James Sliuman. William Shambaeh of Kissimmce was taken to Reading to receive treat ment for cancer. B. II. Custer and Son began butcher ing April first. Samuel Moyer of Philadelphia Is visiting Ills son, Waldo. A Freight Juniper Rilled; Another Hurt. Mr. James Reieheubach, son of Thomas Reiehenbaeh of Chapman 1'ownship and John Sthal, son of F.il- Stahlofnear Verdilla, Union Town ship, employees on the C ravel Train, on the Xortheru Central It. R., with head (plarters at Miilersbiirg, came to Georgetown on Thursday evening and after spending the eveiiint; eoneluded to jump a freigh (train to get homeaiid did so. I'poii arriving at Miilersbiirg, they jumped oil" the tiaiu right in front of Itull'alo tlyer. Reiehenbaeh had his head and an arm cut oil' and died In stantly. He was buried Sunday at Chapman. Stahl was severely bun about the head and was taken to the Packer Hospital at Sunbury. It is hoped and believed he will will recover. A Special Train l'uc Workmen. Dan. I "o well, of l.cwistowu, was here last week to secure workmen for the stee! works at P.uriihain,' mid if a stllllcielit number can he secured be tween Lewistow n and Reavertown the raiiroaii eoiiipanv will pal 011 an extra train to take the mi 11 to work 111 the morning and bring them home in the evening, l'his would In- an advantagi 10 laiioruig men, as living expenses, rents, etc., are much, cheaper in tin smaller towiw along tiie railroad than In the section clus to the Works. Tin small towns would aUo he considerably helielileil as more tenant houses would be n iUiiei ami t'ai iie'i's could market tlnir produce more r.adily. I'.iavel .-springs "1 iciald." v 'i ii'oi-iii.ni n in. M. .il. Austin of Windiest' t, Inil. Knew w hat to ,J,i m t h! hour of need. His wife had ell all u 11 11 sal case of Htomache and liver ir.iuble, physicians could not help her. He thoiiL'ht of and tried Dr. Hint's New Life 1'illrt and Slir. got n lief at once and win finally cure 1. Only 2.V, ill Middkdinrir )n ;0 ( (;r.ivbill Carman' Richfield, Dr. J. W. Suiud sell PcuusOreok. I. .... Owing to the midden death of the groom's father, which prevented his relatives from attending the wedding of Samuel Met.garof Altoona to Miss Ida Beaver of this place, about six weeks ago, a wedding party dined at the home of Gabriel Beaver Saturday. Those present from a distance were: Siiuiuel Metgar and wife, William Metgar and wife, Harry Metzgar, wife and son, James, C. Loieinan and wife, Miss Bessie Metzgar and Mrs. Wat son of Pit.sburg. - . Driving Out The Fnemy Tlies'j are the iluvs of cold, sharp and Hidden, att;ictinr throat and 1 11 . iuiujs, auu leauino; to coiisiiueii'es one docs not like (o think, about. Avoid futlicr exposior and lirht tlic encniy ol health and comfort with Kerry Davis' Painkiller the family stand by lor sixty yea's. It con ijucrs a cold in a day. S'c that you uet the ri'dit article There is hut one 1'; inkillc r, IVrry P.ivi.s' OUNDORE. Arbor di:v last week was Letter observed than usual; many planted apple, pear, ilum, pcac'n and shade trees', and all feel Letter for it. The Susiiielianna coal breaker has been idle lor the last si xty days, and the future is cloudy, but we may have cheaper coal for the home ciiiisumptidii, I I ... U. I 1 1 . , .10,111 oiani, who met with an tcoident at Millersbiirir last week. is duiuir well but liis ceai)e was a miracle. Flic poisinin ' ,.f the lloaclie family as reported by the I'osr last week lias created ijiiitc a stir, but wliat? the Ivlitoi had to take it. Kcv. Keller is (Miivaleseeiit but lis wife is suflciiiej; from 1 1 it result ot trrip. Maria W. Dmitloiv has over one liun lrcd little peeps and does not believe in nitilical incubators but is ijuite clit'iiisia die over her bull look. Our merchant's driving horse died and now he thinks ot' going to Philadelphia t , ,.,.( ,,:ie to take his place. .!i Ki'i-stetter.s j i -1 1 all jret at nilil which 'li.ius coii- cluslvely dial lish su better at nig'd than in day time. 'Siiire Seclirist is shipping eejirs by the him 'red to patties ,1(.a1. !md far lor hatching. ( )ur merchant shipped Rill) doz. Ivisier eggs to Northumberland Co. and pays two cents more than market price, but he sacs bu-iucss is business. Kcv. '. 'I'. SearV will preach 011 V. islcr Sunday at itmcr's, I louver's and Aline I'. . elm relics and as lie is the foremost pulpit oratcr of our county all should conn.' and hear him . A. E. Wittner is sidling his potatoes ut Sunbury. (-- Hetiy Witiner - look Lh: l.V loads of jiotatoes to IlWudon for our fa rnicrc. Dr. Krcbs makes many iirofcs- ioiial calls. J. D. lliegle bought a valuable mule team. Next Sunday is Master; color sonic eggs for the children. Last week flitting were numer ous. Democratic Mctting. A small portion of the Democratic Standing Committee met in Middle burg at the Ceutral Hotel Saturday and re-elected J. G. Lesher Chairman, J. E. Hummel was elected delegate to the State Convention. The date selected for the primary election was Sept. 5 and the Convert tloa Beit. 7th. All Vl.TO Ulllll.'ll. Won) comes from Wake, Ark. that R. Jno. J. J;. had a strange malady ncccinpained by yellow jaundice For 12 .wars, physicians wcio bullied iiiid though everything Known to the protessit.it wim used. the trouble lemaiiied. One day he btgau to use Electric Bitters and in n week, 11 change for the better came and, at length he was entirely cured. It's tho most reliable medi cine for Liver mid Kidney trouble. Only 50ij and guaranteed by Jliddlo-hm-r. iw,,r. (, ri.,.i,;n .v. n ....... Ri hfit'ld, Dr. J. NV. Sampsell Penns Creek. A Live Wild Swan Captured (1. W. Portzline and Kohler Moyer of Meiserville last Thursday captured a wild swan that was traveling with a Mock of wild geese. The swan could not keep up with the geese. The prize was captured alive in the Mahoutongo creek at Abraham Portzline's. It is as white as snow, has black feet and a very large black bill. Make A t'lenu Nweep There's nothing like doiog a thing thorougiuy. ui an tno halves you ever heard of, Uucklen 8 Arnica Salve 19 the best. It sweeps away and cures Burns, Sores Bruises. Cuts. Boils. Ulcers. Skin KruDtions and Piles. It's only 25c, and guar anteed to give satiaiaction by, .lac. a wa v Letter to J. I Stctler. MhhUi-burij, I'n, Dear Sir: The cost of lalmr is painting a house is three times the cost of the paint. You si cm to save a little when you buy a lower priced paint, but you certainly add to the cost of labor when you pay for siivading more gallons, You don't evcy save on the paint. Devuc Lead and Zinc costs a little more than nixed paints, but it takes fnwcr gallons, and the cost is actually less. Wears longer too longer than mixed paints, longer than lead and oil. You don't save a cent. Mr. C. Loch, a painter in Magno lia, Miss., writes: After years of experiments w ith mixed paints, I find that your paint covers more surface to the gallon than any 1 have mr used. For density and wearing nualiiics it cannot be excelled. Compared with lead and oil: A house belonging to the late Pres ident of the C'roton lliver Hank, at Hrewstcrs, N. Y., (cost 0 1,000) was painted with lead and oil in '8 i at the cost of $ U 0. In '87 throe years it was repainted with Dcvou at a cost of $:0. 1 11 '!7 the liou.se was still all right. llcsults; load and costs $400, wears throe years; Dovoo costs 350, wears ton years. Yours truly, F. W. Dcvoe & Co., New York. SaSn"! 1f's-1':1' Suiith of SuuW sell Penns Creek. sells our pamt 7Ai
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers